Zazz and Vector Groove Out Their Difference in Sonic Forces Event

Rock on! Everyone’s favorite tertiary Sonic character and Zazz appear in new musical garb for Sonic Forces Mobile!

Continue reading Zazz and Vector Groove Out Their Difference in Sonic Forces Event
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Sonic Runners To Get Major Bug Fix & Raid Boss?

runnersraidbossSonic Runners continues it’s steady stream of event announcements with a halloween themed event centred around Zazz. However, this event is unlike any previous events held in Sonic Runners so far.

Typically, players have been asked to rescue animals or collect certain special items in a bid to get various rewards. However this new event appears to be very different as it’s described as a ‘raid event.’


Roughly translated the text warns players of a ‘strong enemy Zazz Raid,’ traditionally, raid enemies are powerful enemies which drop a huge number of rewards when defeated.

However that’s not the only announcements, details of the next version of the game have also been posted and two major bugs, one of which we posted details about as well as a fix back at the start of August, might finally be fixed. That being the clear cache bug. 


As it stands right now, Sonic Runners doesn’t remove any old event data or notification data, even if it’s totally worthless. e.g. notifications with dates on them. This means that if you have had the game since day 1 and never performed any maintenance, then the game is actually storing nearly 2GB+ if you have never cleared the cache/redundant memory files from the game.

Well it appears that there will now be an option in the game to actually perform this task without having to connect your device to a computer and manually doing it.

It also seems that Facebook options/settings will also be enabled in this version too.

It’s expected that this update will come within the next week or two.

Source: Twitter.

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Zazz Joins The Brawl… er… Dash!


In a surprising new update to coincide with the release of Sonic Lost World, you can now fight Zazz from the Deadly Six in a brand new boss battle in the mobile-exclusive Sonic Dash.

As can be seen in the trailer above, you’ll be facing off with the crazed Zeti atop his Moon Mech, dodging his star attacks until you get the chance to show him who’s boss and homing attack him into oblivion. It appears you’ll encounter Zazz at random as opposed to a set place in any of the stages.

The new update also includes a Deadly Six Card Collection Challenge where players from all around the world have to collect a set number of cards that can be found throughout the stages – once a certain total is reached, participants will receive some Lost World themed prizes!

You can download the Sonic Dash update now for a limited time only on the iOS. There is still no news on the game arriving on Android devices, though you can be sure we’ll let you know as soon as anything is announced.

What do you think about Zazz making an appearance in Sonic Dash? Would you like to see some of the other Deadly Six show up at a later date too? Let us know in the comments!

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New Sonic Lost World Trailer Shows Deadly Six Boss Battles


It’s been no secret since the very beginning of Lost World’s reveal that Sonic will be squaring off against the Deadly Six – a team of villainous Zeti comprising of Zavok, Zazz, Zomom, Zik, Zeena, and Zor – but up until now we’ve been left wondering… what will the actual fights with them be like?

Well, wonder no more, as you can get a brief glimpse at all of the Deadly Six encounters from the Wii U version in this new Japanese trailer for the game, uploaded by SEGA earlier today. Obviously, it contains spoilers abound for anyone wishing to keep things under wraps until release day!

In an interesting turn of events though, the trailer has since been removed from SEGA’s own account. Credit goes to SSMB user WittyUsername for providing the video used above.

How do you think the boss battles are shaping up so far? Let us know in the comments!

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Sonic Lost World: Deadly Six’s Deadly Names


Following our earlier report on the game’s release date, Nintendo & Sega have released the names of the mysterious Deadly Six.

Snagged by Barry the Nomad via SEGAbits, the names of the Lost World’s Deadly Six are as follows…













Keep checking TSS as we’ll have a special report from the floor of E3 very soon.

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