Newcomer: Sonic The Snowhog

Newcomer: Sonic The Snowhog

Ever seen a Snowman with as cool an attitude as Sonic? Neither had I until SonikkuForever sent us some pictures of a Sonic snowman he made.

Merry Christmas, Sonic Stadium! Check out this Sonic snow sculpture I made! It was really hard to make him stand up without collapsing or falling over. It took a whole day to finally finish him, but the results were well worth the effort. I guess one could say it’s way past cool, literally!

It’s very well crafted, has Sonic’s colours and all of his features on it. Well done there SonikkuForever!

More pics (click to enlarge)

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  1. *wonders where the yellow colouring came fro…… *
    Oh, nevermind

    *Every time someone says Sonic Adventure 2 was good, all Sonic players worldwide are disconnected from their online Smash Bros Brawl game*

  2. @Angelwaveo6, I used food colouring mixed with water, then rubbed the colours on him with a paper towel. And knuxtaben, yes, sadly, he did tip over. Oh well, I’ll just build another one. And maybe make him a snow-Tails and snow-Knuckles to go with him!

  3. Awesome! I did this a few years ago for a TSS contest, but yours is way better than mine, XD. I do fully agree that it’s a total bitch trying to get it to stand without breaking, X_x. Or for the spikes to stay on his head, D;.


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