Sneaky New Team Sonic Racing Character ‘Dodonpa’ Revealed in Famitsu

Some new details on Team Sonic Racing’s story mode has been revealed in the latest issue of Japanese games magazine Famitsu – and we now have a better idea about who the mysterious raccoon-like character is as well. Continue reading Sneaky New Team Sonic Racing Character ‘Dodonpa’ Revealed in Famitsu

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New “M&S: Winter Olympics” Scans from April’s Nintendo Power

msowgart1The latest Nintendo Power (#240) has some new information and images of the upcoming sequel to the popular summer Olympiad game that the two iconic characters competed at this past holiday season. The issue talked about some of the sports that Mario & Sonic will be participating in later this year in Vancouver, such as alpine skiing, bobsledding, and speed skating.  In addition to the titular characters, all characters that participated in Beijing will be returning for the Winter Olympics, in addition to some new faces.  If you ever wanted to see a purple, morbidly obese cat ride a skeleton luge, this game may make that dream come true.

Co-Op and competitive multiplayer will be available for the Wii version, while the DS will only receive the latter.  The Wii version will also put your unused Wii Balance Board to use.  When it comes to the DS, you might want to invest in some screen protectors for this game.  All that rubbin’ and scratchin’ will obliterate your touch screen.

Oh, and here are some scans, I guess:


[From BlueBlur]

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Sonic and the Black Knight: New Info

Fellow Sonic fan-site Blue Blur have got a copy of the new issue of Nintendo Power and have scanned up some Sonic and the Black Knight screenshots and artwork. They have also typed up all the info Sonic Team were willing to reveal which is as follows –

  • Developed by the same people as Sonic and the Secret Rings
  • ”This time, a sorceress named Merlina summons Sonic to the mythical realm of King Arthur, but it seems the fabled monarch has somehow been corrupted and now rules the land as the tyranical Black Knight.”
  • Uses a similar storybook device as Secret Rings
  • ”As Sonic runs along, a simple flick of the Wii remote will execute a basic slash, which is enough to dispatch most low-level grunts.”
  • More advanced swordplay consists of the ability to thrust, parry, and even pull off a buzz-saw maneuver midjump.
  • ”During out demo, we saw the hedgehog leap from a high precipice, then thrust the blade into a wall to slow his decent, sparks flying impressivly as steel cut through brick”
  • ”Combat is integrated in such a way that most of the time you can slice through any who stand in your path without even slowing down”
  • Sonic is controlled with the Control Stick. Continue reading Sonic and the Black Knight: New Info
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More Sonic Unleashed Screens

Gamekyo (formerly known as has put up two more magazine scans, in addition to the two that were revealed last week, for the Wii version of Sonic Unleashed.  All I can really say is…”wow.”  For magazine scans, that’s just “wow” in my book.  However, judging from the above screenshot, it looks like the homing attack is back, a feature that I am not too fond of.  Check the link below for all four screens that have been released thus far.

Gamekyo’s Sonic Unleashed Wii Page.

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Retro Gamer Sonic tribute

The British retro gaming publication aptly titled Retro Gamer has run a Sonic the Hedgehog Anniversary feature in its June Issue 26 edition. The magazine offers very little content that isn’t already readily available over the internet, however the feature does span a whopping 14 pages (ironically 15 if you count the cover), offering Sonics largest dedicated magazine feature since his golden 16 bit era, an interview (and exploration of his gaming career) with a rather reserved Yuji Naka, and finally a competition to with a Sonic related prize.

Viewable Scans:
Front Cover | Read a Page

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Friday Loungin’

Don’t you just love Fridays? Beginning of the weekend (which is always dogged with work for me), all-round good feeling, spring in yer step. For us at TSS, it means we polish off another healthy update for you to get your teeth into.

First off, we have new entries for the TSS Mailbag’s April month. Have a general question, comment on something Sonic or even TSS itself? Or maybe you just wanna chat. Be sure to get in touch, and mark your email subject “Mailbag”. Today’s update discusses Death Eggs, online Sonics, Shadow (again) and a fan of the ol’ Illegitimacy section.

Continue reading Friday Loungin’

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Hooplah! It’s Easter, the time of eating Choccy Eggs… there’s also something vaguely religious about it and all (…NAAAH, the eggs! ;D), but woo. I’m going to be taking a day or so’s holiday for Easter with family (which means no comp access, hooray – be nice while I’m gone guys!), but it wouldn’t be a holiday without a long-overdue update, right? 😉

Well, after all that Shadow the Hedgehog hullabaloozah, you people certainly have been vocal about that. Be it in the SSMB Forums, in the TSS Mailbag or be it submission of Fan Articles. The latter of which will be added next week; we had a couple of Shadow oriented articles submitted, and quite frankly I just want to avoid the thing for the time being P; So next week for the articles. Promise.

Continue reading Happy EASTAAAAAH!

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How’s it going guys? A big update today, as I said yesterday. First off, Sonic Kid sent us a huge bunch of scans and the Sonic X French Theme, so you can view and download all those things. It’s called for a new section for the Comics Zone called Foreign Comics. The Sonic X Theme can be found in the Sonic X section. Flare Gamer who is constructing a cool site asked me for an interview a few weeks back, and you can read the transcript here if you got nothing better to do. AND, there was also the TSS Timeline update made yesterday, which has a complete psychological history of TSS during 2004 up till this present day. For more updates, check out TSS’ front page, under “Latest Updates”.

But for more exciting things, looking ahead now! The Sonic Stadium will be FIVE YEARS OLD in October. October 24th to be exact. And what does a major Sonic site need to make its existence complete? Why, the legendary 1 MILLION VISIT count of course. If you check the Site Meter for The Sonic Stadium you can see that we are close to the 1M mark. Granted, it’s a fair way off, but it’s worth shouting about, even this early. 903,500 unique visitors have entered TSS since October 24th, 2000 (on last count; today at 8:22pm GMT). At this rate we’ll be hitting that target in a month or two! Exciting. 😀 Anyway, enjoy those updates.

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Told ya there was more…

You know, it feels so good to be able to find time to update my site once again. ^_^ This is the third update I’ve made in four days, and it feels great to be finally updating everything that has been submitted as far back as August ’04 (again, sorry for those who submitted stuff and had to wait so long! o_o).

At time of writing, today’s update is rather niche. I’m attempting to bring the Archie Sonic Comics section bang up to date, and that’s rather hard, not living in America and all. 😛 Rally the Cheetah’s being a superstar with her submissions, and today’s scans include front covers for the last few months, plus some Sonic Specials, AND covers for not only Issue 0, but an alternate Issues 1, 2 and 3. These aren’t the Issues 1, 2 and 3 you know from July ’93 onwards, these were Issues of Archie that began a few months before then. After some digging for more info and scans, we should have information on them.
Continue reading Told ya there was more…

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li3k, an UpDat!

Got a press release from SEGA today – TakeTwo Interactive has effectively bought out Visual Concepts and Kush Games. For those that don’t really care or know (that’s everyone outside of America, then), they are the SEGA divisions that brought us the Sports 2K Series. The acquisition will see SEGA no longer owning the developer’s rights to these games. TakeTwo and SEGA are also apparently going to work together to bring Visual Concepts games to arcades – be it Sports 2K or something else we dunno. Finally, the agreement will apparently include SEGA publishing and distributing the 2K series in Japan and Asia. I’ll post the whole press kaboodle on the SSMB later. Continue reading li3k, an UpDat!

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Sonic Scansday Returns!

You may remember we used to have a regular feature called ‘Sonic Scansday’. It happened every Wednesday, where I would offer a special update devoted to scans. Well, now TSS is back, it’s time to beckon Scansdays again.

For now, Sonic Scansday will only happen on certain Wednesdays instead of every week, because of the amount I have to scan, and the fact that the whole thing may last a few months only. But, here’s today’s offering:

  • New Phantasy Star Online scan, of SEGA registering a star and naming it ‘Ragol’. Cute, no?
  • Fleetway Issue 7 and Issue 98 have been added. While I’m on the subject, check out the Comics section. Go on. You can read some Archies and fully scanned Fleetways and whatever. ^_^ Scans of these issues are from JDogg and ZSaiyanHajimeZ respectively. Sorry it took so long, guys =)
  • Archie Issue 111 Cover, donated by “Tails the Echidna“.

Continue reading Sonic Scansday Returns!

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ChuChu Rocket GBA Box Art Revealed

Sonic Team’s kooky puzzle game, ChuChu Rocket, is getting a re-release on Nintendo’s Game Boy Advance. And Sega has revealed the packshots for the game in both North America and Europe. Take a look below – no news on Sonic Advance’s release outside of Japan yet, but as soon as we hear anything we’ll let you know. Continue reading ChuChu Rocket GBA Box Art Revealed

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Sonic 10th Anniversary Celebrated in Electronic Gaming Monthly

If you live in the US, get to your local game store right away to pick up the new Electronic Gaming Monthly magazine. This month’s issue features Sonic on the cover – not only that, but characters from Phantasy Star Online are reflected in his eyes! Continue reading Sonic 10th Anniversary Celebrated in Electronic Gaming Monthly

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