Sonic Snap! Win A First4Figures 20th Anniversary Sonic the Hedgehog Statue!

Oh boy, do we have a competition for you this month!

We don’t know about you, but we are all incredibly excited here at TSS after seeing all of the new footage of the stages available in Sonic Generations! To celebrate twenty years of Sonic the Hedgehog and the impending release of Sonic Generations, the Sonic Stadium has teamed up with SEGA to bring you an incredible competition!

The good folks at SEGA Europe have kindly given us an ultra-exclusive First 4 Figures 20th Anniversary Sonic statue and one very, VERY lucky person will be walking away with this awesome piece of merchandise – you can’t buy these in the shops (and they go for a fortune on ebay) so this is your chance to bag an awesome item of memorabilia!

So how do you have a shot at winning this? Well, we want you guys and gals to show your creative side!

What we want you to do is recreate one of your favourite moments from the Sonic the Hedgehog universe…in photographic form!

We want you to be as creative as you can with your photograph! Maybe you want to get together with some friends and dress up to recreate a scene from Sonic Adventure? Perhaps you want to construct a scene from SatAM in clay? You might even consider making a segment of Sweet Mountain entirely out of cake! The choice is entirely down to you; the more original your idea and the more impressive and epic your picture is, the better chance you will have of snagging this ace statue…and believe me you will have lots of competition! The best photos along with the winning entry will be featured on the front page of the Sonic Stadium.

Get snapping, and good luck!

1. The competition is open to anyone worldwide, but please only one entry per person – multiple entries will not be considered.
2. We want your picture to be entirely true to your effort and true to reality – no photoshopping or digital picture editing in any entries please!
3. Pictures need to be in digital form (preferably in .jpg or .png format), no bigger than 5MB in size, but no smaller than 1200 x 1600 pixels – we want to see great quality images!
4. All entries must be emailed to tbird [at] titled “Sonic Snap!” – your email must include your photograph, a sentence describing which scene your photo is recreating along with your real name and email address. We will only ask for your postal information if we pick you as the winner.
5.  All entries must be received by 5:00pm GMT on Friday 4th of November 2011. Any entries received after this date will unfortunately not be considered, so get them in before you start playing the game on launch day!

Think outside the box! Don’t just get your toys out and take a photo – think of an idea or an element that no one else will think of! Use your environment, use props, use your brain!
Think about your idea thoroughly! Don’t rush to get your entry in by the end of the first week! Brainstorm your ideas and talk to friends and family – sometimes inspiration comes from unlikely places!
Use the time you have! You’ve got over four weeks to submit your entry – plenty of time to make or obtain anything you need to set the scene.
– Get others involved! Get your friends to pose with you, or get your folks to help making things – there is no limit to how many people you have involved in your entry!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

The Sonic Hype Contest: The 5 Finalists and Winner

Well, the results are in and I have decided the winner for my Sonic Hype Contest (I stopped calling it a giveaway since that usually implies several winners). There was some really good posts and I had to narrow it down quite a bit. I’m surprised at just how many of you had Sonic Adventure 2 Battle as your first Sonic experience. I guess most of you guys are the newer generation of Sonic fans…YOU’RE RUINING EVERYTHING! (Kidding, kidding.) You can scroll down to read who’s the winner but first, why don’t you check out the top writers? And the nominees are…


I’m looking forward to both Sonic Generations and CD by the time they release. I fell in love with the franchise as soon as I first boarded down ridiculous declines in City Escape once I had the Gamecube for my birthday. Before I moved, I used to be a part of a little league baseball team [cute, huh?]. I’ll forever remember my coach as Coach Kevin. One time, we had a party at my place and he brought his kids over. His daughter lent me her pink GBA and I first played Sonic Advance. But when I finally had a Sonic game of my own, over all other franchises, I felt hooked. No, I became hooked. I fell in love with the Sonic franchise and wanted to play more. Hell, I spent over 250 hours on Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. And I still play it to this day. Over the years, Mega Collection was added to my collection and then I was exposed to the Genesis goods. To this day, I played nearly each and every Sonic title already conceived. Sonic CD is the only one I haven’t really had a chance playing, so I’ll gladly pay double for it, for at home and on the go! I’ll finally get the chance to experience Sonic CD! Metal Sonic’s debut and Stardust Speedway! The different ways to beat the game, through Good Futures or Time Stones, or just run through a metallic madness of a Little Planet! Generations, on the other hand, I and nearly every other Sonic fan, long time and new, young and old, will share the same feelings for that wonderful blue hedgehog on November 1st, and by December it will be worldwide. Sonic Generations isn’t just a game, it’s a celebration of all the fun that we have been provided, of that sense of gaming that no other franchise can provide, of everything Sonic and what’s made Sonic the Hedgehog still unstoppable to this day. And I wish to enjoy it with everybody. Hell, to some this could be their first Sonic game! Like 1991, why not start off with a blast for everyone? Some fans have been around since the beginning and Sonic still has plenty more coming. With Generations being the culmination of everything Sonic, there’s no way people can’t enjoy this title. Sonic Generations, I count down the days until your release with great anticipation!

Not only a great post, but the fact that the guy below you took away his own bid by nominating your post went a long way.

Dr. Robotnik

I’m most excited for Sonic Generations because of the endless possibilities of the gameplay. It’s finally showing the fans What he’s made of. We’ve lived and learned in His World and I can’t wait to experience it all over again. It doesn’t matter that his past games haven’t been a dream of an absolution this game will be awesome. Once this releases it will be a lazy day livin’ in paradise! :)

That post was absolutely melodic!


Being that it’s the 20th Anniversary for our hero Sonic the Hedgehog, I’m excited to see the game Sonic Generations the most; I’m always excited and grateful to see new Sonic
games come out, but this was different when seeing classic/retro Sonic pop out of nowhere when modern Sonc was leaping into the air after the shuttle loop scene from the first trailer. I didn’t realize how much I miss seeing classic Sonic’s design, though I love both designs, and Sonic will always be Sonic, it’s really special and nostalgic to be having both Sonic’s together in the most beloved zones and levels, it’s a chance to re-live the moments, but with new mixes! It gives a chance for the younger generation that missed out on the classics to see what we fell in love with. I have faith in this game that it will be the start of Sonic’s success once more. But the real reason I’m excited about the game is a little melancholy, but seeing how far
Sonic has come and how much he’s been the biggest impact of my life, growing up with Sonic; of course the 20th anniversary game is going to be the most exciting thing for me! Sonic was
my friend when I didn’t have any and when I had nobody. He’s in my happiest memories, even the most simplest times of just playing video games of Sonic’s adventures, they brought me
much joy and still do. And how just looking at a poster of Sonic, his cocky smile some how reached me, it saved me from my most sorrowful moment of my life. And even though he’s just
a cartoon, he’s real to me. I just wish for Sonic to have as much of an impact as I did to others. Just complete happiness and how he’s still running after 20 years! I’m thankful for being
able to be apart of this time and hope to see Sonic run another 20 years for sure! That’s why I’m so excited for Sonic Generations, seeing Sonic on his next big adventure! (And seeing that Metal Sonic will be a boss again!) :D

D’AWWW! Great post, but I wish I could get it to format correctly. Can’t seem to fix it right.

Solstice of Gravity

In all of my years growing up, Sonic has always been a majority of my life. Probably the biggest majority there is. With Sonic Generations coming out and more Sonic games to come, I finally get to look back at all parts of my childhood in one game. Just seeing how two different sets of Sonic fans can come together under one game chills me down to the very bone. I spent my life playing the Sonic series and Sonic Generations is sure to be a true fan favorite for years to come. As if it wasn’t enough, Sonic is a bigger part of my life than I have mentioned so far. Being a fan who has collected a great amount of the games, I decided to go to college and learn anything I could on being a video game concept artist for trying to one day achieve my dream job of joining SEGA’s Sonic Team. I’ve learned there is more to the job than that though. Roughly enough, I finally came to realization that I need to do more than be a concept artist if I ever hope to join the Sonic Team. I’ve come to accept whatever it is in life I need to do to achieve my dream, no matter what anyone thinks about me. Thank you Sonic for being the inspiration to my life. Thank you SEGA for giving me a childhood. Lastly, thank you fans all enjoying what can be considered the greatest gaming hero in history. Sonic is only as big as his fans, and I hope he continues to have fans for years to come. Long live Sonic.

The fact that Sonic inspired you to get yourself into college and fight for your dreams is more than enough to get you a nomination. Hope you succeed in your endeavors.

Shade Vortex

I am very excited for Sonic Generations, because it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to relive Sonic’s history in a new, but nostalgic way by reinventing everything from the 20 years of the franchise’s existence, including the most recent adventures, in an almost brand new way! When I found out this game existed, I was more excited than I ever had been before for a Sonic game- not because the others were bad, but because this one seemed to be the all-encompassing, definitive experience fans and non-fans alike could experience and know that “this is Sonic the Hedgehog, the way it is meant to be- bright, colorful, not too serious, and most importantly, fun!”. This game may be the one game that actually triumphs as my absolute-favorite, and that’s because it’s a nice blend of new and old while trying its hardest to represent the original playstyle in the original games (Sonic 1, 2 and 3 & Knuckles, and even CD) as accurately as it can, and also give us the best of the modern playstyle as well, with an improved drift, and improved controls at slower speed, and even more 3D and platforming! With each piece of info revealed about this game, officially or accidentally, I find myself becoming more and more excited, and was lucky enough to even play the game, not only on the PS3 with the limited home demo that’s expired by now, but also the 360 and 3DS versions at the Penny Arcade Expo. This game represents what it means to be a Sonic fan to me, and I couldn’t express my joy any better than saying that Sonic Generations is the ultimate celebration of a franchise.

I liked this one because it was well written and straight to the point. The exact kind of post I was looking for.


Two words, Sonic Generations
As I sit here remembering and jotting down the best moments of my childhood, many are filled with the colorful pixilated zones of Sonic the Hedgehog. If it was one thing I loved as a kid it was speed, so much so that my family and I used to be hooked on racing our ATV’s while we spent weekends camping by the shoreline somewhere in Ensenada, Mexico. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 was the first video game I ever owned, I remember plugging in my fresh-out-of-the-box Genesis and putting the cartridge in. The first thing that came up was a licensing screen for Sega’s hardware and what followed after was one of the most iconic presentation screens in the golden age of video games. A blue blur shoots to the left and right of the screen at high-speed, the television chants Sega in a static harmony, the screen darkens and then begins to sparkle, and a familiar Blue Hedgehog pops of out of the title emblem with his two tailed friend. At that moment I smiled and pushed the start button, the rush of flying down the long grassy stretches and the checkered corkscrew bridges of Emerald Hill was some of the most fun I had as a kid and after days of memorizing every cheat code and learning about the different secret pathways. I took a heavy interest in the creative design of the series, I would desperately attempt to draw Sonic and capture the speed he obtained going down the steep incline in Chemical Plant Act 2 with a cheap golf pencil and a dozen sheets of white copy paper. I was 5 years old and 14 years later I’ve applied to the Art Institute here in my hometown of San Diego, CA hoping to major in Illustration and Animation. Sonic Generations brings back so many cherished memories, watching the initial trailer practically brought a tear to my eye. Playing the demo of the classic and modern Stage at the San Diego Comic Con was breath taking. It’s everything old and new fans dream for. As I wait impatiently for the release of Sonic Generations I think of the different games I’ve played in the franchise and how we as sonic fans have been through the great and the ugly (I put a huge emphasis on ugly) of the series and have finally been treated to a great renaissance in the series. Sonic is making his return back on the gaming scene and I know Sonic Generations will set it in stone.

Dude! (Yes, I tend to say “dude” a lot. I’m from California so sue me.) I probably met you at the Con. I was at Archie’s booth several times and interviewed Aaron Webber there. I hung out there a lot on Sunday watching others play the game. Great post, but I gotta say, why didn’t you just buy the stuff I’m giving away? You were there! XD


Asking me to choose one game that I’m hyped about is kinda like asking someone to choose between children. However, I’m probably gonna have to go with Sonic Generations. Why? Well, it all goes back… See, I’ve been captivated by the Blue Blur ever since I first saw him, in an ad for Sonic X. I know, I know, horrible show, but whatever. Seeing him run across the screen was awesome, and I immediately stopped watching my Saturday morning cartoons and went and told my mother of the awesomeness that had just graced my 6 year old mind. I ended up getting both Sonic Mega Collection and Sonic Adventure 2: Battle a bit later. Due to this, I’ve never had a problem with Classic and Modern. They’re just two playstyles, two different but amazingly fun playstyles. For crying out loud, I didn’t even know there were different designs! I just thought that was how Sonic was drawn in sprite form! But I digress. For years, Sonic has been an intergral part of my life ever since that one day. Seeing as I’ve never had an older sibling, Sonic filled that role for me, teaching me many things. To see him hit that roadbump with Shadow and 06 (Heroes is debatable) really hurt me, and I always hoped for the better. Sonic Generations is a celebration of 20 years for Sonic, but for me, it’s a celebration of the one who has made me who I am today, through his games and his character. My friends may think that Sonic’s too childish, but I disagree, because he’s given me so much. So here’s to Sonic, and another 20 years of all things blue.

This is a good example of a younger, more modern Sonic fan who has his head straight. He likes both the modern and classic games, but knows a bad Sonic game when he sees one. He loved Sonic X as a kid, but is more critical of it now. Good work.

And now the winner is…










Solstice of Gravity

Congratulations! Be sure to PM me your address on the forums. (Look for jasonthejackass)

If you were nominated and didn’t win but also posted on Segabits, check there later today to see if you may have won there.

A big thanks to everyone who participated.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

The Sonic Hype Giveaway!

UPDATE: Some extra info.

Excited for Sonic Generations? Sonic CD? Mario and Sonic 2012? How about telling us why and getting rewarded for it?

Introducing the “Sonic Hype” Giveaway! Are you gyrating for Generations? Salivating for Sonic CD? Or are you going for the Olympic gold? Maybe you want it all? Tell us in one paragraph in the comments section on what Sonic game your hyped for this holiday season and why. The best comment will be chosen by yours truly on September 28. The winner will receive the following…

1. A copy of the San Diego Comic-Con Edition of Sonic #226 autographed by Ian Flynn. One of only 1,000 copies made!

2. A pair of Sonic Generations buttons.

3. An official animated cell from “The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog”.


All comments need to be made by Tues, Sept 27.

One paragraph! I have a lot of entries to read, so keep it short but sweet.

Only one comment per entry. One entry per person. That means if you comment more than once, you’re out.

I will ship to any country that allows giveaways. Some countries may be prohibited depending on laws.

I will judge the winning entry based on the quality of the writing.

TSS Staff members are non-eligible.

The winner will be announced on the front page on Wednesday Sept 28. I will then need the winner to PM me (jasonthejackass)

Good luck and believe the hype!

Update: Wanna second shot at winning 2/3rds of this stuff? Would you rather have some posters instead of an animation cell? Then check out the Sega Hype contest at Segabits.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Way Past School! Stationery Competition Winners

Well, there certainly was a lot of homework for the TSS staff to mark this weekend! So much in fact it’s taken us an extra day to do it – but now we can officially announce the winner of the competition! We had nearly 300 entries; some made us laugh, some made us cry (ok a lot made us cry) … some were so long we fell asleep half way through reading them. But like in any class, the top students have passed their test with flying colours!

So, without further delay, congratulations to our winner needsemail1, with this very clever, Sonic Colors-themed excuse:

“Sorry i didn’t do my algebra home work – I forgot how to CUBE.” -needsemail1

We’re also sending some stationery to two runners up, Curty and skyblaze, who also had two very understandable excuses:

“Sorry I bombed that Physics exam. I copied from Takashi Iizuka.” – skyblaze

“Sorry I’m late Sir, I was late leaving my dorm because I had to…cream the rabbit >:3” – Curty

All three of you please get in contact with your postal details through tbird [at] and we will send your prizes out to you!

As for the rest of you, it’s 5 laps around Green Hill Zone with Coach AAUK.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Way Past School! Sonic Stationery Competition

Now quiet down class!

Thesummer is over, and a lot of you will be suffering a case of the back to school blues. Not only that, you’ve still got two months to wait until Sonic Generations is released! Fear not however as we have an awesome competition to totally pimp out your pencil case to give you the sweetest stationary set around!

Up for grabs is a cracking set of brand-spanking new Sonic the Hedgehog stationery, including pens, pencils, notepads, pencil sharpeners, rulers, erasers and a swanky pencil case to throw it all in – one lucky winner will be the recipient of the entire lot!

What we want you to do is come up with the best Sonic-themed classroom excuse! It can be anything from “Sorry Sir, I haven’t got my homework because my Motobug ate it.” to “I couldn’t come to class today Miss…I’ve had a bad case of the Mobian Measles.”

Be as creative and inventive as you can – the most original and comical excuses will have the best chances of winning. Post your entries in the comments box below; we will mark them in the Sonic Stadium Staffroom at lunchtime on Tuesday. We expect you all to get S-grades for spelling, punctuation and grammar.

You have until 5:00PM GMT on Monday, 5th of September to hand your homework in – the winner will be announced at hometime the following day. Failure to hand in your homework will result in you being send to the Dreadmaster’s office to explain yourself.

Good luck!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Welcome to the Chuckle Stadium

Today, we are offering the finest news, reviews and updates on the Chuckle Brothers, one of the UK’s greatest entertainment duos that ever lived. If you grew up watching Chucklevision throughout the 80’s or 90’s and still feel a small tingle whenever you hear that catchy theme tune, then come to the Chuckle Stadium, where you’ll find a true home from home.

You might think that the Chuckle Brothers have become rubbish throughout the years. That the comedy duo’s best work is behind them and that since the ‘Green Eye’ fiasco (did you see it? The episode where they got contact lenses? So funny…) Barry and Paul are but a shadow of their former selves. Not so, says the Chuckle Stadium. We think that, like a fine wine, Chuckles get finer with age.

So settle down, relax, and chat about YOUR favourite Chuckle Brothers moments – be it from ChuckleVision, To Me To You, pantomime or any of their other hilarious side projects. All fans are welcome at the Chuckle Stadium. Love Chuckle Brothers? Love The Chuckle Stadium.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

The Great Home Page Experiment

Apologies for the brief and rather flavourless update this evening – was in the middle of sprucing up the home page and my laptop’s battery caved in. As you can see, we’re going through something of an early Spring clean, so excuse the mess while I’m unable to fix it basically.

The general idea is that all posts will be morphed into this one monster list of TSS articles – we have written a lot of stuff over the last week, but some posts have not been as popular as others because they were hidden underneath other sections. I hope to have in place a system where users can easily see new posts on the home page since their last visit, so you don’t miss a beat.

The top of the page – horrific Dr Robotnik and all – is intended to be for the latest ‘hot’ stories, be they news, articles or anything else. I will be adding text into each of the three (one currently doesn’t work – something else to fix) hot story images as soon as I get the chance. In the meantime, enjoy a turning Robotnik without any context. Sweet dreams!

Let me know your feedback on the home page, and whether you think these changes are good for you. We’re not above changing it again to suit your needs, so give us your thoughts in the comments box below! And we’ll return to our usual home page service soon…

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011! A New Year’s Message From TSS

Happy New Year Everyone!

We hope you’ve all enjoyed whatever celebrations you’ve attended over the past weeks, and are looking forward to what the New Year has to offer! 2010 has been and gone, and boy it’s sure been a rollercoaster year! We’ve seen the long-awaited Sonic the Hedgehog 4 released and met with mixed reviews. We’ve been pleasantly surprised with the new cast of Sonic voice actors and with how fantastic a title Sonic Colo(u)rs turned out to be. Some of us got the opportunity to rock out with Crush 40 at Summer of Sonic ’10, and some of us have probably fallen over while trying to play Sonic Free Riders.

If you’re resident to the UK then no doubt your parents or grandparents will have insisted on watching the Queen’s speech on Christmas day, where our majesty usually talks about something relevant to the past year’s events. Well, I’m not royalty, but I’d like to talk to you guys and gals about friendship and tolerance. One of the things that makes this fan base so unique is the variety of talent and knowledge that you all harbour…not to mention the kindness, the generosity and the good nature you all display on a regular basis. I know a lot of you have forged strong friendships and have even found love through a mutual passion for Sonic. These principles of friendship are undoubtedly the backbone to many elements of what this community provides from general day-to-day conversations on the forums to real life meet-ups. Another thing that makes the community special in many ways is the diversity of opinions. I’ve always maintained we’d have one pretty boring world if we all agreed on everything, and it’s been rewarding to have lengthy discussions debating music, games and merchandise with many of you over the many years I’ve been a part of this community. I’m sure many of you who share the same passion will have had similar experiences.

Of course sometimes this passion can mean we lead with our heart and not with our minds, and from time to time discussion can become heated. More often than not the result causes an exchange of words that serves any purpose but to antagonise the other party. I am pleased to say that over the last year I’ve seen a massive decline in this happening in the comments on articles or on the SSMB forums, and I hope that you guys will continue this attitude, as well as to extend this to our brethren across all other sites and forums as well. Opinions are exactly that: opinions. We are all allowed to have them, and regardless of whether or not you agree with them, you have to respect the opinions of others. I hope TSS will continue to be a place where thoughts, feelings and opinions can be shared and discussed constructively.

Our network of friends continues to expand every year, and we are pleased to have been able to add many new names to the list of sites we communicate with, and we hope to add more to that this year as well as reinforce our bonds with those we already work with. 2010 has also seen our connections with SEGA grow even stronger; this has included opportunities for exclusive news, but it has most notably manifested with the increasing support we have had for the Summer of Sonic convention. I’m sure that the near thousand-strong crowd who came along to play games before anyone else, to pick up prizes and freebies available nowhere else and to see the UK’s first Crush 40 performance will agree that this event was something special.

These things don’t just pop into existence however; without the creative powers of Dreadknux (our very own Svend Joscelyne) and AAUK (Mr. Kevin Eva, SoE) to mobilise the massive undertaking, without the financial support from SEGA, and without the band of merry men and women from TSS, Sonic Wrecks, Emerald Coast, Nights Into Dreams (who will also be celebrating NiGHTS 15th anniversary this year!) and so forth, Summer of Sonic simply wouldn’t happen.

Our ties with SEGA still don’t end there though; we’ve also been fortunate enough to have been in a position to be able to give our feedback on games such as Sonic the Hedgehog 4 directly thanks to SEGA Community Events (attended by our very own Brad Flick late last year). Events like these are heralding the beginning of a paradigm shift to an era in which SEGA are listening more and more to what the community and to what the fans want. Even if you don’t think Sonic 4 is the perfect title, the feedback our community contributes will assist future direction to the franchise. For those of you were totally unimpressed with the title, exercise tolerance; creating the perfect game is surely an iterative process, and thus we should exercise patience as frustrating as it is. In any case I toast AAUK, RubyEclipse (Mr. Aaron Webber, SoA) and the many others who have taken the time to make this their mission to talk to us fans, and hope they will continue their work on into 2011 and beyond.

For those of you still sceptical, then I invite you to come along to Summer of Sonic this year and meet fellow fans for yourself. Dread often talks of something that has now become affectionately known as “SoS syndrome” – the fantastic feeling you get from coming along to Summer of Sonic, and which usually lingers for weeks after the event. I’m sure it will change your mind.

So what does 2011 have in store for us? Well it looks like there are two or three new Sonic titles to look forward to, as well as Sonic’s 20th anniversary, which is already being teased by SEGA of Japan’s website. Of course if that wasn’t enough, you can expect Summer of Sonic ’11 in June as well; I can guarantee you won’t want to miss this year’s festivities! As per usual we’ll have some awesome stuff to give away to you guys as well, so keep your peepers peeled for new competitions just around the corner!

On behalf of all the staff here at TSS, I wish all of you the best for the year to come, and we hope you all enjoy sharing and celebrating two decades of Sonic the Hedgehog with friends new and old with us here at the Sonic Stadium!

T-Bird, TSS Staff

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

TSS Christmas Contest: Entries & Winner!

We’ve had quite a response to our Christmas Carol competition – and all of the entries I’ve received have been extremely creative! So first of all, as The Sonic Stadium changes into a festive design, let me first wish all our readers all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year – and a big well done and thanks to all who submitted entries. They’re all inspired!

I’ll run through all the entries first before unveiling the winner – there’s PAL versions of Sonic Colours on the Wii, Sonic Colours on the DS, Sonic Free Riders on Xbox 360 Kinect and Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing on the line here! So let’s go!

The Entries

We Wisp You A Merry Christmas (text) – Stephan62
Stephan62 was the first submission we had, and it was a really cool twist on the door-to-door modern classic, We Wish You A Merry Christmas. Naturally, the many inclusion of Wisps and urges to buy Sonic Colours runs throughout this version of the carol. It’s a good way to try and convince jaded Sonic fans that there is hope yet in this franchise. Well done mate.

Sonic Visits Christmas Island (text) – Kazu Matsumoto
Another entrant took the time to do a complete rewrite of a song – this time from The Nightmare Before Christmas’ “What’s This?” This version, titled “Sonic Visits Christmas Island,” comes courtesy of Kazu Matsumoto, who shows us that any kind of festive-sounding track can be transformed into a Sonical, magical wonder. Great job!

Black Christmas (audio) – Concorde Hedgehog
It’s Jingle Bells, Shadow style! This extended audio clip has everyone’s favourite angst-hog knock on doors with Black Doom as they sing carols for the local neighbours. Unfortunately, things get a little bit out of hand and Black Doom starts doing his crazy ‘betrayal’ speech again. Sometimes it’s difficult not to feel sorry for Shadow if the choices he has for buddies is Inspector Gadget and Sonic the cheesy cheery-hog. Good effort Concorde!

A Christmas of Sonic Games (video) – Sonictoast
This rather funky video sees Big the Cat (our favourite hero) roll through the majority of the games in Sonic’s near-20-year lifetime. In the style of a classic Christmas carol. The singing is pretty befitting of Big, although why Eggman would want to duet with him we have no idea. Must be the festive season making him act all strange. Nice one Sonictoast!

A ChaotiX-Mas Carol (text/video) – Kjeld Oostra
Kjeld Oostra submitted this video – although he notes that the music in the background isn’t part of the song. It’s just there for decoration. What we really have to pay attention to is the words that Espio is singing to try and sway Vector over. Probably in an attempt to get a bigger cut of the detective reward money. Who knows. Well done!

Eggman Christmas (audio) – Allybee
Allybee showed sheer dedication to this contest – not only did she record an alternative version where she sings a ‘Female’ version (the link leads to the original, Eggman version), but she did it all while her husband was out! His return scared the hell out of her apparently, leading her to re-record one of the audio files again. That’s worthy enough of credit, and the song is pretty sweet too. Well written, awesomely sung – nice work.

You’re A Mean One, Robotnik! (audio) – Unrealperson4564
Now here’s an entry nobody expected – rather than your average Sonic character singing songs, we have the President from Sonic Adventure 2 bringing the carol-based thunder. Unfortunately, if the President was only able to retaliate to Eggman’s domination threats by simply having a go at him through the means of interpretive singing, it’s no wonder the bad egg was able to easily take over the world. Great thinking outside of the box there!

E.G.G.M.A.N. Christmas (audio) – Sonicmark
Sonicmark cracked out the E.G.G.M.A.N. theme song for his entry, transforming the villainous decree of world domination into a bit of a moan about Christmas from an apparently grumpy old git. The Ebeneezer Scrooging of our favourite rotund bad guy is genius, and Sonicmark’s not bad at singing along to a comedy song himself! Awesome stuff.

A Sonic Carol (image) – Swiss
Swiss decided to decorate his Christmas Carol with an awesome picture of Sonic the Hedgehog. He is probably the best character for the job – he likes to cosplay as Santa more than the rest of them. The carol’s a brilliant take on SatAM’s Fastest Thing Alive theme song. Next time you see an episode of the classic cartoon, see if you can imagine jingling bells in the background while singing these alternative lyrics. Very inventive, great job!

Rudolph the Red Nosed… (image) – Nemain
Sonic and Tails attempt to sing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, but is ninja’d by Robotnik’s PINGAS. There are no words. Only awesome. Click the link to see the whole comic – another excellent piece of work by Nemain, including stunning artwork as always!

The Winner

Hark! The Chaos Emerald King (comic/animation) – Peda
This incredible submission by Peda has it all. A fresh new spin on a timeless Christmas Carol, excellent singing to convey the message, and some fab artwork to carry the carol along as it tells the story. We were really impressed with the creativity in the lyrics to begin with, but the animation that Peda made to complement the carol (click the link to see it) is icing on the cake. Excellent stuff, Peda – have a bunch of Sonic games on us!

That’s all the entries, folks! Again, thanks to all who submitted things in – it’s another mark of how creative and fun this fanbase is. Hope you enjoyed looking at these submissions as much as I did! Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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Contest: Win This Holiday’s Sonic Games!

It’s Christmas time! And what have we learned? Well, we’ve learned that Sonic Team can really get their heads down and crack out a decent game when they’re not distracting themselves with fluorescent flying toys or something similar. We’ve also learned that controller-free gaming can be done (somewhat) with a Kinect and that the chaps at Sumo Digital are heroes. Seriously, we want S0L’s babies.

Would you like to learn what we have learned in 2010? ‘How, and where exactly is this going?’ I hear you ask. Well, by entering our awesome Christmas competition of course, and winning yourself a PAL copy of four Sonic game released this year.

We’ve got a copy of Sonic Colours on the Wii and Nintendo DS, Sonic Free Riders on the Xbox 360 and as a bonus we’re throwing in Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing on either the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 (not pictured, obviously).

The Challenge

So, what have you got to do? As I said before, it’s Christmas time. Round about now, kids are going to start knocking on your door and sing butchered versions of carols. Some won’t even bother to sing carols, only choosing to mumble half the chorus to ‘We Wish You A Merry Christmas.’ We think the characters in the Sonic universe can do a bit better than that. Your task is to create a Christmas Carol, as performed by a Sonic character.

You can take any approach to this as you wish – you can modify an existing Christmas Carol and replace certain words with some of Big the Cat’s favourite things, for example (so that would just be fishing, then). You can write an entirely new carol for a villain or hero to sing, if that’s what you’d rather do. It doesn’t even have to be written – if you’re an artistic type, why not draw a little comic or art piece with your favourite character singing this new masterpiece of yours in front of someone’s house? Or for the really brave, you could record yourself on audio or video and send it to us that way.

This competition is now closed. Winners will be announced in a new Community Blog post soon.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

The Sonic Hour: All Episodes Online, Series 6 Next Sunday!

SEGASonic Radio is gearing itself for another Project 24 event (Sunday 5th December 2010), and to celebrate I’ve finally found time to update the podcast feed to The Sonic Hour, the radio station’s flagship live show. Presented by myself (Dreadknux) and Roareye Black, TSH has been going for something like 6 years now – almost as long as The Sonic Stadium itself!

Since our very first episode in Christmas 2003, we’ve recorded a total of 93 episodes and at least 3 specials. We’ve had several presenter line-ups to join the ‘Dread x Roareye’ tag team, from Anarchy Rat in the early days to Jemnezmy most recently, and all kinds of special guests inbetween.

Project 24 will also mark the first episode of Series 6 of The Sonic Hour. As always, we will be live on air between 6pm – 7pm GMT every Sunday (please check your timezones for your area), with #601 broadcasting on the 5th December.

A sixth series, and the 100th episode right around the corner?! How in the hell did we ever get this popular? Is it our randomness? Our lame attempts at humour? Our insistent Sonic music playlist of awesome? Police Lieutenant Smith? Lyle the Bear? Rory’s Monologue? Dodgy Dread’s Emporium of Sonic Chintz? WongWatch? Or was it just Sonic Pants?

Either way, you can now catch up with every single episode of the show! Subscribe to us on iTunes (US LinkUK link, or you can simply crack open iTunes and search for “The Sonic Hour”), hit the raw XML feed here, or just download each individual track on our Media portal. If you’re already subscribed to us on iTunes, right-click the podcast and select “Show all available episodes” and the older ones will appear.

Due to popular demand as well, all Series 4 and Series 5 episodes have been re-encoded into AAC-HE format, cutting down filesize dramatically with just as much sound quality. The m4a files can be read in almost every music program – or at least, every music program worth using that’s for sure. If you’re struggling, use either iTunes or VLC.

If you’re new to the delights of the very first regular radio broadcast in the Sonic community, why not give The Sonic Hour a spin? I warn you right now though: it’s NOT for the faint of heart, and it’s pretty explicit in content. You will most definitely lose several brain cells as well.

Hit the jump for a shortlist of all 23 episodes added to The Sonic Hour’s archive: Continue reading The Sonic Hour: All Episodes Online, Series 6 Next Sunday!

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TSS Exclusive: Sonic Colours Wallpaper

Sonic Colours was released last Friday (in Europe – officially, the US gets it tomorrow but it’s clear that some retailers across the pond just couldn’t wait to sell it early), and it’s a proper corker as well. TSS will be publishing its in-depth review shortly, but until then you can enjoy this exclusive wallpaper to jazz up your desktop.

You may remember that Sonic Wrecks and Sonic Retro have also posted up exclusive Sonic Colours wallpapers, and TSS’ offering differs in that it features Sonic, Tails and Yakker leaping against the colourful game’s title card design. Cool, isn’t it? You can download the European version here (which has the name spelled as ‘Colours’) and the North American version here (‘Colors’ – shudder).

Both wallpapers are in a 1920 x 1200 resolution, and can also be picked up in the Wallpapers section of the site should you miss this post some weeks later. Enjoy! Many thanks to SEGA for sending these to us!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

[UPDATE] SEGA Sonic Radio Project 24 Returns! Postponed to Sunday 5th December 2010

[UPDATE] Due to a large number of DJs being unable to broadcast next Sunday, Project 24 has been postponed to December 5th. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. To make up for this, T-Time will be filling your stockings early with bumper prize give-aways throughout the show! Stay tuned for more details! [UPDATE END]

Back by popular demand! SEGASonic: Radio‘s day-long event returns for the second year running on November 21st! This year’s 24-hour LiveCast includes a whole host of regular and one-off shows hosted by SS:R DJs old and new, bringing you the best of Sonic the Hedgehog music as well as a whole host of prizes to be given out over the course of the day!

Continue reading [UPDATE] SEGA Sonic Radio Project 24 Returns! Postponed to Sunday 5th December 2010

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

“Yardley Working” Contest Winners Announced!

Hey folks! Jason Here.

Well, the contest has been over for a week now and to help build suspense I’ve delayed up till now before telling you the winners of this fine art contest. It had absolutely nothing to do with me being too lazy and playing too much Goldeneye and Rock Band 3 to be bothered putting this up. Honest! All entries were looked over and judged by yours truly.

Anyhoo, for each category I’ll be showing the winners and the runner ups. What do the runner ups get? The knowledge that if that jerk hadn’t entered the contest too, they’d be the winner! Each winner must PM me your address so I can mail your art out to you. The winning art should be sent out by the end of the month. (Hey, it’s Christmas time folks. I ain’t makin’ any promises here.)

Now, onto the victors!!

Category 1: Shades Fan Art (Prizes = Page 13 of Sonic Eggs issue 2 and Knuckles art by Spaz)

prize 1

Winner – Smash
Shades fan art

Most of my Shades fan art came with him in Vanilla’s dress. I guess people like seeing him that way. This made me laugh as I wondered why Cheese was so ticked off at him.

Runner Up – Super Sonikku

Shades Art

What looks cute and cuddly to others looks scary to Shades.

Category 2 : Funny Fan Art (Prizes = The two pages that make page 11 and a page from Sonic X )

Prize 2

Winner – Nemain

Funny art

Rouge learns the nightmare of cosplay.

Runner Up – Rabbid A

Funny Art 2

Rabbid A gives us this rendition of a not so happy Sonic being forced into Shades dress up party.

Category 3: Writing Contest (Prizes = Page 14 and a page of Ron Lim art from a Knuckles comic)

Prize 3

Winner – Mimi

Writing Contest

Mimi won with her last minute comic. Very funny stuff.

Runner Up – Fairfieldfencer

This one’s for the comic book fans. May make it into an Egg Whites!

My entry for Category 3, based on the opening page of SU: #21.

Panel One: Same as SU: #21:

Panel Two: Visually the same as SU: #21 with different dialogue.

Zone Cop Ship: Dr. Nega! This is Nurse Ratchet of the video game villain asylum! Nurse Clank is at the gun and will not hold back!

Panel Three: Visually the same. Different dialogue.

Dr. Nega: I’LL NEVER GO BACK!!!!!

Panel Four: Exactly the same as SU: #21.

Panel Five: The two ships fly opposite each other and the Zone Cop Ship is panicked as it looks down at the fallen capsule that has dropped in a pond and has fizzled out of existance.

Zone Cop Ship: Darn it! His scheme succeeded!

Panel Six: Inside Dr. Nega’s ship. Nega is sweating and wiping his forehead with a relieved smile.

Dr. Nega: Phew! There was no way I was taking that suppository!

Congratulations to all the winners!! To the runner ups, ooooh! So close!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

TSS’ 10th Anniversary Celebrations!

Today’s the day! The Sonic Stadium is now a whopping ten years old, and to celebrate we’re dedicating a whole week’s worth of information, media and stories from the website’s own history vaults! Stick around for those, including back catalogue updates (at laaaaaaaaast!) and some real archive building.

You might have also noticed by now that the site has had a redesign. Call it a new birthday suit as it enters its terrible teens. Site sections have now been incorporated into a menu just below the banner up there, and thanks to some wicked coding wizardry from Bmn the sections react to rollovers. As I said before, we’ll be working on getting some content up to fill up this new layout right away.

The banners themselves have been made especially for TSS’ big 1-0. Roarey Raccoon and syaming-li have both contributed awesome images to decorate the site with as we metaphorically bang lots of pots and pans about our age.

Another change is in the topbar, above the banner. Now you can see a live ticker of the songs and LiVECASTs that are airing on SEGASonic Radio. Take a look now. Go on. That’s what’s playing right now. It’s a good song, isn’t it? Click the green icon to launch a popup window that will allow you to listen to the station and chat with friends at the same time. Noice.

Sidebars will be customised for each section of the website – the functionality of this is still being ironed out, so be aware that we’re updating the design on the right hand side all the time to make it look much cooler. If you have any ideas for quicklinks that you want to see on the sidebar in a particular section – latest updates to game pages, most commented on articles, that sort of thing – then do get in touch.

(By the way, if you’re seeing icons and sidebar links to a website called SEGADriven, that’s because it is the latest addition to our network of websites – run by Lewis Clark, formerly of Sonic Yoda. Go and check out his site, it’s awesome! Plus, you can use the same account you use to comment on TSS to post your thoughts on SEGADriven, so what are you waiting for? Pepper his website with comments!)

And of course, if you want to send in anything to celebrate TSS’ 10th, then you can do so by sending your works to

I hope my website has been entertaining and useful to you over the last decade, and I have no intentions of stopping either. To the future! Happy Birthday, TSS!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Sonic Colours – Sweet Mountain & Planet Wisp Videos

Who fancies some more Sonic Colours, then? The more eagle-eyed of you will have noticed that we added two videos of gameplay from the first world, Tropical Resort, when we opened our Sonic Colours Game Archive. You wanted more, and so here you go – four more videos of footage, from Sweet Mountain and Planet Wisp. You can find them on the same page – just click here.

Keep an eye on TSS over the weekend for some more 10th Anniversary updates – our Sonic 4 review is also hitting on Monday. In the meantime, enjoy the videos!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Sonic Stadium Heading to New York Comic Con!

This has been a year of events for The Sonic Stadium. First E3, then Comic Con, and finally PAX. We’ve brought you exclusive news, previews, and media from all these events, some of which other sites never even picked up on! Now, I am happy to announce that we’re also heading to the New York Comic Con, through ECC writer TJ Selinka, otherwise known as “The Illustrious Q”.

So, what does this mean for all of you? Lots of interviews, photos, videos, and maybe even some hands on previews if there’s anything new there. We’ve already lined up a video interview with Sonic writer Ian Flynn, and if all goes well, we’ll have a load of other neat articles and interviews for you guys to dig your teeth into!  We’ll also be bringing you the Archie panel in it’s entirely, as well as the latest information on Ian Flynn’s “Secret Project”, whatever that may be.

Stay tuned to Sonic Stadium for all the latest at the New York Comic Con later this week.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

TSS 10th: Guess Who We’re Interviewing? [UPDATE]

Welcome to October. On the 24th of this month, this humble website will be ten years old. And what better way to celebrate that special anniversary than having the once-in-a-lifetime chance to sit down and chat to one of the men that made Sonic the Hedgehog – and in effect, this website – a reality.

Let me do my best Rolf Harris impression: “Can you guess who it is yet?”

That’s right. None other than Yuji Naka, one of the most inspirational developers to come out of Japan. During his time at Sonic Team, he was constantly referred to as Sega’s version of Nintendo’s own Shigeru Miyamoto. Alongside creating the physics and backbone of the Sonic the Hedgehog gameplay, Naka-san is also the mastermind behind NiGHTS Into Dreams, Burning Rangers, Phantasy Star Online and Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg.

He is in London right now, promoting the UK release of his latest work, Ivy The Kiwi? On Monday, I will be sitting right next to him to chat about the game, and all things Sonic besides (talk about dream come true).

If you have a burning question that you’ve always wanted to ask Naka-san – about Sonic, his work at Prope, Ivy The Kiwi?, anything – here’s your chance! Post your questions in the comments box below and I’ll have a look through them and pick out some of the best ones for the ultimate Sonic Stadium interview. You guys have until Sunday night – have a think about some really unique and interesting questions!

Of course, I’ve got more planned for TSS’ 10th Anniversary, but this pretty much cranks the proceedings up from ‘exciting’ to ‘freaking awesome!’ Stay tuned for more excellent celebrations this month – October 2010 is all about The Sonic Stadium!

UPDATE: The interview has been cancelled. Yuji Naka has had to leave for Japan early due to “unforeseen circumstances.” There may still be an opportunity to ask some questions via alternative methods, so sit tight. We’d like to thank Premier PR and Rising Star Games for the opportunity up until the event’s cancellation.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

“Yardley Working!”: The Sonic Fan Art/Writing Contest

Hey folks!!

Well, there’s no Sonic Eggs comic this week, but Kichi is working hard on them as we speak. This week, you’re getting something better….

Yardley art

Tracy Yardley art!! It’s time for you to show off your creativity and sense of humor. Sonic style!!

We got three separate contests for three pieces of art. Let’s look at the categories.

Category 1 – Shades Fanart

Winning Page = Page 13 “The Hedgehog’s new clothes”

Draw me your funniest art of our resident sissy clone to win this page of Shades in his Sunday best.

Category 2 – “Two for one” Funny fanart

Winning page(s) = Page 11 “Ms. Manners”

Although this was only one comic strip, it was on two pages so the winner is getting two pages of art!! Just draw me a very humorous piece of Sonic art. Keep it funny, but also, KEEP IT CLEAN!

Category 3 – “Writers deserve love too.”

Winning page = Page 14 “Playing God and Playing Favorites” and a bonus secret prize.

For this page you can do two things. Either write me a funny short story containing 300 words or less, or make a funny comic strip. Either one can win! If a friend does the art, you must share one of the prizes with him. (It will be mailed to one address though.)

RULES – Contest is open to U.S., UK and any country where it’s allowed. Winners will receive their art page in a plastic sleeve for extra protection and it makes it easy for posting on a wall. Only one entry per person for all three categories. That means if you go for the Shades art, you cannot enter for the other art.

Winners will be PM’ed and shown here on the front page you must enter by 10/15/10 and I will decide the winners the following week. Winners will be decided not only on skill, but humor and creativity. So you can draw like a toddler but if it makes me laugh, that counts.

Entries must be posted in the categories shown in Sonic Showcase here on SSMB, or on Sonic Eggs Universe forum. at Emerald Coast Comics.

So do your best and have fun!!

….And yes, I’m keeping the other pages so nyaah!! XD

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Sonic Colours: TSS Info Page Live

Today’s been a good day for Sonic Colours information. Basically, information from an advance preview code has the green light to be made public from this week onwards – and I was one of the lucky few to have played it for an extended period of time. For a detailed preview of my experience, you’ll have to check SPOnG (it’ll be worth it, trust me – it should be live Tuesday morning), but for all the little bits of details inbetween, there’s the new TSS Sonic Colours Info Page, which has just gone live.

Every now and then, I’ll be trickling new details into this page from my play experiences – story elements (no spoilers), enemies, moves, Wisp powers and level mechanics. The reason it’s a bit thin right now (although there’s still some interesting tidbits that you likely didn’t know before, including badnik information) is because the site has been going pretty slow today, so I apologise for that.

When you’re done snooping as usual, you can chat about new details on the SSMB right here. Enjoy!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Wisp Me Away: UK Winners, More To Give Away!

You might remember that we staged a Wisp Me Away contest, where you could win a little plush toy of one of the sentient alien beings in Sonic Colours. The US winners have already been announced, but you’re probably wondering what’s happening to the UK winners. Well, for that I have some good news and some bad news.

The bad news first – there aren’t 50 Wisps to give away for our UK readers, only 43 I’m afraid. But that doesn’t take anything away from the good news, that everyone who has already entered in the UK side of the contest has already won a Wisp! Better yet, there are more Wisps to spare!

First, I’ll list the winners – who are basically everyone who entered the contest to win a Wisp in the first place: Cybercells, JoshMay, Bisylizzie, Tobibrocki, Uklo the Hedgehog, CobraRoll, SyamingLi, Cerium, Jimmy Kudo, Requiem, Gavvie, Alios, Vger, BlueBlueChrome, mimichi, Running Wild, Ashely Marsh, Gnasher, Jenny Tablina, Dr Spudhead, ProfessorZolo, empires, Keybearer, john!, BlastedPinata, Blue Blood, Wordy, SeanP SunsetPark, IchiKyonLuffy, Shaddix, ellie, spartan-666, Doctor MK and FamilyGAMEGuy8.

That accounts for 34 winners, doesn’t it? To those of you with a brand new Wisp, congratulations! I’ll be sending these out at the end of the month, so please be patient.

For those of you that can’t count, this means that we have nine Wisp plushies left up for grabs! And one of them could be yours!

So if you’re not on the above list, and you want a chance of winning one, what do you have to do? Well, first of all, you have to live in the UK. Sorry, but it’s going to be expensive enough for me to send 34 of these little buggers to all sorts of different locations – I can’t really stretch the purse strings any further. So UK only.

The second thing you have to do is hang around TSS this Saturday, where I’ll be holding a flash-contest to quickly rid our last nine plushies! Keep an eye on the website for what you have to do in the weekend!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Mind the Dust / Advance Design Alert!

Hey everyone! In between my real life work, socialising and co-organising the Summer of Sonic with ArchAngelUK of Sonic Wrecks (which went absolutely brilliantly, by the way, despite mishaps – you can check it all out on the official website, or check back on TSS for reposts) I’ve not had a lot of time to dedicate to you guys. The visitors of The Sonic Stadium, where it all begun.

Well don’t worry, I’ve not forgotten about you guys – although some of the editorial is done by some awesome members of the community, I’ve always had my head buried around the back of the site, tinkering with this and that. After ten years, you’d probably know me by now – never sitting on one idea at a time. And with TSS’ 10th Anniversary just around the corner (24th October) I’m making some preparations that will ensure we have an awesome time all over the Network.

First off, this post serves as a heads-up, in more ways than one – I will be doing some rather odd things to the site over the course of the next week or two. And that will occur across the whole TSS Network – TSS, SEGASonic Radio, Sonic Showcase Network and The Sonic Show will all seem a bit odd on occasion. Don’t freak out and think we’re being hijacked or something – we’re not. It’s just me faffing about. Continue reading Mind the Dust / Advance Design Alert!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

The “Wisp Me Away” Giveaway! [N.A./AUS WINNERS ANNOUNCED]

The American/Canadian winners are here!! Thanks to all who participated. I’ll be sending out the Wisps near the end of the month.

Remember, this does not include the European winners yet!! Dreadknux will be taking care of that.

The winners are:

The Waffle Factory
Indigo Rush
Hello. Look at my sig
SuperCookie (Awesome Nick!!)
Jeffery the NinjaPirate
Doctor Eggman
Chavis the Wolf
F. Lobot
Trainer Rachel
Chan Kaylore
Blue Hedgehog

For those who just missed out, better luck next time!! This won’t be the last time I do something like this for sure!!

Hello, faithful Sonic Stadium fans. Have we got a treat for you! During E3, Sonic Colors was shown to the world for the first time. During that time, Sonic freed tons and tons of Wisps away from the capture of Dr. Eggman.


A few too many. That’s where you come in! As a reward to our readers, you can adopt one of these little guys and give them a home. They don’t need fancy diets. They don’t make messes. In fact, I’m pretty sure they’re not even alive.


Look at ’em. Soulless monsters the size of your thumb.

So, how do you pick one of these up? Simple! Just use your SSMB account to PM either JasonTheJackass if you are in the USA, Canada or Australia or Dreadknux if you live in the U.K. and Europe. Give us your mailing address and tell us why you are excited about Sonic Colors. The best entries will be posted in another blog later on.

Reply as soon as possible. The amount of Wisps available are split 50/50. That means there’s 50 for the U.K./Europe and 50 for USA/Canada/Australia. We are not responsible for any Wisps possibly lost in the mail. Only one Wisp and one entry per person.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

TSS at Comic Con!

Hello, everyone! I am now speaking to you from a hotel in San Diego and am happy to tell you all that Jason and I will be bringing you some content from Comic Con this year.

If all goes well, we’ll be bringing you an exclusive video interview with Ken Penders on Saturday. Sadly, as reported by SEGAbits, SEGA won’t be attending the event, so we have no idea what else we’ll be able to get from the event from you guys.   Rest assured, we’ll be keeping an eye out!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

TSS Super Happy Hedgehog Moments: The Winners!

So last week we ran a day competition where we asked you guys to recount your favourite Sonic memories to snag yourself some merch from the heaving pile of goodies I’ve got lying in the merch depot. Well, as always with these contests it was difficult, but we’ve finally managed to choose 10 winners who each nab themselves some delectable Sonic Schnit!

Ah man Scruffy, I had a cry too! Scruffy described the heartbreak of when Sonic had to leave Uncle Chuck behind in the SatAM episode “Ultra Sonic”, and never got to see later episodes! No closure…oh the humanity! Luckily they did in the end though, so all’s well! And just in case Scruffy feels like a little blast from the past, they’ve now got a copy of the Archie Archives! Uncle Chuck…*sniff*.

BlueHedgehog92 reminded us of what it is truely like to be a child again by telling the tale of receiving a Dreamcast for Easter…that’s a damn big easter egg for sure! I know it’s not Easter now, but hopefully this will keep them tided over until Christmas!

Staples made us laugh with their description of their playground game Sonic tag…we sure hope you’re a girl if you were always Amy though (Unless you carry a mallet around with you!) Well now you can swap stickers at leisure on your lunch break with this nice little prize!

Fred knows exactly how to win competitions when it comes to pandering to my soft spots…and boy do I have one for the US Sonic CD soundtrack! Thanks for reminding everyone just how atmospheric it is! …and have a Sonic!

Arrrgghhh! Take this Crisis City! IT’S NO USE. Tyoshi’s decimation of their Sonic the Hedgehog ’06 disc reminded us that not all of our memories are remembered for the right reasons…but you know, what doesn’t kill us only makes it stronger. So Tyoshi…you know what’d make Sonic games better? LETZ GIV HIM A SORD! Congratulations :3

Continuing on from the theme above, I’m sure you’ll all have encountered the “barrel of doom” from Sonic 3. Jade certainly has, and we heard their story of their trials and tribulations. But hey…if you’ve got Tails…why don’t you just get him to fly you up? You don’t have Tails you say? Well here you go!

Apparently Sapphire’s brother has a habit of gene splicing and creating horrible hybrid Sonic-character creatures. Knuckles Shrimp will truely haunt this collector for the rest of his life. Do you think Sonic with a sword will be able to fend for himself? We sure hope so!

ForeverSonic reminded us here at TSS what a wonderful way to meet new friends Sonic the Hedgehog is. It doesn’t matter if you’re at a convention or online – it’s always great to talk to like-minded hog-fans. Thanks for reminding us of the true meaning of Christm…I mean…have a T-Shirt!

Flint gave us a heart-felt account of remembering bygone days of being a devoted Sonic fan, triggered when they heard an old favourite track. It reminded us at TSS that Sonic music really is the soundtrack to our lives, and that Sonic isn’t just a videogame character to a great deal of us. We hope by wearing your victory spoils you can remember more fond memories!

The Power of Teamwork is at the heart of Sonic Heroes…but years before that Sonic Toast and his bestest buddy were always looking out for each other…and they were even brave enough to rescue Sonic when they were just kids! Ok, ok…it was a Sonic toy, but Sonic Toast’s story was warm enough to warm the cockles of the hearts of even the coldest badniks. Thanks for sharing, and we hope you’ll have many great adventures with your new game (and your friends too!)

Competition winners please email your postal addresses (and your usernames so I know who is who!) to the competition address tbird[at], and we’ll get your prizes out to you as soon as possible!

Thank you to everyone else who shared their memories with us – we’re all full of nostalgia now! Remember if you didn’t win anything this time, there’s always another competition around the corner!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

TSS Super Happy Hedgehog Moments Birthday Competition! [CLOSED]

Wooo! Partay! What with Sonic turning 19 years of age, we at TSS are clearing out our merchandise cabinet and giving you the chance to grab some goodies!

Up for grabs today we have:

1 x copy of Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing for the Nintendo DS!

2 x Sonic the Hedgehog Shirts, courtesy of SEGA of Europe!

2 x Sonic the Hedgehog Archie Archives Volume 12 Paperback books!

1 x Jazwares Sonic and the Black Knight 5″ Figure!

3 x Jazwares Sonic the Hedgehog Figures (Sonic, Tails, SatBK Sonic)!

1 x Sonic the Hedgehog sticker album and sticker packs!

That’s 10 prizes for 10 winners! All we want you to do is share your favourite hedgehog moment with us in the comments! It might be about the first Sonic game you bought, it could be about a childhood memory of meeting the Sonic mascot as a kid! It might even be your favourite moment in a videogame!  Be creative, be original…but most of all make it Sonical!

e.g. Silver T. Hedgehog
“My favourite Sonic moment was when I finally found the Iblis Trigger, but it was no use!”

Closing time will be 12:00PM BST tomorrow (Thursday, 24th of June 2010), so all those living on the other side of the pond can get your memories in too! We don’t mind if you want to send in more than one entry either, however there will be a maximum of one prize per entrant.

My favourite moment has to be getting a chance to play on the SEGA tour bus…or was it getting to play Unleashed months before it came out? Hang on, no, it’s definitely that bit in Sonic X…ah, so many memories!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

TSS and SEGABITS team up to bring you SEGA E3 coverage from the showfloor!

This is a bit of news we have been sitting on for awhile. But now that we have received the invite, we can now officially confirm to you all that Sonic Stadium will be going to E3! What does this mean for you guys? Well, we’ll be bringing you hands on previews, photos, and videos directly from the show floor! In addition to that, we’ve also scored interviews with several SEGA developers, including Sonic Team. So be sure to tune in during E3 to catch all the latest, including the kind in depth analysis of the upcoming Sonic games that only a Sonic website on the show floor can provide!

Of course, that’s not all, as SEGABITS will be hosting content for the rest of the SEGA related parts of the show, including hands on previews and videos of games like Phantasy Star Portable 2, Vanquish, and The Conduit 2! Also be sure to check the website for impressions on 3DS, Move, and Natal, as well as any other console surprises from the big three!

We would like to send out a huge thanks to SEGA of America’s community team for inviting us to this event. Without them, a fan site like us would lack the credentials to go to E3 in any other capacity. Because of this, TSS can exclusively provide the kind of coverage that Sonic fans crave for games that have not yet been released.  We would also like to thank AAUK for getting us a slot with Sonic Team. It’s awesome when a big company like SEGA reaches out to it’s fans, and it shows just how much SEGA values it’s fanbase.

Though, one thing I do need to stress regarding this event: I will be the only member of TSS attending, as SEGA had no slots left for invites. I have never been to an E3 before, so some minor problems may arise regarding the coverage. For example, I have no idea whether or not SEGA will actually allow me to take off screen footage. I will do my best to serve you guys well, though!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

TSS Competition: Know Your Enemies – The Winner!

A few weeks ago we set a competition in which we challenged you to name all of the badniks from Sonic the Hedgehog 2. A whole load of you dazzled us by correctly naming all 20 badniks shown in the picture, plus the 3 that did not feature! Not only this, a whole host of you got the Japanese names for these badniks! Some of you even named all the unused badniks too!

The 23 badniks are:
1)      Clucker – Kokekkou
2)      Buzzer – Stinger
3)      Masher – Gabuccho
4)      Slicer – Kamakiller
5)      Asteron – Terustar
6)      Shellcracker – Kanipunch
7)      Spiny – Randaa
8)      Grabber – Grabber
9)      Rexon – Saura
10)  Turtloid – Dousun
11)  Crawl – Gaadon
12)  Nebula – Potosu
13)  Balkiry – Barukiin
14)  Coconuts – Aiai
15)  Aquis – Shiidora
16)  Crawltron – Zakiin
17)  Flasher – Flasher
18)  Whisp – Punpun
19)  Spiker – Shinshin
20)  Octus – Octa

21)  Grounder – Handrill
22)  Chop Chop – Piranha
23)  Sol  – Gola

There can only be one lucky winner however, and by the power of the random number generator this is:

Brad M, UK

Congratulations! If you didn’t win this time, there will of course be more competitions in the future…or tune in to T-TIME tomorrow at 5PM GMT where there will be more opportunities to bag some goodies!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Want a free packet of Sonic the Hedgehog Stickers? [CLOSED]

I successfully managed to return from Finland this morning avoiding the Lolcano Ass Cloud, and upon returning the first thing I did was hunt down some of those badass Sonic the Hedgehog stickers everyone seems to be so mad about.

Because I’m mega-awesome, I’m going to give 10 packs of these away, starting now, one every ten minutes. Not only that, your letter will arrive by Offuishul T-Burd Mail too (you will see should you win one). Not a massive prize, no, but it gives you something to look forward to in the post right? RIGHT?

All you have to do is comment below “I love the Sonic Stadium because…” and then give your answer. That’s it.

If your entry is chosen, please send an email titled “STICK IT TO ME” to tbird [at] with your username, your real name, and your address.

If you don’t win first time, feel free to go again and again!


The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

TSS Competition: Know Your Enemies for Classic Goodies!

To kick-off the month of May, we at TSS have got a distinctly classic set of goodies to give away to one lucky winner, which includes two remote control characters (1 x Sonic, 1 x Tails), a cap, a beanie, sweatbands x 2  and a metal keyring! Not a  bad haul eh? To keep with the classic theme we’ve devised a rather devious task for you to perform in order to be in for a chance to snag yourself this lot.

Here’s what you have to do:
Below is a montage of all of the badniks who appear in Sonic the Hedgehog 2. We want you to name as many of these as possible!

An impossible task to name them all? Perhaps, but the entrant with the highest number of correctly named Badniks (and yes, if it comes down to it we will pick on spelling!) will snag themselves this awesome bundle. But that’s not all! The keen eyes amongst you may also spot something missing…perhaps there are more than the 20 badniks listed here? Bonus points will be awarded for identifying those possible missing badniks too! So what are you waiting for? It is time to impress with your encyclopedic knowledge of this classic game!

Please send all entries with your badniks listed and numbered, along with your name and address like this:

I. Robotnik
Mountain Fortress
Western Mobius
EGG 1000

1) Chicken launcher
2) Squid nose
3) etc…


And oh yeah, Silver Sonic doesn’t count! Please send all of your entries to the usual competition email: tbird [at] Please submit all entries by Tuesday, 18th of May 2010. The winner along with the correct answers will be announced shortly after. The competition is open worldwide, with the exception of residents of Dead Horse, Alaska.

Good luck, and May the 4th be with you!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

TSS Competition: Sales Pitch Winners!

Last week we posed to you the challenge of inventing something cool and original in the way of a new Sonic toy. Well, you all managed to decimate the comments box which ended up including over 150 ideas…and it has as always been a real pain choosing winners! There are far too many amazing to mention here, so before we announce the winners, here are a few:


Okay, what the Sonic merchandise series never get to have are collectors quality figures. With the sales of the first 4 figures by F4F, it is clearly shown that Sonic figure set with details that matches anime figures will sell well. The debut idea here is a “Sonic Adventure: DX Figure” set, recreating the Vs. Final Chaos scenery with a darker tone (ignoring the fact that Super Sonic did it all alone):
Link to Image
The figures will be PVC-made with the effects sculpted with clear materials and is around 210 mm, perfect for shelf stands! We must take on any price at all as this will be collector’s item. However, it is assured that even if one is only going to get one out of the set, each is as good as another as a stand-alone. This will be another feature of the series. [Wow! They look like The Force Unleashed Figures! Cool! – T]

Link to Image

So here are my Sonic The Hedgehog Friends & Foes statue line!
Each figure is made from high quality resin material (same as the great 15th anniversary Sonic statue)  and placed on a sturdy wooden base and a little plaque showing where Sonic first met that friend/foe.  As you can see, some figures are held up using small, transparent plastic poles to make it seem like they are in mid-air. This is just the first line of statues. The 2nd line could include more recent characters like Big, Cream & Silver for the friends and Chaos, Shadow & Mephiles The Dark for the foes. [A must for all the high-end collectors! – T]

Knuckles with a smashable master emerald? :B [I hope each bit has a built in homing device so you can find them again! – T]

Four Words.
BIG.THE.CAT.DISPENSER. Its a toy big that cat that can fire out lollies like pez and smarties and whatnot XD [Froggy Pez! – T]

For the 3.75 inch line there should be a bonus figure that you get with every set of five. Similar to the Sonic x Mega bot series or the Marvel Legends and Futurama figures. Each toy comes with a limb of a large character, then when you have collected all five, you can piece together the body of an additional character. Take a look, i made visuals: [Loving the SU set…but I need more swatbots! – T]
Shadow the Hedgehog Set
SatBK Set
Sonic Underground Set


(and the receipients of a Jazwares SatBK Sonic Action Figure!):

A Tornado-2 from Sonic Adventure. Basically it’ll have the ability to transform from normal bi-plane to the super jet plane! (Kinda like a Transformer, hope its not ripping it in anyway…). Plus it can include a miniuature Tails figure for the cockpit and a Sonic figure to stand on the wings! It should be small in size and easy to transform, good for kids ages 6 and up. [I want one now! – T]

This had better not have been said already…
*ahem* -steps up to front- BEHOLD!!!
The build-your-own Egg-machine!! Start with the basic Eggmobile (featuring of course, the fully articulated doctor with alternate heads of increasing degrees of rage) and use the peices provided to constuct your favourate bosses or your own attempt at hedge-cide! buy booster packs as well as new mobiles with different versions of his moustatchedness for endless possibilities(to kill sonic)!! made to scale with our current lines, naturally! (c) yours truly. How DO YOU like it?!  [A lot! I know where my pocket money would go!  – T]


(And the winner of the Sonic, Tails & SatBK Figure set!)


First, we were very impressed by the filly illustrated technical design for the Sonic Adventure 2 playset  – we could probably build one from these schematics!

Artistic Impression of Set
Schematics and working sounds and lights
Super Sonic figure design

Secondly, we then laughed our arses off at the second idea:

A Dr RRRRRRRRobotnik room guard. Stops people from rooting through your belongings. Set it up before you leave the room, and when someone enters they are caught “snooPING AS usual, I seeeee!”. Thanks to the used phrase, it also insults them.

Enough to scare off any burglar or badnik I think! Congratulations to all the winners, please as usual send your postal info to tbird [at] sonicstadium [dot] org as per usual!

If you didn’t win anything this time around, do not fear!!! We have YET ANOTHER COMPETITION beginning in May…all I can say is you’re going to be at an advantage if you’re good at putting names to faces!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

TSS Competition: Sales Pitch…for Jazware Figures! [UPDATE: Moar Prizes!]

[UPDATE: Holy Mackrel! 100 posts – well then, it’s time to up the stakes!!! The best entry will also receive (in addition to the Black Knight figure) a 3″ Sonic and Tails Jazwares figure too!! Feel free to make multiple entries – remember you have until Wednesday night to get your entries in!]

More goodies up for grabs again peeps, this time we’ve got 3 Jazwares Sonic Black Knight Action Figures to give away to 3 lucky winners. But of course you know me; I like you to work for your goodies, and so here’s the deal:

Imagine you are a Sonic the Hedgehog toy designer working for a company like Jazwares.
You have come to a meeting with you’re fellow designers, and the boss wants ideas for new Sonic toys for the company to sell!

Your task is to come up with an idea for a Sonic the Hedgehog themed toy!

I don’t mind what you want to pitch: it can be a soft toy, an action figure with a super cool action, a figurine, a statue etc… all it has to be is something that could be realistically made, and would get your fellow collectors queuing for days outside of the shops to get them!

To enter, simply post your idea in the comment box! Try to keep your entries to a few sentences (the boss wants brief, punchy pitches, not to be bored to death!)  and most of all, be original in whatever way you want!

The competition is open until Wednesday, 21st of April 2010. Competition winners will be notified on the front page so keep an eye out! The competition is open worldwide, so anyone can enter. With the exception of people living on Bishop Rock.

Props to Marie and Richard for donation of prizes!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

The Sonic Stadium Featured On 1UP

As I prepare for TSS’ 10th Anniversary (24th October), it’s always nice to see other people celebrate the length of our existence too. Surprisingly enough, one of those outlets happened to be a major gaming website. The latest in 1UP’s Fan’s View series focused on long-standing gaming fansites, and yours truly was asked to represent the Sonic side of things.

Naturally, I jumped at the chance to answer questions about The Sonic Stadium, and you can read up on what I said – and look at other cool fansites for other franchises that have stood the test of time – by clicking here. And any new readers of TSS that has come directly from 1UP – let me be the first to welcome you to the site.

1UP’s article is a great showcase of the long-term dedication I and my Super Mario, Final Fantasy and Mega Man peers have made to what started off as little websites that could. And did. And websites like The Mushroom Kingdom or MegaManiacs may agree with me when I say that the strength of the fan community not only help our sites flourish, but is the best way in supporting the franchises you love.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Cream the Rabbit Skin Added

Happy Easter everyone! Now you get to play with a revival of the ‘Creamed’ skin from way back when. Don’t scoff too many eggs!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Big the Cat Skin Added

Go nuts with a reinvention of the old Purple Catfish theme.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Big the Cat Skin, More Coming [Update]

Well, BIGNEWS is no more (but if you ever want to tickle yourself with feline reportage, all you have to do is click the link in the sidebar to the left) but that doesn’t mean the big lunk is going anywhere soon. As a special 2nd April treat, we’ve launched a new skin for The Sonic Stadium – Purple Catfish returns!

Now you can surf your favourite Sonic fansite with the power of Froggy. I’ve also taken the liberty of tidying up the site design a little bit – Site Bites remain on the sidebar, but upcoming games have gone because it wasn’t a dynamic thing and I kept forgetting to update it. 🙂

Affiliates have been moved to a more appropriate place in the footer, and the search bar’s nested cosily in the breadcrumb bar. Speaking of which, the breadcrumb’s now more noticeable as a result.

I’ve also fiddled around with the stylesheets a bit so it will make it easier for me to crack out more skins. Purple Catfish is the latest in a line of returning TSS skins in celebration of our 10th Anniversary, and more will come. Expect an Easter theme or two in the coming days.

Update: Happy Easter everyone! Now you get to play with a revival of the ‘Creamed’ skin from way back when. Don’t scoff too many eggs!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.