Sonic Labyrinth, a Game Gear game that combines Sonic with Marble Madness, is definitely one of Sonic’s more obscure games. It’s so obscure, in fact, that Ian Flynn has said on his Bumblekast podcast that it currently isn’t canon. Nevertheless, the official Sonic twitter account has taken the cute drawings from the game’s manual that tell the game’s plot, and have turned it into a little silent motion comic.
You can check it out in the embedded tweet below:
In the game, Robotnik replaces Sonic’s shoes with special shoes that slow him down. Sonic must go into the game’s titular labyrinth to get the chaos emeralds back from Robotnik in order to get the shoes off.
Sonic Labyrinth released on the Game Gear in November 1995 and was later re-released via Sonic Adventure DX and the 3DS eShop. It will also be apart of the Sonic Origins Plus DLC, coming June 23.
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UPDATE: Contest tweet has gone live. We’ve embedded it in the article.
Today, Xbox Wire has announced a contest to win a custom Sonic 2 Movie Sonic vs. Knuckles-styled Xbox Series S along with two truly reprehensible controllers covered entirely in thick blue and red fur.
Continue reading You Can Win These Horrifying Sonic 2 Controllers from Xbox
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Sonic Social Media Manager Katie Chrzanowski has revealed that Sonic’s Twitter presence will be expanding to both Brazil and Latin America with two new accounts.Though neither account is verified yet, that will be incoming.
Chrzanowski confirmed that anyone who follows these channels may be seeing content they are already familiar with for a little while. This is to ensure these new channels have the right “voice,” though new content will eventually be incoming and they will be synchronized with the main @sonic_hedgehog account.
via Twitter
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Put on your tin-foil hats, and let’s dig into some weirdness tonight.
Yesterday (October 7), the official Sonic Twitter posted this:
Keen eyed observers picked up on a hidden “3” in the third circle of this Fibonacci spiral, sparking speculation that the social media account was trying to tease something, the most prominent theory being a third numbered Sonic Adventure game.

Then, Mike Pollock got in on… whatever is going on by replying with Schoolhouse Rock’s 3 Is a Magic Number.
Later on, a user found what might be the original Shutterstock image of the Fibonacci spiral, including matching number for each associated radius within the spiral.

So now we’re stuck with a series of unusual questions: Was this on purpose, or was it an accident? And if it was on purpose, what does this “3” mean?
It’s not new for the Sonic Twitter to drop weird hidden codes with no clear purpose, but this situation is particularly tricky due to the plausible deniability of it simply being a Photoshop mistake. It seems a bit weird to miss every other number except the three, but it is a scenario that has to be considered.
There have been quite a few rumors of a possible Sonic Adventure 3 (or whatever qualifies as a Sonic Adventure game in 2021). While the three could point to it, it would be somewhat meaningless to start teasing so vaguely unless an announcement was forthcoming. If Sega intends to announce its 2021 game plans this calendar year, priming the audience now makes sense. If we hear neither tease nor announcement by January, the effectiveness of a teaser like this starts getting a bit suspect.
Further, a random three in the context of Sonic can mean any number of things other than a sequel to the Dreamcast series: It could refer to a date, 3 meaning March, or the third day of a month. It could refer to a Sonic-Heroes-esque team structure. It could directly refer to Sonic 3 (&/or Knuckles), a game they don’t re-release often and would make for a pretty special occasion if they did. We know 2021 is supposed to have multiple Sonic game releases, there could be three of them.
So, you can take those tin-foil hats off now, my point in about 400 words is that this was a thing that happened on Twitter, but it’s probably not worth getting riled up yet. There’s too much doubt to assume significant meaning in a single number hidden in a joke tweet.
Source: GoNintendo
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After two seasons of low-stakes action, clever jokes, slice of life scenarios and plenty of meta references, we have finally gotten some official confirmation that the Sonic Boom television show will not be continued.
Continue reading “Sonic Boom is Done” According to Former Executive Producer
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When the internet’s not working, you can always count on the Chrome Dino to keep you occupied while your device tries to reconnect. But one kid has found a way to make the game just a little more interesting!
Continue reading Young Prodigy Teaches Internet How To Hack Sonic Into The “No Internet” Chrome Game
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When the original trailer for the Sonic Movie debuted in April this year, there was… a lot of material to work with, let’s just say. It was pretty common to see snapshots of Sonic’s teeth or dumbfounded expression across the Internet, and it was just as common to see it Photoshopped to be the butt of some joke.
Now, thanks to the new trailer that recently dropped (to some pretty high praise), the Internet has more material to work with, but with a much less “meme-able” design, is it still possible to poke fun at the Sonic Movie? The answer is “yes, absolutely!” Sit back and grab some popcorn (or a chili dog!), because here are our favourites we’ve found on Twitter: Continue reading Our Favourite Sonic Movie Memes on Twitter
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What does a movie’s social media team do when the entire internet is lambasting their project to kingdom-come? Partake in the fun, apparently.The official twitter account for the Sonic movie, which has been lying dormant since last June, went live a few days ago. So far, the post embedded below is their only original tweet:
Beyond this, they also retweeted 5 posts making fun of the movie’s posters. This one is my personal favorite:
Eventually, this account will probably become a source of information for the movie. Until then…well, we got some funny tweets, I guess.
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It looks like the Sonic social media team is up to it’s old tricks again! Earlier today a seemingly innocent tweet was posted which invited fans to take part in an innocent game of Bingo! Continue reading The Sonic Twitter Is Dropping “Moooore Clues…!”
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While Sonic Mania is taking many gamers back in time to the nineties, much about the Sonic hype experience is very different to that enjoyed some twenty-plus years ago. One of the biggest changes to the gaming experience has been the emergence of social media, which allows developers, critics and fans to react and interact in a way that simply did not exist back when Sonic was rocking in 16-bit. Continue reading Sonic Mania: The Twitter Experience
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From the Sonic twitter account…
Yup, that’s definitely a leg. And maybe a foot. It might belong to Metal Sonic, but it’s hard to tell.
And something about Tomorrow.
And that is all there is to say about this, no really, there is nothing else to say. Unless anything else happens. As usual we’ll let you know.
See you tomorrow. Feel free to speculate what this means in the comments.
Actually… lets have some fun… you can only pick one.
Let us know if you follow the foot or obey the thigh in the comments.
UPDATE: Polygons Nick Robinson apparently knows what it is, so if the press know then it might be something worth keeping an eye out for.
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Today saw the Sonic the Hedgehog Twitter account featured on prolific internet social media hub Buzzfeed.
For those who aren’t connected to the Twitterverse, you will have missed the rather spectacular recent awakening of the account, which gained a new level of sentience this year. In among it’s now self-awareness of the sizable collection of Sonic the Hedgehog internet memes, the account also called out several big name commentators and competitors this year, including Nintendo, and was temporarily taken over by Doctor Eggman for a day (although we’re sure we’ve heard that voice somewhere else before). Needless to say this has caused several internet-breaking moments, so much so it has caught the attention of many media outlets.
The account has even received an endorsement from Sonic the Hedgehog creator Naoto Oshima:
We at TSS salute the Sonic Twitter account and crafty creatures on the media team running it (including a certain Aaron Webber!), and we can’t wait for the next post!
Gotta go fatsr.
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Dr. Eggman. Evil super genius, Grammy award winner and Fuzzy Puppy gaming pro has taken over Sonic’s Twitter account. The menacing mustachioed mastermind hacked his way onto Twitter and into our hearts with several replies and tweets to Archie comics and Roger Craig Smith, all the way to our own Adam Tuff with a shoutout to our site! So head on over to Son-er…I mean, Dr. Eggman’s Twitter account and ask him a question. He may even leave an audio reply! All hail the great Eggman Empire!!
Hee! Hee! Eggman’s burst through the image gave Tails a mustache. How apropo.
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Someone over at Nintendo UK’s FACEBOOK page (whoopsie XD) seems to not be too fond of Pink Hedgehogs, as seen in this screencap of a post of theirs:

Well whatever your views on Amy herself, you should still have a friendly laugh all the same. 
Now will whoever posted that receive a… pink slip? :O
Oh and I think it goes without saying, but please, keep it civil.
Like Reggie Fils-Aime said; there’s nothing wrong with having a little fun. 
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Twitter user Ceej64 has alerted us that she was able to buy an Xbox 360 copy of Sonic Generations at her local Best Buy in Dallas, Texas. Ceej64 shared a photo of the game (above) and her Xbox Live Gamertag PMS KillerKitty (as publically shown on her Twitter) currently shows the game is in use.
Our very own Brad Flick reports on Twitter that Best Buy in Burbank is also selling the game early.
Thanks to Ceej64 and Brad for the heads up!
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SSMB forumer Woun has kept their finger to the pulse with SEGA Japan’s 20th Anniversary twitter feed, who treated followers to a sneaky peak of a piece of official 20th anniversary merchandise we will be hopefully able to get our merch mittens on soon! There’s no indication of sizes, costs or availability yet, so I all of you fans hungry for some anniversary goodies will have to wait for more details to come to light. Still, gotta love that nice shiny base!
Stay tuned for more details!
UPDATE 1: Looks like this item will be a Japan UFO catcher figurine, roughly 18cm tall, and will be released i late June.
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SEGA of America community staff member Kellie has confirmed via Twitter that Kinect for Xbox 360 is the only control method for Sonic Free Riders.
Sonicfan1989 put this question to SEGA –
@SEGA does sonic free riders for kinect is it possible to use just the control? like for those who cant afford a new 360 and kinect?
to which Kellie responded with the below answer –
@sonicfan1989 No, you will need Kinect to play Sonic Free Riders. ^kellie
Since the games official announcement some fans who are unsure about the new Kinect for Xbox 360 technology and those who don’t like motion controls in general have been wondering if ordinary controller compatibility will be in the game but now it looks like Kinect is your only option. From what gameplay footage we’ve seen of both single player and split-screen it appears the game plays fine thus far with the Kinect device not having any problems detecting movement from both SEGA representatives demonstrating the game and controls can only improve during development in the run up to the games release of Late 2010.
What are your thoughts on this news? Let us know in the comments.
Thanks to tjthefox for the heads up!
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The week long Needlemouse challenge speeds into it’s fourth and final day with one last quest for the Sonic Community to complete. This time the battleground is on Twitter. Oh, and bad luck to any Amy and Shade fans as they became the most recent Sonic characters to be rejected as playable characters.
Once again, RubyEclipse from the SEGA America Blog was on hand to give us the down-low on our challenge.
Day 4: Twitter (Difficulty: High)
Final Goal: Reply @SEGA on Twitter with a total of 1,000 correct answers!
Bonus Point Earned if correct replies break 1,250 responses, ORif #SEGA or #Needlemouse become trending topics!
How to create trending topics:Trending Topics on twitter are words or phrases that are the most frequently written. Put a # just before the word (ex: #SEGA) to contribute to a it’s rank. You can keep on talking to your friends and updating with #Needlemouse or #SEGA, and you will continue to raise the chance that they become trending topics on the front page of twitter!
Trivia – Final Set (Remember, reply to @SEGA on Twitter!)
1: If you locked Sonic 3 onto Sonic and Knuckles, what was the largest amount of emeralds you could collect from special stages?
2: Yuji Naka is credited with much of Sonic’s history, but who is the man that actually designed Sonic?
3: During his creation, what was the Japanese name originally given to Sonic?
This is it, everyone! The final chance to get that last bonus point, and the day for us to show the world that the power of fans can accomplish amazing things.
The contest ends in 24 hours – let’s roll!
The questions are harder, the answers needed higher but it can be done. If you’re not a member of Twitter it’s easy enough to sign up and now is the perfect time to join. It might also be an idea to ask friends and family to help out if need be, we’ve done so well it would be a shame to fall at the final hurdle. Good luck all.
PS, my money is on Shadow being in, but that is the subject for another story entirely. The TSS writers are at war over who should remain…
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For those of you old enough to remember, it’s ten years to the day since SEGA launched their Dreamcast console on the 9th of September 1999, and to celebrate AAUK and Sonic Wrecks is giving away ten fantastic prizes to those who are floating around on Twitter at 09:09:09am GMT! All you need to do is follow SonicWrecks on Twitter and be around to ReTweet (RT) a specific phrase – ten lucky hedgehogs will snag themselves one of these goody bags, which include some rare items like a Sonic Unleashed hoodie and the Megadrive Ultimate Collection Vinyl.
If that wasn’t enough, each winner gets themselves one of the exclusive artbooks that were given away at Summer of Sonic! One VERY lucky hedgehog will win themselves a signed Sonic and the Secret Rings poster signed by Yojiro Ogawa and the SatSR gang.
For more details, Terms & Conditions, as well as the full prize breakdown, head over to Sonic Wrecks.
You guys are certainly getting your fix of prizes at the moment!
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You might have noticed me going on about a Twitter account that I use every now and again. I’ve been dabbling with the thing for a while now, for personal use and all that. But then it hit me that I could use it to update you guys on site happenings and what-have you outside of TSS. If that makes any sense. The bonus is, I can send news posts and everything onto my Twitter for you to be updated with, and I can ticker it – as a result, it has replaced the News Feed ticker, which was proving to be a headache/drain on site resources as it is.
I was going to make a new account for this, but I figure it’ll be more colourful and interesting to use my current account instead. So if you want to follow my antics and keep up to date on when TSS is maintained then click the links in the scrolling ticker there and be my friend. 🙂 I like friends.
Oh, I’m aware that the SSR (and to an extent, the SoS) site borks in Internet Explorer. Sigh. I’m going to get right on that today — and Sega very kindly sent me a copy of Let’s Tap. Is Naka-san back? I’ll review it for you guys soon enough.
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