Bentley Jones has finally announced the winners of the So Much More Video Competition set a few months back for some snazzy bits of merch including a Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing Art book! The winners are as follows (click on names to see the entries, or wait for the chance on the embedded links in the video!):
Daniele Narducci
ASSC Studios
The Doodlibop
Darkspeeds (Surprise surprise!)
Matthew Pieper
Klayton Schaufler
Awesome job guys! I’m also laughing my arse off as Sonic Yoda has also managed to obtain an honourable mention…perhaps for not being afraid to show his love for Lee (uber fandom apparently)? Comisserations to all those who didn’t win, but take pride in your efforts!
On another note you will also remember I put my merch where my mouth was a few weeks back, and indeed I both predicted Matt Pieper and Klayton Schafler‘s wins (although I don’t think it took a genius to figure out how great they were). I also thought Freen in Green‘s entry might place, and as they didn’t (and as promised) I will send you peeps a goody bag – please let me know your address by emailing me at tbird [at] sonicstadium.org. Oh, and I think I owe Stasis a few bits and pieces too!
If you fancy snagging yourself some merchandise keep your eyes peeled right here on TSS for MORE COMPETITIONS!…and also keep your ears open for more exciting news from the world of Bentley Jones on the Official Bentley Jones Website.
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I’ve put my copy of Sonic Classic Collection down for five miuntes to show you my third and final favourite entry for the Bentley Jones So Much More Video Competition. As you’ve probably guessed, most of my faves have centred on videos where the entrants have roped their mates in to get involved, and this one is no different – Club 9 have banded together in this rather artsy and albeit silly video in which they mime their way through the track, or stand around looking moody. It’s filmed in really high quality, it’s fun to watch, and half the band are called Ryan (ok, so the last one’s not really a selling point). Plus, the guy on the sound board is mental.
Again, I think this is a real contender for top spot in the competition, and in true T-Bird style will send them a goodie bag as consolation should they fail to make the top 10 entries.
Watch out though, the band do start loosing clothes towards the end of the video. Form an orderly queue please ladies.
EDIT: Damn! I keep finding more awesome entries! Check out the Bentley Bird!
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OK, so a few weeks ago I saw an entry for the Bentley Jones So Much More Video Contest by Sonictoast that blew my hat off my head, with live action, stop motion, and a bloke dressed as Eggman. Well, today I spotted a nifty bit of art appear on BJ’s facebook page. Perousing facetube following a series of links turned up this cover of So Much more by a band called “Freen In Green”, which gives the track an Indie makeover – percussion, bass, rhythm and melody guitars, and of course some vocalz. 75% of band appear to be hiding off camera / behind hair, but I guess that’s forgiven because there’s a pretty good attempt at the solo! Anyway, this is another spiffing example of what you can do to really sweep away the competition and do something original, as well as have fun with your mateys (because it’ cool to show you have friends!). Anyway, I think this has made it onto my list of entries where “if it doesn’t place I will bear my backside in Fenwick’s window“. I like to put my money where my mouth is, so Yamino, if you don’t place in the winners, I will send you a consolation prize!
Check out the video!:
Oh, and they also have an account on facebook too!
You’ve only have until Friday (5th of March 2010) to get your entries in, so if you haven’t done so yet, you’ve got a busy couple of days ahead of you! If you spot any good entries, lets us know in the comments!
[Bentley Jones Official Site]
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Many of you readers submitted entries to the Bentley Jones EP competition set a few weeks back, with the correct answer being A) Alpha Dog (duh!). Unfortunately, like the Immortals from Highlander “there can be only one”…one winner that is!
So, the recipient of the Signed copy of Bentley Jones’ signed “So Much More” EP is…
Continue reading Bentley Jones EP Competition Winners!
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I’ve been keeping my finger on the pulse and looking out for entries for the Bentley Jones Video Competition for So Much More…and to be honest, I wasn’t feeling it. There’s a couple of good entries out there, but I’ve seen the inside of far too many people’s bedrooms for my liking.
So after a long day of work I came home to find this, and my faith has been restored in humanity. This is amazing. THIS IS SO MUCH MORE. If this doesn’t place in the contest, I will personally send Sonictoast a prize because the amount of time that must have been spent on this is mind-boggling. You guys are my heroes today! Especially Mr. Foley; if they make a Sonic live action film I think we’ve found our Eggman…
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Greetings from Tokyo! I hear good things are happening over in the west, including the release of Bentley Jones’ official theme to Sonic and Sega All-Star Racing! To celebrate the launch of the EP, we’re giving away (because we’re so generous) a signed copy of the So Much More EP, along with three signed photos for three runners up.
All you have to do is answer this reeeeaaally easy question:
What is the name of the fifth track that features on the So Much More EP?
A) Alpha Dog
B) Beta Cat
C) Gamma Frog
Send an email titled “EP Competition” along with your name, answer and address to the Competition email address: tbird [at] sonicstadium.org. That’s it! The competition is open worldwide, and the deadline for entries is Friday the 12th of February, 2010.
Don’t forget to head over to the Official Bentley Jones web page to enter the talent competition for even more spectacular prizes!
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It is time to go beg your mum for your pocket money early this week, as Bentley Jones‘ “So Much More” EP is now available to preorder from the Official Bentley Jones shop for the mere prince of eight coins of the realm (£8 – about $13). The CD comes with a signed promo photo of Mr. Jones, and is an extremely limited run, so get your skates on if you want to nab a copy! If you missed picking up a copy of the TRANS//LATION album released last year (it sold out in about an two hours at SoS!) then that is also available at the store for a meagre £14. If your bank account simply cannot cope, then do not fear, there’s also a selection of signed pictures you can buy for hanging up on your wall…or for kissing before you go to bed at night.
If you miss out on it don’t worry! We will soon have details on how you can win yourself a copy of the EP and a boatload of the signed photos on TSS…stay tuned!
Link to the Bentley Jones Official Shop
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Just to keep you tided over until you can buy this on Tuesday next week – Bentley Jones’ ballad version of the ASR theme, complete with duffelcoats, snow, and a new rabbit character who has instantly been struck off the list as a playable in any Sonic game.
Enjoy in High Definition on youtube here.
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Because we really can’t wait until January to get our next Bentley fix, it appears Amazon.com already has previews of the soon-to-be-released Bentley Jones EP “So Much More”…
Continue reading Preview Bentley Jones EP on Amazon Now!
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Bentley Jones fans rejoice! Mr. Brotherton has been an extremely busy beaver (except when I seem to phone him, then he’s always figureskating with Silver), and has made several important announcements…
Continue reading Bentley Jones’ ASR Theme “So Much More” to be released as EP in 2010!
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