Trick or Treat us and Win Sonic Chronicles Stuff

Thanks to Sega Europe, we have a few Sonic Chronicles goodies to give away on The Sonic Stadium. Just in time for Hallowe’en too! See that photo up there? The Chronicles tin and stylus pack? There are five of those to give away. You could win a set of them, you could. There’s also a super-secret squirrel Grand Prize goody bag, which will be sent your way should you impress us the most.

Impress us, you say? Well yes. I don’t expect you to just come along and take this stuff. I want you to work for your meal. And what better way to prove your worth than on Hallowe’en? Here’s what you have to do to be in a chance of winning:

Pick any Sonic the Hedgehog character, and describe to us how they would Trick or Treat someone.

It’s as simple as that. Imagine a Sonic character of your choice, knocking on a house door. What does that character do when that door opens to get as much candy as possible? Funny, scary, or downright weird entries are all acceptable, so do your worst (on all accounts)!

Send your entires to with your name, email address and what your chosen character does. Closing date for entries is the 7th November 2008. Good luck!

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TSS’ 8th: The Video Games Live Present

We thought we’d share this cool little gift we got from Simon, also known as ‘ForeverSonic’, at the Video Games Live concert on Friday. It’s a little card wishing the site a happy 8th birthday, along with a little present. And you know how the best presents are always homemade (unless they’re from Sega or us, of course). A lot of time and effort must have gone into making this fluffy Sonic head, although now we’re worried if there’s a fluffy Sonic body wandering the earth looking for it. It is Halloween this week after all.

There was also an awesome Tails head made as well. You can see that above too. Happy birthday TSS – our blasts from the past continue tomorrow!

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The Sonic Stadium is eight years old today (and it was Cephrien’s birthday a few days ago too, so happy birthday to you too). It’s hard to imagine that this little site of mine would be so involved in an international community like this, but we’re here today amongst other awesome websites like Sonic Retro and Sonic Fan Games HQ, and man is it all good.

As you may be aware, I’ve been chronicling the years of TSS, from beginning to end (we’re at 2001 at this moment in time, but over the course of the next week you’ll learn more about the last few years too) in celebration of what this website has achieved in its lifetime. Needless to say that (trumpet blowing time) the impact The Sonic Stadium has made on the Sonic the Hedgehog community is nothing to be scoffed at.

The Sonic Site Awards gave smaller Sonic sites (including TSS at the time) a chance to be seen amongst the big boys. The approach I made to Sega Europe in 2005 has led to the publisher gaining an interest in their target audience, which led to the creation of their Community department, the Sonic City website and the arrival of everyone’s favourite neighbourhood Sega-man, AAUK, to take pole position of what’s going on worldwide. The TSS Network helped raise the profiles of numerous fellow sites, including FastFeet Media and Sonic Cage Dome.

And then of course, you have my latest creation. Something that I am probably the most proud of besides TSS itself. The Summer of Sonic, which can essentially be called two creations under one name. Originally a website, it was born out of a concept I had waaaay back in 2001; that there should be a Sonic fansite where every single prominent webmaster should contribute to. At the time, the idea was to have a Community website that involved myself, Tristan from TSSZ (who was a lot less controversial than he is now arguably), Sonic HQ, The Sonic Foundation, Shadow of a Hedgehog… it would be a site where the whole community got involved and contributed to. Continue reading Happy Birthday TSS! PLUS BONUS ANNOUNCEMENT!

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Watch The Sonic Show: Season 2, Episode 4

It is that time once again for another installment in The Sonic Stadium’s own podcast, The Sonic Show.  After a one month delay, caused by me (my bad, but school comes first), the fourth installment of the second season is ready to hit your iPods with style.  What is jam packed into this episode?

  • Turbo, from “Turbo Drive Live,” guest hosts!
  • All the latest Sonic news
  • New Unleashed and Black Knight footage and trailers
  • Slingerland’s Corner goes to college
  • Red Hedgehog visits G.U.N.
  • Finally, Red Hedgehog does some silly shit.
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Sonic and the Black Knight: TGS Screens

We’re a bit late to the party with this one, but during the Tokyo Game Show a few weeks ago Sonic and the Black Knight got its first proper showing. As you could probably tell with all the trailers and mp3s flying around. Now you get some screenshots of the game in action, courtesy of SEGA Europe. They don’t really show anything new, but it’s nice to have a good look at what we’ve already seen, right?

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Download Crush 40 – Live @ TGS

Showgoers to the Tokyo Game Show this year were treated to a special performance from Crush 40 members Jun Senoue and Johnny Giolei. Adam broke news of the legendary concert on TSS a while ago – and you can trust our ardent readers to find a way to grab that music for themselves. Regular contributor TMS was kind enough to send us mp3 versions of all seven tracks played live. So now you don’t have to hit Youtube to memorise those lyrics to Knight of the Wind. You can download them straight from TSS’ Media Portal; link’s below. Hop to it, soldiers.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Download Sonic and the Black Knight Theme – Twice

No sooner did those Sonic and the Black Knight videos hit the Internet, that people just had to rip the theme songs and offer them for download. Who are we to say no? TMS has done a good job of ripping both the instrumental theme heard in the video we posted earlier, and the full theme in the Japanese trailer featuring vocals.

We’re quite sure that’s Johnny and Jun back in the saddle for this theme, making it a Crush 40, super-cheesy rock extravaganza. Is it just us, or are C40 really trying to be more “80’s children’s cartoon rock” with each passing Sonic title? Although, that never hurt the Transformers.

Give Sonic fans ten minutes to learn it and we’ll be seeing everyone sing it like they did ‘Endless Possibility’ at Summer of Sonic. Thanks for the rip, TMS!

Crush 40: SatBK Main Theme (TSS Media Portal) – 1.3MB
Crush 40: SatBK Main Theme (Instrumental) (TSS Media Portal) – 1.3MB
Right click and select ‘Save As…’

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Download the Sonic Chronicles Soundtrack

I’ve been busy beavering away at a little project for the site. Basically, I’m trying to get the Information and Downloads sections back online in some form or another. Ahead of a release of our Music Downloads section (which is basically an HTML version of what we offer on our FTP Portal, for those that like nice looking webpages), we’ve grabbed the Game Rip for Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, and you’re all invited to download it for yourselves. And because it’s from TSS, we’ve tagged the files properly and everything. So enjoy – I can rock hard to that Battle Theme 3 music all day. Cheers to Golden Hedgy for leading us to audio glory.

You can expect me to update you on various things regarding the Information and Download sections over the coming weeks. I don’t know how long this will take me, but there’s cause for celebration on the 24th October regardless…

Click the link below to head straight to our downloads page.
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood – Music Downloads Archive

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Slimy Sonic Chronicles Screens

New stage screens have appeared for Sonic Chronicles at Leipzig – this will most likely be playable at the press event itself at Sega’s booths. We get to see a lot more of Knuckles here, including some of his POW moves, and we come face to face with a slimy thing that appears to invite Sonic into his parlour. Ooh er missus. Those who played the Nintendo DS RPG at the Summer of Sonic convention can agree that this is shaping up to be a rather awesome little title for the hedgehog, and I’m particularly liking the ‘action’ artwork that appears in the top screen when a character performs a POW move. It doesn’t look like Uekawa’s work, but it sure makes me wish they’d do away with all the CG artwork these days and pump out some drawn stuff now and then.

I had an interview with Miles Holmes, the Lead Designer at BioWare for Sonic Chronicles a while ago, which should be published on a website I’ve been writing for very soon. His favourite game is Sonic Heroes, as a random tidbit of information there. Interesting, no?

Hit the jump for the gallery of new screens. Continue reading Slimy Sonic Chronicles Screens

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Get A Load Of Sonic Unleashed Screens From Leipzig

Sure, we mock it but Sonic Unleashed is really turning out quite nice. We’re just not sure about the Werehog bit – he’s either fighting some alien creatures that, despite looking rather cute, seem like Sonic’s fighting Iblis Mk2 again (not very ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ at all), or he’s doing careful platform traversing that just makes you wonder “That could have been normal Sonic doing that in his stages”.

If Werehog’s doing all the skilful platforming, does that mean the awesome ‘speed’ stages that Sonic’s involved in has no substance other than just running full tilt and pressing the odd button every now and then? We hope not – only time can tell.

By the way, we’ve also been sent a BONUS ART PIECE for the game, you can click the image above to grab it in full size. Otherwise, hit the jump for screens of Werehog dealing out da punishment! Continue reading Get A Load Of Sonic Unleashed Screens From Leipzig

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SEGASonic Radio is Back! Sort Of!

Oh, how long have you yearned for that fix of live broadcasting that only the SEGASonic Radio elite can provide, eh? HOW LONG. Well, a month and a bit actually, since the ‘Zone Radio Network went belly-up on us and never quite made it back. Poor little budgie. But fear not, because through the power of B’man we have taken ‘de law’ into our own hands and taken SSR back. So SSR is on local servers, or something. It’s also in OGG format. Ooh, Open Source tastes fruity doesn’t it?

SSR LiVECASTS will resume soon, as all it required on the part of our DJs is a little tweaking of certain settings on their broadcast software. I’m currently making a new SEGASonic Radio website for DJs to let everyone know when their show’s going to be delayed for the seventh week running too, but that’s not ready yet. For now, enjoy a decent (for once) quality stream using the following link! You may need a program that can run OGG, like VLC or Winamp.

The Sonic Hour will have it’s final show of the series this Sunday at 6pm GMT. It was going to be a month and a bit ago, but… well, look what happened. Be sure to hit the IRC Chat room (also linked in the top of any TSS page) and join us for our final hurrah of the year!

P.S. Yes, we didn’t have the Sonic Site Awards this year. Did you notice? Serious question.

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The Sonic Show: Episode 2-3 available for download!

Hey, Sonic Show fans! Are you ready for another episode of TSS’ chart-topping podcast?! Well, here it is! Season 2, episode 3 is a “Summer of Sonic” special episode, so this go-’round is not your traditional offering of Sonic Show goodness, as it mostly acts as an archive of all the media Jay (aka Disco Ponies) and other expo-goers managed to film at the event.

However, there are a few non-SoS skits in there, so there are some surprises to be had in this episode! Featuring:

  • Exclusive Summer of Sonic coverage and footage! Featuring all the concert numbers by Richard Jacques, TJ Davies, and Lee Brotherton, T-Bird’s Quiz Show, and more!
  • An exclusive promo video for the re-opening of the Sonic Cage Dome!
  • The SAGE 2008 Promotional Video!
  • What’s going on as SoS U.S.A.? Our cameras dropped in on the show!
  • RedHedgehog doesn’t have an episode this time, but they show up to announce a new contest! What is it and what is the prize?
  • Slingerland’s Corner at the Olympic Games

With the Olympics in full swing and my love for attention, I shoved a Corner segment out the door. Fun fun fun. RedHedgehog will return to its usual antics next week, as well. We really hope you enjoy all the SoS coverage in this episode, though. The audio quality of the concerts is really good!


Episode 4 will air on TSS on September 5th. Be on the look out for brand new content and higher production values?

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Download HIS WORLD (Blue World Prelude)

During the Summer of Sonic’s live performance featuring Richard Jacques and TJ Davis, Lee Brotherton pulled a rabbit out of the hat and surprised everyone with a brand new version of HIS WORLD. Nice, slow and chilled out, LB’s awesome re-interpretation of the Zebrahead classic features brand new lyrics, and is the official theme song to the Summer of Sonic convention. How cool is that!?

Because myself and Rory did our dare and sung the DK Rap on stage, we get to share a high quality MP3 with you of the theme song. Download it off of our media server now, and bask.

HIS WORLD – Blue World Prelude ~THEME OF SUMMER OF SONIC 2008~ (TSS Media Portal) – 6.1MB
Right click and select ‘Save As…’

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Summer of Sonic – VICTOLY!

We’re back from the Summer of Sonic convention, held just yesterday in London. We will be posting roundup articles, photos and everything else we can imagine from the event over the next few days, but those who saw our live broadcast feed would have probably heard (as most of the time you likely saw a buttock instead of the action) it was a fantastic success! The first ever Sonic the Hedgehog convention was a triumph.

I’m glad to have met some awesome people, but am sorry if I did not hang around long enough to have a proper chat – I was running around like a blue-arsed baboon trying to make sure schedules and equipment were working properly.

The special guests enjoyed themselves very much – Richard Jacques was a star as always, TJ Davis was very happy to engage with her fans, Lee Brotherton was utterly shocked to have seen a circle of fangirls singing Dreams of an Absolution in front of the stage when the DJ played it (you should have seen his face), and Nigel Kitching is just about the friendliest, down to earth bloke you could meet.

An actual report of the day’s events will be online soon enough, and a second alternative report will be written by none other than the hatted meister himself, Adam Tuff. Yep, T-Bird’s officially back in action and will be writing some shizzle to wet your nizzle on TSS very soon.

In the meantime, chat amongst yourselves about how great the day was on the SSMB – plug your Youtube account to your hearts content or something,

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Sonic News? No, this is TSS.

In light of a few random messages we’ve been getting over the last week, we thought we’d better clear up some of the confusion people are having. The Sonic Stadium used to be host to a news service called ‘Sonic News’. This service involved providing readers with the latest happenings in the Sonic universe by being unbiased, serious and generally governed with a rod up its bum. ‘Sonic News’ became the new word for ‘The Sonic Stadium’, as it was the main thing getting updated every now and then, so something was done to combat this (as it was, after all, getting annoying. There is a website accompanying the news service, you know).

We brought back the News area into The Sonic Stadium. So, as we stated in our very first introductory post since we relaunched last month, Sonic News does not exist anymore. It’s not here. You can’t find it. Not even playing Hide and Seek. It’s gone for good. All news will be relayed via The Sonic Stadium, and will provide the facts you need to know coupled with some entertaining writing and perhaps even some thoughtful/homourous opinion.

“Oh dear Svend, but a News site doesn’t apply opinion into their stories”. Quite right Sir/Madam, which is where you made your first mistake. The Sonic Stadium isn’t a news source. It’s a Sonic fansite. We write about Sonic because we are passionate about the series, we collect the games and merchandise, we watch the shows (even the piss poor ones like Underground). And further, we want to be a fansite that connects with you, another fan. If you don’t agree with our opinions, fine. But don’t get confused as to why we’re trying to be funny, or trying to pour some personality into a post to begin with.

We have different awesome writers with different opinions, making for a fruity bowl of Sonic fun. We could heavily edit some of our work to be a bit more ‘unbiased’ – I almost heavily edited the “Sonic and the Black Knight” article from last night. But you know what? What’s the point if fans can’t go a bit crazy sometimes and just tell it like it is? And if you don’t like it, why do you care?

This is, for all intents and purposes, a blog. Not a news site. If you wanted really serious, boringly-told stories with your seizure-inducing gaming session of Sonic Heroes, you shouldn’t be going to a fansite. You should be going to CNN. And you shouldn’t be playing Sonic Heroes.

We hear a lot of people were in fact confused about why the ‘News stories on Sonic News had gone downhill’, and I thought it best to explain why. This is not Sonic News, we have not gone downhill, we are writing to entertain and to inspire your mind. Or something. And if you didn’t read this, at least we’re covered just in case you’re Quexinos and want to complain that facts you provided to Sonic News in 2007 were sourced incorrectly (that’s why the post doesn’t exist anymore, Richard). Got it? Cool. Let’s rock.

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Sonic & The Black Knight!? Oh. God.

Words cannot express how pissed off I am right now.  This “leaked” Nintendo Power cover better be a hilarious prank. Knowing SEGA, though, I doubt that it is.

Svend: “Dear SEGA…


Yours sincerely,


EDIT: Whoever scanned this cover is obviously unaware of the rules of the Internets, so we removed his name and address where necessary. Can we learn how to do this in future so we don’t end up having to do proper work? (EDIT 2: This was a joke at ourselves and not at the awesome dude who originally scanned this page. We had to write this disclaimer because several retards kept assuming we were taking the piss out of the poor chap.)

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Download the new Unleashed Trailer

When SEGA revealed the new, werewolfy Sonic Unleashed trailer earlier today, they probably didn’t expect so many people would take a vested interest in it. So much so that many fans are having trouble downloading it from their US FTP server. If you’re clamouring to get your hands on a copy of the trailer for yourself, we braced ourselves for the stormy bandwidth weather and… downloaded the trailer from the European Press network instead, saving us all the bother.

We’ve taken the ~300MB trailer and cut it down to size, but kept it in a good enough quality for you guys to still get wet over it. Right click, save to your computer and Print Screen all those frames of Super Sonic at your leisure!

Endless Possibility Trailer (TSS Media Portal) – 58.1MB
Right-click and select “Save As…”

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Listen to Endless Possibility… Possibly Endlessly

Update: Just in case you’ve been redirected here from another website or something, we thought we’d be nice and let you know that since this post the full version been posted online for download – click here to read more.

Who’s a fan of Bowling For Soup then? Must be pretty psyched that the main guy, Jaret Reddick, has had a hand in creating the new theme song to a Sonic the Hedgehog game, right? Or is it like that time when Zebrahead and Akon did Sonic 06 – big names, nobody cared?

Don’t let a lack of awareness from your peers discourage you though – if you reckon Jun ‘parfact’ Senoue deserves a longer break in his tropical paradise surrounded by exquisite Lolita women and think ‘Endless Possibility’ is a worthy track to bounce to while racing through Sonic Unleashed, then you probably want the song to take home with you. Well, you’re in luck.

SSMB members Sheza (followed by some fine-tuning by Goku…. lots of numbers) have ripped the title track and we have it on here for you to download. Slap it on your music player, support good ol’ Jaret by listening to his stuff and go rock with your cock out. Or something. Just don’t do it in front of the children.

Endless Possibility (TSS Media Portal) – 2.2MB
Right click and select ‘Save As…’

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E3: 36 New Chronicles Screens

OK, we dropped the ball a little bit. We didn’t pick up on the new screenshots released by the SEGA Press guys the other day (we may add them to this article later on though), but these are new-new screens, literally fresh from today’s E3 Experience. What you get here is a few shots of a volcano-esque fiery area where you most likely run into Knuckles and Shadow in. There are some screens of Chao being used in battle, and a few character’s special POW moves too.

Finally, you also get to see the GUN Commander in full cartoony form. Hopefully he won’t break down and cry when he sees Shadow or something. Dude’s a soldier man. Ain’t no time to get sappy now.

Hit the jump for the images, as there are a lot of them. Continue reading E3: 36 New Chronicles Screens

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E3: 23 New Unleashed Screens

Take a gander at all these new screenshots of Sonic Unleashed. High quality and everything. Some are from stages you’ve seen before, some are from the new China level, and some are HQ snaps of the Werewolf action. If nothing else it’s looking both interesting and tasty. Not an awful lot to report on these snaps otherwise besides the massive reach Were-Sonic appears to have to beat down foes, and some rather nice enemy design during the Sonic segments. Like the rather cool looking robot in the image below, which looks like something out of Knuckles’ Chaotix. If they’re called Badniks as well, that would be win. SEGA, make it happen.

Hit the jump for the full gallery. Continue reading E3: 23 New Unleashed Screens

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E3 SEGA Embargo Lifts Later Today

Just a quick announcement; I’ve got a heads up from SEGA that their main E3 announcements are coming real soon. Later today as it happens. The embargo for journalists will be lifted at about 4/5pm today, so we’ll try and get all the latest Sonic news to you whilst trying to keep up with the Nintendo press conference. Multi-tasking, eh? Ain’t it great.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Sonic News Ticker is Back

If your life has never been the same since TSS changed its new look, there may be a few reasons for that. One might be that you became rather attached to our Sonic News Ticker, which allowed external websites to link through to our news posts so your pages always stayed up to date.

Well fret no more about the ticker’s future, because we’ve brought it back. You can of course use our RSS Feed as an alternative – either click the huge orange button for our general RSS, subscribe to our specific News Feed or subscribe to our Feedburner. But for those who want to simply have that ticker scrolling along their page and have only News posts filtered through it, just copy and paste the following code:

<script type=”text/javascript” language=”Javascript” src=””></script>

Business as usual. Take it away, Sam.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Where is TSS’ content?

There there, don’t cry little chap. You’re probably not used to TSS changing into something ultra-mega-awesome. Either that, or you’re just wondering where the hell all our old content is. Although we’ve touched base on this before, I’m going to say that all the old content areas will be back very shortly. Takes some adjusting when you radically move from a 20%-complete bespoke system to a brand new blog-esque script.

Because of the change, certain pages will have to re-imagined or even re-written. We’re going to be doing this in particular to the Games Archive – the scans and stuff will still be there, don’t worry, but it will be a bit more informative and stuff. This area (the bloggy type bit) will be where you get your news and features on the games, and the Game Archive pages will be the place you go for the more in-depth information. We’ll be reworking these on a game-by-game basis. As I’m rather enjoying going through Rush Adventure again, that may be my first port of call. Who knows though.

In any road, you can expect the Downloads section back within the next few days. Don’t count on me doing anything though until Wednesday because it’s my birthday on Monday (drunken brouhaha weekend for the win). So basically, don’t worry. This blog thing won’t be the only thing to TSS, promise.

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The Day We Played Sonic Chronicles

The Sonic Stadium was invited to a special Community Day yesterday in London to have a sneak preview of Sonic Chronicles. Today we’re going to spend some time showing you just what happens when a bunch of oddball Sonic fans get together, as well as what we thought about the upcoming BioWare RPG. AAUK, the SEGA rep who was hosting the shindig, also let us have a quick go on Samba de Amigo for the Wii. And then afterwards, we all went to the pub. Just like Brits do. It’s our thing.

B’man, myself (in the black Sonic shirt there) and Sonic_Freak/Shadzter came representing TSS, while the usual suspects T-Bird, Roareye Black (SSN), Lewis (Sonic Yoda), Vger (Emerald Coast), Fastfeet (Media), Urtheart (SSN), Mike Taylor (Sonic Cage Dome), SegaMark (RadioSega), Dan Dyer (Fastfeet Media) and Diogo all turned up to see the game in action too. Violet was late and missed the whole thing, but she did have a drink with us later, so all was well.

Roareye will be writing about the Community Day itself, while Shadzter will be telling you all how Samba Wii is shaping up. Expect the Sonic fan’s definitive preview of Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood later today as well, along with other videos and odd bits and bobs we might slap up here for the hell of it. Keep coming back to The Sonic Stadium for the latest! Or subscribe to our feed if you’re a lazy git.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Now YOU Can Own This Lovely Sonic Unleashed Trailer

Hey you! Yeah, you, there. That new Sonic Unleashed trailer was pretty nifty, no? Well, nifty isn’t the word, we all browned ourselves at the prospect of a Sonic game being good this year. SEGA have released the trailer to download, which we now have for you to grab. So when all of us start praising this as the second coming (give it a month) you can ignore all that shit and remember this lovely footage for eternity, no matter how good or bad the game actually ends up. Enjoy!

Download High Europe Trailer (TSS Media Portal) – 67.9MB
Right-click and select “Save As…”

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TSS: A Whole New Approach

Welcome to The Sonic Stadium. Place looks a bit different doesn’t it? Yes, this is what we’ve been up to for the last couple of weeks – updating your favourite Sonic site to be a bit more ‘hip’ and ‘happening’. Whatever that means these days. Kids, tsch.

So why the change? Put simply, for the last two years, TSS has been a floundering Sonic ship – while we certainly worked hard to become one of the most popular fansites online, my university and other commitments over the years had put something of a hold on adding updates of any real worth to the site (having said that, we have been lucky in getting stuff like interviews with Yojiro Ogawa, Simon Jeffery and Lee Brotherton so we haven’t been sitting on our thumbs the whole time). There have also been many things I’ve wanted to post about Sonic but pretty much couldn’t due to the way the site was designed and how the front page was dealt and all that jazz.

We did have a new TSS code base in the making – you’ll probably have heard me going on about it for the last two years. That was a system B’man and I started working on from the ground up, but again, other commitments meant the thing was going nowhere, and as a result TSS suffered. A few months back I thought it was time to can the bespoke script we were making and just make do with a pre-packaged one and add our own bells and whistles to them. Continue reading TSS: A Whole New Approach

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Sonic Unleashed – WHAT TO REALLY BELIEVE!1!1!1one

Well, the last week has certainly been interesting. Especially in the world of so-called ‘journalism’, where everyone but GameSpot seems to have reacted like a complete immature child to the whole Sonic Unleashed debacle. You know, real journalists. Especially in reaction to our news piece collated from an inside source, which has been debunked several times by some other sources (hey, we never said it was fact), claiming their sources are more accurate (only for them to spread false information). I don’t know if we should be considered the ‘most reliable’ website or not, and frankly I don’t care, but I know my sources are definitely trustworthy.

And on another note, this thought appeared in my mind; Why is everyone so worked up about this point of ‘trust’ anyway? Where did this petty ‘e-Penis’ contest come from? All of a sudden anything else that isn’t an “exclusive” by “X Website” is obviously a fake and thus the entire site in question is riddled with ‘shoddy journalism’. This news has turned the best of community sites (particularly general SEGA ones) to backstabbing and gossiping washerwomen. Hardly professional don’t you think? Oddly enough, I’m standing by the wayside, wondering just why the hell everyone’s out to embarrass themselves by going on some crusade to “show that they are the most trustworthy and reliable source!!!!11!one1!”

Yes… well, a word to the SEGA community sites out there – leave that dead dog to die… er, more. Trust me, the Sonic community has been there before, many years ago. Even TSS was a righteous “proper journalistic source” wannabe for a short period back in the day (despite the fact that I am, in fact, a journalist). Communities don’t survive on that. Communities survive on each other. Regardless of what you think, you’re not GameSpot or 1Up. You’re a fan community. And as such should be acting like one.

To everyone else, as an FYI to anyone interested, spoken from an actual games journalist (i.e. me, and not you):

  • Making news stories that “iron out” details in spite of other websites is bad journalism and makes you look bitchy and unprofessional;
  • Writing commentary and light-hearted opinion in a news article might pass for bad journalism – but only in ‘serious’ mediums. Nobody is qualified to call out such practices on a gaming blog, fansite or video gaming website which house style calls for such written prose. You don’t expect opinion in BBC News stories. You do expect opinion in video game magazine news stories. It’s all about context.
  • The only thing you could assume to be true in Sonic Unleashed is that a werewolf is involved. Everything else – even TSS’ articles – can be laid to pure speculation until officially confirmed by official sources, and nothing less is accepted. It’s one thing getting a scoop, but scoops are obtained through unofficial channels, however true or false they may be.

I hope that the Internet is somewhat wiser now after reading this, and would kindly ask that everyone would just calm down and enact a little bit of humility in this torrent of undoubtedly exciting Unleashed news. The Sonic – and somewhat more SEGA community – have been acting extremely childish of the whole affair, and it’s time we put a stop to all the madness right now before somebody embarrasses themselves.

EDIT: Oh, and for some of our own SSMB members, shame on you. Can I ask all the plebs who mistook my article to go and re-read the news piece now to save some silliness. This is half the reason other websites are selfishly bitching at each other (and attacking me by default) as it is. Like I have enough on my plate as it is without some deranged fanboy yelling in my left earhole.

Whatever happened to just having fun?

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TSS Gets A Kick Up The Arse / Sonic Adventures

You may have noticed the main site going wibbly wobbly the last few days. Well, here’s a bit of history: B’man and I are working on a new TSS that’s all fancy and has jazz hands and everything round the back here. Problem is, knowing how I am, this is going to take an age. I was kind of hoping that if I focused on just that new dynamic site, we’ll have it done quicker and then TSS updates could be worked on upon its launch. Well, it’s not likely to be finished any time soon due to many reasons, so I’ve currently turned to working my nuts off on the site as it is to make sure it’s up to date and such. That includes bringing in the new design into the current TSS system, which you can see the initial results of on any TSS page. You may have noticed I’ve bunched everything non-Game into a new section called ‘Info Zone’. It’s just easier that way. And I’ve revived the Downloads section. Enjoy.

Speaking of Downloads, look at the DefChamba. Go on. Take a peek. I’m finally getting round to finishing off the missing music. The cool thing is, I’ve re-tagged and filenamed all of these PROPERLY – DefChamba is just about the only place you’ll get Sonic music tagged with the real artist and named in a fashion that makes sense. So dive in guys. Still a way to go, but everything in the Music & Soundtracks archive are the real deal. I’m re-tagging and uploading new stuff all the time.

I’ve finally gotten round to reviewing Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity. But before you go wondering what ‘definitive score’ I’ve given the game, I should let you know that I haven’t. I have brought in a new structure for reviewing Sonic games and scores no longer exist. Read it here and let me know your impressions of me reviewing in this way – I certainly feel all the more better for doing it this way, especially since walls of text put me off, and scores can change with age. If you like me reviewing in this way, I may use it for other purposes…

In other news, the SEGA Superstars Tennis website has been updated with character profiles. Back in February when I was doing some work for SEGA, that work involved writing a story for the game, as well as character profiles for everyone in the game. SEGA decided not to use the story in the end (I thought it was awesome – one day I may indulge you all in it) and the Sonic character profiles have been altered to their generic Sonic Channel ones instead, but all the other character descriptions (including the names of the special moves and descriptions) were written by yours truly. I quite like Bamboleo De Maracas. Took me a while to think of that one.

Finally, I want to update everyone on an upcoming addition to the TSS Network – we’re getting our own Sonic the Hedgehog comic. It’s by no means a rush job either – the guys behind it are very talented (some have dabbled in the STC Online comic) and the project was meant to launch some months ago, but it’s been delayed. It’s looking like soon may be the time you get to read the first edition of ‘Sonic Adventures’ as my man ‘Crystal’ has just informed me it’ll be launched this Spring. Check the Sonic News article for details.

There’s still a way to go with the site re-jig, what with all the content and info that’s passed me by for the last year or so. Along with some skin things to sort out (sorry, character skins are going to be away for a while on the main site guys). So bear with me. You can track latest game additions on the sidebar on any TSS page – I wouldn’t really trust the ‘Updates’ grid on the home page anymore. Speaking of which, the homepage is also due for a bit of a makeover, so look out for that too.

OK, I’m done talking, enjoy. Oh, and vote for Psykore. 🙂

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Dark Brotherhood Nameage!

The polls to name the mysterious race of bad guy aliens in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood are now open, so get down there and cast your vote! Read T-Bird’s Sonic News story on the event by clicking here. Here’s the kicker – some of the Sonic fan community were indeed given the chance to submit names for this race, including T-Bird/Echo Hawk (representing Sonic Wrecks) and myself and Roareye Black (representing TSS’ name submission). T-Bird and Echo suggested ‘The Gravitus‘, but I really liked another name that wasn’t used in the poll – The Anomalix. As for TSS’ name, we chose ‘The Psykore‘. P-K to da massive. Or something.

Other Sonic communities from France and Germany were involved in submitting names, and they’re… hm, well… er, that’s all we better say about that side of things really. I think BioWare went with ‘The Dusk’, but if you want my opinion, it doesn’t sound right. Especially when you look at the fully revealed creature, the Dusk just lacks punch.

But that’s my opinion and now it’s time for yours, so head to the Sonic City poll now and vote for your favourite name out of the list of possibles. This is about your own personal preference, so don’t go voting for ours just because you feel you want/have to. If our names are crap, then don’t vote them. Simple as. Although I thought Psykore was pretty cool…

You won’t break my heart really. ;P Go forth and vote! The link is in T-Bird’s Sonic News post, so use the link I just posted to get there.

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Working Weekend

Hey guys, because of all the changes we’re doing (and the work that comes with) there won’t be a Sonic Hour tonight on SEGASonic Radio. Plus, my toes are hurting; I’ve just been in an operation to have the toenails chopped off (yum, don’t read this while eating your dinner kids!) so am recovering for the next couple of weeks. It has its perks – putting my feet up and playing games isn’t that much of a raw deal in exchange. Especially as there are plenty in my collection I’ve not gotten round to completing yet.

T-TIME will be filling in on SSR though, so don’t tune out. 🙂

The changes seem to be going over quite well – there’s still some time for us to do some little tweaks to make things easier for everyone, and to help communicate the new rules in the Sonic forum better – we’ve seen a few posts that still involve people arguing about how their vision of a Sonic game is right and blah blah blah – they have been deleted on sight. If your post was a casualty (i.e. it’s not there anymore) then please do better next time kthx. Hopefully everyone will get the point soon.

And because the new Sonic forum rules kinda killed discussion of this, I’m-a put it here for some light-hearted weekend fun. A friend of mine Sam who has a website called Hoopla Net has written an article on the ‘most pointless Sonic games’. Now, most of the games here are in actual fact rubbish, so they miss the point there. But the article also features games that aren’t rubbish, but actually have just simply missed the point of Sonic. It’s a good list, personally there was an omission in Sonic Jam on the that I’d like to see burned from my memory, but that’s just me.

Read it here. Any Sonic games you feel have missed the point (not necessarily crap)?

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There are times when a person can feel isolated from the Sonic community. ‘Grow out of it’, if you will. But when that person becomes someone who’s been running a large-scale Sonic site for nearly eight years now, it starts to get worrying somewhat. I look at the SSMB and feel completely separate from it – like the people in there posting are guys I really can’t associate with (or care to).

We’ve been here before, yes. A few years ago. But this is different. That was anger. This is near despair, somewhat. Call it over-dramatic, but I feel like I have out-grown my own community’s target audience. My duties when it comes to SSMB is simply to keep a tight ship, but because of my feelings about how things are going with certain topics, personalities and atmospheres, there are only two ways to go. Get some extra planks and nails or abandon ship.

This is the planks and nails option. And this is far from your usual forum reshuffle, this is big news. There are forums that are so far beyond the point of no return that we have to literally take them back ourselves and keep them on a tight leash. There are people that are so self-righteous it is almost childish; people who’ll believe any old rumour on Youtube; people that just won’t stop talking about tired and staid subjects.

Essentially, I have had to take a look at my own forum and ask myself “What do I want from the SSMB?”. It’s nice that we have loads of forums to accommodate what the members here want – a personal chat forum, role playing, video games – but none of it means squat if we as staff don’t have the drive to look after them and make them a better place for you guys. In my eyes, the SSMB has become a jack of all trades, master of none.

In asking myself the question, I thought about what the focus of the SSMB should be and what it has become. It should be a thriving, mature place to chat about Sonic – a place to have a laugh while doing so and not rag on anyone for disliking (or liking) a particular game or comic or whatever. Respecting one another’s opinions, chatting about what you love about Sonic, learning more about the games and merchandise and other things from others in a common ground.

SSMB has not become this. It has been a forum that has focused on everything outside of Sonic discussion, and then some. People who believe they are right in their opinions on certain aspects of Sonic games (i.e. whether they’re good or crap). Rumour spreading (and not even believable ones either). Speculation topics that almost always end up involving unbelievable garbage and waffle that sound more Concept: Fanfiction than Concept: Mobius. The constant discussion of whether Sonic is going downhill, or whether he’s going back to his roots, or whether he’ll make another ad deal with Coca Cola for over nine thousaaaaaand dollar. Watch this space kids, watch this space.

Then of course you have the additional forums, which although have inspired some good discussion, have not altogether demonstrated why they deserve their own specific forum in the first place. And others which were good ideas in theory but staff no longer have the resources or time to maintain.

You could call this the dawn of a new era for the SSMB. We feel that we have outgrown the kind of topics and discussion that I have mentioned in the last couple of paragraphs. We want to encourage fun, enjoyable discussion for all – but for a different mindset, and thusly a different audience. Bizarrely enough, that particular audience is sitting right under my nose and I’ve only just realised.

I’d hate to be using examples at a time like this, and this is in no way a personal attack on anybody; simply something that allows me to illustrate what I’m saying. This topic, and the negativity within it, is the kind of stuff I am pretty tired of. Not necessarily the ‘opinions against SEGA’ thing – regardless of our ties with SoE we’d like to think we’re independent enough to tell them where to stick it when something bad happens. But simply the overreaction and instant negativity over something trivial. We’ve seen it before with the anti-Jason Griffith arguments here too – who really honestly gives a shit?

If you put your hand up just now, to quote Die Hard 4, “That’s what makes you that guy”.

To use a counter-example, this topic – excepting my opening post by all means – is exactly the kind of stuff I’m looking for. People like these, to put it bluntly, are people I really want to be seeing populating my community and the fact many of them regulate themselves to the announcements forum only is something that is truly saddening.

I feel that fewer forums, more concentrated on the subjects that best befit the SSMB, along with heavily overseeing the kinds of topics and posts people write, will help make this place the fun, interesting and close-knit forum it started out as, and I hope it to evolve into.

Many people will not like these changes. Many will object. That is fine, that is your prerogative, being a member here for so long (or not long at all, depending on your situation). But these will pretty much not be altered and will go ahead as planned. So if you feel that these changes will result in your leaving, then sorry to see you go. This topic will serve as an advance warning, because there are going to be people that will want to save certain information in topics before things get rolling. So listen up please.

I will outline the forums that are due to be removed or changed following the pending cleanup.

  • TSS Network Forums: Individual TSSNET forums are not getting traffic, and it makes no sense to keep them when a unified forum for them all can work better. In terms of the SEGASonic Radio shows, we will work on the new website so you can find out information on your favourite LiVECAST that way. Discussion on SSR and the Sonic Show outside of announcements will be allowed here, along with future TSSNET sites. Sonic Show previous episodes will be available in the unified forum.
  • Community Feedback: Originally a forum to allow open suggestions to improve the TSS website, SSMB and other places on the Network directly under my control, it hasn’t really lived up to the original hope I had for it. With TSS currently serving a total overhaul, it has made it difficult to take on board any suggestions properly, so for the time being it will be closed.
  • Member Introductions: This forum was set up years ago for one purpose – to expand on the Buddy Center idea that quickly died a death shortly after. This will be missed by many because of the opportunity to say hello to new friends, but the forum feels far too separate from the rest of the SSMB – in that posting in there is not like posting in the ‘actual’ forums and getting right in on the action. There will be an Introductions topic in the new ‘General Discussion’ forum however, so newbies can still say hello to you hairy lot. It makes more sense too as you’re making your first post right in a primary forum. A specific forum for Introductions has run its course.
  • Personal Chat: Personal Chat was made to help members connect in such a huge Message Board, by expanding on the General Discussion idea to talk about personal likes, dislikes and such things. Instead it turned into a ‘Dear Deidre’ forum full of topics that, arguably, belong better on Livejournals.
  • Debates Centre: Although some of these topics were quite engaging, there’s nothing to support a separate forum for it when topics of that calibre can simply be made in the ‘General Discussion’ forum.
  • Sonic Game Forums, Game Archive: This was a trial that ended up cluttering the SSMB. Game specific forums will remain for upcoming projects, but will be removed shortly after the game’s release, with the best topics being moved to the main Sonic forum.
  • Miscellaneous Sonic: The vast universes of Sonic can be discussed in one unified forum. Whether that forum be more heavily game-related is entirely up to those that post within it. We have seen awesome topics from people like T-Bird regarding OST’s and other merchandise – to have it on the same level as healthy game discussion would make the perfect haven for members.
  • ROM Hacking: With the awesome Tweaker gone from the SSMB Staff, this forum has unfortunately become defunct by default. We at TSS or SSMB do not have the expertise to maintain this forum, so it doesn’t make sense to pretend to. As Hacking is not the primary focus of the SSMB/TSS anyway, it will be removed. Sonic Retro has many articles and forums regarding ROM Hacking which would be a much more suitable home for the serious and honest Hacker.
  • Role Playing, Light RP’s, Character Profiles, RP Discussion: I personally have no interest in maintaining this one, sorry guys. No point making up a phoney excuse and sounding like a cop-out. It just doesn’t suit TSS/SSMB’s style, it’s always been the kind of black sheep amongst forums for a while. HOWEVER! Don’t despair. Roareye Black will be ‘adopting’ Role Play topics within the Sonic Showcase Network – he specifically asked to look after them, so I handed them to him, so thank Roareye for keeping the dream alive. There will be stricter guidelines on how to create them and whatnot though, so look out for more details from Roareye soon (maybe in this topic or in a separate one, who knows).
  • SoniClans: It’s time we put this puppy to rest. There’s nothing we can do for SoniClans anymore to keep it going, even to humour it. The Clans was an idea from an SSMB staffer that was put to trial by myself – since then staff have left and the focus of the project was ultimately lost forever. Maintaining it further is just an exercise in the staff deluding the members here. Most things that were promised or flaunted in the Clans – badges, events, that sort of thing – are planned and can be done on a much wider scale on the SSMB as a whole anyway.

The Sonic the Hedgehog (one unified forum) and Video Games forums will see a MAJOR overhaul in what kind of topics and posts we allow. I will personally be overlooking many if not all posts in the Sonic forum and picking/deleting/locking posts that I feel aren’t appropriate, or outside the reach of this forum. The VG forum will get the same treatment – gamertag/friend code stickies will be removed and members will need to place their codes in their signature or profiles from now on, and we are currently discussing how to make the forum a non-Nintendo rabid fanboy Zone. We’ll keep you posted on that.

Finally, the manner in which staff will be treating posts and rules and such will take a dramatic change. We will be re-enforcing the Three Strikes system, re-writing the rules and modifying our own conduct so that the SSMB is a more natural, friendly place to be.

I hope you all can see where I’m coming from here, and I hope these changes will usher in a new era for TSS/SSMB – a place for the well-informed, mature Sonic fan. If your behaviour matches any of the ‘no-go’s’ I’ve mentioned earlier though, I hope you will straighten yourself up soon if you want to still be a part of our forums. The changes will happen over the next week or two – Role Players will have roughly three or four weeks to save and backup all of their work before we delete them in favour of the SSN’s Textual Showcase forum.

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Name A Sonic Chronicles Race! Excitement!

So I’ve just spent the last few days working at SEGA Europe. It was fun. Can’t tell you all what for now, because otherwise I’d never hear the end of it (plus I did sign some stuff) so I’ll just say I went there and it was good. We also got Sonic Riders Zero Gravity in the house, so you’ll be seeing a review of that real soon (like, Friday) along with loads of crap I have on some asset disc I was given.

In other news, SEGA Superstars Tennis’ new site was launched the other day. I saw it the other night, it’s a really sweet looking website. Apparently people are excited about the fact that there’s a “Story” involved… er, I can say that yes, there is a ‘sort of’ story to the game. You won’t likely see it in the game, it’s just a premise that ties everything together. At least, I think it works pretty well so far. Don’t quote me on that though.

Finally, AAUK’s let us all name an alien race in Sonic Chronicles: Dark Brotherhood. BioWare have given SEGA Europe an important race of creatures that will feature prominently in the DS RPG. There’ll be a poll of names coming soon, and the winning name chosen by the community will be ‘the one’. The polls open on March 3rd, so we’ll have some more news for you when that time comes.

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SoS! SoS! SoS!

Hey guys, I know I’ve not been about a bit, have been scurrying things about like a squirrel for the site. Or something. Went to a pretty cool Mario & Sonic DS community event yesterday at the Wii Flat with some other Sonical chaps – although because it’s out on Friday and we weren’t given a review copy we ain’t reviewin’ it. So let us know what you think of it in the M&S Subforum in the games area of the SSMB!

Anyway, I’ve come to let you know that I’m planning something. Something rather big. You see, back in 2006, I headed up a side project called The Summer of Sonic, which was a successful collaboration of all the top Sonic fansites to celebrate Sonic’s 15th Anniversary. Despite rantings from now-dead forums claiming the idea would suck (yes FlashTHD, there is a reason the Sonic community is so separated, and that reason would be people like you), sites as diverse as TSS, Sonic Wrecks, Sonic CulT and even SEGA got involved in the festivities. Continue reading SoS! SoS! SoS!

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It looks like you’re finally getting the hint. Now make a Sonic game that feels like this please.

Sincerely yours,
Sonic Fans Around The World.

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Free Sex!

Made you look. Now, a while ago Roareye Black and I participated in the Wrecks Factor singing contest. You probably thought that was over by now, but oh no. You still get a chance to vote for your favourite. Hint: It’s either mine or Rory’s. Well, not even Rory’s really. 😉 As a special gift to you, my friends, I give you the lyrics to Jingle All The Way: Continue reading Free Sex!

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The Moogle Cavern, An Honourable Salute

I would like to have everyone’s attention for a few moments, to pay tribute to a fansite that I have held in high regard ever since I joined the Sonic Online Community in 1999. People tend to ask me whether I had any inspirations when I made TSS, or what gave me the drive to start something like this website? First I tell them not to stalk me like I’m a celebrity, because that’s not where I’m at. I’ll sign breasts though. Secondly, I always have the same answer; a little website that I joined in ’99 called The Moogle Cavern.

The MC, like The Sonic Foundation before it, was the major inspiration for me to carry off my own Sonic site, but the Moogle Cavern has the sole distinction of being the website that truly rekindled my fandom of Sonic – a feeling I have always wanted to create in people who stumble to TSS – and made me take my first steps in the Internet Community.

At the time I didn’t know what I was doing with myself. I had literally burst onto the scene after realising that there were people who were fans of Sonic just like me, on this great thing called the Internet. What blew my mind was that on my school computers I could see all these pieces of art, and discussion and music from the Sonic series. The Moogle Cavern had quite a bit of content back in those days, serving Final Fantasy as well as Sonic and few other factions of cult gaming. It was the Sonic hoaxes I always went back to though – the concept of emulation was alien to me, and it was hilarious seeing edits of screenshots being submitted by like-minded folk all around the world. I think I was the only one in my school group who really understood what was going on – my friends all thought they were meant to be real screens of Sonic 3&K with Eggman in a tutu. Nice.

Soon enough, I visited the forums and became a regular at the Moogle MB. Yes, Dreadknux was a resident of somewhere other than the SSMB, you can stop looking so shocked. I made friends with the coolest bunch of people there – Kulock, who was such an approachable admin (something I aspired to be when I created my own forums a year or so later), H Hog, Andrusi, Joshu (who’s still around here somewhere, eating the dirty peanuts in the corner of the TSS IRC Chatroom like the monkey that he is! >:O Do some work!), Gold Sonic and more. I’ll never forget the fun times I had there, especially the nutty RP’s we used to do.

Unfortunately, as SSMB got off the ground my focus was needed elsewhere and so I said a farewell to my chums. I always tried to return properly, and did so every now and then, but it was all so short-lived due to work, uni and the ballooning of TSS amongst a few things. In fact, from what I hear (I’ve actually been away the last few days) there were some nostalgic moments upon the final few days of the Cavern being active. Had I known about such an unfortunate turn of events for the website, I’d have been at the forums like a shot to say one last goodbye to everyone. Alas, I never turned up, and it really bums me out to not give a website that has inspired me so much a great goodbye, so I’m doing it right here.

The Moogle Cavern, despite its run-ins with other sites and all the other drama surrounding it over the years, has always been one of the main talking points of the Sonic Community. During its peak it was a healthy website with a booming community, over time the website became lost but the community really grew to be one of the go-to places for Sonic discussion. I wish all the old members of the MC, and Kulock, all the best. The Moogle Cavern and the Moogle MB means an awful lot to me, but in its closing I think we should be thinking about its relevance in the entire Sonic Community and how much it has done for all aspiring webmasters and Sonic fans that walked through it’s virtual doors.

Here’s to the Moogle Cavern, 1997-2008. Another Golden Oldie respectfully closes. Kulock, it’s been an awesome run, dude.

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