It has arrived. After changing the formula with Sonic Heroes and getting mixed responses, the Team have gone back to basics and stuck with what works. The result is a mixture of Sonic Adventure’s town stages and level structure and Sonic Adventure 2’s involving plot lines. Now we’ve hit the next generation of consoles, does the tried and tested work in Sonic the Hedgehog? Continue reading TSS Reviews: Sonic The Hedgehog (2006)
TSS Interview: Return to the Remix Factory
UK based music production studio Remix Factory have come a long long way, but you wouldn’t think that one of the main areas they’re making waves in is the Sonic community. The studio, who are all pure Sonic fans through and through, first made an impact making two remixed tracks for Shadow the Hedgehog. Continue reading TSS Interview: Return to the Remix Factory
Sonic 06: Amigos and Medals
We’ve had a look at how the main three characters will play in a general sense, but you will get to enjoy the presence of many more Sonic stars. Each hedgehog will have two ‘Amigos’ helping them out throughout the stages and within cutscenes, and they all play pretty differently.
Sonic will be followed around by Tails as per usual, and Knuckles. The two tailed fox can do his signature flying move, as he’s no longer strapped in a mech, yay! His attack involves chucking item box bombs at enemies, and a sniper style mode is available by holding down the X Button. Knuckles on the other hand can glide as always, and has his Heat Knuckle move. You will usually call on these guys whenever Sonic needs help finding a switch, because apparently the blue blur’s thick like that.
Shadow is partnered with Team Dark favourites Rouge and Omega, and just like the Team Sonic crew Shad’s extra pairs of hands retain many of their signature moves from Sonic Heroes. Omega has a lock-on feature that attack nearby enemies, while he also has a beefy Omega Launcher as a midair attack – lobbing bombs in the face of Iblis for maximum pain. Rouge glides like always, and like Tails has a bomb move – it’s similar to that used in Sonic Battle, really. Play is switched to Rouge to find items – Kingdom Valley has you looking for three keys, in the only throwback to the SA2 days. Omega comes into force as backup for Shadow, so you’ll be using him in moments involving a lot of firepower. He’s also a bit of a dab hand when helping Shadow out in a boss battle.
Finally, Silver has Blaze and Amy Rose tagging along. In a rather interesting addition to the ‘canon’ game series, Blaze makes her first entrance to the console platform, so we get to understand a bit about her background and why she’s in the future with Shadow instead of that other dimension like in Sonic Rush. Blaze is about the best Amigo character to work with, as all of her Sonic Rush moves have translated well into 3D. She has an attack move which sees her launching at her opponents, but as a midair attack it works similar to Sonic’s homing attack. Amy finds Silver, and – yes, AGAIN – mistakes him for Sonic. Which is how she gets involved in all this mess. Amy has her trusty hammer, but she can only use it on a standstill and aside from a double jump, doesn’t really have much in the way of defence. At all.
Achievables also come back in Sonic the Hedgehog with a vengeance. Medals are awarded for completing levels, achieving special conditions in Soleanna and earning ‘S’ ranks in Action Stages. There’s a total of 5 Gold Medals per Action Stage, two for completing them in normal and hard, two for ‘S’ ranks and one for collecting silver medals within the stage. Sonic the Hedgehog aims to be a challenge for the hardened fan, if only to clear the Achievements list on your 360 and begin boasting.
Sonic 06: The Three Muskateers
So, bet you’re wanting to know how the trio play, right? How the levels pan out? Well, each of the three hedgehogs – Sonic, Shadow and Silver – have similar level objectives, yet have different ways of attaining those goals.
In general, the stages in Sonic the Hedgehog are longer. Much longer than even, say, Sonic Heroes. It’s not uncommon to be completing a later stage in around 15-20 minutes on your first try. On top of this, levels are split into two or even three separate sections, with the subtle change in soundtrack signifying the equivalent of the next ‘Act’ in the stage.
There is a lot of emphasis on robot destruction and level gimmicks according to your chosen character (more on gimmicks later in the week), so you might be hanging around a while as you survive Eggman’s everlasting threat.
You will also have the chance to play as more than the main three characters – Amigo characters sometimes take over in stages to add a bit of variety and break the action from speed, psychokinesis or driving. We’ll get onto the Amigos at a later date, but here’s the ways you’ll be playing as the main characters…
Sonic plays as he always has done – it’s a quick-as-you-can, get-to-the-end level structure where there are several opportunities to shortcut and look cool at the same time. In Wave Ocean, a grinding section shows a trail of rings, where if you Light Dash through them can cut a chunk of scenery out if you’re aiming for that ‘S’ ranking. Gems you can buy in the town shop can add abilities to your Special Ability, such as the power to slow down time (although not quite Matrix style), create a Sonic tornado or catch a burst of speed.
You will find Mach Speed areas where Sonic will be constantly running forward and you will have to control his left and right movement to avoid hitting trees, pillars and other obstacles. There will also be one or two stages where Sonic is holding Princess Elise and has to make an escape – luckily not many of his abilities are stripped while he’s carrying the Soleanna leader, and holding the Right Trigger will activate an aura shield, protecting the two from falling into unstable areas or being vulnerable to attack.
Shadow plays a lot like Sonic, really, only he has a different set of moves. And finally, it looks like he’s been re branded as a cool dude again, since he’s dropped the stupid “Who Am I” charade and just gotten on with it. When using the homing attack, Shadow can perform multiple attacks in a combo, with an animation similar to that seen in the intro movie to Shadow the Hedgehog (where he’s breaking people’s necks while doing the splits in the air and all that jazz). He can also use Chaos Boost which will give him strength and the power to use more special abilities.
The main gameplay twist to Shadow’s story is in the vehicles. We’ve seen the bad boy fly hang gliders, ride jeeps and hovercrafts. All with missile launchers, mind. This is Shadow we’re talking about. But amazingly, they control rather well, and aren’t the abomination and pointless addition they were in Shadow the Hedgehog.
Silver is the new kid on the block, and he’s got superpowers! Well, not really, but he can fly. Sort of. Coming from a future where everyone and their nan has telekinesis, Silver can use his to manipulate objects around him. Many times you’ll be picking up rocks and boxes and things to lob at enemies. In some cases you can even grab a robot’s rockets and chuck them back in their face. But there are some basic puzzles involved as well, including a room in Dusty Desert that resembles a pool table allowing you to knock boulders in holes. Jumping on pendulums and using your thoughts to swing around on them and bending bars with your powers are all par for the course as well.
Basically, if you’re a gamer or fan that’s looking for more than the basic run and jump method of play than Sonic 06 should be right up your alley.
Sonic 3 & Knuckles Remix Project Released!
Led by SnappleMan and KungFuChicken, Project Chaos is a long in-progress re-arrangement project with a single goal – make badass remixes of the music from good ol’ Sonic 3 & Knuckles! As an extra FastFeet Media exclusive, the tracks are also available for download from the FFM FTP!
The tracklist is as follows:
Disc 1 (Sonic 3)
SnappleMan – Sonic the Hedgehog and Knuckles (Title)
KungFuChicken! – The Wait is Over! (Data Select)
Rexy – Divided from Grace (Angel Island)
Daniel Baranowsky – Caution-Echidnas May Eat Your Brain (S3 Boss 1)
housethegrate – Walk on Water (Hydrocity)
Daniel Baranowsky – Knuckleduster (Marble Garden)
Hadyn – Three Ring Nightfall (Carnival Night)
Hetcenus – That Freezing Feeling (IceCap)
Gecko Yamori – Elevator Music (Launch Base)
GaMeBoX – Robotnik Radio (S&K Boss 1) Continue reading Sonic 3 & Knuckles Remix Project Released!
Sonic 06: Making Waves in the Ocean
With only a week to go until the next generation Sonic title hits the UK and Europe, we were keen to see the game in action in its complete glory. So we trotted to SEGA’s headquarters and asked for an advance test of Sonic’s new adventure. Luckily they said yes, otherwise it would have been a bit of a waste of 15 quid.
As a precursor to our ‘Countdown to Next Gen’ week (kicking off on Monday), we thought we’d give you a quick rundown of what happens right at the start of the game. The opening sequence runs very similarly to the many preview trailers we’ve seen before – Princess Elise of Soleanna is about to celebrate her country’s festival when Dr. Eggman rains on her parade. Literally. With missiles.
Elise seems to get these visions where her homeland is in ruins and flames, as during the intro she has a bit of a zone out. When Sonic gatecrashes Eggman’s… gatecrashing, the princess sees Silver within the blue blur for a split second. After an impressively characteristic rescue, the belligerent Doc heads the hero off at the pass (so to speak) and nabs Elise – who chucks a Chaos Emerald to Sonic as she is dragged into the Egg Carrier.
And thus introducing us to the game, with the first thing you see being a town stage not unlike Sonic Adventure-esque Station Square. Think of a cross between SA1 and Mario Sunshine’s Delfino Island and you’re pretty much there. There are plenty of people milling about, and you can chat to a hell of a lot more NPCs this time around – colour coded to show whether they’re just spouting rubbish, have a clue pertaining to the next stage or want you to undergo a side quest.
You don’t get much of a chance at the start though, for just ahead people talk of a two tailed fox running about. It can only be Tails, as the hyperactive furry convinces Sonic to have him tag along. First impressions of the character models and animations are very good – it seems after an age of Sonic being quite the cardboard cutout, his personality (as well as all the other characters) is finally nailed in this game.
To get to the first real Action Stage, Wave Ocean, we need to reacquaint ourselves with an old friend – the Light Dash technique. We realised that moves aren’t given to us right away – using rings we collect in the stages we have to buy additional manouevres. Sonic, according to the manual, can equip different ‘gems’ to his sneakers to perform unique actions using the Right Trigger.
As we’re poor, we’re left with accepting an old man’s plea for help in testing some new shoes in the town. Contrary to popular belief, the side quests you can find are quite varied in their range and don’t involve “Fed-Ex”ing yourself from NPC to NPC at all. We were tested to run through a set of rings within a time limit – upon completion we were given a ranking and a stack of rings that corresponded as a reward for our grade. Using this dosh, we bought the Light Dash move and entered Wave Ocean by way of a warp mirror. Because Soleanna’s weird like that.
Wave Ocean you would have seen many times before in screenshots and videos, so we won’t bore you with how it looks, because you’ll already know it’s pretty much an Emerald Coast-a-like. Upon running through loop-de-loops, Sonic will end up ‘surfing’ (or whatever the hell it is he’s doing) across the water, which looks a bit freaky (as it’s using his grind animation) but pretty cool.
Control wise, the inertia is strange to get used to, but is in actual fact pretty perfect – it’s not too fast and slippery like Shadow the Hedgehog, and it’s not too slow. Granted, the hedgehog’s movements appear much slower than usual, but the same inertia level can be compared with the original Sonic the Hedgehog on Mega Drive; when moving from standstill he doesn’t make much of a dash but can get to a pretty decent speed when he hits full pelt.
Homing attacks have been changed so it’s not quite so ‘cheap’ – you can’t just hammer the A Button anymore, instead you must hit the button again when Sonic has reached his peak height from the last attack. Sounds all too weird at first but you start to get a rhythm for it soon enough.
The levels appear to be split in stages, seperated by short loading times, akin to Sonic Adventure, and a later section sees you dashing through the water noticing a massive whale. You then get to do the inevitable, and dash through beach boardwalks all over again with the monstrous mammal chasing you. After a while, Sonic grabs onto the whale and yells at Tails to help him out. At this stage, you control Tails in an attempt to hit a switch to close the water gate. It’s an idea that works much much better than in Sonic Heroes, and the fact you play as them individually means controls aren’t too much different.
In fact, Tails is pretty much damn near perfect. He’s slower than Sonic, as you’d imagine, but his speed is increased when he flies (because he’s a fast flyer obviously). Controlling his flying can be a bit of a nightmare when trying to land precisely on a boardwalk strip, which we can see being a bit of a nuisance later in the game.
The main difference is in the attack, where Tails has fake item box bombs to lob at enemies instead of a hand-to-hand move. Hold down the X Button and you can aim your shot, but because there’s no aim sight and the camera auto-aligns every time you lob a box this way, it can be bloody annoying if you go to first person mode and actually miss your enemy.
After Tails helps with the water gate, Sonic makes a dash for the Egg Carrier in a “mach speed” stage, which has to be just about the most exhilirating (and hilarious) part of the game we’ve seen yet. Sort of like the upcoming Sonic and the Secret Rings, you don’t control Sonic’s forward movement – he’s constantly running you see. You have to instead move him left and right to avoid obstacles and reach the goal marker.
Because this part is so much faster than the rest of the level, it can take you by surprise – especially when you hit a wall or you jump and realise you’ve flung yourself into the ocean. Always results in a funny spin-death animation by Sonic when that happens. It took us several tries to complete, and we can see it getting frustrating if it gets too persistent, but in small doses the feature is great fun.
Overall, first impressions are fair. It does seem like a mixture of Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, and that will in no way disappoint some fans out there. We had a few control issues with Sonic, and at times we had instances where Sonic wasn’t meeting the boosters and he instead fell to his death. Annoying, that. But for the most part it was very enjoyable. Time will tell whether minor niggles occurring now will prove to be a big pain in the arse later on – you’ll just have to wait for our review for that won’t you?
Sonic the Hedgehog has a hell of a lot of throwbacks though, the majority of which we won’t spoil for you – yet (or rather might in the General Information section, but you can choose to ignore that). The music is back with a vengeance (in a very good way) and we can safely say the first few hours of play holds a distinctly interesting experience.
SEGA DIRECT Offers “Sonic ’06 Vocal Trax”
SEGA of Japan is pre-ordering a CD on their SEGA DIRECT site with all 7 SONIC the Hedgehog ’06 vocal songs. The CD, temporarily titled “SONIC THE HEDGEHOG VOCAL TRAX” is selling for 1,905 yen. The pre-order ends November 30th, so get it while you can.
Although the exact track list is undecided, is it said that Zebrahead will be on the CD for sure, with their song “His World”. It’s also safe to assume that Sweet Sweet Sweet remix by Dreams Come True and Akon and the other vocal songs in SONIC the Hedgehog ’06 will be added on.
If you can buy off of SEGA DIRECT, here’s a great addition to your Sonic soundtrack library, or maybe a stocking stuffer. 😉 Stay tuned for more SONIC the Hedgehog news coming soon.
The Spin: 8 Out of 10 Prats
So Sonic the Hedgehog has been released in the US, and all the media outlets are going wild. SEGA have bigged this up supreme and all the fans are clamouring to see if this really is a return to form after Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog. Reviews are trickling out already, and as I suspected, they are all very sporadic. And crap.
Upon a quick scan of the SSMB searching for collated review scores, one website thinks it’s rubbish and another thinks it’s simply superb. I don’t think the situation will get any better with other professional outlets. There’s simply too much bias in the world – particularly in the US media – to ascertain whether Sonic the Hedgehog is truly good or bad at all. You’ll no doubt see a few magazines that will mark it down severely for one reason or another, and another selection will rate it one of the best in the series to date…
Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 Released in US
While we can do nothing but wonder why the US omits their ‘u’ in words like honour and release video games on the Tuesday of every week (bit random), lucky Americans will be waking up to find that the next generation Sonic the Hedgehog is released today.
The press release we got sent this morning pretty much alludes what we already know, but humorously includes such continuity gems such as this: “For the first time in the franchise’s history, Sonic and the rest of the cast will also enter the human realm.”
Indeed. Early birds that pre-ordered the game over the pond will be able to grab some limited edition postcards, in a deal that appears to be mirrored in GAME stores across the UK. EB Games are also promising a free 15th Anniversary figurine with purchases of Sonic the Hedgehog in their stores. Continue reading Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 Released in US
Sonic To Miss PS3 Launch
SEGA America have announced that the PlayStation 3 version of Sonic the Hedgehog will no longer be released in time for the console’s launch, instead being delayed until an unspecified time in “Holiday 2006”.
The reasons for the delay appear to be involving downloadable content for the game, wherein SEGA are said to need more time incorporating this feature into the PS3 version. With the extra time, potential PS3 owners could download items and levels, although SEGA would not confirm just what they have planned for this service.
No mention was made of an alteration to the XBOX 360 version release date, so there is a likelihood that the 360 may still see a November 17th street date for the US. The release date for the game in Europe remains unchanged for November 24th.
Expect The Sonic Stadium to get a massive playtest of the game and to have a special during the launch week where we reveal all about the next generation of blue blur platforming.
SEGA’s Community Blog Opens
SEGA Europe has kicked off the hype for all things Sonic related as it officially opens its Community Blog. Titled the ‘Sonic City Blognik’, it features members of SEGA Europe’s marketing and community management team discussing various interesting facets of the blue blur.
Initial blog entries included posts from Community Manager Rom and Svend Joscelyne, webmaster of The Sonic Stadium. Shortly after a mention on its e-newsletter, posts from the marketing department shared an exclusive insight into the upcoming TV and print advertisements for Sonic the Hedgehog on XBOX 360.
The inclusion of respected members of the Sonic the Hedgehog community is part of an attempt initialised by SEGA and The Sonic Stadium to bring the official source closer to the fans. TSS webmaster Svend will be writing regular columns for the blog, while a few other community members have already been offered the opportunity to write a piece for the online diary.
Visit the Blog to see TV advert sneaks and information on official game sites.
Sonic 2 Mobile Released
While we’re all still waiting patiently for SEGA in the west to give us the other half of the original Sonic the Hedgehog on mobile phone, lucky Japanese ketai holders can get the sequel since November 1st.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 pretty much recreates the original Mega Drive classic, with a different looking HUD situated at the top of the screen. 903i models of mobile phone can get a special edition where “Eggman Battle” and “Special Stage Attack” appear as two bonus modes.
Check out the Sonic Cafe page for more info (in Japanese) and images.
Sonic Rivals official European site launched
SEGA of Europe have launched their official site for the Playstation portable game Sonic Rivals this week. A fair warning however, the site is in Flash.
The site features many screenshots, 3 interesting movies of gameplay features in this amazing looking game and much information, including the names of each of the race courses and profiles for each of the 4 main characters; Sonic the hedgehog, Shadow the hedgehog, Silver the hedgehog and Knuckles the echidna.
According to the site, the names of the 6 race courses or “Zones” as the site refers to them as (Perhaps a nod to the earlier 2D games in the series and Sonic heroes) are Zone 1 – Forest falls, Zone 2 – Colosseum highway, Zone 3 – Sky park, Zone 4 – Crystal mountain, Zone 5 – Death yard and Zone 6 – Meteor base. 4 bosses of 4 of the zones have also been revealed.
The Egg turtle will be the boss of Forest falls zone, Egg falcon shall be the boss of colosseum highway zone, the Egg lynx will be the boss of crystal mountain zone and the Egg kong is presumed to be the boss of death yard zone. Each have been created by the evil villain Dr Eggman and not only does the player have to land the finishing blow on the contraption to win, he also has to stave off his rivals in order to accomplish this! For all of your characters rivals shall be present and trying to defeat Dr Eggman himself.
Many thanks to Sonic1985 of the SSMB forums for the tip off!
SatAM DVD Art Contest Extended
Brian Ward of Shout has announced that the Sonic the Hedgehog: The Complete Series DVD art contest.
- The due date is now November 11th.
- Do NOT send multiple e-mails. Send only one e-mail(or as close as you can get to it before the deadline). The mailbox filled up last time partially because people sent their submissions multiple times.
- Send ONLY the final product. People sent their art in various stages last time, resulting in some confusion over which one was the final product.
- It is ok to resend your e-mail ONLY if you get a message saying it didn’t go through or that the inbox was full.
And please remember: Continue reading SatAM DVD Art Contest Extended
Sonic Site Awards Launches
The Sonic Stadium launched its award ceremony, the Sonic Site Awards, on Thursday, with the nominations phase.
Delayed by the Summer of Sonic event which took place during SSA’s usual dates, the time frame for the Site Awards has been shortened to allow it to end before New Year. Nominations will last two weeks instead of the normal month, for a series of awards cut-down because of the amount of redundant categories in 2005.
Anyone can nominate a site at the SSA official site, so feel free to nominate any site you think deserves an award. To vote for a shortlisted site during Phase 2 later this month, you will require a Sonic Stadium account. To register free you need a valid email address. This requirement was introduced last year to combat mass repeat-voting after voting started using an automated system.
Nominations close on 17th November 2006.
Art contest for upcoming SatAm box set announced
You want to leave your mark on Sonic history, folks? Now’s your chance. Brian Ward from Shout! Factory has just announced a fan art contest for the Sonic the Hedgehog: The Complete Series DVD boxset.
This fan art must meet the following requirements:
- Entries should represent SatAm Sonic. They can be any kind of art, having anything to do with SatAm, as long as it’s appropriate. Any kind of art is excepted and has a chance of being featured.
- Should be scanned in 300 DPI.
- Should be sent by November 4th (Brian apologizes for the delay, it took longer then expected for him to get the approval from Sega and DiC).
All entries should be submitted to . They will be judged by Shout! Factory’s own art director, Emily Johnson. The winning entries will contribute to the packaging of the DVD box set, and featured within the thinpaks of the discs themselves. Continue reading Art contest for upcoming SatAm box set announced