Los Angeles DJ loves Sonic the Hedgehog

In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, DJ/musician Charles Hamilton spoke on his beginnings, his rise to fame through various mediums (most notably, the Internet), and his latest projects.  The article comments on his presence, charisma, and revolutionary style of hip-hop.  Most notably, he is a huge Sonic the Hedgehog fan and some of his tracks feature heavy sampling of the original game’s soundtrack and sound effects. On the topic of Sonic, Hamilton said:

“I always felt like there was no life without sound and Sonic obviously means sound, and hedgehog is buried underground. Which means that I’m buried into sound, music and it comes full circle, like a Sonic the Hedgehog loop.”

I have got my hands on his latest track and a lengthy freestyle session on a U.S. radio station, Power 106.  Please, check them out, because you will definitely be entertained!

EDIT: Although the picture of the guy we had before is probably a very nice chap, it wasn’t actually Charles Hamilton. It was rapper ‘Papoose’. We got an email from ‘The Real Charles Hamilton’, who stood up and gave us a photo of himself. Sorry about that!

November 10th – Marble Zone remix, connections drawn between his life and Sonic.  The best part is at the end when he says, “Where’s my fuckin’ Genesis?”

Freestyle on the DJ Green Lantern Show on Power 106Very impressive.

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Richard Jacques, Chris Senn, Live Concerts for SAGE

In addition to the last SAGE 2008 informational news update, posted here at TSS, SAGE director, Shadix, has released new information! The updated post includes updated photos of the games that were previously confirmed, as well as brand new confirmations:


  • Dlpha – A Sonic RPG based in the AoStH universe.


  • RICHARD JACQUES – the composer from Sonic 3D Blast and Sonic R comes to chat with SAGE visitors. A time has yet to be determined.
  • CHRIS SENN – designer of Sonic X-Treme. A time has yet to be determined


  • LIVE CONCERTS – concerts will be airing over the SAGEcast channel! Three bands are confirmed: Riker Out (featuring Hunter Bridges, the composer of Sonic Nexus’ soundtrack), The Polites (headed by The Taxman, creator of Retro Sonic), and Dom (live requests and the all around Sonic jukebox).

Stay tuned for even more SAGE 2008 confirmations! A SAGE news thread has now appeared at TSS in the Sonic the Hedgehog forum as a sticky.  Check it out here!

SAGE, again, will take place on August 17th through the 24th at http://sagexpo.org/

Check out the SAGE 2008 news thread at Sonic Fan Games HQ.

Check it out at SSMB!

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Game Trailers – More Sonic Chronicles footage!

Oo er, wouldn't want to meet that Chao in a dark alley.

Radu… chop!

Hurrah! Who could possibly say no to a bunch of new videos from the latest build of ‘Sonic Chronicles and the Dark Brotherhood’ on the Nintendo DS? Not TSS, that’s for sure! The new videos are viewable at GameTrailers here.

The footage actually may look a little similar to something else to most of you, and that’s because they’re actually videos that were included on the official website when released some weeks back. The difference now? GameTrailers have gone through all the trouble of adding in some ‘banging toonz’ from the game that certainly do sound awesome, and not to mention Sonic like. Continue reading Game Trailers – More Sonic Chronicles footage!

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Guitar Hero III, Bentley Jones-ified

If you need a reason as to why Lee Brotherton/Bentley Jones coming to the Summer of Sonic convention is a big deal, you need look no further than Silver’s theme in Sonic 06. Compared to a token performance by ‘hip’ and ‘with it’ Zebrahead and a cover of a past theme, it’s easily the best on the soundtrack.

For those who live, breathe and sleep for Bentley Jones though, you can grab a Guitar Hero III mod for the PC that has a note chart for Dreams of an Absolution: LB vs JS Remix. We’d post where you can download this mod yourself, but we can’t find a source and the actual note chart is horrible. So we’ll post this video instead.

You can always hassle the video author on his Youtube page. We’d mention how the guy’s performance isn’t too good but then we’re pretty crap at GH ourselves. Hell, those Wii-groomed grannies can rock out with plastic better than we can. But that’s probably not a topic for discussion on here.


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BlueTube: Sonic Rocks Tokyo Game Show 2007

Last year, The Sonic Stadium attended the Tokyo Game Show in Japan. We reported on all sorts of lovely junk for various video game outlets, not least Nintendo Official Magazine with a preview of No More Heroes. Amidst the madness was SEGA’s booth, which had a healthy dose of Ryu Ga Gotoku Kenzan!, Valkyria Chronicles and NiGHTS Journey of Dreams. Of course, to help sell the company’s latest wares was none other than Sonic the Hedgehog himself.

Now you can watch as he entertains us with his strong man poses, cute nose-rubbing and photo-taking. We especially like the SEGA rep taking him away shortly after chasing a photo-buddy for not shaking his hand. Genius.

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Sonic and the Black Knight – The “Defend Sonic” Brigade

A ‘true Sonic fan’, reading The Sonic Stadium yesterday. Like, chill out man. Walk outside for a bit.

Looks like a few people want Sonic to go all ‘Legend of Zelda’ on us after all. Since our (note) not-news-story broke of the new Wii game, we have had a few comments of complaint. It’s nice when people don’t bother to use the ‘Contact’ form to inform us of new Sonic happenings, but it’s used up the wazoo when a BLOG states its opinion on a new title. Guess all people can do is complain.

But we thought we’d address each comment directly, and provide a broad generalisation as to just why we reacted the way we did. So here goes.

dude seriously i dont think you are a sonic fan i mean seriously mario had to travel through space to find a freaking princess its the same story line over and over again, so what if sonic makes a game about sub characters it just adds to the story line, at least sega is trying unlike  nintendo, or YOU, they have great ideas, u can take this feed back anyway u want, seriously just let sonic be the way he is, and stop bitching about something new about him,

yous sincerely a true sonic fan

We’re not Sonic fans at all, no. Oh sorry, for a second there I thought we were on the Mario Stadium and not the Sonic Stadium. OK, so Super Mario has to repeat the same basic storyline ad nauseum. But think about it. Do you play a Sonic game for its gripping storyline? If you do, you’re probably better off grabbing an RPG and playing that – recent attempts to add a ‘serious’ tone to the Sonic games have been poor, and it shows it’s just not possible in the realm of Sonic. When you consider we’ve had seven years of poor console Sonic titles you’d think Sonic Team would drop the whole ‘plot’ thing by now.

Funnily enough, if we wanted to bitch about Sonic, we would really be having a go at Sonic Unleashed right now. But we’re not, because 50% of that game is looking absolutely fantastic. There’s this weird perception at the moment that, because a game concept is totally rubbish (Sonic with a sword? Really?) and we say it is, that means we’re automatically ‘bitching’.

You like the idea of Sonic and the Black Knight. Good for you. Seriously. Have a brownie. But don’t tell us where to get off because a lot of other people are facepalming themselves right now. Consider: Sonic Rush Adventure, the Sonic side of Sonic Unleashed. Now consider: Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic 2006. The latter two games sucked – you might love Shadow or Sonic 2006, but no opinion will get around the fact that they are poor, misprogrammed, rubbish-concept games.

What is a ‘true Sonic fan’ anyway?

Continue reading Sonic and the Black Knight – The “Defend Sonic” Brigade

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SAGE 2008 news thread confirms games, events, & contests

SFGHQ member, Shadix, has posted the first chunk of information for the 2008 Sonic Amateur Game Expo.  Currently, the thread has surfaced only at SFGHQ, but it will shortly be making its rounds to every major Sonic fansite, including TSS.  Here’s the scoop on what’s confirmed for this year’s event:


  • SONIC NEXUS – a new engine and demo featuring a brand new zone
  • SUPER MARIO KINGDOMS – created by Sonic XG team member, Nitemare
  • SONIC FRENZY ADVENTURE – a new demo!
  • SONIC TIME TWISTED – the only good fangame to implement time travel
  • THE WHITE BOX – featuring Sonic Puzz, Avalon REMAKE, and Destiny Blade


  • RYAN DRUMMOND – time of appearance to be announced at a later date


  • THE REMIX COMPETITION – remix a tune from Sonic CD that’s at least 2:00 in length and NOT a midi rip
  • COMPLETE GAME – if your game is complete when SAGE rolls around, you’ll get your project spotlighted on the front page!


  • SAGE EXTRAS – comics, videos, and other non-game media are welcome to be put on display.  Contact Shadix for more information.
  • SAGECASTS – it has been around since the beginning.  Listen in or host a SAGEcast!
  • WORKSHOPS – none have been confirmed, but there are unannounced ones that have been lined up

Stay tuned for more information regarding the biggest, Sonic online community event for the past decade – SAGE 2008.

Source: SFGHQ

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SAGE 2008 Teaser Surfaces on YouTube

The 2008 Sonic Amateur Game Expo, hosted by Sonic Fan Games HQ, is exactly one month away and to celebrate, TSS member Huepow00 is helping build excitement by releasing a teaser video.  The video also serves as a reminder for those who are thinking of entering to start working if you haven’t already, so get going people!  The show can never have enough projects!  Guests (most notably, Ryan Drummond, who is back for his second year) and events are being finalized and added as we speak, so it looks to be another stellar community event.

SAGE 2008 will start August 17th at 12 AM GMT.  Registration for booths will happen August 4th through the 8th.

Check out Huepow’s SAGE 2008 Teaser

Check out the SAGE 2008 Press Site

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SatAM Fansite: “2007 Sonic Movie Pitch Was In Fact Real”

Quexinos/Sonique, former administrator of the Fans United for SatAM website, has buried the hatchet with almost-Sonic-film-producer Richard Kuta over claims that a Sonic the Hedgehog movie pitch he made 18 months ago never happened.

Way back in January 2007, Richard Kuta had pitched his fan film project to studios such as Universal in order to produce a brand new Sonic the Hedgehog film. The Sonic Stadium originally reported it here while progress was still young – Richard had then boasted that SEGA had actually “green-lighted” such a project – claims that ended up being false.

While SEGA had not in fact given the go ahead, Richard’s intentions and ambitions were quite real, and were evidenced as such with discussions involving PR spokespeople from various studios. Quexinos made claims that Kuta was not in fact a filmmaker and called into question the validity of the project to The Sonic Stadium some days after the original news story, which you can read here.

Since that time, Kuta and Quexinos have been at loggerheads as the former insisted his project was real and the latter constantly debunked the claims. Quexinos wrote a post in the FUS forums today, reneging on the claims she made in 2007:

Rich did a lot of stupid and dumb things okay? But one thing he did right, was he somehow got Universal and DiC to back him up. Now I know what you’re thinking, “But he’s bullshitting…” well I found out he wasn’t. I talked to someone at Universal who at least remembered who he was (yeah I went there >.>) It was like I was talking to Rich and he said “Go ahead and call them” and so I did. So there I said it.

Richard’s movie pitch eventually fell flat in Decembet 2006, before all this mess began, when SEGA told him they were making a Sonic film internally. Since that time, Richard has been constantly contacting websites in an attempt to convince people such a project is still in production.

Unfortunately, we can say with certainty that, although The Sonic Stadium supported Richard in his original pitch, he is incorrect in believing a communication from early 2007 is proof SEGA is making a Sonic film. Had this been the case, we would have all heard about it by now. You can chalk up the ‘internal movie’ response as a polite form of rejecting Richard’s original pitch and nothing more.

Still, at least a year-long drama between a website and a budding film maker has come to an end at last, hasn’t it? Now, let’s never hear of any of this again. Ever ever ever ever again.

SatAM’s best chance for a comeback is now – FUS

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The Sonic Show’s New Groove

Hey, everybody!  The Sonic Show has followed suit with TSS’ WordPress update and has now launched its own, brand new WordPress site!  Updates are now more manageable for Jay to update and for you to view.  The new site is an RSS feed for you to subscribe to, so that you know when the next episode of the #1 Sonic podcast is available, or when Jay scores some rare and/or exclusive media!

The Sonic Show has been on a roll since moving here to TSS.  The show has now been downloaded 170,304 times (season 1 and 2 combined) and the most recent episode (Season 2, Episode 2) has been downloaded 8,125 times, according to the RSS feed.  Episode 1, which debuted back in February, has now reached the 15,000 download mark and is truly impressive.

Look out for Episode Three of the second season to debut after the much-anticipated Summer of Sonic.  The show will feature Unleashed news, new Sonic shorts, and I will continue to read your e-mails.  I encourage everybody who loves Sonic to tune in and to check out the new site!


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The History of Sonic, as told by 1UP

1999, Sega Headquarters

“Hey boss! It seems the kids really liked Sonic Adventure, except for uh… every character that wasn’t Sonic. Also, the adventure. What should we do for the sequel?”

“Hmm… Sonic Adventure 2! Add new characters, some all new adventure… it’ll be a hit, I tells ya, a hit!”

2001, Sega Headquarters

“Well boss, Sonic Adventure 2 was received pretty well, but people still want nothing to do with those side-characters. What now?”

“Hmm… Sonic Heroes! This time, we’ll force them to play as side-characters even while playing as Sonic! It’s genius, I tells ya, genius!”

2004, Sega Headquarters

“Boss, Sonic Heroes didn’t go over very well. I really think we should listen to the fans, and pare it back down to just Sonic alone. What do you say?”

“Hmm… Shadow the Hedgehog! Kids love the streets, see. You know, gansta lifestyles? They won’t even care about Sonic once we give them a look-alike with a motherf***ing gun. Thug life, yo!” Continue reading The History of Sonic, as told by 1UP

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Sonic Chronicles is, apparently, WorthPlaying(.com)

In the sixth paragraph of this review, you will find a sentence that will make you smile.  It reads:

One thing that must be said about Sonic Chronicles‘ combat was that, at least in the demo, it was shockingly fun.

That is really all I needed to read in this preview, but for the sake of this blog entry, I shall summarize for you tl;dr types. WorthPlaying noted that the battle system, while simple for an RPG, is surprisingly “fast and furious”, because many of your attacks hinge on your speed stat, which is what Sonic is all about. Comparisons with a fabulous DS title, Elite Beat Agents, arose when WorthPlaying got their hands on the game’s POW system, which are special attacks that are executed with slides and taps of the stylus. All of these gameplay elements are topped off with respectable graphics, they mentioned.

The other part of this preview that stuck to me was that Bioware has apparently managed all the damn characters in the Sonic universe and actually put them to good use in the gameplay and story department.

If the above statement is true, then I am one happy man, because the only other use I had for all those characters was to shoot, stab, and hang all of them, but SOMEBODY BEAT ME TO IT. Stupid pre-pubescent wank with Windows Movie Maker and too much time on his ugly hands…

Anyway, here’s the full preview: WorthPlaying.com

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BlueTube: Sonic Fan Wars

Over on SSMB, a chap has posted a rather interesting vlog about, what one might consider an ‘outsider’s view’ of the Sonic the Hedgehog online fanbase. Truesonicfan, also known as Andrew for those that might whinge about him using an unimaginitive screenname (I know some of you exist out there) notes that everywhere you go there are countless ‘wars’ about various aspects of Sonic. Drummond or Griffith? Classic or Modern? Cool carefree Sonic or bestiality deluxe? All a dude wants to do is chat with some friends online about Sonic and how cool the games are, man!

Andrew’s about as articulate as a bog brush, but to be fair he makes some good points. There are a lot of Sonic fan factions that want to niggle about the voices for no apparent reason. There are groups that argue that modern games have no place, or learning from the Mega Drive days is pointless. Hell, some are even concerned as to how Bioware have set up the bloody world map in Sonic Chronicles (what the hell, who cares?).

We call these groups ‘whiny bitches’, and although they are found mostly within the Sonic fanbase more than any other group of gaming fans, I’d like to think their kind are dying down. At least, relegated to Youtube where they can stick two fingers up at Naka or Iizuka or Griffith or whoever the hell has deserved the ‘retard venom’ these days. Continue reading BlueTube: Sonic Fan Wars

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Finally, Sonic the Hedgehog 4…

How do you know when you’re getting a good deal? When someone offers an ultra-rare game on eBay! But wait! This isn’t any old rare game – this is Sonic the Hedgehog 4 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. In looking for eBay items involving weird Game Boy pirate games of old (Sonic 6, anyone?), I came across this gem, sitting on a veritable sucker collector’s desk in Cheshire.

In an attempt to either fleece a gullible Sonic fan or recoup some hard-earned cash he must have lost in buying this game himself (in being said gullible Sonic fan), the seller of this eBay item is asking for £170. Hm. Let’s weigh it all up. Good thing: You’ll own a real pirate Sonic game. Bad thing: You’ll own a real pirate Sonic game, minus 170 quid. But hey, the guy’s open to alternative offers, so go nuts.

I tried to offer 25p to the guy (three times) and he refused (three times). I guess some people just don’t know the real worth of what they have in their home.


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Let’s look at Sonic T-Shirts in UNIQLO Japan

We have had a limited availability of these special SEGA Vintage T-Shirts in the UK, but before we were able to grab them (assumedly via online only), this much sought-after range of clothing was available for a long time in Japan. Well, if by a long time you mean a week or so, before the lot was sold out.

Artist and general Australian bloke Elson ‘Darkspeeds’ Wong took a trip to the land of the rising sun back in March to see the sights and invest in a little Virtua Fighter with his homies, and managed to stumble across these magnificent T-Shirts – this is, incidentally, how we got to know about the UNIQLO SEGA range and, because we told you, how you all got to know about them. Continue reading Let’s look at Sonic T-Shirts in UNIQLO Japan

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Rubbish: Sonic Wiki Makes Up Sonic Rush 3, Everything Else

This is possibly proof that, unless your name is Tweaker or Scarred Sun, obtaining a Wiki script is about the worst thing that can happen to your Sonic website. SSMB eagles have noticed fansite “Sonic News Network” create a page dedicated to ‘Sonic Rush 3’. A page in which every single detail has been dreamed or fabricated. The Wiki has since been vandalised – an act that’s not cool no matter what the place (not only that but the vandaliser even gets confused in saying Rush Adventure is a spinoff – since when?) – but here’s what the original page stated:

Sonic Rush 3 (Sonic Rush Heroes) is a new Sonic video game that will be released nearly in 2009. It is a new Sequel of Sonic Rush and Sonic Rush Adventure. It says that Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles “Tails” Prower, Knuckles the Echidna, Blaze the Cat, Marine the Raccoon, and the new character will be playable. Marine was pronounced to fly. Dr. Eggman and Eggman Nega might appear in this game as villians. Sonic Nega and Blaze Nega also appear in the game. 6 characters will split into 2 teams. Like Sonic Heroes, you can change formations. Sonic and Blaze are speed types, Tails and Marine are fly types, and Knuckles and a new character are power type. Shadow the Hedgehog is a supporter for Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, and Mighty the Armadillo is a supporter for Blaze, Marine, and the new character. Amy Rose, Rouge the Bat, and Vector the Crocodile (who only appear in Blaze’s story) are non-voiced characters. No further information available

I am of the belief that not even Takashi Iizuka could invent a game premise this poor. Move along people.

EDIT: Turns out Sonic Rush 3 isn’t the only page that has completely made-up information, including Sonic Rivals 3, Hornz the Fox, Berndette Hedgehog (who is apparently Queen Aleena’s sister but is somehow the mother of Sonic, Manic and Sonia [who is now male] as well) and – the best one – Pokemon & Sonic: Explorers of Time. Want a good laugh this afternoon?

Sonic News Network – via SSMB

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BlueTube: Knuckledusting Animatic Is Awesome

Project Chaos, the fanmade Sonic 3 & Knuckles remix album released in 2006, is awesome. Undeniably, categorically so. There are a few spotty tracks in it though – Dan Baranowsky’s ‘Knuckleduster’ being one of them. So anything that makes the rubbishy songs on an awesome album look or feel closer to awesome is in fact, awesome news (still with us?). Which is why this, an animatic created by artist ‘Thweatted’ to complement the song, is… well… awesome. Does anyone else need further proof that Sonic the Hedgehog should revert back to his classic style?

SSMB Topic

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Smash Bros Brawl Avoids Recolour Disaster

You might have noticed that Super Smash Bros. Brawl is finally out in the UK and Europe. Good for us, eh? It’s about time. Of course, this is the latest in the series where Sonic the Hedgehog is a playable character. Ever since that announcement several months ago of the blue blur’s inclusion, you could hear a mile off all the wonderings of the community. Whether, for instance, their shitty little recolour would inadvertedly be ‘included’ in the game if more than one person selected Sonic in a brawl.

Well fret no more, normal Sonic fan, because Nintendo appears to have been aware of the clusterfuck surrounding ‘creativity’ in the Sonic fanbase and decided not to touch that with a 60 foot pole. When more than one player selects Sonic the Hedgehog, different colours are assigned to the cufflinks on his hands and feet. He gets a slight tonal change too in his spines, but nothing that “~~~Dr_TailsFox2000~~~” can lay copyright claims to.

As for the rest of Sonic in Brawl, he is awesome. Awesomely handled in Subspace Emissary, awesomely handled in combat… for the first time in so many games, the hedgehog has been treated with respect.

Well played Sakurai, well played.

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More Sonic Unleashed Screens

Gamekyo (formerly known as JeuxFrance.com) has put up two more magazine scans, in addition to the two that were revealed last week, for the Wii version of Sonic Unleashed.  All I can really say is…”wow.”  For magazine scans, that’s just “wow” in my book.  However, judging from the above screenshot, it looks like the homing attack is back, a feature that I am not too fond of.  Check the link below for all four screens that have been released thus far.

Gamekyo’s Sonic Unleashed Wii Page.

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Sonic Chronicles pre-order bonus at Gamestop

U.S. video game retailer Gamestop are offering Sonic Chronicles pre-order customers a character themed 3-pack stylus set . Each stylus is colour matched to the character tag hanging off the top. They come in Sonic, Knuckles and Shade flavours bearing official Sonic Chronicles artwork.

You can pre-order the game here .

Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood is due for release on Nintendo DS this September.

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Sonic rarities hit Ebay

Some original early artwork from Sonic the Comic, Sonic the Hedgehog(Dic, AKA Satam) and Sonic X has hit eBay. They look VERY nice and pretty legit too. If you are a fan of these shows and comics and have the money then head over there and place your bid now.

Sonic the Hedgehog early cell

Sonic the Comic issue 1 framed original artwork

Sonic X original layout drawings

Auctions originally found by GoNintendo

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CulTNET asking for donations to keep network online

Sazpaimon, host of CulTNET, is in debt and would like your assistance in keeping the network online.  CulTNET hosts many Sonic fan sites, such as Sonic Retro, X-Cult, Hacking Cult, and the Hidden Palace. $150 is due by next week, so if you are a fan or visitor of a site in CulTNET, do not hesitate to donate.  Sazpaimon says that you can donate in the following ways:

1. Paypal, easiest method: Sazpaimon@sonic-cult.org is the address.

2. Paypal, yes again. If you don’t have a paypal account, but have a credit/debit card, head over to http://www.sonic-cult.org/index2.php and click the paypal button at the top of the left column. Select to continue without logging in, and enter your info.

3. Snail mail. If you don’t have EITHER, this is your only option. PM me for details on this.


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Saturday Swag: 1992 Pajamas

Isn’t it freaky when you find things you never remembered owning? Clearing out the various rooms that I live in the other day earned me this 1992 Sonic the Hedgehog pajama set as a reward. Uh, thanks wardrobe fairy? It’s a great bit of merch from yesteryear so after a bit of a wash I took some pictures. Ah, back when Sonic looked pretty funky (and fat). This was a set you could buy in Marks and Spencer’s and is just one of a billion things you could buy with Sonic’s head on it back in the day.

The top looks pretty sweet, right? You wanna see what the awesome pajama bottoms look like..? Continue reading Saturday Swag: 1992 Pajamas

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Sonic Retro’s Wiki loses anonymous editing

One of the greatest Sonic encyclopedias on the internet has removed its anonymous editing feature following many attacks to some of its articles, mainly in the fangaming section. The attacks consisted of deleting all the content on a given page and replacing it with a gratuitous amount of copy-pasting swear words. The attacks also had a “SOTI RULES” comment smack dab in the middle of the obsenities.

Stupid people would automatically assume that SonicEpsilon (SOTI) did the dirty deed, but us smart people know that it was a blatant frame, spawning from an ongoing “battle” between SOTI and long-time banned member and retard, Blazefire.

As a result, you will have to register an account to contribute to the ever-growing Sonic Retro Wiki.

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When Sonic fans met Spore

Creature creating PC game Spore hit stores on Friday and what is the first thing to come to gamers minds? Create a deformed devil damnation of their favourite video game hero. Various Sonic character creations have hit Youtube – the Sonic one above is quite impressive if I do say so myself. Hit the jump for Knuckles and a Chao. Continue reading When Sonic fans met Spore

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Worst Friday ever launches new SSR show this Tuesday

In one day, I lost the ability to walk on my own power, the opportunity to win $1,500, and missed out on formally debuting my new talk show during Sonic’s 17th Birthday Celebration on SSR.  You have all heard the story this past Friday where an emergency hospital visit let an unsupervised puppy chew away at my lone microphone.  Roarey thinks it’s funny…I think it sucks.

Now that it is well-established that I will be sidelined from any physical activity for about 3-5 weeks with an injured left hamstring, I guess I can put more time into the community.  For one, the Sonic Nexus team is back in full swing and I’ll probably be posting awesome updates sporadically up until this year’s Sonic Amateur Gaming Expo.  Secondly, I will be putting my “DJ” title to use with “The One Sided Talk Show,” an open, round-table discussion of all things Sonic. Continue reading Worst Friday ever launches new SSR show this Tuesday

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Jacques Spotted in London Pub

After spending some time in the Wii Flat playing Sonic Chronicles, we did the British thing and sat in a pub drinking our sorrows away. Looking for a beverage with a bit more pizazz than “beer, innit” I noticed a curious bottle calling to me. Playing a song. A ditty that made me think of my childhood years and a promise of long, crisp Summer days.

Picking up the bottle of fruit cider, I proceeded to have a snifter and taste its rather flavoured body. When asked for my opinion of the drink, I responded “This isn’t bad. It’s has a rather well-built texture. Yes, it’s rich”.

It was a Rich Jacques.

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The Chronicles Community Day

Roareye from Sonic Showcase Network has made a post on the SSMB Forums about the Community Day we all shared yesterday. Click the link below to see his rather unique take on the event, and why Mike Taylor should stop nibbling on other people’s hair. As he mentions, we all saw the High Europe Sonic Unleashed video again at the Wii Flat in a decent resolution, a video of our reactions will be coming soon. Stay tuned for TSS’ Sonic Chronicles Preview.

Sonic Chronicles Community Day (SSMB, Sonic Showcase Network)

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Site Pulls E3 List Out Of Arse, Finds ‘Sonic Attitude’

Someone’s been dreaming on the Internets again. According to an apparent lineup at PlayStation Beyond, SEGA America are set to show a game called ‘Sonic Attitude’ at E3 2008 in a few weeks time. Set as a “Rumour” (probably to save their skin when people realise it’s likely just a wishlist for said website – we’d all like an F-Zero for Wii and a NSMB2 for DS), this Sonic game we’ve never heard of will apparently be on the Nintendo DS and is 100% more important than Sonic Chronicles, which isn’t set to make an appearance at all.

No sources are given, and E3 doesn’t seem to have an official list of attendees, at least right now. And unless Dimps really enjoy overworking, pain and suffering (the team is currently responsible for the PS2 and Wii versions of Sonic Unleashed) they won’t be undertaking a new Sonic project either. This is either Sonic Chronicles in sheep’s clothing or I’m eating someone’s clean, plush hat.

PlayStation Beyond (Via GoNintendo) – Cheers SSMB

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Sonic’s Birthday: SEGASonic Radio Celebrations

17th Anniversary logo created by Professor-J from The Sonic Show

Because we’re cool like that, SEGASonic Radio is having a special weekend dedicated to Sonic the Hedgehog in honour of his 17th Birthday on the 23rd. Sounds a bit silly having that sort of dedication on a radio station already dedicated to the blue hog, but don’t kill the moment eh?

There will be several two-hour slots every evening from 5pm GMT starting Friday 20th (that’s tomorrow) to Sunday 22nd, with a special joint LiVECAST with Roarey_Raccoon, Urtheart and SpeedKnux on Monday 23rd (Sonic’s big day) at 8pm GMT. Be sure to listen to SSR and hit up the IRC Chatroom (links at the top of the page) when the fun begins. Hit the link below for full details.

Continue reading Sonic’s Birthday: SEGASonic Radio Celebrations

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Sonic Appears On Japanese Mega CD 2, Seems Abused

Those too-cool-for-school purveyors of video game research, X-Cult, have obtained a dump of the boot up system for the Japanese Mega CD 2 (ver 2.00). Hardly great shakes you think, until you realise that up until now nobody has actually managed (or been bothered) to dump the thing in the first place. Thanks to Spinel from the X-Cult community, you can now download and experience just how different the Japanese Mega CD 2’s were. Which doesn’t seem a lot, but interesting nonetheless – it includes Sonic doing his finger-waving pose that you’ll recognise from loading up an actual game on the CD add-on. Although here it kinda looks like someone’s taken a mallet to his head. Good find boys!

Mega CD 2.00 jap bios (X-Cult)

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BlueTube: When Your Mind Can’t Comprehend A Place Or A Time

Roareye from the Sonic Showcase Network was sent this video by Sasso Studios – it’s an attempt at turning a real life movie out of Sonic the Hedgehog. Le sigh. To be fair to the chap, this is a pretty well produced effort for an amateur endeavour, and his heart’s in the right place. And at least they were bold in making Knuckles a gurning white guy.

I guess it just shows that no matter how hard you try, you can never ever create a project like this without it looking completely and totally cheesy. And we’re not even talking Keith Chegwin cheesy, we’re talking Dale Winton’s Special Brand. “SON OF A GUNS!” Classic.

There are several parts to this production already on youtube, and it’s a valiant effort so worth the watch. Beats all those Shadow music videos anyway. Some of the acting is legend (I want to buy the bald guy a pint) and you could cut the sexual tension in the last 30 seconds with a chainsaw (the music when getting into the car is the icing on the cake). Oscar winning material.

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FastFeet Media Returning

Seems like this week is a good one for community returns, as after a year of hiatus the download portal FastFeet Media will be returning this Sunday at 7pm. FFM used to be hosted on our TSS Network before they ended up having loads of ‘studios’ and wanted to do their own thing, so it’s good to see them finally come back. We missed the redness.

There’ll be forums and the return of their FTP Hub along with other cool stuff like a new Public Access section, so give their new site a gander when it relaunches just before Sonic’s 17th Birthday.

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Sonic Chronicles team start fortnightly blog entries

ArchangelUK over at the Sega Europe blogs has announced The Chronicles Diaries, a fortnightly blog feature where a guest from the Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood team will write a blog entry explaining their role in the games development, what its like to work on the game and give some details about the game itself.

ArchangelUK says the guest bloggers will range from people at BioWare, SEGA Europe, America and even maybe Japan from testers to producers and from top to bottom. The first guest blogger is Randall Bishop from Bioware who gives his 5 reasons why working on Sonic Chronicles is fun.

The fortnightly blog entries will continue until the games release so check back every fortnight.

Thanks to markwiinut over at the SSMB for the heads-up!

Sonic City Blognik, First Guest

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Sonic Show Season 2 Roaring Success

Plenty to celebrate for The Sonic Show and The Sonic Stadium this week, as Episode 1 of the new series has proven to be a bigger success, beating its own records for downloads and hitting iTunes charts around the world.

Episode 1 is the first time The Sonic Show has been proudly hosted by The Sonic Stadium, and featured a lot of changes in production, including a heavier emphasis on new material and less time-filling music videos. Slingerland’s Corner has remained a hit favourite with many viewers.

The 40-minute premiere has been downloaded over 3,000 times in the two weeks it has been released, compared to over 5,000 downloads for Episode 10 of Series 1 (since Autumn 2007). The Sonic Show jumped to the Top 30 in the UK and US iTunes charts the week following its release. Continue reading Sonic Show Season 2 Roaring Success

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Sonic Adventures: TSSNET Comic Coming Soon

The Sonic Stadium will soon be host to a new Sonic the Hedgehog comic, due to release its first edition in Spring 2008. Here’s some information direct from the comic’s creators, Cleardream productions.

The comic is based primarily on the Sonic games, however it borrows elements from other continuities to create something fresh, exciting, and unique. The comic also aims to engage more mature readers and long term fans by portraying a more darker side to the Sonic universe as well as having a mature theme. Continue reading Sonic Adventures: TSSNET Comic Coming Soon

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