Gamma & Shadow fight Omega in Sonic Universe #3, available in comic shops!

   Sonic Universe’s Shadow Saga continues with Part 3, “Old Soldiers”. After last months disappointing Sonic Adventure 2 adaption, Sonic Universe #3 looks to get back to the here and now with the introduction of Omega and the resolution of Gamma’s long hanging plot thread. Will Shadow be able to save Gamma from Robotnik’s wrath, or will both robots share Metal Sonic’s fate? Find out in this comic! Below are the sample scans and official solicitation:

“Old Soldiers”: Shadow is sent into the remote mountains to find E-102 Gamma. At the same time, Dr. Robotnik launches the over-powered E-123 Omega to hunt down and destroy the rogue robot! It’s a race against time to see if Shadow can save Gamma and offer him asylum – if Gamma even wants to be saved! It’s the latest installment of this exciting new series presenting unifying continuity while spotlighting the many characters from Sonic’s various video games and animated series.
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn.
ART: Tracy Yardley.
Shipping Date: April 22nd, 2009
On Sale at Comic Specialty Shops: April 29th, 2009
On Sale on Newsstands: May 12th, 2009
32-page, full color comic
$2.50 US

From what I can gather, the opinion regarding last month’s Sonic Universe #2 is near unanimous: the story was not very good. It’s pacing was a mess, and it didn’t have a very coherent narrative. Sonic Universe #3, going by these pages, appears to be a lot better. I personally look forward to reading the story later today. I will update this news post with my thoughts later.

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Sonic the Hedgehog #199 Out on Newstands!

As we approach the home stretch on the road to 200, things are beginning to really heat up! The gauntlet’s been thrown, the pieces are in place, and everyone is now ready for the lead up to the next big confrontation between Sonic and Dr. Robotnik!

This issue is supposed to lead up to something that will drastically change the status quo, and the lives of Sonic and his friends and enemies in the process. Looking at #199, the stage is most definitely set for something like that. Below, as usual, I will post the five preview pages released by Archie, as well as the issue’s official solicitation, and of course, my review.

For those of you not willing to scroll through everything, this is an issue I highly recommend, as it more or less represents the reason why I read these comics in the first place, and why I think all of you other Sonic fans should too.

“Knocking on Eggman’s Door”: Sonic leads the combined might of the Freedom Fighters and the Chaotix in a final push against Dr. Robotnik and his Eggman Empire! In this climactic battle old friendships and rivalries are revisited, family confronts family, and a treacherous plot is revealed that you won’t believe! You simply cannot afford to miss this pulse-pounding lead-in to the mega-milestone SONIC #200!
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn
ART: Tracy Yardley!
Shipping Date: April 1st, 2009
On Sale at Comic Specialty Shops: April 8th, 2009
On Sale on Newsstands: April 21st, 2009
32-page, full color comic
$ 2.50 US

This issue was most definitely leagues above the somewhat anticlimatic “Egg Pheonix” story last issue. Featuring the usual amount of nice action scenes, this story also had some nice character to character moments. I won’t go into it, lest I spoil it for people who haven’t picked it up yet, but Ian’s writing is definitely at it’s best when he lets the characters be themselves and interact with each other on a more personal level, not just with their fists. The story touches on past plot points to help show just how important this battle is, and ties this issue in with continuity that is over twelve years old quite nicely.

The art is fantastic, something that has thankfully become the norm ever since Tracy took over and Ron Lim quietly left the book. Tracy’s cartoon style really matches the atmosphere of the book, and Sonic himself. Matt Herm’s coloring is also a nice step above Jensen’s style, which has always been too bright for my taste. I am hoping he will soon become the regular colorist on the book.

Of course, the issue does have it’s share of problems. I would say it’s biggest problem does not lie in the issue itself, but rather it’s build up. Despite the battles in New Megapolis in during the New Moebius arc, this whole “end of the Eggman Empire” plot point still feels rather sudden. Considering this war has been going on since the book’s conception, it seems to me that we needed to have many more issues before it focused squarely on building up to this monumental battle. I enjoyed the Bold New Mobius saga far more then any other storyline Archie’s ever made in the Sonic book, but I think it may have been best to delay or shorten the storyline so that more issues could have focused on building up to this fight. Without a focused build up, this story doesn’t feel nearly as epic as it really should.

Hopefully, with Sonic Universe now allowing Ian to write two issues a month instead of one, Ian can make a more concerted effort to ensure future storylines like this have the right amount of build up, without leaving other plot points and characters hanging for years on end, as he probably should have with Scourge and the Anti-Mobius reinvention.

I highly recommend this issue to Arche fans and Sonic fans alike. This issue isn’t necessarily the best jumping on point for new readers, but with stuff like the pending epic battle between Sonic and Robotnik, a fight between Shadow, E-102 Gamma, and Omega, as well as the formation of team dark and a huge change in the status quo all coming in the next few issues of StH and SU, I can’t imagine a more exciting time to start reading it. The comics themselves contain loads of fan service to Sonic fans, and perfectly show Sonic’s attitude in a way I haven’t seen since the sprite animations in the classic games. Couple that with excellent art and entertaining writing, and I don’t think any Sonic fan has a legitimate reason to not give this comic a chance right now. This comic isn’t about love affairs, teen soap operas, and family drama anymore. This comic is about Sonic.

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Sonic Universe #1 Debuts in Comic Specialty Shops Today!

Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog offshoot series, Sonic Universe, finally debuts today, and it’s something every Sonic fan should be excited about. Posted below is a five page preview of the story, and an awesome cover crawn by Spaz. The picture quality is a little low this month, so some of the text can be a little illegible.

I rather enjoyed this little preview, and the chemistry between Marine and Shadow reminds me of exactly why I enjoy Ian’s writing as much as I do; Ian knows how to do character chemistry. The first page of this issue also perfectly exemplifies why Tracy is one of my favorite artists to ever work on this book; while his style can look deceptively simple, it is nevertheless full of life and great to look at. Overall, I have high hopes for Universe, especially this issue. This is the first time in which Ian will be able to build a mythos from the ground up, without having to do any house cleaning like he did on the Sonic book. It should be interesting to see how he works Shadow’s world into the comic and turns him into something more then a fan favorite guest character.

Below is the blurb for this first issue. I hope you all will enjoy this comic as much as I do.



“Living Weapons”: This is the comic the fans have waited for – an ever-expanding, all-encompassing series revolving around Sonic’s many friends and foes whose continuity aligns with the regular monthly Sonic comic. Along the way, we’ll deliver some of the popular supporting cast from the many Sonic video games, including many who have never appeared in the comics before! The first issue of
“Sonic Universe” debuts with a story that’s out of this world – literally – as Shadow and Metal Sonic continue their series-spanning fight and wind up in a whole new dimension! And things are bound to heat up when Blaze the Cat and a Chaos Emerald enter the mix! Don’t miss the explosive beginning of this universe-spanning series!

SCRIPT: Ian Flynn

ART: Tracy Yardley!

Dimension-defying cover by Patrick
“Spaz!” Spaziante

Shipping Date: February 18th, 2009

On Sale at Comic Specialty Shops: February 25th, 2009

On Sale on Newsstands: March 10th, 2009

32-page, full color comic

$2.50 US

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Sonic the Hedgehog #196 Now On Sale

Today, Sonic the Hedgehog #196 is now available in comic book stores across the United States.  This issue marks the end of the “Bold, New Moebius” saga, which was made up of four two parter story arcs all focused  on reorganizing and reimagining what had always been a stale part of the continuity, Anti Mobius. It gave all of the characters more unique personalities, gave the world a brief but unique backstory, and even made Scourge, formerly “evil Sonic”, into a real villain. Anti Mobius, or “Moebius” now provides something more then evil people wearing leather whom happen to look just like the Freedom Fighters.  It is a world with characters that provide real contrast beyond “good and evil”. I commend Ian for this.

I have really enjoyed this saga, and how it reshaped the “evil” characters. This issue looks to be capping the saga off with a pretty epic ending as well. You can see what I mean in the thumbnail images below.

Continue reading Sonic the Hedgehog #196 Now On Sale

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Free Comic Book Day: Sonic Issue Revealed

Since 2007, Sonic the Hedgehog has become a regular participant in the annual “Free Comic Book Day” event. Once every year, comic book publishers across America send special free issues to participating comic book stores, to be given away for free to anyone who wants them. This year, FCBD will be on May 2nd, so be sure to mark your calenders. This Sonic FCBD issue is meant to recap the entire series as a whole, in “Sonic: Evolution of a Hero”. Like past FCBD Sonic issues, this year’s Sonic comic is a silver level sponsor, meaning not all participating comic book stores will have it, so you may want to call your comic book store before hand. You can use this website to find a comic book store near you, as well as their phone number or e-mail. The cover is posted in a thumbnail below:


According to Sonic the Hedgehog’s headwriter, Ian Flynn, this issue is meant to introduce the book to newcomers and to clarify plot points to veterans. The comic book itself has no storyline, but is instead more akin to Archie’s data files, a biography of the characters and a description of the world’s backstory. The book will also be offering some insight and spoilers for what happens in and after issue #200. Those of you wondering what this Sonic comic is all about might want to consider going to a comic book store to pick it up.

Hit the jump for the issue’s official solicitation. Continue reading Free Comic Book Day: Sonic Issue Revealed

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Sonic X Ends, Sonic Universe begins

Next month, the Sonic the Hedgehog Archie comic will do something it has not done since the last terrible Sonic Super Special released November 2000: it will launch a spin off comic based off of the main book. That spin off title is called Sonic Universe. Here is the cover:


Sonic Universe will be replacing Archie’s successful Sonic X series, and released monthly alongside the Sonic the Hedgehog book. Instead of focusing on Sonic the Hedgehog, SU will focus on the various characters that populate his multiverse, most notably Knuckles and Shadow.

In addition to taking place in the same universe as the main Sonic book, Sonic Universe will occasionally dive into other universes as well. Headwriter Ian Flynn has not ruled out returning to the Sonic X universe sometime in the future.

The first issue of Sonic Universe continues where Sonic X #40 left off. After Shadow and Metal Sonic where transported through time and space into the Sonic X universe in Sonic the Hedgehog #196, Shadow now finds himself in a new world and a new comic book series. The official solicitation is after the jump.

Continue reading Sonic X Ends, Sonic Universe begins

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Sonic the Hedgehog #191 on newstands now!

The newest issue of Sonic the Hedgehog has just hit newstands, and this time, every Sonic fan has a reason to take notice. The back up story is a prologue for the upcoming BioWare RPG, Sonic Chronicles.

Starting with this issue, Sonic Stadium will be regularly featuring news regarding comic book releases in the world of Sonic. This news usually comes complete with a seven page preview of the issue, as well as an (often misleading) synopsis of what lies within. Provided I’ve read the issue, I may also drop some opinion into the mix.

Check out these scans: Continue reading Sonic the Hedgehog #191 on newstands now!

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New Sonic FCBD comic announced

Sonic and his friends are in deep doo doo.

fLast year marked the first year that Sonic’s long running comic “Sonic the Hedgehog” from Archie took part in a comic book industry tradition called “Free Comic Book Day”, or FCBD. On this day, comic book stores across the country loaded their counters and stands with completely free comic books from a variety of different publishers. Last year, the comic sported an all new story written by the comics new head writer Ian “Potto” Flynn, a former Sonic fan comic writer famous for writing a variety of popular fan comics. Continue reading New Sonic FCBD comic announced

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Archie’s Sonic #181 Out Now

The second installment in Archie’s “Enerjak: Reborn” story arc for the Sonic the Hedgehog comic book, is now available in comic book specialty shops. The comic, written by fan comic creator turned proffesional comic book writer Ian “Potto” Flynn, marks the return of fan favorite villian Enerjak. You will find the preview, the cover, and a three page sample below:


“Rising Evil – Enerjak Reborn!”: The demolition starts here, with super-powered villain Enerjak wrecking havoc on Angel Island ! Our heroes are readying their defenses while Sonic and Tails race against time to find the still missing Knuckles! Can they find him, or did Enerjak get to him first? PLUS: “Undone”: You’ll shudder at the shocking origin of this new Enerjak… if your nerves are strong enough to handle it! SCRIPT: Ian Flynn. ART: Tracy Yardley (pencils) & Jim Amash (inks). Earth-shattering cover by Tracy Yardley!

Continue reading Archie’s Sonic #181 Out Now

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Sonic comic available during FCBD, today!

Every year, the American comic book book industry holds a “Free Comic Book Day”, in which over a dozen major and minor publishes send full comics to participating comic book stores across the nation, to be given out for free. The comics tend to be standalone stories.

This year, Sonic the Hedgehog joins many other comics, with his own 22 page entry, written by fan favorite writer Ian Flynn, drawn by artist Tracy Yardley!, with a cover by long time cover artist Patrick Spaziente. Continue reading Sonic comic available during FCBD, today!

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Sonic the Hedgehog Graphic Novels coming soon!

Archie’s “Sonic the Hedgehog” comic book, first released in 1993, is now going to be released in a series of graphic novels. Recolored and remastered, these compilations will be a must buy for ANY hardcore Sonic fan.

Sonic the Hedgehog, one of the longest running licensed comics of all time, second only to Marvel’s Conan, is over 165 issues strong. Now, in these graphics novels, you’ll be able to relive the good old days of the Archie continuity, and see some old faces and stories that you thought you might never see again.

There are two graphics novels set to release this winter for the price of $7.49 US each. They will each cover four comics. The compilations contain the following: Continue reading Sonic the Hedgehog Graphic Novels coming soon!

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Sonic X Archie comic mini series surprise

The first issue of a four part Sonic-X comic series seems to have slipped under the radar for most Sonic fans, but with the discovery of the existence of such a series came another shock: Archie comics (long standing producers of the ‘SONIC THE HEDGEHOG’ comic) have decided, starting with issue 5, that the series be an ongoing venture. Continue reading Sonic X Archie comic mini series surprise

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Friday Loungin’

Don’t you just love Fridays? Beginning of the weekend (which is always dogged with work for me), all-round good feeling, spring in yer step. For us at TSS, it means we polish off another healthy update for you to get your teeth into.

First off, we have new entries for the TSS Mailbag’s April month. Have a general question, comment on something Sonic or even TSS itself? Or maybe you just wanna chat. Be sure to get in touch, and mark your email subject “Mailbag”. Today’s update discusses Death Eggs, online Sonics, Shadow (again) and a fan of the ol’ Illegitimacy section.

Continue reading Friday Loungin’

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SBC Interviews Penders, Spaz, and Butler

Silver Bullet Comic Books (SBC) recently had a interview with Ken Penders, Steven Butler, and Patrick “Spaz” Spaziante. The interview consisted of talk on the upcoming Sonic Issue #150, and the crews past history.

No Drooling, people.

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Sonic Archie Issues 150-151 Covers Revealed

The latest comic covers have been revealed, including the much awaited 150th issue, which features a simple and classic close shot of Sonic.

Sonic The Hedgehog #150
Sonic The Hedgehog #151

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Sonic Archie Comic Issue #147

A bit late, but the latest Sonic Archie comic issue, Sonic The Hedgehog #147 is out in stores now.

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Told ya there was more…

You know, it feels so good to be able to find time to update my site once again. ^_^ This is the third update I’ve made in four days, and it feels great to be finally updating everything that has been submitted as far back as August ’04 (again, sorry for those who submitted stuff and had to wait so long! o_o).

At time of writing, today’s update is rather niche. I’m attempting to bring the Archie Sonic Comics section bang up to date, and that’s rather hard, not living in America and all. 😛 Rally the Cheetah’s being a superstar with her submissions, and today’s scans include front covers for the last few months, plus some Sonic Specials, AND covers for not only Issue 0, but an alternate Issues 1, 2 and 3. These aren’t the Issues 1, 2 and 3 you know from July ’93 onwards, these were Issues of Archie that began a few months before then. After some digging for more info and scans, we should have information on them.
Continue reading Told ya there was more…

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Sonic Scansday & HUGE Update

First off, the response to the Sonic Scansday has gone, for the most part, pretty well. Remember if you have any magazine adverts, old artwork from comics and mags, comic scans or other print media that can be scanned, be sure to wing them our way. On the back of this, some people who don’t seem to like Sonic can’t understand that if you don’t like Sonic, then you shouldn’t be here. These people’s behaviour is what’s scientifically known as “Being A Dumbarse”. Here are the rewards from this weeks Scansday:

More from Scansday next week. Get your submissions in! Continue reading Sonic Scansday & HUGE Update

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Archie: Sonic #131 Preview


Two titanic stories in one action-packed issue! “Home-The Gathering” Part Two (of Four): Continuing the saga of the four-part epic begun last issue. The threat of nuclear annihilation by Dr. Robotnik and his new minions looms large, so Sonic and the citizens of the Kingdome of Acorn AND Station Square must ready themselves to strike the Eggman Empire before its too late! With stakes this eye, everyone joins the battle lines. Don’t miss this nail-biting installment-it could be the last!

SCRIPT: Karl Bollers. ART: Ron Lim (pencils) and Andrew Pepoy (inks). Continue reading Archie: Sonic #131 Preview

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Archie: Sonic #132 Spoilers

SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #132, ships 1/7. 32-page, full color comic, $2.19 US.

“Home, Part 3 – A.D.A.M. & Evil”: Sonic, Knuckles and the entire Kingdom of Acorn launch a two-pronged defense against the forces of Eggman’s Empire. As usual, Dr. Robotnik (a.k.a. Eggman) has a few tricks up his sleeve to keep his foes from winning the day. And then there’s Shadow and a stash of deadly weapons… SCRIPT: Karl Bollers. ART: Dave Manak (pencils) and Jim Amash (inks). 

“Mobius: 25 Years Later – The Unveiling”: Our popular look at the future lives of Sonic’s friends and foes continues! This time, Lara-Su undergoes the female echidna coming-of-age ceremony. As Knuckles’ daughter, this is a very big deal – everyone on the island is invited. Will Lara-Su be able to deal with her insecurities? Also, if he’s not here for the ceremony, just why has Rotor come to see Knuckles?! You won’t want to miss this intriguing installment! SCRIPT: Ken Penders. ART: Steven Butler (pencils) and Ken Penders (inks). 

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Archie: Sonic #131 Preview

SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #131, ships 12/10. 32-page, full color comic, $2.19 US.

Two titanic stories in one action-packed issue! “Home-The Gathering” Part Two (of Four): Continuing the saga of the four-part epic begun last issue. The threat of nuclear annihilation by Dr. Robotnik and his new minions looms large, so Sonic and the citizens of the Kingdome of Acorn AND Station Square must ready themselves to strike the Eggman Empire before its too late! With stakes this eye, everyone joins the battle lines. Don’t miss this nail-biting installment-it could be the last!

SCRIPT: Karl Bollers. ART: Ron Lim (pencils) and Andrew Pepoy (inks). Continue reading Archie: Sonic #131 Preview

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Archie: Sonic #130 Preview

SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #130 ships 11/12. 32-page, full color comic, $2.19 US.

“Home-The Blue Blur Returns” Part One (of Four): The first entry in a four-part epic finds Sonic back from his adventure in outer space-and just in time, too, as the Kingdom of Acorn and the Empire of Robotnik are about to collide head-on in their monumental struggle to control Mobius! How will everybody react to Sonic’s “return from the dead?” How will Sonic react to all the changes that have occurred during his absence? If you read only one Sonic comic in this lifetime, make it this one!!!

SCRIPT: Karl Bollers. ART: Steven Butler (pencils) Michael Higgins, Jim Amash and J. Axer (inks). 

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Archie: Sonic #129 Full Preview

SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #129, ships 10/15. 32-page, full color comic, $2.19 US.

“Space Gamble”: Move over, Nascar pros – Sonic is putting the pedal to the metal by entering a racing competition! Not the best thing to do with a damaged ship, but he can always use the prize money to fix it. Winning won’t be that easy of course-he’s only up against fastest beings of the universe! Will Sonic’s ship hold together long enough for him to cross the finish line?

SCRIPT: Romy Chacon. Art: Dawn Best (pencils) & Jim Amash (inks). 

“Welcome to Wheelworld”: The new world Sonic finds himself in offers the best opportunity for to get back home to his family and friends. Too bad he’s landed there right in the middle of the trial of the Bem scientist last seen in #118. Why is this trial so important and what does it have to do with Mobius? This must must-read tale features several surprises, including of Tails’ parents!

SCRIPT: Benny Lee. ART: Art Mawhinney (pencils) and Michael Higgins (inks).

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Mobius: 25 Years Later Info

Below is from SHQ News:

In the latest issue of Sonic(#126),it’s revealed by Ken Penders in the letters page that Mobius:Twenty Five Years Later(originally Knuckles:Twenty Years Later)will start in Sonic#131. The arc will start it’s focus on Knuckles and then gradually move on to the other characters in the Sonic universe. More tidbits:

  • Sonic returns to Mobius in Sonic #129 and will be explained over the course of this issue and #130.
  • Knuckles returns in #130 and begins to get more involved in the affairs of the Kingdom of Acorn.

Note: Unless you are a subscriber, Sonic #126 is not out yet, so don’t go rushing to find it.

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Comic Previews: Sonic the Hedgehog #126 and New ‘Sonic Beginnings’ Paperback

New solicitations have come in for the next issue of Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog, but surprisingly there’s also a fresh addition to the comic’s library. Alongside Issue #126, Archie is also preparing a paperback collection of classic stories titled Sonic the Hedgehog: The Beginnings.

Continue reading Comic Previews: Sonic the Hedgehog #126 and New ‘Sonic Beginnings’ Paperback
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Comic Preview: Sonic the Hedgehog #125 – The Anniversary Issue

Looks like Archie skipped ahead in its regular comic solicitations, as we’ve got news on Sonic #125 instead of #124. We’re still waiting for #124 details, but it probably won’t come as this next issue is more important – it marks Archie Sonic’s 10-year anniversary! Full details and cover art below.

Continue reading Comic Preview: Sonic the Hedgehog #125 – The Anniversary Issue
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Archie Sonic #119 Is Out Now – Go Buy It!

It’s that time again, folks – head down to your local (US-based) comic book store, because the latest issue of Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog should be on the shelf ready for you to buy!

Continue reading Archie Sonic #119 Is Out Now – Go Buy It!
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Fans Could Win A Small Part in Ken Penders’ Sonic the Hedgehog Movie

There’s been no official confirmation of a SatAM/Archie-based Sonic movie as of yet, but comic writer Ken Penders is still planning ways to make the project interesting. The latest is fan participation, with competition winners potentially scoring a role in the film!

Continue reading Fans Could Win A Small Part in Ken Penders’ Sonic the Hedgehog Movie
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Comic Previews: Sonic the Hedgehog #122 and #123

Happy New Year! It’s a double-whammy with the Comic Previews today! We’re getting a heads up on Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog Issue #122 and #123 in one big update. Both issues start and continue the ongoing dramas in Sonic and Knuckles’ respective worlds; the former is coming to a crossroads with his love triangle between Sally and Mina, while the latter continues to look towards his past. Find out more after the jump.

Continue reading Comic Previews: Sonic the Hedgehog #122 and #123
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Archie Sonic Movie: Some Characters Will Be Saved For Sequels, Says Penders

After spending an awful lot of time talking about his planned Archie Sonic animated movie series, writer Ken Penders has detailed more about his intentions for the project on his official website. Character inclusions, the pacing of the movie and not paying off Disney executives are all mentioned across two posts made on his message board.

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Archie Sonic #118 is Out Today

We know it’s still Christmas holidays and all, but in the US the comics industry never sleeps. Today marks the street date of the latest issue of Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog book. Issue #118 is now available to buy from all good comic stores. Go out and get it!

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Other-M Author Ian ‘Potto’ Flynn Applies For Position at Archie

Well-known fan comic creator Ian ‘Potto’ Flynn has signalled his intentions to work on the official Sonic the Hedgehog book, by revealing in a new community interview that he has applied to Archie.

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Penders Reveals Sonic Animation Project is a CGI Movie Series, Competing With Pixar

Ken Penders has revealed some more details on the Archie/SatAM-inspired Sonic the Hedgehog animation project he is reportedly working on. While the possibility of it being a third season of the SatAM cartoon was ruled out, Penders did let slip that he intends it to be a CGI feature film – one of several in fact – that will compare in quality to Pixar’s Monsters Inc.

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Ken Penders Launches Huge Sonic Comic Cover Auction

Every now and then, Archie comics writer and artist Ken Penders seems to find the odd bit of Sonic the Hedgehog book memorabilia to auction off. This time, he and a few fellow Archie authors are kicking off something of a super-auction in a bid to share a vast array of behind-the-scenes comic works. Just in time for Christmas!

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Comic Preview: Sonic the Hedgehog #121

The relationship between Sonic and Mina looks set to continue in the next upcoming issue of Archie Sonic the Hedgehog, as the Mongoose gets her own strip in Issue #121. In the mainline story, the search for Prince Elias Acorn continues and it looks like the Freedom Fighters have found themselves a lead… Full solicitation below.

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Archie Sonic Comics Get a Price Hike With Issue #117’s Release

Sonic’s ‘hare’-raising adventure (geddit?) can now be fully read by American Sonic fans all over the country, as Issue #117 becomes the latest comic to hit store shelves. It seems that the price of the comic has had a small update as well…

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