New Sonic Rush Adventure info in Famitsu

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The highly respected japanese videogame publication Famitsu has provided us with a nice big plethora of Sonic Rush Adventure information, including the official name of the new female character. We can officially confirm her name as Marine the Racoon. The promotional art on the pages also depict another new green torpedo-resembling character who is presumably a henchmen of primary antagonist Captain Whisker. Continue reading New Sonic Rush Adventure info in Famitsu

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Blaze and New Raccoon for Sonic Rush Adventure

A new banner created by Sega Europe displays Blaze and a brand new Raccoon character, both set to appear in Sonic Rush Adventure.

The Sonic Stadium posted the banner last night upon finding the image, but has since removed it on Sega’s request. The image was curiously leaked somehow from the European offices and had yet to be approved by the Japanese branch. We apologise to our readers for stripping our content, but in return Sega will exclusively reveal details of the brand new raccoon character when they are ready to surface. Continue reading Blaze and New Raccoon for Sonic Rush Adventure

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