Yuji Naka Interview Reveals More About NiGHTS into Dreams

Two people considered to be celebrities in the NiGHTS community are now ready to wow you once again.  DiGi and TRiPPY of nightsintodreams.com recently scored an interview with Sonic and NiGHTS into Dreams creator Yuji Naka, which has been published on their site today. This interview proves to be very significant among NiGHTS fans, as Mr. Naka reveals the truth behind quite a few rumours regarding development, concepts and characters that have been circulating the internet for years.  Also, of note is some interesting info about inspiration behind the game’s setting, a second platform, a special guest demo tester (you’ll never guess who it is) and support for DiGi and TRiPPY’s latest campaign. It’s a great read and I won’t spoil it for you here.  Head on over to nightsintodreams.com to read it.

If you haven’t already taken part in DiGi and TRiPPY’s latest campaign (which is currently at 1,724 votes), you can sign the petition to get a digital NiGHTS into Dreams port on current console services (such as PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade and WiiWare) at nid15.com. You just have to click the ‘Fans’ button.  Simple!

Thanks to Indigo Rush via SSMB pm and TRiPPY via e-mail for the heads up!

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