[UPDATE] Sumo Digital staffer Steve Lycett AKA S0L has just revealed in the comments section that the DS version will have multiple control schemes and the Wii version will also have Classic Controller support. [/END UPDATE]
French Sonic fansites Eversonic.fr and Planete Sonic got to try out all four console versions of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing recently. In Eversonic’s preview two control schemes are revealed Wii Remote and Nunchuk and Wii Wheel support, so if your not into motion control at least you have another option. No details on wether the Gamecube Controller will be another option.
In Planete Sonic’s preview it is revealed that the Wii version will not support Mii’s, so those that like a more personal experience and would like to have themselves race against their favourite SEGA character are out of luck.
Planete Sonic also reveal that the DS version will be controlled using the buttons but one odd control choice is that the R button will be used to accelerate which according to them could cause give you a cramp.
Let us know what you think of these developments in the comments.
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If you never got round to picking up the Bioware developed DS RPG title Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood then now is a good time for your wallet. Supermarket chain Sainsburys are currently selling Sonic Chronicles for just £10, saving you a whopping £19.99.

Fellow SEGA fans might also want to keep an eye out for another sweet offer in the bargain bins at Sainsburys, Samba De Amigo on Wii for just £10.

Sonic fans might also be interested in Sonic’s cameo in the game where he gets his groove thang on.
Got to love some good bargains!
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Remember that exclusive Mario & Sonic t-shirt HMV gave away with pre-orders of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games? Well if you missed out on the offer then your in luck because we have one to give away to celebrate todays UK release of the game. The t-shirt is a size small, in brand new condition and never been worn.
What’s the catch you say? Well all we want to know is:
Where are the 2010 Olympic Winter Games being held?
A: Antarctica
B: Beijing
C: Vancouver
Send your name and answer in to shadzter@sonicstadium.org, all correct entries will be put into one of T-Birds many hats and picked out at random. Closing date for entries is Friday 23rd October 9pm. Entry is open to UK residents only. All ages are welcome to enter.
The winner will be announced on TSS Saturday 24th October and then contacted to claim their prize.
Good luck everyone!
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UPDATE 2: My copies of both versions have arrived from HMV via Royal Mail with 2 of the t-shirts and both are size Small. Reports have come in of people getting otehr sizes delivered. It seems HMV are just sending out random sizes. Awful way of doing things but even if you dont get your size they still make good collectors items.
UPDATE: TSS has learnt that HMV accept orders outside of the UK and ship via air mail so if you live overseas and fancy HMV’s exclusive t-shirt then get your pre-orders in. Remember though, Wii’s are region locked so PAL copies won’t work on U.S. consoles. The DS is region-free though.
HMV delivery info page UPDATE end.

Above: Thanks AAUK over at the Sonic City Blognik

If HMV’s free M&S t-shirt shown above wasn’t enough to encourage you to pre-order Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games then maybe GAME and Gamestation can tempt you.

If you pre-order either version of the game at Gamestation you can take home some Official Charms as seen in the photo I took earlier today shown above. Five charms are included, one with the games logo, one with Sonic’s emblem, one with Amy’s emblem, one with Mario’s emblem and one with Yoshi’s emblem.

If your looking for something more on the cuddly side GAME are offering a Sonic beanie toy with pre-orders of either version but unfortunately it is the same beanie they’ve already been selling for ages.
HMV t-shirt offer available online only.
GAME Sonic beanie offer only available in-store.
Gamestation Wii
Gamestation DS
Gamestation charms offer available in-store only.
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UPDATE: 7TH Oct: European demo is now available from the European Nintendo Channel.
UPDATE 6TH Oct: ArchangelUK has confirmed on the Sonic City Blognik that a European version of the demo is comng soon. END UPDATE
SEGA of America have released a demo of the DS version of upcoming game Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games to the Wii’s U.S. Nintendo Channel. The demo allows you to try out the touch screen controlled Alpine Skiing event as 1 of 2 characters (yes you guessed correctly) Mario or Sonic. So if you’ve been on the fence as to wether to get the DS version you might want to give the demo a try.
No word on wether we in Europe will be getting this demo on the Nintendo Channel, if one becomes available we’ll be sure to let you know right here at TSS.
Thanks to dabbido for letting us know via the SSMB topic
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As I mentioned in yesterdays article about SEGA’s UK Marketing Campaign, SEGA have some pre-order incentives planned. Well HMV.com have updated their product pages for both versions of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games with a new pre-order offer.
Pre-order Mario & Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games on Nintendo Wii or DS and receive an exclusive Mario & Sonic T-Shirt (T-Shirt to be delivered within a week of release date)

UPDATE 1 – PIC GET(Thanks Jix Hedgehog): As you can see above, HMV have uploaded a picture of the t-shirt now. The shirt has all of the playable characters emblems on the front and another image on the left sleeve, making for one funky t-shirt.
The Wii version costs £29.99 and the DS version costs £24.99 and both have free delivery available.
When asked at my local HMV store the colleague behind the counter informed me the T-shit offer is online pre-orders only.
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SEGA released two new trailers yesterday for next months Mario & Sonic collaboration sequel Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games. Like the last two trailers we get to see more Wii and DS gameplay but this time for some of the ice events such as Hockey, Figure Skating and Bob Sleigh. The Wii trailer allows us to see more of how each event is controlled from Wii Remote to Balance Board. Shaping up to be alot of fun with some friends over.
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games will be released for both Wii and DS formats in the U.S. October 13th and October 16th in the UK.
Source: Sonic City Blognik
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After revealing Wii gameplay for the first time in their last trailer, SEGA have revealed a new gameplay trailer for the DS version of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games. The trailer is titled Snow Sports so of course showcases skiing and snowboarding events. Fans who visited Summer of Sonic this year won’t see anything new gameplay wise in this trailer as they are the same few events from that demo.
Some cool new art for Tails and Luigi is shown in this trailer too.
Stay tuned to TSS for more coverage of the game as we approach it’s European release October 16th and U.S. release October 13.
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After the original leak, SEGA have now officially unveiled the third trailer for the hotly anticipated Mario & Sonic Olympics sequel which this time round see’s them join the Winter Games in Vancouver. This new trailer officially reveals Silver the Hedgehog and Bowser.Jr as new playable characters to go with the last trailers revelations of Metal Sonic and Donkey Kong.
SEGA Europe have also had an exclusive interview with David Corless, Head of Marketing on the game who reveals the differences between this game and the first one and his favourite events among other things. Check out the full interview in the video above.
Source: Sonic City Blognik

SEGA have also revealed many new screenshots from both the Wii and DS versions of the game including new areas like Sonic Adventure 2’s Radical Highway level, some new Dream Events and even Dream Snowball Fight. You can find more screens over at Official Nintendo Magazine’s website.
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SEGA have released some new screenshots for both Wii and DS versions of upcoming title Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games. In the screenshots we can see new HUD bits in both versions and some on-screen Wii Remote instructions displaying how the motion controls will work in the Wii version. Graphics are looking to be some of the best we’ve seen on the Wii.
In other sightings, Nintendo fans will be happy to learn that the course seen in the above screenshot is revealed in one screenshot to be none other than Mario Circuit from the famous Mario Kart series as has been speculated since the course was first revealed.

The new images of the DS version showcases more of its events too like the bobsleigh, skiing and snowboarding. It looks like the bobsleigh will control with the D-pad and buttons if the on screen controls in a screenshot of Metal Sonic and DK getting their bobsleigh started is anything to go by. New HUD displays reveal a gauge will play a part in the bobsleigh event too.
Snowboarding has also gained a gauge and items to attack your opponents with much like in the Dream Race event in the first DS game. Also like the first DS game SEGA aren’t holding back in the graphics department as they again look to be pushing the DS to its limits to make another beautiful looking game.
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games will be released for Wii & DS October 16th in the UK and October 13th in the U.S. Check out more info and media at the Official Site.
Screenshot source : CVG
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UK Mario and Sonic fans are in luck as Argos are currently giving 20% off of pre-orders of certain video games with the promotional code GAME20 that expires 24/07/09. Both Wii & DS versions of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games are in the offer so be quick like the spikey blue one and get in there now. WARNING to everyone though that money is taken on order and not on despatch.
Here are the prices before and after the 20% is discounted:
Mario & Sonic: The Olympic Winter Games DS £24.99 £19.99
Mario & Sonic: The Olympic Winter Games Wii £32.99 £26.39
Source: Hot UK Deals
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In light of yesterdays news of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games still making the UK top 40 chart Chart Track has released the sales results for the first half of 2009. Half of the list comprises of Nintendo games but SEGA’s Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games for Wii and DS has made it to the number 10 slot, quite an achievement for a game released more than a year ago.
Here’s the top 10 list –
1: Wii Fit
2: Wii Play
3: Mario Kart Wii
4: Professor Layton And The Curious Village
5: Killzone 2
6: Resident Evil 5
7: Dr Kawashima’s Brain Training
8: The Sims 3
9: Call Of Duty: World At War
10: Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Games
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Some more new screenshots of both the Wii and DS versions of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games have appeared from E3 on Sonic fansite Planete Sonic. The most interesting of the screens is the above screenshot(click to go large) of Tails skiing in what looks like one of the Dream Events but what is so interesting you ask? Eagle eyed SSMB Member speedfreak has pointed out a Silver The Hedgehog icon flag among the other character icon flags in the background confirming him to be a playable character in this game.
Silver was discovered to be a playable character in the Wii version of the last game at one point in development when leftover data was discovered in the final game so it’s no surprise they would add him in to this title. We’ll keep an eye open for any further media/info on this game as it happens.
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SEGA have unveiled some new screenshots via GameWatch for upcoming Wii and DS title Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games. Included are some skiing and hockey screens for Wii, some bobsledding, skiing and snowboarding screens for DS together with a couple of screens of the DS’s exclusive Adventure Mode. One of the Adventure Mode screenshots displays the new character interaction with Toad talking to Sonic while the other shows some top down style gameplay with a typical RPG type HUD. It looks like you can switch between playing as Mario and Sonic by tapping the X button.
We’ll keep an eye out for any future media and info released for the game, in the meantime check out Mario & Sonic showing off at this years E3

Those crazy guys
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SEGA have updated the official site for Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games. Among the new updates you can find the E3 ’09 trailer that reveals Donkey Kong and Metal Sonic as playable characters aswell as Tails cheating on the ski jump.
You can also find new screens for both Wii and DS formats, character artwork, info on events and character stats for 10 of the characters which oddly reveal Donkey Kong to have higher speed than both Sonic and Metal Sonic.
The site promises More coming soon’ and now displays a release month of October 2009.
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G4 have had the chance to do a video interview with Bioware’s project director Mark Darrah about upcoming DS RPG game Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. Mark Darrah reveals how this title “looks back into the history of Sonic characters” and how Sonic can expand his relationship with Amy Rose compared to previous Sonic game’s that only touched upon it. Mark also talks about the plot of gathering the Chaos Emeralds and all the area’s Sonic must visit to obtain them. Some gameplay footage can also be seen in the video but nothing new is shown really.
The video interview can be seen here.
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Sega Europe have announced a release date for their upcoming game Sonic Chronicles: the Dark Brotherhood. The Nintendo DS exclusive Bioware RPG will be released in Europe Friday 26th September. Expect a full review from us at release. You can check out info and media on the game at the official website here. You can also check out our hands-on with an early version here.
Sega Europe have also announced a release date for the upcoming Wii version of popular rhythm game Samba De Amigo. The Gearbox developed game will be released Friday September 19th in Europe. You can check out the games official site here. Again you can take a gander at our hands-on with an early version here.
Expect full-reviews of the games from us at release.
Source: Eurogamer
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The Sonic Chronicles website launched in the U.S. just recently and it is one flash-heavy beast. While being creative by replicating the gameplay of Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood by dragging Sonic along by a “stylus,” the website manages to be a pain in the ass to navigate. Nonetheless, everything you need to know about the game is there and there is more than enough media to tide fans over until the game’s release. Plus, if you collect all the rings on the site, you get a super-duper prize. Eff yeah.
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood U.S. Website
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