Tony Blair Plays Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing

Did you know ex UK Prime Minister Tony Blair enjoys a bit of Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing? Well if you own the DS version you’ll find he is a very competitive player as he is in quite a few of the top 6 leaderboards. Think you can beat his times?

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Mysterious Picture Appears at Sonic City Blognik

ArchangelUK at the Sonic City Blognik has posted up a mysterious sketch of a figure playing with a remote controlled car which could be a clue to an Xbox 360 Avatar Marketplace item given the sketched out character clicks its fingers to make the controller and car appear like with alot of Avatar items. Wether this will include costumes or other items too or not we’ll have to wait and see.

Source: Sonic City Blognik

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ASR DLC Coming Sooner Rather Than Later, No All-Star Moves Online Explained

Steve Lycett Executive Producer at Sumo Digital has posted over at the SSMB an explanation as to why why All-Star Moves are disabled in online play on Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing(all versions) after forum members questioned the absence, here is what Steve had to say –

There’s no All-Star moves online on any platform. Basically those moves are quite complicated and extremely difficult to network. We did a few of them too, and the latency we were seeing didn’t work very nicely. Rather than put something in that didn’t work to everyones expectations – we thought it better to disable them online for a better play experience.

If you’re seeing someone do All-Star moves online, they’ve hacked the game. Kick them out of the lobby

Steve also confirmed at the SSMB that DLC will be coming very soon rather than later, the DLC will be announced by SEGA instead of Sumo Digital but Steve did say he’s been playing it and in his oppinion its awesome –

You’ll hear more about DLC very soon. I don’t want to steal SEGA’s thunder on this. But you’ll be seeing some sooner than you expect – and it’s AWESOME. I’ve just played it 🙂

Also of note we may be seeing more concept art from the game if SEGA of Japan give the green light –

I’ll see what I can do on this. Traditionally it’s quite hard to release art that’s not been approved by SEGA Japan, as we need to make sure any ‘official’ release of art is consistent with the ‘expected’ looks of their characters.

The Xbox 360 has already received a frame-rate patch but both Xbox 360 and PS3 may be getting a patch when the DLC is released –

There already is on 360. We’re still tweaking with the engine, so you may well see further improvements when we launch the DLC. It’s pretty smooth now though for the final release, don’t expect a jump to 60fps though…!

A deeper explanation from Steve Lycett regarding no All-Star Moves online at the SEGA Forums

Right I’m back.

I was down in London for two days, attending a Microsoft Dev conference. Only access I had to the web was my iPhone. Have you tried posting a long and complicated forum post on one of those? Trust me, it’s not easy

Also remember I do this in my free time, I don’t get paid for it, I don’t get thanked for it, and I do have to spend time with my family now and again!

Anyway, on this topic. As with all decisions, don’t think we made this one lightly.

The first point is that all the All-Star moves work differently, so we’d effectively have to code each one with specific network code. With all the differences in characters, that’s 23 different bits of code to write there.

Then lets look at what we have to work with. Whilst most of you have super fast download speed, what you don’t realise if you don’t have superfast upload speed. Our target for game communications is 64 kilobits. Note bits not bytes. In that very small amount of data we have to send everyones current position, projected vector, all weapon fire as well as voice chat. Not everyone is on fiber optic broadband you know!

So we’re already sending lots of data, and the ASM’s mean that we’d have to compress this down even further for extra weapon fire.

Of course a lot of the All-Star moves also include increased speed, so in cases with high latency where we’ve already got to be sure we’re not jumping cars around all over the place, we then would have even more extremes of movement -which under high lag would result in false positives for ASM hits. I.e. you maybe nowhere near Super Sonic – but you get blatted off the track as someone has dropped packets and the dead reckoning *thinks* you might have been hit.

Finally, when it comes to network games, you have to be sure that all the systems are deterministic. Basically that if you fire a weapon on one machine, it will fire the same way on another. If this isn’t the case you wind up with synchronisation issues, quite simply what you see on your screen, won’t be what other player see on theres. Not all the ASM are deteministic as they’re all different, the best example is length of use. Depending on where you are in the pack, they last for varying amounts of time. So if we’ve got any latency causing the positions to be out of sync – even for a millisecond – on one machine it may last for 4 seconds, on the other 10. That happens, and oh oh, we’re really out of sync. Cue everyone gets booted back to the lobby.

So with much reluctance, we conceeded that rather than ship it with things that could go wrong down to latency, especially with cross continent play, it would be a better experience to ship it with the ASM disabled during on-line play.

So that is why it’s not available, as we didn’t want to ruin the online experience with All-Star moves that didn’t work consistantly and fairly. I think when you understand this – the decision makes a lot more sense.

Will we add it back in the future? I think it’s unlikely. In the future when everyone has an internet connection that runs at LAN speeds, it’ll be doable, but not for a few years.


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Newtron Revealed at Sonic 4 Site

The official Sonic the Hedgehog 4 website has revealed Sonic 1 badnik Newtron in motion, we’ve seen him before in the leaked footage but now we have a bit of text with him and some concept art –

Newtron surprises Sonic again using optical camouflage to try and blast Sonic. He can also transform into a rocket and charge towards Sonic.

So unlike Motobug it appears he doesnt do anything new but its still cool to see him make an appearance again.

Concept art and animation at the official Sonic 4 site

Thanks to Eggman123 for the heads up!

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Notes And Warnings Regarding ASR Ryo-Forklift Pre-order Code

Alot of people in Europe will have received their copies of Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing in the post today if not tomorrow, those of you who pre-ordered the Xbox 360/PS3 versions with specific retailers e.g. in the UK GAME, Gamestation and Gameplay will have gotten their pre-order gift code to allow you to play as Ryo Hazuki in his forklift truck as his main vehicle.

I’ve received my Xbox 360 version in the post and code by e-mail so I’ve been playing as him for the past couple of hours and after my experience I thought I’d share some notes and warnings.

1. You can play as Ryo Forklift on and offline

2. Ryo forklift is treated as a seperate character so one person can be Ryo-Forklift and another as Ryo-bike, this works on and offline.

3. You’ll be given an hard time online using Ryo Forklift as barely anyone knows about this pre-order gift code, especially those in countries that didnt get this bonus so people will be accusing you of cheating and/or hacking to use your All-Star Move throughout the game but Ryo-F has his own ASM that like the other characters cant be obtained in online play. In most cases people will have a go at you over their headset, leave or cancel the session. Its been happening to me over and over for the past couple of hours, so this gift is best to be played with locally with friends and/or family.

Sorry to be a downer and this isnt me having a public rant, I just thought I should warn people and pass on the the top 2 tib-bits of info. I hope this will enlighten people who have seen Ryo-Forklift on their travels online and thought the person using him was cheating/hacking.

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Check Out Some ASR PC Footage


During Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing’s development we’ve not seen anything of the PC version of the game be it footage or screenshot but with the games release we can now see how it looks thanks to YouTube user RosenGosen who has posted up two videos, one of a Seaside Hill track and the other a Casino Park track.


Thanks to Clisp at the SSMB for the heads up.

PC System Requirements are –
OS: Windows XP/Vista. (if running Windows Vista SP1 is recommended)
Processor: 3.2 GHz Intel Pentium 4/Athlon 64 3000+ or equivalent processor
Memory: 1GB RAM (2GB on Vista)
Graphics: DirectX 9.0c compliant video card with 256 MB RAM (NVIDIA 7600 or better, ATI X1300 or better)
DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c
Hard Drive: 6 GB Hard Drive Space
Sound: DirectX Compatible Sound Card

Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4Ghz or Athlon 64 X2 4200+ or better
Memory: 1.5GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce 8800 or ATI Radeon HD 3800 series with 512 MB of VRAM or better
Hard Drive: 7 GB Hard Drive Space
Sound: Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Sound Card

It will be available on Steam from the 25th Feb and on disc in Europe only from the 26th Feb.

Thanks to TheWax in the comments for the system requirements list.

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11 New ASR Videos at Gamespot

Just a very quick heads up, have 11 new gameplay videos for Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing showcasing 4 player split screen action, All-Star Moves and more. Plenty to get you excited for the games release on the 23rd U.S. and 26th Europe.

Gamespot via Skulldevil1 at the SEGA Forums and Clisp at the SSMB

5 more here

Note: You have to click ‘most recent’ to make them appear.

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ASR PS3 Wheel Bundle Revealed

GAME’s Spanish website has revealed a new wheel bundle for Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing only its not for the Wii but for the PS3 version instead. The wheel is an officially licensed product made by 4Gamers which you may recognise from the recent PS3 trailer where those actors are utilizing it to showcase the PS3 controllers Six-Axis motion control.

The wheel bundle costs 12 more Euros than the game on its own so like the Wii Wheel bundle its not a freebie. This isnt the first SEGA racing game to use Six-Axis, SEGA Rally(SEGA Rally Revo to you guys in the U.S.) fans may recall that game supported the feature to add optional motion steering which worked well in my experience.

At the moment we only know of Spain getting this bundle but if we find more retailers selling it we’ll let you know.

Thanks to Blue Blood at the SSMB for the find.

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>UPDATE 2< ArchangelUK Reveals More Info About ASR

UPDATE 2: ArchangelUK has revealed another music track in this post at the SEGA Forums –

I’ll tell you one track thats on there that I’ve not actually revealed yet, thats Crank The Heat Up from Sonic Adventure – that really works racing. Was a really good choice by SUMO.


UPDATE: ArchangelUK has kindly given us some more information via the SSMB, many thanks 😉


The Sonic CD track is indeed Palmtree Panic (Present) – Japanese/Euro version.

As I corrected myself earlier on Wrecks, Wrapped In Black does appear but only the Wrapped In Black end of level jingle.

The instrumental version of E.G.G.M.A.N is also purchasable.

One of the multiplayer modes, Grab, consists of you battling for control of the seven chaos emeralds… VERY addictive.

There are three arenas – the Curien Mansion graveyard, “Seaside Square” and a monkey ball level arena with ramps and a bridge.


After his revelation yesterday regarding 2 pieces of Sonic R music, SEGA Europe community manager ArchangelUK has revealed via his Sonic Wrecks website some juicy new information about Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing he’s discovered in the Xbox 360 version through time spent with the game over the weekend.

Here is a list of 10 of his findings –

•The music also contains a piece from Sonic CD and Sonic Rush tracks also feature… but Wrapped In Black doesn’t. BOOOO!
•Fish Hits plays when Big does his All-Star move.
•Switching difficulty to “Off” removes the AI from a multiplayer game.
•Race distances can be set between one and nine laps in length.
•There IS a reference to Ryo and sailors in the game. You can officially rejoice.
•There is at least one line of dialogue from the announcer when talking about Big that…well… it made me choke on my drink.
•Amigo’s boost is probably the most powerful in the game. It certainly seems to be from off the line.
•There is a very clever way of getting the “no collisions” achievement.
•It is entirely possible to legitimately do the “Wonder Boy” (winning by reversing over the line) achievement.
•You will definitely need to master drift for later Super Monkey Ball levels as they mirror the games a lot. This means lots of 90 and 180 degree turns

Source: Sonic Wrecks

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Sonic Relief 2010 Update

MK Skillz the generous guy behind Sonic Relief who we’re working with to help raise money for the Sport Relief 2010 charity fundraiser has issued the following update:


We’ve officially hit the halfway point of Sonic Relief 2010’s two month fundraising drive, with just one month remaining until the campaign ends at midnight (GMT) on 21st March.

With the official Sport Relief campaign now kicking off in the UK, it’s now a mad dash to the finish line to raise as much money as we can!

The total currently stands at £154 thanks to some generous donations on our JustGiving page, but the number of actual entries we’ve received (be it artwork, music, video… anything!) has been disappointingly low. In fact, you can count the amount of entries we’ve had so far using the fingers on one hand, which pales in comparison to the 30 or more entries we received in Sonic Relief 2009’s shorter two week run.

So our message to you all is this – we need your entries! You know what they say, the more the merrier!

The theme for entries this year is “something sporty” but you can make them as humorous as you like as well! Why not take some inspiration from the upcoming Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing, or Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Winter Games… both sport-related Sonic titles! We’d love to see your submissions based on these recent games!

Remember, you don’t have to make a donation to enter. However, entries that are accompanied by a donation to our JustGiving page will be entered into the “Best of Sonic Relief 2010” competition and the winner will receive some fantastic Sonic goodies (which we will hopefully be able to reveal to you soon!)

What are you waiting for? Get your imaginations in gear and get creative! Do your bit for the community as well as for a good cause! This is your time to shine, Sonic fans!

Submissions wishing to be entered into the contest should be sent to as an attachment or a link (depending on what your submission is), along with some form of proof that you have made a donation to Sonic Relief 2010 (be it a name so that we can check you have donated on our JustGiving page or a print screen of your donation).

All other submissions should be posted in the official Sonic Relief 2010 topic. It is recommended that submissions both paid and non-paid should be posted in this topic to give inspiration to others, as well as showcase your creative talents!

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Boxer Hockey: The Finale

Boxer Hockey
Thanks to Indigo Dude for the heads up.

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Ridiculously Low Price Drops Result In ASR Wii Selling Out

UPDATE: All retailers that were selling the solo Wii version cheap then sold out have removed the listing. /UPDATE END

You may remember a few days ago we reported on many UK retailers listing ridiculously low price drops for the Wii & DS versions of Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing well you can guess what has happened, they are now sold out for the Wii version at least but we expect the DS version will soon follow the same path so if you want that version jump in now.

Sold out status would normally be somewhat good news but selling out at those crazy prices you have to wonder if its at a loss to the retailers. To the consumer though a price drop makes a saving on the wallet, so if you want the DS version jump in now. Those retailers who sold the Wii version cheap still have stock but only of the Wii wheel bundle and its not as cheap as the solo version was listed at.

Retailers listing the DS version ridiculously cheap are :
ASDA: £17.91

Woolworths: £17.97

WH Smith: £17.93

Chips World: £17.99

Zavvi: £17.95

UK retailers still stocking the Wii version and the Wii version & Wii Wheel bundle at standard price are –

DVD: £26.99
DVD wheel bundle: £29.99

GAME: £29.99
GAME wheel bundle: £34.99

Amazon: £29.73
Amazon wheel bundle: £29.99

HMV: £29.99
HMV wheel bundle: £34.99

Zavvi wheel bundle: £29.95

Simplygames: £29.95

Play: £29.99
Play wheel bundle: £34.99

Gamestation: £29.99
Gamestation wheel bundle: £32.99

Gameplay: £29.99
Gameplay wheel bundle: £32.99

ShopTo wheel bundle: £29.85

Woolworths wheel bundle: £29.97

Tesco: £31.47
Tesco wheel bundle: £31.47

Chips World wheel bundle: £29.99

ASDA wheel bundle: £29.91

WH Smith wheel bundle: £29.93

Argos: £29.99

TheHut wheel bundle: £29.73

CD Wow: £30.99

Blockbuster: £34.99

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Sonic 3 Level Designer Working On Sonic 4

Following the news of Dimps working on retro revival game Sonic the Hedgehog 4 it has now come to light that the level designer who worked on Sonic 3 & Knuckles is also working on Sonic 4.

The revelation was made by SEGA of America community staff member Ruby Eclipse at the SEGA forums after fans cried out to them for the information.
Ruby Eclipse made the following statement :

Hi everyone,

After a listing on the official Xbox marketplace went up earlier this week, a lot of you have been asking us about who’s developing Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I. Some of you even called me out specifically asking for an answer – and today, I’m happy to say that we can provide you with the details you want.

So, is it just Dimps? Just Sonic Team? The answer is a bit of both:

Yes, Dimps is working on the game. But there’s actually more to it than just that: at the same time, we also have members of Sonic Team, including the original senior level designer from Sonic 3 & Knuckles on the SEGA Genesis working alongside them. It is most definitely a partnership, and the result of this teamwork is something many of us are excited for.

So, as requested – there you have it!

This combination of developers could bring a bright future for the game, Sonic Team gave us the classic Sonic games while Dimps have brought us the well received Sonic Advance and Sonic Rush titles.

How do you feel about this news? Let us know in the comments.

Source: SEGA forums via Destructoid

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Ryo Hazuki Is A Big Fat Liar


Thanks to Doctor Eggman at the SSMB for the hilarious video.

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ASR: SEGA Nerds Reveal All Characters Stats & All Star Moves

The guys over at SEGA Nerds have recently visited SEGA and got some hands-on time with the full Xbox 360 version of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing. While there they got some pics of every characters stats, vehicle names and All-Star Moves but as the Xbox 360 edition was the only available version they couldnt get the info for the Wii versions Mii’s.

With this info in mind you can now get a better idea of how your favourite characters will play before you hit the track and start your offensive in local or online multiplayer. The pics also show Sumo Digital have done their homework with some of the vehicle names, Doctor Eggman at the SSMB has noticed the following in response to Beat and Ryo’s vehicle names:
– “DE LA CUSTOM GGs?? Way to stick a reference to the obscure Japanese JSR 2.0 “De La Jet Set Radio” ”

– “Very awesome that you didn’t forget Naoyuki!”

So, do you like the All-Star moves, vehicle names and stats? Speak out in the comments.

Source: SEGA Nerds

Thanks to Kintobor at the SSMB for the heads up and Doctor Eggman for noting the references

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Two Pieces Of Sonic R Music In ASR

Do you like fan service? Do you like the music in the SEGA Saturn and PC game Sonic R? Planning on picking up Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing? Well you’ll be glad to hear that two songs from Sonic R are in your new racing game. Composed by TJ Davis(the singer) and Richard Jacques(the music) the songs that will feature are Super Sonic Racing and Can You Feel The Sunshine, two songs that are still loved by the Sonic fan base to this very day.

What do you guys think about this new development? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Sonic Wrecks

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ASR DS Trailer


SEGA Europe have just released this new DS trailer for Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing giving you a better look at what alot of the tracks, characters and All-Star Moves will look like in the palms of your hands.

Thanks to mickybyte for the heads up!

Sonic City Blognik

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ASR DS Demo Is Out Now On The UK Wii Nintendo Channel

The Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing DS demo the U.S. got a few days ago has finally hit the UK Wii Nintendo Channel, the demo lets you play as Sonic in Seaside Hill and contains Easy, Medium and Hard difficulty levels. Go grab it now and let us know what you think of it in the comments.

Thanks to knuxtaben over at the SSMB for the heads up.

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MANY UK Retailers Listing Crazy Cheap Prices For ASR Wii & DS

UPDATE: It turns out MANY UK retailers are listing both the Wii and DS versions at very cheap prices, we can now assume this isnt a pricing error. We’ve edited the original story below to reflect this update. /UPDATE END

Many UK retailer sites are listing very crazy cheap prices for the DS and non-wheel bundle Wii version of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing. As of the time of this article’s publication retailers are listing both versions anywhere between £17.73 and £17.99. This could be a pricing error as the Wii version was originally listed at around £29.99 and DS at around £22.99 but its hard to believe all of these retailers would list the same error. As usual alot of the sites offer Free Delivery too to put the icing on this bargain cake. If you want the PC version cheap, HMV and Gameplay have got you covered at £12.99.

I for one have cancelled my £22.95 DS pre-order with Zavvi and re-ordered at the cheaper price, I’ll let you know if anything changes but if you want the game cheap now would be a good time to jump in and place an order.

Here is a list of all retailers selling the game at crazy prices –
Wii – £17.91
DS £17.91

Wii – £17.95
DS – £17.95

The Hut:
Wii – £17.73
DS – £17.73

Wii – £17.97
DS – £17.97

WH Smith:
Wii – £17.93
DS – £17.93

Chips World:
Wii – £17.99
DS – £17.99

DS – £17.73

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SEGA of America Holding ASR Community Day Today

I dont know how this slipped by us but SEGA of America have taken a page out of SEGA Europe’s book as they will be holding a Community Day at their San Francisco base today allowing anyone interested in attending to get some hands-on time with the PS3 and Xbox 360 editions of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing. If you are interested in attending let SOA know by posting in the comments section of the events blog entry.

The event will run from 12pm to 3pm PST, anyone worried about hunger fear not as SEGA of America will be providing food to fill up your tummies. Attendees will also get to meet Dan (the game’s brand manager) and Omar (the game’s producer) who will be answering all of your questions. Wether this is the final code or the very near final code of the game we at TSS recently tried out at Alton Towers is unknown.

Will any of you be attending? Let us know in the comments.

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Sonic & Knuckles Wii VC Gets An 85% From ONM

Official Nintendo Magazine UK have reviewed the recent Wii Virtual Console release of Sonic & Knuckles and given it a good score of 85%.

The reasons restricting them giving the game an even higher score is as follows:

Naturally though, the main gameplay change is the addition of Knuckles, whose ability to glide and climb walls changes the feel of the game drastically. The levels aren’t laid out as well as those in the previous Sonic games however, and the game suffers slightly as a result.

So while it’s not as essential as the main Sonic trilogy, Sonic & Knuckles is still highly recommended for all platform fans.

Guess ONM arent fans of Knuckles gameplay change though they do give a + at the end of review for being able to play as him, the only – they give the game is in their words “Not as good as Sonic 2 or 3”.

What do you think of their review? Let the debate begin in the comments section.

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New ASR Wii Gameplay Video At ONM

Thanks to sonicfan293 for converting the video to YouTube format.

Just a quick heads up, Official Nintendo Magazine UK have posted a new gameplay video of the Wii version of Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing at their site. The track being showcased is the Seaside Hill Ocean Ruins track, a track we’ve seen little of until now. In the video you get a better look at the undersea tube and the huge jump that follows it making for one awe inspiring track.

Like the look of Ocean Ruins? Let us know in the comments

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Sonic Wrecks Reveals ASR Wobblers

ArchangelUK of Sonic Wrecks/SEGA Europe has posted the above photo of Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing themed wobblers at Sonic Wrecks today, the sort that you see the kids easily amused with in the shops. The wobblers also confirm the games tag line mentioned in the recent PS3 trailer “Winning has never been so sweet”, pretty cool though I wonder if they could come up with a tagline for those sore losers you’ll meet up with playing online. Any ideas?

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EU & U.S. PS3 ASR Demo Out Now

Thanks to Kamicciolo at the SSMB for the video.
UPDATE: Both the EU & U.S.demo have now hit the PlayStation Store weighing in at 827MB, playable characters are Sonic and Doctor Eggman. PS3 users get a Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg track to test out, named Blizzard Castle: Rampart Road. The Yakuza 3 demo is also out now. /UPDATE END

Mike Kebby of SCEE’s PlayStation Store Team has just posted on the European PlayStation Blog a list of items hitting the store later today. PS3 owners patiently waiting for a Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing demo will be happy to hear its coming today, SEGA fans will also be getting a Yakuza 3 demo to try out too. No details about what the demo’s contain are revealed but we’ll let you know once they’ve gone live. SCEA have yet to post todays update contents but we’ll update here when the list is posted.

Thanks to DSR3 over at the SSMB for the heads up.

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ASR: This Is Why Sonic Is In A Car – Take 2

(Click to enlarge)

You may remember SEGA Memories comic strip we posted explaining why Sonic is in a car in Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing, well if that didn’t convince you bro-botnik at the SSMB has made the above comic strip to further knock some sense into people who still dont understand.

Thanks to bro-botnik for the hilarious comic strip!

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ONM Want Your Sonic 4 Questions

Official Nintendo Magazine UK are starting a new feature on their website called ‘ONM Asks’ where they gather your burning questions to ask game developers about upcoming projects coming to Nintendo consoles. To begin this new venture they will be posting a recent Q&A they had with the team behind the Ace Attorney games this Friday but afterwards they’ll be seeing the Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 team and they want to take your queries regarding the game with them. If you would like to take part you can post your questions at their forums.

Thanks to Trainer Gold at the SSMB for the heads up.

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SOA Giving Away ASR Ryo Figurine In Sweepstakes, SOE Event TBA

SEGA of America are giving away the above new Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing Limited Edition Ryo Hazuki figurine via a sweepstakes event open to U.S. and Canadian residents aged 13+ with a SEGA Pass account. The figurine is very limited as only 1,000 have been made with 49 of them secured at SEGA Europe for a future competition which we’ll have to wait patiently to find out info of how to win one, we’ll inform you when the details are revealed. For more info regaridng the SEGA of America give away check out the SEGA of America Sweepstakes Page.

Sonic City Blognik

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[UPDATE:Footage]ASR DS Demo Now On U.S. Nintendo Channel

UPDATE 2: Footage on Easy difficulty now available thanks to YouTube user shigamodo. Thanks to BlueHedgehog 92 at the SSMB for the heads up. /UPDATE END

UPDATE: We’ve just checked the UK Nintendo Channel and its not there and Pearl over at the SSMB has just informed us that its on the U.S. Nintendo Channel. /UPDATE END

We’ve just got word in from a couple of members at the SSMB that the Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing DS demo Steve Lycett of Sumo Digital said was coming has now arrived on the Nintendo Channel for you to download now. We dont know in which regions this has been released to yet but we’ll do our best to find out and update as soon as possible. If you can confirm its arrived in your region we’d be very grateful if you can let us know in the comments.

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GAME UK, & JB Hi-Fi Now Also Offering Ryo-Forklift DLC Pre-order Code

UPDATE: ArchangelUK has informed via Sonic Wrecks and the Sonic city Blognik that (Benelaux) and JB Hi-Fi(Australia) are getting the Ryo-Forklift pre-order DLC code though JB Hi-Fi arent listing it yet. If you’re in Spain and missed our earlier report, GAME are also offering the code – PS3 & Xbox 360. :
Xbox 360(Netherlands)

JB H-Fi (Australia) :
Xbox 360

You may remember when we informed you that will be offering the Ryo-Forklift DLC pre-order bonus, well now you have another retailer choice as GAME UK have updated the product pages for the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of Sonic & SEGA All Star Racing with a notice about the pre-order bonus code Ryu spelling error and all.

GAME UK still arent offering the game as cheap as Gameplay though –
Xbox 360 £30.99
PS3 £28.99

Xbox 360 £32.99
PS3 £32.99

Wether GAME will be offering the pre-order DLC code in-store is unknown at present but we’ll try to find out as soon as possible and let you know.

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Concept Art For A Wide Variety Of Sonic Games Found

HunterTSF over at the SSMB has found an extremely large amount of concept art for a wide variety of Sonic games including –
Sonic Rivals 1 & 2
Sonic Riders and Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
Sonic the Hedgehog (Xbox 360, PS3)
Sonic Unleashed
Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic Heroes
Night of the Werehog

Most of the artwork was found on websites owned by various artists who worked on the games while the Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity art is on the games official Japanese website so you may have seen those before. The artwork consists of sketches, 2D art, textures and 3D model renders.

Here is a list of the artists websites with all the assets –
Matt Osness(Sonic Rivals 1 and 2)

Stephen Pearce (Sonic Rivals 2)

Cemre Ozkurt (Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog Xbox 360, PS3)

Barret Meeker (Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog Xbox 360, PS3)

Gurihiru Studios (Sonic Unleashed, Night of the Werehog)

Sonic Riders: Shooting Star Story Japanese official website(Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity)

Mark Pearce(Sonic Rivals, very early trailer and logo)
Massive Black (Sonic Unleashed)
Aoki Studio (Sonic Riders, Sonic the Hedgehog Xbox 360, PS3)
Vision Scape (Sonic Heroes)

Thanks to HunterTSF for the finds.

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ASR: This Is Why Sonic Is In A Car

Those of you who came to Summer of Sonic last year and/or have visited SEGA Memories will recognise this comic strip made by SEGA Memories own Aaron. Aaron had correctly guessed that Sumo Digital staff Steve and Travis would constantly get the question “Why is Sonic in a car?” and so gave them the above comic to answer the annoying query. The comic worked wonders and gave many people a laugh so those who still have this query, take a look at the comic and put your mind to rest.

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Inside Xbox UK Interview Sumo Digital

If you live in the UK turn on your Xbox 360 and get it connected to Xbox Live because a new interview has hit Inside Xbox with Sumo Digitals Executive Producer Steve Lycett and Lead Artist Dave Blewett. In the interview Steve Lycett speaks about all of the various modes in the game and reveals two new multiplayer modes called Capture the Chao and Knockout, Capture the Chao is like any first-person shooters Capture the Flag and Knockout is like a survivor mode with the person in last place given just 15 seconds to get back in the pack or else they get kicked out.

Dave Blewett discusses how Avatar support and Banjo-Kazooie came to be and bringing very old SEGA characters up to todays 3D graphical standard.

There is also some new gameplay footage from a wide variety of the tracks too, it’s a very interesting interview so switch on your Xbox 360 and give it a watch.

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Some Sonic Special Editions You May Be Unaware Of

It looks like Spain got some cool Sonic special editions and packs released around the end of 2009 that we and maybe many of you were unaware of until now. GAME’s Spanish website has the following items listed, in-stock too if you fancy grabbing them –

Sonic and the Black Knight Legendary Edition

Sonic Legends Pack

Sonic Action Pack

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games DS Special Edition

Some pretty cool packs there that might be worth importing if you’re a big Sonic collector and not from Spain. Will you be picking any of them up? Let us know in the comments.

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ASR Demo Next Week for XBL Silver Members and PS3 Owners?

After Mondays release of a Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing demo for Xbox 360 Gold Members ArchangelUK of SEGA Europe/Sonic Wrecks and Steve Lycett of Sumo Digital have hinted at a demo for PS3 coming in the future aswell as explaining that the Xbox 360 demo should hopefully be coming to Silver members next week.

Well have apparently managed to get some clear details, if they are to be believed the Xbox 360 demo for Silver members is definitely coming next week and the PS3 demo is also definitely coming next week instead of tomorrows PS Store update like many PS3 owners were hoping for.

Here are their statements on each version of the games product pages –
Xbox 360

Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing
Demo Available NOW

We’ve just released a playable demo of Sonic and SEGA Racing onto Xbox Live Marketplace. Gold members can download and play the demo right away. Players can take control of Sonic or Banjo Kazooie across a selection of tracks.

You can add the demo to your marketplace queue by visiting this link and hitting the download to Xbox 360 button. It’s also visible on the dashboard as usual.

The demo will be available to Silver Xbox Live members next week.


Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing
Demo Available on the Playstation Network NEXT WEEK.

Retailers aren’t usually reliable for info, especially release dates so take this with a grain of salt though its not out of the norm for Xbox 360 Silver Members and PS3 owners to get a demo a week after Xbox 360 Gold Members.

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ASR: Xbox 360 Secret Achievements and PS3 Trophies Revealed

< have unveiled the Secret Achievements for the Xbox 360 version of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing which like the other Achievements have references to other SEGA games in their names. The site has also updated the Achievements pictures with colour, we have the Secret Achievements for you below –

Sonic Unleashed 15
Use Sonic’s All-Star Move to take out Dr. Eggman and show him who’s boss!
Feel the Magic 15
Use Amy’s All-Star Move to send Sonic dizzy with love!
Working Man 15
Use Ryo’s All-Star Move to take out Jacky and Akira and show them who’s the ultimate martial artist!
Giant Egg 15
Use Billy’s All-Star Move to squash the Crows!
Top Skater 15
Perform three tricks in one jump with Beat on Tokyo-to – Shibuya Downtown.
The Chariot 15
Use Zobio and Zobiko to send one hundred Curien Mansion Creatures back to the grave.
Cat Mania 15
Summon the giant KapuKapu and gobble up Big the Cat for mouse revenge!

You can check out the list in full here. have also revealed the Trophy list for the PS3 version which as you would guess are the same as the Xbox 360’s Achievements. At present they do not have pictures and the Secret Trophies haven’t been revealed yet but will likely be the same as the Xbox 360’s Secret Achievements.

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New ASR All Star Moves Trailer


UPDATE: ArchangelUK has posted it up on Sonic Wrecks, Sonic City Blognik and SEGA Europe’s YouTube Channel now. Thanks bud 😉 /UPDATE END

Just a quick heads up, SEGA Europe and SEGA Australia have posted up a new trailer for Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing showcasing alot of the character rosters All Star Moves including some we’ve never seen before. You also get a glimpse at a wide variety of the tracks too.

You can check out the trailer at the games official sites:
SEGA Europe ASR site
SEGA Australia ASR site

Thanks to BlueHedgehog92 over at the SSMB for bringing this to our attention.

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