Sonic 4: 2 iPhone Gameplay Videos, Out Now in U.S.

Sonic 4: 2 iPhone Gameplay Videos, Out Now in U.S.


After it’s earlier Australian and European release, Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 is now available to iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad users in the U.S. for $9.99. If you’re on the fence on wether to buy it or not, two gameplay videos giving a glimpse of all 4 zones are now available for you to view, courtesy of GameTrail and IPGN.


Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads-up on the GameTrail video and to XD375 and Hazel at the SSMB for confirming the price.

U.S. iTunes link (Thanks Blayke LaRue)

Will you be purchasing the game? If so, let us and others know your thoughts about the game in the comments section.

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  1. Just a tip for people who are having trouble finding it, for some reason it is not categorized under “SEGA” Just type in “Sonic the hedgehog 4”, and it will be there.

  2. 😀 You’re welcome, and thanks! The only downside is how long it’s taking to download 🙁 I’m not gonna be able to sleep tonight!

  3. I got it and I’m liking it a lot more than I thought I would (I’m old school). The special stages are harder than I thought they’d be but in a good challenging way. This really might be worthy of the Sonic 4 name. I’m really looking forward to getting it for PS3 next week. I have every other classic Genesis Sonic game on every platform I own, why not this one too?

  4. the controls are a lil touchy, but after a while u will get used to it, its pretty fun but some what hard. hmmm but overall its pretty sick, i cant wait to get the ps3 version of this game

  5. Know what’s funny? Mad Gear Act 1 is called Dr Eggman’s Secret Base, the World Map doesn’t show that 😛

  6. LOL, i look at the run animation and the scraped lost labyrinth stage, its the same version of PartnerNET OMG! xD

  7. I love Sonic 4. The physics do make it a little off-putting at times, but so far it’s extremely fun. I can’t wait to beat it! 😀

  8. I’ve been waiting 16 years for a game like this and it looks like I’m still waiting until the 13th of this month. I think it’s absolute bullshark that they release this on the iPhone, 6 days before anything else. Either way, I’m still excited about the other versions; especially XBLA.

  9. goddamn that lost labyrinth segment with the boulder looks kinda challenging a little. he was holding the back button and sonic still fell the fuck off. im glad i saw this now.:D Looks very fun either way.

  10. the game is left untouched from the first leaked build. what a shame.
    looking forward for the xbla version.

  11. Sonic 4 is out in the UK too, i brought it last night on my ipod for £6, just type in the search sonic the hedgehog 4 and it is there, no joke.

  12. I got it the second the clock turned midnight last night. I love the special stages, theyre challenging and the music is adorable. I also like the physics alot more than i thought, ill just have to get used to the controls with the touchpad.

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