First Sonic Colours Wii E3 Gameplay Footage


A user called tmacvskb8 has posted up the first Sonic Colours Wii gameplay footage from E3, the clip is very short but gives us a look at Sonic’s movement and the lock-on homing attack aswell as Sonic’s ring loss animation. Not much else to see in this short teaser but if anything more significant hits the net from the show floor we’ll post it up.

Thanks to Azure Lakeara Zone at the SSMB for the heads up!

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More Wii & DS Sonic Colours Screens and Joystiq Preview

After CVG revealed 5 new Wii screenshots SEGA have released more screens of both versions of Sonic Colours via their Flickr account aswell as some hi-res pieces of artwork. From the new Wii screens we learn that Wisps will be contained in capsules much like the ones we’ve seen items be held within in pretty much every game since Sonic Adventure. In the DS screenshots we can see how Sonic Rush inspired the game is with the boost returning and the bright 2D stages but with both Rush games so well received that can’t be a bad thing can it? Check out all of the screens and artwork at the bottom of this article.

Joystiq have posted up their impressions of the E3 demo of the Wii version which sounds pretty positive, here are some of their main points –

•Sonic doesn’t talk. There are no conversations or text screens — just Sonic running around a lot, very quickly. The game was described to me by a developer as, “Sonic Unleashed minus everything but the running,” and that seemed an apt description, as Sonic races over huge walkways, bounces off of springs, and homes in on enemies, combo-ing them them in groups if timed exactly right.

•The cast is kept to a minimum. Well, the “colors” could be counted as friends, I guess, but they’re really just power-ups, activated by waggling the Wiimote. In the part I played, Sonic hit a yellow color creature, and waving the remote turned him into a drill that had him digging in any direction across a 2D plane, seeking out secret stashes of rings in the giant environment. A green color creature creates a laser that will aim Sonic and then launch him back out into the level.

•It’s fast. Sonic Adventure fast. The levels I played were bright and colorful, one long sprint of dodging and jumping and Sonic doing what he does best.

•I was told that there wasn’t a hub world, but there was definitely a map screen, showing off a series of planets in space from which Sonic could visit and access levels. In fact, my first reaction to seeing the game was: “Sonic Galaxy.” That’s not a bad thing, right?

Full Joystiq preview
Thanks to Mr.S at the SSMB for the heads up on the preview!

SEGA’s Sonic Colours Flickr set

Wii screens:

DS screens:


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CVG Preview, Including New Hi-res Sonic Colours Screenshots

CVG have just revealed the above batch of new screenshots of the Wii version of Sonic Colours that SEGA have released to the press for E3 which showcase the two areas Tropical Resort and Sweet Mountain that Nintendo Power readers will have exclusively seen previously but now you can see the levels in beautiful high resolution. If SEGA’s previous multi-format title media releases are anything to go by we will no doubt see a DS batch of screenshots soon enough which if come to light we’ll post here.

CVG have also posted up their preview of the E3 demo where they reveal the game will have Acts and Wii Remote controlled drifting will be used for sections of stages to maintain speed like in Unleashed. In their final summary CVG reiterate the difficulty level being aimed at younger gamers but they think older gamers will find plenty to do.

The general difficulty of Sonic Colours will suit younger fans; zones still fly by and you’ll wonder at times just how much control you actually have. But each level is crammed, throwing you from one experience to the next. Couple that with the vibrant, colourful new world though and hopefully older Sonic fans will have enough to go at too.

Full CVG Preview

CVG Screenshots

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ONM’s Sonic 4 WiiWare Preview

UPDATE: We’ve just been given the following info via the comments section from long time ONM subscriber and Sonic Relief founder MK –

MK says:
2 June, 2010 at 11:29 pm (Edit)@Shadzter: Hate to break it to you, but this is a preview from an old issue that they’ve only just now put online. So everything you read is at least a month or two out of date.

So the removal of motion controlled act’s may still be rumour for now.

Official Nintendo Magazine UK have posted a new preview for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 on their website together with a bunch of screenshots of Splash Hill Zone in the WiiWare version. Most interesting is the part about the Special Stages and motion control aspects where ONM confirm rumours going around the Sonic community that the two motion controlled Act’s have been removed from the console versions of the game.

A Special Surprise

The Special Stage is a fantastic update of the spinny, psychedelic one from the first Sonic game. In the original, you had to guide Sonic through a maze of coloured stones to reach a Chaos Emerald. It’s exactly the same here, with the same lovely sound effect going off every time Sonic bumps into one of the colour-changing gems, and the same familiar chime when he picks up the Emerald at the end of the stage.

There are a couple of additions this time though. There are also ring gates that you can’t get past unless you’ve collected enough rings, so if you haven’t managed it you need to go back and get more. What’s more, the Special Stages also have motion control, so you’ll be tilting Sonic left and right with the Remote.

I Second That Motion

This is the only time you’ll be tilting the Remote in the game, and it works. The Special Stages look superb and the addition of tilting controls doesn’t seem to detract from the experience whatsoever. And yes, the rest of the main game is very much the traditional D-pad and buttons setup from previous Sonic games.

Overall the preview is very positive, ONM continually throughout express their love for the games classic Mega Drive controls, feel and design especially the momentum required to build up your speed from the classic Sonic games. You can check out the preview for yourself in full with screenshots over at ONM’s website.

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CONFIRMED: Sonic Colours Info From Nintendo Power

UPDATE: Photo’s of the issue of Nintendo Power from shadowthehedgehog are doing the rounds and they confirm the reports he gave earlier that we quoted. Looking at the screenshots the DS version appears to be very much like Rush 3 with the tension gauge(with added Wisp holder), Sonic’s model, the level designs and familiar enemies. The Wii version looks very much like Sonic Unleashed Wii/PS2 with it’s own gauge(that contains a Wisp holder) that and similar HUD but graphically looks better with prettier level designs. Two screens show Wisp powers in action on the Wii version and reveal their powers use the energy in your gauge.

Due to copyright we can’t post the scans here but the magazine will be out 8th June to buy though it can currently be picked up from some stores now according to reports. Thanks to shadowthehedgehog at Find The Computer Room Forums for providing the pics!

Long time member of Find The Computer Room Forum shadowthehedgehog claims to have an early subscription copy of Nintendo Power’s next issue due out 8th June which we reported to contain a huge 6 page Sonic Colours preview. shadowthehedgehog has posted up some details from the preview which you can read in the below quotes –

Thanks to my awesomeness I have read the issue of Nintendo Power featuring the game:

The game looks pretty nice, think of it as a prettier looking version of the Wii version of Unleashed, the two zones that were featured were Sweet Mountain zone, and Tropical Reservoir zone, and the former is a mountain of pastries, the said they wanted to include the crazy level designs from the old games, which is fine by me. It also said that in the 3D sections it will focus more on running from A-B akin to the Daytime stages of Unleashed, while the 2D sections will be more for platforming.

The DS version, can easily be called Sonic Rush 3, it looks exactly like those games, even the tension gauge is there, they said it would be similar to the Wii version.

Tails appears in the story but Sonic will be the only playable, they said the story is simple, light, and goofy, which is fine by me. Knuckles, and Shadow may also make an appearance in the game.

If someone has scans, please show them, because seeing it, is better than me explaining it.

Oh and Eggmanland makes a return, Yaaayyyy.

Last time I checked the storybook games didn’t have platforming, and there will be platforming.

Also there’s a level with giant Cheeseburgers.

I’m being serious, its really there, you also bounce off jello.

No scans or photo’s are provided so take this as rumour for now but if true it sure sounds like we’re getting a return of some of the wacky and fun levels we’ve come to expect from the 2D Sonic games, only this time they will be in part 3D for the Wii version at least. We’ll let you know when we see some confirmation of these details and more.

Thanks to spiny blue at the SSMB for the heads up!

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Sonic Colours Announced For Wii & DS

Well colour us surprised! SEGA have announced Sonic Colours for Nintendo Wii and DS together with the above teaser trailer and a press release which you can check out after the jump! Continue reading Sonic Colours Announced For Wii & DS

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2 New Sonic 4 Wii Screenshots and Online Leaderboards Confirmed

Two new Sonic 4 Wii screenshots have been added to Nintendo of America’s Sonic 4 product page they opened last month along with an hi-res version of a screenshot seen a while ago in Nintendo Power(the waterfall one). The page also confirms online leaderboards will be in the Wii edition of the game.


• Classic Sonic gameplay with enhanced new features
• All new 2D adventure
• Full HD resolution and wide-screen format
• Special Stages return along with the 7 Chaos Emeralds

How does this game use Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection?

Compete with your friends to see who’s the fastest with online leaderboards!

Nothing else of note is present on the page right now but we’ll keep you posted if anything new appears. For now you can check out the other 2 screenshots below –

Source: Nintendo of America

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UPDATE: Sonic Underground’s Sonia Spotted in ASR Wii & PC

SSMB Member Yuluga has just brought to our attention a cameo appearance from Sonic Underground’s Sonia in Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing’s Roulette Road course discovered by members of Sonic Reikai forums. Continue reading UPDATE: Sonic Underground’s Sonia Spotted in ASR Wii & PC

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EU PAL Wii Version Of ASR Hacked

Released just 5 days ago in Europe the EU PAL Wii version of Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing has already been hacked by the Wii game hacking community who are giving themselves benefits to use in online races such as abilities to always hold items and which of those items they would like to use at their will among many other things.

I for one found a hacker online earlier today hosting a room who in races would blast off ahead at incredible speeds, wait at the finish line for everyone on the last lap before oddly allowing everyone to cross the line before him/her then in other races simply win as quick as possible.

If more hackers do the rounds in online play this could become a large problem for Wii players searching for a fair game online. The online feature is part of Nintendo’s free service but game fans may well feel shortchanged from their purchase of the title if these hackers ruin the experience. We’ll keep an eye on this issue and update you if things become better or worse.

Note: We dont condone the hacking of games and so we’re not disclosing our source or info about our source.

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Ridiculously Low Price Drops Result In ASR Wii Selling Out

UPDATE: All retailers that were selling the solo Wii version cheap then sold out have removed the listing. /UPDATE END

You may remember a few days ago we reported on many UK retailers listing ridiculously low price drops for the Wii & DS versions of Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing well you can guess what has happened, they are now sold out for the Wii version at least but we expect the DS version will soon follow the same path so if you want that version jump in now.

Sold out status would normally be somewhat good news but selling out at those crazy prices you have to wonder if its at a loss to the retailers. To the consumer though a price drop makes a saving on the wallet, so if you want the DS version jump in now. Those retailers who sold the Wii version cheap still have stock but only of the Wii wheel bundle and its not as cheap as the solo version was listed at.

Retailers listing the DS version ridiculously cheap are :
ASDA: £17.91

Woolworths: £17.97

WH Smith: £17.93

Chips World: £17.99

Zavvi: £17.95

UK retailers still stocking the Wii version and the Wii version & Wii Wheel bundle at standard price are –

DVD: £26.99
DVD wheel bundle: £29.99

GAME: £29.99
GAME wheel bundle: £34.99

Amazon: £29.73
Amazon wheel bundle: £29.99

HMV: £29.99
HMV wheel bundle: £34.99

Zavvi wheel bundle: £29.95

Simplygames: £29.95

Play: £29.99
Play wheel bundle: £34.99

Gamestation: £29.99
Gamestation wheel bundle: £32.99

Gameplay: £29.99
Gameplay wheel bundle: £32.99

ShopTo wheel bundle: £29.85

Woolworths wheel bundle: £29.97

Tesco: £31.47
Tesco wheel bundle: £31.47

Chips World wheel bundle: £29.99

ASDA wheel bundle: £29.91

WH Smith wheel bundle: £29.93

Argos: £29.99

TheHut wheel bundle: £29.73

CD Wow: £30.99

Blockbuster: £34.99

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MANY UK Retailers Listing Crazy Cheap Prices For ASR Wii & DS

UPDATE: It turns out MANY UK retailers are listing both the Wii and DS versions at very cheap prices, we can now assume this isnt a pricing error. We’ve edited the original story below to reflect this update. /UPDATE END

Many UK retailer sites are listing very crazy cheap prices for the DS and non-wheel bundle Wii version of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing. As of the time of this article’s publication retailers are listing both versions anywhere between £17.73 and £17.99. This could be a pricing error as the Wii version was originally listed at around £29.99 and DS at around £22.99 but its hard to believe all of these retailers would list the same error. As usual alot of the sites offer Free Delivery too to put the icing on this bargain cake. If you want the PC version cheap, HMV and Gameplay have got you covered at £12.99.

I for one have cancelled my £22.95 DS pre-order with Zavvi and re-ordered at the cheaper price, I’ll let you know if anything changes but if you want the game cheap now would be a good time to jump in and place an order.

Here is a list of all retailers selling the game at crazy prices –
Wii – £17.91
DS £17.91

Wii – £17.95
DS – £17.95

The Hut:
Wii – £17.73
DS – £17.73

Wii – £17.97
DS – £17.97

WH Smith:
Wii – £17.93
DS – £17.93

Chips World:
Wii – £17.99
DS – £17.99

DS – £17.73

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New ASR Wii Gameplay Video At ONM

Thanks to sonicfan293 for converting the video to YouTube format.

Just a quick heads up, Official Nintendo Magazine UK have posted a new gameplay video of the Wii version of Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing at their site. The track being showcased is the Seaside Hill Ocean Ruins track, a track we’ve seen little of until now. In the video you get a better look at the undersea tube and the huge jump that follows it making for one awe inspiring track.

Like the look of Ocean Ruins? Let us know in the comments

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Lycett Comments on ASR DLC

Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing producer Steve Lycett (“S0L”) fielded some questions in the game’s thread in the SSMB today, one of them involving the prospect of DLC.  Member PSI Wind FTW asked:

Hey S0L, is it possible for DLC to be on all 3 console versions and even the PC version?

Steve’s reply:

Chances are DLC will be limited to 360/PS3.

Whilst it’s entirely possible to do it elsewhere, the big stumbling block is how you actually make it available.

On Wii there’s no DLC store as such – so you have to write some form of in-game store, that also safely handles transactions and deals with downloads that may get paused or corrupted. Then you’ve got the limited storage space, unlike an unlock key or music track, game assets here are pretty big. You’re looking at over a 100Mb for something like an extra track and character. Which would soon fill the Wii’s internal memory, meaning you then have write SD card support – which has it’s own set of problems…!

Plus you can’t update games on Wii (not so far as I know) unless the DLC is supported by shipped code, you can’t add anything once the game is done.

It’s not undoable of course, but all the effort has to be paid for.

PC is a similar story, whilst the game will likely be made available via Steam, and you can offer DLC via the same method – what about disk owners? Again you’d have to write some method or store, then there is the whole security issue too, it’d have to made pretty difficult to extract back out – else people will just share it about for free.

Again, this can be overcome, but again, it bumps up your cost.

That’s before you consider the cost to test assets over multiple platforms to boot :P

If the cost for implementing the content and getting it working exceeds the money you’ll make for doing it…

So whilst I can never say never, I think outside of 360/PS3 it’s not likely to be something that will happen.

There you have it.  Wii DLC?  Ain’t gon’ happen.

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ASR: 3 New Wii Screenshots and Bottom Screens To Old DS Screenshots

Nintendo Europe have put up their product pages for both Wii and DS versions of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing. In the Wii section we have 3 new screenshots in with some old screenshots and in the DS section we finally get to see the bottom screen from really old screenshots which reveal a very different layout to the final we’ve seen in the latest screenshots.

Comparing the old and new builds it appears the original plan was to have the map and the lap and position counters all on the bottom screen. The latest build shows the map has remained on the bottom screen with the lap and position counter moved to the top screen and a timer next to a best time record has been added to the bottom screen. We also see the map’s background colour used to be a brighter blue while the latest build has been given a less distracting darker blue.

The screenshots are all in flash so we cant post them here, you can check them out at both games product pages at Nintendo Europe’s website.

Wii product page
^ New screens from left to right are 6, 7 and 8.
DS product page

Our article with the latest DS screenshots for comparison

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New ASR Wii Footage


Just a quick heads up for those looking to get the Wii version of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing, some more gameplay footage minus annoying thingymabob and Jen has been revealed courtesy of NintendoWorldReport. The whale from Sonic Adventure makes an awesome cameo only this time he’s not breaking your bridges but instead trying to show how much better at jumping he is than that whale from that movie, you know the one.

Some small details are revealed in the video too, one of the Cups is called Chao Cup and a scoring system where points are earned dependant on what position you are in at the end of a race.

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Sonic & Knuckles FINALLY Coming To Virtual Console

Remember a long time ago Sonic & Knuckles for Virtual Console was registered at the ESRB and PEGI rating board sites? Well it looks like SEGA had a plan… wait for Sonic 4 to be announced! Now all of you Wii owners in Europe can finally experience the conclusion to Sonic 3 from Feb 12th next week before you move on to Sonic 4. Continue reading Sonic & Knuckles FINALLY Coming To Virtual Console

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French ASR Double Wii Wheel Bundle Pic Revealed

You may recall ArchangelUK revealing in a past Blognik entry a France exclusive ASR Double Wii Wheel Bundle, well recently I oddly asked the good man if there was any info/pics of that yet and after looking into it he’s managed to get a picture together which he’s unveiled to the masses on the SEGA Europe Blogs.

Now I wonder if the collector in me will be tempted to import one?

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New ASR Wii Gameplay Demonstration Trailer

A new trailer has hit the net demonstrating the Wii version of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing. A group of people are shown playing with their Nintendo Wii Wheels talking you through characters, vehicles, items and All Star Moves.

Alot of the track names are revealed:
Sonic -Whale Lagoon
Billy Hatcher – Icicle Valley
Sonic – Roulette Road
Samba De Amigo – Sunshine Tour
Jet Set Radio – Shibuya Downtown
Curien Mansion – Outer Forest
Sonic – Turbine Loop
Super Monkey Ball – Treetops
Billy Hatcher – –art Road (Full title for this one can’t be seen.

You can check the trailer out at Yahoo

Thanks to NinMicroSega for the heads up!

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New ASR Wii Screenshots

Gaming website IncGamers have got their hands on some new Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing screenshots of the Wii version. In them we see more of the Mii’s in action and some heated neck and neck rivalry between Sonic & Amigo in one screen and Amy doing what she does best which of course is chasing Sonic.

Check out the other 3 screenshots below –
(Click to enlarge)

Thanks to Tom over at the SSMB for the heads up.
Source: IncGamers

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ASR Wii Wheel Bundle Cost’s £5 More Than Solo Edition

UK retailers are listing 2 edition’s of the Wii version of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing, the Wii Wheel bundle and a solo version without the wheel. It appears the Wheel won’t be a freebie as the Wii Wheel bundle is listed at GAME for example at £34.99 and the solo version at £29.99 making the bundle £5 dearer. The bundle packaging doesn’t say it’s free and I don’t believe SEGA ever said it would be free so no-one can complain.

Gamestation are listing both the Wii Wheel bundle and the solo edition at £29.99. are being very generous and listing both versions at the same price of £27.99 –
Wii Wheel Bundle


Retailers selling the Wii Wheel bundle version at £5 more:




WH Smith

Chips World

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Sonic City Blognik Unveils the ASR Wii Wheel

Our ol’ pal ArchangelUK revealed the ASR Wii Wheel today on the Sonic City Blognik.  It is currently only for those in Europe.  Americans, import the thing (or just buy Nintendo’s Wii Wheel).  Unless you don’t want more hunks of plastic to stick your remote into, look at these fancy pictures below:

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Capcom Takes A Dig At SEGA’s M&S Marketing

Capcom are causing all sorts of a ruckus in the gaming media. First they complain about poor sales for Resident Evil Darkside Chronicle and say,

“The Wii console is very much a family commitment [and] rates relatively low. So for us, Capcom, the future is the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.”

then they quickly correct themselves with the below statement.

“Further to comments made in a recent article on French website Gamekult, Capcom would like to confirm its commitment as a multi-platform developer and publisher of interactive software.”

NOW it seems Capcom are a little jealous of SEGA’s Wii success from their Mario & Sonic marketing strategy with Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games and Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games.

“In 2010, you won’t see as many Wii games from Capcom, but the ones we release will be much larger, event-size games. I also expect to see the market dominated more and more by Nintendo releases with fewer games from the major third parties, like EA, Activision, and Ubisoft. Instead, it’s a case of the third-party publishers trying to figure out how they can make a return on their investment and maintain profitability. (said in a joking manner) Maybe the secret is for all of us just to adopt a Sega model — and just stick Mario into every game we make.” – Chris Kramer, Capcom senior director of communications and community

Very sly stab there, one has to wonder what SEGA would say if they were to react.

Source: Gamasutra via GoNintendo

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SEGA Europe & Australia Reveal ASR Release Date

SEGA Europe and SEGA Australia have just revealed on their product page’s for Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing that the game will be revealed on all 5 platforms PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, DS and PC Friday 26th February 2010. Continue reading SEGA Europe & Australia Reveal ASR Release Date

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Rumour: New Sonic Spinball Game Coming To Wii?

UK online retailer Simply Games are listing a new Sonic The Hedgehog Spinball title for Nintendo Wii, but what’s odd about it is they list Capcom rather than SEGA as publisher. This fresh listing has conveniently come in at a time when SEGA and Alton Towers have teamed up for a new Sonic Spinball theme park ride. A statement below from a staff member at the park claims SEGA are planning a Sonic relaunch of some kind.

Dear ….

Happy New Year

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you but I have been on holiday. I am sure that you will have picked up press reports by now relating to Spinball Whizzer and the fact that we are in partnership with Sega resulting in a retheme to the ride to coincide with the relaunch of Sonic. We hope that the retheme will be complete for our February half-term opening.

Kind regards

So, could SEGA be planning a relaunch for Sonic Spinball on Wii? We’ll let you know if any more info comes in, but for now take this with a grain of salt, especially as retailers make mistakes with their listings all the time.

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Steve Lycett Clears Up ASR Nintendo Channel Info

Steve Lycett under his S0L tag has revealed that Nintendo’s Wii Nintendo Channel hasn’t just made a mistake about the Gamecube Controller support but they are also mis-informed about a couple of other things.

The Channel’s product page for Wii states the game supports Wii Connect 24 and the product page for DS states the game supports 2-6 player multiplayer. Steve informs us in a post at the SSMB that both of those statements are incorrect and the DS version supports 4 players locally and online.

Steve also reveals Mii support has been there since the beginning and Craig Duncan’s previous statement was incorrect and too early. The statement couldn’t be cleared up or the cat would have been out of the bag before the announcement was due.

Liking the Mii’s then

They’ve always been in though – we didn’t add them due to fan pressure. Craig was misquoted about them not being in – but I couldn’t really say anything about it as – well then the car would have been well and truly out of the bag

On the Nintendo Channel question…

Wii version doesn’t support Wii Connect 24 – not sure where they’ve got that from.

DS is only 4 player multiplayer (local and online) not 6. They’re right about the rest



As Steve states in the above post, everything else on the Nintendo Channel is true.
So new information now confirmed we have –

Mii support (which has now been officially confirmed today a day later by SEGA/Sumo Digital)

2-4 players multiplayer(locally and online)
Single Card Download-play Multiplayer
Multi Card Multiplayer

Editor’s note: Since the Nintendo Channel information have now been cleared up, we’ve binned yesterday’s article regarding those updates.

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Mii’s Confirmed For ASR

Look’s like despite being wrong about Gamecube Controller support Nintendo’s Wii Nintendo Channel was at least right about Mii support being in the Wii version of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing.

SEGA of America and SEGA Europe have just confirmed the feature over at their blogs with two screenshots. The Mii’s look to have their own vehicle similar to how Xbox 360 Avatar’s will have their own vehicle too. The All-Star Move for Mii’s also look’s the same as the Avatar move too where your friend’s Mii’s will come to your aid and give you a boost of speed and power.

Thanks to bolt7 for the heads up.

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ASR: Ulala confirmed by ESRB? No GC Controller Support Says S0L

A couple of previews stated Ulala will be in Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing and when the ESRB said the game will have ‘Mild Suggestive Themes’ we just knew the lady would be in but now the ESRB have added more fuel to the fire with their PC, Wii and PS3 report.

Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing

Platform: Windows PC, PlayStation 3, Wii

Rating: Everyone

Content descriptors: Cartoon Violence, Comic Mischief, Mild Suggestive Themes

Rating summary:
This is a racing game in which players use Sonic the Hedgehog and other SEGA characters to race on tracks taken from the SEGA universe. Players drive, drift, and “slipstream” their way through whimsical tracks while avoiding moving obstacles and other drivers. Players can receive “power-ups” during the race, allowing them to attack other racers in numerous ways—running at supersonic speed to knock them over, jabbing them with a hammer, crushing them with a giant egg, etc. Opponent vehicles usually spin out of control, pop up in the air, or fall off the racetrack when hit, though a vehicle does explode in a fiery burst during an introductory cutscene. One of the female racers wears a short skirt with a laser gun that clings to her thigh; she taunts opponents by gyrating her hips and blowing a kiss.


Thanks to NinMicroSega for the heads up!

Steve Lycett of Sumo Digital under his S0L tag has also replied to our report about Nintendo’s Wii Nintendo Channel stating that the Wii version of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing will support the Gamecube Controller and Mii’s.

Don’t think I’m allowed to comment on the Mii thing for a few more hours

Certainly no GameCube controller support in there. We did look into it after a load of requests on the official Sega forum, but it just doesn’t fit into the way we do the controllers on the Wii (which is all nice and automatic, rather than reams of menu’s).



Look’s like Nintendo got the wrong end of the stick on that one but we’ll have to wait and see on the Mii support front which according to S0L’s post won’t be long now.

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ASR: New Wii & DS Screenshots and Artwork have posted up some new screenshots for the Wii & DS versions of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing, they’ve also grabbed some new artwork in which we can now see Big’s bike is themed around his best friend Froggy. Check them out below –

Wiiz also have some hi-res versions of the Wii & DS box arts. The Wii box art has been updated with the Wii Wheel logo.

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ShopTo Wants Banjo-Kazooie In Wii ASR don’t seem very pleased with the recent announcement of Banjo-Kazooie being an Xbox 360 exclusive, they’d rather the bear and bird come back to the Nintendo side and be included in the Wii version of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing. The site has even left the Xbox 360 box art blank compared to the other 3 box arts out of protest.

But seriously how did they make an error like that with the box arts?

Seems ShopTo have fixed the error now but it was still funny none the less.
Xbox 360

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Nintendo Power Preview Wii & DS ASR

Nintendo Power have previewed the Wii & DS versions of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing and have also received a few new screenshots of both versions. Nintendo Power re-affirm their earlier confirmation of a Space Channel 5 character presence in the game, no specific character is mentioned but our bets are on Ulala the star of that series. No new information is revealed unfortunately but its always nice to have a look at how the game is looking on the Wii & DS with so much attention always on the HD versions.

Check out the article below(Click thumbnail to enlarge).
Thanks to Emerl over at the SSMB for the scan.


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Nintendo of America Reveal Q1 2010 Release Schedule


Nintendo of America have revealed their Q1 2010 release schedule and among both Wii and DS lists is Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing. The Sumo Digital developed racing game is down for a March release which is very different to all of the U.S. retailers speculating a February release. Up until now SEGA of America and Sumo Digital have only given an Early 2010 release of which March is well within that barrier.

With Microsoft revealing the full online and offline features, Nintendo now revealing the release month and a special announcement due this week from SEGA/Sumo Digital things are sure to get very exciting from now until release.

Sources: Worth Playing
Official Nintendo Magazine UK

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Sonic Needs You To Save Him From The SAGY Wii Award

Screwattack_logo are holding the 2009 Shitty Ass Game Of The Year awards and in the Wii Exclusives category their members(g1’s) have nominated Sonic and the Black Knight, Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games and Wii Sports Resort. Stuttering Craig in the nominations video states that “people didn’t buy this game for Sonic, they bought it for Mario” which is just plain wrong.

So if you think Sonic and the Black Knight and Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games are undeserving of the SAGY Wii Exclusive award then sign up at ScrewAttack’s forums and vote for Wii Sports Resort. Voting closes 16th December.

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[UPDATE] ASR Wii/DS Controls Revealed, No Mii Support

ASR Wii 3

[UPDATE] Sumo Digital staffer Steve Lycett AKA S0L has just revealed in the comments section that the DS version will have multiple control schemes and the Wii version will also have Classic Controller support. [/END UPDATE]

French Sonic fansites and Planete Sonic got to try out all four console versions of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing recently. In Eversonic’s preview two control schemes are revealed Wii Remote and Nunchuk and Wii Wheel support, so if your not into motion control at least you have another option. No details on wether the Gamecube Controller will be another option.

In Planete Sonic’s preview it is revealed that the Wii version will not support Mii’s, so those that like a more personal experience and would like to have themselves race against their favourite SEGA character are out of luck.

Planete Sonic also reveal that the DS version will be controlled using the buttons but one odd control choice is that the R button will be used to accelerate which according to them could cause give you a cramp.

Let us know what you think of these developments in the comments.

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New PS3/Wii/DS All Stars Racing Screens & Art

Fox Gungrave from fellow Sonic fan site Eversonic was recently invited by SEGA France to playtest all 4 console versions of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing and was given screenshots from the PS3, Wii and DS versions of the game aswell as pictures of some old and new artwork.

You can check out Eversonic’s preview here but be warned, it’s obviously in French.

Here’s the screenshots below:

DS –

Wii –
ASR Wii 1 ASR Wii 2 ASR Wii 3 ASR Wii 4 ASR Wii 5 ASR Wii 6

PS3 –

New art –
New ASR Art 1 New ASR Art 2 New ASR Art 3 New ASR Art 4

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Sonic & Knuckles To Hit Japanese Virtual Console

Looks like SEGA have figured a way around that pesky Sonic & Knuckles lock-on technology problem, as Japan is about to get the classic mushroom-shaped Mega Drive game soon on the Wii Virtual Console, complete with backwards compatibility across other Sonic MD games.


SEGA Japan announced the lock-on feature workaround, which involves an additional menu before you boot the ROM up asking you if there is another purchased Sonic game you would like to connect it to. Nintendo itself made no mention of the feature, which led us all to worry that the VC version would have nixed lock-on play – as has been the trend these days with Sonic & Knuckles re-releases. Sonic & Knuckles on Wii Virtual Console will hit Japan on the 27th October for 600 Nintendo Points.

The original Mega Drive classic was released in October 1994, eight months after the launch of Sonic the Hedgehog 3. As the two games were confirmed to be two parts of the same game, Sonic Team created a special cartridge that allowed copies of Sonic 3 to be ‘locked on’ the top of it. As a bonus, copies of Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 also worked on the lock-on; the former as an ‘endless’ gauntlet of special stage game ‘Blue Sphere’ and the latter allowing players to control Knuckles in Sonic 2 Zones.

Source: Andriasang (thanks for the tip, BassDS!)

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Sonic Chronicles And Samba De Amigo £10 At Sainsburys

Sonic Chronicles £10
If you never got round to picking up the Bioware developed DS RPG title Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood then now is a good time for your wallet. Supermarket chain Sainsburys are currently selling Sonic Chronicles for just £10, saving you a whopping £19.99.

Samba De Amigo £10

Fellow SEGA fans might also want to keep an eye out for another sweet offer in the bargain bins at Sainsburys, Samba De Amigo on Wii for just £10.

Sonic fans might also be interested in Sonic’s cameo in the game where he gets his groove thang on.

Got to love some good bargains!

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