Sonic Adventure DX Preview: The Problem With Ports

There usually comes a problem within the video game industry. Those little things called ‘ports’ that the Nintendo Gamecube seems to have too many of these days. It wouldn’t be half as bad if the developers actually made any decent overhauls – take an example like 007 NightFire. Now, the Gamecube version seemed to have the same graphics as the PS2 version, when in reality the GC could have easily had the same performance as Xbox. A shame, that.

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Sonic Pinball Party Preview: Mind My Balls

Pinball. Ah, that craze during 1980s/1990s. How fun it was slotting in some coins (oi, easy!), shooting that last ball into the table and frantically trying to flip that bastard up to get that high score. Of course, when video game developers caught onto the coolness of this, they decided the inevitable. And hence, pinball video games were never really… well, any good really.

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Dreamcast Lives A Little Longer In Europe With New Official Bundle

Hey, we thought the Dreamcast was dead! Well, sadly it still is, yes – it wasn’t all a bad dream – but SEGA Europe is somehow still keeping things going with a new official bundle now on store shelves. If you’re on the market for a backup Dreamcast in case your current one goes kaput, this is going to be the best time to get one.

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Fans Could Win A Small Part in Ken Penders’ Sonic the Hedgehog Movie

There’s been no official confirmation of a SatAM/Archie-based Sonic movie as of yet, but comic writer Ken Penders is still planning ways to make the project interesting. The latest is fan participation, with competition winners potentially scoring a role in the film!

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UK Retailer Points to March Releases of Sonic Mega Collection and Sonic Advance 2

Spring is going to be a busy season for us Sonic fans in the UK! According to a retailer listing on online site, both the Gamecube compilation package Sonic Mega Collection and GBA platformer Sonic Advance 2 will be available to buy in March 2003.

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‘Sonic Adventure DX’ for Gamecube Officially Announced; Sonic Pinball Party for GBA

SEGA has officially revealed the name for its previously-announced Sonic Adventure remake for the Nintendo Gamecube. ‘Sonic Adventure DX’ will release on the console later this year. But the company also announced that a new Game Boy Advance spinoff, Sonic Pinball Party, will also release in 2003.

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PSO Episode I & II Gets Xbox Release Dates

It’s about time! Sonic Team fans with an Xbox console have been patiently waiting for the launch of Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II, and now it looks like there’s light at the end of the tunnel. The game will be released on Xbox in Japan and the West in early 2003.

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Dreadknux’s Diaries: Annual Reflection…

I got it right with the Sonic Site Awards 2002 – instead of a live broadcast, I pre-recorded the results so people could listen to it online. 😉 And it was a great turnout – people who were nominated showed up in the AIM Chat, and this may have brought about the biggest increase since its return.

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The Sonic Site Awards 2002: PHASE 3 CEREMONY – The Winners!

Welcome one, welcome all, to the biggest event in the Sonic online community calendar! That’s right, it’s the Sonic Site Awards 2002! We had a fantastic time last year, discovering all sorts of brand new Sonic fan sites and becoming closer as a community. This time, we’re hosting a big online party to celebrate the winners of 2002, and you’re all invited!

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Archie Sonic #118 is Out Today

We know it’s still Christmas holidays and all, but in the US the comics industry never sleeps. Today marks the street date of the latest issue of Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog book. Issue #118 is now available to buy from all good comic stores. Go out and get it!

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It’s the end of an era for one of the earliest Sonic the Hedgehog fan sites on the internet. has closed its doors, with owner ElectroSonic Dan bowing out of the scene.

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Sonic Team: No Plans For NiGHTS Sequel

SEGA Saturn fans waiting patiently for a sequel to the Sonic Team classic NiGHTS into dreams… will be in for some bad news today. According to a recent report, the developer has ruled out a follow-up to Yuji Naka’s dreamy masterpiece.

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TSS REVIEW: Sonic Advance 2

The original Sonic Advance was a good starter for the blue hedgehog on a ‘rival’ handheld console. Many Sonic purist fans however, spat it out after a fair old play, claiming that it harks little back to the good old days of the Mega Drive/Genesis. Well, fear no more, my pretties, because Sonic Advance 2 is in the house, and it Spin Dashes right back to its roots, and then some!

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Sonic Team Adds Sonic Advance 2 Puzzle Game to MiniToy Archive

You can keep your hype for Sonic Advance 2 and Sonic Mega Collection in overdrive this month, as Sonic Team has updated its online ‘MiniToy’ archive with a brand new jigsaw puzzle featuring artwork promoting the two new games.

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Other-M Author Ian ‘Potto’ Flynn Applies For Position at Archie

Well-known fan comic creator Ian ‘Potto’ Flynn has signalled his intentions to work on the official Sonic the Hedgehog book, by revealing in a new community interview that he has applied to Archie.

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Penders Reveals Sonic Animation Project is a CGI Movie Series, Competing With Pixar

Ken Penders has revealed some more details on the Archie/SatAM-inspired Sonic the Hedgehog animation project he is reportedly working on. While the possibility of it being a third season of the SatAM cartoon was ruled out, Penders did let slip that he intends it to be a CGI feature film – one of several in fact – that will compare in quality to Pixar’s Monsters Inc.

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SVTcc 2002 Coverage: Voting Polls Currently Down

Some awkward news for the last leg of the SVTcc today, as the final polling booths for the event appear to be functioning incorrectly. Organiser SonicAdventurer told The Sonic Stadium that the cause could either be due to overwhelming activity, or bad actors trying to fix the vote. He’s working on it, hopefully things should be back up and running soon.

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SVTcc 2002 Coverage: SonicAdventurer Talks Christmas Events and Sonic Shadows Reboot

As we come towards the end of the first Sonic Comic Con, powered by SonicVerse Team, we catch up with event organiser SonicAdventurer to discuss the plans for Christmas. You might remember that the entire convention site could change, so we have an update on that. And, surprisingly, SA decided to share that one of SVT’s comics could also be getting a complete overhaul.

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Japanese Sonic Mega Collection Commercial Shows Off ‘Sonic Super Seal’

We’ve already covered the Sonic Advance 2 ‘Super Seal’ pre-order bonus on The Sonic Stadium, but we didn’t think it would cross over into the other Sonic Team game that’s releasing in Japan this month too. The seal also features in a brand new Japanese TV commercial for Gamecube compilation Sonic Mega Collection.

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SVTcc 2002 Coverage: Special Events Unveiled

Rumours abound! During the end of the SVTcc, several things are expected to happen. Some of these have been confirmed by the guy behind it all, Sonic Adventurer, while others are left for rumour milling to take its course…

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SVTcc 2002 Coverage: Sapphire Luna and A Bright And Shiny Future

SVTcc continues, and we look at Shadow & Light, and A Bright & Shiny Future…

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NiGHTS Makes a Full Appearance in PSO in Special Sonic Team Quest

Yes, you can play a cut-down version of NiGHTS into Dreams on your Game Boy Advance by hooking it up to Phantasy Star Online on your Gamecube, but soon you’ll be able to get a real taste of Nightopia in Sonic Team’s online RPG with a special themed DLC quest just in time for Christmas.

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Sonic Advance 2: We’ve Seen It In Action!

It’s almost here! Sonic Advance 2 is just about a week away in Japan, and The Sonic Stadium is here to let you in on yet MORE exclusive information on the game. After we stumbled across a video promoting the game for this year’s TGS a month or so ago, you’d wonder why we never covered it beforehand. Well, we could say that we were waiting for the right moment… erm? Either way, we’re the first to tell you about it! Watch the trailer in full after the jump!

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SVTcc 2002 Coverage: The Sonic Comic Convention Opens Its Doors!

It runs for two weeks. Two whole weeks people. Comics. That is the name of the game in the SonicVerse Team Comic Convention (SVTcc). Online Comics. Mostly the kind that are hand drawn, but you’ll also find some sprite-based comics here too. The Sonic Stadium has been given exclusive rights to cover this event, and with a show this newsworthy, we’d say that’s a pretty big honour!

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Chaos Control: A Fan Game That Promises High-Speed Tactical Military Action

Mj2 has revealed exclusively to us new details about his latest Fan Game, titled ‘Chaos Control’. The project’s director sent us some juicy information and awesome-looking screenshots earlier today, revealing all about this interesting Sonic-commando action adventure. Read on for more details!

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Sonic Advance 2 Preview: Cream the Rabbit’s Moveset, Trick Actions, Special Stages and More!

Sonic Team finally reveals to the world the Official Sonic Advance 2 Website. Packed with new information on the game, The Sonic Stadium’s Dreadknux set eyes on it the very moment it was released. We loosely translated the information on the website to give you a rough idea of what to expect in new sections of the game.

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Fate of ‘The Darkness 2′ in Fans’ Hands as Project Suffers Critical Setback

Bit of bad news on the fan gaming front, as Blaze Hedgehog has announced that the engine to his latest project has been permanently corrupted. This means that work on The Darkness 2 is indefinitely stalled – and the fan creator is asking the community what they would like him to do next.

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SEGA is Coming Back to Europe!

At long last! After a couple years of non-existence in the region, SEGA has announced that it will work to re-establish itself in Europe with a new base of operations from which it will directly sell games in the UK and across the continent.

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Ken Penders Launches Huge Sonic Comic Cover Auction

Every now and then, Archie comics writer and artist Ken Penders seems to find the odd bit of Sonic the Hedgehog book memorabilia to auction off. This time, he and a few fellow Archie authors are kicking off something of a super-auction in a bid to share a vast array of behind-the-scenes comic works. Just in time for Christmas!

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SEGA AGES Retro Series to Be Revived on PlayStation 2

You might (or might not) remember a short-lived, Japan-only collection of games on the Sega Saturn called SEGA AGES. Today, it has been announced that a selection of old-school SEGA titles will hit Sony’s PlayStation 2 in a comeback for the retro-revival series. Classic Phantasy Star games are said to form a part of the lineup.

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SEGA Share Price Rises On Microsoft Buyout Rumours

Chalk this one up to being one MASSIVE rumour at the moment, but reports are circulating that Xbox console manufacturer Microsoft could be eyeing up a takeover of SEGA. Shares in SEGA rose by 17 per cent as a result of the speculation.

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Comic Preview: Sonic the Hedgehog #121

The relationship between Sonic and Mina looks set to continue in the next upcoming issue of Archie Sonic the Hedgehog, as the Mongoose gets her own strip in Issue #121. In the mainline story, the search for Prince Elias Acorn continues and it looks like the Freedom Fighters have found themselves a lead… Full solicitation below.

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Archie Sonic Comics Get a Price Hike With Issue #117’s Release

Sonic’s ‘hare’-raising adventure (geddit?) can now be fully read by American Sonic fans all over the country, as Issue #117 becomes the latest comic to hit store shelves. It seems that the price of the comic has had a small update as well…

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SEGA Seemingly Separating From Parent Company CSK

Recent moves from SEGA’s corporate team suggest that it may soon be parting ways with its parent company, CSK. According to a news story on IGN, the House of Sonic has plans to sell its majority stake in CSK by the end of the fiscal year, and there are analyst predictions that CSK will soon sell its SEGA shares in kind.

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Sonic Secrets Group Plans New Online Event

With the morale of the Sonic Internet Community at an all-time low, things have been taken into action in order to spice things up. First it was SAGE, the Fan Games expo in 2000. Then it was The Sonic Stadium with the Sonic Site Awards in 2001. It’s now 2002, and along with SVTcc we have a new event pop up in the form of SSG. Continue reading Sonic Secrets Group Plans New Online Event

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Sonic Adventure 2 Battle is One of the Best-Selling Gamecube Games Ever

Sonic Adventure 2 Battle isn’t just a top-seller for SEGA in general. It’s also one of the best-selling third-party games on Nintendo’s Gamecube, selling nearly 500,000 copies in the US in the year or so since the console’s been available for sale.

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