Sonic Rush Adventure US Site Open

SEGA of America have released the official Sonic Rush Adventure game site today! You can access it though the link in the ‘LINKS’ part of this report. Please be aware that the website is in flash. A lot of information is availiable for viewing, including new zone screenshots, music and general information about the game.Just follow the link road and all shall be revealed. Blaze is confirmed as being ‘playable’ in gameplay.

For those unable to view the site, the stry revealed there is as follows;

One day, a mysterious energy signal appears on Tails’ radar and he quickly grabs Sonic to go and investigate. As they fly further and further, a sudden storm comes and bowls them way off course. Soon after, Tails loses control of the plane and they go into a tail-spin over one of the islands. Continue reading Sonic Rush Adventure US Site Open

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PLAY Magazine: Sonic Riders Sequel Details

The English Playstation 2 magazine PLAY have featured a Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity article in the September issue of the magazine! The article divulges several details, not least of all the fact that Jet the Hawk (Of original Sonic Riders fame) is set to return alongside a few more new yet currently unrevealed characters.

According to the 2-page preview’s text regarding the story, Sonic the Hedgehog himself discovers an odd artifact that contains the power to alter gravity itself (Possibly alluded to in the game’s title), sparking the interest of his Extreme gear rival Jet the hawk. Naturally, a clash breaks out between the two over dominance of the mysterious artifact, leading them to settle their score over a few Extreme gear races across such courses known as ‘Botanical kingdom’ and Crimson Crater’, the former being the first stage and the latter being the second. Continue reading PLAY Magazine: Sonic Riders Sequel Details

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Retailers Reveal Sonic Riders Sequel

Video game retailers EBgames and Gamestop have put up the supposed Sonic Riders sequel up ready for pre-ordering on their sites! The game is titled “Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity” and is listed as having a proposed shipping date of the 1st of February 2008. Currently revealed details on the sites also say that the game will be availiable on both Nintendo Wii (For the pre-order price of $49.99) and Playstation 2 (For the price of $29.99)

No other information has been revealed as of yet about Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity’s details except for the title. It’s not even yet known if it will be available for other consoles other than Nintendo Wii and Playstation 2 (Indeed, SEGA’S American and European sites make no mention of the game) but when we know, so shall you. So please stay tuned to The Sonic Stadium and Sonic News for more information as it breaks.

Many thanks to Holy Nightmare on the Sonic stadium forums for the tip-off!

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New Sonic Rush Adventure info in Famitsu

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The highly respected japanese videogame publication Famitsu has provided us with a nice big plethora of Sonic Rush Adventure information, including the official name of the new female character. We can officially confirm her name as Marine the Racoon. The promotional art on the pages also depict another new green torpedo-resembling character who is presumably a henchmen of primary antagonist Captain Whisker. Continue reading New Sonic Rush Adventure info in Famitsu

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Sonic Rivals 2 gameplay clip released

It’s that time of the year again. E3 to be precise. And Sony have released a gameplay clip of a montage of their PSP titles in development, Sonic Rivals 2 being present amongst the other games on show. You can watch this video below (The Sonic Rivals 2 footage begins at approximately 54 seconds into the video.) Continue reading Sonic Rivals 2 gameplay clip released

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New Sonic Cafe games and promotions

If you thought Sonic Cafe was a greasy ‘spoon’, where the Sonic cast go to have early morning fry-ups, whilst promoting ‘Privilege’ car insurance, then shut up and go home!

On the contrary my dear friend, Sonic Cafe is a range of Sonic games ONLY for Japanese mobile phones, and as if content to rub that in the faces of us mere westerners ‘SEGA of Japan’ have began promoting the Cafes latest additions. Continue reading New Sonic Cafe games and promotions

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Sonic Riders interview, and SEGA go bananas!

‘Gamespy’ have conducted an interview with ‘Sonic Riders’ producer Takashi Yuda. Basically Yuda talks about already well know aspects of the game, so nothing new there.

Sonic Riders Takashi Yuda interview

In other news SEGA has announced a brand spanking new game, and TSS has known about the game’s existences for sometime now.

It was when visiting ‘SEGA of Europe’ that TSS stumbled upon some conceptual art, but the good people of SEGA vowed to “staple our nuts to a stack of paper, smack us in the face with an eraser” unless we promised not to spill the beans. And no, Eminem wasn’t really there. Continue reading Sonic Riders interview, and SEGA go bananas!

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It’s a Sonic Revolution

Rumour has it that a Sonic game is in development for Nintendo’s next-gen console: the ‘Revolution’.

The large videogaming site ‘IGN’ recently revealed that ‘Sources’ close to SEGA had confirmed that SEGA are indeed creating a new Sonic game for the unusual little console.

SEGA have given no confirmation that such a game exists, but reports place Yuji Naka as director on the project; if this is the case then Yuji is certainly stretching himself thin, what with the development of ‘Fifth Phantom Saga’ and the next-gen Sonic title for PS3 and XBOX360. Continue reading It’s a Sonic Revolution

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SOE offer signed Shadow and Sonic images

Remember back in October, when SEGA of Europe held a charity auction to raise money for provisions needed to perform a sponsored climb of the mountain Kilimanjaro, for the video games ‘Entertainment Software Charity’?

Well if you do then you should also remember the ‘one of a kind’ signed Sonic and Shadow images that were auctioned off for over £100 ($200) each.

Well as it turns out the images, signed by Yuji Naka, are not so original after all. In yet another one of SEGA of Europe’s spectacular (SEGA City exclusive) competitions, a duplicate copy of the signed images are being offered up to those that can answer this simple question: Continue reading SOE offer signed Shadow and Sonic images

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Senn and Yasuhara to explore Sonic 1

A development has come to light over the recent charity of Chris Senn on Sonic X-treme. Chris, with the aid of Yasuhara Hirokazu, will be unearthing production information on the original ‘SONIC TEAM’ and Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis/Megadrive) game.

Chris posted this message on his message board on January 06, 2006 04:00 PM PT (US):

The Sonic Xtreme fan community will be delighted to know that I met with Yasuhara Hirokazu for lunch today, and he agreed to let me share his paper designs he contributed towards the end of the Sonic Xtreme project. They are VERY cool! These will be shared in the Sonic Xtreme Compendium (SXC) I keep mentioning. Continue reading Senn and Yasuhara to explore Sonic 1

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Chris Senn Creates Tiara Boobowski’s ‘My Space’

Chris Senn has revealed yet even more information on Tiara Boobowski, the conceptual character of Sonic X-treme.

Flexing his creative muscles Senn, the former director of Sonic X-treme, revealed detailed information in the form of a ‘My Space’ log.

Such information included Tiara’s likes and dislike, location, and another conceptual image. Since there’s so much information within the log, ‘Sonic News’ suggest you visit the web page here: Tiara’s ‘My space’.

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Art Image Night 2005 Shadow Promotion Update

As most will be aware from earlier reports, the ‘Art Image Night 2005’ was a free event where numerous popular Japanese pop acts signed up to perform at a venue in celebration of HMV’s (the popular music/video/game store) 15 anniversary.

Among those to perform were none other than m-flo. Naturally SEGA’s sponsorship followed the band to the event in the physical form of ‘Shadow the Hedgehog’.

Thanks to Knuckles_X (of the ‘Sonic Stadium Message board’) ‘Sonic News’ has attained images from the event that were formerly only available from SEGA’s ‘Sonic Channel’. Continue reading Art Image Night 2005 Shadow Promotion Update

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New Sonic X-treme Information Found

A recent discovery, made by ‘Sonic Cult’ member HXC has revealed some interesting and new ‘Sonic X-treme’ information.

Among the discoveries that were bought to light when HXC contacted the games former director Chris Senn were: conceptual art of Tiara Boobowski (which could be classed as a very elaborate spite, much in the guise of the Sonic sprites from the cut scenes in Sonic Advance 2), a small GIF demo of Tiara in action And finally a 3D rendered demo of the game that was apparently coded on an Amiga 4000 and used to pitch the concept to SEGA’s board of directors, much like the Jade Gully 32X demo would have been. Continue reading New Sonic X-treme Information Found

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