SegaSonic Radio solves its emotional distress through the power of sleep-flying!
Continue reading ★ SegaSonic Radio ★ Ep. 3: Into DreamsNiGHTS into Merchandise: A Brief Overview of NiGHTS Merch
The NiGHTS franchise may not be nearly as big as Sonic, but its had its fair share of merchandise over the years, much of which is now rare, expensive, and/or obscure. I thought it would be fun to explore some of what’s been made over the years. This is far from a complete list, but we’re at least going over some of the more interesting bits of merch NiGHTS has had in the last 25 years.
NiGHTS into Dreams UFO Plushies

NiGHTS into Dreams didn’t receive much in the way of plushies, but it did get one set of them…which were made exclusively for SEGA’s UFO Capture devices. For those unaware, these devices were claw machines, and could often be found in arcades. The NiGHTS plushies have been rare and expensive for decades, and a single one of these plushies typically commands a price of hundreds of dollars. If that sounds familiar to you Sonic fans, its because Sonic the Fighters had a plushy line that was distributed the same way, and is now just as rare and expensive.
There was also a line of Christmas SEGA plushes that includes many NiGHTS characters, as well as a line of small NiGHTS plush key chains. I think these were also for UFO Captures, but I’ve been unable to confirm that for his article. NiGHTS was also part of a 1996 SEGA keychain figure line, though I’m not sure how those were distributed.
NiGHTS into Dreams Soundtrack
Released days after the NiGHTS game on July 11, the OST was released exclusively in Japan for ¥28,000 under the PolyGram record label. Not an especially remarkable release, but it was at least enough for Sonic Team to include it amongst Christmas NiGHTS’ extras (which is where the photos for the plushes came from).
NiGHTS: Flying Through the Sky Without Wings (storybook)
In December of 1996, NiGHTS received a storybook adaptation. Published by Futabasha, the 54 page book was written by Kyoko Inukai and featured illustrations by Takumi Miyake. It’s a loose adaptation of the game’s story, though with many details changed or written out. The basic premise of Wizeman creating NiGHTS, and seeking to conquer Nightopia, remain intact. The story only features Elliot, as he learns to find the courage within himself. Outside of Reala and Wizeman, none of the other Nightmaren bosses appear. The ideya are nowhere to be found, instead replaced by a “red energy” likely inspired by the red ideya of courage.
The book would later be reprinted in 2008 and sold with the PS2 re-release of NiGHTS. The book was never translated into English, though TRiPPY over at was able to get a fan translation done, which you can find here.
NiGHTS into Dreams… Tiger Electronics LCD Game
NiGHTS was one of the many SEGA IPs to get adapted into an LCD game by Tiger Electronics. The LCD game was released in 1997, and was also eventually re-released as part of Tiger’s “Pocket Arcade” line and as a game for their R-Zone LCD console.
NiGHTS into Dreams… Archie Comics

Sonic wasn’t the only SEGA series to get a comic adaptation from Archie. In late 1997, Archie Comics released a three issue NiGHTS mini series featuring writing from Dan Slott, as well as pencil breakdowns from renowned Sonic cover artist Patrick Spaziente and pencil finishes by Knuckles comic artist Manny Galan. The comics aren’t completely divorced from the game story, and does share some similarities. Just as in the games, NiGHTS was a creation of Wizeman who rebelled. Wizeman seeks to open a portal to the waking world.
It’s in the finer details where things diverge. Instead of taking any human’s dream energy, Wizeman needs the energy of specific dreamers who only come about every 100 years with “red ideya.” His initial attempt to do this, which is foiled by NiGHTS, inadvertently leads to the founding of the city of Twin Seeds, where Claris and Elliot live 100 years later.
The mini series would ultimately spawn a second three issue mini series in July of 1998, written by then Sonic writer Karl Bollers, and with pencil finishes by Sam Maxwell. After this second mini series, the NiGHTS comic was canceled. It has never been collected in a graphic novel or re-released digitally. There are, of course, ways, but you’ll need to find that for yourself.
NiGHTS PaPetch
Unsurprisingly, NiGHTS merchandise would take a break for awhile. The next bit of merch in this run down was released 9 whole years after the Archie Comics, in December of 2007. Released as part of a line of mini figurines by besidegames called PaPetch, the above figurine was released alongside NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams as a pre-order bonus in Japan.
The figurine was just a little over two inches two and based on JoD’s NiGHTS design.
NiGHTS & Reala from First4Figures
In 2015, First4Figures released a NiGHTS resin 12.5” statue as part of its SEGA All-Stars line. The statue came in both regular and “exclusive editions,” priced at $210 and $235, and limited to 1000 and 500 pieces respectively. The exclusive edition lit up.
Years later, in 2017, F4F held a vote to gauge interest in a Reala statue, which had been in production but was in danger of being canceled due to perceived lack of interest. The statue was made available for pre-order last year, and is being sold in both standard and exclusive variants for $330. As with NiGHTS, the exclusive edition lights up. Reala is scheduled to release in Q3 2021, and can still be bought here.
And the rest…

There’s more NiGHTS merch, of course. There’s promotional pillows, clothing, stickers, and probably other things I’v missed. SEGA’s US shop currently has a jigsaw puzzle, a shirt, and a Christmas ornament. My personal hope is that NiGHTS might receive something a bit more than some clothes and puzzles, but a bit less than a $200 statue. Here’s hoping we might get another plush that isn’t a super expensive collector’s item one day!
SEGA Celebrates 60 Years With 60 Days of Discounts, Free Games, Competitions, and More!
SEGA’s 60 years old this year, in case you weren’t aware! SEGA’s been celebrating this with all sorts stuff, including their current Steam sale and Sonic 2 giveaway. But they aren’t stopping there: starting today, SEGA is running a 60 day long celebration. During this celebration, they will be:
- Releasing four free retro-inspired mini games.
- Discounting more of their games.
- Running giveaways and Competitions
- Putting out exclusive interviews
And “more” according to their tweet announcing this whole thing. As of today, SEGA is giving away free Steam copies of the Sonic Team classic NiGHTS into Dreams to anyone that signs up at their 60th anniversary website, here.
The website will provide free wallpapers, avatars and early notification of prize giveaways to anyone who signs up. If you want the free NiGHTS code, don’t dawdle, because they will only be provided for ”as long as codes last.”

The four free mini games, which will only be available for a limited time, include a prototype for a proposed new Golden Axe game made by the now-shuttered SEGA Australia, a Yakuza/Streets of Rage mash-up, a Fantasy Zone-inspired Endless Space game, and a retro tank battle take on SEGA’s Company of Heroes franchise. Click the links I embedded in each to go to their Steam pages. These games will be released daily starting October 15 and will only be available until October 19, 10 AM PST. So, again, if you want these don’t wait.
SEGA will surely be doing lots of Sonic and Sonic Team related things during this, so stay tuned for all that!
SEGA Celebrates NiGHTS into Dreams Anniversary With Weird Concept Character Art
Did you know it has been 24 years since the US release of SEGA Saturn classic NiGHTS into Dreams…? Well, SEGA certainly remembered, as their retro revival channel ‘SEGA Forever’ published a celebratory video all about the game. The company also included some long lost concept artwork that feels a bit more ‘nightmare’ than ‘dream’. Continue reading SEGA Celebrates NiGHTS into Dreams Anniversary With Weird Concept Character Art
Speculation: Is NiGHTS Dream Wheel A Switch Exclusive?
In July, we reported on a trademark for a potential new game called “NiGHTS Dream Wheel” by SEGA. With the reveal of a new Nintendo peripheral called the “Ring-Con,” our minds are now flying in circles at the possibility that this could be related, and therefore, logic dictates that this would be a game made exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.
Continue reading Speculation: Is NiGHTS Dream Wheel A Switch Exclusive?
SEGA Trademarks new potential NiGHTS into Dreams project
It appears Sonic Team’s NiGHTS into Dreams… series may be getting a new entry, if a recent trademark filed by SEGA of Japan is any indication. Continue reading SEGA Trademarks new potential NiGHTS into Dreams project
Happy Birthday Naoto Ohshima!
Video game legend and former Sonic Team character designer Naoto Ohshima turned 54 today. Ohshima is best known for designing Sonic the Hedgehog and Dr. Eggman, as well as directing Sonic Team classics like Sonic CD, NiGHTS into Dreams and Burning Rangers. After leaving Sonic Team following the completion of Sonic Adventure, Ohshima formed Artoon, where he would go on to create Blinx the Timesweeper (an attempt at creating a platforming mascot for the original Xbox) and act as a producer for a few Yoshi games.
These days, Ohshima serves as the Vice President of Arzest, a Japanese video game studio he helped form after leaving Artoon in 2010.
From all of us here at the Sonic Stadium, happy birthday Naoto Ohshima!
Check out some art from Ohshima below:
Sonic Forces Day One Edition Listed – Includes Avatar Costume DLC
So if you’re planning on buying Sonic Forces on the very first day, it seems you might get some extra bonuses with your copy. According to retail listings on and, a Day One edition of Sonic Forces will be released later this year.
The Day One Edition includes 6 pieces of DLC, which are various costume accessories for the Avatar character which allow it to resemble classic Sega characters.
These include…
- Jet Set Radio
- NiGHTS into Dreams
- Super Monkey Ball
- Puyo-Puyo Tetris
Along with the digital bonus features, there are also a number of concept art cards included with the package.
Keep checking TSS, we’ll let you know if this appears elsewhere and if more editions pop up.
Mash-Up Monday: Reala’s Stardust Speedway
While Sonic celebrates his 25th anniversary, there is another SEGA superstar whose milestone we should honour: Naoto Oshima’s own NiGHTS, who debuted in NiGHTS into Dreams… on the SEGA Saturn over twenty years ago. The androgynous Nightmaren keeps watch over the dream world of Nightopia and protects it from the evil Wizeman.
Since their premiere on the Saturn, only one other game exists to their name on Wii with Journey into Dreams, and barring their appearances on several spinoffs, it is unknown if we’ll ever see NiGHTS again in the future, but hope yet remains. We pay tribute to NiGHTS for today’s Mash-Up Monday with a pair of mash-ups by Chiruliru and James Fisher, featuring the Japanese themes of Stardust Speedway from Sonic CD and “NiGHTS and Reala” from NiGHTS into Dreams… Check them out below!
SEGA Games for the Sonic Gamer, Part 1
Like many SEGA fans, I started out as a fan of Sonic the Hedgehog more so then SEGA itself. As I became more invested in SEGA hardware, though, I was encouraged to begin trying out some of SEGA’s other franchises. I’ve since grown to love a variety of SEGA franchises and as part of the #Sonic23on23 celebration, I’d like to share some of my favorites with other Sonic fans on behalf of SEGAbits! All of the titles I’ll be talking about in this series tickle my fancy in the same way Sonic games have for years, that any Sonic fan ought to experience. These titles are not necessarily platformers, or involve cute and furry animals, but they do share at least one key element with Sonic games.
This series will divide the different games into categories and let you know which title you ought to try fist. I hope you’ll try some of these games!
Rail Shooters:
After Burner
Before Sonic, SEGA had another adrenaline inducing game called “After Burner”. Here, players take control of the iconic F-14 Tomcat and blast through stages at sonic speed…literally. The After Burner games are all about memorization and twitch game play. Players have to be fast and at least somewhat familiar with enemy formations in order to succeed. All of the After Burner games produce a great sense of speed that is impressive even these days.
The original After Burner is not the most easy game to pay these days, and the best versions of the game available were made for the SEGA 32X and Saturn. SEGA has released a version of the game for the 3DS, which I do recommend picking up if it ever comes over. More accessible is After Burner Climax, which is currently available on Xbox Live and PSN.
If you want to know more about the game franchise, I recommend heading over to SEGAbits and checking out our content from After Burner Week.
Panzer Dragoon
In Panzer Dragoon, players take flight on top of a big laser breathing dragon. This franchise is slower and more methodical then the After Burner games, but makes up for that slower pace with deeper game play and longer levels. Just like any great rail shooter, Panzer Dragoon is all about twitch game play, as players get constantly attacked on all sides by waves upon waves of enemies as they blast through beautiful, creative levels. Panzer’s world and music also possess an exotic charm that sets the series apart from other rail shooters.
Panzer Dragoon Orta is easily the most accessible game in the series, as it is the most affordable and is playable on both the Xbox and Xbox 360. It is also my personal favorite game in the series and has probably aged the best out of all of them thanks to the Xbox’s capabilities. The original trilogy is currently only available on SEGA’s Saturn. Of those, Panzer Dragoon Zwei is easily the best rail shooter of the bunch, though the original Panzer Dragoon is also pretty good. The franchise’s magnum opus, Panzer Dragoon Saga, is unique and excellent RPG, though is quite expensive and doesn’t really possess the qualities that would lead me to recommend it to Sonic fans.
Sonic Team Games
NiGHTS into Dreams
Kind of obvious, but NiGHTS needs to be included all the same. NiGHTS once had a tendency to pop up often in Sonic games, and with good reason: outside of the Sonic series NiGHTS probably stands as the best thing Sonic Team has ever made. It shares some of Sonic’s qualities: it is simple, yet inventive. Each stage has its own theme and gimmicks that make them stand out and memorable. Many of the stages have unique topography that really do look like they came out of a dream.
NiGHTS isn’t exactly adrenaline inducing, but it’s still a fast game. Many of the game’s best moments come when your quickly zooming through loops and collecting blue chips, racking up huge links and points in the process. NiGHTS is all precision and memorization, perfecting your runs through the game’s stages so that you can improve your scores and A rank all the stages. NiGHTS into Dreams in many ways invokes many of the best elements of Sonic’s best games.
NiGHTS into Dreams HD is available on Xbox Live, PSN and Steam. If you’re feeling up for playing it old school, it’s also available on the Saturn. There was also a sequel released for the Wii version called Journey of Dreams, but that isn’t really as good and shares flaws with many of Sonic Team’s modern Sonic games.
Though it doesn’t bear the Sonic Team name, many Sonic Team alumni apparently worked on the game. In fact, this was character designer Yuji Uekawa’s first game. He would soon go on to become the character designer for the Sonic games starting with Sonic R in 1997.
Ristar itself is considerably slower than your standard Sonic game, but features the kind of cute character design, creative level design and unique character abilities Sonic Team was once known for. Ristar is all about swinging and bouncing around stages and adapting to the unique gimmicks each stage throws at you. One musical stage has you carrying around metronomes and bringing them to song birds that, when activated, add their voice to the stage’s background music, which slowly becomes more elaborate over the course of the stage. Another has you springing traps meant for you by throwing miniature Ristar models. Even the boss fights are varied, and can range from a cute little snow ball fight with a small child to an epic confrontation with a giant robotic mole during a freefall.
If you want to know more, you can check out the content I wrote for Ristar Week, which I ran for SEGAbits earlier this year. Ristar itself can be played on the Wii and Wii U through the Wii’s Virtual Console service. It can also be found on numerous compilations including the SEGA Genesis Collection, Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection and Sonic Mega Collection (as an unlockable). The original game can be played on the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive.
I’ll be back later with more recommendations, so stay tuned!
Deadly Six Edition to be available on Wii U eShop for limited period
Sonic Lost World is racing onto Nintendo’s Wii U and 3DS systems at the end of this week in Europe, and it appears even with mere days to go there’s still a few surprises in store – one of which being that the Deadly Six Edition, once believed to be a retail exclusive pre-order bonus, will now be offered via the Wii U eShop for a limited time as well!
The news comes courtesy of Official Nintendo Magazine, who have posted Nintendo’s schedule for this week’s eShop releases – with Sonic leading the pack as the headline title. With regards to the Deadly Six Edition, the following statement is made:
You can receive download codes for the additional level available in the Deadly Six Edition and five Black Bomb colour powers if you purchase Sonic Lost World from Nintendo eShop on your Wii U between 00:01 (UK time) on 18 October and 23:59 (UK time) on 27 October.
So, if you download Sonic Lost World from the Wii U eShop by 27th October, you’ll get the NiGHTMARE DLC and five Black Bomb Wisps as an added bonus!
Sonic Lost World will cost £39.99 to download on the Wii U and £34.99 on 3DS. Will you be buying them digitally when they launch in Europe on Friday?
Source: Official Nintendo Magazine
Sonic Lost World Deadly Six Edition Revealed, New Screenshots
The European version of yesterday’s new trailer has been released and at the end it reveals a special edition of Sonic Lost World for Wii U called the Sonic Lost World Deadly Six Edition. This version of the game includes DLC that adds NiGHTS into Dreams boss battles with The Deadly Six for those that pre-order the game. We’ve not found any retailers listing this edition of the game yet, but if you find it, please give us links in the comments or send them to
SEGA has also released twenty eight new screenshots of the Wii U version of the game showcasing the Miiverse hub and a new Black Wisp that seemingly turns Sonic into a bomb. We also get to see more of the various levels currently revealed, like Frozen Factory and Desert Ruins. The file names for the screenshots reveal the water level’s name to be Tropical Coast. You can check out all of the screenshots below in our gallery.
Source: SEGA Press
Dreamy Sonic Team OSTs Soar onto iTunes
And I honestly hope your wallets are ready for them.
The folks at SEGA are working on double time as of late. From the North American premiere of Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph last weekend, where the blue blur made numerous cameos, and with Sumo Digital’s Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed on the way this month, some would expect that that would be all from SEGA for the upcoming holidays. With everyone’s attention elsewhere, SEGA has quietly released numerous soundtracks onto the iTunes market.
Available for select regions, specifically the US, Japan, and most of Europe, the onslaught of soundtrack releases began last week with Sonic the Hedgehog Original Soundtrack and Sonic Unleashed Original Soundtrack: Planetary Pieces. Eager fans of Sonic Unleashed and Sonic 2006‘s music may now procure the complete soundtrack to both games!
And today (by EST standards, mind you!), I was notified by TRiPPY of that NiGHTS into dreams… Perfect Album and NiGHTS: Journey into Dreams Original Soundtrack have both snuck onto the digital music marketplace as well! The timing is perfect, considering that NiGHTS into Dreams saw an upgraded rerelease onto XBLA and PSN worldwide just last month (which, if you haven’t bought and played already, you should)!
TitansCreed Community Spotlights NiGHTS Into
Slam the brakes on all things fast and blue, everyone!
For this round, TitansCreed sheds a purple shade of the Community Spotlight on Lynne Triplett and Niyazi Sonmez, respectively known as the dynamic duo TRiPPY/imagni and DiGi Valentine from NiGHTS into Dreams.Com, as they talk about all things NiGHTS!
NiGHTS to be in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
This has been a surprisingly awesome sweet sixteen birthday week for NiGHTS into Dreams and its fans. Mere days after a digital HD release of the classic Saturn title was revealed, we now have confirmation right out of Summer of Sonic that NiGHTS will be appearing in the upcoming SEGA crossover racer Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.
NiGHTS and his rival Reala will both feature as vehicles in the game. In the original games, NiGHTS could transform into different vehicles and creatures to better suit certain environments. All-Stars cleverly references this mechanic by allowing NiGHTS and Reala to change into all new vehicle forms. NiGHTS is driven by the childlike Nightopian creatures, while Reala will be driven by the Goodle riding nightmaren from Journey of Dreams. The character designs are based off of Journey of Dreams.
Despite the character designs being based off of Journey of Dreams, the stage is derived from three areas from the first game: Spring Valley, Gillwing’s Lair and Wizeman’s boss arena. Going by the footage, these areas are going to look gorgeous and I can’t wait to play them. If the level is present in the Comic Con demo, we’ll be sure to get you some details and footage of it next week. Until then, you can catch the footage shown at Summer of Sonic here. The Sumo Digital Q&A starts at 27:30 while the footage can be found at 1:17:40. Keep in mind the footage is work in progress.
NiGHTS Into Dreams HD Announced, Rejoice Everyone!
I hope all of you are ready to fly through the skies of Nightopia in HD, because an HD remake of NiGHTS into Dreams is coming to Xbox Live, Playstation Network and Windows PC Download this fall! The remake will include leaderboards, achievements/trophies, and a 16:9 aspect ratio. It will also include a “Saturn” mode featuring the graphics of the SEGA Saturn original for all of you retro gamers who want to experience the game in all of it’s original, low poly glory.
“The SEGA Saturn offered many unique gaming experiences, and NiGHTS into dreams… stands out as one of the most recognizable titles that found a home on the system,” said Chris Olson, Vice President of Digital Business at SEGA. “We’ve gotten a lot of requests about this game over the years, and are very happy to be able to give both former Saturn owners and new players a chance to play it in its most beautiful form to date this fall.”
No word on whether the game will include the special features of the NiGHTS into Dreams PS2 remake, which this port bears some resemblance to. Here’s hoping it includes that version’s extra features like Christmas NiGHTS.
Smithsonian Art Museum to Feature Sonic in Games Exhibition?
The Smithsonian American Art Museum is setting up an exhibition focusing on video game artwork – and Sonic the Hedgehog could feature prominently in the upcoming showcase.
Called The Art of Video Games, the event takes a look at iconic games throughout the last 40 years and explores the industry “as an artistic medium, with a focus on striking visual effects, the creative use of new technologies, and the most influential artists and designers.” Better yet, there are 80 slots for games to be featured – and visitors to the museum’s website can vote for the games that they feel best represent ‘video games as art.’
Representing the Sonic the Hedgehog (and related) series in this voting stage are the following:
- Sonic CD (Action Game – Sega Genesis)
- Sonic Adventure (Action Game – Sega Dreamcast)
- NiGHTS into Dreams… (Action Game – Sega Saturn)
Click here to visit the voting page – you’ll need to register an account with the website – and take your time in voting for the games you feel deserve the cut. Certainly, don’t vote for Sonic just because it’s Sonic, but… well, it’s Sonic isn’t it?
Yuji Naka Interview Reveals More About NiGHTS into Dreams
Two people considered to be celebrities in the NiGHTS community are now ready to wow you once again. DiGi and TRiPPY of recently scored an interview with Sonic and NiGHTS into Dreams creator Yuji Naka, which has been published on their site today. This interview proves to be very significant among NiGHTS fans, as Mr. Naka reveals the truth behind quite a few rumours regarding development, concepts and characters that have been circulating the internet for years. Also, of note is some interesting info about inspiration behind the game’s setting, a second platform, a special guest demo tester (you’ll never guess who it is) and support for DiGi and TRiPPY’s latest campaign. It’s a great read and I won’t spoil it for you here. Head on over to to read it.
If you haven’t already taken part in DiGi and TRiPPY’s latest campaign (which is currently at 1,724 votes), you can sign the petition to get a digital NiGHTS into Dreams port on current console services (such as PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade and WiiWare) at You just have to click the ‘Fans’ button. Simple!
Thanks to Indigo Rush via SSMB pm and TRiPPY via e-mail for the heads up!
Bentley Jones “WE Я ANIMADE” Trailer for MCM Expo
Those of you who are regulars at London’s MCM Expo have an extra treat in store this year! All-round J-Popper and Summer of Sonic star Bentley Jones has just released this new trailer, giving a sneaky peek at what could potentially be a performance at the event! The video also features what appears to be a snippet of what we can expect from future BJ albums; if it is fans can expect to get a much more rock-tastic treat from the Jonester!
It also appears that NiGHTS Into Dreams founder TRiPPY has been recruited to help produce some of the jawesome anime art featured in this teaser, and possibly more! Keep your ears open for more info soon.
The London MCM Expo will run over the weekend of May 29th-30th 2010. You can buy your tickets here!
The 25 Days of Christmas NiGHTS
Our first holiday feature is a weekly series called “The 25 Days of Christmas NiGHTS.” My cousin, Brett, decided that it would be awesome to sit down, relax with a warm drink, and enjoy the euphoric NiGHTS demo. He has been writing a journal and taking one photo a day since December 1st. Hit the jump for Brett’s photos and journal for the first week:
NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams and NiGHTS PS2 Media Frenzy!
Frozen Bell was my favourite stage from the first and it’s looking as good as ever in the remake!
IGN have updated their website with some new videos of the highly anticipated NiGHTS Wii game earlier today, showing off some new in-game footage, music and a better look at the three new transformations in action.
Check out the NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams IGN media page here.
One video also shows the Race Multiplayer in motion, with the voice of Reala sounding much more deeper than it did in the original game. It’s shaping up to look like a lot of fun, with each video SEGA release looking more of an improvement each time. Continue reading NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams and NiGHTS PS2 Media Frenzy!
NiGHTS Into Dreams gets upgraded on PS2
Today a Japanese magazine has printed a 2 page article about NiGHTS into Dreams on the PS2. Being as we aren’t fluent in that language we can’t say if anything’s changed from the Sega Saturn version other than visuals. The only noteable thing from the screenshots is the gallery mode that looks similar to the Christmas Nights extras. IGN report there will be illustrations and a movie viewer.
The game will hit Japan 21-2-08
Sonic News will keep you up to date as more is revealed.
NiGHTS Sequel for Nintendo Wii
SEGA are getting ready to announce a new NiGHTS Into Dreams game for the Nintendo Wii, it has been reported. Gaming website first revealed the information, where it writes that SEGA all but confirmed ‘NiGHTS 2’, yet wasn’t prepared to state this on the record.
Before SPOnG’s article, the Official Nintendo Magazine in the UK printed a teaser image in their current issue that has been rumoured to be a reference to NiGHTS. The magazine stated that it was a secret project to be revealed next month, but fears and doubts were raised when it was made clear this was to co-incide with April Fools Day. Continue reading NiGHTS Sequel for Nintendo Wii
Sonic Team: No Plans For NiGHTS Sequel
SEGA Saturn fans waiting patiently for a sequel to the Sonic Team classic NiGHTS into dreams… will be in for some bad news today. According to a recent report, the developer has ruled out a follow-up to Yuji Naka’s dreamy masterpiece.
Continue reading Sonic Team: No Plans For NiGHTS Sequel
NiGHTS Makes a Full Appearance in PSO in Special Sonic Team Quest
Yes, you can play a cut-down version of NiGHTS into Dreams on your Game Boy Advance by hooking it up to Phantasy Star Online on your Gamecube, but soon you’ll be able to get a real taste of Nightopia in Sonic Team’s online RPG with a special themed DLC quest just in time for Christmas.
Continue reading NiGHTS Makes a Full Appearance in PSO in Special Sonic Team QuestRead More...
NiGHTS and Puyo Puyo Minigames Unlockable on PSO Gamecube
Missing Sonic Team’s Saturn classic, NiGHTS into Dreams? Yeah, we are too. Puyo Puyo too. Well, if you’re planning to pick up the Gamecube version of Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II, you will be able to play micro-sized versions of both games on your Game Boy Advance!
Continue reading NiGHTS and Puyo Puyo Minigames Unlockable on PSO Gamecube
Yuji Naka Plans to ‘Discuss’ NiGHTS, Burning Rangers Sequels Soon
Sonic Team has certainly been coy about the cult success of its non-Sonic IP, such as SEGA Saturn classics NiGHTS into Dreams and Burning Rangers. But if a new interview with Famitsu is anything to go by, it seems like studio head Yuji Naka is keen to explore the potential to create some sequels. Continue reading Yuji Naka Plans to ‘Discuss’ NiGHTS, Burning Rangers Sequels Soon
NiGHTS Gamecube Teased as SEGA Announces New Global Content Strategy
In a keynote address at this year’s Tokyo Game Show, newly-third-partied SEGA unveiled its new global strategy that it says will make the company the #1 independent game publisher in the world. And if its slides are anything to go by, Sonic Team classic NiGHTS into Dreams could be a part of that strategy. Continue reading NiGHTS Gamecube Teased as SEGA Announces New Global Content Strategy
Sonic Team Announces Mobile Games Service ‘Sonic Cafe’
A bunch of new NiGHTS into Dreams and ChuChu Rocket! games have popped up on Sonic Team’s official Japanese website. But they’re not what you think – they’re actually for your mobile phone. Crazy! Apparently, mobiles are really popular in Japan, and everybody plays little games on them. So in an attempt to get in on the action, ‘Sonic Cafe’ will offer a bunch of bite-size applications based on their famous franchises. Continue reading Sonic Team Announces Mobile Games Service ‘Sonic Cafe’
Sonic Merch Up For Grabs at Japanese SA2 Demo Event
Well, colour us green with envy! Sonic Team is planning to host an insanely cool party for Japanese fans in Tokyo’s Akihabara district on the 16th and 21st December, offering a chance to try Sonic Adventure 2, Phantasy Star Online and Samba de Amigo 2000. Attendees will also be able to get a bunch of exclusive goodies! Here’s what’s on offer. Continue reading Sonic Merch Up For Grabs at Japanese SA2 Demo Event
Yuji Naka Reveals Work on Cancelled NiGHTS Sequel, Air NiGHTS
We often hear of how Sonic Team head Yuji Naka feels about a NiGHTS into Dreams sequel – largely that it will never happen because he thinks the Saturn original was just too perfect. But, in a recent interview the creative revealed that his studio was in fact working on a sequel to the action classic, and it even involved a unique new control method. Continue reading Yuji Naka Reveals Work on Cancelled NiGHTS Sequel, Air NiGHTS