Sonic Free Riders Website Now Live, Release Dates Announced

Sonic Free Riders Website Now Live, Release Dates Announced

SEGA has launched an official website for Sonic Free Riders, SEGA’s first Xbox 360 Kinect title and along with it they announced the official release dates for the game. As expected, Sonic Free Riders will launch alongside Kinect on November 4th in the U.S. and November 10th in Europe.

There’s currently nothing on the website that you won’t have already seen before, apart from some hi-res character art spotted around the site, but it does have a cool feature that lets you navigate the entire site with your webcam, much like how you can navigate the Xbox 360 dashboard and in-game menus with Kinect. The characters, tracks and videos sections of the website are currently locked, but are labelled ‘Coming Soon’. We’ll keep an eye open for the websites updates and bring you anything new that appears.

Sources: Sonic Free Riders Official Website and SEGA’s Twitter

Thanks to Aquaslash and Woun at the SSMB for obtaining the artwork!

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    first comment!
    i cant wait for sonic 4,sonic colors and sonic free riders!
    this is a great year for sonic!

  2. even though i dont play my x box in my house. i still think this game is going to be good overall with the quality, but the fact that its only playable with the kinect is going to put this game at a very high disadvantage only need the kinect to play this game. not even optional to use a controller. i mean damn. well the next best thing is too just download the music tracks for it. :/

  3. @Elizabeth the Bathog
    Indeed it does! I just tried it too!! This is actually the first ever website to do something like this, although it’s a bit clunky at first but it’s easier in due time, also when it comes to making a score leave it to SEGA to make some funkylicious tunes! Well done SEGA =D.

  4. If Sonic Free Riders is coming out on the 4th next month a couple of weeks before Sonic Colors, then that means we’ll be hearing the new actors ๐Ÿ˜€
    I’ll be looking out for the cutscenes

  5. WOW! The webcam feature is superb! And of course the motion sensing will be even better on Kinect as it has more advanced technology! Well, we may be seeing the feature of websites here!

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