Mash-Up Monday: I Am All of Mute City

HYES! Someone get Captain Falcon on the line! These moves need to be shown to the world!

This week’s Mash-Up Monday is a real blast! Mute City of F-Zero fame gets crossed over with Shadow the Hedgehog!


Special thanks to Shadowlink4321 for making such a thing possible.

In the meantime, I’ll be punching things righteously. With a flaming falcon. Bursting out of my arm.

Think you found a better mash-up than this out there? Or do you think yours has what it takes to contend against this one here? If so, then let me know at captainfalcon@…. wait a minute…!

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Freak-Out Friday: Smash King – Fox’s News

Multiplayer gaming. A wonderful gift as well as a terrible curse, it can bring out the worst in people no matter the genre: racing, parties, co-op, and in today’s case, fighting.

In games such as the Super Smash Brothers franchise, sore losers can and will go out of their own way to blame their loss on all sorts of things, whether it be Smash Balls and various items (of which I would imagine all players agreeing to beforehand), “distractions”, “not being at their best”, and other excuses.

Now, what if it were to happen in-game?

As Tigura21 demonstrates, the world of Brawl is now divided over whether or not the usage of items should be banned from here on out; Smashers such as Sonic and Marth give their separate views on this issue. What sparked this debate, you may ask?

Well, it all began when the Cracker Launcher item was working a little too well…


Now… did that leave you begging for more?

Continue reading Freak-Out Friday: Smash King – Fox’s News

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The Jun Senoue Interview – Part Two

9:00PM on Sunday, 7th of February 2010. Shibuya, Tokyo. Jun Senoue, Jeriaska from Gamasutra and myself have just enjoyed a couple of really good pizzas, and had finished discussing video game music as well as music remix projects (see my other post regarding the Game Music 4 All project!). Jun had answered my questions regarding Crush 40 and Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1, but thanks to you guys, I still had a heap of questions for him…

T-Bird: Ok Jun, I’ve got some questions from the fans here! First off is from ibbod0; how did you meet Johnny and the rest of Crush 40?

Jun: Wow, good question…actually, I was a huge fan of Hardline. Usually when I compose the songs and write the melody, I think about who would make a suitable singer for the song or a good singer for the melody or something like that. With the song “It Doesn’t Matter”, the original version for Sonic Adventure, it has a very high note-melody. When I was writing it I thought Tony Harnell would be the ideal singer, and in the end he performed on that song; this in now my way of composing. Talking about “Open Your Heart”, I had Johnny in mind, but I did not have any direct contact with him. Actually my friend who lives in Los Angeles knows Doug Aldrich [The guitarist for Whitesnake these days! – T] . For a short time Doug played in one of Johnny’s previous bands, Brunette, and I knew they still had a good relationship and that Johnny had appeared on Doug’s first solo release [on a track called “Face Down” on the album Alter Ego – T]. That meant maybe Doug could get in contact with Johnny, and so I asked my friend to get in contact with Doug, then Dough got in contact with Johnny…and that’s how I first got in touch with him.

T-Bird: Ok, so SoA, Admin for the forums asks, if say you had to replace Johnny, and of course that would be an impossible task, who would you ideally want as your dream replacement?

Jun: Replacement?

T-Bird: Yes…if you had to.

Jun: That would mean Crush 40 would be disbanded, seeing as Crush 40 is the teaming of Johnny and myself, in which case you would need to find a replacement for both of us! The lack of me or lack of Johnny would mean…yeah (laughs).

T-Bird: Great answer – I honestly don’t think you could replace him either! Thirdly, Sonic1991 asks how did the collaboration with Emma Gelotte, Tinna Karlsdotter and the legend that is Marty Friedman [Legendary because he was the guitarist on my favourite Megadeth album! – T] come around for the track “With Me”?

Jun: I wrote that song for the final boss in the Sonic and the Black Knight, and I so first I tried to find the female singers for that song. One of my friends in a Japanese record company takes care of dealings with All Ends [Tinna & Emma’s band – T], and so that’s how I got in touch with them. With Marty, although he was now living in Japan, I didn’t know him personally. I didn’t know his manager or any of the other business guys who dealt with him, so I asked him directly. Originally I planned to ask him to play all of the guitar stuff, but when he came into the studio, he said “hey, we should just keep these backing tracks!” We booked the studio here in Tokyo to record the lyrics and Marty’s guitar solo, but then the other guys came into the studio and wanted me to change the key, so I said “please give me one hour!” Since we use Pro-Tools, it was easy enough to raise the track one note, but it did not have very good clarity. We changed the key digitally anyway, then tracked the vocals, then Marty tracked his guitar. I went back later on and tracked all of the backing guitar in the correct key.

Originally my idea was to have that song in a lower key, and in fact we [Crush 40] did the demo in that much lower key, and that was featured on the Sonic and the Black Knight “Face to Faith” album and it is much heavier.

T-Bird: I think a lot of fans liked hearing a heavier version…and thanks for sharing the story! Short question: BlueLightning asks, what was your first guitar?

Jun: He wants to know my first electric guitar? Actually, before I started playing electric guitars, I got an electric bass, since I was into Duran Duran at the time.

T-Bird: Haha! That’s awesome!

Jun: Andy Taylor the guitar player didn’t play any solos with Duran Duran or anything and the bass player was so much more…

T-Bird: …Interesting?

Jun: Yeah! Originally I played the keyboard, but the drummers and the keyboard players were always at the back of the stage, and I always wanted to be one of the guys in front of the stage. I’m not good at singing, and I was not interested in singing, so I picked up the bass. However, after watching some MTV videos by the band called Ratt [Rock history lesson right here kids! – T] and Night Ranger, I got really into those bands, and so my very first guitar was a duplicate of the guitar the Ratt guitarist had…and I still have it.

T-Bird: Do you remember what make it was?

Jun: I think it was Fernandes, but these days I’ve replaced the neck with a performance neck…I will post a picture of it sometime!

T-Bird: Haha! Definitely! So, Sinister Swiss asks after the remixing of the Angel Island Zone track for Super Smash Brothers: Brawl, have you considered going back and reworking any other classic songs from those classic titles?

Jun: Interesting! It  was very fun to do the remix for Angel Island, and also I made another arrangement of Sky Sanctuary from Sonic & Knuckles for the Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games, and if I get a chance I want to try to do more of those kind of remixes.

T-Bird: Any particular tracks?

Jun: Ummm…talking about Sonic the hedgehog 3 and Knuckles music…*starts humming*

T-Bird: HAHAHA! YEAH! Death Egg Zone from Sonic & Knuckles! I think that would make a lot of the fans would love that!  I know we’ve covered this in the previous half of the interview, but Michelle Palmer asks if you are considering any tour dates?

Jun: As I was saying, I am going to try and organise some Crush 40 dates around August time. [As a side note kiddos, Jun has a new band Bubbilicious Blvd. And is playing shows in Tokyo! Check out the TSS article on them! – T].

T-Bird: Ok, last question…Hawkz asks, what would you say has been the defining moment of your career?

Jun: Hmmm…I’d have to say there are several. The first one is back in ’96, the moment I teamed up with Eric Martin. It was a very special moment for me. From that point I started trying to find direct connection with the artists, and that’s the way I’ve been doing it for years now.

Both Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 are very important games for me and very important titles for me, since Sonic Adventure was the very first time I was the sound director for a Sonic title, and I changed the sound of Sonic music drastically. With Sonic Adventure 2, some of us moved to the States, which changed our lives, and this time around we tried to make the music for the American market. It was very fun, and a very special time for not only me, but for the team too.

Finally, with Super Smash Bros: Brawl We provided several pieces of Sonic music to be used in the game, and lots of new fans – by new fans I mean the players who did not have any experience playing Sonic games – listened to the music for the first time while playing the Smash Brothers game…to me that was a great experience.

T-Bird: Lots of fond memories, and I’m sure a lot of fans hold some of those moments close to their heart too! Thanks loads for taking our questions Jun…hopefully we can talk to you again soon with more burning questions!

And we will have more questions answered very soon! Stay tuned for Part 3…but before you do, a quick message to someone…

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Fanatics: Sonic Is In!

A few weeks ago, SSMB member, Inferno, created a thread to reminise on the joyous feeling we all had when we learned that Sonic was in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.  The topic came at a time when people wanted to kill each other, because critics were slamming Unleashed. A perfect time for good vibes.

DeviantArt user, musetrigger, had posted this over 14 months ago, but I had just found it yesterday.  Notable features of this work that I fancy include Sonic’s overt sense of attitude, the detail on Mario’s beaten face, and the phrase “nothing fan-fiction about it.”  Rather appropriate, considering that I said that to my friends upon Sonic’s announcement.

“Now, nobody has to write Mario vs. Sonic fan fiction.  People can just play Brawl now, which is 1,000% more entertaining.”

“What about the Olympic Games?”

“That’s only 300% more fun.  Still a good margin, though.  Wait, who the fuck would make a fan fiction about that?”

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Fan Spotlight: The Metal Cap

This piece is by DeviantArt user, NinaUsagi.  She got the idea for this piece while playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl’s Classic Mode.  There is always a “metal” opponent in your way to Final Destination and when she was presented with the task of taking down “Metal Sonic,” something clicked in her head.  She thought, “what if the green “!” box from Mario 64 made Sonic the actual Metal Sonic and not a silver skinned one?”  Well, check out the resulting artwork…

I laughed.  Check out NinaUsagi’s DeviantArt page for more fun stuff.

Do you or somebody you know want to be featured on TSS’ front page, send a PM to Slingerland or Dreadknux to get yourself in the fan spotlight.


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Smash Bros Brawl Avoids Recolour Disaster

You might have noticed that Super Smash Bros. Brawl is finally out in the UK and Europe. Good for us, eh? It’s about time. Of course, this is the latest in the series where Sonic the Hedgehog is a playable character. Ever since that announcement several months ago of the blue blur’s inclusion, you could hear a mile off all the wonderings of the community. Whether, for instance, their shitty little recolour would inadvertedly be ‘included’ in the game if more than one person selected Sonic in a brawl.

Well fret no more, normal Sonic fan, because Nintendo appears to have been aware of the clusterfuck surrounding ‘creativity’ in the Sonic fanbase and decided not to touch that with a 60 foot pole. When more than one player selects Sonic the Hedgehog, different colours are assigned to the cufflinks on his hands and feet. He gets a slight tonal change too in his spines, but nothing that “~~~Dr_TailsFox2000~~~” can lay copyright claims to.

As for the rest of Sonic in Brawl, he is awesome. Awesomely handled in Subspace Emissary, awesomely handled in combat… for the first time in so many games, the hedgehog has been treated with respect.

Well played Sakurai, well played.

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Smash Bros. Dojo Updates with Green Hill Zone

It’s been floating around the Internets for a few weeks now, but now it’s finally official: the Green Hill Zone is in Super Smash Bros. Brawl!

Today’s update at the Smash Bros. Dojo shows the Green Hill Zone stage in all its glory, with the usual commentary by Masahiro Sakurai. Features of the stage include sloping hills, collapsing terrain, and Tails, Knuckles, and Silver running by in the background.

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Sonic Stage Revealed in Smash Bros. Brawl

Green Hill, Sonic’s most iconic level, will also be appearing in Super Smash Bros Brawl. Whether it will be an arena level, or an area you fight through in “Subspace Emmissary”, SSBB’s story/adventure mode, remains to be seen. You can view the (very awesome) video above.

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Ryan Drummond to be voicing Sonic in Brawl? [UPDATE] No!

UPDATE: A quote by Ryan himself has surfaced (you can see it in the comments):

Nope. No one has contacted me or my agent about doing ANY kind of voice work for SSBB. Spread the word. 🙂

And there you have it! Hopefully, any rumors of Griffith’s disappearance have been debunked, now. 😉 Continue reading Ryan Drummond to be voicing Sonic in Brawl? [UPDATE] No!

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Sonic the Hedgehog confirmed for Super Smash Bros Brawl!

It has long been rumored. It has appeared on dozens of fake box shots. Heck, the rumors even made several appearances in retail ads. Now, we can finally confirm it, thanks to IGN: Sonic the Hedgehog will be in Nintendo’s upcoming Wii brawler. Here is a direct quote from IGN’s Nintendo 2007 Conference coverage:

14:24: Smash Bros. has been delayed in Japan until January 24, 2008.

Nintendo shows a new trailer. Sonic is going to be a playable character! The trailer shows him transforming into Super Sonic.

The game will include online fights. In addition, it will have online cooperative play of some form.

That makes two games Sonic will be crossing over with Mario in…within the space of a few months. This has most certainly been an interesting year for Sonic, hasn’t it?

You can view the movie that revealed Sonic here. You can see screens of the character here.

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Even retailers want Sonic to Brawl

Before commenting, please read the article thoroughly, as there have been some misunderstandings.

It has long been speculated that Sonic might be in Nintendo’s upcoming fighter Super Smash Bros Brawl. Now, two of North America’s biggest game related retailers, Best Buy and GameStop, haven added even more fuel to the fire, by apparrently including Sonic in their own SSBB ads. Keep in mind that these ads where made by their respective retail companies, and are by NO MEANS a confirmation of Sonic being in the game. This stuff isn’t from Nintendo or SEGA. These ads are very simple cop y and paste affairs using pre-exisiting CGI promotional images from SEGA and Nintendo. Such practices are very common among retailers that make their own ads, and the Wii logo in the ad used below is very commonly used in makeshift (fake) box shots in GameStop ads. Continue reading Even retailers want Sonic to Brawl

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Smash Bros Brawl: “Sonic’s Already In The Game”

A Spanish interview with Smash Bros. Brawl director Masahiro Sakurai reveals that Sonic the Hedgehog is already present in the Nintendo fighting game, and awaits SEGA’s approval before implementing him into the final product.

The interview, initially posted by Shakidna on Sonic CulT forums and then translated by ICEknight of The GHZ, is the first real confirmation of Sonic’s existence in the game, and is no doubt news to get many fans excited.

Responding to a direct question of “Are you going to include SEGA’s mascot, Sonic The Hedgehog?”, Sakurai gives the following:

“Well… That’s a tough question, I’ll tell you that Sonic’s already in the game, but we’re still waiting for a last confirmation from SEGA. Due to the proximity of the game’s release, SEGA’s deadline to submit their confirmation is the 26th this month, and in that date the official site will be updated about the inclusion or not of SEGA’s mascot in the game. I’m personally crossing my fingers.”
Continue reading Smash Bros Brawl: “Sonic’s Already In The Game”

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