Archie Comics Now Shipping Internationally

If there is one common complaint I’ve heard from my chums over in the UK, it’s the difficulty in finding the Sonic Archie comics. I’ve often heard stories of people struggling to get issues months after they’ve come out, usually from a store called “Forbidden Planet.”

Well, while they may still not be available on your newsstands, Archie is now finally offering everyone overseas something even better: they’ll mail it straight to your door. That’s right!  Archie Comics now provides international shipping for subscriptions of all of their comics series, including Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Universe.

International subscriptions will be going for $35.50 for 13 issues, $13 over normal subscriptions. You can buy your subscriptions over at Archie Comics’ Sonic Store.

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Underbelly Reviews The Sonic Franchise


Underbelly, the internet series that delves deep into the world of games, movies, comics and the web, has changed target to the Sonic franchise. In their latest episode, titled ‘Sonic the Failhog,’ the show looks at how the Sonic series has changed and developed over the years. It’s an interesting take on the franchise, which fans of the recent games won’t agree with, but even the biggest fans will get a laugh out of some of the sketches in the video. Stay tuned until the end for SEGA’s “latest game announcement.”

Source: ScrewAttack

Thanks to SSMB member Indigo Rush for the heads up!

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High Quality Clips of Roger’s Sonic Voice Now Available

Many of you remember that Sonic the Hedgehog got a new voice actor in Roger Craig Smith back in July.  Roger revealed later that the Sonic voice actor for Alton Towers Resort was him. A lot of people out there weren’t too keen on the new voice, claiming that it’s too deep and too slow, but this was predicted to be the fault of editing work on the clips for the resort. Today, we can prove that the clips were indeed edited with the original high quality voice clips released by ArchangelUK on his Radio Redux shows, which you’ll notice are higher in pitch and a little faster than than those played at Alton Towers.

Folks over at the SSMB, Sonic Retro and SEGA Forums have had a good listen to the clips.  So far, feedback is pretty good with most noting a significant improvement compared to past recordings. What do you guys think of the clips? Speak out in the comments.

Thanks to ArchangelUK for playing these and to Hero of Legend at the SSMB for getting a hold of them.

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It’s Sonic Month at FirstComicNews!

The comic book website “FirstComicNews” is devoting an entire month to Sonic the Hedgehog! The event includes a variety of features, including character bios, best of lists, and interviews with the creators. For those of you still unfamiliar with the comics, this could be a good way to learn more about them!

If you want to check out all of their articles for Sonic Month, check out their columns section. One that some of you may find particularly interesting highlights some awesome looking Sonic tattoos.

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Alton Towers’ Sonic Voice Actor IS Roger Craig Smith

Since landing his new role as Sonic the Hedgehog’s voice actor, there has been a lot of speculation about how Roger Craig Smith will portray the character.  Some people have been wondering if the unknown Sonic voice actor at Alton Towers Resort in the UK is Roger and today he has confirmed that it is indeed his voice.

SSMB member XD375 (who you may remember tipped us off about Jason Griffith not playing Sonic in Sonic Colours before a change in voice actors was officially announced) sent the below message to Roger via Facebook together with an Alton Towers Sonic voice clip –

I sent you a message before but I didn’t include the actual clip:

Is this your voice?

Thank you,

Roger simply replied –



So, there you have it folks.  Roger Craig Smith is Sonic’s Alton Towers voice actor. Some fans have felt the voice acting for Alton Towers is a bit over the top to fit the happy and excitable theme park setting.  If that’s the case, we have to wonder if Roger will portray Sonic differently in the games.

Those who haven’t heard the Sonic voice clips at Alton Towers can check them out in the below YouTube video (at 01:33) from SSMB member Gnasher:

Another voice clip can be heard in a Sonic Spinball ride promotion at the end of this Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing TV ad.

(Thanks to Gnasher for the link and thanks to Hero of Legend for the YouTube conversion)

Do you think Roger’s Alton Towers Sonic voice should be in the games or would you like him to change the voice for them? Let us know in the comments!

Thanks to XD375 at the SSMB for the heads up!

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1UP Interview Yuji Naka

1UP have posted up an interview today with a man the entire Sonic fanbase may have heard of, the legendary Yuji Naka who brought our favourite blue hedgehog into the lives of gamers worldwide. The interview has a big focus on Naka’s Prope studio and their most recent game Ivy the Kiwi? but in the 3rd and 4th pages 1UP bring out some questions about classic Sonic title Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and it’s multiplayer feature aswell as development with SEGA Saturn titles NiGHTS into Dreams, Sonic Jam, Sonic Xtreme and how time restraints resulted in development for Sonic’s first true 3D jump shifting from Saturn to Dreamcast.

The interview is an interesting read into Sonic 2’s production and the struggle inside SEGA and Sonic Team during the Saturn era, you can check that section of the interview out below but if you want to read about Yuji Naka’s creative Ivy the Kiwi? title too you can read the whole interview at 1UP.

Sega Days

1UP: I’d like to do a bit of time traveling, now, and go back through your career at Sega. I have a small list of games that you were involved in, and I’d like to ask for at least one memory from your time making them that stands out. First is Girl’s Garden, your very first game for the SG-1000 console.

YN: Yeah, it was the first one I created after I joined Sega. Back then, the [SG-1000] hardware wasn’t really selling to girls, so my boss at the time came up to me and said, “come up with a game that can relate to the female audience,” so I started making it. I thought it was just a little test for me, but my boss really liked it and was like, “OK, we’re going to make this into a product.” Altogether it took four months to make that game, but the first two months were just me nonchalantly putting it together, since I was still in that “test” phase. The next two months were really hectic, since I had to finish it all up. Looking back, I really don’t want anybody to go in there and look at the programming, because as a game, it looks like it’s working, but inside it’s just awful. [Laughs]

1UP: Well, we were all young once.

YN: I was 18, in fact. That’s when I joined Sega. I wasn’t that bright, so I couldn’t get into college, but I was able to join Sega.

1UP: It worked out, though.

YN: Indeed. I was lucky. [Laughs]

1UP: Next is Phantasy Star, certainly the first one on Master System, but even all the early 2D installments. Since it was from a more innocent time, and this was a relatively large-scale game, an RPG, I’d imagine there might be some good memories.

YN: Actually, the very first Phantasy Star only took four and a half months to create, so it was in no way a big title.

1UP: Well, compared to Girl’s Garden…


YN: That’s true. Girl’s Garden was the first, and then I had a little more experience, a few more games under my belt, so in that case, Phantasy Star was a big title. [Before that,] there was a Commodore 64 game called 3D Dungeon, and the motion and animation was very smooth, and I was blown away by how that worked. I wanted to create something similar on the Mark III/Master System. Maybe a dungeon or maze you could fly through to communicate a sense of speed, but the only problem was that it was moving too smooth and people started getting motion sick. So we decided to make it a little slower and maybe put an RPG around it, like Phantasy Star.

Back then, when we were making a 3D dungeon, we thought we could turn it into an arcade game, because that was when everything was 2D, and to see a big 3D dungeon on [a monitor] was pretty refreshing.

1UP: But making an arcade game of it never got past being an idea.

YN: Right, they [the arcade division] didn’t consider it.

1UP: Next is Sonic the Hedgehog 2, which I bring up especially because it turned into such a big deal at the time, and you were making it in America.

YN: The main reason we had the team over here [in America] was to figure out how to best appeal to the U.S. Sega also wanted to make the Mega Drive a bigger hit in Japan, so we wanted to put a label on Sonic 2 saying it was a huge hit in America. We were starting to create Sonic 2 in Japan, but were kind of guessing; “maybe they’d like something like this, maybe we can do it this way.” I decided the best way was to go to America and get their feedback directly. We went to San Francisco, and watching the kids in the focus groups play it and see their reactions was really helpful. And that certainly changed my game creation style — my concept of game design was on a more worldwide scale, and that was a really important highlight of my life.

Another thing I thought of: In Sonic 1, it was all about how fast you could move, and so one thing we wanted to add was a race where you could compete against someone else. We made the two-player mode with a split screen, but the only problem was the screen was too small back then. So, after we started on Sonic 2, I thought we really needed a two-player mode as part of expanding on the original. We did a lot of fine adjustment in the speed and such, but I think it turned out how we envisioned it.

1UP: The split screen was pretty impressive back then.

YN: Especially with the Genesis resolution, all the games are usually 320×224, but for Sonic 2, it’s in the 400 range, so programming-wise, it was a lot more difficult [to pull off the split screen]. There’s a lot of hurdles that we had to go through, but when it worked, it was something I was really proud of, and as a programmer, I’m really happy about that title.

1UP: I’d like to jump forward in time, with a little more obscure title: Sonic Jam on Saturn, the collection of the Genesis Sonic games. Basically, I just want to know what was the idea in making that at that time.

YN: We were actually creating a 3D Sonic for the Sega Saturn, but right when we were in the thick of development, Sega was getting ready for the next console, Dreamcast. It was at a crucial point where, if we were going to move ahead with the project, we’d better move it to Dreamcast, or else we wouldn’t be able to finish it [for Saturn] in time. But we did have a certain amount of 3D graphics for the Saturn version, so we decided to [keep that and] pull in and emulate the Genesis games. For the Sega Saturn users back then, I’m sorry we couldn’t create a 3D Sonic for them, but [in Jam] you were able to have a glimpse.

1UP: Right, and there were other Saturn games from Sonic Team like NiGHTS and Burning Rangers that had clear passion behind them, so maybe it wasn’t a great loss. But regardless, is there part of you that regrets not making a “real” 3D Sonic for Saturn?

YN: Honestly, I was making so many Sonics, I wanted to make something new. But after NiGHTS, we were making Sonic, but it just would have been too late for that period. Because there’s only me, there’s no other Yuji Naka, I could only be the main programmer for NiGHTS, I couldn’t do many projects at once. But after NiGHTS, Sega wanted me to oversee more projects, so that was the last game on which I was main programmer.

Every hardware launch, there’s those crucial moments of timing. Saturn didn’t have Sonic, and the GameCube had Luigi’s Mansion; no Mario at the beginning. But Dreamcast did have Sonic from the beginning, and I think that’s why it did well. Now that I’ve grown and can look back at those days, yeah, I think I should have thought more about the company, but back then I didn’t care. I just wanted to create what I wanted to create.

But it’s the same with Nintendo: There are times when Mr. Miyamoto isn’t involved with [all] projects. And with 3DS, I’m surprised they’re using Kid Icarus for launch, and not Mario. [Of course,] at the booth, you can see Mario Kart and Paper Mario, and maybe the public will view it differently, but in my opinion, I thought it would be better to have [a traditional] Mario with 3DS.

1UP: Speaking of Dreamcast, how did you feel about the Dreamcast years and the games you produced for it? It really seemed like a time when Sega was at its most creative, and I was wondering if maybe you felt “renewed” as a game creator in those days?

YN: Yeah. From whatever failures came from the Saturn, we didn’t want to repeat our mistakes, so we had a lot of executives and software creators get together and figure out what to do; how to sell the next console. There were sooo many meetings, and we had inside advisors and outside advisors all giving us comments. But more than anything, I think [former Sega presidents] Irimajiri and Okawa had a lot of passion back then, and they were really pushing ahead to make a new console, and all the employees really felt that. So we wanted to meet their expectations, and I think as a team we worked really well.

I was remembering the “dream team” meetings that happened every week. We were deciding what kind of hardware to do, what kind of software, the specs… all of that was done in those weekly meetings.

1UP: Those were the same collaborative meetings between the hardware and software teams?

YN: Yeah. Usually when you talk about hardware and software, there are different teams that don’t really communicate with each other, but back then, I think that was one of the things that really worked well for our company. And on top of the business team [joining], there were the outside advisors, and another thing that was interesting is that we often changed the venue of the meeting rooms. We used the advisors’ offices, basically to stimulate inspiration, because when you’re in the same meeting room every time, you can’t think too differently.

1UP: Well, thank you for time traveling with me. I have one last big question, from one of our readers. Gixman asked: if you had the chance, what classic Sega franchise would you like to work on again for a next-gen system?

[Naka thinks for a moment]

1UP: Did you have a favorite Sega game that wasn’t one of your own?

YN: I really like Yu Suzuki’s games, because I feel like I want to play his games again.

1UP: Yeah, a lot of people do. I loved it when OutRun 2 came out.

YN: He might be able to use his talents more on the arcade side. Well, I’m not sure I want to make Sonic again, but… Girl’s Garden! It’s a really fun game. Maybe I shouldn’t say this, but I was using an emulator to play it recently, and I was really surprised how much fun it was. [Laughs]

1UP: Even though you weren’t completely satisfied with the programming?

YN: Well, I was young, and it was one of those projects where we all put our minds together and were joking around, just having a good time making it. One other thing is that, because I was so young back then, I had so much flexibility and ideas. And it goes back to Ivy the Kiwi?, where it was the young employees bringing their ideas together. As you get older as a creator, your thinking tends to be one-sided, or not as flexible as it used to be. So when I hear what the young creators are coming up with, it really inspires me, and I want to expand that as much as possible. And I’ve been called a “game creator” for a long time, but it’s not like I come up with everything. It’s all a team effort, and saying “that’s a good idea, how can we use that?” and putting all the good parts together into a good game. My thinking isn’t necessarily making something new and moving forward from there, but based on my experience, I get to see what has potential and can expand it from there.

1UP: So to answer the original question: You’d remake Girl’s Garden?

YN: Yeah, maybe with a super hot girl! [Laughs] The game itself was about a girl trying to win this guy’s heart, and all these other girls are trying to get him, so you bring him flowers while he’s waiting at his house. Doesn’t that sound like a fun game to you? From a guy’s point of view, all you have to do is stay at home and all these girls are fighting over you, so what else could you want?

1UP: Yeah, it’s a nice idea. Sounds like it reflected your youth.

YN: I guess so, huh? [Laughs]

Source: 1UP via GoNintendo

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SEGA’s Sonic Birthday Contest

SEGA have announced a big contest to celebrate Sonic’s 19th Birthday today in which you have the chance to win a trip for you and one friend to Tokyo, Japan, where you will stop by SEGA Japan, meet Sonic Team and be the very first people to be given some playtime with the finished build of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1. Pretty exciting huh? To take part you need to express your love for Sonic through the medium of video via YouTube, check out the full announcement including all the info you need to know below –

Everyone’s favourite blue hedgehog with attitude is turning 19, and we’d like you to help us celebrate! Take part and you could win the ultimate birthday gift – a free trip for you and a friend to Tokyo, Japan, to visit SEGA, meet the Sonic Team, and get some exclusive playtime with Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode I!

To enter, create a video showing off your love for Sonic! You could run down the street dressed as the blue hedgehog himself, paint a massive Sonic mural in your hometown, build Green Hill zone entirely out of cake, or almost anything you can come up with. Be creative, original, and entertaining! (And, of course, keep it legal!)

Once judging is complete, the top 10 entries will go live on the website and the fans themselves will vote on our winners! The prizes are amazing, the contest is huge and the excitement is high – do it to it and let’s show the world just how passionate our fans can be. Up, over, and gone!

1: You’ll need a YouTube account in order to participate. Don’t have a YouTube account? No problem – register here.

2: Your video must be hosted on YouTube and adhere to YouTube’s uploading requirements.

3: Entries will be judged on three categories, each worth 10 points total for a total of up to 30 points.
They are:
– Creativity
– Effort
– Entertainment

4: In addition, up to 5 bonus points can be awarded if your submission gets Sonic in the public eye. The more people involved, the more points awarded!

5: There is a limit of one entry per person.

6: Entrants must fill out all required submission fields in order to enter.

7: The deadline to submit your entry is Monday, July 12th at 9:00 AM Pacific time.

8: Your entry must be your own original work and only include images of people who have agreed that their image can be included. Your entry is subject to our terms and conditions and privacy policy so please read these carefully before you enter.


Aswell as the Grand Prize of the trip to SEGA Japan there will be other prizes –
2. Two first place iPod Touch prize packs!
3. 100 Random winners get free Sonic swag!

ArchangelUK of SEGA Europe informs at the Sonic City Blognik that one grand prize winner will be picked from America and another from the UK.

Head on over to the official Sonic 4 contest page to get your entry in now!

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SEGA’s Sonic Birthday Mega Sale, UK and EU Items & Prices

Yesterday SEGA of America announced their Sonic themed Mega Sale in the U.S. in celebration of the blue hedgehog’s 19th Birthday which they said applies to Europe but no items and price list was available for that region but today ArchangelUK of SEGA Europe has updated with the list at the Sonic City Blognik so check it out below. Of note, ArchangelUK informs that SEGA did try to get the WiiWare/Virtual Console stuff on sale but no reason was given to why it’s not happening.

PlayStation Network sale items are live now and will continue until Tuesday July 6th in the US and July 7th in Europe.
iTunes AppStore items will go live today and end in a week on June 30th.
Xbox LIVE Marketplace items will begin tomorrow Thursday June 24th for ONE DAY ONLY.
(We did try and get the Wiiware titles, honestly.)

In all instances for your own sake please make sure the offer is showing before you make a move to purchase it. Check them out on our offer site here.

Apple Offers – On sale 23 – 30 June

Sonic the Hedgehog™ – £3.49 £2.39, €4.99 €2.99

Sonic the Hedgehog™ 2 – £3.49 £2.39, €4.99 €2.99

Streets of Rage™ – £1.79 £0.59, €2.39 €0.79

Super Monkey Ball™ £2.99 £1.79, €3.99 €2.39

Super Monkey Ball™ 2 £3.49 £2.39, €4.99 €2.99

Super Monkey Ball™ 2: Sakura Ed. (iPad) £4.99 £2.99, €5.99 €3.99

Golden Axe™ £1.79 £0.59, €2.39 €0.79

Playstation Network – On sale until 7th July (Europe)

Sonic Rivals™ £11.99 £7.99, €14.99 €9.99

Sonic Rivals™ 2 £11.99 £7.99, €14.99 €9.99

SONIC The Hedgehog: Very Hard Shadow Missions £1.99 £1.19,

SONIC The Hedgehog: Very Hard Silver Missions £1.99 £1.19,

SONIC The Hedgehog: Very Hard Sonic Missions £1.99 £1.19,


Sonic Rivals™ 1 & 2 Bundle Pack – £13.99, €17.99

Sonic Unleashed™ Add On Bundle – £8.69, €10.99
Comprising: Sonic Unleashed Apatos & Shamar Adventure Pack, Chun-nan Adventure Pack, Empire City & Adabat Adventure Pack, Holoska Adventure Pack, Mazuri Adventure Pack, Spagonia Adventure Pack.

Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing™ Add On Bundle – £5.49, €6.99
Comprising Metal Sonic & Ryo Forklift packs, I managed to get the team to add this one on… sorry we weren’t able to get the 360 ones added.

Xbox Live – 24 June only

Sonic the Hedgehog™ – 400 points 240 points

Sonic the Hedgehog™ 2 400 points 240 points

Sonic the Hedgehog™ 3 400 points 240 points

Sonic & Knuckles™ 400 points 240 points

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SEGA’s Sonic Birthday Sale

With Sonic’s 19th Birthday coming tomorrow (June 23rd) you must be wondering if SEGA have anything special planned? Well to mark the occasion SEGA of America have announced another of their Mega Sales but this time it’s Sonic themed with the odd few SEGA titles thrown in there too.

Here’s the full list of content, dates and prices –

PlayStation Network: Tuesday June 22nd to Tuesday July 6th
iTunes AppStore: Wed June 23rd to Wed June 30th
Xbox LIVE Marketplace: Thursday June 24th, one day only!

A ton of Sonic titles are going on sale, as well as some SEGA classics for the iPhone.

Check out the schedule for the sale below — these price drops are applicable in North America, Europe, and Japan!

Tuesday, June 22nd – PlayStation Network and PlayStation Portable over PSN

Its Sony Tuesday, with tons of Sonic and Sonic DLC available over PlayStation Network.

Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing: Metal Sonic Death Egg $7.99 $5.49
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing: Ryo with Forklift Character $4.99 $3.49
Sonic Unleashed Apatos & Shamar Adventure Pack $2.99 $1.99
Sonic Unleashed Chun-nan Adventure Pack $2.99 $1.99
Sonic Unleashed Empire City & Adabat Adventure Pack $2.99 $1.99
Sonic Unleashed Holoska Adventure Pack $2.99 $1.99
Sonic Unleashed Mazuri Adventure Pack $2.99 $1.99
Sonic Unleashed Spagonia Adventure Pack $2.99 $1.99
Sonic the Hedgehog 2006: Very Hard Shadow Missions $2.49 $1.49
Sonic the Hedgehog 2006: Very Hard Silver Missions $2.49 $1.49
Sonic the Hedgehog 2006: Very Hard Sonic Missions $2.49 $1.49
Sonic Unleashed Add On Bundle $17.94 $8.99
Sonic Racing Add On Bundle $12.98 $6.49
Sonic Rivals 2 (PlayStation Portable over PSN) $19.99 $13.99
Sonic Rivals (PlayStation Portable over PSN) $15.99 $10.99
Sonic Rivals 1 & 2 Bundle (PlayStation Portable over PSN) $35.98 $17.99

Wednesday, June 23rd – iPhone
Celebrate Sonic’s birthday on the go with these iPhone games on sale this Wednesday:

Super Monkey Ball $4.99 $2.99
Sonic the Hedgehog $5.99 $3.99
Super Monkey Ball 2 $5.99 $3.99
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 $5.99 $3.99
Streets of Rage $2.99 $0.99
Golden Axe $2.99 $0.99
Super Monkey Ball 2: Sakura Ed. $7.99 $4.99

Thursday, June 24th – Xbox Live Arcade

And then on Thursday we have great Sonic titles going on sale, over Xbox Live Arcade — all featuring the Lock-On Technology of the Genesis originals!

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 $5.00 $3.00
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 $5.00 $3.00
Sonic the Hedgehog $5.00 $3.00
Sonic & Knuckles $5.00 $3.00

SEGA of America say this sale applies to Europe but prices have not been announced by SEGA Europe yet but as soon as they are announced we’ll update with the full list.

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads up!

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Sonic Coming To 3DS

Nintendo’s E3 press conference is over and among the 3rd party publishers confirmed to be creating titles for Nintendo’s new 3DS device SEGA’s name was shown. After the conference a document hit the net(displayed above) showing a list of titles confirmed to to be in the works by various publishers reveals both Sonic and the Super Monkey Ball franchises will be hitting 3DS. Nothing apart from the tentative titles is shown but we’ll keep an eye out for anything substantial.

Thanks to remy at the SSMB for the document and Gnasher for the heads up!

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Sonic Plays Best Hedgehog At Wedding

SEGA France’s blog The Blue Room have added a new entry today regarding Sonic making a special guest appearance on Saturday at the wedding of a young woman called Alexandra who according to the blog makes regular appearance’s at trade fairs.

This Saturday the little Alexandra-some of you know her for having crossed here and there when attending trade fairs, married. Sonic himself came to him a little surprise visit to congratulate her at the exit of the town hall. Nice of him

PS: I said, it’s Sonic’s left and not the husband Alex

You can join us to congratulate her, of course!

Can’t say I know who Alexandra is myself but SEGA France sound like they know her, regardless congratulations anyway Alexandra from all of us at TSS. I wish Sonic could have attended my wedding, how about you guys and gals?

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[UPDATE]Archie Sonic Comic #0, #1 & #2 Now On EU & U.S. PSP PS Store

UPDATE 2: Archie Sonic Comic #2 has been added to the PSP PlayStation Store at the usual £0.79.

UPDATE: Archie Sonic Comic #1 has now been added to the PSP PlayStation Store weighing in at 12MB at just £0.79p.
PS Blog EU
PS Blog U.S.

Looks like DLC for Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing isn’t the only Sonic related content released on the PlayStation Store today as Archie have also released the first ever issue of their Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series for PSP’s Digital Comic’s reader. This has been released in Europe as well as the U.S. so for the first time ever European Sonic fans can now enjoy this series without importing the comic’s in for the low price of £0.79p rated 3+.

PlayStation Blog Europe
PlayStation Blog U.S.

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Sonic The Skellinghog T-Shirt

Sonic has gone bare bones spikes and all in the above new t-shirt SEGA Nerds caught sight of at Tee Fury in one of their 24hr only availability sales. In this creepy looking T-Shirt Tee Fury have oddly captured Sonic’s essence as we can all agree Sonic would likely take his cool attitude to his grave but his sneakers and gloves too? Guess Sonic is quite literally attatched to his belongings. Since these were only on sale for 24 hours they’re going to be pretty hard to track down, we’ll keep an eye out for any on eBay and report back.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Fan Creates Sonic LBP Special Stage


The Sonic themed downloadable content for Media Molecule’s innovative PS3 title LittleBigPlanet has barely been out for a day and there’s already some imagination at work. The above video showcases user Green_Scorpion’s very well crafted rendition of Sonic 1’s rotating maze Special Stages together with similar music.

Very well done to Green _Scorpion! Thanks to JasonTheJackass for the heads up and recording the stage.

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T-Bird’s Tour of the Sonic the Hedgehog Room at Alton Towers


Well, I’ve just spent a weekend at the Alton Towers theme park in Shropshire, UK. As well as sighting Jonathan Ross, skipping past the rest of the crowd and getting into the park before the rest of the public, and riding Nemesis 5 times in half an hour (no queue! Insane!), I was there, in true T-Bird style, for the Sonic experience. I was lucky enough to be the first member of the general public to book into the Sonic the Hedgehog Room (which Dreadknux got to stay in a month ago for nothing…lucky badnik he is!) and once I’d stopped running around the room screaming like a child, I recorded a little video tour of the room – enjoy!

Also it seems like my UFO plush machine luck has taken a full turn, as I’ve come back with quite a handful without having to sell any kidneys for money! All the hats, keyrings etc are available from the Alton Towers gift shop.

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New Jazwares Figures At Forbidden Planet

Emerald Coast owner, SSR DJ and all around cool guy Vger reports that UK collectibles retailer Forbidden Planet are now stocking three characters namely Sonic, Tails and S&TBK Sonic from a range of new figures priced at just £4.99. The back of the packaging informs that more are on the way but no information as to who or what they are. We’ll keep an eye out for them and report back here.

Meanwhile if you’d like a closer look at the three figures currently available head over to Emerald Coast.

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Lots Of New Merchandise At Next

Large UK high-street store Next are now stocking a huge amount of new Sonic merchandise in-store and online from boxer shorts (seen above) to quilt covers.

Here’s a full list of the items and prices:
Sonic Hipsters (the above boxer shorts) – £12
Sonic Aluminium Case And Sonic Magic Tube Games Case – £20
Sonic Trunks Two Pack – £9-£10
Black Shadow™ T-Shirt – £9 – £12
Sonic Striker Bedlinen Set – £25
Blue Sonic Swim Shorts – £14 – £17
Green Sonic X™ Shadow Zip Through Top – £18 – £21
Yellow Sonic X™ T-Shirt – £9 – £12
Sonic Reversible Single Bedlinen Set – £25

Thanks to Casanova and E.T. at the SSMB for the heads up!

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Joe Amaro Explains How Jazwares Make Sonic Toys

Have you ever wondered how Jazwares make all of their finely crafted Sonic merchandise? Well wonder no more as SEGA of America’s Kellie has obtained all of the answers along with concept art and photos from Joe Amaro who works in Jazwares Product Development department.

Topics discussed are concepts, prototypes, approval, where the toys are made, fan input and even Joe’s favorite character. You can check out the Q&A and pictures at SEGA of America’s blog but you may want to get yourself some refreshments as it’s a very long interview.

Thanks to D00dlebug for the heads up.

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Boxer Hockey: The Finale

Boxer Hockey
Thanks to Indigo Dude for the heads up.

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Concept Art For A Wide Variety Of Sonic Games Found

HunterTSF over at the SSMB has found an extremely large amount of concept art for a wide variety of Sonic games including –
Sonic Rivals 1 & 2
Sonic Riders and Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
Sonic the Hedgehog (Xbox 360, PS3)
Sonic Unleashed
Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic Heroes
Night of the Werehog

Most of the artwork was found on websites owned by various artists who worked on the games while the Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity art is on the games official Japanese website so you may have seen those before. The artwork consists of sketches, 2D art, textures and 3D model renders.

Here is a list of the artists websites with all the assets –
Matt Osness(Sonic Rivals 1 and 2)

Stephen Pearce (Sonic Rivals 2)

Cemre Ozkurt (Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog Xbox 360, PS3)

Barret Meeker (Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog Xbox 360, PS3)

Gurihiru Studios (Sonic Unleashed, Night of the Werehog)

Sonic Riders: Shooting Star Story Japanese official website(Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity)

Mark Pearce(Sonic Rivals, very early trailer and logo)
Massive Black (Sonic Unleashed)
Aoki Studio (Sonic Riders, Sonic the Hedgehog Xbox 360, PS3)
Vision Scape (Sonic Heroes)

Thanks to HunterTSF for the finds.

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Some Sonic Special Editions You May Be Unaware Of

It looks like Spain got some cool Sonic special editions and packs released around the end of 2009 that we and maybe many of you were unaware of until now. GAME’s Spanish website has the following items listed, in-stock too if you fancy grabbing them –

Sonic and the Black Knight Legendary Edition

Sonic Legends Pack

Sonic Action Pack

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games DS Special Edition

Some pretty cool packs there that might be worth importing if you’re a big Sonic collector and not from Spain. Will you be picking any of them up? Let us know in the comments.

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Alton Towers Reveal First Info About Sonic Hotel Room

Alton Towers have revealed the above mock-up of the Sonic themed room launching alongside the Sonic Spinball ride at their hotel this weekend with a brief summary on their website of what it features.

Spin into the universe of Sonic The Hedgehog in his amazing new themed room. Stay in the famous game level of Green Hill Zone, practise your video gaming skills in the dedicated gaming area with Sonic game library, hunt for the Chaos Emeralds and test Sonic facts!

SSMB member Casanova has been in contact with Alton Towers regarding the room and managed to grab the following info from their customer service team –
– The room number is 312
– Prices start at around £300-£350 per night! And that doesn’t include breakfast/dinner/park tickets.
– Console/s to play the Sonic game library on have not been decided yet.
– There is no virtual tour on the site because the room is not finished yet.

Thanks to Casanova at the SSMB for the heads up.

Will you be booking some time at the Sonic room? Let us know in the comments.

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Project Needlemouse: SEGA Teasing Community?

SEGA have just out of the blue updated the header image to their forums to the above Sonic sprites leaving the Sonic community to wonder if this is a tease on how Project Needlemouse will be designed. Could we be seeing the classic Mega Drive sprites return?

In other news SEGA of America staff member Ruby Eclipse hinted at some news coming for Project Needlemouse soon with a reply he made at NeoGAF forums to someone shocked at how much discussion has been going on with what little info we have over at –

If it makes you feel any better, that’s all going to change in the very near future.

I mean, er – what? Let’s post more videos.

So could we be seeing more of the game soon? We’ll have to wait and see but for now take this all with a grain of salt.

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Random: ScrewAttack Reveal Justin Timberlake Is Providing The Music For Project Needlemouse

ScrewAttack have looked into the future top 10 gaming headlines for 2010 and have returned with some news for Project Needlemouse. After the confirmation that Michael Jackson provided music for Sonic 3, SEGA have decided they want another pop star on board so they’ve shockingly got Justin Timberlake to perform music for the game.

Check out ScrewAttack’s Top 10 Headlines For 2010 video here

How do you feel about this crazy news? Let us know in the comments.

Editor’s note: Justin Timberlake isn’t really providing music for Project Needlemouse, this post is for comedy value only.

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Sonic Boxer Shorts Available at River Island

We’ve seen t-Shirts, socks and pajamas available at various retailers and now another clothing retailer River Island are stocking Sonic the Hedgehog themed boxer shorts. Modelled by the lovely E.T. above we see they stick to the current retro trend in Sonic the Hedgehog merchandise with some snazzy tropical colours you would normally expect from beach shorts.

The boxer shorts retail for £9.99 on River Islands website and come in sizes, small, medium and large. Those who require Extra Large are out of luck.

Do you plan on purchasing the boxer shorts? Let us know in the comments. First to make an ‘underhog’ comment get’s a cookie.

Product code: 243790

Thanks to Casanova over at the SSMB for the heads up.

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It’s 100% Official: SEGA Becomes Exclusive Video Game Partner of Alton Towers

You may recall us exclusively reporting on an Alton Tower’s ride getting a Sonic the Hedgehog rebranding for launch in February, well now it’s official with the following SEGA Europe press release and photo’s-

LONDON (TBC January, 2010) – SEGA® Europe Ltd today announced an exciting three year partnership with Alton Towers Resort, the most popular theme park in the UK. The deal, which gives SEGA the exclusive videogame rights at the resort, also marks the first time a videogame character has been given their own ‘Ride and Stay’ experience at the popular UK attraction.

The sponsorship will encompass the launch of a Sonic The Hedgehog branded rollercoaster and Sonic The Hedgehog themed room at the Alton Towers Hotel. The Sonic hotel room allows guests to live, sleep and even play the latest games from the Sonic franchise in a room dedicated to the famous Sonic videogame universe. The rollercoaster, entitled Sonic Spinball, and the Sonic hotel room will open to the public on 13th February 2010.

“We are delighted to be working with Merlin Entertainments and Alton Towers Resort” commented Amanda Farr, SEGA Europe UK Marketing Director. “Partnering Sonic with one of the UK’s most popular destinations for a family day out is a fantastic opportunity for people to engage, and have fun, with the Sonic brand. I’ll certainly be there at the launch of the rollercoaster to have my turn!”

Morwenna Angove, Sales and Marketing Director at the Alton Towers Resort, said: “It’s a great joint venture between the Alton Towers Resort and SEGA. The affiliation of both brands will add to the great family offering at the Resort for kids seeking fabulous family fun and adrenalin addicted adults”.

Sonic The Hedgehog has starred in a number of videogames since his first appearance on the SEGA Mega Drive back in 1991, his next videogame outing will be Sonic and SEGA All-stars Racing, launching Feb 26th 2010.

Source: GamesPress via GoNintendo

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eBay Watch: Rare 3D Electronic SEGA Sonic Sign

Now isn’t that a bobby dazzler? (What? Nobody uses that term anymore?) A rare piece of Sonic merchandise that was most likely used to advertise Sonic’s early games has hit eBay and it’s in pretty good condition according to the seller who describes it as the following –

MORE INFO by tuesday PLEASE DO NOT BID till more photos and info added thanks-This is in as new condition in as much it has only been turned on once by me today in its retail lifetime, i bought this ten years ago from a clearance and it was old stock, this dates possibly 1980’s will advise later in auction, i believe its a shop sign, quite heavy, full working order with a 3 D type effect when light, really bright and eye catching when lit . This is a very rare item, thanks.

Tuesday has passed and there’s been no update to the description since the 18th Jan but judging by all of the photographs it’s in great condition and look’s like a gem that would sparkle in any fan’s collection. If you have the GBP 175.00 starting bid the seller is asking for and the GBP 28.00 shipping fee then you should get in there quick before the legendary hat wearing Sonic fan known as T-Bird get’s his mitts on it. The price could go up though as it’s being sold via auction, bidding ends in 7 days 9 hours from the time of this post.

Link found via GoNintendo

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New Sonic DS Merchandise

Mad Catz, a company well known for creating gaming accessories over the years look to have acquired a Sonic license agreement with SEGA for DS accessories. The accessories are even tagged with SEGA’s modern Sonic The Hedgehog logo. Among the accessories being produced are plastic DS shells, wallet thingies and those trendy fad DS socks. They’ll be hitting shops soon but no date has been revealed yet.

Source: Kotaku

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Tesco Name Sonic 2nd Top Games Character For 2010

It seems supermarket giant Tesco are trying to get in with the cool gaming crowd with their new flashy entertainment website they recently implemented, so they’ve come up with their top 10 game characters for 2010 but wait hasn’t the year only just started? In their efforts to get in our cool gaming crowd they fail miserably on the Halo and Zelda front. Check out their top 10 list below –

1: Mario
2: Sonic
3: Soap McTavish
4: Bayonetta
5: Big Daddy
6: AiAi
7: Nathan Drake
8: Zelda (I think they mean Link here going by their pic)
9: Halo (No we’re not kidding, they really have put that)
10: Rabbids


So, yet again Mario beats Sonic in a list but at least Sonic beat some pretty popular characters but with the hilarious mistake’s on that list we can’t give Tesco much credit as they don’t even seem to know what they’re talking about.

Let us know what you think of Tesco’s effort at gaming coolness and wether you want them in or out of our cool gaming crowd in the comments.

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Newcomer: Sonic The Snowhog

Ever seen a Snowman with as cool an attitude as Sonic? Neither had I until SonikkuForever sent us some pictures of a Sonic snowman he made.
Continue reading Newcomer: Sonic The Snowhog

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eBay Watch: Rich Koslowski Sonic The Hedgehog #26 p6 Orig.Comic Art


A rare piece of original artwork fom the Archie Sonic The Hedgehog comic’s has appeared on eBay.
The seller’s description is as follows –

You’re looking at an original page of art by alt comix wise guy and all around #1 guy and the most under rated comix guy on the planet. He’s a genius. He knows it, i know it, and…well that’s 2 so far…i present to you Meester RICH KOSLOWSKI. This is a page from ARCHIE comics’ SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #26, page 6. Pen & ink on paper (11 x 17 inches), excellent condition. Signed in the lower right.

The seller has 100% positive feedback, is located in New York City, U.S. and will ship for $18.00 but anywhere outside the U.S. will cost much more. Right now the starting bid is $9.00 and the time left as of this post is 6 days 3 hours (Dec 10, 200920:58:25 PST) so fans of thise comic series will want to get in quick to avoid missing this gem.

via GoNintendo

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Sonic Archives #13 confirmed for 2010 by Amazon

Another entry in Archie’s popular series of Sonic Archives, a series of paperbacks which collect the old Sonic comics and reprint them on higher quality paper with improved colors, has been confirmed, given a date of August 4th, 2010 by Amazon.

Amazon has been incredibly reliable with Archives entries in the past, and given the success of the Sonic comic book, a new entry shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. The real news here, is the date. August 4th is a long way away from the next release, Sonic Archives #12, which is scheduled to arrive in comic shops January 27th, 2010.

It should be noted, however, the Amazon’s accuracy in confirming the new Sonic Archives before Archie does, does not extend to the release dates. Archives #12 has always been, and is still listed with a release date of October 29th, despite never actually going on sale. Hopefully, Archie’s planned release for the next Archives is somewhat sooner then Amazon’s projected date.

Sonic Archives #13 will cover issues #48-#52, and will cover the second half of the End Game story arc, and it’s immediate aftermath.

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Sonic Shows Pac-Man How It’s Done


daneboe from Gag Films who created last months classic Contra vs Duck Hunt video has outdone himself with the above Sonic vs Pac-Man video. Sonic clears the maze faster than you can say “Pac-Man has an eating disorder”. Keep the mix-ups coming danboe!

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Check Out This Awesome Sonic Fan Movie Trailer

Ever wondered what a modern day animated SatAM themed Sonic movie might look like when done right? Well check out this awesome Fan Movie Trailer by ‘A Knothole Resident’. Great job! –


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SEGA Releases Sonic Level Creator Online


Well this is a nice surprise. For a while now, SEGA Europe has had an online gaming arena called ‘PlaySEGA‘, which wasn’t very interesting on launch but now has a nice selection of Mega Drive games to play over the Intertubes. For Sonic fans, the gaming portal has suddenly become very exciting indeed because the service recently launched the Sonic Level Creator.

Taking the engine from classic Sonic the Hedgehog titles and providing users with tilesets and basic creation tools, the Level Creator allows for a whole mix of unique user-generated content. And in a LittleBigPlanet stylee, members of the PlaySEGA service can play and rate each other’s creations. I’ve had a go on a few, and it’s great fun.


The catch? PlaySEGA is mostly a pay-for service (understandably), so while any member can play a level, you have to be a VIP member to actually create your own stage. A free trial allows you to play levels (and various Mega Drive classics) so you can get a taste of what is possible.

Thanks to the SSMB for the heads up!

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Sonic Watch At Weston Super Mare

So I’ve just returned from my 5 day holiday with my wife at Weston Super Mare which was awesome by the way but before returning to the news hunting I thought you guys our devoted readers might be interested in a few Sonic findings we came across.

Dales mobile pics 063

First we have your bog standard game shop use of him in their banner together with Mario on the other side which I kinda cut out of the pic(no offence Mario fans). The store was pretty cool, plenty of DVD’s, games and music. Like an indepent HMV except these guys are cool enough to sell cool stuff in their cabinets and even loose Game Boy, DS and PSP games.

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Dales mobile pics 067

Second we have a ride I have dubbed ‘Sonic Chaos 2: The Revenge’ since the ride is called ‘Chaos’, Sonic is pictured on it and the ride looks like something Eggman could come up with to terrorise all those screaming people I often heard riding it.

Dales mobile pics 068

Last we have an awesome Sonic spray paint job me, the wife and the always awesome Flyboy Fox who we met up with there there on Thursday found while trekking through the town. I almost didn’t see it as it’s been painted on the bottom corner of one of those big green/black electricity boxes. The artist ‘enza’ must be an hardcore fan to use Sonic’s movie artwork all but having him hold a spray paint can instead of the normal peace symbol.

Weston Super Mare, we salute your Sonic love.

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