With Lee Majdoub’s performance as Agent Stone in the Sonic the Hedgehog movies winning the hearts of die-hard fans around the world, it’s no surprise that there is a tonne of adoring fan art of Dr. Robotnik’s coffee-serving sidekick. But Latin American artist ‘Lanth’ took things one step further by inserting a cartoon version of Stone into SEGA’s ‘Sonic Mania Adventures’ animation series.
Continue reading Genius Fan Art Adds Agent Stone To Sonic Mania Adventures And It’s Super AdorableSonic Fan Makes Incredible Sonic Character and Badnik Plush Toys
Sonic the Hedgehog fan Donna Evans has been showing images of her creations on Twitter, including incredible badnik models and classic Sonic characters!
Continue reading Sonic Fan Makes Incredible Sonic Character and Badnik Plush Toys
Stolen ‘Sonic 1 Bootleg’ Shadow Fan Art Gets Revisited By Original Artist
A piece of Shadow the Hedgehog fan art, which unexpectedly became the face of a series of bootleg Sonic 1 Mega Drive cartridges, has been updated by the original artist into high resolution – and now looks better than ever! Continue reading Stolen ‘Sonic 1 Bootleg’ Shadow Fan Art Gets Revisited By Original Artist
Saturday Night Live Piece Features “Sonic the Hedgehog The Musical”
The SNL gang dream about returning to their normal lives…and attending a Sonic the Hedgehog Musical! Continue reading Saturday Night Live Piece Features “Sonic the Hedgehog The Musical”
Celebrate Team Sonic’s Rivals League Win With Epic Sonic Forces Fan Art
The Sonic Forces Speed Battle ‘Rivals League’ event has finished, and there can only be one winner. Turns out, Team Sonic took the crown with 13,000 points over Team Rose’s 12,532. So close. But we think the real prizes we won in this tournament were the epic fan art pieces that the community created along the way. Continue reading Celebrate Team Sonic’s Rivals League Win With Epic Sonic Forces Fan Art
Sonic Fan Artist Meetup To Take Place In Dallas, Texas

Further details can be found through the website and twitter below.
Sonic Artist Meetup site: https://sonicmeetup.
Sonic Artist Meetup Twitter: https://twitter.com/
Meet Omelette, Sonic Mania’s Accidental New Boss Character
It was only a matter of time before someone managed to completely misread the sprites in Sonic Mania and create a brand new character out of it. We just didn’t think it would happen so soon! One player in particular has captured the hearts and minds of the Sonic community by epically misinterpreting one of the bosses. Introducing ‘Omelette’ / ‘Eggette’ / ‘Ovoid Robotnik’! Continue reading Meet Omelette, Sonic Mania’s Accidental New Boss Character
11 Sonics Drawn Badly, by SSMB
The Sonic fanbase can be a creative lot. There’s a wealth of content to be discovered from talented fans who create wonderful things. You’ll find pieces of stunning fan art, creative original animated series and ambitious fangames which rival the quality of even some of Sonic Team’s best. Games like Sonic: After The Sequel come to mind, with a wealth of unique well designed zones, an incredible original soundtrack and tons of creative new gimmicks. It’s hard to think of many other fanbases which match the unrivalled passion of Sonic’s. Continue reading 11 Sonics Drawn Badly, by SSMB
20 Years of Sonic the Comic
Twenty years ago, many veteran fans amongst the community will probably remember racing to their local newsagents in order to grab the first issue of Sonic the Comic for the paltry price of 95 pence, and thumbing excitedly through the first pages of Sonic and SEGA-themed strips. In the many years that followed, fans saw the publication of 223 issues, 9 poster magazines and several special one-offs across nearly a decade of production.
The comic was renowned for its well-pitched storylines that appealed to both the younger and older audiences, for expanding the Sonic universe beyond the canon of the game and introducing several original characters; some of whom suffered a grisly demise (poor old Johnny Lightfoot!). For the majority of issues, the comic was presented by Megadroid, a robot reminiscent of a SEGA Megadrive (and later a SEGA Saturn), who took to naming the readers “Boomers” (and the writers “Humes” – short for “Humans”). As well as the Sonic-themed strips, the comic included a whole host of stories from SEGA titles such as Golden Axe, Decap Attack and Streets of Rage, as well as features and reviews on games, as well as fan art and mail; many fan-works featured were created by many of those who have remained fans to this day! Indeed, the publication garnered many fans, and some of you reading this today will probably owe STC as your introduction to the world of Sonic the Hedgehog.
SEGA Holding Sonic CD Fan Art Contest, Original Metal Sonic Sketch Revealed
SEGA announced last week that they’re holding a ‘Sonic CD Fan Art Contest’. Sonic fans are tasked with creating artwork related to Sonic CD and submit them for the chance to win a copy of the digital port of Sonic CD and a signed copy of the new Japan-only Sonic CD original soundtrack CD. The contest is open to residents of North America, Mexico and the UK, and closes November 29th. All of the rules can be found here.
Today, SEGA has updated with some tips for drawing Metal Sonic from Kazuyuki Hoshino, Art Director at Sonic Team. Hoshino-san has even shared the original sketch of Metal Sonic, which you can view in our gallery below.
This sketch takes me back! When I was new to Sonic Team, I was tasked with designing what was to be Sonic’s rival character. I was so excited!
Although some slight changes were made between this and the final design – for example, his eyes are rounded and the proportions of his body are different – for the most part, he was already Metal Sonic. This sketch was used as a draft for the character’s bitmap that you see in game so it’s rather simple, but it brings back a lot of good memories and is very special to me.
Tips When Drawing Metal Sonic
1. Remember that he is METAL Sonic so focus on giving him a nice metallic texture. You can do this by emphasizing the highlights and reflections on his body.
2. Try to position him in a way that will show off his iconic details like his glowing eyes, menacingly pointed fingers, and the large engine on his back.I hope that these tips will prove useful and look forward to seeing all of your submissions!
Art Contributions Start for 20th Anniversary Fan Tribute
Long-standing community member Psyguy has launched an initiative for a fan tribute to celebrate Sonic the Hedgehog’s 20th Anniversary. The plan is to create a digital art book featuring a collection of “some of the best artwork from around the globe.”
It’s a project that follows the lead that Udon Comics established with the Street Fighter and Darkstalkers Tribute books. Fanart old and new will be considered, but limited space means only the cream of the crop will get included in the 100 pages planned. There are no plans to actually publish the project when completed, but naturally Psy is open to anyone that might want to sponsor such an endeavour. Udon? Sega?
If you fancy getting your work included in the digital booklet (or have some additional questions to ask about the project) then you can find all the details – along with already-submitted pieces – on its website. If you have an SSMB account and fancy throwing your thoughts into the ring, you can go to the SSMB topic here too.
The Creation of Metal Sonic
When we think of Metal Sonic’s creation, we think of Robotnik working in a dark, dank lab right? Well, in reality, it happened like this!
Picture by Nerkin. Click his name to visit his lovely DA page, and download a bigger version of the art below.
I hope and pray you all know what piece of Renaissance art this is referencing.
UPDATE: Sonic Underground’s Sonia Spotted in ASR Wii & PC
SSMB Member Yuluga has just brought to our attention a cameo appearance from Sonic Underground’s Sonia in Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing’s Roulette Road course discovered by members of Sonic Reikai forums. Continue reading UPDATE: Sonic Underground’s Sonia Spotted in ASR Wii & PC
“Even More” Needlemouse Concept Art
Slicer was pretty cool in the “Needlemouse concept art” style. Here’s some more from Trakker:
“More” Needlemouse Concept Art
Remember the Shellcracker concept art that SEGA revealed last week for Project Needlemouse? Well, one fan has decided to draw up some more in that style. This time, it’s one of Shellcracker’s running buddies, Slicer, the biggest dick in the entire game. Looks pretty official to me, but I’ll let you be the judge:
Visit Trakker’s DeviantArt profile.
Thanks to SilvaRymes for sending us this image.
BONUS VIDEO: “Slicer is annoying as shit.”
Sonic Knows When to Hold ‘Em, Fold ‘Em
Good stuff, xamoel. We already knew that Sonic was a darts fan, but I think he’s even more suited for poker. Hell, this is better than brawling (at least Mega Man is involved)!
Want to be featured on TSS’ Community Blog (or even in an article)? Submit to us at thesonicstadium AT gmail DOT com.
Sonic Gets Tactical in a TF2 Crossover
An extremely well-done crossover job by Toughset of DeviantArt. Submitted to us by Silva Rhymes. KAAA-BOOOOOOM…
BlueTube: Sonic Beyond Art Showcase
A couple of Sonic fans have taken the time to draw artwork on their own dream Sonic the Hedgehog game. Called ‘Sonic Beyond’, it’s not really a fangame at all as it’s not even in development, but rather a showcase of concept art that details what such a game would be like. It’s rather nice to look at, and the different zones are all quite inspiring. We like the idea of characters earning abilities from side-characters, saves the whole playing-as-them deal. And we don’t know about you, but we reckon Egg Hoover is a great boss name. You can see high resolution pics of their artwork here. Well done Maximiliano (legendary name, by the way) and Leonardo Martinez.
SatAM DVD Art Contest Extended
Brian Ward of Shout has announced that the Sonic the Hedgehog: The Complete Series DVD art contest.
- The due date is now November 11th.
- Do NOT send multiple e-mails. Send only one e-mail(or as close as you can get to it before the deadline). The mailbox filled up last time partially because people sent their submissions multiple times.
- Send ONLY the final product. People sent their art in various stages last time, resulting in some confusion over which one was the final product.
- It is ok to resend your e-mail ONLY if you get a message saying it didn’t go through or that the inbox was full.
And please remember: Continue reading SatAM DVD Art Contest Extended
Art contest for upcoming SatAm box set announced
You want to leave your mark on Sonic history, folks? Now’s your chance. Brian Ward from Shout! Factory has just announced a fan art contest for the Sonic the Hedgehog: The Complete Series DVD boxset.
This fan art must meet the following requirements:
- Entries should represent SatAm Sonic. They can be any kind of art, having anything to do with SatAm, as long as it’s appropriate. Any kind of art is excepted and has a chance of being featured.
- Should be scanned in 300 DPI.
- Should be sent by November 4th (Brian apologizes for the delay, it took longer then expected for him to get the approval from Sega and DiC).
All entries should be submitted to SonicFanArt@hotmail.com . They will be judged by Shout! Factory’s own art director, Emily Johnson. The winning entries will contribute to the packaging of the DVD box set, and featured within the thinpaks of the discs themselves. Continue reading Art contest for upcoming SatAm box set announced
Community Interview: GeNeratioN8
Generation8 has become a highly prominent and familiar face in the fan art community, and so we caught up with the promising artist to get her thoughts on the Sonic franchise as well as get pointers on how to be great at drawing. Fan fiction writer Nicholas D Wolfwood stars as guest interviewer for TSS; let’s go! Continue reading Community Interview: GeNeratioN8
Community Interview: Fan Artist WB
WB is one of the best fan artists in the Sonic Internet Community today, and has a long history contributing artwork too. These days, WB even has a hand in Archie’s official Sonic the Hedgehog comic series – living the dream! Buckle up though, this is probably one of the craziest interviews we’ve done yet. Continue reading Community Interview: Fan Artist WB
Sonic Fan Artist Will Soon Be Working at Archie Comics
Interesting news from the Sonic fan community today, as it appears that someone from the fan artist world will soon be levelling up to join the official Sonic comic masters at Archie. Continue reading Sonic Fan Artist Will Soon Be Working at Archie Comics
TSS Update: Fans Fans Fans, and GCSE Preparations
Welcome to the Sonic Stadium! The place that’s kicking with ALL the right vibes this start of spring! Well well now, what do I find in my e-mail inbox earlier on this month but a piece of fan art! Great! This’ll be the first Sonic fan-pic in Sonic Stadium history. I’ve also added my own, so now you have no reason to not send any in!
Continue reading TSS Update: Fans Fans Fans, and GCSE Preparations