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SEGA’s confirmed appearance at Gamescom 2023 has sent pockets of the Sonic fanbase into a frenzy, with many assuming that the publisher will announce a remaster of Sonic Heroes at the event.
This particular rumour is based off of zero hard facts and information, of course. There have been no clues that SEGA will be bringing anything other than what it has already publicly announced to the Cologne game show. Which means, we assume, Sonic Superstars (although SEGA has not yet shared a list of games it will be bringing to the expo).
But Sonic Twitter has taken it upon itself return to a recent TailsTube sketch on last month’s Sonic Central showcase, in an attempt to find some clues to support the latest rumour.
The screenshot above, taken during the 23 June Sonic Central, shows a distorted screenshot of a cutscene from the PS2, Gamecube and Xbox classic. It was shared by Twitter user ‘DTBROS’, who highlighted the fact that SEGA’s Sonic social channels have a habit of hiding teasers of upcoming games in plain sight.
To be honest, the TailsTube ’glitch’ is a pretty sound theory to support the idea that something is cooking at SEGA. But it’s not proof that anything will be announced at Gamescom – a show that has not traditionally been a venue for significant reveals by AAA publishers (with one or two exceptions).
All of this is to say that nobody truly knows what Sonic Team and SEGA have planned down the road. They may well surprise us all and announce a Sonic Heroes remaster – if that happens, you’ll be sure to find out about it first here.
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It’s no secret that Youtube isn’t exactly the best place for animators these days. From radical shifts in the algorithm to unfriendly policy changes, animation channels have had it rough. Youtube’s latest method of making things difficult for animators stems from its habit of forcing random animated videos to be marked as “Made for Kids,” seemingly only because the video in question features animation and children-friendly characters.
Amongst the channels they’ve seemingly targeted in order to force this designation is the Sonic animation channel Balena Productions. They’ve been going after Balena since last year, marking several of their videos as “made for kids.” Balena’s latest video, their “Sonic in Scared Stupid: The Final Chapter” preview video, was hit by this not long after it was uploaded. You can check it out below, but be forewarned, this “kids” video features a werehog zombie with its flesh falling off:
So, why is this such a big deal? Videos hit by this designation have their ability to do well in Youtube’s algorithm neutered, while also having their comments disabled, and existing comments deleted. And as a side effect, videos that clearly aren’t made with kids in mind end up finding their way into Youtube’s supposedly kid-friendly app, effectively defeating the purpose of the whole thing.
To give you an idea of how targeted towards animation this is, even our own Youtube has been affected by this, with most of our uploads focusing on animation from the games forcibly being marked “Made for Kids.” The latest video of ours to be hit by this was our off-screen recording of Sonic Superstars’ animated opening. Our other off-screen recordings of the game remain untouched.
What Made for Kids does to a video’s metrics.
But what is a minor annoyance for us can be apocalyptic for channels like Balena Productions, which relies on their channel’s ad revenue to fund their animations. Since MFK videos do very poorly in Youtube’s algorithm, that limits a video’s views, and thus its ability to generate revenue, affecting a channel’s ability to survive. Of course, when a video is marked MFK, it can be appealed, both through Youtube’s built-in appeal system and through Twitter, but these appeals are often rejected, sometimes within minutes of the appeal being made. Anyone who follows Balena on Twitter is probably familiar with how this typically goes with Team Youtube at this point. They’ve sometimes managed to get the designation removed from a video, but it’s always a fight.
What’s especially strange about all this is that it even goes against Youtube’s own policies, as Balena has pointed out. Specifically, videos made for “everyone” aren’t required to bear this designation. Balena’s videos are not usually brimming with cursing and gore, but they are very much something made for general audiences, something many of their videos note at their start (though this doesn’t always save them.)
Another video that got hit with MFK earlier this year.
So…what can be done about this? Well, you can check out the marked videos for one, like the ones we embedded above. You can also watch older videos and like, comment, and subscribe on the affected channels. You can see what Steven Page had to say about this at his Sonic Revolution panel here.
In the meantime, Youtube’s policy adds even more uncertainty and stress to animation Youtubers who are typically already dealing with a lot. On Twitter, Page has increasingly indicated that, due to Youtube’s policies, continuing to make these animations is becoming untenable. He may be near the end of his rope, “For the past week since the teaser was flagged, I’ve had a migraine and mild panic attacks. I also haven’t been sleeping much, and I feel numbness traveling through my body. It’s a ton of pressure to even stand up to these creeps, and it’s not worth it anymore.”
Hopefully, YouTube will eventually change this strange policy. The whole point of Youtube Kids is to make Youtube compliant to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (or COPPA). Something tells me that forcing videos featuring zombified hedgehogs and a violent video game death to be made for kids doesn’t exactly make them COPPA compliant. Youtube’s community of animators deserve better than this.
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Four old-school legends of the Sonic the Hedgehog online community are “getting the band back together” to reminisce about the origins of classic Sonic game research and modding at an upcoming retro gaming convention.
Andy Wolan, Rlan, SSNTails and Saxman – each of them original alumni of the Sonic Stuff Research Group (SSRG) website that has been in operation since 1996 – will be guest speakers at two panels during the Retro World Expo in Hartford, CT.
One panel will focus on the history of the SSRG website (which is generally considered the birthplace of classic Sonic game modding and research) and the journey it has gone through over the last few decades, while another will be a general overview of modding and the origins of community efforts to research classic Sonic titles.
While the panels should be interesting for anyone who wants to know more about the Sonic modding scene of the late 1990s and 2000s, the guests themselves are also noteworthy for their contributions to the Sonic online Community.
Andy Wolan was the co-founder of SSRG, as well as the creator of early-2000s popular retro game website Emulation Zone, while Rlan is best known as the creator of Sonic Fan Games HQ and current operator of the ‘Sonic the Hedgeblog’ social media accounts. SSNTails is the co-creator of Sonic Robo Blast 2, arguably the most iconic Sonic fan game ever made, while Saxman is the creator of many famous modding guides for Sonic 1, Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
If you’re interested in turning up, the Retro World Expo takes place on August 26-27 in the Connecticut Convention Center. Tickets start at $40 for Saturday and $30 for Sunday attendance, with various packages available.
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SEGA’s Sonic Community Manager got a little more than they bargained for this past weekend after a seemingly harmless question about new Sonic game genres generated thousands of responses from Sonic fans desperately seeking their favourite hero in a new RPG or fighting game.
It all started simply enough. Sonic social lead Katie Chrzanowski casually posted, “What’s your dream genre to see a Sonic game (or more Sonic games) created as?” But before too long, an army of Twitter users with starry eyes and big dreams bombarded the reply box with requests for a follow-up to cult spinoff games such as Sonic Battle and Sonic Chronicles.
Of over 2,200 replies in just over a day, it was clear that the fanbase has long been yearning to see the blue blur in a role-playing scenario once again. Former Sonic social manager Sergio Montealegre elaborated on this by suggesting IDW’s work could form part of the universe:
Honestly? After Sonic the Fighters and Sonic Battle, I think we’re due for another official Sonic fighter. Runner up is an earnest attempt at a Sonic RPG. Chronicles left much to be desired, but there’s a viable path if you put IDW characterization with a good battle system
IDW writer and author Evan Stanley added, “my greatest wish is for a little point and click adventure game or an RPG,” but generally wanted to see more done with the open zone mechanic introduced in Sonic Frontiers. ‘MrPasquale’ referenced BioWare’s Nintendo DS RPG, Sonic Chronicles, while explaining how SEGA could pull it off with a seasoned internal team…
I would go crazy to see another full on Sonic RPG. Chronicles had the right idea, it just needed way more budget. If Atlus got involved with a project like this, that would legit be a dream come true.
Twitter user ‘Arcade Awesome’ took the role-playing concept to the extreme however and suggested a dating sim that… well, you can read the full thing on his social post here but here’s the elevator pitch.
I need a Sonic the Hedgehog RPG dating sim…. However, it would star Big the Cat and Sonic is his wingman (the player). The mission is helping Big go from being a zero to a hero with the ladies. Level up Big the Cat and turn him into the ultimate bachelor.
Elsewhere, there was just as equal a response for a new Sonic fighting game. Many users referenced GBA brawler Sonic Battle and arcade classic Sonic the Fighters, but a few fans had ideas of their own – like Sonic Stadium member Linkabel suggested the following:
A 2.5D fighting game, especially something with a similar visual style to the Uekawa artwork. It could even be a three-on-three fighting game to keep the teams that other games have used. (Team Sonic, Team Dark etc etc)
Even the NiGHTS fanbase got involved! ‘Digi Valentine’ went big with the vision, imagining a full-on SEGA roster that matches up with that of Sumo Digital’s kart-racing series, SEGA All-Stars Racing.
SEGA All-Stars fighting game (that features a selection of Sonic characters). You can put Sonic front and centre because that’s to be expected, but it would be incredibly cool if such a game could utilise SEGA’s catalogue of other IP’s too.
And then you had fans who went right down the middle of both action-RPG and fighting. “A Beat ’em up in the style of Shredder’s Revenge. I’ve always wanted to see something like that,” wrote Balena Productions, while everyone’s favourite Meme Bean Machine threw in a concept image to illustrate what that may look like.
So! Everyone has lots of ideas! If anything can be learned from this madness, it’s that Sonic really is quite a versatile enough character to fit into most genres of games. And everyone wants to see him in everything! So really, if this was some secret exercise by SEGA’s social media team to poll what their next Sonic spinoff project could be… well, let’s hope the response has helped them get a little bit closer to a decision!
What’s your dream genre / type of game for Sonic that hasn’t been realised yet? Let us know in the comments section below!
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If you’ve been looking for some Photo Mode enhancements for the PC version of Sonic Frontiers, then this new community project might just do the trick. YouTuber Blue Vivacity has released a download for the open-zone adventure called the ‘Emotes Mod’, which adds over 130 poses and expressions to the game.
Once installed, you will be able to launch Photo Mode and take advantage of a whole bunch of ’emotes’ that can really add extra comedy, tension or drama to a particular scene – and it works with official DLC content too such as Sonic’s Christmas outfit or the Monster Hunter costume. There are even poses for Super Sonic.
On top of this, the mod comes complete with a Sticker and Frames pack, so you can further decorate your photos with cool Sonic themed borders and funny little images. We particularly like the Sonic the Hedgehog Master System box art-inspired framing, that very specifically caters to Dreadknux’s interests.
All of these poses have been created by a team of community modders alongside Blue Vivacity, including The Duck Dealer, SonicPox and others, and are “inspired by artwork from the Sonic community”.
If you’re interested in getting this on your system, check out the description in the YouTube video embedded above for the download link – the video also includes a tutorial on how to install the package. We want to see some of your best Photos taken using this mod, now. Feel free to share with us in the comments section below!
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A former Sonic comic artist is seeking clarification from SEGA about the origins of the 3D character models used in Sonic Superstars and Sonic Origins Plus. Today, a SEGA rep offered some insight, promising to send a full response next week.
Rafa Knight, who had worked on a number of issues of Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog comics (and also contributed to the debut issue of IDW’s current series), has been comparing her past CG artwork with the 3D models of Amy Rose in Sonic Origins Plus, as well as all the main character models in Sonic Superstars.
“I will need to make a comparison by overlapping the models with the Sonic Superstars video,” Knight wrote. “But I think that they used these old models for it.”
After taking the claims public due to being “ghosted” by SEGA reps about Sonic Origins Plus, Sonic Community Manager Katie Chrzanowski replied stating that, “these models were custom-made by the team for this game.” A full response to Knight is to follow.
“I don’t mind them using the models by the way,” Knight clarified. “I actually am happy that they used them after just being used for toys for half a decade.
“But deep down I do get a bit bothered for always being looked as my work was not good enough to work for them.”
Hopefully Katie’s comments clears things up for all concerned.
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After nearly 10 months of work, Sonic Triple Trouble 16-bit has received its final update, as well as its long-awaited Android and Mac ports, marking the end of a fan project that began more than a half-decade ago. In a video on his Youtube channel, STT16 director and programmer Noah Copeland revealed everything that the final update would add, before revealing the it and the ports were all being shadowdropped today.
The final update makes some notable changes: it adds a new special stage, a new boss for Knuckles’ campaign, additional cutscene material for the Sonic campaign’s true ending, speed gates for speed runners, and various quality of life improvements.
The new special stage was cut from the initial release, and has the player launching their character into the air in order to collect blue rings while bouncing off black spheres and avoiding the canons that will launch you out of the stage. Collecting 100 blue rings will net the player a life.
Eggman and Metal Sonic become a part of Knuckles’ end game boss rush, with a boss battle specifically built around his climbing and gliding abilities.
The “speed gates” are a new togglable feature that opens special hidden shortcuts in each Act 2. They were specifically added for speed runners, and need to be reached within a certain amount of time or else they’ll close.
Quality of life improvements include the ability to shorten or skip the snowboard mini game, skip the credits and vs mode cutscenes, four checkpoints during Atomic Destroyer’s elevator ride, and an option for continuous play in the Free Play mode.
Copeland also confirmed that Android mobile players will have both touchscreen controls and external controls as options. It is not possible to move the placement of the touchscreen controls, but it’s at least possible to move the placement of the life counter.
Finally, the game’s stellar soundtrack has finally been given an official release! You can download it at the game’s website, which has also received a big update, here. You can download the final update and the ports from the game’s Game Jolt page here.
Copeland also alluded to his future plans: a brand new original game! Be sure to stay tuned to his Youtube channel and Twitter for more news on that project.
For a look at the update, check out Copeland’s announcement video embedded below:
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Sonic Labyrinth, a Game Gear game that combines Sonic with Marble Madness, is definitely one of Sonic’s more obscure games. It’s so obscure, in fact, that Ian Flynn has said on his Bumblekast podcast that it currently isn’t canon. Nevertheless, the official Sonic twitter account has taken the cute drawings from the game’s manual that tell the game’s plot, and have turned it into a little silent motion comic.
You can check it out in the embedded tweet below:
Unfamiliar with Sonic Labyrinth? Discover its story with our animated comic taken from scans of the game's original manual! pic.twitter.com/ds6EsrgEj4
— Sonic the Hedgehog (@sonic_hedgehog) May 16, 2023
In the game, Robotnik replaces Sonic’s shoes with special shoes that slow him down. Sonic must go into the game’s titular labyrinth to get the chaos emeralds back from Robotnik in order to get the shoes off.
Sonic Labyrinth released on the Game Gear in November 1995 and was later re-released via Sonic Adventure DX and the 3DS eShop. It will also be apart of the Sonic Origins Plus DLC, coming June 23.
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If you’re enjoying the 16-bit remake of Game Gear classic Sonic Triple Trouble, then you’ll be happy to hear that the fan game’s developer, Noah Copeland, has announced that more content is coming soon – alongside a Mac and Android version of the game.
Copeland shared the above image on his social media account, highlighting an upcoming reveal event where details of the content update will be shared. The event will take place on May 26th at 7pm CDT on Copeland’s YouTube channel.
Sonic Triple Trouble 16-Bit was completed and released to the world in August 2022, and has been a fan favourite ever since launch due to its creative translation of the Game Gear original into Mega Drive/Genesis hardware. We’re super excited to see what kind of content is being planned for this new release, so we’ll make sure to update you as soon as we know what it is!
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For those not in the know, the Sonic Amateur Games Expo allows amateur game developers to show off their Sonic fan games and demos alongside some other projects showing a wide range of different gameplay styles.
For more information and to check out last year’s games, check out the official SAGE website.
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Six years after the release of its first demo, fan game developer ChaosX has released a new version of the unofficial Sonic 2006 Unity remaster known as ‘Sonic P-06’. With this new update, players can finally enjoy running through all of Silver the Hedgehog’s stages, as well as some new cutscenes and enhancements to boot.
This latest release includes ‘the full release of Silver’s Trial Campaign accompanied by Sonic’s & Shadow’s Trial Campaigns with all kinds of improvements and enhancements’. It also contains all of the stages available in Sonic, Shadow and Silver’s stories, so you can play everything that has been released to date in one package.
“[This update has] been long overdue – with each release, the project continues to grow in almost every way,” ChaosX wrote on their YouTube channel. “To say this release in specific was harder to work on than the last one would be an understatement, so from me and all who helped in this release, we hope you enjoy this new release!”
Check out the release trailer for the fan project below. You can download the game for yourself here (mirrors are available on the YouTube page of the video embedded below if that doesn’t work).
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You probably aren’t surprised, as it happens every year. But still, it’s reassuring to see that, indeed, it’s happening. So, the Sonic Hacking Contest is returning for another year.
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A unique version of Sonic Adventure, “Sonic Adventure Tournament Disk,” has been uncovered by video game preservationist Comby Laurent. This version of the game was specially made for a Sonic Adventure tournament that ran during “The SEGA Dreamcast Mobile Assault Tour,” a 22 week long American promotion that started on August 23 1999. The Assault Tour was a joint event between SEGA of America and IGN that had two Dreamcast-themed trucks traveling across the US, giving some American gamers their first chance to check out SEGA’s new console.
This version of the game drops players right into Emerald Coast with a fully upgraded Sonic, giving them two minutes to get as many points as possible. Participants could win everything from t-shirts, to Japanese VMUs and Millennium 2000-branded Dreamcast controllers. The top 4 finalists were brought to Las Vegas at the end of the tour, where they could complete for a $15,000 grand prize. The second and third place winners received $5000 and $2500 respectively, while the fourth place winner got some SEGA swag.
While this is mostly notable for being a special version of Sonic Adventure from an obscure part of SEGA’s history, it’s also a very-late prototype build of the game. It’s dated August 10, 1999, just two days before the final build on August 12. As a result, the differences between this build and the final are minor, only lacking music for the DLC and a fully completed European localization.
If you want to read more about this game and the event, or play what those contestants did decades ago, you can find the dump of this unique, once lost piece of history on Laurent’s website, here. You can check out a recording of the game in action in Laurent’s original tweet below:
Tomorrow is the 4th of April. What's on the 4th of every month?
In the meantime, enjoy the Sonic Adventure Tournament Disk prototype and don't hesitate to read the interview of one of the organizers of "The Sega Dreamcast Mobile Assault Tour" event👇https://t.co/klrHQdGsuupic.twitter.com/yNjRvT0kZo
— Sega Dreamcast Info (@CombyLaurent1) April 3, 2023
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
It is turning into a surprisingly active year for Samba de Amigo. In addition to the brand new game announced last month, the ever-impressive Dreamcast community has released an English conversion for the system’s Japanese-exclusive expanded version, Samba de Amigo Ver. 2000. This conversion was put together and released on Github by dukeblooder. You can find the patch over at Romhacking.net, and find instructions and additional information on the conversion here.
This conversion isn’t a translation, per se. Instead, dukeblooder has simply replaced the Japanese original’s text images with their English equivalents from the US/PAL versions of the 2008 Wii release. This method was able to convert most of the game into English, though it is constrained by some limitations. The internet page is still in Japanese, the results screen for the “Love Love” mini game is still in Japanese, and the Volleyball mini game voiced instructions were removed. Despite that, this game is now fully playable to English speakers for the first time ever. The game is playable on an emulator, and should be playable on Dreamcast hardware, though we haven’t tried that out yet.
CD Romance posted a tweet showing off the patch in action:
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Forget March Madness: the Sonic community’s own utterly inconsequential, completely-for-fun single elimination knockout bracket tournament, “Metallic Madness,” is currently underway over on Twitter. The annual “tournament,” which initially started back in 2016, pits 64 unique entrants across four different categories until only one remains. After going on a one-year hiatus, it was brought back – with last year’s victor being IDW’s Whisper the Wolf, who defeated Agent Stone to become “Queen of the Ring.”
This year’s four categories are: Games, Universe, Comics, and Community. The tournament is set to run until April 3. If you want to vote, head over to Metallic Madness’s Twitter account, here.
This is where the bracket currently stands as of this writing:
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May 2023 marks 30 years since the launch of the UK-based Sonic the Comic, and to celebrate this milestone, the Sonic the Comic Online team are crowdfunding to host an event in York, UK.
The Kickstarter has already surpassed more than 200% of it’s original goal, and is set to include a host of events including art classes and tutorials, competions, Q&A sessions with US artists from the IDW comic such as Tracey Yardley and Reggie Graham. There is also an opportunity to meet some of the original team behind the comic such as Nigel Kitching, Richard Elson, Ferran Rodriguez, Debra Tate, Lew Stringer, and Richard Burton. In addition to this, a special convention issue of the comic will be produced as a commemorative item.
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
Every summer and winter, Games Done Quick holds a week-long event of video game speedruns, races and bidwars to raise money for a good cause. The winter version, Awesome Games Done Quick, has just begun today, and for Sonic fans, there’s some games scheduled later this week!
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Many entries were submitted, many live streams have occurred, many votes were cast, but this year’s Sonic Hacking Contest has come to an end. The only thing left is to reward the best of the best with some trophies, and the winners have been announced!
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If you’re reading this, chances are you know that Sonic has a long, storied history in fan games. So much so, that the Sonic community has managed to keep an online event devoted to them – the Sonic Amateur Game Expo, or “SAGE” – going for more than two decades. That event, which is currently ongoing as of this review’s publication, has played host to some absolute bangers over the decades.
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SAGE 2022, Sonic Fan Game HQ’s long running Sonic fan game expo, starts today! You can check out all of this year’s games, including non-Sonic fan games and original indie games, at SAGE’s website.
We will be doing SAGE coverage all week, including hands-on previews/reviews, YouTube videos, and streams on our Twitch channel. Be sure to check our Twitter for streaming announcements!!
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You might have heard chatter on social media about a fan project that just wrapped up this week, called ‘Sonic Omens’. The final chapters of this impressively ambitious – but highly controversial – fan game was completed and released to the world a few days ago, and the Sonic community has been quick to comment on how developer Ouroboros Studio has made use of the franchise’s accepted canon.
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Sonic Triple Trouble 16-bit, a fan-made remake of one of Sonic’s Game Gear releases, is officially finished and available for everyone to play! Download it here.
The fangame, has been in development for roughly five years, and completely remakes the Game Gear adventure with brand new levels, remade music, brand new bosses and special stages, a plot that recontextualizes the game as a follow up to Sonic & Knuckles, and even a fully fleshed out multiplayer mode with multiple game play types and a campaign! The game also has it’s share of brand new surprises for anyone familiar with the Game Gear original.
We’ve already had a few days with the game, and while our review is forthcoming, I can confirm here and now that the game is superb. We’ve previewed both of the game’s demos over the last few years, which you can check out here and here. We also interviewed Copeland a few years ago, which you can find here.
You can expect some articles, videos and streams of the game from us over the next few days.
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It’s been a rough few years due to the pandemic, but things seem to slowly be going back to normal. Since 2020, the San Diego Comic-Con has been an online event only. Now, it’s finally back to a live event with many of its popular panels returning, including a Sonic presentation from IDW. The panel, “Sonic the Hedgehog: 50 Way Past Cool Issues and Counting!” will be hosted on Sunday, July 24th from 10:30-11:30 am PST. Here are all the panel details straight from the San Diego Comic-Con website.
IDW’s Sonic The Hedgehog comic book reaches its 50th issue this summer, a mind-blowing face-off with Sonic and Tails facing their twisted counterparts, Surge and Kit. IDW editor David Mariotte, artists Gigi Dutreix and Adam Bryce Thomas, and writer Daniel Barnes provide a behind-the-scenes look at the making of a milestone and tease what’s next for the Blue Blur!
I’ll be there to cover the panel along with any other Sonic news coming out of Comic-Con. If permitted, I may even be covering the panel live here on the Sonic Stadium!
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2022 marks the return of Georgia’s premier SEGA-themed convention, Sonic & SEGA Fan Jam!
The event, which began back in 2014, is dedicated to celebrating everything SEGA and Sonic the Hedgehog celebrates the company’s eclectic video game history, playing host to industry figures (such as Sonic Adventure voice actor Ryan Drummond) and prominent creators in the fan community.
Pledge levels include virtual attendance for those who can’t make it in person, all the way up to event sponsorship.
At current time of writing, the event has just passed the 50% mark to reaching it’s goal of $7,500.
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One fan project I’ve been quietly following for awhile has been Team Sea3on’s fan-made third season of Sonic SatAM. I’ve long felt confident they’d eventually deliver something, as the Sonic SatAM community, while small, has been consistently delivering solid fan efforts for years, including the long running web comic this show is based on. Regardless, it’s pretty awesome finally getting to see what they’ve been working on, and as I’d hoped, it’s way past cool.
What’s even cooler is who they got to sing Sonic SatAM’s iconic theme song, The Fastest Thing Alive: Crush 40’s Johnny Gioeli! You can check out the trailer, as well as a clean version of Gioeli’s song, below:
For direct MP3/FLAC download of The Fastest Thing Alive, or for more information on the project and how to support it, or for the Season 3 web comic this is based on, head to their website here.
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With Lee Majdoub’s performance as Agent Stone in the Sonic the Hedgehog movies winning the hearts of die-hard fans around the world, it’s no surprise that there is a tonne of adoring fan art of Dr. Robotnik’s coffee-serving sidekick. But Latin American artist ‘Lanth’ took things one step further by inserting a cartoon version of Stone into SEGA’s ‘Sonic Mania Adventures’ animation series.
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Roblox is no stranger to unlicensed games, worlds, cosmetics, and quite a few parodies that are really, really on the nose, but Sonic is now officially coming to the eccentric user-content platform. Gamefam, a studio that develops games within Roblox, has announced “Sonic Speed Simulator,” an experience where players can race around large Sonic-inspired environments. The announcement trailer shows off Sonic running through a Green Hill environment in full 3D, passing through loops, collecting experience crystals, and continuously building speed.
We have officially partnered with @SEGA to bring @Sonic_Hedgehog to Roblox in our upcoming game Sonic Speed Simulator!
We worked with various sonic developers from the #Roblox community in order to make this possible!#RobloxDev
Gamefam has developed more than two dozen Roblox games, including a licensed Hot Wheels open world experience. Details on the server page for Sonic Speed Simulator highlight that the experience will features racing, multiple worlds, and collectable skins and chao.
The experience currently remains in paid access while in closed beta, and expects to shift to free-to-play at a later date.
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If you hadn’t caught it, the official Sonic YouTube channel teased bringing the Sonic Vtuber models stateside in the form of a Tails “streaming” series, TailsTube. The first episode premiered today, and it came with some answers to a longstanding question in the modern franchise.
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