New Unleashed video all up in China

SEGA of America’s official YouTube profile has released the Unleashed trailer of the China level, as seen at the LGC.  In this video, you can catch some mad “game playing itself” action, “homing attack badniks over bottomless pits” action, as well as some “repetitive button mashing with howling” action.  So much action, so little time!

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Sonic Chronicles Video Insider – Episode 6

Bioware have today released Sonic Chronicles Video Insider episode 6. This edition reveals there will be 3 character classes in the game for you to built your party with. The 3 character classes are Power, Shifter and Support, now this is definitely starting to sound more like an RPG. The video reveals Sonic and Knuckles to be power class, Amy to be a Shifter and Tails to be Support class. We also get to see footage of Knuckles using all of his field abilities which are smashing, climbing and gliding and we get to see one of his POW moves the Uppercut which kicks some serious stone buttocks like only Knuckles can. Also shown are some team POW moves with Sonic and Knuckles.

You can catch this latest episode in all of its YouTube glory here.

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Comments enabled on Nexus site, time attacking continues

I want you to play my Sonic game.  I want you to read the articles on the site.  I want to make sure that you are actually reading the site by commenting on the posts.  So, that is what we have done over at the Sonic Nexus Development Blog. You can freely comment on anything you want over there, so when an article peaks your interest and a question arises, you can now ask it and promptly get an answer.  We will be more than happy to answer it.

Cheating. This guy did it.

Secondly, we are eleven days into the Time Attack Challenge and we currently have 13 entries.  That number is pretty damn good.  So, hey, let’s keep it up!  Record yourself playing the latest demo and upload it to YouTube as a video response to the “hub video” and you could win a $15 gift card.  No joke here, folks.  Spread the word!

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Sonic Chronicles ‘Exploration’ Trailer

It’s the final countdown to the release of ‘Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood’ on the Nintendo DS as in just over two weeks time Sonic’s first venture in to the RPG genre will be made available to buy in Europe and shortly after in America.

DarkShadow notifed us earlier on the forums that those generous blokes and ladies down at Bioware have give us yet another ‘first look’ video at some of the areas Sonic and friends will explore throughout the course of the game. There’s also some new footage of some fantastic looking CG animated models, featuring Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Rouge and of course our spiky blue hero himself!

Source: YouTube.

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New Sonic Chronicles screenshots in web ads

Sega have put out some Sonic Chronicles pop-up and banner advertisements on gaming website Gamepro. Contained in the ads are some new screenshots including a shot from an unknown area that Shade is standing in on the official Sonic Chronicles website. SSMB member Core has kindly taken the screenshots from the ad for everyone to see. Here they are for your viewing please, thanks Core –

You can find the ads over at Gamepro’s DS site.

Discuss over at the SSMB topic.

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Official Sonic Chronicles Mini Game launched!

I can has chaoburger?

SEGA have released quite a snazzy little teaser flash game for all of you people who just can’t wait to get your grubby little mittens on a copy of Sonic Chronicles at the end of this month!

Apparently, Sonic is having visions of his up-and-coming adventure, and the idea of the minigame is for you to help make sense of these premonitions to see who Sonic will meet, what items he will need etc… Confused? Yeah, it confused the heck out of me; it’s got to be played to be understood!!!

First off you need an account on a social networking site such Windows Live, facebook, myspace (the rest are listed on the site). I’ve stuck it on my facebook account. From there you can play a number of different puzzle games, as well as point and click games, from which you collect points to go up Bronze, Silver and Gold rankings. There’s also a “Dark” rank – wonder what that’s for! A more comprehensive explaination is given on the site itself:

Official Sonic Chronicles Mini Game Site

As you go up ranks you’ll be rewarded with access to exclusive downloadable packs, which contain desktops, bebo and myspace skins, and instant messaging icons to show off to your mates. Not only that, there is a Chao Garden in which you can collect up to 20 different Chao, upon fulfilling specific criteria – such as having a friend grab the game from your social networking page!

A perfect solution for what looks to be a rainy weekend!

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Sonic Chronicles Insider Video 4 – New enemies revealed!

Bioware are on fire just lately with their new ‘Insider Videos’ released on YouTube promoting ‘Sonic Chronicles’ on DS released later this month!

Their latest video released yesterday showcases two enemies Sonic and pals will face on their adventure, the ‘Egg Pawn’ and ‘Kron Warrior.’ Bioware stresses danger is afoot and you’ll need to kick some ass if you’re going to make it through to the end of the game, naturally.

Source: YouTube.

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Play Sonic Nexus

Yeah, the demo is here. Once we missed SAGE, we took our dear sweet time, but now it is here to make your Labor Day even more awesome. You can play two acts of Sunset Shore and that’s about it. However, the level is sprawling with branching paths, so it warrants a few playthroughs for you to see everything. Nexus truly illustrates what a person can do in the brand new Retro-Sonic interface, so we hope it is a clear too you indication that this summer was a long, time-consuming process on making a brand new iteration of the engine. We also felt that we should take our time in creating our ideal product, as a hasty release definitely will piss people off (see: ProSonic). It was time well spent.

Secondly, you can record your best time with screen capture software and upload it to YouTube for a chance win $15. Yes! All you have to do is post your time attack run as a video response to the contest “hub” video, WHICH IS RIGHT HERE!

Finally, I encourage everybody to read our Nexus website and development blog, as the team and I will be updating it frequently, Smash Bros. Dojo style! You’ll see new screenshots, features, gameplay videos, and updates at least once a week, if not more. New music will be added to the on-site player periodically, as well. The community has always been left in the dark when it comes to Nexus’ development, as I only have been shedding light on details around SAGE time, but now, you can read about it year round. The website is essentially the game’s manual, so it will have all the goods. The first feature on the site is “Meet That Badnik,” where we go in-depth on one of Robotnik’s mechanical mercenaries. You can expect articles of similar quality coming down the pipe.

So, without further adieu…


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Finally, Sonic 1 on GBA – Done Right!

Remember Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis? The port of the Mega Drive original for the Game Boy Advance, so shoddy it never got a release in Europe? Well, it looks like jokes of ‘five people making this game in their lunch break’ are no longer appropriate (or funny), because one talented Sonic fan’s decided to make a much better port. That’s right, one person. All one of them.

As part of a ‘Proven Concepts’ entry to Sonic Retro’s hacking contest, Stealth has crafted a port of the first three acts (Green Hill Zone) plus Special Zones to damn near perfection – including tweaks such as a spindash, Knuckles and Tails, and a removal of the speed cap. The entire resolution of the original is maintained on the GBA, and it just proves, in Stealth’s own words, “that a Genesis original can be competently represented on the GBA”.

Download the homemade port at Sonic Retro’s Message Board; if the link’s giving you jip just click on the address bar and hit enter, you should be able to grab it then.

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Unleash Sonic on PS2 for only £17.99!

Yes, my Photoshop is still broken. =(

Upon hearing the news, Sonic promptly dashed off to his local Woolworths to lay down his pre-order. His store is in Louth, it appears.

Want Sonic Unleashed when released in November? Of course you do! What if you’re running a little low on pennies though?

Well not to fear because UK retailer ‘Woolworths’ has an offer you just can’t possibly refuse! The online website for the company currently has Sonic Unleashed on PS2 up for pre-order at the most convenient of prices, £17.99. The PS2 version of the game may not posses graphical awe like on next generation consoles, although Dimps has issued a helping hand with development and the concept remains the same.

If that isn’t the bargain of all bargains we don’t know what is.

Thanks to bcdcdude for alerting us on the forums earlier today!

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Chris@ONM to go hands-on with Wii Unleashed in 1-2 weeks

Chris@ONM, one of Official Nintendo Magazine’s writers has announced in an ONM forum discussion that he will be going hands-on with the Wii version of Sonic Unleashed in 1 to 2 weeks time.

Aye, naturally the controls will be slightly different. What I mean is that the basic game and levels will be the same on each version.

I don’t know what the Wii controls are as yet because I didn’t go hands on with it. I believe it’s movement with the analogue stick though. I’ll be getting to play it in a week or two so I’ll let you know.

Incidentally, a couple of people have mentioned to me that other sites have complained about the 360 version’s framerate. This game is still in early stages of development: please don’t think for a second that the finished game will have the noticeable framerate problems the demo I played did.


Chris had recently been to GDC Leipzig to try out the Wii version of Sonic Unleashed but unfortunately when he got there he was told by a Sega rep that the Wii demo isn’t working and got directed to the Xbox 360 demo instead. Continue reading Chris@ONM to go hands-on with Wii Unleashed in 1-2 weeks

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Sonic officially joins Facebook

Sonic the Hedgehog now has his very own official Facebook page run by Sonic himself… ok just ArchangelUK and the guys at Sega pretending to be him. The site will feature updates on Sonic’s upcoming games and bring you exclusive competitions.

Here’s ArchangelUK’s Blognik update –

Hi guys, letting you know that Sonic now has his very own official Facebook page –

Join and we’ll keep you up to date with things, also we’ll be running Facebook specific competititions so worth you joining eh?

If you were already a member of the unofficial Sonic page or any specific Sonic page baring the Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Chronicles ones you should get transfered over in the next couple of days or so by Facebook so don’t worry.

Blognik entry

Sonic’s Facebook page

Good ‘ol AAUK, isn’t he just grand to the community.

At the time of writing Sonic’s Facebook page already has 2,945 ‘Fans’ as members who join the page are known as. That’s alot of members in just the one day it’s been open. If your a Sonic fan and a closet Facebooker go check out the page and register yourself a fan now.

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Another off-screen Sonic Unleashed video

On the heels of GameVideo’s off screen video, Gamekyo has come up with their own video. While the quality isn’t quite as good, what with all the people walking between the camera and the screen, this video does help add some persepective to just how many different paths there are in Unleash’s first level. At the very least, it looks like this game will have some nice replay value.

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Sonic Chronicles Insider Video episode 2

Sonic’s big RPG debut is only a month away, and BioWare’s getting us Sonic fans ready for it via a series of YouTube videos on their own Youtube channel. It’s good to have a video to explain just how this game works. For those younger Sonic fans, unitiated in the ways of the RPG genre, this video should give them a clue of what their in for.

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[SAGE ’08 Review] Review Round-Up #1

There are always short demos on the show floor, so I’m combining them into one post here. Today, I’ll be reviewing a few of the lesser known titles at the show, in order to give them some exposure. The bigger games you already know about and will be getting larger reviews, like Fated Hour, later this year. I’m holding those off, as they always update with bug fixes and stuff throughout the expo.

The following, arbitrary scoring system will be used for these review round-ups:

  • Sucks: Avoid at all costs
  • Kinda Sucks: You might like it, but probably not
  • Meh: Doesn’t suck, but isn’t cool either
  • Interesting: Worth your time
  • Way Past Cool: Must see!


Spike has had this game running for nearly 3 years now and this year, we get new content and a brand new name. Formerly named, “Sonic the Hedgehog 4,” Sonic Panic follows Sonic as he chases Robotnik across various galaxies and planets. The demo features the Planet Mech level of Rail Road, which is a Genesis revamp of Sunset Park from Sonic the Hedgehog: Triple Trouble on the Game Gear. I am a complete sucker for Game Gear levels, so I went into the demo with modest expectations.

First off, you will notice that the music is awful. The instrumentation is simply horrific and you will be cursing FL Studio for having such poor guitar samples. Once you get past that, your attention will be directed towards the “close, but not quite” physics of the game, which are decent enough. Jumping could use some improving and the spindash is extremely weak, but otherwise, the whole gameplay experience is serviceable and is hardly game-breaking in the slightest.

As a Genesis-styled game, the level design features branching paths and “awesome secret walkthough wall shit.” While it is nice to have many places to go, there is simply not much to do. The whole level is devoid of any activity, mostly due to the lack of badniks, as I only encountered a couple. There are a few industrial-themed gimmicks in there to tide you over in spots, however.

Augmenting the demo’s emptiness has to be the graphics. Essentially everything is black and any variety the foreground tries to offer is thrown out the window. There is the occasional yellow, construction stripe, but that is about it. The background is nice, with the sunset and all, but the black silhouettes of the towers in the background have no contrast to the foreground, thus adding to the black attack. Continue reading [SAGE ’08 Review] Review Round-Up #1

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So How’s Sonic Unleashed on the Wii Looking?

Really really nice, as it happens! There were fears that the lack of horsepower on the waggle-console would lead to a decidedly crappier looking game, but Dimps appear to be doing a fantastic job of maintaining the style of the next-gen experience and pumping their own Wii-specific controls into it. Naturally there’s a graphical deficiency that you notice if you compare Wii to 360 graphics, and Nintendo’s console is having a bit of a palette downgrade going on (looking a bit more brown I’d say) but you gotta admit it’s pretty tasty all the same. Looks like Sega really do like to push the graphical power of the Wii as much as they can.

Hit the jump for the gallery, you can also see some Wiire-hog action going on. Look, he’s jumping over razorblades like in Sonic 1! But… he’s a werewolf! Khaaaan! Continue reading So How’s Sonic Unleashed on the Wii Looking?

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Honey Nut Cheerios With Added Hedgehog

The good old days of 1992. Sonic was everywhere, your video game systems, your local book stores, American meatball cans, you name it, SEGA had an advertisement campaign involving it.

Member Godofwarordle (what?) at Game Trailers has recently dug up an old gem of a commercial involving Sonic and some inferior company mascot we forget the name of, advertising a box of Honey Nut Cheerio cereal. It looks like the advertisement ran around the time Sonic 2 was released on the Mega Drive… 1992. You received some nifty ‘gaming tips’ for Dr. Robotniks Mean Bean Machine and ToeJam and Earl 2 on every box, plus the chance to win a SEGA Genesis console itself! Chances of winning were 1 in 10,000. Extremely generous of them, that.

You don’t see Mario having a corny Honey Nut Cheerio theme song now, do you?

Source: Game Trailers.

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We invite any and all Sonic fans to come to the 13th iteration of this long-standing, Sonic community tradition, hosted by one of the community’s original sites, Sonic Fan Games HQ. Play the latest and greatest fan projects all in one place for one glorious week of celebrating not only Sonic the Hedgehog, but our community as well.

Please, hop right into the chat room, look at the schedule, and just read everything there is to read about the show! It’s going to be great!

A word of warning about certain booths: Sunday is usually the slowest day for the booths section, as dead links will be weeded out and some people will be putting up their demos throughout the day, due to time zone differences. Bear with that fact, because it happens every year. Come Monday, everybody should be ready to roll.

Be sure to check here for TSS Staff’s input on all the fangaming action!

With that said…


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Summer of Sonic – Happy Snaps

While I’ve been busy making an archive out of the current Summer of Sonic website – be sure to keep sending in your photos and videos – those cool dudes at Sega Nerds have been one of the many sites who have stepped up and made a report on the International Sonic Convention. Many photos and videos were taken, including a few pieces that cover the event really nicely. I’m quite happy they managed to get a photo of Sonic Retro’s ‘invasion’ of the convention (above), as I wanted some photo evidence of that. Sonic Retro joined the many other big-name fansites that were chronicled on the Community Wall. Hopefully someone has a photo of that, now.

Summer of Sonic: Highlights video & images – Sega Nerds

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Sonic 1 Megamix hack officially discontinued

Sonic 1 Megamix has been at the forefront at the hacking community, considered by most to be somewhat of a gold standard when it came to adding content to Sonic ROMs. However, Wednesday marked the end of the Sonic 1 hack after controversy, unnecessary drama, and just plain bullshit permeated the project’s thread for the entire month of August. I’m too lazy to recall the whole story behind the leak earlier this month and all the stupid crap that ensued (and if you’re involved in the community, you already know about it), so let’s just get the project’s director, Tweaker, to comment on the end of an era:

We have chosen to release the work we have. The game has had many changes, including a port to the Sega CD by Stealth. There is one ISO for each region, and the game should work perfectly on hardware, with a few exceptions; a few Knuckles sections will crash the system, and the pitch adjustment in the sound test doesn’t work on hardware either. However, BRAM is fully functional, among other things. This is nowhere near what an ideal final release would be like, but there’s really nothing more to be said. The game is in a playable state, although it is stressed that this is by no means in an ideal state for a full release. There were many things we had planned but could not achieve, and these things will never be achieved.

To read his entire post, check the link below. Oh, and take some time off, Tweak. You’ve earned it.

SOURCE: Sonic Retro – Sonic 1 Megamix thread

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Wii Unleashed Screens in Degenki Magazine

SEGANERDS forum member, STORM! has taken photos of all the pages in the new Degenki Magazine. The new feature gives us a better taste on what the Wii version of Unleashed is going to look like. Also, there is a manga, too, following the (mis)adventures of Sonic the Werehog and the new, unnecessary “chihuahua” character, but you do not care about that, right? You want to see this game!

Click here for the entire photo gallery of the article.

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Bioware updates Chronicles site and opens YouTube channel

Bioware the developers behind upcoming Nintendo DS game Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood have updated their Sonic Chronicles site and opened a YouTube channel dedicated to Sonic Chronicles. The main feature in this update is the first episode video in a series of ‘Insider episodes’ bringing new gameplay footage and information on new enemies, characters and more. The first episode is just an update explaining these new insider episodes, more episodes are to come over the next few weeks. So keep your eyes on this site or this YouTube channel for further updates. We’ll also be watching the site for updates 24/7 like rabid fanboys so we’ll also update when an update arrives to keep you updated on further updates. Hope you enjoyed the update, stay tuned for more Sonic updates.

Times used the words update/d/s in total including title and tag: 12

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SAGE Booth Registration Extended to August 16th

I pretty much called this one.  Since everybody always works up until the last minute on their games, booths, or both, you can register your booth all the way up to the 16th of August, the last day before the show.  If you have already registered, but did not submit a link to your playable demo, you can re-register to make your booth a “featured booth.”

Remember, only booths with demos will be accepted as “featured booths,” getting bigger advertising than those without.  Another key point to remember is that if you are a banned member at Sonic Fan Games HQ, you are not allowed to enter SAGE under any circumstance.  If a member on your team happens to be a banned member, but you are not, you should probably consider kicking him out if you plan to register to what is to be the biggest SAGE of them all.  Finally, booths that have dead links on day 1 will be removed without notice.  That is all.

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SAGE ’08 Extended Promo Video


This 3-minute video ran at the Summer of Sonic during the day, but if you didn’t go, catch a glimpse of Sonic Nexus’ new engine and animated cutscenes, the action of Sonic: Time Twisted, the beauty of Emerald Ties: Crossing Fates, and more!

Click here to watch the movie in high quality (and to comment and vote 5!)

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BlueTube: SatBK Gameplay… apparently.

It’s such a good job we can always rely on Youtube to bring us the newest and most reliable game footage before any other place on the Internet, isn’t it?

It appears a user named ‘JesseMeza07’ has managed to get his hands on a first look at the gameplay of the upcoming ‘Sonic and the Black Knight’ title for the Nintendo Wii released next Spring. There’s something wrong here though… but we at TSS can’t quite put our fingers on it.

Jesse writes –

This is the first footage of the new Wii game, Sonic & The Black Knight, courtesy of IGN. I can tell you one thing, this game is shaping up to be pretty good. 🙂

Source: YouTube.

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Summer of Sonic Gets Live Internet Broadcast

Did you hear about the spectacularly awesome Summer of Sonic a little too late, or really wanted to come but couldn’t because you live too far away? Couldn’t bear the thought of missing Richard Jacques talk about his life story? Well guess what? You’re in luck.

The Summer of Sonic team have been testing a method of providing a live video feed to everyone who otherwise can’t attend the convention in person. That test being successful, you can expect a bird’s eye view of the show floor as stuff happens during the day. If we get a few willing volunteers, we may have someone walk around with said camera within the hall to give you a closer look in on the action. The best part is, you won’t miss the main stage shows such as the mega-Q&A I will apparently be hosting, and the live Sonic Hour show. Due to quality issues though, it’s unlikely we will be able to provide a live video of Richard’s awesome performance – you have to see it yourself to believe that.

Interested now? Yeah I bet you are. Gimme that funky chunky donkey.

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Current SAGE Schedule released, confirms times and more


Pink slots are workshops, red slots are SAGEcasts, skin-tone (wtf color is that) slots are interviews in the chat room, and baby blue slots are concerts.  Other colors are just random events.

Well, now we can finally confirm the first SAGE workshop, as Chris Senn, the developer of Sonic X-Treme, has agreed to hold a workshop on game design on Monday, August 18th at 6 PM EST! His regular interview time in the SAGE chat room has been changed from the last post.  He is now appearing at 6 PM EST on Thursday, August 21st. Continue reading Current SAGE Schedule released, confirms times and more

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Mike Pollock coming to SAGE, more games

Mike Pollock, the voice of Dr. Eggman for 4kids, is going to be a SAGE chat guest along with the aforementioned Ryan Drummond, Chris Senn, and Richard Jacques. Chris Senn’s appearance now has a time and date confirmed. This show just keeps getting bigger and bigger! Here’s the entire rundown of what is brand spanking new as of today:


  • Sonic GEDA – a game that pays tribute to Sonic CD by emulating its play style
  • Sonic Fusion – no idea what this game is, but it’s coming


  • Mike Pollock – time and date have yet to be determined
  • Chris Senn – confirmed to be in the chat room at 9 PM EST on Thursday, August 21st.


  • Slingerland’s Super Sonic Super Trvia Game Super Show – there will be a trivia bot in the SAGE chat room, just like there is every year. However, now it will keep track of rankings! The top few people will meet head to head in a live SAGEcast that tests their Sonic knowledge. I am hosting and I will probably be as ridiculous as possible.

That’s all for today, folks!  Oh, you want a source for this information?  Well, it is not in any SAGE threads yet, but let’s just say that I have my methods (and that would be…talking to the director -easy enough).

Check back for more SAGE updates and check this story out later today at TSSZ when it is copy pasted over there (ouch).

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The Bank Of Sonic Official!… Sort Of.

The Bank of Sonic - Halifax are going to have to do better than 'Howard Brown' singing 'Who let the dogs out?'

Is it just me, or is anyone else getting a little fed up with seeing The Queen’s mug plastered all over our glorious British currency? It’s just me? Oh. Well still, that hasn’t stopped the great seller tycoons of eBay has it? While doing my regular (money draining) browse for Sonic related merchandise I couldn’t help noticing something out of the ordinary, a familiar styled note with the smirking face of Sonics beaming on the front!

What sort of insane magic produced this!? I can’t think of any better way to pop down to GAME and lay a pre-order on Sonic Chronicles than using your very own money from the Bank of Sonic! I wonder if this is what ‘mobiums’ would look like if they existed in our society? Unfortunately though, it doesn’t look like you’ll be spending this exact note any time soon because the Bank of Sonic surprisingly enough does not exist. Well, not until the world comes to its senses and creates it anyway.

While we’re on the same note (pun intended), perhaps you’d want to buy a vintage Sonic money bank to keep your Bank of Sonic novelty note and any spare Rings in? Or maybe we’re just, getting a little ahead of ourselves now…

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More SAGE game confirmations!

Ugh, it’s 3 AM on Monday…no wait…it’s Tuesday now.  I am slaving away on my demo, but for the sake of procrastination, I am going to fill you in on more SAGE game confirmations.  With the first day of registration over, the following games were confirmed to show up at SAGE 2008:

  • ProSonic – Developed by saxman, this Sonic development kit is being hailed to be the “perfect” Sonic fangame creation tool, allowing users to replicate the original games “to the letter.”
  • Emerald Ties: Crossing Fates – This game has been in and out for years now, sitting on the border of obscurity, but it we are finally going to get to see some new content from this famous Sonic fangame.
  • Mecha Madness – When it comes to unique experiences, SFGHQ member Streak Thunderstorm has the bases covered. A simple, yet intuitive, combat system, an impressive array of elemental shields, and tried & true Sonic gameplay meets luscious production design to create a can’t miss SAGE experience. Continue reading More SAGE game confirmations!
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EB Games Australia Sonic Chronicles pre-order bonus

EB Games Australia are now giving free Sonic Chronicles:The Dark Brotherhood themed alluminium DS cases away when you pre-order the game with them for $69.95. It look’s quite nice, with a shiny light blue effect to it and a lock to keep your sugar buzzing kid brother/sister out. EB Games are currently saying the release date is 25-09-08 thought there hasn’t been an official word from Sega on Australia’s release date.


For those of you in the U.S. not in the know, Gamestop are still giving away Sonic Chronicles themed stylus’s when you pre-order the game with them for $34.99. Gamestop are currently saying release date is 30-9-08, though again no official release date from Sega has been announced.


Now if only we in Europe who have an announced release date of 26-09-08 could get a free gift with our pre-orders…

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SAGE Booth Registration NOW OPEN

From now until August 8th, those interested in participating in SAGE are clear to register their project’s “booth” on the expo’s website.  Before you go all gung-ho about it, be sure to have the required elements:

  • Booth Name
  • List of Member(s) Involved
  • Your project’s website (booth URL)
  • Booth image for use on the expo floor (must be 320×240 and a JPEG, GIF, or PNG under 30 KB in size)

An optional element is to include the download link to the game you will be showcasing.  Seeing how nobody is ever done with their demos by now, it better be an option.

SAGE runs August 17th through the 24th at


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Sonic Shredded by MegaDriver’s Nino

Spot anything cool in this picture? Nino of Brazillian heavy metal band MegaDriver love’s Sega and the Mega Drive so much he rocks out with a guitar devoted to Sonic the Hedgehog.

This awesome axe sports a 24-fret maple neck with EMG 81 active pickups, a Floyd Rose Lo-Pro bridge and a Brazilian body of “Angelim Pedra” wood. It even has a cool Sonic 1 sprite paintjob at the top as seen here –

Jealous? I know I am. Nino we salute you.
You can view MegaDriver’s official site with video’s, galleries and MP3’s of their performances here.

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BlueTube: Nothing like a stroll in the Sonic 06

It appears sometimes even Sonic needs to take a break from saving repeatedly kidnapped princesses and skipping through time periods in ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ for the Xbox 360 and PS3. Even when the most speediest of blue hedgehogs wishes to slow things down for a little while though, level design can sometimes get in his way when taking a quiet stroll along the beach. Luckily though, the kind people at SEGA were nice enough to include him a constant gravitational pull towards any area of the environment no matter what speed he be going!

Just a bit of fun really. This video made me chuckle and look back on some of the minor technical glitches Sonic encountered in his Next Generation debut back in 2006. I’m sure most of us have gotten over how disappointing this game was, though looking through the frustration there were some relatively funny irregularities included in the game that are always fun to look back on. Let’s hope Sonic’s upcoming adventure on the same platforms don’t end up as technically impaired as this, though.

Source: Youtube.

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‘Sonic 360’ Fangame Engine Does Hedgehog Proud

Hey, hands up who’s kinda sick of the way the 3D Sonic games are going? Oh, a lot of you? Yeah, me too. Well, Sonic Unleashed is looking like an interesting direction, and a somewhat return to form in terms of at least not-broken gameplay. We’re looking forward to blasting around dragons, yesiree.

But Sonic Unleashed isn’t out yet. Won’t be out for a bit. So until then, cast your eyes on the video above, which is a fangame engine that first cropped up on Sonic Fan Games HQ some months ago. Creators ‘Mark the Echidna’ and ‘Damizean’ have built a crude, if not absolutely awesome Sonic the Hedgehog 3D game engine (nicknamed ‘Sonic 360’).

It ticks all the right boxes for everything we feel should be present and correct in a Sonic game – open, expansive areas, multiple routes, momentum and physics based gameplay, slow platforming elements to complement the ability to run like a maniac, spin dash, pudgy Sonic (we’ve never seen a cuter, more awesome looking Sonic model), loops, no homing attack, etc. You see? ‘No bottomless pits’ can be done, and this is proof that you can inject some forward thinking in a classic-looking 3D Sonic game – watch that little bugger run up those walls! Awesome.

Best thing? You can actually download this engine. Trufax. You can grab it here, found via the Youtube page.

SEGA, Sonic Team? Take notes. Hire these guys. Whatever. Just get it done. K?

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GT awards Chonicles “Best DS Game of E3” has named Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood the best DS game at E3. The Bioware-developed Sonic RPG beat out the Chrono Trigger remake, Rhythm Heaven, Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia, and Puzzle Quest Galactrix. GT stated that the stage demo was a deep, rich experience that really caught their attention at the show floor.

Watch Chronicles win the award.

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