Sonic 4 #1 Game on PSN & WiiWare, Fails to Chart on AppStore

The sales are in for Sonic 4’s first month on the market, and they are mixed, though largely positive.

Sonic 4 has become a top seller on two services so far: PSN and WiiWare. According to SEGAbits, Sonic 4 was able to beat every other game available on the service during the month, including Sonic Adventure, which took the fourth spot itself. Check out SEGAbits for the full list. On WiiWare, Sonic 4 has become the most popular game on the service. The store has a function that allows you to sort WiiWare games by their sales. The game has been at the top of this list since it came out.

Meanwhile, Sonic 4 has failed to even break the top ten in the Apple’s App Store, for either iPhone or iPad. In fact, Sonic 2 was actually able to crack the top ten twice during the first two weeks of the month, though it’s much cheaper price point may have had something to do with that. To see the sales charts for yourself, check out FingerGaming.

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IGN Joins List of Promising Sonic Colors Reviewers

Reviews have been slowly trickling in for awhile now, and so far we’ve yet to get anything less than an 8. IGN joins the club with it’s review today.

Closing Comments
Sonic Colors is a dizzying combination of the distantly familiar memories of the first few Sonic titles combined with thoughtful new abilities and mostly well executed level design. There are a few issues that mar an otherwise awesome experience, but those shouldn’t stop Sonic fans and Wii owners from grabbing the best Sonic game in 18 years. As a blueprint for the future of SEGA’s star, Sonic Colors delivers, and then some.

7.0 Presentation
While Sonic Colors’ story is forgetable fun, the menus and level menus are pretty rough, and don’t match the great visuals found elsewhere.

9.0 Graphics
Sonic Colors is one of the best looking games on Wii, with great animation and detail, and some awesome lighting and level variety.

8.5 Sound
Sonic’s new voice cast is much less annoying. Meanwhile, the music is universally great.

8.5 Gameplay
Sonic Colors features tight controls with great level design; all of these things lead to a game that’s a joy to play. Except when it REALLY ISN’T due to some puzzling stage design later on.

8.5 Lasting Appeal
While the main game itself will probably clock in around 11 hours or so for most gamers, levels are more fun after beating the game and the challenge levels will also keep players busy for a while.

(out of 10)

I highly recommend you read the full review here. For those of you who are finally off the fence and intend to buy the game, check out our guide to Sonic Colours’ release.

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New Covers Released Sonic #221, SU #24, Sonic Archives and Selects

Whole bunch of new covers have been released over the last week. Figured I’d group them all together for a weekend post. Some of these you’ve seen before from our exclusive NYCC coverage, but not in this kind of quality. Here are the covers and the story synopsis.

“Changing Tempo”: Sonic’s eager to hear the new sound of Mina and her band – but will he like what he hears? Tensions are running high, and that’s before an evil presence starts lurking in the shadows! Then, in “Second Impressions,” Nicole and Espio deal with the fallout from the Iron Dominion invasion- along with a surprise third party!
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn
ART: Ben Bates, James Fry, Terry Austin, John Workman & Matt Herms
COVER: Ben Bates
Shipping Date: 1/19/11
On Sale at Comic Shops: 1/26/11
Newstands: Week of 2/8/11
Comic, 32 pgs, 40 lb. glossy stock, Full-Color
$2.99 US

“Treasure Team Tango” Part Four: The wild grand finale to our craziest story yet! Four teams vie for the precious Sol Emerald! Will Team Rose help Blaze save her world? Will Team Dark beat them into submission? Will Nack’s “Team Hooligan” cash it in, or will the Babylon Rogues beat them to it? You can’t miss this blockbuster conclusion!
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn
ART: Tracy Yardley!, Jim Amash, Phil Felix and Jason Jensen
COVER: Tracy Yardley!, Jim Amash & Ben Hunzeker
Shipping Date: 1/5/11
On Sale at Comic Shops: 1/12/11
Newstands: Week of 1/25/11
Comic, 32 pgs, 40 lb. glossy stock, Full-Color
$2.99 US

The highly acclaimed Sonic Select series of graphic novels returns with a vengeance! Inside you’ll find three epic tales: “Battle Royal,” where the Freedom Fighters throw down against the Chaotix, “Brave New World,” the series changing fan-favorite, and “Return of the King,” the story that set off the “World Tour Saga”! All that and more!
SCRIPT: Michael Gallagher, Ian Flynn
ART: Patrick “SPAZ” Spaziante, Sam Maxwell, Dave Manak, Nelson Ortega, Jim Amash, Rich Koslowski and Barry Grossman.
COVER: Patrick “SPAZ” Spaziante
Shipping Date: 1/5/11
On Sale at Comic Shops: 2/9/11
Soft Cover, 6″x9″, pgs, glossy stock, Full-Color
$11.95 US

Also, the following Sonic Selects are now up for pre-order on Amazon. Sonic Archives #14  are expected to cover issues 51-54 and 55-58 respectively. #14 will be released on December 28th of this year, while #15 is currently listed for June 7th, 2011.

Archie’s Sonic Comics can be ordered internationally from their website, here.

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Interview: Sonic Colors Adaptation – Ian Flynn

Continuing from where we left off yesterday, today we bring you our interview with the writer of the Sonic comics, Ian “Potto” Flynn.

TSS: Hello Mr. Flynn, thank you for taking the time to talk with us today!

IF: My pleasure!

TSS: When where you approached with the Sonic Colors adaption?

IF: If memory serves, it wasn’t too long after the first public announcement.

TSS: How did it interfere with the plans you already had for the book?

IF: It didn’t, really.  “Welcome Back, Chao!” was originally going to be two parts, but we were already thinking it was a bit too slow paced.  We condensed it down to one and put in “Sonic Colors” in its place.  One or two back-ups had to be shuffled around as well, but that happens all the time.

TSS: How did the development of the script differentiate from the development of a typical Sonic comic script?

IF: Not much.  The only real difference was that, instead of me coming up with the story on my own, SEGA supplied us with the English script and some concept art.  The rest of the process happened as per usual.

TSS: What sorts of materials did you have access to from the game during the script’s development?

IF: I guess I got a little ahead of myself with that last question!  SEGA provided us with the English script and concept art for the updated Orbot, for Cubot and all the Wisps.  There was level concept art and videos, primarily of the opening sequence and CGI promotional stuff.

TSS: This is…I believe the third game adaption in the book to use the setting “Another Time, Another Place”.
Do these stories all take place in the same universe?

IF: They could be – call it the “SegaSonic Universe” if you like.  Or they could each be their own zone.  It’s entirely up to the preference of the reader.

TSS: Are these stories basically meant to take place in the game canon?

IF: More or less, but it varies from project to project.  The “Sonic and the Black Knight” tie-in was almost shot-for-shot, word-for-word the opening sequence so it’s obviously the same thing.  “Sonic Colors” will be a little more liberal, but it’s still true to the source, so you can take it as a retelling or a synopsis.

TSS: Will we be seeing Orbot, Cubot, or Yacker in this adaption?

IF: Yes on all three counts!

TSS:  Do you have to work under any special restrictions for these types of stories?

IF: Aside from the tighter deadline, we really have to be true to the SegaSonic art style and accurate to the story.  For instance, I couldn’t add Amy into the story if I wanted because she isn’t in the Wii version, and that’s the version we’re adapting.

TSS: Back in the day, the comics use to reserve substantially more space for in-continuity adaptions of the games. Why don’t we see those anymore? Might we ever see them again?

IF: Part of it stems from the game’s having much bigger stories.  The more involved the game plot, the harder it is to integrate it into the comic’s plot.  This ties directly into the next issue, which is time.  We usually work six months ahead, and the game tie-ins are usually requested with much less time to work with.  This means adjusting the publishing schedule, the story order, and taking the plot of the game and whatever’s currently going on into account.  Add on top of that the higher level of scrutiny since it’s a direct tie-in story, and it simply becomes unfeasible to do stuff like the Sonic Adventure tie-ins.  For now and the foreseeable future, we’re sticking with the elegantly simple “Another Time, Another Place” option.

TSS: Many ask why the Archie comics do not simply base a comic in the game continuity, either as a reboot or as another series. Would you run into any problems – beyond angry fans who enjoy the current comic canon – with such a move? Would there be any restrictions writing a comic in the game canon that you don’t currently work under in the comic’s own canon?

IF: We’ve considered a SegaSonic companion book, but never seriously pursued it.  The ArchieSonic canon is hard enough for new readers to keep track of without having a totally different canon to follow as well.  “Sonic X” had a little bit of this problem, but we mostly solved it by making it very continuity light.

Additionally, SEGA is very protective of their material, and rightfully so.  But that means the SegaSonic cast is perpetually stuck in their present characterizations.  The ArchieSonic cast and world give us the means to tell compelling stories where individuals grow and develop.  Come for the Sonic, stay for the story.

TSS: Will we be seeing any of Sonic Colors’ characters appear in the main book? Orbot already has quite a following from his Sonic Unleashed appearance.

IF: That all depends on SEGA.  Orbot and Cubot would fit right in, and the Wisps would certainly make enough sense given all the other aliens running around.  You’ll just have to wait and see.

TSS: Have you had a chance to play Sonic Colors yet?

IF: Unfortunately, no, but I do have it pre-ordered. (I. Must. Have. That. HAT!)

TSS: Thank you for your time Mr. Flynn

IF: My pleasure.

The final interview will be going up in the next few days. It will be with artist Tracy Yardley, and will include some exclusive concept art from the story Archie was nice enough to send to us.

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Sonic The Hedgehog #218 On Newstands Now

The second part of the two part storyline “Thicker then Water” is in stores today! The story gives some long awaited backstory on fan favorite Freedom Fighter Bunnie Rabbot, and also begins the build up to landmark issue #225.

Posted below are the preview pages and solicitation.

“Thicker than Water” Part Two,” “Hindsight”:
It’s Sonic versus Bunnie in a no-holds-barred battle! The prize: the sprawling Oil Ocean Refinery! Two factions stand poised to attack as hero turns on hero – but is everything as it seems? There will be as many revelations as explosions! Then, in “Hindsight,” Dr. Eggman calls Snively in for questioning. What is the conniving little man up to this time?
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn.
ART: Ben Bates and Jamal Peppers
COVER: Tracy Yardley!, Terry Austin, and Matt Herms
Shipping Date: October 20th, 2010
On Sale at Comic Shops: October 27th, 2010
Newsstands: November 9th, 2010
32-page, 40 lb glossy stock, full-color comic
$2.99 US

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Interview: Sonic Colors Adaptation – Paul Kaminski

The creative team of Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Universe have been gracious enough to grant us a three part interview about their upcoming adaption of the Sonic Colors game. The adaption will be included as the backstory of Sonic the Hedgehog #219, which releases later this month. First up is the comic’s Editor, Paul Kaminski! Enjoy.

TSS: Hello Mr. Kaminski, thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions for us!

PK: My pleasure!

TSS: Did SEGA approach you with the idea of a Sonic Colors adaption story?

PK: After the game announcement back in May, we approached SEGA to see if they would be interested in working out a “Sonic Colors” story the same way we worked the past few game adaptation back-ups. SEGA seemed as enthused about the idea as we were and shortly after the exchange the details were ironed out and Ian was hard at work on draft one of the script!

TSS: As I understand it, the comics are meant to help advertise the games in the series. Why does SEGA ask you to only do adaptions for a fraction of the Sonic games released every year?

PK: Whether games get adaptations or not, at least in my experience, is less of a strict mandate and more a matter of practicality/availability. Our primary goal, besides trying to tell a good story, is to help promote the Sonic  franchise as a whole, and I think we do a pretty good job of doing just that.

TSS: Do you have any idea what it is about the Sonic Colors game that separates it from the other games that haven’t been adapted, in particular Sonic 4 and the upcoming Sonic Free Riders?

PK: A comic adaptation of ‘Sonic Colors’ just makes sense. The game has fantastically stunning visuals, plus new characters like the Wisps that lend themselves to the types of storytelling we seek to achieve month after month with the Sonic comics. As for the other Sonic game releases this year, you may in fact see adaptations of these games, just not in the traditional “another time, another place” style.

TSS: SEGA has a reputation for keeping actual game material very close to its chest when it comes to game adaptions in the comics. What sorts of materials did SEGA lend you to allow you to do a proper adaption for this game?

PK: We had access to a pretty awesome collection of materials and imagery from the game to make the adaptation as faithful to the source material as possible.

TSS: How much lead time did you have with this adaption compared to typical Archie stories? Has it significantly altered plans for comic’s near future stories?

PK: The game adaptation stories require a little extra lead time because of the sensitive game materials and more meticulous rounds of approvals. The first conversation about doing the adaptation was back in May so that’ll give you a rough idea of how long the process took. As for altering plans, it hasn’t really. Ian wound up having to cut “Welcome back Chao” down to a one-parter but that was pretty much it. Other back-up stories got shifted around too to make sure the game story came out at around the same time as the game’s release.

TSS: What sorts of behind the scenes work have you done for this story in particular?

PK: Just a lot of coordinating with SEGA contacts, freelancers and media types to make the thing come together-  which sounds boring but is in fact a lot of hard work! I LOVE to get creative with the books and contribute as much as I can, but this story is SEGA’s baby and we’re just here to help the team!

TSS: Are the wisps and other Sonic Colors characters off limits for the in canon stories in the same way Eggman Nega is, or will you be able to include these characters on your whim?

PK: Well I can’t speak for SEGA, but the only folks I’ve ever dealt with over there are wonderfully creative cats that are just as interested in telling a good story as we are. I would guess that if there was a story that demanded we include the Wisps down the line, they would be cool with it.

TSS: Have you had a chance to play the game at any point? Maybe at NYCC?

PK: What is this…”leaving the Archie booth” you speak of?

TSS: Thank you for your time Mr. Kaminski

PK: Anytime!

Tomorrow, we’ll be interviewing Ian Flynn, and after that, artist Tracy Yardley, complete with exclusive concept art straight from the story!

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Sonic Colors US Commercial Recorded

We’ve got the Sonic Colors US commercial, courtesy of Sonic Stadium forumer Jetronic. Not really much to say about it. It was first reported on Nick @ Nite.

Here you go:


Special thanks to all the great people on our Sonic Colors board who went out of their way to hunt down and upload this commercial! We appreciate your hardwork.

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Rumor: German GamePro Gives Sonic Colors an 87%?

What’s this? Another high score for Sonic Colors? Seems that way. According to Sonic Stadium’s Dusk the Horror Keeper, the German version of GamePro has given Sonic Colors an 87%.

You can expect this news post to be updated with any new review scores that trickle in over the next few days, to prevent additional reviews from clogging up TSS’s news feed. You can also expect that wonderful image above, created by NeoGAF’s Technomancer, to accompany any more review news. Provided the scores continue to warrant it, anyway.

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Ken Penders Continues Legal Action Against Archie

At NYCC, Archie Comics Editor in Chief Mike Pellerito said that the Penders legal challenge was ended with one phone call with Archie’s legal department. Today, Penders has released a statement on his website that “it’s not over”.

This will be short and sweet.

Contrary to claims made recently at the NYC Comic Con by Archie’s Mike Pellerito, I continue to maintain copyright ownership of characters I created and this issue has not been resolved.

My claim has merit and I continue to use every legal means at my disposal to protect and preserve my rights. It’s bizarre that Archie would make a public statement that indicates otherwise.

More later at the appropriate time.

Despite these claims, it should be noted that, according to research done by TSSZ, Penders has only been granted copyright ownership of one of his characters, Hershey the Cat. It should also be noted that many of the character’s he’s named in the past as falling under his copyright, he has not actually filed a copyright claim for. Archie has continued to release stories penned by Penders through it’s Archives series, most recently his most well known work “End Game Saga”, and will be featuring several Penders made characters it next month’s issue of Sonic the Hedgehog.

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New Videos, Screens For Sonic Colors Wii, DS

Sonic Colors is coming out in less then a month, and SEGA is finally showing the game off. Today, they’ve released three new videos based on the green, pink, and orange wisp powers, as well as the fire and rocket powers on the DS.







You can also find a load of Sonic Colors screens here.

Special thanks goes to Sonic Stadium Forumer Woun for ripping the videos.

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NYCC: Archie Creator Tell All Panel Video

Well, it’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally here: Archie’s Creator Tell All Panel. Truth be told, I haven’t watched it myself, but it’s got Ian and Spaz so it’s gotta be good, right?

Aside from maybe a Sonic Colors video, this concludes are NYCC coverage. I hope you enjoyed are in-depth, fun, info filled interviews, exclusive pics, and videos of the event. Don’t think this is our last event though. We’ve taken you to E3, Comic Con, PAX, and NYCC, and we’ll be taking you to those places and more next year. This year was a test run in a lot of ways, as we found our footing, learned how to cover such events, and how to improve on what we’ve done to bring you even better stuff.

This also isn’t the end of our Archie coverage. Over the course of the summer we’ve gotten into contact with people within the company, and we intend to use these contacts for your benefit. Stay tuned.

With that said, some more exclusive pics have slipped through the cracks of all the coverage. This is stuff From Ian’s second non-Sonic project, Cosmo:

Without further ado, the Archie Creator Tell All Panel!






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NYCC: Interview with Sonic Production Artist John “Dubs” Gray

There are men, and then there are those who are more then men. Ian Flynn and Pat Spaz (and I guess Paul too) are all good men. They do not compare to the awesomeness that is embodied in the one known as John Gray, or “Dubs” as he is known as by us lesser beings.

Dubs is the God-King of Archie Sonic, the master of all he surveys. He is a champion of the Nerbish people, whom will one day lead them back to the promised land that is printed media once more. His mighty, booming voice makes lesser men quiver in his presence. He is truly the mightiest, most handsome man to ever work on a book about a blue cartoon hedgehog and his furry friends.

Ladies and gentleman, I bring you the God-King, Nerbish representative, production artist, and all around awesome guy of Archie’s Sonic comics!



Join us tonight as we bring you the video of Archie’s Creators Tell All Panel, featuring Ian Flynn and Pat Spaz!

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Archie Means Business Panel Video, Plus New Megaman Concept Art

I’ll be the first to admit, this sort of thing probably won’t interest a lot of you. Even though I’ve had a gradual resurgence of interest in the Archie characters, even I found myself doing other things while watching through this video.

Nevertheless, Selinka and I promised you video of the event, so here it is! To sweeten the pot, we’ve brought you even more never before seen Megaman concept art, as well a few things you might have found elsewhere. This art is from the “Creators Tell All” panal, which should be going up tomorrow, and be infinitely more interesting to watch. Till then…well, enjoy!

Megaman Concept Art:

One of these pieces where released by Newsarama as exclusive art, in perfect clarity. You can find it here.

Without further ado…





Near the end of part 3 we hit a bit of a lull. But I do recommend at least clicking to moment 6:20 of part 3.

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NYCC: Interviews With Sonic Artist Pat Spaz and Writer Ian Flynn

This interview is a dream come true, in all honesty. Patrick Spaziente is a very difficult man to get a hold of. He has absolutely no online presence, and hasn’t done an interview of any kind since 2005, at least from what I’ve been able to find. Spaz is famously reclusive, and until now I didn’t even really know what he looked like. The fact that he was actually at the con is remarkable in and of itself, since Spaz rarely ever even goes to conventions. The fact that he was even there is the whole reason I even asked Selinka to cover the con for us. Even more remarkable is the fact that he let us conduct a video interview, since Mr. Selinka was originally told by Spaz that he wanted to remain “an enigma”. This interview is a huge score for us all, and I hope you will all enjoy it.

We also have another man in this interview, of course. He is bearded. He is mighty. He is the enemy to all Drago fan everywhere. He is also an awesomely friendly dude. He is Ian “Potto” Flynn, writer extraordinaire. He got the Sonic comics out of teen drama, endless love triangles, convoluted solutions to simple problems, and Tommy the Turtle, and into high flying action, adventure, humor, and Bean the Dynamite Duck. We got an interview with him too. Not as awesome as Spaz, I agree, but he just kinda wondered onto camera, so Selinka thought “why the heck not?”

This epically awesome 3 part, 34 minute HD video interview is brought to you by Thomas Selinka, better known around the Sonic fandom as “Illustrous Q”. He’s got a comic coming on ECC this week. Thank him by reading it. Now, without further ado…

Coming later tonight, we’ll have the complete Archie panel in HD video for your viewing pleasure, and tomorrow, the most awesome interview of them all….John “Dubs” Gray!

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NYCC: Interview with Sonic Editor Paul Kaminski!

These videos have been a long time coming, but their finally here! Over the next few days we’ll be bringing you some awesome, in depth interviews with the Archie staff. ECC’s Thomas Selinka was kind enough to take the time out of his day to record these interviews and panels in full HD.

First up, Paul Kaminski, the editor for Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Universe, and the upcoming Megaman books.


Of course, Paul isn’t the biggest interview we got (sorry Paul, we still love you!). Coming up later in the day…the first ever video interview with Patrick Spaziente, the famously reclusive and hard to contact cover artist of the both the Sonic books (well, occasionally these days) and the upcoming Megaman book. We also got some guy called Ian Flynn hogging up some camera space with him, but you don’t care about him, right?

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NYCC: Archie Creators Tell All Panel As It Happened

Hello everybody, and welcome to TSS’s second live blog for the Archie Creators Tell All Panel. Much like the last panel, we will both be covering it here, and recording it via HD camera. We don’t expect much in the way of new news today, and we suspect some of what’s said here may be derivative of what we’ve gotten in the interviews Selinka recorded yesterday, but what news that there will be at this panel, you will get here.


The Panel has started.

Right now, review of the works that have been published in the past year.

Man From Riverdale, Life From Archie, Jughead,

Coming soon to be published:

Betty and Veronica mag, similar in format to Life with Archie

Archie and reggie running for school president, Obama and Palin get involved
Tania working on Archie Double Digest

Sabrina is back!!!!!  Issue of Archie and friends to be a follow up to Jughead 200

Kevin Keller to receive a 4 part mini-series


Ian Flynn:  Mega Man exciting project,

Coming out early spring 2011

New Ongoing series running concurrent with Sonic the Hedgehog for publication

Spaz! to draw covers and at least the first issue

SONIC 20th

StH 225, SU 25, Sonic’s 20th alignment

SU 25 will start Silver Arc, Cover drawn and colored by Spaz!

225 covered broke on friday is only a fraction of the cover

225 huge milestone issue

Sonic Colors tie in issue, running in StH 219.  Will be another time another place scenario

Battle Bird Armada brought in to give Tails a chance to show his stuff and to bring in a new villain to the book

No immediate plans for the classic badinks for StH

No adaptation for Sonic 4

Sonic is now able to be sold world wide!  Go to for international shipping

Young Salem: a strong possibility, write in to archie to let them know how much you want it

Stand Alone Archie App for itunes coming, should be live by November 1st

No tie-in for Sonic Free Riders

However possibility for game elements to be added in later on

Mega Man tone:  possibility as light if not slightly lighter than StH

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New Mario and Sonic, Sonic 20th Anniversary Game Rumored

UPDATE: For the sake of being cautious, we’ve decided to change this from confirmed status to “rumor”, because there has been no confirmation from SEGA, or media released from either game. So take the below information however you choose.

All of this information comes to us via the Spanish website Sonic Paradise, thanks to a tip sent into us by SEGA Forumer Shadiwulf.

We’ve all known it was coming. Every 5 years, starting with Sonic Adventure 2, we’ve gotten an anniversary game. One is considered one of the best games in the series, the other one of the worst. SEGA has made it clear in the last year that they want to repair Sonic’s image, and bring back the elements that made his games fun. Whether they’ve succeeded or not is up for you to decide, but one things for sure, the nostalgia train isn’t ending with Sonic 4 and Sonic Colors. Enter: Sonic Anniversary.

Sonic Anniversary, which should be considered a tentative title for the time being, will be a compilation of Sonic’s best levels from across his career adapted to the current generation of consoles. These levels are said to be a mix of 3D and 2D, though Sonic Paradise was unable to confirm whether or not it would be done via interlevel switches ala Sonic Unleashed, or if the dimension would be relegated to whether the level was 2D or 3D originally. So it is unknown whether there will be any 3D areas in remade classic levels, or all new 2D areas in the remade 3D levels.

What Sonic Paradise could confirm, however, were the platforms: the game is currently slotted for Wii, DS, PS3,and even PSP this time around. The Xbox 360 version is “still under negotiations”, though considering that a next gen Sonic game hasn’t missed the Xbox platform yet, it’s probably a shoe in. This game is believed to be the “Sonic Anniversary” game originally revealed in the leaked Sony document over a year ago. It’s expected to come out at some point during 2011, in time for Sonic’s year long anniversary celebration.

A new Mario and Sonic game was also confirmed, though no additional details where given. Sonic Paradise speculates that Mario and Sonic will have something to do with the 2012 Olympics. Given the trend of the last two games in the series, this is very likely.

To read additional details on how the info was obtained, please visit Sonic Paradise.

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NYCC Exclusive: Megaman Cover, Concept art, Spaz Drawing Issue 1

Our man from Emerald Coast Comics, TJ Selinka, also got us some sweet pics of Megaman concept art that Archie showed off. Unlike the concept art in the last post, this stuff was drawn by Spaz himself! It has also been confirmed that Spaz is drawing at least the first issue.

UPDATE: We’ve updated the gallery with a high res final cover from Comics Continuum.

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NYCC Exclusive: Sonic Comic Preview Cover Art (UPDATED With #225!)

The video of today’s Archie panel is still incoming, but we’ve got some pics straight from the panel for you to take a look at. These are covers for what is believed to be an as of yet unknown future issue of Sonic (not #225), and Sonic Universe #25. UPDATED with covers for #225 and SU #24

We’ve also got issue #225’s cover incoming.

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Sonic Who’s Who Encyclopedia Put on Hiatus After Increased SEGA Involvement

We finally got some word on the encyclopedia at today’s Archie panel, thanks to a question asked by our own TJ Selinka: apparently the Sonic Who’s Who Encyclopedia has been put on hiatus. SEGA of Japan really liked what they saw, and have decided to get more involved. No word yet on what changes may come, but the Who’s Who has already been reported as being at least an inch and a half thick. We’ll be interviewing Sonic editor Paul Kaminski later in the day, who will hopefully enlighten us. According to Archie Editor in Chief Mike Pellerito, “SEGA loves the book, and they are trying to figure out what to do with it.”

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Sonic Scribe Ian Flynn Working On Megaman Comic, Spaz involved (Updated)

We don’t often report on non-Sonic news, but when it’s related in some cool way to the blue blur it’s always good to let you guys know! As we just reported in our NYCC Live Blog, Sonic scribe Ian Flynn will be working with Sonic cover artist Patrick Spaziente and short term Sabrina penciler Chad Thomas on an all new comic based around Capcom’s blue bomber, Megaman!

As of yet, not much else is known, aside from the fact that the comic is launching next year. We took a video of the entire panel, and we’ll be getting media and interviews from the Archie booth over the next few days, so stay tuned! Yes, we do intend to ask about the possibility of a crossover!’

Ian Flynn is also working on an Archie character called “Cosmo The Merry Martian”, a character that had a brief publication stint in the 1950s.

Update: Archie has released a press release, and Comics Alliance has gotten it’s hands on some concept art from Chad Thomas, posted above.

New York, NY (October 8, 2010): Archie Comics—home to Sonic the Hedgehog comics—is about to become the base of operations for a comic series featuring Capcom’s heroic video game legend, Mega Man!

The Mega Man® franchise is hotter than ever and in the spring of 2011, Archie Comics will take his heroic adventures to new heights with a brand new monthly comic!

With the aid of his mighty Mega Buster blaster arm and a killer creative team including renowned artist Patrick “Spaz” Spaziante and infamous Archie action/adventure writer Ian Flynn, Mega Man is equipped to blast his way back into the comic book world in his own monthly action. Arriving Spring 2011, the new Mega Man™ comic from Archie Comics promises to build a faithful legacy while exploring a vast universe of heroes, villains, and robots.

“Since 1987, the enormously successful Mega Man franchise has conquered media from video games to television to manga. Archie Comics is ready to carry on this tradition of success, holding true to the spirit of the old school with a fresh eye on Mega Man’s strong potential in the world of American comics,” promised Archie Comics editor of Sonic and now the Mega Man franchise, Paul Kaminski.

The Mega Man comic book series will follow the original Rock/Mega Man in his battles against the maniacal Dr. Wily. Mega Man’s jam-packed, fast-paced adventures are told from the perspective of Rock (a.k.a. Mega Man) the young boy with a peaceful heart now thrust into a life of conflict.

“Readers can expect non-stop action, as well as an exploration of the themes of family, choice and loyalty that make the Mega Man franchise a property that connects on a very personal level,” continued Kaminski. “From there, we hope to fully explore not only that classic world, but the other spin-offs including Mega Man X, Mega Man Zero, Mega Man Legends and more!”

“We’re thrilled to be creating a definitive version of Capcom’s Mega Man to American audiences,” remarked Archie Comics Co-CEO Jon Goldwater. “And to do it with our top-notch creative team who all love and understand the property inside and out is going to be spectacular!”

In honor of the announcement at NYCC, Archie Comics and Capcom® will each be hosting signings of an exclusive print with the Mega Man creative team Patrick “Spaz” Spaziante and Ian Flynn.

Stay tuned to for updates on the “Mega Man” comic series coming from Archie Comics in Spring 2011.

Capcom, and Mega Man are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Capcom Co., Ltd.  All other marks are the property of their respective owners

Stay tuned for more concept art straight from the panel.

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Archie Comics Panel Live Coverage @ NYCC (Ended)

The New York Comic Con starts today, and you guys know what that means: interviews, news, and media galore! This is all being brought to you by TJ Selinka, who’s first stop at the con will be today’s Archie panel “Archie Comics Means Business!”, which will be followed by a visit to the Archie booth to talk with Ian Flynn and a few other members of the Archie Comics staff.

This news post will provide live coverage for the “Archie Comics Means Business!” panel, which will run from 3:15-4:15 EST. Expected at the panel are some exclusive Sonic the Hedgehog comic related announcements, as well as details on Sonic scribe Ian Flynn’s upcoming secret project. Selinka will be updating this news post with all announcements relevant to either of those subjects. This will all be followed by a complete video upload of the panel later today, as well as a promised interview with Ian Flynn!

It has begun:

Archie Comics has partnered with Capcom and will be publishing MEGAMAN comics in 2011.

Betty and Veronica will be receiving their own magazine comic similar to Life with Archie.

Archie is bringing back their Superhero Comic lines, in 2011.

Back to Mega Man.  Chad Thomas and Spaz are working on Mega Man.

Within the next few weeks more Sonic Comic apps are going to be available through itunes itself.

lottery tickets starring archie charcaters

Ian flynn is writing MEGAMAN, and a reboot of Cosmo the Merry Martian.

SEGA loved the Sonic Encylopedia, and are trying to figure out what to do with the marketing. Encyclopedia is over an inch and a half thick. Has been put on hiatus because SoA has gotten more invovled.

Aaaaand THAT’S IT! Stay tuned for pictures from the panel, as well as a full video, later in the day! We’ll also be bringing you an interview with Ian Flynn!

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Sonic Stadium Heading to New York Comic Con!

This has been a year of events for The Sonic Stadium. First E3, then Comic Con, and finally PAX. We’ve brought you exclusive news, previews, and media from all these events, some of which other sites never even picked up on! Now, I am happy to announce that we’re also heading to the New York Comic Con, through ECC writer TJ Selinka, otherwise known as “The Illustrious Q”.

So, what does this mean for all of you? Lots of interviews, photos, videos, and maybe even some hands on previews if there’s anything new there. We’ve already lined up a video interview with Sonic writer Ian Flynn, and if all goes well, we’ll have a load of other neat articles and interviews for you guys to dig your teeth into!  We’ll also be bringing you the Archie panel in it’s entirely, as well as the latest information on Ian Flynn’s “Secret Project”, whatever that may be.

Stay tuned to Sonic Stadium for all the latest at the New York Comic Con later this week.

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SEGA Raises Fiscal Year Sales Forecast

Things have been good for SEGA’s profits this last year. First, SEGA reported a profit on it’s third quarter statement back in February. Then, in August, SEGA reported 7 billion yen in profit for it’s first quarter of it’s 2010-2011 fiscal year. All of this great news has resulted in SEGA’s stock price hitting it’s highest price since 2007, where it’s stayed close to ever since.

The good times keep on coming. While video game giants like Nintendo continue to lower their own fiscal year forecast, SEGA has now raised it’s overall sales forecast for its entire fiscal year, ending March 31st 2011, from $400 billion yen ($4.7 billion) to $410 billion yen ($4.9 billion). This has mostly been brought on by increased revenue from SEGA’s amusement division, particularly it’s Pachinko/Pachislot machine sales.

It’s consumer sales, however, have continued to be weak. According to SEGA, “While the consumer business saw mainly sales of new titles in overseas markets hover at weak volumes, the amusement machine sales business and amusement center operations business are expected to maintain robust operating results.”

For further details on this forecast, checkout SEGAbits.

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Sonic Fights in Oil Ocean in Sonic #217, in Comic Shops Now

This was a really good issue. The last couple of two-parters really only felt serviceable, but this one not only gives some much needed back story to a character that’s long needed it, but has introduced some shades of gray that Sonic comics have been lacking in. In any case, the issue is now out in comic specialty shops this week, and will released on newsstand come next week.

This comic also sees the debut of new artist Ben Bates as the main story artist.

Here’s the preview pages and solicitation.

“Thicker than Water” Part One:
Sonic and Bunnie head out into the Great Desert to aid Freedom Fighters in need, but they get caught up an whirl-wind ruckus! Who is friend and who is foe? Sonic comes face-to-face with enemies of the past while Bunnie is reunited with someone of her mysterious past! Then, in “Welcome Back, Chao!” Amy Rose runs into a few familiar faces – and a few new ones, too!
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn.
ART: Ben Bates, Tracy Yardley!, Terry Austin, John Workman and Matt Herms
On Sale at Comic Shops: 9/22/2010
Newsstands: 10/5/2010
32-page, 40 lb glossy stock, full-color comic
$2.99 US
To find a comic shop near you, call 1-888-comicbook or visit

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Tracy Yardley! Does Sonic Eggs, The Conclusion

Here it is, everybody. The final page. Not much to really say about it, honestly, except that it’s probably one of my favorite pages Yardley! did. So I’ll end this feature with some talk about both ECC and Tracy Yardley!

Emerald Coast Comics is a web comic website, run mostly by people who aspire to become professionalism in the comic book industry. The comic projects on the site are used to give writers and artists a conduit through which to practice and hone their skills, as well as bring to life characters they’ve loved since they where children. Sonic Eggs isn’t the only comic on the site, and you are certainly welcome to check out a few of the others for yourself. ECC is a lot like SonicVerseTeam of old, except it does all of it’s comics in-house and has, over the years, developed stricter quality control measures to ensure most things on the website are a step up from your typical web comic fair, aside from a strip called Staffers, which is mostly used as practice for new artists.

We do occasionally give out commissions to smooth out the process, such was the case with Tracy Yardley! If you want to commission Tracy Yardley, whether it be a comic page, or just a damn cool piece of art, contact him on his DA. a penciled and inked piece will run you around $120, plus an additional $10 if you want him to send the picture to you. Yardley!’s time is precious, as being a comic book artist can be rather difficult to make a living off of. Keep in mind that he does this professionally and very well when you take the price into account.

Finally, I’d like to say that Yardley! is an absolute joy to work with. His e-mail correspondences where always fun and cheerful, he got each commission done promptly and quickly despite his busy schedule, and when he sent Jason the pages in the mail, he included a kind letter and some ashcan art books. Frankly, his personality and promptness alone was worth every penny.

So, without further ado, I bring you the conclusion to Tracy Yardley’s run on Sonic Eggs, colored by Jamie Lee. The story doesn’t end here, though. Check out ECC next Saturday for future Sonic Eggs pages, penciled and inked by ECC Staff member Kichi. If you want this comic featured regularly on the front page, let us  know.


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Exclusive: New Control Option Confirmed For Sonic Colors

Yet another thing I saw at PAX that I apparently didn’t tell you guys about. While I was wondering around the SEGA booth trying to get some hands on time with other games, I noticed people playing the game with the Wii remote by itself, no nunchuck. Apparently, this is a control option available in the new build. I didn’t have a chance to try it out for myself, but I have a feeling most would probably prefer to just use the nunchuck anyway. Still, it’s a neat option, and useful for co-op if you lack a second nunchuck.

Sonic Colors is scheduled to come out this November.

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Exclusive: Video of New Area In Planet Wisp

So yeah, apparently a level I took video of weeks ago at a public event still hasn’t been uploaded on the internet. Who knew? You can read my complete hands on of the game here. To say the least, I find the game fun, and this stage was no exception.

The footage of the new area starts at 4:46. It’s played from start to finish of course, though I did screw up the drifting a little.


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New Sonic Colors DS Video Shows Off New Boss

TSSZ has been covering the Tokyo Game Show, and they’ve gotten a nice video the boss for the Sweet Mountain level in Sonic Colors DS. The boss design is in keeping with the whimsical nature of the game: a lollipop wielding pirate robot. It hovers over the top half of the screen and knocks enemies down at you. In order to win Sonic needs to knock the enemies back and knock the pirate robot out of the sky. It looks rather fun, though also rather easy.

To see the video, head over to TSSZ. We’ve also got some exclusive Sonic Colors video, which we’ll be posting shortly.

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PAX 2010 Sonic Colors Hands-On

I think they’ve finally got it.

That about sums up my second chance to play the game. They’ve cut the gimmicks, cut the fat, fixed the camera, tightened the controls, and done just about everything else you could ask of a development team. Indeed, I don’t even recall seeing any of the random frame rate chugging like in the E3 demo. The jumping feels perfect. The homing attack has been fine tuned to the point where using it will never accidentally send you careening off into a chasm. Controling Sonic feels great and fast, with no collision detection bugs or odd glitches. The endless chasms appear to be gone, and while the levels have so far proven easy enough to get through, it still takes some skill to play them well, just like in the classics.

The wisp power ups are also a sight for sore eyes. Replacing the endless gimmicks and alternate play styles of past 3D games, the wisps are not only non-intrusive, but are a true joy to use. Whether it’s blasting through a level as a rocket, drilling through a cake to find power ups and otherwise inaccessible areas, or floating above spikes to reach otherwise unreachable areas above, these little aliens are probably the best thing to happen to Sonic since the elemental shields. I’ve yet to encounter a wisp that didn’t add something to the experience. Sure, the creators have pointed out that you don’t need to use them, but why wouldn’t you? For the first time ever in a Sonic game, I think this game would be a lesser experience without these gimmicks.

Of course, things aren’t perfect. At times the game can feel a little too automatic, to the point where it restricts how much control you have over Sonic in certain areas where you need to  drift or sidestep. These moments are rare, and out of the three levels I’ve played they where most prevalent in the newest level, Planet Wisp. Sonic is also just a little too fast now. I personally preferred the speed in the E3 demo, but after I got used to it the extra speed didn’t detract from the experience. That said, there are far worse things I could complain about in the other 3D Sonics, even in the Adventure series.

When last I previewed this game, I said that this was the best 3D Sonic game since the Adventure series. Well now, I rescind that statement. This game will outdo the Adventure series. Just going by these three levels, I don’t see how it can’t. The game has superior level design, superior programming, far fewer bugs and glitches – I encountered none in the PAX demo – and the gimmicks are far, far superior. I haven’t even had a chance to check out the co-operative mode, which looks like it’s going to be an experience in and of itself. I can’t believe that this game is from the same team that brought us such disasters as Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic and the Black Knight. I can’t believe, for the first time ever, I can whole heartedly recommend a 3D Sonic game, without warning about its flaws and things you need to “get over” to enjoy it. I can’t believe I can say with confidence, that those people who post the Sonic Cycle for every damn announcement, should cram it and buy it on day one.

Of course, while I’ve raised my expectations, Iizuka’s raised the stakes, claiming that the game will be equal to or better then the classic Genesis games. From my playtime, I am not yet ready to make that same claim. That’s the sort of thing even I refuse to say until I’ve played this game over at least a year’s time. We’ll see soon enough.

Don’t be reserved. Don’t be cautious. Sonic Colors is a great game. Come November, go buy it. Sonic is back.

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Atop the Fourth Wall Reviews Sonic Live!

Any long running comic series is going to have some duds. I’m not talking about weird changes in the canon, or rushed pace, or anything like that. I’m talking about issues so mind bogglingly bad, that it’s amazing they went all the way from concept to publication. Sonic has regrettably had quite a few of these comics, one of the most infamous of which being none other then Sonic Live!, by Ken Penders. Sonic Live!

Every writer has his or her problems and bad tendencies, and Penders from far from an exception. Though he wrote some of my favorite stories in the comic back in the day, these problems would even permeate some of these stories. They are all on display, and at their worst, in this comic, which has now been gloriously torn apart by Linkara on his show “Atop the Fourth Wall”. Atop the Fourth Wall is a comic review show on That Guy With the Glasses, a wonderful collection of reviewers. The website’s namesake, the Nostalgia Critic, actually reviewed both Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and SatAM a year ago. Regrettably, embedding code doesn’t work on TSS at the moment, so I’ve had to embed the videos in lower quality via Youtube. To see the video in it’s original quality and to leave comments in a place where Linkara will see them, go here.



Thankfully, the comic hasn’t had a story like this in a very long time, though hopefully Linkara will consider taking a look at Sonic Super Special #15.

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Phantasy Star Online 2 Revealed at TGS UPDATED With Trailer

In the lead up to SEGA’s TGS press conference, they showed a series of trailers for their upcoming games on their online ustream. Among them was a compilation trailer, ending with the screen I’ve posted below.

That’s right. As part of SEGA’s PSO Tenth Anniversary celebration, we are finally getting a true sequel to the game that started it all. The game is expected to be released sometime in 2011, and will be exclusive to the PC. It is not known at this time whether or not Sonic Team is developing the game.

Special thanks goes to SEGAbits, who provided the information. Be sure to check their website for a full account of the trailer. We’ll be sure to update this post with a trailer when it becomes available. Or, alternatively, you could check SEGAbits, as they’ll probably post it first.

Update: SEGAbits has posted the trailer! I’ve no idea how to post commercials on TSS, head over to SEGAbits to catch it. SEGA apparently pulled it from Youtube, so catch it while you can.

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Tracy Yardley! Does Sonic Eggs, Part 4

This week’s page is an example of Sonic Egg’s use of continuity for future gags and jokes. In a previous page, Tails mentioned something about giving the Tornado “sentience”. This wasn’t a throw away gag. He’s really doing it. And you can see him at work below. Also, did I….neglect to mention that no one on this comic particularly cares for Chris?

This comic runs weekly at ECC. You can discuss this comic with long time fans and the creator’s at their forums, where occasional sneak peaks of future pages are given.

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Mighty Traumitized For Life In This Month’s NFR

This is something I’ve  been trying to point out for weeks, but it seems like something always comes up to prevent me from posting it. This weekend, I’ve decided to preempt Sonic Eggs for last month’s Not For Resale strip, MGComic’s woefully under-updated and under appreciated Sonic humor strip.

Though their almost always worth the wait, this one in particular! This is a strip many of you may not get at first, but once you do, you are in for quite a laugh. A cookie goes to the first person to get it!

Despite how disgusting this may appear, Mighty is actually stunned by the amount of juicy fruity goodness in his mouth!

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PAX 2010 Preview: Sonic Free Riders, Part 2

As mentioned in part 1 of my hands-on preview, Sonic Free Riders was only set up at the very end of the show and, as a result, was only demoed by about ten people at the show. What was surprising, though, was that the opinions of everyone who got to play it were universally positive. Given the small number of people who got to play the demo, I decided to record their impressions just as they got off of the demo for the compilation video you see below. I regrettably wasn’t able to record the first two people to try the game, but they shared the positive opinions of the people below. Be sure to stay tuned for more videos later in the day of some of these people in action!


Update: I’ve uploaded some game play I took at the event.

This next video highlights a problem many people – though not everyone – had with the demo: the menus. I might be doing one more preview regarding these menus, provided I still have the video I took of someone having serious problems with selecting their character.


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AAUK Reveals Three Tidbits About Sonic Free Riders

Sonic Free Riders is a game SEGA’s been keeping close to its chest until recently. Leave it to Sonic City Blognik’s AAUK to finally drop us some info!

– The next track to be revealed has a Wild West theme, including waggon trains and a minecart section (MOAR MINECARTS!) where you actually have to pull a lever left and right to change the points and avoid rockfalls. It looks quite slick actually.

– Someone’s return in the pre-race configuration screen is still gaining momentum!

– Since you guys apparently love anything Roger says as Sonic (e.g. “…consoles…”) here’s another line for you: “Place your hand on Start!”

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