UPDATE: “Sound Of The Sonic Stadium” Album Dropping November, Previews Available

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A community project by SSMB to produce a powerhouse Sonic music album like no other. Sound familiar? Lead by :: DJ EAR :: with the blessing of our very own VizardJeffhog (leader of the popular TSSMA albums of the previous few years), “Sound of The Sonic Stadium” is releasing this month! Featuring twenty artists and over thirty tracks which equals to over two hours of wonderful music, SoTSS is no doubt an ambitious feat which will maintain the spirit of TSSMA.

:: DJ EAR :: says that the goal of the album was to “maintain the fun, creative, collaborative spirit of that project [TSSMA] – while building a stable & productive future for our community of fan musicians, producers, and listeners”. Members could submit up to two tracks over a three month period in terms of music, and the more arty members could supply album art, logos or any other visuals to aid the project as well. The album’s theme was centered around the phrase “out of the ashes”.

One minute previews for nine of the tracks on the album are now available via SoundCloud for your listening pleasure! Make sure that you give it a listen and follow the project on any of their official outlets to be the first to know when the album drops. And of course, we at TSS will be there to help you stay up to date on the project as well. Keep your eyes open for it later this month!

UPDATE: It’s been officially announced that #SoTSS14 will be releasing Friday, November 28th! The release will follow a listening party hosted by Rexy over on RadioSEGA. Make sure it’s marked in your calendars folks – we’ll be tweeting as we approach the date too!

SoTSS Links:

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Mash-Up Monday: Flowering Night of Crisis

Need something fast-paced, intense, and outright crazy to start your long and dreary week? Well, we got just what you need right here on Mash-Up Monday! But, first things first…

How many of you have ever heard of Touhou?

Specifically known as Touhou Project, it is a bullet hell shooter series renowned for its high difficulty, a large cast of characters, and most of all, its crazy music! …no. Seriously. Look some of its music up on YouTube. You will not regret it.

This week, we will feature one of the most synonymous remixes of the series, Night of Nights, combined with a song sporting a much more orchestral touch, yet recognized for being fast-paced and blood-pumping: Crisis City Act 2 from Sonic Generations!


Found a really cool Sonic mash-up somewhere in the depths of the World Wide Web? Got something of your own you would like to share? If your answer to either question is “yes”, then send what you’ve got over at vizardjeffhog@sonicstadium.org!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

#62 Sonic 2 HD Teaser Trailer

For those of you who may not have noticed, this weekend saw the release of the first teaser trailer from Sonic 2 HD!  It has been in the works in one form or another as far back as 2007, and like a lot of fan projects we do wonder whether it will ever truly be finished, but you can’t deny how good this trailer looks! Interested (you should be), then check out their developer blog, their official site, or join their facebook page!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Sonic Nexus music contest puts $20 up for grabs

Hunter Bridges, the composer of the Sonic Nexus fan project, is offering $20 worth of digital download points and a free copy of the completed Nexus OST in a contest where users create faithful, MIDI arrangements of the game’s music.  All the contest asks people to do is to create MIDIs of the zone themes (not the Retro Remix tracks) and submit them to Hunter by January 7th, 2009. All the tracks have been put in the on-site music player.  This contest is the second of a series of contests to hit the Sonic scene.  Take advantage while you can!

For full information about the contest, visit the contest page.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.