Needlemouse: Day 3 Prediction

Thanks to our friends Psyguy for providing his Sonic recolor and Trunks for putting it together. One more “reveal” to go!

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Easter Egg Spotted In Latest ASR Trailer

Keen eyed SSMB Member Doctor Eggman has spotted the above little Easter Egg in the latest Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing trailer . If you look closely you’ll see Sonic, Shadow, Amy and Knuckles on those green screens with stat bars next to them. Could Eggman be using ASR races on his track to examine his rivals?

What a crafty villain he is!

Kudos to Sumo for getting Eggman’s character spot on and thanks Doctor Eggman at the SSMB for pointing this out.

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Needlemouse: Day 2 Prediction

Charmy and Chip are gone. This TOTALLY changes the outcome of the final prediction.  WHO COULD IT BE?!

Submit your Needlemouse shoops to us at “thesonicstadium AT gmail DOT com.”

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Sonic Knows When to Hold ‘Em, Fold ‘Em

Good stuff, xamoel.  We already knew that Sonic was a darts fan, but I think he’s even more suited for poker.  Hell, this is better than brawling (at least Mega Man is involved)!

Want to be featured on TSS’ Community Blog (or even in an article)?  Submit to us at thesonicstadium AT gmail DOT com.

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Prediction for Needlemouse’s Character List

In all seriousness, this list is pretty funny.  I forgot that SEGA had a sense of humor.  Well played.

My favorite prediction was when the game was announced, though.  You might remember us telling you about awesome sprite t-shirts a few weeks ago.  Well, those were made by our friend Trunks, from “The Wild Adventures of Trunks and Soto.” He posted this GIF in the Needlemouse thread at Sonic Retro and I wouldn’t be surprised if it came true…

Aaaaaand… one more for the road…

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Sonic the Comic Online Release Issue Number 250

Those of you lucky enough (and old enough!) to be a UK resident will no doubt hold dear in your heart the memory of picking up the first issue of Sonic the Comic from your newsagents way back in 1993 and squealing with delight at the plethora of stories and articles before you. Unfortunately that all came to a bitter end in 2002 when after months of re-releasing older stories and losing the interest of the die-hard fans, the comic ceased production.

However as a testiment to the captivating script writing and gorgeous artwork, a band of fans simply could not let the comic die.

From the ashes rose Sonic the Comic Online (or STC-O as it is known), took off from issue 224 where the official release left off, with a large group of fan artists and writers joining forces to produce issues every few months in the style of the original. Over the years the comic has gradually gained momentum, caught the attention of the writers from Fleetway (including SoS regular Nigel Kitching!) and has being nominated for many online comic awards.

This month STC-O celebrates the new decade with the release of issue 250, a milestone in the comic’s history! I think you’ll agree the artwork is nothing short of fantastic (the team of artists include no less than three SatBK art contest winners, with others going on into the world of professional comic book writing!), and the plot as convincing as those from way back in the day.

TSS caught up with STCO artist Stiv, who kindly commented on the release of the issue:

“It’s been a labour of love.  First conceived over 7 years ago, it’s been brilliant to see it finally reach the masses.  So many people have worked very hard on getting it finished and it’s the most exciting thing in the Sonic Community I’ve taken part in.”

Go check out the new issue issue over on the Sonic the Comic Online Web page.

Maybe if I write to Megadroid they’ll do another Sparkster comic for me…

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Sonic Spotted at the World Women’s Darts Championship


Thanks to Casanova at the SSMB for posting this video.  “You’re welcome,” he says.

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Boxer Hockey’s Latest Comic is the Best Ever

Robotnik: King of Shitgrins.

“Boxer Hockey” is a comic featured at Fireball20xl, a TSS affiliate and good friends of ours.  Visit them daily for more comics!

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Sonic the Tapehog

Check out Luke G’s Sonic masterpiece.  It’s a 2.5 feet tall sculpture made out of tape and plastic wrap.  Luke also tells us that it has been accepted to an art show where it is eligible to win!  Go Luke!  Visit his DeviantArt profile.

Remember, you can be cool like Luke and send us your creations, community happenings and news tips to thesonicstadium AT gmail DOT com.

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Sonic The Cupcake

A site called Steel Head Studios have posted up pictures of 100 different cupcakes all with various board game, electronic toys and video game characters/references. One of them is the above Sonic the Hedgehog cupcake. The site has made a guessing game of each picture by hiding the franchise name it’s from before you then run your mouse cursor over the ? mark to reveal the answer.

Pretty good cake baking skills, I think I’d feel bad for eating such an awesome cake.

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FOUND: 1993 Israeli Sonic Ads

This blog submission comes to us from Kit Fox from Israel.  Kit has dug up some old magazines and found some interesting advertisements from Israeli gaming magazine, “Freak.”  The page that he found was apparently from an issue exclusive to those in a SEGA club back then.  The two scans below are the top and bottom of one page, featuring Sonic (click to enlarge the images).

Here’s what the top half of the page says, as translated by Kit:

“SEGA” does it again and in big-time! After years of absolute domination in the European sales, SEGA has recently conquered in a storm also the U.S.. . In a poll published by the U.S. toys industry journal Play Thing (May ’93 issue), it appears, that SEGA is holding the first and fourth places in the American Genesis (“Mega Drive” in the Israeli and European version) while Nintendo is pushed to the second and eighth places. And on the Americans, as is well known, you can trust. And this is not everything. It also appears from the poll, that the MEGA-CD (see separate item) came up from the 18th place to the 13th, and experts estimate, that until the end of the year, it will conquer one of the first places. In Israel the situation is alike. In the 16 BIT technology SEGA reigns supreme. And this actually says it all.”

Kit also explains the bottom half of the page, which, as you can see, features a few hands pointing to parts of Mega Drive boxes.  What’s that all about?:

[The bottom half] tells the readers how to distinguish between the original Mega-Drive in the black box to the fake one in the white box (also notice the certificate of an “Authorized Dealer” you had to look for while in search of the original 😛 ). It also warned customers what to expect if they bought the fake (low quality, no Mega-CD connection etc’…). I remember seeing the fake once in a grocery store. LOL! But yeah, there were lots of fake consoles back then, mostly of 8-bit Nintendos. Apart of that you can see another small ad announcing the soon arrival of the MEGA-CD and the sell discount for the Game Gear’s TV tuner.

Kit also found an advertisement for Coca-Cola in the same article.  Hmmm… I wonder who’s in it?… 😛


A very special thanks to Kit Fox for providing us with, and translating, a piece of Sonic history from elsewhere in the world.  If you have any cool Sonic stuff, send it our way!

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Sonic ’06 Macarena


Hate or love Sonic ’06 you’ll find something humorous in sonic00yea’s video with a Macarena twist to the game’s cutscenes. The part of the song about not worrying about the female singer’s boyfriend playing to a scene of Amy all over Silver when she mistakes him for Sonic is very funny indeed.


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Super Sexy Sonic Top For Sale

It’s not escaped my attention in the short amount of time I’ve been writing for the Stadium that we seem to have a lot of female readers. So it’s just for you I spied this awesome piece of custom Sonic clothing by way of UK:Resistance who I’m sure have no female readers.

The top is a one of a kind custom creation by Poppy who runs Poppy’s Wicked Garden on handmade trading website Etsy and can be yours for the sum of $36 plus postage. But because there’s only one if you like it I’d get buying it quick sharp.

If you’re not quick enough then don’t despair as Poppy has a load of other equally interesting custom clothes ranging from Star Wars, Tru Blood, Naruto, Harry Potter and everything in-between. There’s sure to be a unique piece of clothing to meet your geek needs.

Oh, and the alternative girl in the photo? Sorry boys, she’s just a model and there’s no indication that she’s a hardcore Sonic fan.

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Metal Sonic Sprite T-Shirt Gives You +10 Cool

If you thought the Sonic t-shirt posted here by the lovely Brad Flick a few months ago was cool then allow me to introduce that t-shirts older cooler brother. Shark Robot now have up for sale a similar t-shirt in concept but made all the cooler by featuring Metal Sonic’s glowing red eyes and evil glare. At still only $17.95 the t-shirt is a steal and I’ve no qualms in telling you all after getting the Sonic t-shirt for Christmas (thanks sis!) I ordered Metal Sonic as soon as I saw it. Click the image for a larger preview and when you’re done gawking get yourself over to Shark Robot and buy the damn thing, pronto!

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Newcomer: Sonic The Snowhog

Ever seen a Snowman with as cool an attitude as Sonic? Neither had I until SonikkuForever sent us some pictures of a Sonic snowman he made.
Continue reading Newcomer: Sonic The Snowhog

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ShopTo Wants Banjo-Kazooie In Wii ASR don’t seem very pleased with the recent announcement of Banjo-Kazooie being an Xbox 360 exclusive, they’d rather the bear and bird come back to the Nintendo side and be included in the Wii version of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing. The site has even left the Xbox 360 box art blank compared to the other 3 box arts out of protest.

But seriously how did they make an error like that with the box arts?

Seems ShopTo have fixed the error now but it was still funny none the less.
Xbox 360

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Sonic Gets Tactical in a TF2 Crossover

An extremely well-done crossover job by Toughset of DeviantArt.  Submitted to us by Silva Rhymes.  KAAA-BOOOOOOM…

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A Hidden Palace Piano Piece for the Ages


Fresh of the OCRemix grill is a remix of Hidden Palace Zone from Sonic 3 & Knuckles.  What makes this piece intriguing is how it squeaked by the judges panel at OCR, as the song plays it real loose to the source material, according to djpretzel:

 Some of you in the peanut gallery may snicker (pun) derisively when the judges get out their metaphorical – and in some cases, actual – stopwatches and break a ReMix down to ensure it’s more arrangement than not.

I don’t see the issue.  I hear Hidden Palace’s melody for a good minute.  I can’t understand why this song was on the judges’ panel so long.  Aside from the hiccup at the judges panel, this piano piece is beautiful.  It’s an emotional, thoughtful, and mellow arrangement of a tune that we’ve all come to know and love.

Download “Hidden Within” by XenonOdyssey at OCRemix

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ASR not enough? How about Sonic & Shadow Modnation Racers?

Modnation Sonic Modnation Shadow
(Click to enlarge)

Own a PS3? Annoyed that the Xbox 360 version of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing get’s Avatar support and Banjo-Kazooie? Well, relax as some lucky fan’s who have got to try out the PS3 exclusive title Modnation Racers beta test have made Sonic and Shadow models to race with among many other video game characters. Check them out here.

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SEGA Europe’s Christmas Tree


An under-the-radar post on SEGA Europe’s Flickr account reveals their holiday cheer, a Christmas tree with blue lights!  And that’s all I got to say about that.  Hit the break for another photo.

Continue reading SEGA Europe’s Christmas Tree

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Beatmania + Sonic 2 SFX = Hella Tight


For Beatmania fans out there, this one is for you.  A remix by SoleSnake on YouTube combines Beatmania’s “Red Zone” and  the sound effects from Sonic 2.  I vote that the spring sound makes for the best instrument.  Boing, yo.

Thanks again to Silva for linking us to another cool Sonic-related happening.

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An Unhealthy Dose of Holiday Fail: Sonic Christmas Carols

sa-sonic-12Hit the jump to read the lyrics to some Christmas Carols.  These aren’t the songs that you’ve come to know and love, however.  These songs were edited… by a Sonic fan and were found at Fanart-Central by Supakitsune of Sonic Retro.  I hope you like to sing the words “Sonic” and “Chao.”

Continue reading An Unhealthy Dose of Holiday Fail: Sonic Christmas Carols

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Classic Rock Brings Together Mystic Cave, Chemical Plant


The latest hotness from OCRemix is “Mystic Chemicals,” a real “live” piece who’s sound calls back to the early days of bands like Led Zepplin.  The drums are heavy and loose (sometimes too loose) as the guitar wails away on that familiar Mystic riff.  Chemical Plant gets worked in midway through the song for a rockin’ good time.  XMark did a great job in capturing the feel and sound of 60s/70s rock.

Download “Mystic Chemicals” at OCRemix

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Japanese Sonic Actor Brings the Holiday Spirit


Kanemaru Junichi, the voice actor for Sonic in Japan, sings an incredibly catchy holiday jingle.  The song is called “December no feariteru.”  Merry Christmas to you too, Kanemaru!  Thanks to Hannah Coe for spreading the holiday cheer!

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NEWCOMER: Paper Mache Sonic


I think Paper Mache Sonic could take out Down Syndrome Sonic for the title of “Biggest Fail.”  Not only does Paper Mache Sonic look “extra special,” he has a friend to help him out, Paper Mache Pikachu!

[Homemade Hilarity via UK Resistance]

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Check Out the New “Flooded Capital” in Sonic Fusion


More fangame action flyin’ at ya!

We’ve covered Sonic Fusion (by Felik of SFGHQ) here at TSS before and it has been better with each demo.  We haven’t played anything since the demo at SAGE 2009 in July, but this video is more than good enough.  On display here is “Flooded Capital Zone,” a lost empire submerged underwater, complete with ancient Greek/Roman architecture.

The level design is incredibly well thought-out and creative.  It bears a striking play-style to that of Marble Zone, except with a bit more bells and whistles.  Have I mentioned the graphics yet?  I haven’t?  Oh, uh… well… they’re THE BEST.  Rarely do you see custom graphics for an Advance-style fangame, so I’m thoroughly impressed.

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The 25 Days of Christmas NiGHTS

Our first holiday feature is a weekly series called “The 25 Days of Christmas NiGHTS.” My cousin, Brett, decided that it would be awesome to sit down, relax with a warm drink, and enjoy the euphoric NiGHTS demo. He has been writing a journal and taking one photo a day since December 1st. Hit the jump for Brett’s photos and journal for the first week:

Continue reading The 25 Days of Christmas NiGHTS

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Sonic Relief 2010 – Dates And More Details Revealed

Sonic Relief 2010 logo

Myself and MK Skillz have had some more discussions about 2010’s Sonic Relief campaign and we have some more details and dates to reveal.

Continue reading Sonic Relief 2010 – Dates And More Details Revealed

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The Sonic 3 & Knuckles Glitchopedia


I’m all for finding weird stuff in Sonic games and GoldS/ORKAL’s compendium has easily been one of my favorite YouTube series of 2009.  He goes in-depth with how-tos and annotations to help you duplicate every glitch of every level yourself.  All the glitches are performed using the 2-player Sonic & Tails gameplay, mostly through Tails’ flying mechanic.  It begs the question, “did somebody test this game?!”

The embedded video above is the introduction to the series.  For the entire list of videos, check out the series’ YouTube playlist or, alternatively, use this handy list at Sonic Retro.

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Sonic Lays the Smackdown. What?


Knowing Sonic fans, I figured that I would see Sonic edited into a Smackdown vs. Raw video game at some point.  We’ve seen Sonic before in games like Animal Crossing, but this sight is pretty ridiculous.  Link submitter Silva Rymes puts it perfectly: “it’s awkwardly awesome.”  And hey, this fight between Sonic & Knuckles is more exciting than the first one in Hidden Palace Zone (which was an anti-climactic turd of a fight).

If you dare, peruse this kid’s YouTube profile for more odd-looking human versions of the Sonic crew.  You can catch Knuckles punching the shit out of Randy Orton.

John Cena sucks.

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A Very “Special” Birthday Cake


C.C. submits us something that is extraordinarily awesome.  It’s a Sonic 2 Special Stage cake!  Created by MegWhiteIII at DeviantArt, this cake was created for her brother’s 21st birthday.  She comments on how it was created:

Genoise sponge with raspberry jam and butter cream filling. Covered with a layer of orange coloured buttercream and decorated with fondant icing. It took a lot of food colouring to make it so blue!

Maaaaaaaan, I wish I got this cake on my 21st.  All I got was a hangover.

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BlueTube: Tails Doll Scares Girl, Gets Dissed


Yeah, this video made me laugh hard.

A girl returns home to her boyfriend suspiciously holding a video camera.  A few seconds of “boredom” later, someone in Tails Doll cosplay sneaks out of the darkness.  Sure, the scare was funny, but that isn’t the best part.

“What is that for?!  Is that a Pokemon?”  The dork in cosplay looks so dejected.  I love it. Word up to RockmanX.EXE for sending us the link to this video.

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Keith Apicary Loves Sonic


Keith Apicary of internet fame with his video series Talking Classics has pitted Sonic against Mario in his latest video. Sonic comes out on top in his books though he seems to have a frustrating addiction to Mario too…

Check out the video at ScrewAttack

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Nostalgia Trippin’


A resident member of the SFGHQ forums, my buddy Cstyler showed up on Monday with a pleasant and awesome surprise.  He has created these images of the old Genesis levels with a pseudo-3D viewpoint.  Each aspect of a level’s background is twisted and skewed to create a new, yet trippy, perspective.  In short, they’re epic.

These images have become an instant hit and I thought that I’d share them with the rest of you.  If you have a standard 4:3 monitor, they make a great desktop wallpaper (they’re not quite to scale, but they’re close enough). Spring Yard, pictured above, is especially epic.  Check out the entire gallery of these new look classics past the jump:

Continue reading Nostalgia Trippin’

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How I Celebrated My “Sonic 2sday”


I know that this blog post runs a little late, but right after my “Sonic 2sday” festivities, I boarded a plane and went home for Thanksgiving.  I was unable to get any of these pictures (or this story, for that matter) up due to turkey-induced funtime.  With that said, I hope that everybody had a fantastic and safe holiday weekend.

With it being another Sonic 2sday and all, I decided to call people over to celebrate.  What sucks was that most people had all left my little college town for Thanksgiving break, which started that day.  Despite only two people there to experience the retro-themed get-together, it was still a fun time.

Continue reading How I Celebrated My “Sonic 2sday”

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BlueTube: Help Me Un-Watch This Video


I just got linked to this about an hour ago.  Nothing says “YouTube Disaster” more than Sonic cosplay.

Basically, the premise here is that Sonic is down on his luck because all of his games have sucked.  He has no job, no money, no credit… no nothing.  Then he gets mocked by kids on a playground.  How can you save him?  Well, since this video was made a little over a year ago, you were supposed to buy an “actual good game,” Sonic Unleashed.  Sonic is still stuck in that playground.

I had a good laugh at its craptacularness (and the TV with a ring taped on it… but mostly its craptacularness).

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