Fans Attempt Sonic Gaming Marathon

Gaming marathons are all the rage these days – it’s a noble cause, after all, and quite simple to set up. Get a webcam, a donate button, play games, earn money, send money to charity. To my knowledge there hasn’t been a Sonic the Hedgehog marathon set up (we’ve had Mario and the like so far, by different gaming groups), but a small gang called Ocean City Trinity are giving the blue blur a run for his money for the EduCare Foundation. The games will be the main console titles and range from Sonic the Hedgehog to the newly released (in America) Sonic Unleashed, and if you want to watch the fun unfold, it all kicks off on Saturday 22nd November. Head to their website for more details. Good luck guys!

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Fan Spotlight: Double Edition

Usually Slingerland’s the main man for these community spotlights, but I came across a few cool pieces of fan art myself and thought I’d share them with you, gentle TSS reader. The two pictures we have also represent the best of both worlds – pen and colour pencil work, and computer enhanced colouring. Firstly, HAT-S-I-RO‘s ‘Bubble Shield’ picture, which is rather cute and shows the main trio making alternative uses of the item. Ah, semantics. Knuckles is enjoying his newfound Bubble Gum power-up, while Sonic looks less impressed in a roll of Bubble Wrap. Not sure what Tails is doing with the Bubble Bath. Great work there HAT-S-I-RO!

The second art piece we have today is from SpindashStudios, and is called ‘Race to the Eclipse Cannon’. It’s a great, dynamic shot of Sonic and Shadow rushing towards the superweapon based on the ARK, just before they face off for the final time in Sonic Adventure 2. It captures that sense of speed and atmosphere really well, and I love the attention to detail in the Final Rush/Chase surroundings.

Two awesome pieces of work there from the community! If you have a friend who’s artwork is rather outstanding, give me or Slingerland a buzz and we’ll take a peek at it. Your friend’s work may very well feature on our front page!

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Sonic Nexus music contest puts $20 up for grabs

Hunter Bridges, the composer of the Sonic Nexus fan project, is offering $20 worth of digital download points and a free copy of the completed Nexus OST in a contest where users create faithful, MIDI arrangements of the game’s music.  All the contest asks people to do is to create MIDIs of the zone themes (not the Retro Remix tracks) and submit them to Hunter by January 7th, 2009. All the tracks have been put in the on-site music player.  This contest is the second of a series of contests to hit the Sonic scene.  Take advantage while you can!

For full information about the contest, visit the contest page.

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Play Sonic 3D Blast Flicky-Free

Sik, over at Sonic Retro, has completed his hack of Sonic 3D Blast that removes the Flickies from the game, leaving you to run around and play the game as if it were a true, isometric version of a Sonic game (where the goal is to simply make it to the end without dying). I must say that I enjoy 3D Blast one-hundred times more than I did (I didn’t really like it, so that’s a huge improvement). Who knew that taking out the entire crux of a game could make it more entertaining?

In this hack, Flickies will still appear, but you will no longer be able to collect them.  The big rings will always let you proceed to the next area and any areas (like the tube in Panic Puppet) that prohibit your advance due to your Flicky count will allow you to go anyway.

With all this fun to be had, however, it must be said that now that the lost, core mechanic of the gameplay makes the game much easier. It was designed around Flicky collection and now you can just blow through every stage without a need to explore every corner of the isometric worlds.  Still, I hate Flicky collection, so it does not bother me that much. I have never been arsed to play this game all the way through, so here’s to Sik for making a mediocre game interesting.

Head on over to Sonic Retro to download the hack!

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Australian McDonald’s Are Too Slow

With Sonic Unleashed just round the corner, it’s more than enough time to start promoting the blue blur with just about anything and everything you can create, right? Well, McDonald restaurants in Australia are being a bit more… economical with their promotion of Sonic the Hedgehog, by offering Sonic X Happy Meal toys. The same ones we saw in Britain about a year or so ago. Still, a collectible is a collectible, and according to our Antipodean tipster this is the first time the Launcher toy series has been seen in the land of Oz.

So if you’re Australian and want to get fat, roll yourselves down to your nearest Maccy’s and catch ’em all! Or, if you’d rather not indulge in their food, see if you can buy the toys separately. I know some places will let you have the toys for a dollar or something.

Thanks for the tip, BlitzChris!

UPDATE: We’re being told by Aussie members of the SSMB that these toys have been around before, something like six months ago. So maybe McDonald’s aren’t as slow as we thought, but it was strange to hear that they had brought them back again in that case. As of today (18th November) it doesn’t look like Sonic is part of the Happy Meal parade anymore, according to our Australian fast-food goers. Still, there’s always eBay or something.

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Sonic fighting for his life on GameFAQ’s Poll of the Day

It’s that time of year again! GameFAQs is running another character battle, and as usual, Sonic is fighting for his life in the quater finals. This is typically as far as Sonic goes, but with your help we may be able to get him to the semi finals!

The finalists are as follows: Kirby, Dante, Sephiroth, and Sonic the Hedgehog.

At the moment, Sonic is in third place, behind Kirby and Sephiroth. A character needs to make it into first or second place in order to move on to the semi finals. If you all vote for him, maybe he can make it. Vote for it here.

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Sonic fan creates Sonic Unleashed YouTube Channel

Someone in YouTube land is really looking forward to Sonic Unleashed, so much they have created a YouTube channel dedicated to Sonic Unleashed. The channel is called ‘sonicunleashedinfo’ and currently has 134 video’s all containing Sonic Unleashed news, info, gameplay video’s, images, trailers, music and magazine scans. The owner of the channel even lists their interestes and hobbies as just Sonic Unleashed.

If this isn’t dedication then I’ll eat my Knuckles plushie *shot by Gabz Girl*

You can check out the channel here.

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Fan Spotlight: GregTheCat’s Malicious Fingers

Word.  Fan Spotlight is showcasing some marker and color pencil work today with some artwork from GregTheCatofGordawn.  In this work of art, Greg depicts one of the final boss battles of Sonic (3) & Knuckles.  What I like about this work the most is Sonic’s facial expression, because it’s absolutely ridiculous.  “WHOAMG LAZOR:”

Click the image for a larger view.

Check out Greg’s DeviantArt profile for more cool stuff.

As always, you can send me you or a friend’s art via SSMB private message.  Who knows?  You might be featured on this here front page!

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Win $20 worth of PSN/XB/Wii Points at SFGHQ

Sonic Fan Games HQ is having its third annual “Sonic Minigame Contest” and is offering a sweet grand prize this time around.  The winner of this year’s contest can choose from either $20 at the PlayStation Network, 1600 Microsoft Points, or 2000 Wii *ahem* I mean…Nintendo Points.  Check out these rules, straight from the source:

  1. Contestant submits one Sonic themed minigame for the contest.
  2. Minigame is defined by a shorter game with simple mechanics, typically inserted into a game to add brief bits of variety.
  3. Sonic examples include snowboarding, the star post bonus stages from Sonic 3&K, or ANY special stage.
  4. Entry may be made using any format as long as it runs on my (or a Judge’s) PC without having to buy anything.
  5. 3 Judges picked from all over the Sonic community.
  6. Open to anyone, but an SFGHQ forum account would be nice.
  7. Prize will be one of the following based on the winner’s choice: $20.00 PSN Card OR 1600 Microsoft Points OR 2000 Wii Points. If winner is unable to use any prize, sorry. If less than 5 entries, the prize will be substituted for something else.
  8. Due to Gmail’s file restrictions, entries will be submitted by yousendit. Optionally AIM file transfer may be used, or just e-mail with a URL. e-mail is ilascottATgmailDOTcom.
  9. Entries due by Noon, December 1, 2008.

That’s right, guys!  Any format!  That means it can be made in flash, Games Factory, Multimedia Fusion, Game Maker, C, anything!  Hop to it, because the contest ends in a month!

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Unleashed: Night of the Living Werehog

To get you into the spirit of things, SEGA have made this awesome Hallowe’en trailer for Sonic Unleashed. But it’s not a trailer for the game. Nope, it’s a trailer for a special animated film that SEGA are producing, to tie in with the game. So it’s Sonic the Hedgehog’s “Thriller” then.

It’s done in a classic horror movie style, and features Sonic and new character Chip heading into a haunted house, with the blue blur unable to contain his dark secret when the full moon comes out… Almost reminded me of the intro to Luigi’s Mansion until Were-Sonic started beating the snot out of some Looney Tunes-esque bull.

Give it a watch, it’s ghoulishly good. Ahem. The full animated short will be available in November.

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Create Your Own Sonic Halloween Pumpkins

Hey you. Excited about Halloween? Good. Got a pumpkin? Good. Want to make a Sonic pumpkin? You’re in luck my friend, as The Sonic Stadium has a set of pumpkin stensils that you can use to make your favourite character glow viciously in the twilight. These designs were submitted by Rally the Cheetah, who created all but the Amy pumpkin (which was created by ‘The Lioness’), but feel free to print any of these onto an A4 sheet of paper and go nuts.

You’ve got a choice of Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow, Silver and Blaze. Click here for the stencils, along with a special tutorial made by Rally in case you’re unsure as to how to create your own Sonic Pumpkin.

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‘Sonic Proof’: Prototype? Fact? Fiction?

Despite no efforts to the contrary, we are still able to obtain access to Sonic Retro, including their forum. It was there that a photo was discovered that featured a disc titled ‘Sonic Proof’. To put it into some context, this disc was apparently found in a room at Sega’s Headquarters which contains almost all of their work, including Dreamcast, Saturn and Mega Drive titles. The photo above shows (an obvious CD-R based) Sonic Proof wedged between some retail games.

But what does it all mean? Is it the working title for an old Sonic the Hedgehog engine? Is it a concept of another unreleased Sonic title altogether? Is it something unrelated to Sonic and even Sega (the ‘Sega room’ contained games from other publishers on PS2 as well)? Is it a massive hoax or a plant (although given the original photo is pretty legit, it might not be the case)? Who the heck knows? Not many at the moment, with speculation at a dead end pretty much.

We’re slapping this up as a rumour for now; Sonic Retro are pretty cool with getting information on old stuff, but until it’s verified it could well be a wild goose chase.

“Sonic Proof”? – Sonic Retro Message Board

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Fan Spotlight: Sonic the Asshole

I was attracted by the title alone, but I was even more pleased after I clicked it.  This flash short by DeviantArt user, coycoy, features Sonic…being an asshole…to Shadow.  SIGN ME UP.  Click the image below to go the movie, broskis.

The visuals are great and the animation is pretty rad, especially considering that this video is coycoy’s first Sonic related flash video.  I thought the premise was simple and entertaining, something that I am rather fond of.  I don’t like a movie when something, either the premise or the joke, drags out too long.  After chuckling at Shadow getting owned, I looked in the description to find this:

sonic and shadow belong to Sega yo.

Best copyright listing ever yo.

Would you or a friend like to be featured here at The Sonic Stadium?  Send a PM to Slingerland on the SSMB!

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Sonic Chronicles: Behind the Scenes 3 Video

Sega have updated the official Sonic Chronicles website’s and added Behind the scenes 3 to the U.S. and European sites and also added TV Commercial to the U.S. site. In Behind the scenes 3 the Bioware explain in-game teamwork and how it affects battles and tasks in the field that you can only overcome with certain party members. Bioware also talk about Sonic fans, how passionate they are and all the e-mails sent their way. Also in the video you can see what look’s like some new artwork on Bioware’s computers.

You can check out the video on the official Sonic Chronicles site –

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Critic Metareview: Sonic Chronicles



  • IGN (6.5/10) lets everybody continue the Sonic community’s on-going trend of bias (ridiculous, by the way) against Sonic with their latest Sonic review.  “Sonic Chronicles isn’t a bad game overall, but it does suffer from a list of things that keep it from being a title we can recommend to just anyone. The character balancing is strong, the game is simply beautiful, and there’s more effort put into the front end and general flow of the game than most DS titles out there. On the gameplay front though, players will need to suffer through tedious point-to-point fetch quests with very little story to push the experience, and a battle system that gets too repetitive far too fast.”
  • (6.5/10) goes against their initial perception of the title by labeling Sonic Chronicles a completely average RPG: “If [Sonic Chronicles] wasn’t for the fact that it had Sonic characters in it, it wouldn’t stand out at all [against other RPGs]. The combat system is interesting but flawed, the gameplay is slow and rather tedious and the plot is as cookie-cutter as they come. There is very little attempt made to make the game feel anything like a Sonic title, and if it weren’t for the occasional loop, you could easily replace Sonic and friends with original characters without losing anything but name recognition.”
  • (8.0/10) makes note that Chronicles is not the greatest RPG out there, but is still a title worth your time and cash: “If you’re not a Sonic fan and instead are simply looking for a quality RPG, there’s better on the DS, but Chronicles still comes highly recommended. If you’re a Sonic fan Chronicles really is an essential purchase. It’s one of the best Sonic games we’ve played in ages (given the quality of some Sonic games in recent years this doesn’t come as a surprise) and, despite it not being as in-depth an RPG as we’d hoped, it’s really a lot of fun while it lasts.”

For complete critic coverage, check out the Sonic Chronicles page at

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Fan Spotlight: Sega vs. Capcom

A Sonic community member, Sonicsuperstar1, has taken the rumor of a DS fighting game, featuring SEGA and Capcom characters duking it out, and turned it into some cool fan art.  Check it, son:

Well, that is just nifty.  Hopefully, the rumor is true and this picture becomes an official reality.  Check out more of Sonicsuperstar1’s artwork at his DA page.

Would you or someone you know like to be featured on TSS’ Fan Spotlight?  Contact Slingerland on the SSMB and link him up!

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Sonic Unleashed TGS Footage, Positive Impressions

Like many on The Sonic Stadium, I have been fairly pessimistic regarding Sonic Unleashed. With severe frame rate problems being reported from several sources, as well as “boring looking” Werehog levels, it seemed like Unleashed may be more of the same. What’s more, due to bad magazine scans, the Wii version appeared to be a shoddy port.

The more I see of the game, however, the more it begins to win me over. Are the first, incredible looking videos from the Wii version enough to win you over? Is the latest preview good enough to get your hopes up? Decide for yourself. Here’s the first video. Two more videos and a preview after the break:

Continue reading Sonic Unleashed TGS Footage, Positive Impressions

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The One-Sided Talk Show Returns With A Vengeance


Tristan Oliver, you’re on notice.

Not only will I be taking calls to get opinions on the new game, Sonic Chronicles, but I have a personal axe to grind. Since TSSZ News finds it appropriate to make clean laundry dirty and then show it to the rest of the Sonic community, I’ll happily play along. Since TSSZ News finds that making controversial stories is the best way to get page views, I’ll gladly play that game, too.  The mud-slinging continues, because as of right now, I am extending an invitation to Tristan Oliver to be on the show to lose in a debate that he never even had a chance winning. Tristan, if you are reading this post (which I know you are), give me an answer in a PM box anywhere that you so choose, be it SSMB, SFGHQ, or whatever. Get Skype, a microphone, and some bandages ready once you accept this invitation, which in turn, is accepting your inevitable defeat.

The One-Sided Talk Show has had its share of heated debates, but this one looks to be the most personal of them all.  Fair warning, Tristan: when you mess with the best, you go down like the rest.

UPDATE: Sorry, 3 PM EST.  Typo, there.  Sorry for the confusion, guys.

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Bioware Poll: Favourite playable character in Chronicles

Bioware have put out a new poll on their front page regarding Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. Bioware would like to know:

In Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, who is your favorite[sic] playable character?

  • Sonic
  • Knuckles
  • Amy
  • Tails
  • Rouge
  • Big the Cat
  • Other, read my comments

Could this be for feedback for the next game since we know it’s already being developed and it’s story being written. Could the least voted character be canned and well voted characters be given more game/story time? We’ll have to wait and see what comes from it. Currently Sonic’s winning with over a 3rd of votes, Knuckles in 2nd and Tails in 3rd.

You can place your vote here and discuss the poll over at the SSMB.

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TSSZ In Hot Water Over Community ‘Non-News’

Now this is news. TSSZ has come under fire from many members of the Sonic online community for misrepresenting and not fact-checking community stories. The website, run by Tristan Oliver, was quite popular in 2004, but went on hiatus in 2005 – since its return this year, Tristan has had much criticism thrown his way for being ‘out of touch’ with his peers.

While the regular, ‘safe’ articles generally get a good reception from readers, fellow members of the Sonic community have been at loggerheads with Tristan since TSSZ’s return – a trend which all began when the website misunderstood The Sonic Stadium’s new approach in design and editorial during the initial reaction to Sonic and the Black Knight.

Perhaps the thing most public about the controversy surrounding TSSZ is the seemingly never-ending feud between Tristan and TSS’ own badass Slingerland. Feathers were ruffled when a news story was written involving Sonic Fan Games HQ (and by extension, Slingerland, in enforcing the rules there) and their irritation towards a non-English speaking member on their forum. Many wondered whether it was news-worthy at all, and the tone of the piece seemed to suggest a veiled attack on Slingerland. Tristan has denied such allegations, saying he wishes to report on the ‘good, bad and ugly’ side of the community. Continue reading TSSZ In Hot Water Over Community ‘Non-News’

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Fan Spotlight: If Sonic Actually SAW Your Fan Art…

DeviantArt user ILoveKnucklesShadow has made a pretty funny comic of Sonic and Co. all on computers, looking at horrible (aka “most”) Sonic art.  Some funny panels include things such as characters having sex and/or looking sexy or questioning how they are drawn.

If you actually draw sex scenes with Sonic characters, you should go die in a fire right now. Continue reading Fan Spotlight: If Sonic Actually SAW Your Fan Art…

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BlueTube: Sonic Beyond Art Showcase

A couple of Sonic fans have taken the time to draw artwork on their own dream Sonic the Hedgehog game. Called ‘Sonic Beyond’, it’s not really a fangame at all as it’s not even in development, but rather a showcase of concept art that details what such a game would be like. It’s rather nice to look at, and the different zones are all quite inspiring. We like the idea of characters earning abilities from side-characters, saves the whole playing-as-them deal. And we don’t know about you, but we reckon Egg Hoover is a great boss name. You can see high resolution pics of their artwork here. Well done Maximiliano (legendary name, by the way) and Leonardo Martinez.


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Super Sonic Präsentiert: The Better One Wins!

Germany tried all sorts of ways to get Sonic to turn his talent to the music industry in the 1990s. We all know about They Call Me Sonic, and the mental scars it brings. And we don’t talk about Sonic & Tails. But check this out – discovered by keen TSS’er BlitzChris, this was a compilation pop record farmed out by BMG Germany to get those crazy kids to buy Bobby Brown’s Humpin’ Around. Released in 1992, it features 17 tracks from various artists, and the only link we have is that Super Sonic Dance Attack features in the tracklist. Now you can build tenuous links between Right Said Fred and Sonic the Hedgehog before Wonderman was ever concieved.

Game OST: Super Sonic Präsentiert: The Better One Wins

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METALHOG! Meagdriver Unleash Yet More Sonic-Themed Metal!

Metal Up Your ASS

For those of us living on planet Metal, and who squealed with delight at the OC Remix Chaos Project’s renditions of tracks such as Malicious Fingers (a progressive metal cover of the Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles boss theme) and Live at the Sandopolis, there is more lead-lined tunes coming your way!

Megadriver, a Brazillian based Megadrive / Genesis tribute band (as if their name didn’t give it away) should be familliar to those on the Sonic music remix scene – a few years back they did a rather thrashy cover of the Green Hill Zone tune. There’s also a couple of nifty videos floating about on youtube of Nino, the band’s founder, and his rather awesome (and unique sounding) Megadrive Guitar! Continue reading METALHOG! Meagdriver Unleash Yet More Sonic-Themed Metal!

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Unleash the hunk/babe in you with this T-shirt

Sega have updated the official Sonic World Adventure website with news of a new themed reversible T-shirt. One side of the shirt displays Sonic the Hedgehog (White) and the other Sonic the Werehog (Black). The T-shirt comes in sizes small, medium and large and retails for 4,200 Yen. That’s a whopping £22, mind you.

You can check out the T-shirt here.

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The Countdown To Sonic City Return Begins

Splish Splash Splosh

It has already been heavily hinted at, but it has been finally confirmed: Sonic City is set to return soon!

…and from what AAUK has said, it is set to be something a bit special. For starters, it appears that Mr. Eva has been taking notes and comments from everyone on suggestions and ideas that could potentially go into the website design; not surprising considering his “Omnipresence” throughout many forums and sites. It’s not too far fetched then to expect some big changes – including an expanded games archive, and the possibility of profiles on some of the older and more obscure characters from the Sonic Universe.

The Sonic City Website is already up to go and have a gander at, however at the moment it only exists as a splash page with a quote from Sonic, and the words “FINDING THE COMPUTER ROOM“.

To quote AAUK: “Things won’t be all up at first, we’ll start (unless matters change) with some basics and a GREATLY increased games archive; seriously you have no idea just how much more information is going to be added in.”

Lets hope there’s more Fang.

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Sonic Vegemite Takes A Hiatus

It’s never cool when a fellow Sonic webmaster gets hit with the trials and tribulations that real life brings, and it looks like the latest casualty is Aussie comedy corner and hoax resource Sonic Vegemite. Before The Sonic Stadium changed radically into a blog-powered resource, I was pretty much in the same boat. Shit just wasn’t getting done, and the will and desire to update simply wasn’t there anymore.

While the problem with Matt Newman’s site isn’t so much a lack of interest on his part (although it is mentioned in a recent update post) it appears people just keep sending the guy too much stuff. “We’ve gotta be one of the only Sonic websites I know where [we close because] the webmaster simply gets too much submitted.

It must have been troublesome to keep juggling all those “What Cheeses Me Off” entries with RL concerns. Anyone who’s had to maintain an HTML-powered site and manually add contributions will feel that pain. The lack of time to update is the reason why many Sonic fansites either fizzle out or get watered down greatly once the webmaster leaves university (although I’m still here for some reason), and it’s a sad fact of life really.

So another long-standing (the site’s been open for over five years, and Matt’s been a regular in the Sonic community since my old Moogle Cavern haunt days in 1999) website and community figure steps down. However, it doesn’t look like it’ll be the last we see of the Vegemite fanatic – apparently the plan is to start updates going again and continue until the backlog is rid.

Until then, I didn’t want Sonic Vegemite to go out with a whimper, so it’s here that I wish Matt and his site all the best, and hopefully he can return so I can talk about how superior Marmite is.

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Fan Spotlight: Neodaft’s Art

What’s up?  Your community writer, Mister Sling, has something totally awesome to show you.  I like to peruse DeviantArt and look for some talented Sonic artists and I have found one today in a member named “Neodaft.  The work of art that caught my attention is straight out of Sonic and the Secret Rings:

Not gonna lie…that is pretty rad right there.  Neodaft said that he used Prismacolors, white paper, eraser, a “pilot H-165 clickable pencil” and Photoshop.  As a fan of Secret Rings, I dig it.  As a fan of Sonic art, I really dig it.  The style of the art really draws on the storybook theme of the game and the blur added in Photoshop makes Sonic’s speed convincing.

Visit neodaft’s DeviantArt page for more awesome art.  I’ll catch you guys later for another Fan Spotlight.  I really enjoy seeing how talented everybody in this community is.

Do you know of some fan created work that is totally awesome?  Submit it to the Fan Spotlight, so it can be featured here!  Send a PM to Slingerland on SSMB!

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New Sonic Chronicles “Behind the Scenes” trailer

The release of Sonic Chronicles is almost upon us, Sonic fans! BioWare has recently released a new behind the scenes mini documentary regarding the development of Sonic Chronicles. Enjoy!

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Sonic City Relaunching?

ArchangelUK is up to his old tricks again over at the Sonic City Blognik, he has posted a new entry with a question mark and a small square piece of an image. If anyone remembers, AAUK did this when he launched the European official Sonic site Sonic City last time before it went down. Could the site be re-launching again at long last or could this be something else?

Here’s an interesting message from AAUK in comment 5 of this blog entry –

Awww. I bet we’ll have to wait for another week.
AAUK Sez: Who knows how long… but the fact is it is coming and coming along fast. Assuming it is what you think it is!


Discuss and place your guesses over in the SSMB topic.

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UK FINALLY gets its Sonic Chronicles gift… from a Pokemon mag

The UK has finally gotten its official Sonic Chronicles gift, but it doesn’t come with a pre-order of Sonic Chronicles at all. Instead the gift is free with a copy of Pokemon World magazine.

I kid you not, here are some pics I’ve taken: the gift, the gift’s guts

Yep, it’s a pencil case and it looks official due to the copyright stuff on it. Looks pretty cool though if not a bit naughty (adult fans know what I mean), and I guess you can use it while you plan your strategies through the game. Still, it would have been better free with pre-orders of the game though.

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Fan Spotlight: Robotnik’s Revenge

Welcome to the Fan Spotlight, a segment that shines on creative works in the Sonic community that you should check out.

Over at Sonic Retro, member ColinC10 has made a brand new ROM hack that tests not only your time attacking skills, but your boss killing skills as well.  “Robotnik’s Revenge” is a Genesis ROM hack that pits you against every single boss from both Sonic 1 & 2.  Back to back, you are presented with these familiar challenges inside the Death Egg, a design reminiscent of the version of the Death Egg found in the “Sonic 2 Long Version” hack.  The hack is incredibly addicting, as your previous experience with these bosses leaves you coming back for more if just so happen to die.  I died a few times near the end and kept telling myself, “I know that I can beat this game!  I’ve done it a thousand times!”  Then, I kept playing.

The hack offers a time attack mode (unlimited lives) and a survival mode (with lives).  You can play with Sonic or Tails in both modes.  Please, give it a play, because it is really cool to see the Sonic 1 bosses implemented into the Sonic 2 engine.


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Get Yer Exclusive Sonic Chronicles Wallpaper Here

With the epic Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood game just around the corner, we thought we’d provide more of an opportunity to salivate over it just a little more. SEGA Europe have just sent us this wallpaper, which is exclusive to The Sonic Stadium. Download it, slap on your desktop and be proud. SEGA Nerds also has their own wallpaper, but those with a fetish for Tails and HOT WRENCH ACTION can probably make do with this one. I’ve got it on my desktop now. Those blue, alluring eyes…. looking right at me… as if I was — (Runs off to write a fanfiction)

Sonic Chronicles: Tails Wallpaper (TSS Exclusive) – 2.1MB
Right click and select ‘Save As…’

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BlueTube: Sonic 2 Ending in CG

It’s a very old video, yes we’ve seen it before, but did we have a cool regular feature to show it off with back then? No, we didn’t, and that’s why Chris Phyffer’s Sonic 2 CG Ending is in today’s edition of BlueTube. If you’ve seen it already, watch it again and remind yourself just why it’s so awesome – if you haven’t, watch it anyway because it’s… awesome. Captures a magic that hasn’t really been present in any 3D Sonic cutscene we can think of. Maybe it’s because Sonic doesn’t go into a goofy tirade about ‘smiling’ or ‘power of teamwork. Or generally because his flap doesn’t open at all. Good times.

Sonic 2 Ending – Youtube (thanks Maiku)

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Ask Bioware about Sonic Chronicles

Bioware have updated their Sonic Chronicles site with a Tips & Tricks page and an Ask our Developers page. The Tips & Tricks page gives you some helpful hints to help you through the game and how to overcome things that most RPG fans will already be familiar with. The Ask our Developers page allows you the fans to ask Bioware’s developers any questions you have about the game regarding Gameplay, Characters and Environments. Once received Bioware will review your questions and post an answer on the site.

You can e-mail your questions to .

So get to it people, we just know you want to ask if Sonic’s going to hook up with Amy or not.

You can check out Bioware’s Sonic Chronicles site here.

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Sonic 2 HD Tech Demo Released

If you did not see the desperate, red banner of attention at TSSZ already, Sonic 2 HD, the project spearheaded by members at the Sonic Retro community, have released the first, playable demo of the game. Personally, I cannot play it myself, as the game absolutely munched every last bit of my RAM (and then some), but if you manage to get it running smoothly, I heard it is a nice showcase of their physics engine and the artwork, especially the fluid animations.  I also heard that it is fun distraction at work.  Take your pick.  😉

Head on over to Sonic Retro, download the demo, and comment!

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