Nintendo Announces New M&S London Blue Wii Bundle For Europe

Nintendo has announced that European gamers will soon be able to get their hands on a new limited edition blue Wii. This new colour variation of the console will come bundled with a copy of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games when the game hits store shelves November 18th. It will also come with blue Wii Remote Plus and Nunchuk controllers and a sticker sheet featuring characters from the game.

It’s worth noting that this Wii console is the new model Nintendo announced a short while back. This newly configured hardware isn’t compatible with GameCube games and accessories. Details such as the price of this bundle and where it will be available to pre-order and purchase are currently unknown. We’ll pass that information along when we get it.

Sources: Eurogamer and Nintendo UK

Thanks to Mark1 at the SSMB and kjeldoostra via Twitter for the heads up!

Got a news tip? Send it in to, or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.

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Sonic 4: Episode 2 Will NOT Feature 3D Support, But Will Contain All-New Music

You may have seen a report late last month from Japanese website Inside Games that many other sources roughly translated to suggest that Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 might include support for 3D TV’s. Well, SEGA’s Sonic 4 Brand Manager has informed the community via the SEGA Forums that Episode 2 will NOT feature support for 3D displays.

Let me clear this up; Episode II is not in 3-D. SEGA has made many 3-D games, THOR, Captain America, Generations, all can be viewed in 3-D if you own a 3-D TV. Episode II however, will not be offered in this format.

Cheers everyone,

Balough also revealed that Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 will contain all-new music and won’t feature any covers of tracks from past games like Sonic CD’s Sonic Boom.

Hahahah, no – that was just used for SOnic Boom – Episode II will have brand new music 🙂

Source: SEGA Forums Link 1, Link 2

Thanks to SpookyMulder at the SSMB for the heads up!

Got a news tip? Send it in to, or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.

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#88 3D Sonic Fan Game Engines: Which is better?

We were playing two modified versions of the Blitz Sonic engine but couldnt decide which one we preferred? The first one is Sonic BGE Anniversary and the second is Sonic Dimensions. Both control differently and have different graphical approaches to the same thing. What do you guys like best?

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Sonic Universe’s Silver Saga – Now Fan Animated


Wondered where our artistic friend Elson ‘Darkspeeds’ Wong had gone? Turns out he had bunkered down for many weeks working on a brand new Sonic fan project. Turning his hand to animation, Elson has brought Archie Comics’ Silver Saga from Sonic Universe to life with sound effects, camera pans and original artwork to complement the action within the frames.

It’s a wonderful piece of work, and isn’t without its fair share of stress and challenges. Have a look at the first part of Elson’s work above, which was released to YouTube this morning – then see the video below which takes you behind the scenes of exactly what goes into the project. Along with some impromptu shirt-lifting. Nice. Continue reading Sonic Universe’s Silver Saga – Now Fan Animated

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Sonic Comic Review #226-229: “Sonic: Genesis”

In Sonic #225, Eggman created a new Death Egg that he took into space to reset the entire world. He not only succeeded, but shot Princess Sally to death with a gun turret. What precedes was supposed to be a celebration of Sonic’s 20th Anniversary, but turned into a boring, dragged out story that adds nothing to the main comic. The characters are for the most part, vanilla in their behavior and everything seems by the numbers. By the time it is over, everything is back to the way it was at the end of 225 making this entire detour pointless. This is Sonic The Hedgehog: Genesis.

It begins after the big reset with Sonic (who’s now looking more like his classic self, but still has the green eyes) running through Green Hill and bashing some Motobugs. He comes across Snivley who’s been capturing Flicky’s to encase into Badniks for his uncle, Dr. Eggman. Snivley attacks Sonic using the old ball and chain bit from the first boss encounter. Sonic smacks it good and Snivley flys away in his damaged Egg mobile. Sonic then opens up one of the cages from Sonic 2 (only now in a Sonic 1 level) to reveal some Flicky’s along with Antione Depardeu (his last name from the cartoons), Boomer (AKA Rotor. Now going by his old name. Wait, “Boomer” was the name of the traitor in Silver’s book. Could it be?) and…hoo-boy. Sally.

Now you’re likely saying “What? What problem do you have with Sally?” Well, you see folks, the last two major arcs in the comic have had half the attention taken away by Sonic and Sally’s relationship. One was supposed to focus on the villainous wizard, Iron Queen taking control of Mobotropolis, but half the story was focused on Sally dating a cyborg monkey and Sonic not liking it. The current arc is supposed to focus on the…villainous wizard, Ixis Naugus taking control of Mobotropolis (I’m starting to see a pattern here), but half the focus has been on Sally and Sonic dating again. Now, she’s back in this “not-a-reboot” and her and Sonic flirt with each other and make lovey-dovey faces at each other through the whole story. It’s not that I hate Sally, it’s just that I hate what’s being done with her and Sonic as of late. Well, let me rephrase that, I DO hate this version of Sally in particular. Those who accuse her of being a “Mary-Sue” may have some fuel to the fire here. She’s little miss perfect. Everyone’s in love with her. SHE gets her memories back whereas Antione and Boomer don’t. On top of all this, she can now communicate with birds by singing to them like she’s Snow flippin’ White. But the worst aspect of this Sally is her need to have a man constantly come save her. When she’s not constantly surrounded by Antione and Boomer, she’s wanting Sonic’s help. Late in the story, Sonic leaves them behind and Sally is constantly wishing she’d have tried harder to keep him around. So much for the tough, independent gal from the SATAM cartoons. This Sally is apparently nothing without a man in her life.

Now, Antione and Boomer are written fine if not by the book. Antione is silly, does his bad french accent and gets himself into a lot of trouble. Boomer is actually better than he’s been in years. Not only does he have his mechanical smarts, but brawn to match his brain. I’d like to see this version of Rotor stay around. Tails is done very well. He’s not only tech-smart, but back to being the over-eager boy who wants to go with Sonic on his adventures and stick by his side.  Sadly, as much as I liked Antione and Boomer, they added nothing to the story outside of comic relief.

Now back to the story. Part of what makes it boring is that it just goes through the paces of the classic games (Sonic 1 and 2 in this arc) without much plot development. This is especially true of the first two issues. Issue 226 has Sonic and the Freedom Fighters going through the stages of Sonic 1. Avoiding traps along the way and fighting Eggman in a classic boss fight at the end. Issue 227 has Sonic and the Freedom Fighters going through the stages of Sonic 1. Avoiding traps along the way and fighting Eggman in a classic boss fight at the end. Do you see where this could have been done in one issue instead of two?! Watching these characters go through the old videogames stages is not that entertaining. It’s like one of those old, throwaway promotional comics that would show the hero going through the first stage of the video game. It’s okay for a short read that tells you about the game, but very dull when stretched out over two or more issues.

Issue 228 does pick up a bit. Sonic has the Freedom fighters meet Tails for the first time. Boomer is wowed by Tails technical know-how (Watch it Boomer.  He WILL replace you). They then…go through the stages from Sonic 2. Avoiding traps. Yadda, yadda yadda. At least we finally get to know why Eggman reset the planet in the first place. It’s not explained in this particular story, but way back in the past, an alien race known as the BEM took away Eggman’s ability to Roboticize and freed those who already were. Doing the big reset apparently removed that little curse and now Eggman can roboticize (or as it’s called here, “Robotize”) the entire planet at his whim. Snivley mentions that the Death Egg is now powered by the seven Chaos emeralds which they managed to get off-panel. “SIGH!” Back on Mobius, Sally and Sonic come to a breaking point. Sally wants to shut down Eggman’s operations at the source while Sonic wants to tackle him head on. When Sonic gets a flashback of Sally’s death, he decides to head after Eggman without the Freedom fighters to keep Sally safe….WHERE’S THE LOGIC IN THAT?! He’s keeping her safe by leaving her on her own with the others when he’s been saving their necks from traps this whole time?!

Anyway, in issue 229 (which you should pick up just for the great fan funny I wrote in the back of the book “shameless self-plug”), Sally and the FF’s go through the Oil Ocean Zone while Tails flies Sonic straight to Eggmans base in the Metropolis Zone. Sally manages to shut down the oil plant which manages to…shutdown the power at Eggman’s base in Metrolpolis zone? Okay, wouldn’t shutting down an oil plant just kill fuel supply and not kill power directly, or am I just thinking too hard on this? Anyway, Eggman escapes on a ship to the Death Egg and Sonic follows. Both Sally and Sonic (but not the others) get most of their memory back and Sonic has a big duel with Eggman in his giant Egg Robo from the final boss battle in Sonic 2. He very stupidly mentions to Sonic that the Death Egg is powered by the seven Chaos emeralds to which Sonic takes a cut power line and feeds the Chaos energy current directly into himself. Now that he’s super, he disposes of Eggman’s mech easily and uses Chaos Control to reset the reset. Sonic then writes “Hi Sal” on a window of the Death Egg to Sally and as she waves goodbye to him (Note: she’s on the ground, He’s in space. How can she even see him?!), a white light bathes them both. The end.

Where do I begin? Well, I’ve already shown some of the negatives, so let me first shine some light on the good things in this mini series within a series. First off is the artwork. The first two issues were drawn by legendary Sonic artist, Patrick “Spaz” Spazinate with layouts by Tracy Yardley. The final two issues were done by Yardley himself, though you could barely tell because the transition was done so well. Actually, I preferred Yardley’s art on the last two issues. Spaz’s work was great of course, but it felt like a mish-mash of two artists instead of one because, well. It was! That doesn’t change the fact that it’s the best artwork I’ve seen in the book in years. If nothing else, Genesis is pretty on the eyes. Excellent work from both artists.

Also, it should be noted that while I don’t care for the way Sally was treated in the story (Remember girls, you need a man in your life at all times!) and Sonic to some extent, I felt the rest were handled well. Tails especially. I loved seeing him and Sonic racing through Chemical Plant Zone together. Now, back to the bad.

This comic was just plain dull. The second issue told the exact same story that the first issue did. It doesn’t pick up at all until the third issue and even then, it feels like it’s just going through the paces so you can see some of the levels from the old games. It’s slow and that’s not something I’m used to from Ian Flynn. Even in his worst stories (the Silver arc in Sonic Universe comes to mind), the pace is fast and full of action. Here, it feels like it’s plodding along to meet the four-issue mark so they can sell it as a graphic novel. It could have easily been told in two issues instead of four. It treads the same material over and over. “Another earthquake! Eggman must be behind it!” “Look out for XX trap at the XX zone!” “Let’s fight Eggman again!” “Look! I am Antione and I am doing something silly and getting into trouble! Not unlike C-3PO!” “I’m Sally and I want sonic so bad! Why did I not try harder to convince him to stay with us?!”

Now, I know what you’re gonna say. “But Jason! It’s not really over yet! 230 has a prologue!” It doesn’t matter. Sonic: Genesis was billed as a four-part mini-series within a series and that’s how I’m reviewing it. If 230 has some Genesis effects pouring into the main continuity (like Rotor staying Boomer I hope.), then maybe there was some value to come out of this book. But frankly, the way I see it now it was a pointless endeavor to try to add a 20th Anniversary celebration to the comic and a major letdown for an arc that was hyped since the San Diego Comic Con of last year. I think this would have been better off as a separate mini-series just to see how Ian would handle the comic if he were to start it all over again. In the end, “Genesis does”….nothing to move the plot of the main story. What a waste.

Overall Score: 5/10

By the way, since the main arc is so incredibly long, I’ll just be reviewing it issue by issue. Sonic Universe will still be review once every four issues unless you’d like me to review it issue by issue. In which case, comment below to tell me.

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#87 Stardust Speedway Gamplay from Sonic Generations.

Some of our favorite spoilers this week!

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Has SEGA Confirmed The PC Version of Sonic Generations?

UPDATE: SEGA’s now removed the listing.

SEGA might just have finally confirmed the much rumoured PC version of Sonic Generations in a new entry on their blog about the new Modern era trailer for the game. The end of the blog entry lists the 3 known platforms along with the PC platform, all for a November release. We’ve screen-capped the listing just in case SEGA removes it.

We’ll let you know if any more information about this version is released.

Source: SEGA Blog

Got a news tip? Send it in to, or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.

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ESRB Rates Sonic Generations 3DS, Boss Hint and Online User-Generated Content?

The ESRB has rated the Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic Generations and has given a possible hint as to what one of the game’s currently unknown bosses may be. When referring to bosses in its rating description, the US ratings board gives an example that sounds like the Death Egg Zone boss from Mega Drive title Sonic the Hedgehog 2, a boss that is also present in the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions. This could also be the already revealed Big Arm boss from Sonic the Hedgehog 3‘s Launch Base Zone, though. The game description also hints at user-generated content among the game’s online features

You can read the full rating description below.

Sonic Generations

Platform: Nintendo 3DS

Rating: Everyone

Content descriptors: Mild Cartoon Violence

Rating summary: This is an action-adventure game in which players assume the role of Sonic the Hedgehog as he attempts to stop a mysterious force from altering his universe’s timeline. As players zoom across fantastical landscapes, they collect gold rings and power-ups while using spin attacks to knock over enemies (e.g., insect and animal-like robots); enemies disappear amid smoke puffs, and Sonic blinks and loses rings when hit. A handful of boss-battles depict close-up spin attacks and brief explosions (e.g., defeating a giant robot by crashing into its torso).

Online Notice: Includes online features that may expose players to unrated user-generated content (Nintendo 3DS)

Source: ESRB

Got a news tip? Send it in to, or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.

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Sonic CD 20th Anniversary Soundtrack Hitting in November

Well this is a surprise – continuing the trend for Sonic the Hedgehog soundtrack re-releases in Japan, it has been confirmed that Sonic CD will also be getting the 20th Anniversary OST treatment.

It follows the re-release of Sonic Adventure Digi-Log Conversation, multi-dimensional: Sonic Adventure 2 Original Soundtrack and the Sonic Heroes Complete Trinity soundtrack earlier this year.

The difference here is that Sonic CD was never officially graced with an OST release. The closest anyone came was Alfa Music’s Sonic the Hedgehog REMIX in 1994. Which isn’t really an original soundtrack at all. And also, super rare.

Naturally, the reason for the OST is the incoming launch of Sonic CD on Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network. It will be released in Japanese music stores on the 23rd November for ¥2,400 (about £20), and will feature brand new artwork and the Crush 40 cover of Sonic Boom first heard at SEGA of America’s anniversary celebration in Los Angeles. HMV Japan has more information on the CD… in Japanese.

CDJapan are offering preorders at the same price of ¥2,400, and ship internationally. You will, however, have to deal with shipping costs and potential import duties.

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#86 Modern Era Trailer for Sonic Generations.

Perfect Chaos! Crisis City showing what Sonic 06 could HAVE BEEN, and Planet Wisp… WISP POWERS ARE BACK YAY! Not keen on the Crisis City remix though :s

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IGN Unleashes Sonic Generations’ Modern Era Trailer


IGN has released SEGA’s Modern era trailer for Sonic Generations. Within it, we get some gameplay clips of Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)‘s Crisis City stage, Sonic Unleashed‘s Rooftop Run and Sonic Colours‘ Planet Wisp in both Classic and Modern flavours. An old boss you may recognise also pops up at the end.

Source: IGN (via Sonic Retro)

Got a news tip? Send it in to, or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.

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Grainger Games Now Taking Pre-orders For Sonic Generations’ Collector’s Edition

UPDATE: Gareth from Grainger Games has confirmed in our comment section that the retailer is unable to ship this item outside of the UK due to its high weight. It appears the price has increased to £98.99 now too.

UK video game specialist Grainger Games is now taking pre-orders for both versions of the Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition. The retailer is charging £88.99 and offers free delivery within the UK. We’ve checked their terms and conditions, but there is no indication of them shipping to other countries, so if you live outside of the UK, we suggest you try to order and see if they accept or not.

You can get your pre-order in at the links below.
Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition (PS3): £98.99
Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition (Xbox 360): £98.99

We don’t know whether Grainger Games is taking pre-orders for Sonic Generations’ Collector’s Edition in-store or not. If you would like to enquire about it with your local store, you can find their phone number at their website here.

Got a news tip? Send it in to, or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.

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Sonic 4: Episode 1 Discounted For 1 Week on Windows Phone 7

SEGA has revealed that Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 on Windows Phone 7 is this week’s Xbox Live Deal of the Week in all territories. For one week only, you can grab the game for just £2.29, down from £5.49. Oddly, SEGA says the game has dropped from $6.99 to $4.99 in the US, while the Marketplace lists it at $2.99.

You can buy the game from the UK Marketplace here or the US Marketplace here.

Source: SEGA Blog

Got a news tip? Send it in to, or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.

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Sonic Generations Preview Round-up, More Info & Gameplay Footage


It appears SEGA’s embargo that IGN mentioned before has now lifted, as gaming websites SPOnG, CVG, and GamesRadar have all just unleashed new previews of a near-final build of Sonic Generations, which give us some new nuggets of information. CVG has also provided new gameplay footage of Classic Sonic’s Sky Sanctuary Zone stage.

SPOnG’s preview is written by this website’s very own Svend Joscelyne/Dreadknux and tells us more about the game’s missions. Two new Speed Highway screenshots are also included.

Inbetween these stages, you’ll get the opportunity to play optional missions. There are five missions for both Classic and Modern Sonic in each zone, and will mix up the core stage in some form. Other characters will take an active role in helping you out, but for now we only know of Tails’ involvement in these levels. A mission called ‘Way Past Fast’ sees you race against the Tornado plane, piloted by the two-tailed fox

Other missions include Doppelganger races, against another Sonic, and a mission called ‘Look Out Below’ which challenges you to complete a remixed Green Hill Zone stage with breakable platforms. In each of these, the main elements of the core stage remains the same, but enemy placements will change and you may even explore completely different looking areas than you would in the main level

In’s preview, there is an example of what part Sonic’s friends play in gameplay:

You don’t actually play as, say, Knuckles, but in one mission you can take advantage of the red echidna’s fists, where a tap of the button sends him burrowing into the ground for rings. As well as this there are time attacks, high speed challenges and doppelgänger races, which has you racing against the ‘other’ Sonic. Considering modern Sonic has homing attacks and the such, the odds are always stacked against his older, squatter counterpart – which is half the fun.

GamesRadar gives a bit more information about the opening of the game’s story:

The game’s plot is told through deliciously self-referential cut-scenes. Sonic eats chilli dogs while holding Amy at arms length literally with his whole hand over her face as she runs on the spot trying to get to him. But just as it’s getting all cosy, a vortex opens up in the space/time continuum and all of Sonic’s buddies (which include some Chaotix members) get sucked into it. Some cynics would likely be happy to leave the game there, having solved the most irksome problem of the past 19 years, but they’d be missing out on some gorgeous gameplay, so let’s carry on.

GamesRadar also previews the 3DS version and praises the 3D effect:

The 3DS version of Sonic Generations is very different compared to the ‘big’ game, but at the same time very similar in that the more platform-centric Classic Sonic levels are countered by faster, more dazzling Modern Sonic levels. But they all look great in 3D. I played for a long while with the 3D slider up full and it didn’t feel strained on my eyes, which was good. It can look a little simplistic in the over-the-shoulder Modern sections, but that’s to keep the speed and fluidity up, which is obviously vitally important.

All four previews are extremely positive, which is very good to see this close to release when reviews will soon be due. Will Sonic Generations be critically acclaimed? We’ll have to wait and see…

To read the full previews, head over to the links below.

Sources: SPOnG, CVG, and GamesRadar [PS3/Xbox 360 & 3DS]

Thanks to SSMB member ForgeCircuit for the heads up!

Got a news tip? Send it in to, or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.

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New Sonic Generations PS3/Xbox 360 & 3DS Screenshots

Courtesy of Andriasang, we have some new screenshots and artwork from both PS3/Xbox 360 and Nintendo 3DS versions of Sonic Generations. Some of the screens and artwork are old, while others are new, so we’ve picked out the new ones for you and shared them here. In the images, we get a look at of the other areas of Seaside Hill (PS3/Xbox 360) and Casino Night Zone and Mushroom Hill Zone (Nintendo 3DS).

You can view all of the screenshots and artwork below.

Seaside Hill (PS3/Xbox 360)

Casino Night Zone (Nintendo 3DS)

Mushroom Hill Zone (Nintendo 3DS)


Source: Andriasang [PS3 & Xbox 360 screens, Nintendo 3DS screens]

Got a news tip? Send it in to, or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.

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ShopTo & 365Games Now Listing Sonic Generations CE, More Gameplay Clips

UPDATE: has now sold out of the Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition on both platforms.

Two more UK retailers are now listing the Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition on their websites. is now taking pre-orders for both versions at £97.85 each, while is listing it, but hasn’t opened pre-orders just yet. If you leave your e-mail address with the latter, they’ll let you know when pre-orders open up.
Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition (Xbox 360): £97.85
Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition (PS3): £97.85 ships worldwide.
Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition (Xbox 360)
Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition (PS3) ships worldwide, with free delivery offered to the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Thanks to jennytablina at the SSMB for the heads up on ShopTo!


In other news, we have some more brief gameplay footage from Sonic Generations‘ UK sponsorship campaign with The Simpsons and Sky, including clips of Modern Sonic’s Seaside Hill stage and Classic Sonic’s Rooftop Run stage.

Thanks to KrazyBean14 at the SSMB for recording the footage!

Got a news tip? Send it in to, or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.

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Sonic Snap! Win A First4Figures 20th Anniversary Sonic the Hedgehog Statue!

Oh boy, do we have a competition for you this month!

We don’t know about you, but we are all incredibly excited here at TSS after seeing all of the new footage of the stages available in Sonic Generations! To celebrate twenty years of Sonic the Hedgehog and the impending release of Sonic Generations, the Sonic Stadium has teamed up with SEGA to bring you an incredible competition!

The good folks at SEGA Europe have kindly given us an ultra-exclusive First 4 Figures 20th Anniversary Sonic statue and one very, VERY lucky person will be walking away with this awesome piece of merchandise – you can’t buy these in the shops (and they go for a fortune on ebay) so this is your chance to bag an awesome item of memorabilia!

So how do you have a shot at winning this? Well, we want you guys and gals to show your creative side!

What we want you to do is recreate one of your favourite moments from the Sonic the Hedgehog universe…in photographic form!

We want you to be as creative as you can with your photograph! Maybe you want to get together with some friends and dress up to recreate a scene from Sonic Adventure? Perhaps you want to construct a scene from SatAM in clay? You might even consider making a segment of Sweet Mountain entirely out of cake! The choice is entirely down to you; the more original your idea and the more impressive and epic your picture is, the better chance you will have of snagging this ace statue…and believe me you will have lots of competition! The best photos along with the winning entry will be featured on the front page of the Sonic Stadium.

Get snapping, and good luck!

1. The competition is open to anyone worldwide, but please only one entry per person – multiple entries will not be considered.
2. We want your picture to be entirely true to your effort and true to reality – no photoshopping or digital picture editing in any entries please!
3. Pictures need to be in digital form (preferably in .jpg or .png format), no bigger than 5MB in size, but no smaller than 1200 x 1600 pixels – we want to see great quality images!
4. All entries must be emailed to tbird [at] titled “Sonic Snap!” – your email must include your photograph, a sentence describing which scene your photo is recreating along with your real name and email address. We will only ask for your postal information if we pick you as the winner.
5.  All entries must be received by 5:00pm GMT on Friday 4th of November 2011. Any entries received after this date will unfortunately not be considered, so get them in before you start playing the game on launch day!

Think outside the box! Don’t just get your toys out and take a photo – think of an idea or an element that no one else will think of! Use your environment, use props, use your brain!
Think about your idea thoroughly! Don’t rush to get your entry in by the end of the first week! Brainstorm your ideas and talk to friends and family – sometimes inspiration comes from unlikely places!
Use the time you have! You’ve got over four weeks to submit your entry – plenty of time to make or obtain anything you need to set the scene.
– Get others involved! Get your friends to pose with you, or get your folks to help making things – there is no limit to how many people you have involved in your entry!

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M&S London’s Limited Edition Contains More Than Just a Tin, Coming to Australia

UPDATE: UK fans can now get the tin as a bonus with the game at Amazon. Thanks to Thomas for the heads up!

It appears the Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games Collector’s Edition revealed for Spain last month actually contains a lot more than just the steel tin shown on the box image SEGA Spain released. EB Games Australia is now listing it, except under the name ‘Limited Edition’ instead of ‘Collector’s Edition’.

The retailer has shared the above image of all of the item’s you get with this edition of the game, which include a steel tin, a poster, a t-shirt, a notebook and a carry bag. All of this is available to pre-order and purchase for $88 AU, which is just $10 AU more than the standard game on its own. It’s also worth noting that this set of goodies is exclusive to EB Games in Australia. It will also be made available in Spain, but we’ve not seen it up for pre-order yet.

Source: EB Games Australia (via Esperino)

Got a news tip? Send it in to, or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.

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Sonic Generations Launching on Nintendo 3DS November 25th in Europe?

Eurogamer Italy reports that SEGA has apparently confirmed a November 25th release for the Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic Generations in Europe, which is 21 days later than when the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions launch. The date matches the one European retailers have been listing for the past month or two, but SEGA still list nothing clearer than November 2011 on their website.

We’ve queried the report with SEGA, but have heard nothing back. We’ll let you know when we hear something more official, but right now, November 25th is looking pretty likely.

Source: Eurogamer Italy

Got a news tip? Send it in to, or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Sonic Generations’ Release Pushed Forward in Japan

It seems SEGA, like Sonic, is getting a little impatient to get the blue hedgehog’s new title Sonic Generations into stores, as Andriasang reports that the game will now launch in Japan December 1st, instead of the previously scheduled date December 8th. Great news for our fellow fans in Japan!

Source: Andriasang

Thanks to frokenok3 at the SSMB for the heads up!

Got a news tip? Send it in to, or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Sonic Generations: New Speed Highway Screens, Radical Highway Officially Revealed

SEGA Japan has updated their official Sonic Generations website and with it dished out some new screenshots of Speed Highway in the Xbox 360 and PS3 version, as well as officially unveiling Radical Highway from Sonic Adventure 2 for the Nintendo 3DS version. Speed Highway in particular has seen a big transformation and is filled with more little references for you to spot.

You can view all of the screenshots below.

Speed Highway (Xbox 360/PS3)

Radical Highway (Nintendo 3DS)

Source: SEGA Japan’s Official Sonic Generations website

Thanks to Intrepid Goat at the SSMB and lolwut in our comments section for the heads up!

Got a news tip? Send it in to, or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Sonic Generations Sponsoring The Simpsons, Brief New Gameplay Footage


SEGA has launched a new sponsorship deal with UK TV network Sky and popular animated comedy The Simpsons to promote Sonic’s big 20th Anniversary game Sonic Generations over the next 3 months. This new marketing push started two days ago and will end December 31st 2011.

The first episodes of The Simpsons featuring the Sonic Generations sponsorship aired yesterday and courtesy of YouTube user poppitzman, we have two video clips of the coinciding Sonic Generations ads. The first video (above) contains some new gameplay footage, including a portion of Modern Sonic’s Rooftop Run stage that sees him running up the clock tower from the original level in Sonic Unleashed.

The second clip (below) just shows Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic posing.

Source: Sonic Wrecks

Thanks to YouTube user poppitzman for recording the footage and to SSMB members Dr Spudhead and Shockhog for the heads up!

Got a news tip? Send it in to, or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Jazwares Sonic 20th Anniversary Figures Coming to the UK Later This Week

UK collectible specialist retailer Forbidden Planet is now taking pre-orders for Jazwares’ set of Sonic 20th Anniversary action figures. The figures will be released this coming Thursday October 6th and are priced between £7.99 and £22.99, depending on the size of the figure.

To view the collection and/or get your pre-order(s) in, head over to Forbidden Planet’s website.

Thanks to SSMB member BinaryRaptor for the heads up!

Got a news tip? Send it in to, or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.