UK Retailer Claims Sonic Mania to Get “Physical Copies for All Platforms”

For the past month we’ve had a lot of retailers listing what appears to be a physical edition of Sonic Mania on the switch, so far Sega has been completely silent on the subject despite multiple retailers listing the game for pre-order. Continue reading UK Retailer Claims Sonic Mania to Get “Physical Copies for All Platforms”

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Zavvi Discounts Sonic Colours, Argos Answers Pre-Order Complaints

UPDATE: Zavvi has raised the Wii version back up to £29.95. DS version remains at £17.95, but is still temporarily out of stock right now. /UPDATE END

UK online retailer has heavily discounted both versions of Sonic Colours after only just over a week of being on sale. Both editions are now being sold for just £17.95, though the DS version is currently out of stock (no doubt due to this offer), but the Wii version is still available as of the time of this article, so grab it while its there.

Source: Zavvi

In other news, another UK retailer Argos, who you may recall has been causing fans some bother since Sonic Colours‘ release day regarding an action figure pre-order gift, has answered some complaints about the gift missing from their orders. Some of our readers and members of our forum called Argos every day to try to get the issue resolved and now Argos is finally coming through by offering customers affected by this problem their long-awaited figure or a £15 gift voucher (the price Argos charges for the figure when sold separately).

SSMB member jennytablina said an Argos representative she spoke to on the 16th November told her the whole situation was because of a system error:

I called Argos today and asked about this. The attendant said the call center got an internal email about this today and checked, it said Argos had a system error and EVERYONE who preordered Colours did not get a figure (computers eh?). They apparently were trying to reach customers yesterday via email and phone. Though I had no call or email in my inbox.

The official word seems to be that everyone WILL get their figure delivered separate in the post in the next few days, currently waiting on the assistant to call back with details about my own delivery (she was having trouble getting the entertainment side to respond)


jennytablina got a call back the next day and was offered the figure or the £15 gift voucher and opted for the voucher:

Argos called me, and they offered the figure but all the local stores are out of stock. I took the £15 gift voucher instead, because I simply don’t believe the figure is worth the price Argos is trying to shell it for (and mentally it makes Colours £16 in my head, automatically making it an absolute steal instead of a total rip off)

It’s a bit of a shame because I would kind of liked to have had the figure but eh, maybe it’ll be on ebay sometime.


Tomnomnom0607 at the SSMB said:

Well I just got a call from Argos. The person said that they can either send me the figure itself, or £15 worth of Argos vouchers. I took the figure of course! They said I should get it in 5-7 working days.

Looks like they have indeed sorted it out. Hopefully they’ll get in contact with the rest of you shortly!


TSS reader BlastedPinata said:

Okay this has been resolved for me, the woman on the phone placed a reservation for the £15 Sonic figure for me and has paid it for me via Argos. I just need to go down to my local store and pick it up using my reservation number. What a hassle!

SSMB member Gnasher (who provided the photos of the figure) said in a post at the forum:

Well it took 3 nights, 3 argos customer service advisors and 3 phone calls… but finally I have my figure.

I got a redemption code to my email and phone. Took it into my store and got the figure.

I don’t think it’s worth 15p let alone £15 (if you buy it separately), it should be free and nothing more! It’s such a poor figure that even the Argos staff in the shop wanted to check they’d gotten the right one.. to quote one of their staff “It looks like it should come free in Corn Flakes…”

My advice… try to get a redemption code from their call centre and go pick one up in the store. I suppose it’s good if you wish to keep it in the packaging, but certainly DO NOT BUY it separately, it’s not worth it at all!

Yes this is the £15 price, it doesn’t come in a classic Jazzwares style box, it is just a ‘bagged’ figure, regardless as to if you buy colours or not.


In that last sentence, Gnasher is referring to SSMB member Mahzes’ £15 purchase of the figure separately on Sonic Colours‘ launch day, which he said came in a plastic bag and not the usual packaging that retail Sonic figures are sealed in.

I bought the figure in-store at Argos for £15.

It doesn’t even come in a proper package, just in a clear plastic bag with a folded card strip stapled through the top. As such, the figure was (quite understandably) all mashed up, twisted and bent in the bag.

When I opened it, noticed a tiny crack on the right knee-joint (from being mangled in the bag). Took it back, got a replacement, which looked fine. A bit later, on closer inspection, there are two cracks on his right arm joints. *facepalm*

Still, they’re not ‘arm going to fall off’, so I’m just sticking with it. Dunno about anyone else (or if anyone else here has even got it yet), but the joints don’t seem to allow for much movement on the figure. The arms are jointed horribly, too.

And he has no mouth. His nose also bends upward at a pretty steep angle. D:

Overall, the figure is just ‘okay’, but definitely not worth £15. The ‘packaging’ (if it can even be called that) is just ridiculous.


If you take a look at the above picture of the figure, you’ll spot the words “Not to be sold separately” on the cardboard packaging, something we know Argos is definitely doing at £15 per figure. Clearly the figures were intended to be a pre-order gift, which Argos initially advertised them as, but come release the retailer hadn’t given them away and continued not to until nearly a week later after many pre-order customers complained, and even now they’re still selling them.

Is SEGA even seeing any profits back from the sales of this merchandise we assume the publisher gave to Argos for free? We’ll probably never know, but we do know that this has been quite the mess for Argos and their customers. At least now the problem has been solved and Sonic fans should be getting their figure or voucher shortly.

If you pre-ordered with Argos and haven’t received a call/e-mail from them, we suggest you contact the retailer and they should hopefully offer you the figure or gift voucher they’ve offered everyone in this article, but if you go for the figure, be sure to take print-outs of your order/receipt, e-mails to and from Argos about the issue and anything else of relevance, in case you experience the below situation that SSMB member Gnasher has reported in the forum.

On friday I was told by the person who picked up the figure (as I couldn’t get to the store on time) what the staff tried to do. Despite having a redemption code in the form of a mobile phone text, and as an email print out. Argos staff still wanted the person to pay for the figure!

Yeah, the code wasn’t a ‘free code’ it was a ‘on hold’ code. Meaning had I not made copies or my order in the form of print screens, or copied that screen shot you took of the listing, chances are I wouldn’t have gotten this figure as Argos did NOT want to give it out for free regardless of what my code said.

So if you get a redemption code, take all prints and evidence that the figure it should be free with you.


Good luck!

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Fury as Argos Doesn’t Deliver on Sonic Colours Pre-Order Offer

You may recall an offer at UK retailer Argos’ website we reported on back in September (seen in the screen cap above), which promised that customers who pre-ordered Sonic Colours on Wii or DS would be delivered a free Sonic & Wisps figure with their copy of the game on release day. The game has been out since Friday and there have been many reports at the SSMB from members who pre-ordered with Argos that they have received their game, but NOT the figure, including The Sonic Stadium’s own, T-Bird.

Here are a few of those reports:
jennytablina said

Are the figures being posted separate from the game? I was a tad miffed that my copy of Colours Wii didn’t come with them (only a little, I was pretty happy with the game but y’know )

Though I was pretty impressed with the fact Argos actually got the game to me on release day despite pre-ordering only a few weeks before.


Blue Blood said

Yup, same. I’m waiting on two figures (totally separate orders for each version), and if they don’t deliver then plenty of rage will ensue.


FTA said

Those sneaky bastards. Last time I shop with them.



Dear Argos, I don’t like what you’ve been doing to my friends and I who pre-ordered. It’s messed up, so now I’m gonna mess you up.


SSMB member CobraRoll on Friday said they didn’t get their figure, but after speaking to Argos they were told that the figure will be sent out at a later date:

Well, my order from Argos arrived this morning and I can confirm that it is NOT the special edition that Australia has been getting. I called Argos again about it today and they said give it a few more days for the figures to arrive and they should do. I’ll be chasing them up again though if it doesn’t arrive.



Yeah pretty much what they said to me. When they looked the catalogue number for it up, they did comment that the number is the kind which coincides with some kind of deal. They just say to wait for a bit and get back to them if they don’t deliver.


SSMB member Gnasher, who also hasn’t received a figure, has contacted Argos today in hopes to resolve the issue. In a post made at the SSMB, Gnasher says he was told that Argos claimed no such offer existed.

I just got off the phone with the Argos people and least to say I’m far from happy at all with what I was told. Argos used every excuse in the book to try and explain why there was no figure with my pre-order. They included but where not limited to.

* Did you enter the offer code when you went into the final purchase?

* The offer is no longer on the website.

Now… correct me if I’m wrong, but a pre-order offer typically ends after the game is released, and as reported on TSS Argos pulled down their listing shortly before the game came out, yet did not notify any of those who had pre-ordered that this had changed.

There was also no offer code to enter, it said in the description that the figure was included in the order, no additional code had to be entered.

Then we moved onto the issue of the game in question….

Did you open the game from the packaging? If yes, no refund or figure.

So anyone that opened their game, and was told that it would be sent out later, you’re not getting a figure anymore.

This is despite explaining to the lady, that I had screen prints of my orders, including the offer itself, and several reports from other people who had pre-ordered (you guys) that they had no received their figure. It was then that she claimed that there had been no other reports or complaints about missing figures, or that there was even an offer on this particular item.

Because there is no listing on the argos website it means that it didn’t exist… again… despite the fact that many people print screened [the above] image!

Gnasher was so furious with this that he’s going to be contacting BBC Watchdog and Trading Standards, in hope that they will be able to help everyone affected by this.

I am going to be writing to them with the above, and BBC watchdog as well as trading standards will be CC in the letters, if you guys are a bit pissed at this I suggest you do the same.


Blue Blood says he ordered both Wii and DS versions from Argos and neither version came with the advertised figure, so he will be calling the retailer tomorrow.

I’ll phone them tomorrow. Better still, I had two separate orders. I bought the DS version and my Mum bought the Wii one, so that’s twice they fucked this house over.

We will let you know how the situation pans out and if we hear of any solution given to this problem.

Did you pre-order with Argos? Did you receive the advertised figure? If not, have you been in touch with Argos and heard anything we haven’t? Let us know in the comments.

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Merchandise Update: Sonic Colours Figure, Classic Controller, Big & Froggy


It appears that UK retailer Argos won’t be limiting the Jazwares made Sonic and Wisps action figure to pre-orders of either version of Sonic Colours. Argos is now listing the figure for pre-order on its website and its in-store catalogue for £14.99. The figure available is the one seen in the Wii version of the Sonic Colours special edition listed in certain countries, which comes with the White, Cyan and Orange Wisps, leaving us to assume that the Blue, Yellow and Red Wisps are ultimately exclusive to the DS special edition figure bundle. With the figure holding a £14.99 price tag, we highly recommend you pre-order a copy of Sonic Colours Wii/DS at Argos and grab the figure for free, if you’re interested in purchasing both items of course.

Elsewhere, Australia is getting another pre-order bonus on top of the one already offered there at EBGames, where you can get a free Sonic hat with pre-orders. Instead of a hat, JB Hi-Fi are giving away a blue Sonic Colours themed Classic Controller when you pre-order the game. Both retailers are stocking the special edition of the game with the Sonic and Wisps figure too.


Finally, a Jazwares made Big the Cat & Froggy action figure set has appeared for sale across online marketplace eBay and should be hitting retailers such as Toys R Us soon, if not already.
Here’s a description from eBay:

Being offered is the BIG THE CAT & FROGGY figures from the SONIC THE HEDGEHOG series by Jazwares. The detailed, massive BIG figure stands about 4 inches tall and FEATURES OVER 12 POINTS OF ARTICULATION… while FROGGY measures about 2.25 inches tall. Unopened in factory sealed packaging. Officially licensed product.

Will you be grabbing any of these? Let us know in the comments.

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Pics of the Sonic Colours Figure, Argos Drops Price

EB Games Australia is now listing the Sonic Colours: Special Edition that other countries have been listing for a while, which comes with a Sonic Colours themed action figure, but until now we’ve not seen a picture of it. Two pictures are now available, but why two you say? Because it appears you get different Wisps with your Sonic figure depending on which version of the game you purchase. The Wii version comes with a White Wisp, an Orange Wisp and a Cyan Wisp, while the DS version comes with a Yellow Wisp, a Red Wisp and a Blue Wisp. Seems odd that the Blue Wisp would come with the DS version, since it only appears in the Wii version. If you pre-order, you can still get the free Sonic hat too.

Argos, who we told you will be giving the figure away with pre-orders in the UK, has now
slightly lowered their prices for both versions. The Wii version has been dropped from £33.99 to £31.99 and the DS version has been dropped from £25.99 to £24.99.

Thanks to Blue Blood at the SSMB for the heads-up!

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Free Figurine With Sonic Colours Pre-orders At

It appears the UK will be getting the Sonic and Wisp figurine that is being packaged as part of a “Special Edition” with Sonic Colours in some parts of the world. UK retailer, Argos is now listing the figurine as a free gift with pre-orders of either version of the game.

Free Sonic wisps figurine when you pre-order at Argos! Get your figurine of Sonic and the whisps which appear in Sonic Colours, delivered free with your copy of the game of the day of release.

It is odd that the figurine is being given away free with pre-orders in the UK, since the “Special Edition” with the figurine is listed at a higher price than the game alone, so could there be more than just the figurine bundled with that edition? Argos is listing this as an “Online exclusive” offer, so it appears they won’t be stocking it in-store. No other UK retailers are currently listing the gift. Argos also appears to be SEGA’s retailer of choice for pre-orders of the game at their website.

If you’re interested in the figurine, you can pre-order the Wii version for £33.99 and the DS version for £25.99. Will you be pre-ordering at Argos for this bonus?

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Argos Displays UK ASR Box Arts. UK Release Feb 19th?

UK box Xbox 360

UK retailer Argos is now displaying what could be the final UK box arts for Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing but one major difference to the leaked U.S. box art is the absence of Banjo & Kazooie on the front. So could SEGA of America be using the bear and bird as a selling point on their box art while SEGA Europe don’t feel the same or could Banjo Kazooie’s appearance on the cover have been scrapped for the final box art?

Another difference is the lack of Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection logo on the DS version compared to the leaked U.S. box art that contains the logo.

One more difference is on the PS3 box which oddly contains both the old left side Playstation 3 banner AND the new top header PS3 banner compared to the leaked U.S. box art that only contains the new top header PS3 banner.

Argos’s listed release date has been changed from March 26th to February 19th so could a release date be coming soon from SEGA Europe?

Argos links –
Xbox 360

We’ll let you know of any developments, meanwhile check out the hi-res boxes of the Wii, DS and PS3 versions:
(Click the thumbnails for hi-res)
UK box PS3 UK box Wii UK box DS

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Get 20% Off M&S Olympic Winter Games at Argos


UK Mario and Sonic fans are in luck as Argos are currently giving 20% off of pre-orders of certain video games with the promotional code GAME20 that expires 24/07/09. Both Wii & DS versions of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games are in the offer so be quick like the spikey blue one and get in there now. WARNING to everyone though that money is taken on order and not on despatch.
Here are the prices before and after the 20% is discounted:
Mario & Sonic: The Olympic Winter Games DS £24.99 £19.99
Mario & Sonic: The Olympic Winter Games Wii £32.99 £26.39


Source: Hot UK Deals

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Full Sonic Chronicles box-art revealed and new release date?

So I went into one of my 3 local GAME stores(All 3 in the SAME shopping centre, why?) today and noticed they had display boxes for Sonic Chronicles all over the counter with the full box art and a 5th September release date sticker on the front. I snapped a couple of pics of the front and back covers for you guys to see.

Look’s like Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection has been scrapped as there’s no logo but there is the multi-card wireless 1-2 player connection logo on the back for close-by connecting, so no Chao trading over the interwebz. Another Sonic game rush job? It’s also odd that they put a screenshot of Green Hill on the back with the older more detailed map in the top screen rather than the newer cartoony simpler design.

For those who can’t quite read the text on the back cover it says –

“A brand new journey of battles, exploration and discovery!

Select your team of sonic and his friends to fight new enemies.
Explore new worlds and defeat a mysterious new menace.
Explore over 20 areas with up to eleven new characters.
Defeat enemies with combo power moves.
Collect and trade Chao with friends.”

aisha13 over at the Official Nintendo Magazine forums is also reporting that the latest Argos catalogue has Sonic Chronicles down for this new 5th September release date. Let’s hope this new date is true so we can get our filthy hands on the game next week but lets hope this doesn’t mean the game’s been rushed.

In other news, Bioware have released the 3rd of their video insider episodes, you can check it out here.

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