E3: 23 New Unleashed Screens

Take a gander at all these new screenshots of Sonic Unleashed. High quality and everything. Some are from stages you’ve seen before, some are from the new China level, and some are HQ snaps of the Werewolf action. If nothing else it’s looking both interesting and tasty. Not an awful lot to report on these snaps otherwise besides the massive reach Were-Sonic appears to have to beat down foes, and some rather nice enemy design during the Sonic segments. Like the rather cool looking robot in the image below, which looks like something out of Knuckles’ Chaotix. If they’re called Badniks as well, that would be win. SEGA, make it happen.

Hit the jump for the full gallery. Continue reading E3: 23 New Unleashed Screens

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E3: See the Were-Hog in Action!

While everyone else was getting bored watching Nintendo’s boring E3 conference, SEGA have stepped up and released a bunch of their content for upcoming Sonic games, including at last revealing how the Werewolf gameplay will be like. The trailer also shows some new elements to Sonic play, including advancing to upper regions of a stage by successful button presses and a new stage known as ‘China’, complete with looping dragon platforms. The track you’re hearing is called “Endless Possibility”, a theme song involving Jaret Reddick from Bowling for Soup. Ugh.

What is also quite jarring is the gameplay featuring the Werewolf itself, and it’s clear why SEGA kept it all a secret until just now. Quite a world apart from the speedy multiple-route gameplay we’ve all known so far, becoming Were-Sonic involves a slower, more powerful method of play. Imagine going as slow as Silver while beating hordes of enemies ala Shadow. This is pretty much the Werewolf gameplay summed up. Oh, and you have to pick up objects and put them in places to open doors too. Erm… hm.

We’re not sure we like it. We demand a playtest, SEGA. We also demand a high-res video, as we can’t see anything with this one. Stay tuned for the HQ version which we’ll put online soon.

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Sonic Wii Screens Unleashed

GoNintendo has released two scans of the Wii version of Sonic Unleashed.  The screens are compared side-by-side to the Xbox 360 version of the game and while the graphics of the 360 version is obviously better looking, the Wii version does not seem that far behind.  However, the levels in Wii version are considerably…browner.  I have no idea as to why there is so much brown, while the 360 version pops with vibrant colors.  Check the link below to see for yourself.

Sonic Unleashed Wii Screens at GoNintendo

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