Mysterious Picture Appears at Sonic City Blognik

Mysterious Picture Appears at Sonic City Blognik

ArchangelUK at the Sonic City Blognik has posted up a mysterious sketch of a figure playing with a remote controlled car which could be a clue to an Xbox 360 Avatar Marketplace item given the sketched out character clicks its fingers to make the controller and car appear like with alot of Avatar items. Wether this will include costumes or other items too or not we’ll have to wait and see.

Source: Sonic City Blognik

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  1. I don’t see what this could possibly have to do with DLC. Looks more like some allusion to remote controlled cars. Probably from ASR.

  2. It looks like an avatar dlc for xbox 360 like for halo they have a remote control warthog your avatar can play with so many its like a car for ASR

  3. @ Cephrien
    If anything like this is already on the marketplace it isn’t SEGA branded so this is new. Its more than likely going to be an ASR themed RC car.

  4. this is way old news its the remote controlled car from sonic sega all star racing their all over ebay right now

  5. Oh please Sega if you are listening. Make a flying Opa-Opa accessory and I will love you forever and ever more than I already do.

  6. Hm…Strange… I saw the post on there, and it was rather actually random 😛
    Maybe it’ll be something downloadable for your avatar about just regular Sonic or SEGA all stars racing themed. Just looking at the controllable car itself, it looks like Sonic’s racing car O_o

  7. @ tjthefox and others
    This is new news, its possibly an RC car for your XBOX 360 AVATAR. Not the real life one thats in the stores/eBay etc and not any non ASR branded RC cars for your Avatar if there is any. This was first posted at the SEGA Official Sonic Blognik by ArchangelUK. A SEGA staffer wouldnt post old stuff on the Blognik. 🙂

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