Hero of Legend’s Lookback Part 2: Sonic Unleashed for Wii

Yep, as I hinted in part 1 of my lookback featuring Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity, I wanted to do my next one on Sonic Unleashed for the Wii! Have a look at part 1 right here (and comment! I’d really love some more feedback. :) ).

So now onto the lookback:

sonic_unleashed_wiiDeveloper: Sonic Team/Dimps/Xeen/O-TWO Release Date: Nov 18th 2008 (NA) Nov 28th 2008 (EU) Nov 27th 2008 (AUS) Dec 18th 2008 (JP)

So this is what everyone considers to be the afterthought version, the side project, the thing to chuck out there for a quick buck… which apparently worked too well as the Wii version was apparently not only the highest selling version, but APPARENTLY outsold both the PS3 and 360 versions combined. Well that’s one reason Wii got Colors exclusively. :P

So for a long time we always thought it was mainly by Sonic Team with Dimps doing the daytime design work, but after exploring the endless world of the interwebs, I found the websites of Xeen and O-TWO and spotted the Wii version on both sites under games they worked on. As I noted last time, those two indeed worked on Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity, and there’s the old interview where a Sega employee (think it was at one E3) where it was said it indeed used the Zero Gravity engine, all signs point to it being correct.

The game runs in 480p, 16:9 widescreen like Zero Gravity and all other Sonic games on Wii, however it runs in 30fps, also like every other Wii Sonic game except for Zero Gravity. Why did a spin-off accomplish what main games wouldn’t do? At least not until Sonic Lost World, and even then Zero Gravity is a locked 60fps where Lost World dips at times…

For those unfamiliar with the latter two teams, Xeen actually was the main dev of Rhythm Thief on 3DS and O-TWO mainly works on various 3DS eShop games like Skater Cat and Cube Tactics, they also helped on the more recent Puyo Pop games.

So here’s another thing to point out and it’s a biggie. The Wii version was basically the darling of most review sites, while the HD versions were slammed and some even rated it lower than Sonic ’06, ouch. I’ve only played the 360 demo in terms of HD version experience and it wasn’t my cup of tea, all the footage I’ve seen so far shows it being NOWHERE near as bad as Sonic ’06, and no, I don’t think Sonic Boom will be either, there was more than just technical issues being why Sonic ’06 was poop.

So what about the Wii game itself you ask? Well I REALLY liked it, it certainly has some glaring issues which of course I’ll dive into, but first let’s talk about the gameplay.

It’s very true the game is pretty one-sided in favor of the Werehog stages, basically for every day stage, you get 3 night stages. Some night levels even take place like 3-5 in a row, yikes. But the daytime stages are purdy fun. One thing I really enjoyed was the limited boost usage where it’s divided into small bursts at a time rather than go hedgehog wild. It allows you to strategize more in when to use it, also I like how after every 30 rings collected, its max amount increases AND fully restores it. I also like that *puts flame shield on* it’s SLOWER! I don’t like boosting like a bajillion miles and hour with little to no control, no sir, I don’t like that. Just give me a sense of going fast but being able to see things around me and being able to control what the hell I’m doing while boosting!

A major bonus on Wii is the medal system, you never have to worry about searching far and wide (I ain’t singing it, get that out of your head!) for medals, instead they’re rewarded depending on your rank in all levels, where as B gets you one, A gets you two, and S gets you all three medal in the level. Much easier. I just encourage you to try and get an S rank in the night levels on the first go if you don’t want to play them again. :P

Speaking of the night levels, here you focus on using the Wiimote and Nunchuck to fight in a sort of Wii Boxing/Punch Out style, and honestly, once you get the hang of it, it works REALLY well, I never used another control setup, I know, crazy right?

S ranking in the night levels is a bit tricky, you have to collect all the experience (called Force), rings, and beating the stage fast enough. But just be quick and break and collect everything you see and you should be okay. Here’s a tip: instead of punching boxes and whatnot, RUN into them, they break automatically thus saving you a lot of time.

So how about dem graphics? Well it’s no secret it’s not as pretty, and frankly, it’s not even close to the graphics of the Colors team’s output (Secret Rings, Black Knight, and Colors), hell, the game runs in 30fps so to me it’s kind of beneath Zero Gravity. Plus there’s something BIZARRE about the image quality where when the Werehog stages begin, he looks VERY weird with how the jaggies move about, like it’s not polished and… ugh, I can’t put my finger on it! The game could’ve used the useful Deflicker technique where it softens the image to reduce jaggies, like a free fake Anti-Aliasing of sorts. A lot of Sonic games on GC and Wii used it, as most famously Super Smash Bros. Melee and Brawl. It honestly helps a bit I’ve noticed, but I’m no expert so…

Also need to mention this graphical glitch in the first main daytime Adabat stage where you reach the bottom of a 2D section where you’re on the water, and the water just flickers really badly, but this is the only case of that, but it always does that there.

However, when played in HD on Dolphin, it surprisingly shines! Here is a gallery made by a person named zetabio who made DOZENS of screenshots of it in 1920×1200.

So all-in-all, I really enjoyed the game and I highly recommend it as long as you’re not going to puke as soon as you look at it and don’t mind the Wiimote controls. Actually it supports the GameCube controller (not usable at the moment on Wii U of course) and the Classic Controller if you prefer. :)

I’d give it an 8.0 out of 10. It’s not my fav Sonic game, but I still really enjoyed it as I said. It’s hard to say if I prefer Zero Gravity over Unleashed, I kinda prefer Zero Gravity due to it’s vastly superior polish.

That’s it for now! Hope you’ve enjoyed the 2nd lookback. :D Hopefully I’ll do another down the road again, but these two were the most under the radar/underrated of the console games last gen so I felt the warranted lookbacks the most.

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Exclusive Archie Comic Inside of Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal


Not since the Sonic and the Secret Rings Target exclusive has Archie comics content been included in a Sonic video game but this November, you won’t need to go to any one store to enjoy an exclusive Archie Sonic Boom Story written by Ian Flynn and art by Evan Stanley. IGN has a full article and coverage of several panels from the included comic. As you can see, they are all in a letterbox format to fit the 3DS screen. What I wonder is, will the Comic Art be in 3D as well? Also, will it be available from the start or as an unlockable?

Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal will be on the 3DS on November 11 in the USA and Novermber 21st in the UK. You can check out the IGN article here.

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TSS Sorta Reviews: Velocity 2X

I am really really excited. Because I get to review the new Sonic game! And here it is!

[NEW] Velocity 2X Trailer (PS4/Vita)

Wait what…?

It’s not my fault, yesterday IGN posted their review of Velocity 2X, a sequel to the very good game ‘Velocity Ultra‘ and in their review they opened with this line.

“Velocity 2X is the best Sonic game in 2 decades”

And closed with…

“It’s the first game in a long time to give me the thrilling sense of mastery that a well-played level of Sonic the Hedgehog used to back in the 90s.”

Well who is to argue with IGN? Anyway, a couple of people who saw this reacted kinda badly and posted the usual ‘you don’t spell ignorant without IGN,’ some said ‘Sonic hate bias’ and then there were the other favourite put downs. So I decided to check it out, I’ve been playing it for a few hours and low and behold…

IGN kinda has a point… just…

Velocity 2X is nothing like any Sonic game, the comparison is utter ludicrous. So why does it remind me so much of playing one?

velocity 2x1

If you think back to the original classic side scrolling game Sonic the Hedgehog, Yuji Naka has said many times that he wanted Sonic to be a game which a player could complete faster and faster once they became familiar with the levels. Whilst most players can beat most Sonic stages, completing the stage quickly and with a good score takes time and some degree of practice. Give it some time and odds are you’ll slash your original times and probably double your score. You are left with an uncompromising feeling of satisfaction once you hit the end stage and see your time and score.

Most Sonic games usually begin with stages which are ‘short’ and then get longer and more complicated, the player has to learn how to navigate them in order to go fast through them and maintain a high score. Regardless as to where they come, you can usually feel yourself getting better as you progress and replay difficult or challenging levels, anyone who has attempted the Hot Dog missions in Eggmanland will probably understand this feeling. Or anyone who grew up with a MegaDrive will likely remember their first attempt at the Death Egg Zone. 


When I first took on Death Egg Zone, it took me near 7min to beat it, now I can beat it in around 70 seconds. Practising that stage, I can feel myself getting better, my heart rate is pulsing and pounding as I start to master the stage and discover how the gameplay works in order to beat it to the best possible standard.

Well, Velocity 2X has this feeling too, and it’s very similar to how I felt when I first took on a game like Sonic 2 and tried to beat my times and high scores.

Velocity 2X encourages speed, it encourages you to go fast. However, it throws various spanners into the works, meaning you can just hold down the boost and get to the end and expect a top score. You have to rescue hostages, fight aliens, collect power ups and items. There’s also a degree of exploring here, hidden items, data logs and even hidden secret levels, hey remember when Sonic games used to have that kind of stuff?

Now at this point you might be thinking ‘I see where you’re going…’

But it’s not the real reason for the comparison. The real reason comes from a combination of factors. Velocity 2X’s level design is very good. Everything flows into one another very well, even the parts where you go from a space shooter to a side scrolling platformer, there’s no break in the flow it honestly feels like a seamless transition. I can’t be helped but be reminded of early Sonic games which had very well done level design in which the flow of the game didn’t break unless you hit an enemy of failed a jump and landed on a spike trap.

You combine this with the fact that you’re encouraged to learn the stages, encouraged to go fast and the satisfaction one gets from getting a ‘perfect’ when you beat the stage. It’s very easy to say ‘yeah this reminds me of Sonic.

offspring fling

Well… if we’re going to compare games to one another based on factors like the above, then we could also say that the game Offspring Fling is similar to Sonic & Velocity 2X. If you’ve not heard of Offsspring Fling, go check it out, it’s a pretty decent game which is nothing like either of these titles. Yet due to the way it encourages the player to go fast and learn the stage. The feeling of satisfaction is similar to Velocity 2X and Sonic, mastering the stages in Offspring Fling gives you the same level of satisfaction of mastering a stage from Velocity or Sonic. Its a game where you feel yourself getting better and ultimately think about the stage and the challenge ahead of you.

Also with all three of these games, the challenges are fair. If you mess up, odds are it’s because you messed up, if you’re not good at the game, it’s because you’re not very good. You either learn and master the stage, or you just try to get through it as best you can.

The philosophy of Yuji Naka, the idea of a player being able to get through a stage faster as he learnt the stage is more than evident in early Sonic games, the control and the power is in the players hands, unlike Sonic Boom which so far speed segments are automated with little control, and it’s the same with Velocity and Offspring Fling. The player is in 100% control of his character and it’s his own ability and skill which will determine how well he does.

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘hold boost to win’ and for a lot of recent games, that’s sadly true. But in Velocity, here is a boost button, however, if you hold it down for too long… odds are you’ll die. You have to learn to use the boost whilst navigating the level and fighting enemies in order to progress. It’s very much like learning Sonic 2′s stages for the first time. Yes you can use the spindash for a huge spin boost, but you can’t rely on it to beat a stage, you will take a hit, you will become trapped and you’ll break the flow of the stage as you attempt to recover from the error you made.

So what of IGN’s opening tagline… is Velocity the best Sonic game in 2 decades. No, because it’s not a Sonic game… but is it a game that gives the same satisfaction to master and beat. Yes, absolutely. However, there are a great many other games out there which also do that. As already mentioned, Offspring Fling is one such game Freedom Planet is probably another, there are no doubt countless others.

velocity 2x2

So if you are one of those people who got angry when they saw that line from IGN, don’t be, if anything its one hell of a compliment. Sonic games should give you the same feeling that Velocity 2X does when you master the stages. I can clearly see why their reviewer drew parallels to the feeling he had when he used to play the original Sonic titles, but there are other games which do this too.

Is IGN right to call it the best Sonic game in 2 decades? No, that’s a silly tagline to try and get people to read someone’s review.

Is IGN right to say it has the same “thrilling sense of mastery that a well-played level of Sonic the Hedgehog used to back in the 90s.” Yes, because it does, if you have played a Sonic game with the intention of mastering this, you will feel the same sensations from playing Velocity 2X.

Well since this ended up being less a review and more of a long ramble of a madman, is Velocity 2X any good? Yes, it’s very good, in fact you should probably go get it right now since it’s pretty awesome in every respect, just don’t expect any blue hedgehogs.

Although if Futurlab wants to patch in Sonic’s spaceship from SegaSonic Cosmo Fighter Galaxy Patrol… Then it really will be the best Sonic game in 2 decades!

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Preview: Sonic Universe #67

The past eight months start to fall into place with the start of the final part of the trilogy!


Comicosity has another preview, this time for Sonic Universe #67! The events of Shadow Fall and Great Chaos Caper merge with each other as team Dark head onto Angel Island to look for one of the remaining Dark Arms left, Eclipse. Knuckles is also on the island, and he isn’t too happy about his island having guests. What can our heroes agree to do in such a tense situation? Especially when Eclipse himself is busy recuperating and ready to strike against Shadow and his allies if the opportunity arises! The Dark Trilogy’s final part begins in “Total Eclipse”:part 1.

Written by Ian Flynn
Art by Tracy Yardley, Jim Amash, Jack Morelli, Matt Herms
Published by Archie Comics
Release Date: August 27, 2014

BRAND NEW STORY ARC! The events of “Shadow Fall” and “The Great Chaos Caper” have clashed to collision in the epic new tale — “Total Eclipse” Part One! The third chapter in the DARK TRILOGY begins here as Team Dark comes to Angel Island on the hunt for Eclipse. But Knuckles isn’t known for his hospitality! Sparks begin to fly as he and Shadow clash over how to protect the world! Meanwhile, the sinister Eclipse hunts our heroes! It’s the first-ever SU TRILOGY and you’ll be in on the ground floor with this titanic new issue, featuring cover art from TRACY YARDLEY and BEN HUNZEKER and a special “Pixel Cutscene” variant cover from RYAN JAMPOLE!

Sonic Universe #67 should be out in stores and on digital formats today, so don’t left in the dark and grab yourself a copy!

PS; There are five pages in the preview below, but pages 2 and 3 are in a double spread, which is why it looks so odd.

Source: Comicosity

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Sonic Boomcast Episode 2 “Accentuate The Positive”

YouTube Preview Image

The second episode of Sonic Stadium’s monthly Sonic Boom podcast is here! In this episode, we discuss several things including the more recent demo from San Diego comic con that me and some of the others have tried, the new pre-order offer from Gamestop, Shadow and the extra members announced and more. Our main topic will focus on some of the positive aspects of Rise of Lyric that we’ve seen so far. We pretty much wrap things up in the first half, but if you wanna hear some Sonic fans ramble on about recent comic stories or the plot holes in Unleashed, then by all means, keep listening.

Commentators, WE WANT YOU! If you have any questions on Sonic Boom you’d like to hear our opinions on, please leave your questions in the comments section of this episode’s post and we may read them on the air in next month’s show.

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This is the Bestist Sonic Shirt in The World

Yes that’s right, bestist, because saying ‘best’ just doesn’t quite do it somehow…

De Sonik shirt


Yes, it’s an officially licensed product. It’s not quite Obama backpack levels of ‘why’ but it’s close.

Source: Find the computer room

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Covers and Solicitations for Sonic the Hedgehog #267, Sonic Universe #70 and Sonic Boom #2 Revealed

Two more arcs end with a shattering bang, while the new comic picks up steam with its second issue!


Midtown Comics has the covers and solicitations for the comics coming out in the holiday month, but these issues are going to be anything but peace on earth! In Sonic the Hedgehog #267, Sonic is still trying to get his wild side under control, but he’s got to do it quickly because he’s still under fire from the relentless Egg Boss Thunderbolt! The other Freedom FIghters are being attacked by several E100s, so they’re just as hot under the collar in “Ambushed”: part 2.


(W) Ian Flynn (A) Jamal Peppers, Terry Austin (CA) Evan Stanley, Terry Austin

The thunderous conclusion to the latest Sonic story arc crashes to a close at lightning speed! ‘Ambushed!’ Part Two: Sonic’s gotten himself into a hairy situation! The savage Werehog threatens to erupt from within, and the vengeful Egg Boss Thunderbolt attacks from without! What’s a cursed hedgehog to do? Unfortunately he won’t get by with a little help from his friends; the Freedom Fighters are far too busy fighting for their lives against three killer E-100 robots! Don’t miss the explosive ending featuring cover art by Stanley, Austin and Hunzeker, plus a hilarious new ‘Holiday Havoc!’ variant cover with pencils by Sonic artist extraordinaire Jennifer Hernandez!


In Sonic Universe #70, Eclipse has joined the list of individuals that have nabbed the Master Emerald, and it’s serious enough that Shadow and Knuckles need to stop fighting and get it back. But with the full force of the Dark Arms now on their backs, there might only be one thing left for Knuckles to do, and he won’t like it one bit. This is “Total Eclipse”: part four.


(W) Ian Flynn (A) Jim Amash, Tracy Yardley (CA) Tracy Yardley & Various

The first ever Sonic universe trilogy reaches its stunning conclusion in ‘Total Eclipse,’ Part Four! Knuckles and Shadow must end their duel because Eclipse has escaped with the Master Emerald! Can the two chaos-fueled warriors stand up to the power of the Dark Arms? Knuckles may be forced into the one choice he doesn’t want to make! Don’t miss the sense-shattering finale that will change the shattered world crisis and the Sonic comic landscape as we know it! Featuring stunning new cover art from Yardley, Amash and Hunzeker, plus an awesome SEGA art variant featuring two of the biggest ‘Total Eclipse’ stars: Knuckles and Rouge!

Finally, in Sonic Boom #2, we rejoin our heroes in this new continuity for more shenanigans, but there might be a traitor amongst their ranks. Guess who, and perhaps why, in “Knucklesduster”.

sonic boom #2

(W) Ian Flynn (A) Evan Stanley, Rick Bryant (CA) Patrick Spaz Spaziante

Get ready for the BOOM, baby! The new hit ongoing Sonic comic book series from Archie Comics continues here with issue #2, ‘Knuckleduster!’ Race along at Sonic speed with the blue blur and his pals Tails, Knuckles, Amy Rose and the newest edition to the team – Sticks! But is there a traitor in our heroes’ midst? Say it ain’t so! Find out in this sensational second issue, featuring explosive new cover art from Sonic art legend Patrick ‘SPAZ’ Spaziante, and a super-special ‘Sonic Spotlight’ variant cover by artist T.REX!

We’ll have more on all of these issues closer to the time of release.

Source: Midtown Comics

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Preview: Sonic the Hedgehog #263

Preview: Sonic the Hedgehog #263

Our deep sea dive is due to surface in the final part of the oceanic arc! Our look at the city of Meropis and its plight draws to an end in this month’s issue of Sonic the Hedgehog, and Newsarama

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Sonic-a-thon for Child’s Play ongoing, ends on Aug 20th

maxresdefaultWell this hasn’t been posted yet, so I’m here to correct that mistake! HellfireComms as well as guests like folks from BrainScratchComms and others will be playing various Sonic games until August 20th, check it out the livestream HERE!

Right now as I type they’re playing Sonic the Hedgehog 3 while playing as Knuckles with SomeCallMeJohnny playing and Ryan co-commentating.

As well the total donated as I type is at US $11,458.41 with 811 contributions!

Missed the previous games? Worry not! HellfireComms is archiving them on their YouTube channel, so far the games archived are:

Sonic Adventure DX (GC), Sonic Rivals, Sonic Spinball, Shadow the Hedgehog (GC), and Sonic the Fighters (Arcade).

Hop on over, enjoy some great games being streamed (and some not so good games ;) ), and consider donating for a great cause! Chances are, if you have a game you want to see, it’s going to be streamed, check out the schedule on the livestream site above. :)

I want to wish all involved the BEST of luck and keep up the amazing work!

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4Gamer shows new Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric and Shattered Crystal screenshots

So before the upcoming Gamescom event, we’re treated to some new screens of both versions thanks to the Japanese website 4Gamer. Note the game is called Sonic Toon in Japan.

Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric (Wii U):

Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal (3DS)

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Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax Has a Sonic Stage

Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax is a game made by Sega which is a beat em’ up that stars characters from the Japanese publisher ASCII Media Works.


Well they’ve collaborated with Sega on this beat em up/fighting game whatever genre you want to call it which means that we have a game with characters from the publishers various stories, set on stages from various Sega games.

Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax

Today a new trailer was released which shows a bunch of new Sega based stages such as a nights clock tower stage, Valkyria Chronicles and a Green Hill Zone esq stage.

The game is due for release on 13th of November for the PS3 and Vita.

Now for a few questions that I know will appear in the comments.

“Is Sonic playable.”

No, No Sega characters are playable except for a technicality (Akira)

“Is (insert my favourite character…) from Sega playable?”

No, there are no Sega characters playable, except for one technicality (akira)

“Will this come to the west?”

No. You’re gonna have to import.

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Sonic Boom 2014 Tickets Go On Sale Tomorrow, New Details


Heads up Sonic fans! There’s not just one Sonic Boom coming this year – the annual US based Sonic convention returns to Manhattan Center Grand Ballroom, New York this year on Saturday, 4th October. SEGA have just announced that tickets go on sale starting tomorrow at 09:00 AM EDT and will set you back $33 (alongside some additional fees). Aside from this, it’s also confirmed that Jun Senoue, Tomoya Ohtani, Ted Poley and Tony Harnell will all appear to give live performances and both versions of Sonic Boom will be playable. The full details are as follows:

SEGA of America is proud to present Sonic Boom 2014, a fan-oriented celebration of Sonic the Hedgehog!

Sonic Boom 2014 will include:

  • Live performances by Sonic musicians Jun Senoue, Tomoya Ohtani, Ted Poley and Tony Harnell
  • Sonic the Hedgehog trivia, Costume Contest, and Giveaways
  • Playable demos of Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric for Wii U and Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal for Nintendo 3DS

And other special guests!

(Please note: Performances & activities subject to change.)

Doors open at 5 PM. Event starts at 6 PM and ends 10 PM.

This year is set to be a big one, so make sure you grab your tickets early – there’s no place quite like the Big Apple! Will you be buying your tickets tomorrow?