Destructoid Streaming Sonic Colours For Charity [ENDED]

UPDATE: Sonic Colours stream is now over./UPDATE END

Destructoid’s Jesse Cortez will be holding a 24 hour-long special video game stream for the Extra Life charity fundraiser today and during the “Speed Run Challenge” segment of the show Cortez will be streaming the Comic-Con demo of Sonic Colours (Wii version), which as you may have seen includes portions of the Tropical Resort, Sweet Mountain and Planet Wisp stages. This part of the show should be played around 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM (PST), which is 01:00am-04:00am GMT in the UK, so we advise you guys get some sleep during the day if you want to join in. All Cortez asks of you in return for this event is that you pay a donation, which will go to the UC David Children’s Hospital.

Here’s a statement about the event from Jesse Cortez himself:

Hi I’m Jesse Cortez and this year I’m raising money and awareness for my local Children’s Miracle Network hospital, UC Davis Children’s Hospital.
On October 16th, 2010 I’ll attempt to play video games for 24-hours straight, and I’ve asked you to come by in hopes that you’ll support me by giving just $1.00 per hour ($24 total).
Your donation is tax-deductible and 100% of your gift goes to help heal sick kids, here in Sacramento, CA.
This Fall, my fellow Extra Life gamers are going to make miracles happen for kids. I can’t do that without your support. My goal is to raise $5,000.00.
This is DtoidSF’s official gamer account! Let’s raise some money for charity!
Thank you for your time, support, and participation.

Source: Destructoid

Extra Life donation page

Will you be taking part? Let us know in the comments.

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“Yardley Working” Contest Extended to Oct 30

Hey folks!

Since there hasn’t been too many entries yet, I’ve decided to extend the contest to October 30th. In addition, there will be extra prizes added to each category! Now with 70% more Knuckles! Finally, with images of your prizes as well!

Category 1 will receive an art piece of Knuckles and the Guardians done by none other than Spaz himself! At least I think it’s him. He autographed it and Penders said it was, but it doesn’t quite look like his work.

category 1 prizes

Category 2 will receive an extra page of Yardley art. This one being from Archie’s own Sonic X comic!

category 2

Category 3’s secret prize is revealed to be a page of Rom Lim art (sorry XP) with Knuckles, the Chaotix, Mammoth Mogul and Enerjak! Instead of having to split the prize if you enter on your own, you keep both pages. Otherwise the author decides who gets what.

Category 3

Didn’t hear about this contest? Find out more on this page.

Remember, you now have until Oct 30th! More details, images and a video to come soon.

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Bowling for Soup to play SonicCon 2010

Some of you may be aware of the Texas based convention SonicCon which we reported on a little while ago. Well, it looks like the event set to take place in Plano next month now has a bumper roster this year, including Dr Eggman voice actor Mike Pollock and ex-Sonic voice actor Jason Griffith. Not only this, ska-punkers Bowling for Soup will be playing the event, fronted by Endless Possibility singer Jaret Reddick. Although there is no confirmation as of yet, attendees may be treated to a live version of the song.

If you’re planning on attending the event next month taking place from November 5-7, do let us know in the comments!

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The Sonic Stadium’s 10th Anniversary Month!

Did you know that The Sonic Stadium has been around for nearly ten years? TEN! It only seems like yesterday that I was hosting this humble little website on an Angelfire free 20MB account, nursing it through its toddler years. Now it means that TSS is about to enter its terrible teens – expect some tantrums, unkempt hairstyles and accusations that I ‘just don’t understand’ it.

If I was any kind of responsible parent, I would be making sure it doesn’t get led astray and not to go too wild on the celebrations. But I’m 25, and a party animal – so I want to throw the biggest, meanest party for your favourite Sonic site that there ever was. All month long.

I’ve collected snapshots of every single site design this place has been through since its inception – plus a few bonus designs that I have in the vault that have never seen the light of day. A site redesign will be hitting to bring the place bang up to date. Giveaways will be had, and memories from TSS’ early years shared. The first episode of Sonic 4 will be coming out (I’m sure SEGA arranged it to be released in time for our 10th ;)). The staff here will no doubt recall their times at the site, and there are many anecdotes I can share, let me tell you.

I want you to join in the fun with us, though! Brad has already made a call out for Autumn-related pictures and works, but if you want to create something to help us celebrate our 10th Anniversary as well, please send them in to us! Videos wishing the site a happy birthday, Sonic art, audio messages holding the site to ransom… anything is cool. Send them to thesonicstadium @ for the birthday wins. And let’s celebrate The Sonic Stadium together!

This website’s actual birthday, just for reference, is the 24th October 2000. Love Sonic? Love TSS!

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Sonic Relief Charity Fundraiser Returns In 2011

Doctor MK (or MK Skillz as some of you may know him), the founder of charity fundraiser Sonic Relief, has announced the return of the event for next year and a new twist for everyone to get involved with. Check out the announcement bellow.

One of the most pressing issues with the previous two Sonic Relief campaigns has been publicity. It’s hard to reach out to all the different corners of the fanbase and raise as much money as possible when hardly anyone knows you exist. But, with any luck, that’s all about to change this time around. Why’s that? Because, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you… the great Blue Nose campaign!
Anyone who knows about Comic Relief will know that a major source of their fundraising is through selling Red Noses which you can then wear to show your support (often with very funky designs – one year you could even give your Red Nose its own hairstyle!), and so if Sonic Relief is to live up to the charity’s legacy, it’s only fair we give a similar thing a go ourselves. If you’ve been keeping up with our retrospective, you’ll know that it was a Blue Nose that inspired the whole Sonic Relief concept in the first place.

Now, obviously it’s impractical to try and manfacture and sell the titular Blue Noses in real life… so what on earth am I rambling on about? “You’ve gone mad, MK!” I hear you cry.

Well, no I haven’t. Not yet anyway. So, what could possibly be the next best thing to having an actual Blue Nose? Slapping a Blue Nose on your online avatars and signatures, that’s what!

As modelled above by Sonic the Hedgehog himself, it’s a quick and simple procedure that will help to make your avatar look way past cool as well as doing our campaign the world of good – a little bit of promotion can go a long way!

You’ll be able to get your hands on a downloadable Blue Nose of your own very soon (prior to the start of the campaign – which, I can now reveal will run from mid-January to early April) and, unlike a Red Nose, it’ll be totally free. Why? Because the potential impact of this viral publicity stunt will be priceless to our efforts if it goes to plan and enough people take part. The Noses will come in a range of sizes to suit everyone, and if need be we’ll even stick to the Nose on your avatar for you! We’re really pulling out all of the stops for this one.

So, even if you don’t want to submit an entry or make a donation to Sonic Relief 2011, you can do us a huge favour simply by giving your online persona a small makeover! I cannot plead with you enough to take part in this if you can – such a small thing can go so far! Heck, let’s even see some Blue Nose themed entries this year! Get your nose on!

But… wait a minute… Comic Relief has a Red Nose Day to go with its Red Noses, right? So does that mean we’re going to have a…? No, we couldn’t… could we?

Blue Nose Day 2011. Watch this space.

Source: Sonic Relief Official Blog

Fre more information about Comic Relief, visit their website.

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Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in 3D


YouTube user Eyspire has uploaded a video of a project in the works involving Sonic the Hedgehog 2 zones in 3D, and judging by the video, it looks amazing, but would you believe this is being made for satire use?

This is the result of many hours of persistance during my spare time over the last fortnight. As I played through the original Sonic 2 on a genesis emulator, I snapped screenshots along the way, and recreated the levels in true 3D. using textures from the game. Imagine if the Sonic Team made something along these lines!

This is a fan-made animation. It’s part of a satire series i’m working on, this is just a segmented portion.

Great work Eyspire! We’ll keep an eye out for the final product.

What do you guys and gals think of Eyspire’s work?

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Tracy Yardley! Does Sonic Eggs, The Conclusion

Here it is, everybody. The final page. Not much to really say about it, honestly, except that it’s probably one of my favorite pages Yardley! did. So I’ll end this feature with some talk about both ECC and Tracy Yardley!

Emerald Coast Comics is a web comic website, run mostly by people who aspire to become professionalism in the comic book industry. The comic projects on the site are used to give writers and artists a conduit through which to practice and hone their skills, as well as bring to life characters they’ve loved since they where children. Sonic Eggs isn’t the only comic on the site, and you are certainly welcome to check out a few of the others for yourself. ECC is a lot like SonicVerseTeam of old, except it does all of it’s comics in-house and has, over the years, developed stricter quality control measures to ensure most things on the website are a step up from your typical web comic fair, aside from a strip called Staffers, which is mostly used as practice for new artists.

We do occasionally give out commissions to smooth out the process, such was the case with Tracy Yardley! If you want to commission Tracy Yardley, whether it be a comic page, or just a damn cool piece of art, contact him on his DA. a penciled and inked piece will run you around $120, plus an additional $10 if you want him to send the picture to you. Yardley!’s time is precious, as being a comic book artist can be rather difficult to make a living off of. Keep in mind that he does this professionally and very well when you take the price into account.

Finally, I’d like to say that Yardley! is an absolute joy to work with. His e-mail correspondences where always fun and cheerful, he got each commission done promptly and quickly despite his busy schedule, and when he sent Jason the pages in the mail, he included a kind letter and some ashcan art books. Frankly, his personality and promptness alone was worth every penny.

So, without further ado, I bring you the conclusion to Tracy Yardley’s run on Sonic Eggs, colored by Jamie Lee. The story doesn’t end here, though. Check out ECC next Saturday for future Sonic Eggs pages, penciled and inked by ECC Staff member Kichi. If you want this comic featured regularly on the front page, let us  know.


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Atop the Fourth Wall Reviews Sonic Live!

Any long running comic series is going to have some duds. I’m not talking about weird changes in the canon, or rushed pace, or anything like that. I’m talking about issues so mind bogglingly bad, that it’s amazing they went all the way from concept to publication. Sonic has regrettably had quite a few of these comics, one of the most infamous of which being none other then Sonic Live!, by Ken Penders. Sonic Live!

Every writer has his or her problems and bad tendencies, and Penders from far from an exception. Though he wrote some of my favorite stories in the comic back in the day, these problems would even permeate some of these stories. They are all on display, and at their worst, in this comic, which has now been gloriously torn apart by Linkara on his show “Atop the Fourth Wall”. Atop the Fourth Wall is a comic review show on That Guy With the Glasses, a wonderful collection of reviewers. The website’s namesake, the Nostalgia Critic, actually reviewed both Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and SatAM a year ago. Regrettably, embedding code doesn’t work on TSS at the moment, so I’ve had to embed the videos in lower quality via Youtube. To see the video in it’s original quality and to leave comments in a place where Linkara will see them, go here.



Thankfully, the comic hasn’t had a story like this in a very long time, though hopefully Linkara will consider taking a look at Sonic Super Special #15.

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Perfect Chaos Appears Over England

So while the re-release of Sonic Adventure on the Xbox Live Arcade has been generally slated by just about every online magazine going, it appears that one God of Chaos hasn’t been too impressed with these reviews, and has thus manifested to smite them.

Young Callum S was out at sports practice today when he took this snap:

Which is obviously…

Sweet Tikal’s ghost!

I think it’s too much of a coincidence for this to be anything else than Perfect Chaos himself. It’s time for mass hysteria, street riots, looting, pillaging and everything that generally comes with impending armageddon!

Hopefully you’ll once again open your heart to a classic hedgehog title, and it’ll be be alright.

Thanks to Callum for theis awesome photo!

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Wisps Are Away!!

UPDATE: Good news!! Everyone on my side of the contest has officially been taken care of!! Everyone PM’ed me their address in time and I sent off all my Wisps to the Australia residents as well.

In fact, I sent off Wisps to EVERYONE who PM’ed me! I had to even give out one of my own. (I still have one left for my own.) So everyone who PM’ed me was a winner! Man, I’m broke. XD

Yes, folks!! After taking way too dang long to get going, I finally sent out the Wisps for the U.S. residents!

Get stuffed.

Gee, when Eggman told them to “Get Stuffed,” he wasn’t kidding!

Stay tuned for ANOTHER contest to be held after the last Tracy Yardley Sonic Eggs page goes up. This one is no giveaway. You’ll have to work for it.

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Tracy Yardley! Does Sonic Eggs, Part 4

This week’s page is an example of Sonic Egg’s use of continuity for future gags and jokes. In a previous page, Tails mentioned something about giving the Tornado “sentience”. This wasn’t a throw away gag. He’s really doing it. And you can see him at work below. Also, did I….neglect to mention that no one on this comic particularly cares for Chris?

This comic runs weekly at ECC. You can discuss this comic with long time fans and the creator’s at their forums, where occasional sneak peaks of future pages are given.

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Mighty Traumitized For Life In This Month’s NFR

This is something I’ve  been trying to point out for weeks, but it seems like something always comes up to prevent me from posting it. This weekend, I’ve decided to preempt Sonic Eggs for last month’s Not For Resale strip, MGComic’s woefully under-updated and under appreciated Sonic humor strip.

Though their almost always worth the wait, this one in particular! This is a strip many of you may not get at first, but once you do, you are in for quite a laugh. A cookie goes to the first person to get it!

Despite how disgusting this may appear, Mighty is actually stunned by the amount of juicy fruity goodness in his mouth!

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A Look At The Jazwares Super Pack

You may remember that we reported a couple of weeks ago about Jazwares latest releases, but we didn’t have any pictures of the Super Pack, which contains action figures of Super Sonic, Super Shadow and Super Silver. Thanks to Jix Hedgehog and TheEGGOne, we now have pictures of this set for those of you who haven’t seen it or bought it yet. Those who have picked it up, let us and the other readers know what you think of it in the comments.

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Tracy Yardley Does Sonic Eggs, Part 4

Hey folks, Jason here.

Normally, I leave Nuckles87 to post these pages up on the Community Blog. But since he’s at PAX right now, I thought I’d handle it myself.

I gotta say, I’ve been dying to show you this page. When me and Nux were originally only going to commission one page, we wanted this to be the one. After all, it’s not often you get get humiliate Shadow this much. Poor Shades, he just had to succumb to Cream’s hidden power. The power known as the “sad, soulful eyes” routine. Her and Charlie Dog from Looney Tunes can go together and make a mint.

Big thanks to Ben Hunzeker for returning to color one more page. What an awesome job he did too. Even better than what he did on page 10 IMO. Yardley did an incredible job as always. Thanks once again to Q for letters.

Sonic Eggs is an Emerald Coast Comics series and performed in front of a live studio audience.

Page 13.

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In Honor of Ben Hurst: The SatAM Sea3on Comic

One of the things Mr. Hurst pursued for years was a third season for SatAM. In fact, one of the biggest things he disliked about Sonic Underground was the fact that it could have been the finale that SatAM lacked.

Leave it to the fans to take a step to finally realize his vision. Enter: Sonic the Hedgehog Sea3on. Meant to act as a third season for the classic cartoon, Sea3on is a surprisingly awesome fan made comic from the good people of FUS, not to be confused with a similar take on the story that the same website had attempted to realize many years earlier.

The best thing about this comic is that it feels like SatAM. The comic features strong writing and art, and has managed to achieve a constant weekly release since it started last year.  I would like to extend my kudos to the creative team, as I am sure Mr. Hurst would be really happy with what you’ve accomplished. Please keep the comic going in his memory.

This comic is being written by FUS member Gojira007, with art for these first bunch of pages by Salamander.

Now, to start you all off on this comic, I have included the first five pages of the series below. If you want to read the rest, please visit the site here.

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Knuckles Is a Smooth Criminal

Archie’s Sonic creators Ian Flynn and Tracy Yardley! both made an appearance at Toronto’s FanExpo con. Naturally, their presence attracted some Sonic fans to the show, including the person pictured below. The Archie people got a picture of one of them and posted it up on their facebook wall.

Prepare yourself for the most epic cosplay ever!

Knuckles Jackson

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Tracy Yardley! Does Sonic Eggs, Part 3

ECC’s Summer of Yardley continues this week with another page. This page is a perfect example of why Tracy Yardley! is one of my favorite people on the Archie Sonic book: the character interaction. For a single page, a lot is conveyed here, through facial expressions, movement, and stuff happening in the background. Despite Tracy’s simple style, he’s able to put a lot into his pages. He is probably one of the few comic book artists I know of who understand how much plot and story can be conveyed through how the characters act and move, not just what they say.

This  page was colored by Kichi, and lettered by the Illustrious Q. Sonic Eggs is an Emerald Coast Comics series.

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Underbelly Reviews The Sonic Franchise


Underbelly, the internet series that delves deep into the world of games, movies, comics and the web, has changed target to the Sonic franchise. In their latest episode, titled ‘Sonic the Failhog,’ the show looks at how the Sonic series has changed and developed over the years. It’s an interesting take on the franchise, which fans of the recent games won’t agree with, but even the biggest fans will get a laugh out of some of the sketches in the video. Stay tuned until the end for SEGA’s “latest game announcement.”

Source: ScrewAttack

Thanks to SSMB member Indigo Rush for the heads up!

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S&SASR Fever Hits Pizza Hut UK

SSMB member Doctor MK recently stopped by his local Pizza Hut restaurant with some friends to celebrate his fantastic A-level exam results and was surprised to find the fast food chain is now promoting SEGA’s kart racing title, Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing.

You can now grab a Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing themed activity book that contains puzzles and character bios, as well as a Sonic hat that you can colour in yourself. This promotion was confirmed at various other Pizza Hut restaurants by other SSMB members, including Mahzes who found an activity book with a different cover and contents. This suggests there may be a variety of these that may change from week to week, like with most kids meal promotions at fast food restaurants. The activity books also contain a competition you can enter to win a weekend stay in the Sonic themed hotel room at Alton Towers Resort and other runner-up prizes.

Will you be picking up the activity books and hat? Have you seen different books at your local Pizza Hut? Speak out in the comments.

To find your nearest Pizza Hut and to see their menu, check out their website.

Thanks to Doctor MK at the SSMB for the find and thanks to both Doctor MK and Mahzes for the pics!

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Win A Wisp [Closed]

We’ve got nine Wisps still to give away to our UK readers! Been keeping an eye on here? Good… because I’m going to give them away, fire-sale style! These Wisps have got to go to a good home, each and every one of them. I simply can’t afford to keep nine of them around the place, what with the rising cost of food and all.

So here’s what you need to do – give me a good reason why I should let you take care of a Wisp. Write your reasons in the comment box below – the first nine commenters that manage to convince me will get a Wisp of their very own.

Update: That’s it, it’s all over ladies and gentlemen. Those guys went really quickly eh? Now, here are the winners, in no particular order:

Tracker the Doggy, SpeedKnux, DMCTheHedgehog, Kaoz, Zrikaboom, Kazu Matsumoto, TYoshi, sphinxie19 and Page.

Your Wisps will be sent in the post at the end of the month with the other Wisps, as previously mentioned. Congratulations! And if you didn’t win one, don’t worry, it’s not because you suck or anything. 🙂 There will be more things to win very soon, of that I can guarantee. So keep ’em peeled to TSS for future contests!

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Tracy Yardley! Does Sonic Eggs, Part 2

Last week, we showed you the first in a series of pages being drawn by Archie Sonic artist Tracy Yardley!, for the Sonic fan comic Sonic Eggs, a fan comic from Emerald Coast Comics, which updates every Saturday.

This comic is, apparently, the perfect example of what you can do wrong when writing a script: putting in too much detail and dialogue for an artist to put on a single page. You may notice this page is larger than the last one, and that’s because this was actually done on one and a half pages. So remember, whenever you are writing a comic script, take the space an artist has to work with into account. After all, not all of them are as cool and understanding as Tracy is!

This page was written by Jason Berry, and colored by Kichi.

This series starts in the middle of an ongoing storyline, which can be read from the beginning here.


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The Creation of Metal Sonic

When we think of Metal Sonic’s creation, we think of Robotnik working in a dark, dank lab right? Well, in reality, it happened like this!

Picture by Nerkin. Click his name to visit his lovely DA page, and download a bigger version of the art below.

And So Eggman Begat Metal Sonic

I hope and pray you all know what piece of Renaissance art this is referencing.

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Sonic “Tastes the Rainbow” in Not for Resale

Not For Resale is one of the most satirical, most wrong, and yet most right Sonic related things in existence. You remember that colorful, beautiful, wholesome CGI trailer we got for this game? Well, this comic reveals what’s really going on…

Now, if only NFR would update a little more often…

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Tracy Yardley! Does Sonic Eggs

Sonic Eggs is probably one of my favorite web comics running. Acting as a fan continuation of Archie’s “Sonic X” comic book (which in and of itself was a strictly in continuity Sonic X storyline), Sonic Eggs is a weekly strip written by occasional Sonic Stadium contributor Jason Berry, and posted on the website Emerald Coast Comics. It both satirizes and pays homage to all things Sonic, while also making an effort to be (almost) as kid friendly as its source material.

So why is this being featured in the community blog? Well, renowned Archie Sonic artist Tracy Yardley!* has actually done a series of pages for it, which will be running in the comic over the next six weeks!  In addition to Tracy, Eggs also got another Archie talent, Ben Hunzeker. He did the shading for this page, as well another upcoming page. The flats for this page where done by Deebs.

Unlike many pages in the comic, this page does not have an individual gag, though it is building to something later. For the thousands of you who don’t follow the series, Sonic Eggs’ current plot centers around “Shades”, and unfinished, sissy version of the dark brooding ball of emo! For those of you interested in catching up to the current plot, you can find the rest of the comic here.

*The exclamation mark isn’t a typ-o, it’s part of Tracy’s name.

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It’s Sonic Month at FirstComicNews!

The comic book website “FirstComicNews” is devoting an entire month to Sonic the Hedgehog! The event includes a variety of features, including character bios, best of lists, and interviews with the creators. For those of you still unfamiliar with the comics, this could be a good way to learn more about them!

If you want to check out all of their articles for Sonic Month, check out their columns section. One that some of you may find particularly interesting highlights some awesome looking Sonic tattoos.

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While browsing London’s Forbidden Planet store, SSMB member Gnasher came across a humorous Silver figure.  The ultra rare “Pingas” edition.

P.S. In case anyone really can’t tell, that’s Silver’s tail. The body must have gotten twisted during packing with hilarious results.

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Gnasher’s Tour of Summer of Sonic


SSMB member and Summer of Sonic 2010 staffer Gnasher recorded a tour of this years Summer of Sonic.  Now, those of you who couldn’t attend can get a better look at what was there and just how jam-packed full of fans it was. If you attended, see if you can spot yourself.

Gnasher has also recorded an ‘unboxing’ of the contents of the goody bag, aswell as some other things gained at the event:



Thanks to Gnasher for the videos!

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Ask YOUR Crush 40 Questions At Summer of Sonic!

I know many of you “Crushers” out there can’t make it to Summer of Sonic this year, and that some of you have burning questions to ask Jun and Johnny…well, here’s your opportunity! During the Q&A session that we’ll have in the afternoon, I’m giving you all an opportunity to have your questions put to the dynamic duo!

Due to the limited time we have on stage to ask questions, and because we’ll also have questions being pitched by the crowd on the day, I will only be able to ask a selection of questions – so make your questions interesting and unique to increase their chances of being asked!

If you have a question you would like to be asked, please send them in an email entitled “Crush 40 Questions”, to tbird [at] I’ll see if i can rustle up some C40 goodies for what I think is the best question as well!

Please submit all your questions by Thursday at 9:00am BST, so I have sufficient time to prepare them.

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Ask Ian: July 2010

It has been a long time coming, but “Ask Ian” has finally returned (and in a new format, which you can learn about here).

Without further ado, here they are:





If you want to ask Ian questions yourself, head over to Bumbleking and ask!  Though, be sure to read the rules!

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Sonic das Stacheltier Vier – Wettkampf Update von T-Bird


Yeah, my German sucks…

Not that you’ll need reminding, but please do go show your support for contest entries over on the Sonic the Hedgehog 4 contest page, particularly for the TSS boys which includes Dreadknux and myself! On behalf of both of us, thanks for all the votes so far, and keep them coming!

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Fans Request SEGA Make NiGHTS 15th Anniversary Re-release

Despite its less then well received sequel, the original NiGHTS into Dreams remains ingrained in the memories of many nostalgic and retro gamers as one of the best, if not the best, Sonic Team games ever created. Many fans are now getting together and demanding that SEGA finally make the original game available on today’s game consoles as a downloadable game.

The campaign, which started a month ago, does not specify a service, so this includes Xbox Live, WiiWare, and PSN. To participate, you only need to do two things: go to the website and press the “Fans” button on the front s page and try to get others to do the same.  Include the website’s link in your forum signature, post it on your blog or twitter, or whatever you please.

It should be noted, for the doubters, that these are same people that got NiGHTS in ASR as a flagman., known for their many Sonic song remixes, will be releasing a complete remix of NiGHTS’ stellar music track next year on July 5th, the 15-year anniversary. You can hear a track from the remix in NiD15’s promotional video (which, again, feel free to post around), posted below.


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More Sonic 4 Contest Loonies Dressed As Sonic


I must admit I’m now a bit bored of watching Sonic 4 contest entries that generally comprise of a helium-filled child giving a tour of their untidy bedrooms filmed on a 400 pixel camera. I’m also growing tired of the formula of grown men with dyed-blue hair running around in public receiving scornful looks from the elderly, supporting their views that all of today’s youth are doing drugs. Moans aside, there are still odd entries that are popping up that are making me smile. Although this film falls in the latter catagory, the badniks are really, really awesome, so watch it. TSS would like to mention we do not condone the use of pick axes to break open monitors.

I dare you to not laugh when the Buzzbomber gets a shoryuken to the face.

And because I’m not shameless at all: If you’re all tired out from these entries, why don’t you sit back, relax, and join me in the art corner…


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Sonic Game Marathon Starts Tonight

We reported back in May that gaming marathon group Bonus Stage Marathons were doing a three-day Sonic session trying to play through a veritable bargain bucket of Sonic games in aid of the Baltimore Humane Society.

That very session is set to start tonight at 11pm GMT. That’s midnight in the UK, and 7pm Eastern, 4pm Pacific in the US.

BSM also updated the list of games they’ll be playing to a bumper 31, with another five pencilled in. The new list includes a ROM hack, classics like Tails Adventure (oh yeah), and true horrors such as Sonic ’06 and Sonic Genesis.

Sonic the Hedgehog on Bonus Stage Marathons

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Yet More SEGA Sonic 4 Tokyo Contest Entries


Upon announcement of this competition, I was expecting hundreds of video entries depicting people dressed in £39.99 Sonic the hedgehog costumes running around town centres. Yeah, they’re beginning to come out the woodwork now, but this one is a little more entertaining! I particularly love the liberation of the animals (very cleverly done), and the fight with Dr. Robotnik at the end.

I think this entry definitely has a shot at the grand prize. Oh, and do watch Robotnik’s drinking contest too: Drink responsibly kids.

On the other hand…there’s Sonic Turkey. I’m so confused.


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cdrom1019’s Trip To GameWorks

SSR DJ cdrom1019 recently visited SEGA’s Las Vegas GameWorks arcade and managed to grab some exclusive inside footage for TSS, something the management don’t normally allow but kindly made an exception for us. The photo’s and video are taken on a mobile phone camera so the quality isn’t great but those who have never been to a GameWorks or live outside the U.S. where they aren’t available should get a good glimpse of what’s on offer. If reports going around indicating SEGA are closing all of their GameWorks arcades are true then this is a good time to take a look before they’re shut down and if you live near a GameWorks but have never been then maybe this tour will persuade you to visit while you still have the chance.

Check out the photo’s and video links below –
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4

Big thanks to cdrom1019 for the coverage and thanks to GameWorks for allowing it!

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Probably the Best Sonic 4 Tokyo Contest Entry So Far…


OK, so while I’m still piecing together my entry for this SEGA Sonic 4 Tokyo contest, I’ve been keeping a keen eye on youtube to see what my competition is like. I hadn’t seen any entries that particularly stood out, but there again, I am expecting the best entries to appear closer to the deadline. Then I saw this. missbluesonicspeed has put together a charming little video entailing her years of Sonic memories and dedication to Sonic, as well as going out and spreading the word via the means of Chaos Emerald cupcakes.

If this doesn’t make the US top 10 entries I will be very, very surprised. Good luck to you!

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