I got it right with the Sonic Site Awards 2002 – instead of a live broadcast, I pre-recorded the results so people could listen to it online. ๐ And it was a great turnout – people who were nominated showed up in the AIM Chat, and this may have brought about the biggest increase since its return.
Just goes to reinforce the fact that the SSA is for those who deserve it most (whether well known or not known at all) – this is probably what generated so much interest. I’m dead pleased ๐
As for 2002 as a whole, I’d hoped for this year to go down really well. And, for the most part, it has. From October through December, The Sonic Stadium has exploded in terms of interest. I’ve been extremely lucky this year, despite major sticking points in my online ‘career’ here.
The luckiest being ‘hosted’ (read: paid for hosting) by Zifei, aka “The Man”. I’ve appreciated that ever since he offered, he’s a good dude. ๐
The sticking point however, seems to dwarf most of the good points of 2002 – SSNG.
While I’m not saying that The Sonic Stadium and Sonic News merging was a bad move per se, it’s just that SSNG was the biggest example of flops that could have been made – and simply because we were wrongly accused. x_x
The turning point here must be the bonding that Sonic News webmaster (Sonic_Hedgehogs) and I made, and the consequential end of SSNG. When S_H left after SSNG went to dust, it seemed that neither Sonic News nor The Sonic Stadium was going to come back. And that, judging from the influx of people since its return, would have been a great loss to everyone. Not least to S_H and I, who had spent a whole heap of our time dedicated to this. Something like that would have crushed us. =/
I’m just glad that, when S_H left and there was all but me, I used my initiative to bring back my site – and coupled it with Sonic_Hedgehog’s work as well. Well, I couldn’t exactly revive just TSS and then neglect all the pages of info that S_H had been working on now, could I? Especially since, because of the merger, the Sonic News content was left to me to look after since S_H’s leave.
All in all, a very weird year indeed.

This is a series of personal blogs written by Dreadknux during the formative years of The Sonic Stadium. It chronicles significant events in the websiteโs early life.