PLAY Magazine: Sonic Riders Sequel Details

PLAY Magazine: Sonic Riders Sequel Details

The English Playstation 2 magazine PLAY have featured a Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity article in the September issue of the magazine! The article divulges several details, not least of all the fact that Jet the Hawk (Of original Sonic Riders fame) is set to return alongside a few more new yet currently unrevealed characters.

According to the 2-page preview’s text regarding the story, Sonic the Hedgehog himself discovers an odd artifact that contains the power to alter gravity itself (Possibly alluded to in the game’s title), sparking the interest of his Extreme gear rival Jet the hawk. Naturally, a clash breaks out between the two over dominance of the mysterious artifact, leading them to settle their score over a few Extreme gear races across such courses known as ‘Botanical kingdom’ and Crimson Crater’, the former being the first stage and the latter being the second.

The article confirms that the trick system as seen in Sonic Riders is set to return whilst the turbulence system is set to not make an appearance.

Due to the Playstation 2-centric nature of the preview, it is currently unknown how the Nintendo Wii controls are to function given the motion-sensitive remote of the console.

The magazine is up for download for the price of $5.99 on the PLAY magazine website below.

Many thanks to Flyboy Fox for the tip-off!

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