Naka: Sonic Created With Environmental Themes

In an interview with, Yuji Naka has revealed that the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise was created with environmental themes based around the impact mankind is having on the world, but says he couldn’t speak about it back in 1991 because it was a touchy subject at the time. Continue reading Naka: Sonic Created With Environmental Themes

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Sonic 4 Speedrun, Out Now On XBLA & EU PSN


GamesRadar’s Justin Towell, who gave Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 a 9/10 in his review has put out the world’s first speedrun of Splash Hill Zone Act 1 and it’s a very impressive run at 40.79 seconds. Towell currently holds the Guinness World Record for the Xbox Live Arcade version of Sonic the Hedgehog 2’s Emerald Hill Act 1.

Source: GamesRadar

UPDATE: The game is now available on the European PlayStation Store for £9.99/€12.99 and weighs in at 197MB. /UPDATE END

In other news, Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 has just been released on the Xbox Live Arcade for 1200 Microsoft Points and weighs in at 191MB. If you want to give the game a try before you buy, a demo is available. The PS3 version will release in Europe on the PlayStation Store later today. We’ll update when that goes live.

Source: Xbox Live Marketplace
(The game is not immediately visible right now. You’ll need to look under the ‘Top Rated’ section to find it.)

Will you be buying the game today? Do you think you can beat Justin Towell’s time? Let us know in the comments.

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SEGA Confirms Two New Sonics Coming In 2011

UPDATE: SEGA’s Alan Pritchard has confirmed to Joystiq that SEGA has two huge Sonic announcements coming early next year:

“The early part of next calendar year, we have two very exciting, huge announcements to make. I’d love to be able to tell you more about them now but I can’t. That’s further evidence of how we’re looking to improve and enhance our Sonic strategy.”

Thanks to Hero of Legend at the SSMB for the heads-up! /UPDATE END

SEGA Europe boss Jurgen Post has confirmed to MCV that SEGA is working on a new Sonic game they plan to release in 2011.

“We know we have Sonic and Football Manager this year, a new Total War next year, and a new Sonic and Virtua Tennis next year. These are the kind of titles that will allow us to focus on being healthy and profitable.”

No more information was given, so we’re left to speculate. Could this be Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2? The untitled Nintendo 3DS game revealed in press documents at E3? Maybe it’s the heavily rumoured Sonic Anniversary game? This is the first official word SEGA has shared in regards to new Sonic titles for release next year and with the last of the latest games being released next month, could SEGA be getting ready to talk about their 2011 plans soon? If a report from Platform Nation is to be believed, we could be hearing something October 22nd.

We’ll keep an eye open for any developments. For now, share your thoughts in the comments.

Source: MCV via ONM

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Sonic 4 Launch Trailer, U.S. PS3 Version Out Now


UPDATE: The game is now available to download from the U.S. PlayStation Store. /UPDATE END

SEGA Japan has today released the above launch trailer for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1, which showcases all of the game’s four zones in action, including some of the bosses. The PS3 version will be released on the U.S. PlayStation Store later today for $14.99, so fans looking for an HD experience will now have that option. Tomorrow sees the launch of the PS3 version in Europe and the Xbox 360 version worldwide, followed by the Wii version’s European release on Friday.

Will be you be buying the PS3 version today? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Official Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Japanese website

Thanks to Shaddix for the heads-up and Woun for the YouTube conversion.

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Sonic 4 WiiWare Out Now, First Gameplay Video


Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 is now available to Wii owners in the U.S. via the Wii Shop Channel for 1,500 Nintendo Points. This is the first of the console edition releases this week, with the PS3 version out on the PlayStation Network in the U.S. tomorrow and Europe on Wednesday. The Xbox 360 version will also release on Xbox Live in the U.S. and Europe on Wednesday and finally the Wii version will hit Europe on Friday. Courtesy of crinos43 at YouTube we have some gameplay footage of the Wii version of the game above.

Will you be downloading the Wii version? Let us know in the comments.

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Sonic 4: New Casino Street Zone Act 2 PS3 Footage, Super Sonic Included

[youtube][/youtube] has posted up exclusive gameplay footage they’ve recorded from the final build of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1‘s PS3 version. In the video we see footage of the console exclusive redesign of Casino Street Zone Act 2, which was shown recently on CNET’s preGame, but now we can see and hear it played directly and in high quality. Super Sonic is shown in full force throughout the stage and it sounds like the music for this Act, as well as Super Sonic’s theme music have been completely revamped.

Do you like the new Casino Street Zone Act 2 and the musical changes? Share your thoughts in the comments.


Thanks to Shaddix and Indigo Rush at the SSMB for the heads-up!

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Rumour: New Sonic Announced Oct. 22nd? Anniversary Game Like Colours, SEGA Rep Comments

UPDATE: TJ Selinka asked some SEGA reps at NYCC about the Sonic Anniversary game, but could only get a “no comment”. Seems SEGA’s being very tightlipped about this rumor. /UPDATE END

Hot off the heels of today’s earlier rumours of a new Sonic Anniversary game and a new Mario & Sonic collaboration title, we’ve now got word from Platform Nation’s Scott diMonda that an embargoed Sonic game was on show at SEGA’s recent New York press event. The game is apparently a “sequel” and improves upon its predecessor. diMonda claims that details about this game will be released on October 22nd together with screenshots.

Recently I had the opportunity to attend a Sega event held at the Shoreham Hotel in NYC and got a look at Sega’s upcoming lineup and yes there was plenty of Sonic to go around and there is one game I am particularly stoked for but due to an embargo I can’t talk about what I seen so I wont even tease you about the game as you will see my take on this sequel that is going to be well worth the wait and the improvements are noticeable right away, but that is for another day (October 22nd) and I promise to bring along some screen shots for your viewing pleasure.

Source: Plaform Nation

We’ve also heard from the guys at Sonic Reikai, who broke the initial rumours that the Sonic Anniversary game. The guys heard from SEGA of Spain reps that the game will play in 2D and 3D perspectives, just like in Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Colours.

The anniversary one is a remake in 2D and 3D (As Unleashed, he dropped that but he didn’t said that clearly). Well, when he said that it will going to be a remake of the best Sonic levels, I asked him: “In 2D and 3D?” and he said: “In 2D AND 3D” , then I asked him again anyway “But in 2D and 3D” (and I pointed out the Colours game) and he replayed pointing out the same game: “In 2D and 3D”

Source: SSMB

Take all of this with a grain of salt for now until we hear something solid or official. For now, discuss these latest developments in the comments.

Thanks to Blue Comeback at the SSMB for the heads-up!

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Sonic Free Riders To Support Avatar Awards?

According to, Sonic Free Riders for Xbox 360’s Kinect will support Avatar Awards. The Awards consist of four different shirts to dress your Avatar with, one Sonic themed, one Jet themed, one themed on the game and one E-10000G themed that confirms the character to be playable, if this information is true of course. We say “if this information is true”, because there are currently no pictures to back these details up right now, but the website has been correct many times before and often gets this information and pictures soon-after before anyone else.

Here’s the full list of Avatar Awards:

Sonic Shirt (Male) – Place 1st on every course with Sonic.
Sonic Shirt (Female) – Place 1st on every course with Sonic.
Jet Shirt (Male) – Place 1st on every course with Jet.
Jet Shirt (Female) – Place 1st on every course with Jet.
Sonic Free Riders Shirt (Male) – Watch the credits in their entirety.
Sonic Free Riders Shirt (Female) – Watch the credits in their entirety.
E-10000 G Shirt (Male) – Place 1st on every course with E-10000 G.
E-10000 G Shirt (Female) – Place 1st on every course with E-10000 G.

If pictures are made available, we’ll be sure to share them.


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Sonic Colours Soundtrack CD ‘Hybrid Colors’ Revealed

According to a listing posted yesterday at VGMdb, upcoming Wii & DS game Sonic Colours will be getting an original soundtrack CD in Japan titled ‘Hybrid Colors’. The CD will be released December 22nd with a price tag of 4200 JPY and will be published by Wave Master, who has been publishing Sonic soundtrack CD’s for years now. No track listing is available at the moment, but it will no doubt contain the various music from the stages that we’ve heard so far, Cash Cash’s ‘Reach For The Stars’ track that was played in an earlier trailer and the ‘Speak With Your Heart’ track played at the Tokyo Game Show.

We’ll update you with the full track list when it’s made available.

Source: VGMdb

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[UPDATE: IGN 8/10] First Batch of Sonic 4 Reviews

UPDATE: IGN has posted up their review of the Xbox 360 version, in written and video form (see above). They give the game an 8/10. /UPDATE END

The first batch of reviews are in for the iPhone and PS3 versions of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 and they’re all pretty positive. We’ll focus on two of the reviews here and provide links to others at the bottom of this article.

AppTilt’s Dan Lee gave the iPhone version a 9/10, claiming SEGA has done well in bringing Sonic back to his roots, while still keeping him fresh.

Every level is bright, colourful, detailed and screams ‘Sonic’ at the top of its lungs. SEGA has done a fantastic job of bringing Sonic back to his roots, but also making him feel fresh and modern.

Lee says the game meets the classic Sonic level design of multiple routes, which encourage the various play styles of those who like to speed through a zone and those who like to be more adventurous and explore.

The good news is that the level design is classic Sonic. Each act has multiple routes depending on your play style – so those who enjoy the speed can simply put the hammer down and blast through, whilst the more adventurous can slow things down and eek out every ring there is on offer; just be wary of the ten minute level time limit!

The only complaint Lee had was with the controls. Lee didn’t find the touch or tilt controls to be as accurate as buttons and an analogue stick.

So now for the bad news – the iPod controls aren’t as slick as they could be, and occasionally ruin parts of a level. There are two ways to play the game – ‘Touch controls’ or ‘Tilt controls’. Touch gives you a faux analogue stick in the left hand corner, which controls movement, whilst a circle in the right corner simulates a jump button. This button is far too small and in the full flow of a level it’s very easy to miss – which usually results in death. Both the move and the jump buttons sometimes fail to register as well, which is beyond frustrating.

Tilt controls enables you to move left and right by tilting the iPod in that direction. Jumping is taken care of my tapping any part of the screen. I quite enjoyed the Tilt control as it removed the small jump button – however it lacked the precision of the analogue stick. Neither of these controls schemes are awful; they could have just done with a bit more tweaking. In terms of longevity Sonic 4 is as deep as you want it to be.

Lee finished up by highly recommending the game:

So there we have it – overall Sonics return is a rousing success. The occasional unresponsive controls are not enough to put a dampener on some top notch level design and good old fashioned fun. Highly recommended.

Full review here

GamesRadar’s Justin Towell reviewed the PS3 version of the game and also gave it a 9/10, stating that like most fans, he noticed the physics differences in early footage and had doubts the game would live up to its name, but after playing the full game he says that it surprisingly does live up to the title Sonic 4.

The physics are different, the art design is different… perhaps it was just too different to be worthy of the name ‘Sonic 4’. How could anything possibly live up to that name? To my utmost surprise, it does.

Towell also wasn’t overly bothered by another factor often complained about in the game, the homing attack.

You get the lock-on attack from Sonic Adventure, which threatens to change the game too much, but is actually used sparingly and works well almost all of the time. There are a couple of occasions where you want to use the air dash to power over a spiked enemy’s head, but the game thinks you want to attack it, resulting in a cascade of lost rings.

Towell explains there are new speed tactics not found in the previous Mega Drive classics that he enjoyed playing with and improve Sonic’s speed without having to wait for the next steep hill to come along.

Going back to Sonic 1 after spending hours with its new sibling feels very strange. Sonic 4 handles very differently. It’s more… bold. Clinical, even. Every movement seems more deliberate, and while the finer nuances of low-speed control have arguably been lost, it’s at high speed that it reveals its true depths.
I mentioned that lock on attack can be used as a simple air boost. When running at speed, this has a noticeable acceleration effect, allowing you to reach speeds on open stretches that old Sonic simply wouldn’t be able to do without a hill to help him. Jumps on hills still react as you’d expect, and landing a jump on a decline results in a welcome burst of speed, just like those loop-jumps of Sonic 2.

Towell then goes into the games replayability through various modes like Time Attack and brings good news that Super Sonic’s times will be ranked separately to Sonic’s.

So how much game is there for Sonic experts? I was able to beat the entire game, collected all the emeralds and beat the secret zone in one evening. After that, there are separate score and time attack modes to try for every stage, complete with online leaderboards. These are split into all/friends categories, and scores attained with Super Sonic are categorised separately from regular Sonic.
Add in the countless hidden routes through levels and it’s clear there’s a truck-load of replayability. Finding the fastest routes and mastering them is going to take weeks, maybe months. Maybe years.

Towell finishes up the review with the following positive thoughts and verdict:

A friend on Facebook asked me to sum up the game in one word. It’s a tough thing to do. I wouldn’t say ‘magnificent’ – it’s still a little too unambitious for that. I certainly wouldn’t say ‘disappointing’, because Sonic Team and DIMPS have done the impossible and managed to make this most critical of Sonic fans love a new Sonic game.
So I’m going to plump for ‘deserving’. And I mean that in two ways. It’s deserving of your time and your money despite its length. But more importantly, it’s deserving of the name ‘Sonic The Hedgehog 4’. That was always going to be this game’s biggest challenge, but it’s succeeded with aplomb.

You’ll love
+ The purest Sonic game for ten years
+ Works on so many gameplay levels, like its predecessors
+ So much game to master, despite its diminutive size
+ You’ll hate
– Can be ‘completed’ in one evening
– Physics are different, not necessarily worse
– Visuals could have been even better

Full review here

GamesRadar also shared the completed map screen:

Other iPhone version reviews:
GameShard 9/10
AppAdvice 4/5
iLounge (B)
Pocket Gamer 7/10
TiPb 5/5
SEGABits (B)
AppSpy 4/5

What do you think of the game’s positive critical reception so far? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Sonic 4 iPhone To Get Game Center Support

SEGA’s Digital Brand Manager Ken Balough has just announced at the SEGA Forums that SEGA will be submitting a free update to Apple on October 15th for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 on iPhone, which will add Game Center support.

Hi Everyone,

Hopefully you guys had a terrific 1st day enjoying Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode I on the iPhone!

That said – I’d like to let everyone know that on October 15th, we are submitting to Apple a free update for Sonic 4 that would give it Game Center.

So stay tuned as we add this new feature.


No exact details were given as to which Game Center features will be supported, but we expect the game will gain the online leaderboard and achievement features that other versions of the game have. We’ll update you when more details are made available.

Source: SEGA Forums

For more information about Game Center, head over to Apple’s website.

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Sonic Free Riders’ Game Modes Detailed

Co-Optimus’ Tally “xelissa” Callahan has posted up details of Sonic Free Riders‘ various game modes she played at SEGA’s recent New York press event. The game will include 5 modes to play, including:
– World Grand Prix (single-player story mode)
– Time Attack (with online leaderboards)
– Free Race (competitive mode which contains Normal Race, Ring Collection, and Damage Survival sub-modes)
– Tag Race (a co-op specific mode)

Players start in splitscreen, but can join hands to fuse boards and power up which increases their speed. The challenge arises in learning how to turn and jump together. Sometimes you are necessarily required to fuse together, other times you must initialize it yourselves.

– Relay Race which can be played in 2-4 player co-op or 2 vs 2 competitive.

It’s a tag-team mechanic, so player 1 does one lap, then jumps out at the end and player 2 jumps in.

Callahan says co-op modes are all local play only and online multiplayer is limited to one player per console at a time.

Source: Co-Optimus

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New Sonic Colours Planet Wisp Wii & DS Screenshots

Andriasang has released some new screenshots for both Wii and DS versions of Sonic Colours‘ Planet Wisp stage. Most of the screenshots are old news, but there are some new ones buried amongst them and they’re available for you to view below. The screens show some new areas that you may not have seen before, especially in the DS version of the game, which hasn’t received anywhere near as much video coverage as the Wii version. Sonic Wrecks has also released hi-res artwork of Yakker. Check out the screens and artwork and share your thoughts in the comments.



Yakker artwork:

Sources: Andriasang and Sonic Wrecks

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads-up on the Yakker artwork.

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Sonic 4: 2 iPhone Gameplay Videos, Out Now in U.S.


After it’s earlier Australian and European release, Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 is now available to iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad users in the U.S. for $9.99. If you’re on the fence on wether to buy it or not, two gameplay videos giving a glimpse of all 4 zones are now available for you to view, courtesy of GameTrail and IPGN.


Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads-up on the GameTrail video and to XD375 and Hazel at the SSMB for confirming the price.

U.S. iTunes link (Thanks Blayke LaRue)

Will you be purchasing the game? If so, let us and others know your thoughts about the game in the comments section.

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Knuckles & Amy Confirmed For Sonic Colours DS

In an interview with Video Games Daily, Sonic Team’s Takashi Iizuka has confirmed rumours dating back to E3 in June, which claimed Knuckles the Echidna and Amy Rose will be appearing in the DS version of Sonic Colours. Iizuka reveals that both characters will feature in the game’s story mode, but like Tails, they will not be playable.

The DS version introduces the other characters like Knuckles and Amy as kind of the guest characters. They don’t have any direct influence on the gameplay but they act as the narrative to the background of the story, so if you play the DS version you get a better understanding of the story for Sonic Colours.

Iizuka also gives us some insight into how Sonic Team implements fan feedback from previous Sonic games into upcoming titles:

The team always looks at feedback immediately after we release a game and they are always looking to the pros and cons of the feedback and try to address those through the next game developed. They don’t really take it fully because they have their own thoughts but they do look at feedback and try to input as much as possible.

That feedback is actually the story of how Sonic Colours came to be. The players had always wanted a pure Sonic action game. They always wanted to play as Sonic and they always wanted the high-speed action stages. That is how we started the project for Sonic Colours — that was the most important feedback to look into. With Sonic Colours we wanted the stage to start with high-speed Sonic action and end with high-speed Sonic action. We didn’t want to break it up by introducing other characters or other kinds of action so the feedback has really influenced this game.

For the full interview, head over to Video Games Daily

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Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Ep 1 iPhone Out Now

The wait is officially over. Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 is now available on the iTunes App Store for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad users at the price of £5.99 in the UK, €7,99 in Europe and $13.99 in Australia and weighs in at 88.7MB. Sonic’s return to classic Sonic gameplay is now here and you can take the experience with you wherever you go. Four stages are available for you to speed through, with 3 Act’s each, of which 2 are exclusive to this version of the game. 7 Special Stages are also included, in which you can collect the 7 Chaos Emeralds and unlock the cliffhanger ending for Episode 2.

Official details and screenshots are below:

The sequel fans have waited 16 years for is finally here – Sonic The Hedgehog™ 4 Episode I!

Featuring enhanced gameplay elements, including the classic Sonic Spin Dash, and the versatile Homing Attack, Sonic 4 picks up right where Sonic and Knuckles™ left off.
Two exclusive levels build specifically for the iPhone & iPod touch using the accelerometer.

All of Sonic’s classic moves are available, including the newer Homing Attack which will add a new level of control and excitement.

Race through 4 unique zones containing 4 acts each as well as 7 special stages.

A staple of the Genesis-era games, the special stages return allowing fans to collect the 7 Chaos Emeralds and unlock Super Sonic.

Dr. Eggman returns with new and improved mechas and will go berserk when he accumulates damage.

GamePro – “…this looks and feels like a genuine Sonic game, deserving of the “4” attached to its title.”
IGN – “After an afternoon in its presence it’s become seared in our conscience just like the classic levels of the early Sonics – and surely that’s reason enough to have faith in Sonic the Hedgehog 4.”

UK iTunes link

Will you be buying the game today? If so, share your experience with the game so far in the comments.

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New Brand Director Respects Sonic’s Brand Heritage

SEGA’s new Brand Director for the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise David Corless has spoken out to MCV about his visions for the franchise, current marketing strategies and pleasing Sonic fans, new and old. With the 3 titles on the way in the next couple of months, Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1, Sonic Free Riders and Sonic Colours, Corless feels that Sonic Team has performed well.

“Sonic Team has done an amazing job,” says Sonic’s new brand director David Corless, who took the role this summer. “They have gone back to the original games for inspiration and come back with three games that, so far, we’ve only had positive feedback on.”

Corless goes on to speak about SEGA’s strategy of appealing to the core Sonic fans, while also trying to attract the mainstream audience, something we’ve heard Sonic Team’s Takashi Iizuka speak about many times before. Corless feels that pleasing the core Sonic fans isn’t too hard, but pleasing both those fans and new ones is a tough job.

“I don’t think Sonic fans are hard to please. There is just a lot of them and they are all hugely passionate and have their own ideas on what the ideal Sonic game should be,” continues Corless.
“The core fans are very vocal and get a lot of attention but we also have a huge, younger fanbase that we need to consider too. So it presents a challenge. It’s hard to please everyone.

Corless wants to assure fans that he and SEGA respect Sonic’s heritage and want to create games that live up to that heritage, while also taking the series forward.

“We want to create games that respect the heritage of the brand whilst also moving it forward.”

Where does our new Brand Director see Sonic in the future?

“Daft Punk put it well – better, faster, stronger,” concludes Corless.

For the full article, head over to MCV.

What do you think of David Corless’s statements? Let us know in the comments.

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Sonic 4 Casino Street and Mad Gear Gameplay Footage

SEGA’s Aaron Webber aka RubyEclipse appeared in CNET’s latest episode of preGame yesterday, where he talks about Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1, as well as giving a demonstration of Casino Street Zone and Mad Gear Zone. Webber confirms what we all assumed, that the new playing card features in Casino Street Zone are from a refurbished Act 2 and that it will be an exclusive stage to the console versions. We can only guess that the iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad version will still contain the pinball score attack stage seen in the leaked version of the game. Both zones look to incorporate plenty of careful platforming and not just speed, which should make a lot of fans happy. The recently seen map screen is shown again here, but this time it has a warp-hole above the island, which we assume is the E.G.G. Station Zone, in which the final battle with Dr.Eggman takes place.

To view the video, head over to CNET.

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads-up!

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NintendoLife Interviews Ken Balough, Episode 2 Info in 2011

Nintendo specialist website NintendoLife has posted up an interview they held with SEGA’s Digital Brand Manager Ken Balough to chat about Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1. Not much is revealed that we don’t already know, but there are plenty of teases made about Episode 2.

Balough reaffirms that the story for the whole series is already written and says we can probably expect details about Episode 2 in 2011:

I can tell you we’ve written the story for the whole saga, but we have not announced the amount of episodes yet. That said, you can probably expect to hear more about Episode II in 2011. (He smiles)

Those who would like to see the episodes lock-on in a similar fashion to Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Sonic & Knuckles, may be in luck with Balough’s next vague teaser, but he can’t reveal what may be carried over right now:

The Episodes will definitely make up a larger game. After completing them all, you’ll have experienced a larger overall story arc that lives up to the epic nature of earlier Sonics. As for what carries over – you’ll have to wait and see!

Fans purchasing the game for Wii need not worry about the game being less of an experience due to the WiiWare file size limit. Balough explains that the game is near-enough the same:

It was definitely a challenge because there was less room to work with, but the team was super committed to bringing their full vision to the Wii.

Ultimately the content is identical. The Team was really committed to making sure everyone got a great Sonic 4 experience, so the graphics and the motion controls on the Special Stages are the only real differences on the Wii version.

When asked if there is anything he would like to say to gamers who have been waiting for Sonic’s return to classic 2D, Balough expresses the teams passion for this new entry to the series:

I’ll like to let everyone know that we at SEGA definitely understand the desire Sonic fans have had for return of a 2D game. The entire team are Genesis Sonic fans and we’re all proud to be bringing back Sonic with Sonic the Hedgehog 4. This is the game we’ve all wanted to play since we were kids, and we really hope everyone out there shares our passion and enjoys playing this game as much as we did making it!

Check out the full interview at NintendoLife.

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[UPDATE] Sonic 4 Official Websites Updated

UPDATE: 12 new Casino Street Zone screenshots from the English site have been added to the bottom of this article. Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for grabbing them. /UPDATE END

SEGA has updated both the Japanese and English Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 websites. The Japanese site now contains 8 new screenshots of Mad Gear Zone and profiles for two of that zones badniks, Slicer and Shellcracker. The English site has been given a Casino Street Zone themed makeover, with 12 new Casino Street Zone screenshots along with 4 new wallpapers and Casino Street Zone Act 1’s music now available to download. The screenshots for Splash Hill Zone have been updated to reflect the final build of the game, too.

The below description of Casino Street Zone has also been added:

A bright and busy casino-inspired theme park, where shining neon lights fill the streets. Casino Street Zone is bustling with elaborate pinball areas and powerful cannons, so time your movement well to guarantee your chance of survival. If luck is on your side, why not explore for a moment and try your hand at the slots?

You can check out all of the new screenshots and wallpapers below. There’s just 2 days to go until the U.S. and EU release of the iPhone version and about a week to go until the console version is made available. Are you excited? Speak out in the comments.

Mad Gear Zone:

Casino Street Zone:


Sonic 4 Official Japanese Website
Sonic 4 Official English Website

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for obtaining the Casino Street Zone screenshots from the English site.

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SEGA Releases Sonic 4 iPhone Trailer


SEGA has released a trailer for the iPhone/iPod Touch version of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1. The trailer has been posted exclusively at Yahoo Games’ Appolicious website and shows gameplay footage from Splash Hill Zone, Casino Street Zone and Mad Gear Zone. We get to officially hear music from Casino Street Zone and Mad Gear Zone for the first time in this trailer, too. Appolicious confirms that this version of the game will include online leaderboards, just like the console versions. Still no price confirmd for the U.S. and Europe, unfortunately. We’ll let you know when SEGA reveals details.

Source: Appolicious.

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the YouTube conversion.

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First 4 Figures 2″ Mini Figures Series 2 Now Available

Series 2 of the First 4 Figures made Classic Sonic mini figures is now available to purchase in the UK. The figures include Super Sonic, Metal Sonic and Amy Rose and are available individually for £3.99 in-store at Gamestation or bundled with Series 1 figures Sonic, Tails and Knuckles at for £17.99. U.S. fans can buy the bundle of six online at First 4 Figures website for $29.99, though we’ve heard that people who already ordered from there haven’t had their orders sent out yet.

SSMB member Gnasher has made an unboxing video of the figures, which you can view below:

Thanks to Gnasher for the heads-up!

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Sonic Relief Charity Fundraiser Returns In 2011

Doctor MK (or MK Skillz as some of you may know him), the founder of charity fundraiser Sonic Relief, has announced the return of the event for next year and a new twist for everyone to get involved with. Check out the announcement bellow.

One of the most pressing issues with the previous two Sonic Relief campaigns has been publicity. It’s hard to reach out to all the different corners of the fanbase and raise as much money as possible when hardly anyone knows you exist. But, with any luck, that’s all about to change this time around. Why’s that? Because, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you… the great Blue Nose campaign!
Anyone who knows about Comic Relief will know that a major source of their fundraising is through selling Red Noses which you can then wear to show your support (often with very funky designs – one year you could even give your Red Nose its own hairstyle!), and so if Sonic Relief is to live up to the charity’s legacy, it’s only fair we give a similar thing a go ourselves. If you’ve been keeping up with our retrospective, you’ll know that it was a Blue Nose that inspired the whole Sonic Relief concept in the first place.

Now, obviously it’s impractical to try and manfacture and sell the titular Blue Noses in real life… so what on earth am I rambling on about? “You’ve gone mad, MK!” I hear you cry.

Well, no I haven’t. Not yet anyway. So, what could possibly be the next best thing to having an actual Blue Nose? Slapping a Blue Nose on your online avatars and signatures, that’s what!

As modelled above by Sonic the Hedgehog himself, it’s a quick and simple procedure that will help to make your avatar look way past cool as well as doing our campaign the world of good – a little bit of promotion can go a long way!

You’ll be able to get your hands on a downloadable Blue Nose of your own very soon (prior to the start of the campaign – which, I can now reveal will run from mid-January to early April) and, unlike a Red Nose, it’ll be totally free. Why? Because the potential impact of this viral publicity stunt will be priceless to our efforts if it goes to plan and enough people take part. The Noses will come in a range of sizes to suit everyone, and if need be we’ll even stick to the Nose on your avatar for you! We’re really pulling out all of the stops for this one.

So, even if you don’t want to submit an entry or make a donation to Sonic Relief 2011, you can do us a huge favour simply by giving your online persona a small makeover! I cannot plead with you enough to take part in this if you can – such a small thing can go so far! Heck, let’s even see some Blue Nose themed entries this year! Get your nose on!

But… wait a minute… Comic Relief has a Red Nose Day to go with its Red Noses, right? So does that mean we’re going to have a…? No, we couldn’t… could we?

Blue Nose Day 2011. Watch this space.

Source: Sonic Relief Official Blog

Fre more information about Comic Relief, visit their website.

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Sonic 4 Mad Gear Zone Screenshots & EU Trailer


SEGA has today released 18 new screenshots from the Xbox 360/PS3 version of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1‘s newly revealed Mad Gear Zone. The European version of the new Mad Gear Zone trailer together with release dates and prices for Europe have also been officially revealed in a post at the Sonic City Blognik, which match up with IGN’s report on Tuesday.

As you can see, Mad Gear Zone will contain plenty of death traps that will require all of Sonic’s speed and the players skills to manoeuvre through. Slicer, Shellcracker and Asteron badniks are all out in force to stop Sonic and they’re all placed in awkward spots, just like in Sonic 2’s Metropolis Zone, so you’ll need your wits about you.

You can check the screenshots out below and discuss in the comments section.

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads-up!

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GameSpot Releases Sonic 4 Mad Gear Zone Trailer


Just minutes ago, SEGA released a new trailer for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1‘s Mad Gear Zone, exclusively at GameSpot. As the zone’s name indicates, it is full of gears that Sonic can will need to run and ride on to get to new areas or to open doors with. The stage is very reminiscent of classic Sonic stages like Scrap Brain Zone and Metropolis Zone, full of elements that raised the difficulty for in those stages and look to do the same here too. The Shellcracker badniks also make a return. The trailer finishes with the U.S. release dates for all platforms, which match up with the ones IGN revealed the other day.

To view the original high quality trailer, head over to GameSpot now and let us know what you think of it in the comments below.

Thanks to Mykonos at the SSMB for the YouTube conversion.

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Sonic Free Riders Website Now Live, Release Dates Announced

SEGA has launched an official website for Sonic Free Riders, SEGA’s first Xbox 360 Kinect title and along with it they announced the official release dates for the game. As expected, Sonic Free Riders will launch alongside Kinect on November 4th in the U.S. and November 10th in Europe.

There’s currently nothing on the website that you won’t have already seen before, apart from some hi-res character art spotted around the site, but it does have a cool feature that lets you navigate the entire site with your webcam, much like how you can navigate the Xbox 360 dashboard and in-game menus with Kinect. The characters, tracks and videos sections of the website are currently locked, but are labelled ‘Coming Soon’. We’ll keep an eye open for the websites updates and bring you anything new that appears.

Sources: Sonic Free Riders Official Website and SEGA’s Twitter

Thanks to Aquaslash and Woun at the SSMB for obtaining the artwork!

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New Sonic 4 Casino Street Zone Screenshots

SEGA has released 24 new screenshots of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1, 12 from the Xbox 360/PS3 version and 12 from the Wii version. 5 of the HD version screens you may have seen before in Joystiq’s preview, but they’re here again if you missed them. The screens show us more of the recently revealed Casino Street Zone and this time we can see the stages two Badniks on the attack. It seems cannons will appear more often than they did in Sonic the Hedgehog 3‘s Carnival Night Zone and will be used to navigate your way through some sections of the zone.

Check out the screenshots below and let us know what you think of the stage in the comments.

Xbox 360/PS3:


Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads-up!

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Sonic Colours: New Wii & DS Footage


Some new footage of both versions of Sonic Colours was released this morning at Nintendo’s Fall Press Conference as part of two video showcases for upcoming Wii and DS titles. The Wii video gives us our first snippet of footage from the Starlight Carnival stage, while the DS video gives us our first snippet of Aquatic Park footage. In the Starlight carnival footage we see Sonic running across a materializing pathway, reminiscent of Sonic and the Secret Rings‘ Levitated Ruin stage and in Aquatic Park on DS we see Sonic running across water at top speed before springing off a jellyfish. Creative stuff.


Wii footage can be seen in the top video at the 0:53 mark and the DS footage above at the 2:04 mark.

What do you think of this brief footage? Speak out in the comments.

Source: Nintendo’s Press Conference website

Thanks to Woun for the YouTube conversions.

Also, SEGA has released a new Sonic Colours themed wallpaper for download at the EU and U.S. blogs.

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Sonic Adventure DX DLC Pack Now On EU PS Store


SEGA Europe has today released the Sonic Adventure DX: Director’s Cut downloadable content pack on the European PlayStation Store. EU PS3 owners of Sonic Adventure can now now upgrade the game with 60 missions and playable Metal Sonic character for (£3.19/€3.99). Be warned though, you need to collect all of the 130 emblems in the game before you can play as Metal Sonic. To see Sonic’s robotic rival in action, check out the above video of him in action on the Gamecube/PC version of the game, courtesy of YouTube user burgerkingJ.

Source: EU PlayStation Blog

Will you be downloading the pack? Let us know in the comments.

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Story Mode & More Confirmed For Sonic Free Riders

In an interview with Vandal, Sonic Free Riders Producer Kenjiro Morimoto has confirmed some new details about the game. Since the game was unveiled at E3, there’s been no sight or mention of a story mode, something that has featured in both of the previous Riders titles. Morimoto-san tells Vandal that there will be a story mode in this game and that it is catered to help players improve their skills and take their time with the game.

Morimoto-san also details the amount of players the game will support in its multiplayer modes. Two players can play in versus and 4 players can take part in the games co-op mode. Finally, Morimoto-san reveals the game will contain 16 characters from the Sonic universe, as well as your Xbox 360 Avatars. Whether the character roster will contain guest SEGA characters on top of that total (like with past Riders games) is unknown.

You can check out the interview in full at Vandal, but beware, it’s in Spanish.
Google Translate link

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SEGA to Attend Gamefest 2010

Videogame retailer GAME are holding a big videogame trade fair called Gamefest in Madrid this year and SEGA Europe will be attending, along with other big names in the business. This will be the first of what is hoped to be an annual show for the capital, on par with E3 in Los Angeles and the Tokyo Game Show in Japan. Gamefest will be open to the public, allowing attendees to try out all of the upcoming game releases before they hit store shelves. SEGA will be bringing their future releases, though no list of games has been given on their page on the Gamefest site, but they do say that you will be able to meet Sonic. SEGA will be located at stand 17.

If you’re interested in attending, the event is being held from October 8th to the 10th in the exhibition site Recinto Ferial Juan Carlos I de Madrid. Doors will be open from 10am to 8pm and tickets can be bought at for 3,00€ each, but unfortunately only Friday and Sunday tickets are still available. Saturday appears to be sold out.

Source: Gamefest 2010 official website

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Full Package Pics of the Sonic Colours Special Edition

Courtesy of, we can now see what the full Sonic Colours Special Edition looks like for both versions of the game and it appears it is actually called the ‘Limited Edition’, which of course means that only so many of these will be made available, so if you’re after one then you should get pre-ordering. The contents appear to be no different to the loose contents EB Games Australia revealed, but at least collectors can now rest assured that they’re not going to get lumped with the figure and Wisps being loose on the side. Also of note is some new artwork revealed on the side of the packaging, which includes a new render of Sonic. You can view that and the DS package below. If you’re in the UK, don’t forget that you can get this action figure and Wisps for free by pre-ordering either version at, who recently dropped their prices.


Thanks to MarcelloF at the SSMB for the heads-up, Hero of Legend for the hi-res images and to Aries for extracting the new artwork.

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Sonic 4 Release Date & Price Coming Next Week

UPDATE: SEGA’s Ken Balough has informed via the SEGA Forums that the price of the game will also be announced next week. /UPDATE END

In a post at the SEGA Forums, SEGA of America’s RubyEclipse has announced that the release date for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 will be announced next week.

Hi everyone,

Just a little heads up that we will be officially revealing the Sonic 4: Episode I release date next week.

Have an awesome weekend!

– The Sonic 4 Team

No more information than that was given, so whether or not the four platforms digital stores will receive it on different dates is currently unknown. We’ll update you when SEGA make their announcement. For now, speculate away in the comments.

Source: SEGA Forums

Thanks to speedduelist at the SSMB for the heads-up!

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New Sonic Colours Trailer & 7 More Facts


SEGA Europe has released the above new trailer for Sonic Colours. Not much that we haven’t already seen before is shown, but we do get a look at some more footage of the CGI cutscenes in the game, such as Sonic confronting Dr.Eggman.

Seven more facts about the game were also released, which you can read below:

• Contrary to the E3 build some of you may have played getting S-ranks are TOUGH. You’ll need to maximise your grabbing of bonuses whilst still maintaining your speed and maximising your ring count in order to gain them.

• Yacker doesn’t have a voice as such, but makes an audible chittering noise. He’s also big on body language communication – think Sonic: Night of the Werehog.

• Since you guys love the Tails facts so much… FOXY FACT: Tails is more interested in inventing than Sonic’s heroics.

• Sometimes bad situations can lead to good discoveries!

• You CAN skip cutscenes – press + on the wiimote.

• Dr. Eggman ALSO has something of a 4th wall breaking moment.

• The Wisps have a, rather rude nickname for Dr. Eggman!

That’s all for now, oh wait… one bonus item for you to deduce.

Sept 19th > Cowboys.

That’s all. 🙂

Source: Sonic City Blognik

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads-up!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

8 New Sonic 4 Casino Street Zone Screenshots

SEGA Japan has updated their official Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 website with eight new screenshots of the new stage revealed yesterday, Casino Street Zone. The screens give us a look at the card flipping bonuses that Sonic can obtain, which include extra lives and rings. Check out the screenshots below and let us know what you think of the Zone so far in the comments.

Source: Official Japanese Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 website

Thanks to HunterTSF at the SSMB for the heads-up!

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Sonic 4: Casino Street Zone Trailer, Screens & Preview


Joystiq has revealed a new trailer for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1‘s Casino Street Zone. The trailer shows new sections that see Sonic platforming across playing cards and also running across paths of them that appear in front of him one by one. These sections are presumably from Act 2 and replace the old build’s version of the Act, which was solely about score attacking on a pinball table, something that a lot of fans who saw the leaked build didn’t react well to.

Joystiq also released a preview of the zone along with the trailer. In the preview, Joystiq’s David Hinkle explains that this stage won’t be accomplished by just charging straight through the zone, there is more involved than that.

Sure, there are some Badniks sprinkled throughout, but navigating through the neon-lit gambler’s paradise poses several threats to Sonic. Not every situation can be conquered through brute force; it’s navigating the terrain and calculating the next step on the fly that got me through all three acts.

SEGA’s Ken Balough was also on hand to introduce the zone and spoke to Joystiq about balancing the number of enemies with the traps already set throughout the stage.

“When it came to each of these levels, we toyed with the idea of how many enemies would be overwhelming to the player. The enemies that we do have in it work really well for the Zone — like the enemies with the shields that Sonic kinda pings off of. Considering that there are a lot of other traps in the environment, those kind of things can really set the player off and kill them, but the fact that you might be running incredibly fast and hit one of the Badniks with the shields and it springs you back, it may end up throwing you back into a trap that you thought you had escaped from. So those ideas, we definitely wanted to toy with, but we wanted to achieve a balance, where the environmental mechanics stood out as much as the enemies so I think we struck a good equilibrium here, but, obviously, it’s up to the players to tell us what they think.”

Hinkle also talks about the cannons, which return from Sonic 3 and explains how the new playing card gimmick works and the bonuses it offers:

The aforementioned cannons play the biggest role in Casino Streets Zone and are gradually introduced throughout the prior Acts. It’s simple: Sonic hops into a cannon; you aim the cannon; and Sonic is blasted out. Rings indicate the best trajectories, but later on the game leaves it to you to make that call.

The benefit to finding these alternate pathways is obviously collecting more stuff, but throughout the level there are cards that Sonic can touch and flip around. The quicker you flip them, and the more of them you flip, gives Sonic a chance to match up cards. Get three Sonic heads and you’ve got yourself another life, for example. It’s only a matter of finding these pockets of cards and touching them.

Five screenshots of the zone were released too, which you can check out below:

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads-up and YouTube conversion!

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