Welcome to the Archive site of The Sonic Stadium (2008-2023)
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A stealth early release, perfectly fitting for this new character.
IDW have decided to release Sonic the Hedgehog #8 early, and with that comes an early preview! In this issue, after the failed data capture in the Egg Fleet, Sonic is assaulting the Arsenal Pyramid. Silver is there to help him out, but there’s someone else inside the base. Why do they call them the guardian angel? And why are they so secretive to boot? You can find out here!
Sonic the Hedgehog #8
Ian Flynn (w) • Evan Stanley (a & c)
Hush! You hear that? It sounds like Sonic’s racing off to another adventure and he’s not alone! But who is this “Guardian Angel” and why does everybody talk about her in a Whisper?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Sonic the Hedgehog #8 is releasing tomorrow. Make sure to remember the early date so you can wolf down more Sonic comic content as soon as it comes out!
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
Following the developer diary videos, the latest installment of the behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the Sonic Mania universe focuses on the creation of the Sonic Mania Adventures shorts, narrated by director Tyson Hesse. Check out the video below!
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That is, Team Sonic Racing the comic. Not the game. Maybe.
IDW have released their solicitations for October, and not only does it feature the next part of the climactic battle, it also features the official tie-in comic to Team Sonic Racing! And perhaps a little more than that…
In Sonic the Hedgehog #10, the resistance are working hard to liberate Angel Island from the vying claws of the Egg Fleet, with Tails and Amy leading the charge, but some heroes have a little more work to do. Blaze has to face off against an army all by herself, and she’s going to need some real fire power to do it! Meanwhile, Sonic and Knuckles are working together to take out a very powerful enemy, but will their combined efforts be enough? Find out in “The Battle for Angel Island”: part 2.
(W) Ian Flynn (A) Tracy Yardley (CA) Adam Bryce Thomas
“The Battle for Angel Island,” Part 2. As Amy and Tails lead the Resistance fighters to free Angel Island from the Egg Fleet, Blaze must face an army all by herself. Meanwhile, Sonic and Knuckles find themselves face-to-face with a Super-powerful enemy. Will they be able to beat their foe, or will they just get beat?
The stunning second part of the first-year finale!
In Shops: Oct 24, 2018
SRP: $3.99
Meanwhile the Team Sonic Racing tie-in comic, announced at SDCC, actually seems to be quite mysterious. We’ll get plenty of racing shenanigans that lead into the game, sure, but the plot seems to be the synopsis for the game as opposed to the comic. Do you want to see Sonic get himself out of a scrape in a strange world with the help of some fast cars and the superpower of teamwork? You might just be in luck!
(W) Caleb Goellner (A/CA) Adam Bryce Thomas
Sonic’s been taken to another world and entered into a race unlike any other! With a little help from his friends Tails and Knuckles, he’ll race to win the competition and get everyone home! BUT! Before that, check out a comics exclusive story straight from the world of Team Sonic Racing!
Leads into the upcoming game, Team Sonic Racing, available Winter 2018!
Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails team up in this exciting adventure!
Special extra-long one-shot!
In Shops: Oct 31, 2018
SRP: $4.99
Whether you want to see a test of power or prefer some red hot speed, it looks like October will have you covered! We will have more info on both of these issues closer to their release.
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Who’s ready for a good ol’ helping of spoilers today?
The full preview for Sonic the Hedgehog #7 has been revealed after SDCC has been and gone, and what it reveals is quite the doozy! In this issue, Sonic wants to bring the badniks down at the heart of operations after the mystery of Mr Tinker is somewhat cleared up. But if Sonic thought it would be easy, he’d be mistaken; there’s more brewing under the surface, and other powerful enemies set to make their move. This is “Meet the New Boss”.
Sonic the Hedgehog #7
After the dramatic events of the last two issues and the secret of Dr. Eggman, Sonic races off to shut down the organized Badniks at the source. Unfortunately, there’s more at play than Sonic has realized—and more powerful players…
Ian Flynn (w) • Adam Bryce Thomas (a) • Kieran Gates (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Sonic the Hedgehog #7 is due to release tomorrow. If you want to be the ultimate Sonic comic fan, you won’t want to miss this one!
By the way, if you don’t want comic spoilers, you may want to leave the preview until you get the comic…
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
Team Sonic Racing will be getting a prequel comic from IDW this October. Revealed at IDW and SEGA’s “Way Past Cool Sonic Panel” at San Diego Comic Con, the comic will feature Sonic and his friends “facing an old foe” while racing across an alien planet.
The comic will be written by Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles scribe Caleb Goellner and feature art from veteran Sonic comic artist Adam Bryce Thomas. You can check out the comic’s cover art, also drawn by Thomas, below:
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As the hottest time of the year rolls by, it’s time for the action to heat up!
IDW have released the preview for Sonic the Hedgehog #6, and if you want sparks to fly this looks to have it in spades! Sonic and the Chaotix have managed to find Dr Eggman, but they faced a moral quandary when he turns out to be the friendly neighbourhood Mr Tinker. Shadow’s having none of that though, and his philosophy is putting him square against Sonic in an all out fight to determine the fate of this Mr Tinker fellow. But whether Eggman really has turned for good or not, he’s bound to have some tricks up his sleeves! This is “The Fate of Dr Eggman”; part 2.
Sonic the Hedgehog #6
Ian Flynn (w) • Tracy Yardley (a)
“The Fate of Dr. Eggman,” Part 2. Dr. Eggman has been located, but Sonic’s not the only one to find him! When Shadow comes, whose side will Sonic be on?!?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
? Guest starring: Shadow the Hedgehog, Rouge the Bat, and the Chaotix Detective Agency!
? The second part of the gripping story, setting up the series through 2019!
? Cover A by Tracy Yardley, Cover B by Jonathan Gray, Cover RI by Nathalie Fourdraine
Sonic the Hedgehog #6 is due to be released this Wednesday. If you want to find out the true fate of Dr Eggman, there’s no excuse for missing this issue!
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
IDW have released the new solicitations for September 2018, and for Sonic that means everyone is pitching in for the fight! In Sonic the Hedgehog #9, a villain to be reckoned with is attacking Angel Island. The goal? To get to the Master Emerald and use its power to take control over everyone and everything! Sonic and all his friends are in a race against time to stop them, but has the clock already ticked down? This is “The Battle for Angel Island”: part 1.
Sonic the Hedgehog #9—Cover A: Lamar Wells
Ian Flynn (w) • Tracy Yardley (a) • Lamar Wells (c)
“The Battle for Angel Island,” Part 1. One of the greatest threats Sonic has ever faced descends upon Angel Island, home of the mystical Master Emerald, seeking to take the Emerald’s power and control the world. Can Sonic and his friends stop the attack on the island—or is it already too late?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Sonic the Hedgehog #9—Cover B: Tracy Yardley
Ian Flynn (w) • Tracy Yardley (a & c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Tangle, Whisper, Shadow… Everyone’s in this issue!
It’s all been building to this!
Variant cover by Nathalie Fourdraine!
As always, we will have more news on this comic closer to the time of its release. Until then, you can read the more immediate upcoming issues to see how they build up to this story!
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Sonic the Comic is celebrating its 25th anniversary this week, having first appeared in corner shops and news agents across the UK back in May 1993.
For fans living outside the UK (or are too young to remember!) the publication ran for nine years from 1993 to 2002 through Fleetway comics and later Egmont magazines, producing a total of 223 issues. The darker tone of the comics and the portrayal of characters garnered a cult following of fans, inspiring a resurrection of the comic in an online incarnation in the form of Sonic the Comic Online, which continues to present day.
To celebrate this milestone year in the comic’s lifetime, STCO has released issue number 275 with a 32-page story bringing to a conclusion some of the longest running storylines in the series.
Additionally, a Sonic the Comic 25th anniversary party will be taking place on Sunday, 3rd of June 2018 at the FAB café in Manchester. More information on the event, which will see many of the prolific contributors to Sonic the Comic including Richard Elson and Nigel Kitching in attendance, can be found on the event’s facebook page.
From everyone here at The Sonic Stadium, we wish Sonic the Comic a very happy birthday!
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Sonic and Eggman finally get to come face to face in the latest comic!
The preview Sonic the Hedgehog #5 has been released, and it’s certainly building up the tension! With the assistance of the Chaotix, Sonic finally finds Dr Eggman. He hasn’t been heard much since his defeat, despite the Badniks still being out of control. But will confronting his arch-nemesis bring Sonic the answers he’s after…or just raise more questions? This is “The Fate of Dr Eggman”: Part 1
“The Fate of Dr. Eggman,” Part 1. After his last battle with Sonic, Dr. Eggman’s gone quiet. His Badnik forces are still causing trouble, but without the bad doctor’s usual fanfare. What’s Eggman been doing all this time? And what will happen to Sonic when he finds out?
Sonic the Hedgehog #5 is out on Wednesday, May 30th, priced $3.99.
Sonic the Hedgehog #5 is due out on 30/05/18. In case that date doesn’t do anything for you, that’s tomorrow! Make sure you track it carefully so you don’t miss out!
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IDW have revealed their solicitations for August, and there’s a new face to be seen…although they may be difficult to hear.
Solicitations for Sonic the Hedgehog #8 and the first comic boxset have been released. Whether you want to look to the future or to the past, the upcoming months have you covered.
Sonic the Hedgehog #8 is keeping rather hush with its story. This time, Sonic the Hedgehog ends up in the company of the time travelling Silver the Hedgehog, But there’s whisper in the wind about a new hero on the horizon, the one whose spoken as a guardian angel, a person known as…well, Whisper! Find out how she fares when Sonic and his usual adventurous flair come running to her doorstep!
Sonic the Hedgehog #8—Cover A: Gigi Dutreix—SPOTLIGHT
Ian Flynn (w) • Evan Stanley (a & c)
Hush! You hear that? It sounds like Sonic’s racing off to another adventure and he’s not alone! But who is this “Guardian Angel” and why does everybody talk about her in a Whisper?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Sonic the Hedgehog #8—Cover B: Evan Stanley —SPOTLIGHT
Ian Flynn (w) • Evan Stanley (a) Gigi Dutreix(c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Introducing a brand-new character, Whisper!
Also featuring Silver the Hedgehog!
Variant cover by Nathalie Fourdraine!
The boxset for the first four issues that has been covered previous also feature in this month’s batch of solicitations, due to be released in September! If you need to catch up with Sonic’s first adventures in the new continuity, you can do so while meeting up with faces both old and new! There’s danger and mystery abound in “Fallout”.
Sonic the Hedgehog, Vol. 1: Fallout—SPOTLIGHT
Ian Flynn (w) • Tracy Yardley, Adam Bryce Thomas, Jen Hernandez, Evan Stanley (a) • Tyson Hesse (c)
The evil genius Dr. Eggman has been foiled—but the work of Sonic the Hedgehog isn’t over yet! In the aftermath of the latest epic battle, rogue robots continue to attack small villages around the world. In order to succeed, Sonic will need the help of his friends Tails, Knuckles, and Amy, along with some new and surprising allies. This new collection from acclaimed writer Ian Flynn features the blue blur like you’ve never seen him before. Gotta go fast!
Join the Blue Blur for brand-new adventures as he and his friends race around the world to defeat the evil Dr. Eggman’s robotic forces!
We will have more information on these issues and ones previously revealed closer to the time of their release. In the meantime, pay attention to your calendar so time doesn’t fly by you! And you might want to look out for a clue to the next issue’s release in the upcoming days…
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
It looks like the demand for the rebooted Sonic the Hedgehog comics has been massive, as IDW proudly announced that Issue #4 of its new series has now sold out of its first print to comic retailers. That marks a home-run for its weekly April launch event, with every single Issue hitting the same milestone. Continue reading IDW Sonic Comics #1 – #4 First Prints Sold Out, Special Collector’s Box Set Incoming
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The month of comics concludes with the debut of a brand new character!
With April’s rapid release of IDW’s new Sonic comic series reaching the last of its four issues, the preview has finally been released for Sonic the Hedgehog #4. In this issue, Sonic comes across the biggest pack of Badniks he’s seen so far! If he wants to beat this lot back, he’ll need more than his own pair of hands. Luckily he has Blaze on his side with her fiery hands, and there’s new hero Tangle the Lemur who can make her tail act like a hand as well! What will the mystery behind the attacks make of this team-up? This is the final part of the comic’s first arc, “Fallout”.
Sonic comes across a town under attack from the biggest Badnik force he’s ever seen. Luckily, help is on the way from his old friend Blaze, as well as a new hero! Get ready for the debut of Tangle!
Gotta go fast! To celebrate the blue blur coming to IDW, the first 4 issues ship weekly in April!
Featuring beloved Sonic creators introducing all-new characters in all-new adventures!
Variant covers featuring the main cast of each issue by artists like Rafa Knight, Jamal Peppers, and Tyson Hesse!
Connecting covers by Sonic Mania animation artist Tyson Hesse!
Sonic the Hedgehog #4 is due out on 25/04/18, so make sure you swing by to pick up a copy. While this marks the last of the April issues, remember that the comic is coming out an issue per month from here on, so there will still be plenty of comic goodness in the future!
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There’s new villainy afoot as we enter July! Why not relax by playing a game?
While you might be reading up on the skirmish between Sonic, Knuckles and two bad skunks, the solicitation for Sonic the Hedgehog #7 has been revealed! Between all that’s happened in revealing Dr Eggman’s secret, Sonic wants to stop the onslaught of Badniks right at the source. However, what Sonic can see is just the surface. With another villain poised to show themselves, he’ll have to keep his wits about him to stay on the level!
Sonic the Hedgehog #7—Cover A: Kieran Gates—SPOTLIGHT
Ian Flynn (w) • Adam Bryce Thomas (a) • Kieran Gates (c)
Secrets revealed! After the dramatic events of the last two issues and the secret of Dr. Eggman, Sonic races off to shut down the organized Badniks at the source. Unfortunately, there’s more at play than Sonic has realized—and more powerful players…
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Sonic the Hedgehog #7—Cover B: Adam Bryce Thomas—SPOTLIGHT
Ian Flynn (w) • Adam Bryce Thomas (a & c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
• One of the first major villains of the new series revealed!
• A special foil cover to celebrate entering the second half of Sonic’s first year at IDW!
• Don’t miss the new Sonic the Hedgehog: Crash Course Board game in our games section!
• Variant cover by Nathalie Fourdraine!
There’s also new information regarding the announced board game from IDW; Sonic the Hedgehog: Crash Course. Grab up to three other players and race through Green Hill Zone to be the first to collect five Chaos Emeralds!
Sonic the Hedgehog: Crash Course
Sean McDonald (d)
Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik are on a crash course for the Chaos Emeralds! Speeding through the classic Green Hill Zone, players in Sonic the Hedgehog Crash Course race to be the first player to collect 5 of the 7 Chaos Emeralds! If you want to take the victory, then you gotta go fast!
RACE forward and leave your opponents in the dust
COLLECT items then heal damage
WIN if you’re the fastest to earn the most Chaos Emeralds!
2-4 players • Playable from ages 8+ • 30-45 minutes • MSRP $29.99 • UPC: 8-27714-01484-6
Bullet points:
• Quick to learn, easy to play, challenging to win! Start racing in minutes!
• Build-as-you-play track! No race is ever the same!
• Powerful special items! Go faster, set traps and slow down opponents!
• Includes 4 pre-painted plastic miniatures!
• Advance solicited for February release!
As always, we’ll have more information about the issue closer to release. While you wait, why not brush up on your board game strategies ready to show your friends how super sonic you really are!
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Do you want to be rougher than the rest of them, or do you just want a little rough and tumble?
With the IDW comic well on its way to securing its position in the franchise, the preview for Sonic the Hedgehog #3 has been released! The next village Sonic comes across allows him to meet up with his oldest frenemy; Knuckles! But before they can catch up and banter, two mercenaries in the form of Rough and Tumble prove to be quite the handful for the combat duo. Can they work together and beat down the threat? And what else is going on with the mystery behind the scenes? This is the third part of the “Fallout” arc.
Sonic the Hedgehog #3—Cover A: Tyson Hesse
Ian Flynn (w) • Jen Hernandez (a) • Tyson Hesse (c)
Sonic and Knuckles team up, and it’s just like old times—until two new villains show up. With a group of villagers under attack, will even the combined forces of these two heroes be enough to take down Rough and Tumble???
*Retailers: See your order form for incentive information.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Expected in-store date: 4/18/18
Sonic the Hedgehog #3—Cover B: Jen Hernandez
Ian Flynn (w) • Jen Hernandez (a & c)
*Retailers: See your order form for incentive information.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
*Expected in-store date: 4/18/18
The latest issue is due to be released on April 18th. Make sure you can get your mitts on it!
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Did you like the debut issue of the IDW comic? Because IDW won’t stop, they just go!
The preview for Sonic the Hedgehog #2 is already available, and it’s hammering home the quality we have to look forward to. In this issue, Sonic has come across another town that’s in peril, so he goes into to save it. Joining him this time is Amy Rose for some tried and true dynamics. She’s actually there for some serious business though; she wants to ask him to rejoin the resistance! And with mysterious behind-the-scenes going on, could Sonic be in more danger than he realises? This is the second part of the opening “Fallout” arc.
STORY BY: Ian Flynn
ART BY: Adam Bryce Thomas
COLORS BY: Adam Bryce Thomas
LETTERS BY: Corey Breen
COVER BY: Adam Bryce Thomas, Jonathan Gray, Nathalie Fourdraine, and Tyson Hesse
Sonic’s new adventure continues, and when he comes across another town in need of saving, his old pal Amy arrives just in time to join the fight! The banter is fun, and the stakes are high, but things get really serious when Amy presents Sonic with a big request: rejoin the Resistance!
Gotta go fast! To celebrate the blue blur coming to IDW, the first 4 issues ship weekly in April!
Featuring beloved Sonic creators introducing all-new characters in all-new adventures!
Variant covers featuring the main cast of each issue by artists like Rafa Knight, Jamal Peppers, and Tyson Hesse!
Connecting covers by Sonic Mania animation artist Tyson Hesse!
As always, we’ll keep you up to date on the latest news about upcoming issues as they’re revealed. For the time being, the next step into the new world is just 2-3 days away, so make sure you’t don’t miss it!
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
More like Revelations than Genesis in hindsight. IDW are set to release their new comic in just a few days from now. But as most of you know, before IDW there were the Archie Sonic comics. Spanning 290 issues, it lasted an eventful 24 years before it met its end in December 2016. To celebrate the passing of the torch from one company to another, I will be reviewing the entirety of Genesis of a Hero (AStH#288 – AStH#291), the last arc of the book. Continue reading TSS Review: Genesis of a Hero (Archie)
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
It’s been over a year since we’ve had a preview of any comics, but with IDW’s Sonic the Hedgehog comic set to debut next week, a preview has been released to show a little of what this new story has to offer. Since the last battle, Eggman has been nowhere to be found, so naturally you’d think this would be a good time for Sonic to be able to chill.
Not so, as Eggman’s robot army are still on the attack! Sonic comes across one such village under siege, but he’s going to have to get a little help to beat these forces down! As Sonic and Tails do their thing, there’s something strange underneath the surface. What is up with this attack when Eggman is apparently MIA? See the action and mystery start to unfold as we take a look at the first part of the “Fallout” arc, and the first ever issue of IDW Sonic!
Sonic the Hedgehog #1—Cover A: Tyson Hesse
Ian Flynn (w) • Tracy Yardley (a) • Tyson Hesse (c)
SONIC’S RACING INTO A NEW ADVENTURE!After defeating the evil Dr. Eggman’s latest plot, Sonic is racing around the world to shut down the robotic Badnik forces that are still attacking villages. But it’s a big job for one hedgehog—even Sonic! Fortunately, he’ll have some help from his best friend: Tails!
*Retailers: See your order form for incentive information.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Expected in-store date: 4/4/18
Sonic the Hedgehog #1—Cover B: Tracy Yardley
Ian Flynn (w) • Tracy Yardley (a & c)
*Retailers: See your order form for incentive information.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Expected in-store date: 4/4/18
Remember, the official release date for this issue is April 4th, and there’s set to be a comic weekly throughout the month of April. If you’ve wanted to get into the comic scene, now is a perfect opportunity to start right at the very beginning!
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
The old phrase “The more things change, the more they stay the same” has never been more true when it comes to the return of Sonic in comics in IDW’s “Sonic the Hedgehog” #1. After being gone from comic shelves for over a year thanks to a fallout between Sega and Archie, Sonic’s found a new home with IDW. But the creative team has not left. Continue reading TSS Review: Sonic The Hedgehog #1 (IDW)
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
Walking around Wondercon today, I came across quite a few interesting things. Cosplayers, tons of artists, every other booth requiring a few hundred Funko Pops for sale, a booth that sells only Ewok heads (I’m not kidding) and (formerly) Sonic Boom’s own Bill Freiberger. Continue reading Wondercon 2018: Interview with Ian Flynn
The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
This month has all sorts of surprises in store as June brings us both a new issue and a new collectors item for those who just want more comic hedgehog!
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Just revealed now on the SXSW live-stream, whilst the cover has been revealed before in a black and white format, we now have the full colour image of Issue 1 for the new IDW Sonic comic.
The new IDW Sonic is due for release next month!
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In anticipation of its other solicits coming out tomorrow, IDW has decided to release the solicitation and one of the covers for Sonic the Hedgehog #5 slightly earlier than scheduled. But there’s never a time to be too early when it regards your arch-nemesis coming back into the picture!
In Sonic the Hedgehog #5, there is a question that needs to be answered; where exactly has Dr Eggman got to? His Badniks have still been causing mayhem since he and Sonic last fought, but he’s not been there with them to bring his usual flare to the fight. Wherever he is, he’s bound to be thinking up something evil, but what will Sonic do when he finds out what? This is “The Fate of Dr Eggman”: part 1.
Sonic the Hedgehog #5
Ian Flynn (w) • Jamal Peppers (a) • Jamal Peppers (c)
“The Fate of Dr. Eggman,
” Part 1. After his last battle with Sonic, Dr. Eggman’s gone quiet. His Badnik forces are still causing trouble, but without the bad doctor’s usual fanfare. What’s Eggman been doing all this time? And what will happen to Sonic when he finds out?
*Retailers: See your order form for incentive information.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Expected in-store date: 5/30/18
Sonic the Hedgehog #5—Cover B: Kieran Gates
Ian Flynn (w) • Jamal Peppers (a) • Kieran Gates (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
*Retailers: See your order form for incentive information.
Expected in-store date: 5/30/18
Bullet points:
– Guest starring: The Chaotix Detective Agency!
– Retailer Incentive: Order 10 copies, get one free variant cover by Nathalie Foudraine!
As always, we will have more on this issue closer to the time of release. In the meantime, look out for more variant covers for the previous issues to be revealed up to April!
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Sonic’s extensive rogues gallery will be getting some new additions in the IDW comics this April: the skunk brothers Rough and Tumble. This pair of malicious mephitidaes will be antagonizing Sonic and Knuckles in the series’ third issue.
Kotaku interviewed the comic’s associate editor David Marriotte, who said that the new villains aren’t exactly masterminds, meaning we shouldn’t expect them to be hatching any grand schemes any time soon. He also confirmed that they are “independent agents,” though did hint that they could become henchman down the line. So it may be safe to speculate that they’ll end up working for Dr. Eggman eventually.
Rough’s finalized concept sheetTumble’s final concept sheet
Marriotte also talked about how new comic characters are designed: they are first described by writer Ian Flynn in a few paragraphs, then they are designed by one of the comic’s artists, and then they are sent to SEGA for approval. After some back and forth between IDW and SEGA, the characters are fleshed out and finalized. According to Kotaku, the characters used to be more heavily clothed, had less defined eyes, and Tumble use to look a lot more rabid.
Meanwhile, in a Game Informer interview released yesterday, Ian Flynn confirmed that the IDW comics will be a fresh start focused on story elements and characters from the games. Early issues will feature stories that are light on world-building and lore, but heavy on adventure and cinematic action. Despite starting with “bite-sized” stories, Flynn also confirmed that these stories will start building up to a surprise that will pay off within the comic’s first year. This surprise will be an obscure antagonist that hardcore fans may be able to guess, but casual fans will find new and exciting. You can find the full interview, which goes into more detail about Flynn’s plans as well as his past, here.
Flynn later clarified on Twitter that he doesn’t want to front load a new, fast paced book with lore, and that he wanted to keep things game-centric to make the comic recognizable to casual fans. Once the tone is set, he will get into bigger arcs and begin exploring the characters.
IDW’s Sonic the Hedgehog will launch April 4, and release a new issue every week for its first four weeks before going monthly with issue 5.
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To round out the comic news for the month, we have the long awaited solicits up, and boy is it quite a doozy! Not only new adventures, but new allies, new villains and new appearances from someone who wasn’t in Forces!
In Sonic the Hedgehog #1, Sonic’s mananged to defeat Eggman’s latest evil scheme, and is currently going around the world to defeat the robots still on the rampage. That’s a lot for one hedgehog to handle, which is why his very best friend Tails is joining in on the action!
Sonic the Hedgehog #1—Cover A: Tyson Hesse
Ian Flynn (w) • Tracy Yardley (a) • Tyson Hesse (c)
SONIC’S RACING INTO A NEW ADVENTURE!After defeating the evil Dr. Eggman’s latest plot, Sonic is racing around the world to shut down the robotic Badnik forces that are still attacking villages. But it’s a big job for one hedgehog—even Sonic! Fortunately, he’ll have some help from his best friend: Tails!
*Retailers: See your order form for incentive information.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Expected in-store date: 4/4/18
Sonic the Hedgehog #1—Cover B: Tracy Yardley
Ian Flynn (w) • Tracy Yardley (a & c)
*Retailers: See your order form for incentive information.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Expected in-store date: 4/4/18
*Retailer incentives:
Order 10 copies, get one free variant cover by Nathalie Fourdraine!
Order 25 copies, get one free variant cover featuring the characters from the issue by Rafa Knight!
Order 25 copies of issues #1-4, and get one free variant cover of issue #1 by Sonic Mania artist Kieran Gates!
Sonic the Hedgehog #2 was revealed yesterday. Skipping to Sonic the Hedgehog #3, Sonic meets up with his oldest rival, Knuckles the Echidna, to do some more baddie-beating and village-saving. But there’s foulness afoot as two new villains, Rough and Tumble, threaten to be more than they can bear! Can the Blue Blur and Rad Red beat them down and help the civilians?
[Please bear with us as there is currently no cover image available]
Sonic the Hedgehog #3—Cover A: Tyson Hesse
Ian Flynn (w) • Jen Hernandez (a) • Tyson Hesse (c)
Sonic and Knuckles team up, and it’s just like old times—until two new villains show up. With a group of villagers under attack, will even the combined forces of these two heroes be enough to take down Rough and Tumble???
*Retailers: See your order form for incentive information.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Expected in-store date: 4/18/18
Sonic the Hedgehog #3—Cover B: Jen Hernandez
Ian Flynn (w) • Jen Hernandez (a & c)
*Retailers: See your order form for incentive information.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
*Expected in-store date: 4/18/18
*Retailer incentives:
Order 10 copies, get one free variant cover by Nathalie Fourdraine!
Order 25 copies, get one free variant cover featuring the characters from the issue by Jamal Peppers!
Finally, in Sonic the Hedgehog #4, Sonic runs into the biggest band of Badniks yet when he turns up to another town. But the heat is about to turn up as Blaze the Cat joins the fray, and there’s a new hero debut in the form of Tangle the Lemur!
Sonic the Hedgehog #4—Cover A: Tyson Hesse
Ian Flynn (w) • Evan Stanley (a) • Tyson Hesse (c)
Sonic comes across a town under attack from the biggest Badnik force he’s ever seen. Luckily, help is on the way from his old friend Blaze, as well as a new hero! Get ready for the debut of Tangle!
*Retailers: See your order form for incentive information.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Expected in-store date: 4/25/18
Sonic the Hedgehog #4—Cover B: Evan Stanley
Ian Flynn (w) • Evan Stanley (a & c)
*Retailers: See your order form for incentive information.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Expected in-store date: 4/25/18
*Retailer incentives:
Order 10 copies, get one free variant cover by Nathalie Fourdraine!
Order 25 copies, get one free variant cover featuring the characters from the issue by Tyson Hesse!
More information was also given on Tangle in particular. She can use her tail multiple ways, for example like a whip or a fist. She’s also a real scrapper of a fighter who loves fighting baddies, hence why she’s named Tangle. See the below image gallery for more art of her!
It’s a new beginning, and a very exciting time to be in the Sonic comic scene! We’ll have more information on all of these issues, as well as Sonic the Hedgehog #2, closer to their release dates. Prepare your calendars for April!
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Now isn’t this a shocking move! IDW have revealed the solicit to the second issue of the new comic series a day before the rest are supposed to be released, and it’s got a lot going on!
While issue 1 was focused on Tails, this issue will focus on Amy Rose. Sonic’s still out saving more towns, but when he comes across this one, Amy comes along to help him fight off more of Eggman’s forces. But things take a more serious turn when Amy has something to ask of Sonic; rejoining the resistance!
Sonic the Hedgehog #2—Cover A: Tyson Hesse
Ian Flynn (w) • Adam Bryce Thomas (a) • Tyson Hesse (c)
Sonic’s new adventure continues, and when he comes across another town in need of saving, his old pal Amy arrives just in time to join the fight! The banter is fun, and the stakes are high, but things get really serious when Amy presents Sonic with a big request: rejoin the Resistance!
*Retailers: See your order form for incentive information.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Expected in-store date: 4/11/18
Sonic the Hedgehog #2—Cover B: Adam Bryce Thomas
Ian Flynn (w) • Adam Bryce Thomas (a & c)
*Retailers: See your order form for incentive information.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Expected in-store date: 4/11/18
*Retailer incentives:
Order 10 copies, get one free variant cover by Nathalie Fourdraine!
Order 25 copies, get one free variant cover featuring the characters from the issue by Jonathan Gray!
Now, this isn’t the only solicit you’ll be getting for the month, as Issues 1, 3 and 4 are all due theirs tomorrow. Watch this space for more news!
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Solicits are now almost within touching distance, but in the meantime there’s been another cover reveal!
This is another alternate cover for issue 1, but this time it’s by an artist completely new to the franchise. This lovely cover of Sonic freeing animals with Tails acting as the literal wingman was done by Nathalie Fourdraine.
Along with the cover, some minor details about the upcoming four issues in April were noted, some of which have not been divulged before now. Aside from what we know, the following was revealed.
Issue one will be illustrated by Sonic veteran Tracy Yardley, who was revealed with the last cover released.
The next three issues will each have a different artist, and once the book goes monthly there will be rotating art teams.
Finally, and perhaps most interestingly, each of the first four issues focuses on Sonic with one of his classic allies, issue one being focused on Tails.
There’s bound to be a big surge of news within the next couple of days, so make sure you keep an eye on the Sonic Stadium for that!
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.
Omega’s in big trouble, Rouge is worried and Shadow’s coming to help and…do I see pictures of Sally Acorn? Nah. Couldn’t be. The third Sonic Forces comic is here! It’s written by Ian Flynn with art by Adam Bryce Thomas. Check it out in the gallery below and check out the first issue here and the second one here.
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The second part of SEGA’s Sonic Forces digital comic mini series debuted today, and this week it’s catering to Knuckles fans (and Silver fans I guess). Written by Ian Flynn with art by Adam Bryce Thomas, this comic’s story is a direct prequel to the game, showing how some of the game’s characters get involved. It also…well, you’ll see on the final page, I guess.
This week’s comic pages are embedded below. If you missed last week’s comic, you can check it out here.
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If the death of Archie Sonic has left a void in your heart, you won’t have to wait until IDW Sonic launches next April to fill it. SEGA has launched the first part of a four part Sonic Forces digital comic. Written by Ian Flynn, with art and lettering by Adam Bryce Thomas, it follows an unnamed member of the Resistance as he conquers his fears and aids the Chaotix in a battle against Eggman’s forces.
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It has been revealed at IDW’s Sonic Comic Town Hall panel (live-streamed by TSSZ), that Ian Flynn will be the lead writer. Fans of the later Archie Sonic comics will be pleased to see Flynn return to his role as creator of Sonic comic story lines.
While details on the comic from the panel has been sparse so far, it has been announced that the new Sonic comic will be in its own continuity and will start with a new number one with “brand new stories.” The comic will launch April 4th, 2018 with the first four issues released on a weekly basis, continuing on monthly.
While Flynn’s involvement as lead writer has been confirmed, no other names have been mentioned at the time of this writing.
UPDATE: IDW has released a high quality version of the Tysone Hesse teaser image alongside their press release.
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News hot off the floor at this year’s New York Comic Con has revealed images of a flyer advertising IDW’s highly anticipated Sonic the Hedgehog comic, the successor to the long-running Archie series, featuring artwork by the multi-talented artist and animator Tyson Hesse (see below!).
The flyer contains the following message on it’s reverse:
Thank you for joining us for the first ever IDW/Sonic Town Hall!
IDW and SEGA are proud to bring you an all-new chapter of Sonic the Hedgehog comics! After more than 25 years, Sonic’s adventures have captured the imaginations of countless fans, and have inspired one of the most passionate fan bases in the world. We look forward to bringing you brand-new stories, featuring characters old and new, that continue this proud legacy of the fastest comics around!
Undoubtedly fans will be excited to see Hesse return to Sonic following the success of his involvement in the Archie comics and Sonic Mania, and will likely lead to speculation as to which names from the old guard of Sonic comics might be making a return via the IDW publication. More information is likely to come to light over the course of the comic con and the panel on the 8th of October, and as always TSS will keep you up to date with information as it is revealed!
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With New York Comic Con set to begin very soon, we have our first piece of news regarding the highly anticipated Sonic Comic that they will be putting out. According to the signage on their booth, the comic will be starting in April 2018.
This means that while it will be a six-month wait for the comic to come out, we should get the official solicit out in January, as per the usual comic cycle. That’s assuming they don’t give some details on the first comic sooner than that, which can happen for new series.
This is only a glimpse at what IDW have to announce for the Sonic Comic at NYCC though. They’re set to have a panel on October 8th that will reveal much more, so there’s that to look forward to. We will report any news that comes out of there, and any other Sonic comic news in the meantime.
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A number of inked pages purporting to be from Archie’s ‘Sonic Mega Drive: Overdrive #1‘ comic have apparently been leaked onto the internet. The pages, which feature Tyson Hesse’s unique art style and appear to be genuine, were shared anonymously following fears that the classic comic series may never be fully published. Continue reading Pages From Sonic Mega Drive: Overdrive #1 Leaked
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