W-what are you doing?
Put together by menschenopfer on Source Filmmaker!
Please note that this site is no longer being updated or maintained; as a result, there may be design issues, and links to images and other media may be broken. Links to posts may redirect you to the same article on the current Sonic Stadium website.
W-what are you doing?
Put together by menschenopfer on Source Filmmaker!
Some new screenshots and details have been released online regarding SEGA’s upcoming racer Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. The US official PlayStation website has put up product pages for both the PS3 and PS Vita versions of the game which reveal that the Sony handheld version will support motion steering and will make use of the touchscreen for firing weapons and activating your character’s All-Star move. DLC support is also revealed. The PS3 page confirms the game will not feature 3D TV support.
The official Xbox website has also put out a product page for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, and within are 12 screenshots and the confirmation that Xbox Live Avatars are returning. DLC support is also revealed for the Xbox 360, and the overview states that the game will support up to ten players online, while the online features section oddly lists 8 players. The PlayStation pages also state 8 players for both PS3 and PS Vita. We’ll try to get this cleared up with Sumo Digital and update.
You can check out all of the new screenshots in our gallery after the jump where we also have screencaps of the new information in case it is taken down.
Continue reading ASR Transformed: Xbox Avatars & DLC Confirmed, New Screenshots & PS Vita Info
Nintendo Power’s latest issue has confirmed that Jet Set Radio star Gum will be joining the cast in Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed.
Continue reading Gum Joins The All Stars Racing Transformed Lineup
Now, I would like you all to meet MegaGWolf from the Sonic Stuff Research Group! He showcases fan hacks and fan games on YouTube! He has seen all of what the community can muster in custom gaming, to the good, the bad, and the questionable!
And then he was told to play this fan hack of Sonic 1!
Looks like FUN!
We’ve known about it for months, we’ve seen boxarts and listings on websites, but the biggest question? What would the board look like? Tonight, USAOpoly answered that question. Ladies and Gentlemen, here is the Sonic the Hedgehog official Monopoly board.
That is… a lot better than I was expecting, especially after seeing what the Mario version looked like. USAOpoly say that the game will be in stores this September and more information about their other Sonic board games will be given over the coming weeks.
What do you think about the selection? Let us know in the comments, and yes, that is Mad Gear and Splash Hill on the top spots. A full list of What Zones they all are can be found here thanks to SSMB forum member Blue Blood.
Source: USAOpoly Facebook.
Now… Anyone got £200 I spent the night at the Sky Sanctuary hotel and I… might have… accidentally… eaten every single muffin from the mini-bar.
With charity streaming the in thing right now, members from Sonic game superplay site The Sonic Center are joining the fun with their own marathon.
Taking place over six days, the TSC Charity Marathon will be playing through a buttload of Sonic games, along with Sonic Team classic Ristar and the NiGHTS series, in aid of the game-oriented children’s charity Child’s Play. If you want to support a good cause, be there and consider donating or spreading the word.
Also taking place on Friday will be open lobbies for Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing and Sonic 4 Episode 2‘s co-op mode – both on Xbox 360 – and Puyo Puyo VS 2, a Windows sim for the series that included Dr Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine. Have one of those games, and you could take part live on stream.
The Sonic Center Charity Marathon starts at 7PM (UK) Tuesday 21st August, and continues to Sunday. For full scheduling, see the stream channel.
Nothing like kicking off the week with PUNCHING and KICKING and such! Feel like the world’s turning against you for some reason? Then RAGE!
This quaint little music mash-up was put together by foreversonic from RadioSEGA! Featuring something that most SEGA fans would enjoy, especially those of this Genesis classic, is always welcome!
Dilapidated Town from Streets of Rage with Sky High Zone from the 8-bit Sonic the Hedgehog 2!
Found an interesting mash-up somewhere on the web? Have one of your own that you’d like to see get featured on The Sonic Stadium? Then what’s the hold up? Send what you got over to vizardjeffhog@sonicstadium.org!
There are times when the less said, the better.
Who wants a free copy of Sonic 4 Episode 1 for their Apple device? If you do, good news! The UK arm of Starbucks are currently giving away the game for free if you visit their participating branch. Near to where you collect your drink you can find their ‘App: pick of the week’ promotion. For being a customer you can take a free code to a selected product from the iTunes store, and this week it happens to be Sonic 4 Episode 1.
I would imagine that the idea is you actually buy something at Starbucks and not just rush in there and take a code before manically laughing as you run out. But if you can’t get to a Starbucks, I have a few codes to giveaway. Click that read more button if you want one!
Continue reading Giveaway! Go to Starbucks, Get Sonic 4 Episode 1 For Free!
I honestly hope you’ve all brought your brain bleach with you, because you’re going to need it. “Why?”, you may ask?
Well… let’s just say someone’s having a little bit too much fun on a site where you make babies out of two different people. Guess what chaos has ensued.
…it… wasn’t that bad…? Hey, that was actually pretty tame for a Freak-Out Friday! WHAT A RELIEF, HUH GUYS?
“But Vizard, what does Hatsune Miku have to do with this?” …well~…
Some new details regarding the Wii U and 3DS versions of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed have surfaced thanks to an article posted on Eurogamer – including a statement from Sumo Digital deeming the graphical prowess of Nintendo’s upcoming HD console to be the same as, if not “maybe even better”, than the likes of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
That’s good news for anyone worrying that the Wii U version wouldn’t quite be up to scratch, and if that’s not enough, you’ll be able to make use of the console’s GamePad either for Remote Play or as a rear view display to help you out during heated races. Alternatively it can take on the role of a “weapon-cam”, allowing you to guide items such as rockets around the race track and into your opponents!
The other big new piece of information here is that both the Wii U and 3DS versions will support Miis as playable characters, so if you’ve ever fancied taking on Sonic the Hedgehog or one of the many other SEGA All-Stars in a race as yourself, the option is there to make your dreams come true!
It’s sounding like the Nintendo exclusive versions of this game are turning out to be very unique, so be sure to stay tuned to TSS for all the latest details in the build-up to their release!
Source: Eurogamer
On Monday SEGA announced that Europe will be getting a Limited Edition of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed featuring the same additional content that the US is getting in its Bonus Edition. These editions contain an exclusive Outrun Bay track, exclusive Metal Sonic character + Metal Sonic mod pack, and exclusive stickers for your in-game license.
Four UK online retailers now have the Limited Edition available to pre-order. A list of the retailers, platforms and prices is available after the jump.
Continue reading S&ASR Transformed Limited Edition Now Available to Pre-order in the UK & US
Slam the brakes on all things fast and blue, everyone!
For this round, TitansCreed sheds a purple shade of the Community Spotlight on Lynne Triplett and Niyazi Sonmez, respectively known as the dynamic duo TRiPPY/imagni and DiGi Valentine from NiGHTS into Dreams.Com, as they talk about all things NiGHTS!
As well as twelve PS3/Xbox 360 screenshots, SEGA has also released ten screenshots of the Wii U version of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. This batch also includes some shots of how the environments look on Nintendo’s new console. You can view them all in our gallery after the jump.
Continue reading New S&ASR Transformed Wii U Screenshots
With Gamescom 2012 underway, SEGA has today released twelve new screenshots for the PS3/Xbox 360 versions of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed showcasing a variety of the game’s tracks and vehicles. You can check them out in our gallery after the jump.
Continue reading New S&ASR Transformed PS3/Xbox 360 Screenshots
I’m gonna say it right now: Source Filmmaker is one of the greatest things to have ever happened.
The short clip was put together by Chaofanatic using the software and audio from the infamous scene from the Sonic OVA, and it’s absolutely brilliant! Some would say that such a concept would be… strange, isn’t it?
Strange or not, now we get down to the following video!
There’s more Sonic All-Stars new racing your way today as IGN reveals a hands-on preview with the Wii-U version. The Wii-U version will include the ability to play the game on the game pad only sans TV or can be used to include a hub to keep the main screen clear.
When you’re in a race, jockeying for position, the screen displays a range of pertinent information – the current order of racers, a mini-map of the course. It’s all unintrusive and useful, but I expect most people to keep their eyes firmly on the race. Similarly, when you unleash one of the game’s eccentric power-ups, you’ll be able to see its destiny on the GamePad’s screen. Launch a remote-controlled car loaded with a stick of dynamite and you can watch it travel towards its unfortunate target.
Also mentioned is one of the games arena modes that use the Wii-U game pad to it’s advantage.
Depending on the circumstances, a GamePad can prove to be an advantage or disadvantage, and All-Stars Racing Transformed smartly uses this discrepancy as the basis for its mini-games.
I only saw one during my time with the Wii U version, called ‘Super Monkey Ball Arena’, and whomever had the GamePad took control of AiAi, who was as usual encased in his perspex sphere. Meanwhile, opponents using Classic Controllers played as Sonic and Tails in racing cars. The aim of the mini-game was simple: before the time ran out, squash the tiny versions of Sonic and Tails, who were driving around attempting to collect as many bananas as possible.
The Wii-U version of the game is shaping up to be very unique from the other consoles. We should be hearing more as the game nears it’s launch in November. In the meantime, make sure to check the full preview on IGN.
As Gamescom approaches this week, Sega has revealed a brand new gameplay trailer for Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed. Highlights include a Starlight Carnival track from Sonic colors, a track based off After Burner, another one based off the TV studio level from Samba De Amigo and a floating island track from Skies of Arcadia. That’s a lot of tracks to reveal all at once. But wait! There’s more!
Hit the comment link for a screenshot from another Sonic track.
Jay of The Sonic Show (remember) felt a random need to make a Vlog about his upcoming Sonic challenge. Take a look!
With Sonic the Hedgehog and Megaman set to cross over throughout the upcoming year, thanks to Archie Comics, it’s about time some music has been mashed together, wouldn’t you all say?
For the most mega occasion of Mash-Up Monday, Dr. Wily sends one of his Robot Masters to take over one of Dr. Eggman’s airships!
Flash Man’s stage from Megaman 2 with Flying Battery Zone from Sonic 3 & Knuckles, everyone!
Mashed together by KatamariParadox!
I have no idea how well the minds of two evil scientists will work together… That’ll be interesting!
An epic retelling of Sonic’s genesis. We thought we knew the true story…
…but it turns out that everything we know is a lie.
Those wanting to read the original comics by Tyson Hesse can find links after the jump!
SEGA has revealed their lineup for PAX Prime 2012. The publisher will be bringing nine playable titles to, of which one of them is an unnanounced new IP coming to digital download platforms. Sonic fans attending will be happy to be able to go hands-on with Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed and the HD port of Sonic Adventure 2.
The list of titles includes:
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Aliens: Colonial Marines
Phantasy Star Online 2
Jet Set Radio
Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit
The Cave
NiGHTS into Dreams
Sonic Adventure 2
Unannounced digital title (new IP)
SEGA will be located at booths 242 and 252 at PAX in Seattle, Washington, from August 31st through September 2nd 2012.
Once again, Team Fighters are hot on Eggman’s trail. Once again, they have to fight Mecha Sally in an effort to rescue her and once again, they fail but save the day for the town under attack. This is starting to get monotonous. However, that doesn’t mean this is a bad issue in any way. In fact, this may be one of the better issues out this year. Why? You’ll have to keep reading to find out.
Also, T-Pup kicks @#$!
Continue reading TSS Comic Review: Sonic the Hedgehog #239 “Heroes: Part One”
Need something fast-paced, intense, and outright crazy to start your long and dreary week? Well, we got just what you need right here on Mash-Up Monday! But, first things first…
How many of you have ever heard of Touhou?
Specifically known as Touhou Project, it is a bullet hell shooter series renowned for its high difficulty, a large cast of characters, and most of all, its crazy music! …no. Seriously. Look some of its music up on YouTube. You will not regret it.
This week, we will feature one of the most synonymous remixes of the series, Night of Nights, combined with a song sporting a much more orchestral touch, yet recognized for being fast-paced and blood-pumping: Crisis City Act 2 from Sonic Generations!
Found a really cool Sonic mash-up somewhere in the depths of the World Wide Web? Got something of your own you would like to share? If your answer to either question is “yes”, then send what you’ve got over at vizardjeffhog@sonicstadium.org!
“You… You would complain about Sonic? Put him in the GeneZap.”
The GeneZap is the brainchild of two French modders who have decided that playing Genesis games wasn’t quite entertaining enough, so they’ve created a device that reacts when the player’s character takes damage or is killed, the device punishes the player by giving them an electric shock!
It has been four years since the beast has been unleashed… Now he has come out to play a new game.
Hoping to redeem himself in the eyes of a community that once shunned him, Sonic the Werehog takes to the streets of Speed Highway with all the speed, power, and ferocity he can muster!
Special thanks to Indigo Rush for the tip!
Played through by Melpontro; Werehog model and animations ported by samothethief.
On your marks, get set, GO!… to your local game store, that is, because those of you who pre-order the upcoming Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed will be getting your mitts on a special Bonus Edition of the game, containing exclusive content including an OutRun inspired track and Metal Sonic as a playable character.
Continue reading Metal Sonic & OutRun Bay For ASRT Bonus Edition
Kicking off the second season to Community Spotlight, TitansCreed joins SonicLondon founder HelenBaby as they focus on the UK-based meet-up group.
To know more about SonicLondon, you can check out its recently established webpage here! Those in the area and who are interested in taking part in future meet-ups can also join the group Facebook page, though it would be preferable if you’re 18+.
US game rating board the ESRB has rated the upcoming HD digital download release of Sonic Adventure 2. Within the details of the E10+ rating, the ESRB has revealed that, like the first Sonic Adventure, the game will see a release on PC, as well as on the already announced PS3 and Xbox 360 platforms. No official word from SEGA, but this isn’t the first time another platform option has been leaked before SEGA has announced it.
Source: ESRB (via Sonic Paradise)