Froggy Merchandise Revealed At SXSW!

In a surprise reveal at the Sonic SXSW panel, Sega announced a series of Team Sonic Racing products available via their official stores… Including items inspired by everybody’s favourite amphibian, Froggy!

Yes that is a Froggy shirt, and yes those are Froggy hats!

The full collection is available on the US Sega Store and you also get a free Froggy balloon when you order the Froggy items.

However the EU stores do not have the Froggy hats, and the shirts are technically crowdfunded, orders will only be fulfilled if a specific unknown number of people also order the item.

You can shop until you drop via the following links.

US Store

UK/EU Store

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Sonic Panel Reveals IDW Sonic #16 Cover

Announced just a few hours ago via the Sonic SXSW Panel, we have our first look at the cover for IDW’s Sonic comic issue #16! Continue reading Sonic Panel Reveals IDW Sonic #16 Cover

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First 4 Figures Reveal New Prototype Sonic Statue

First4Figures are attending ECCC this week (Emerald City Comic Con) and along with their involvement comes a few surprises, including this brand new Sonic Statue! Continue reading First 4 Figures Reveal New Prototype Sonic Statue

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SXSW Sonic Panel To Be LiveStreamed

A month ago it was confirmed that there would be a Sonic panel at this years SXSW, which prompted many to ask if it would be live streamed like previous years, unfortunately this wasn’t confirmed until today. Continue reading SXSW Sonic Panel To Be LiveStreamed

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The Sonic Movie Design Revealed!

A series of images from a Sonic Movie style guide have been posted to the forum which appear to have originated from the website which is a video game branding company. Continue reading The Sonic Movie Design Revealed!

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Hidden Volcano Revealed For TSR

A new stage for Sega’s upcoming racer Team Sonic Racing has been revealed today, Hidden Volcano!

Hidden Volcano is exactly what it sounds like, a track set inside a volcano with lava flooded tracks and other explosive effects,  but to juxtapose this, there are also some slippery ice sections to keep you on your toes.

We’ve also been told to expect a new trailer and gameplay footage at the Sonic panel at this years SXSW.

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New Diamond Select & Innex Sonic Toys Confirmed!

New York Toy Fair 2019 is barely 4 hours old and oh boy they’re already hitting it out of the park with reveals!

Whilst we brought you the news that Jakks Pacific were the new master toy partner for Sonic, you may recall that Diamond Select also signed a big license deal to make products for the blue hedgehog.

And oh boy they came to Toy Fair swinging!

Several new diorama like statues and modern figures have been confirmed as well as several Green Hill Zone playsets which can be placed together to make an entire zone display piece!

Another reveal comes from the company Innex who have announced official Sonic Pixel art pieces which will be available later in the year.

More reveals are likely so keep checking TSS for more details as we get them!

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Team Sonic Racing Achievement/Trophy List “Leaked”

Updates to the Steam Database has revealed what appears to be the achievement list for Team Sonic Racing.

Obviously this contains a few spoilers so we won’t be posting the list in full here, but in terms of you trophy and achievement hunters, it doesn’t look anywhere near as difficult as ASRT’s trophy list was.

You can find the full list right here.


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Sonic Panel For SXSW 2019 Confirmed!

Yesterday we brought you the news that SXSW were teasing a Sonic related announcement.

Well that announcement has just been made and we can now reveal that there will be another Sonic Panel at this years SXSW! The initial details for the panel are as follows.

Date/Time: March 16, 2019, from 1:00PM to 2:00PM.


  • Aaron Webber (SEGA of America),
  • Jasmin Hernandez (SEGA of America),
  • Jun Senoue (SEGA),
  • Takashi Iizuka (SEGA of America)

Nothing has been confirmed or even teased with regards to announcements, but… and I stress this is my pure speculation here…

I’d like to think that since the panel is close to TSR’s release, there will be some new information on that, especially since Jun is… if you’ll excuse the pun… instrumental with the music for that game.

Jasmin Hernandez was also the production manager for Sonic Mania Adventures, could get confirmation of Season 2?

And you know that with Aaron and Iizuka on the panel, Aaron will do all he can to pry any secrets from Mr Iizuka on the day!

What do you think? What do you think will be announced or talked about, let us know in the comments.


Source: SXSW

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SXSW Sonic Announcement Coming Tomorrow

Despite there being no evidence that Sega would be at this years SXSW, news has started to spread that the speakers database for the 2019 even has been updated to include various Sega personalities such as Takashi Iizuka and Aaron Webber.

Whilst this could have been a mistake, the official SXSW twitter account made the following tweet.

See you all tomorrow!

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Japan Gets Some Epic Team Sonic Racing Collectors Editions

Is it just my imagination… Or does Japan get really amazing collectors/limited edition Sonic games?

Well Team Sonic Racing is no exception, whilst only a standard release has been confirmed for the west, Japan is getting a huge selection of limited and collectors editions!

The first edition is the “Team Sonic Racing” Trailer Music Selection” Version which comes with a small MP3 OST. Depending on the retailer you purchase it from, you also get a booklet and some acrylic ornaments.

But the most impressive edition is the DX Pack which comes with everything you see in this image.
priced at 13,590 Yen (£93), the edition comes with the following…

  • 1 game software (PlayStation 4 version or Nintendo Switch version)
  • Postcard book
  • Sonic Vs Shadow Shot Glass
  • Car Keyring
  • Pouch
  • 3D Crystal Cube!

Yes you read that right, this edition includes a crystal cube! However no images of the cube have been made available at present.

Other collectors editions comes with the same stuff, but certain items are not included depending on the version you get.

Source: Sonic Channel. 

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New Team Sonic Racing Screenshots Reveal Zavok In-Game

Bit of a breaking story this one which we’ll update with more details as we get it.

Twitter user しをさかな discovered a nice surprise when they bought the newest issue of Famitsu in Japan a few moments ago. Originally they purchased the magazine for an article on Kingdom Hearts 3, but upon reading it discovered a two page spread on Team Sonic Racing which contains a lot of new information. Continue reading New Team Sonic Racing Screenshots Reveal Zavok In-Game

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Tomy To Release ‘New’ Sonic Toys In The EU/UK In 2019!

Tomy’s 2019 catalogue just got released and despite fears that they may have lost the Sonic license, they appear to still have it… However there is a big catch. Continue reading Tomy To Release ‘New’ Sonic Toys In The EU/UK In 2019!

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New TSR Remix: “You Can Do Anything!”

Another day, another new soundtrack sample for Team Sonic Racing! This time “You can do anything” or as some fans call it “Toot Toot Sonic Warrior” joins the OST. Continue reading New TSR Remix: “You Can Do Anything!”

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Sonic’s Band Was Going To Be In SegaSonic Bros.

SegaSonic Bros continues to reveal secrets. Around a month ago Sega Sonic Bros was finally dumped online and people after digging through the files a Mr Sonicfan32 made a very interesting discovery. Continue reading Sonic’s Band Was Going To Be In SegaSonic Bros.

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A Little Look At 27 Years of Sonic Costumes

Just over a month ago, I set myself a little personal project, I decided to research the various official Sonic Mascot costumes which have been used over the years, I wanted to see how they changed, if there was any relation in design to the games, as well as how other regions created their mascots.

It was supposed to be a short project, I thought ‘there can’t be ‘that many, this will probably be just a 5 min video at best’, I was very wrong. Not only did this project take a full month to complete, it ended up being one of the strangest research trips I have ever undertaken. You can view the full end result video at the end of the article.

For now, enjoy these highlights.

If you’ve ever attend any video game convention or event, chances are you’ll see at least one official mascot, every big publisher tries to have one near their stand. They’re like people magnets, you put a mascot at your stand, people go over to it, it’s a great way to get people to look at your game who may have otherwise past it by.

Sega knows this well, and with nearly 30 years of Sonic games, there has been nearly 30 years of these official Sonic Mascot costumes… And some of them are wild…

The Classic Era (1990 – 1995)

During the madness which was Sonic 2’s release, Sega created a Sonic & Tails mascot in the UK. The costumes appeared numerous times in the pages of Sonic the Comic but also appeared in video form on Bad Influence’s 1992 Christmas Special. The Mascots also entertained visitors to the Future Entertainment show in 1992 as well as the 1992 Sega Championship Finals.

The United states also had their own Sonic & Tails mascots at this time, whilst the Sonic was similar in design, their Tails took a different approach, it was still huge but was much less furry and and was a different colour tone.

Japan had a few costumes around this time, but this is the most infamous of the lot, because it hung out with Michael Jackson during the promotion of Sonic 3.

The costume has a very friendly look to it and a “Nice smile” but what you might not realise, the smile is actually a vital part of the design… it’s where the performer looks out of.

Adventure Era (1999 – 2005)

At the 1999 E3 expo, Sega debuted an entire cast of new costumes, Sonic, Tails, Amy and Knuckles all got the mascot treatment. Whilst this was a major E3 for Sega, there exists very little media of the costumes at the event.

However, the costumes were so good and popular that they also appeared at several events in Japan and were even brought back into service when Sega were promoting both Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic X and even Sonic Battle!

Over time, Sega increased the number of characters to go along with this line, such as Rouge, Shadow, Eggman and even Cream! Cream made her only appearance at the 2002 Worlds Hobby Fair in Japan and from all accounts has never appeared at any other event since.

Shadow and Sonic’s costume was brought back temporarily to help promote Shadow the Hedgehog, but the other cast would remain dormant until eventually re-designed for later events.

Joypolis (? – Present Day)

This is probably the longest running Sonic costume in history, probably because it’s so good! Tokyo Joypolis has had this guy entertaining guests for at least 10 years, he’s normally available daily for photos at the park and during special occasions like Halloween and Christmas, Sonic will often dress up to get into the spirit of things.

Sega Republic (2009)

Sega Republic was Dubai’s answer to Tokyo Joypolis, a huge indoor theme park with Sega themed rides and attractions. To help promote the park, they had three mascots based on Sonic, Tails and Amy.

Whilst Tails and Amy were reserved for media events, Sonic was a daily sight in the park, guests could get a photo with him and he would even attend birthday parties which you could book at the park itself!

Sonic Boom (2014 – Present Day)

Regardless as to what you may think of Boom, a lot of effort went into these creations, Tails and Amy especially since they’re completely original. Whilst the Sonic was based off the main Sega Sonic costume used at the time, they still went to the effort to give him new shoes and accessories.

Modern Era (2010 – Present Day)

Chances are you are more than familiar with these two costumes, they have been used at almost every video-game event since 2010, the above one has been a regular feature of Summer of Sonic.

The modern design has slimmed down the costume from the more bulky ones seen in the 90’s and in Japan, this means the performer is able to make more energetic motions, at Summer of Sonic this costume was even seen dancing with Crush 40 on stage and even attended the Alton Towers Sonic Spinball launch event and entertained guests with a number of recognisable poses.

It was used worldwide up until very recently… until this costume replaced it…


This costume uses much higher grade materials which means it still looks really good after a long days use. The shoes are much higher quality and it has a ‘nice smile’ instead of the creepy Sonic Heroes grin that the other costume has.

The Werehog

It was only ever used for one Tokyo Game Show, yet… look at it! They made a Werehog costume to help promote the launch of Sonic Unleashed, despite the size of the costume the performer is able to move very easily in it.

What little video exists shows the costume jumping, waving their arms in the air, walking quickly with confidence and even pulling some of the Werehog poses from the game

And from what I can tell… it was used for less than a week at one event, despite being one of the best costumes Sega have ever made!

…And The Rest

This was just a little look at some of the better and most iconic costumes which span the 27 years (technically 28) in which Sega have been promoting Sonic. There are many more and some of them….

…Are certainly unique…

Check out the video below if you’re interested and want to see the full history since it’s quite in depth.

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2nd Sonic Movie Poster Displays Sonic’s Hairy Legs

Less than 24 hours after the first teaser poster for the upcoming Sonic movie was released, a second posted was spotted at a movie theatre showing Sonic sat on top of the Golden Gate Bridge displaying his hairy legs and the graffiti ‘Sonic Wuz Here.’

Well, a second photo has emerged of this poster at another theatre putting to rest claims that it was in fact a hoax, it is very real, so behold Sonic’s hairy legs!

The Sonic movie releases in Winter 2019.

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Sonic Movie Design, Poster & Final Release Revealed!

Hot off the heels of the teaser shown to Brazillian audiences over the weekend, IGN has posted the first look at the Sonic Movie poster which in turn shows the title of the movie and the design for Sonic! Continue reading Sonic Movie Design, Poster & Final Release Revealed!

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Sonic Movie Teaser Shown To CCXP In Brazil!

It’s getting closer!

According to reports coming out of São Paulo, their fifth Annual comic con held a big surprise for people who attended Paramount Pictures’ presentation.

The First Sonic Teaser Trailer was shown!

The trailer is a teaser trailer in every sense of the word, it gives away absolutely nothing regarding the plot. But here are the details we could get.

Teaser begins with a close up of Sonic’s face.
He is textured and realistic, similar to Detective Pikachu.
The character then runs and breaks the sound barrier.

Full translation is as follows.

Sonic’s preview made Cinemark’s audience agitated. The teaser began with a close close on the face of the hedgehog, which is at the same time as caricature, textured and realistic. Something in Detective Pikachu’s suit. After this we see a plane of the character running and breaking the sound barrier.

In other news… the Sonic Twitter teased a ‘tiny gift’ was coming soon today.

Source: PremierLine

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Clean Footage of SegaSonic Bros Emerges!

It’s hard to believe that we first found out about this game back in 2016 and only now we have some clean footage of the game at last!

Clean footage of Sega Sonic Bros has been posted online, directly taken from a new modified version of MAME.

The footage showcases a few new things which we didn’t know previously. When the game reaches level 30, a new SegaSonic Bro enters the game, a white/silver Sonic!

Another new discovery is that at level 40 the music changes to the Blue Spheres theme from Sonic 3, this predates that game by over 2 years! You can check that out in the second video at around 22 seconds.

I’m being told that the individual who compiled this version of MAME goes by the name of GerbilSoft, so send your thanks to them!

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Whale Lagoon Joins The TSR Course List!

Things have been a bit quiet since the last piece of Team Sonic Racing news hit the internet, but that’s going to change right now!

A returning track from the original Sonic All Stars Racing, Whale Lagoon is confirmed to be in Sumo Digital’s upcoming Team Sonic Racing!

A remixed music track was released by the official Sonic YouTube Channel which confirmed the news, give it a listen and let us know what you think.

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Sonic Unleashed Is Coming To Xbox One!

…Via backwards compatability.

That’s right! The game which brought us Wentos, Chip and Ice Cream is getting a release on the Xbox One thanks to backwards comparability.

Confirmed by Major Nelson just an hour ago, the game is available to play right now!

Now you can re-live those moments of looking for medals, trying not to damage pots and trying to finish the Eggman Land hot dog missions all over again!


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Sonic Hacking Contest 2018 Gets Underway!

In just 24 hours time, The annual Sonic Hacking Contest will be fully open, giving visitors the chance to vote and play some of the best Sonic fan game hacks of 2018.

The full list of entries into this years event is as follows.

  1. 2P Shadow the Hedgehog by dreamsyntax
  2. Among the Others by Unlimited Trees
  3. Aquarium Park by Skyth_
  4. Camelot Castle Generatiosn by Melpontro
  5. Classic Sonic Improvement Mod by Showin
  6. Cthulu’s Island by PineappleArse
  7. Dreamcast Chao Gardens by Exant64
  8. Emerald Coast in SA2 by MainMemory
  9. Hellfire Saga by Narcologer
  10. Hidden Palace Adventure by SuperEgg
  11. Knuckles in Sonic 3 PC by MainMemory
  12. Lost Valley Overclocked by Infinite_Force
  13. Megaman X in Sonic 2 by Pacca
  14. Mortar Canyon Remastered 2 by Infinite_Force
  15. Network Terminal Overclocked by Infinite_Force
  16. Prototype Windy Valley by ItsEasyActually
  17. Radical Highway for Sonic Heroes by Shadowth117
  18. SADX – Sonic, Shadow and Metal Sonic mod, Gameplay Overhaul by Benji23245
  19. Sonic 1 Almost Remastered by BonesBurger
  20. Sonic 2 CD Remix by Pacca
  21. Sonic 3 & Knuckles Battle Race by Natsumi & MarkeyJester
  22. Sonic Cronos (demo) by Timaeus
  23. Sonic Eclipse Demo by Mr_Cat
  24. Sonic Forces – Glyphic Canyon by Knuxfan24
  25. Sonic Forces – Lava Shelter by Knuxfan24
  26. Sonic Heroes 2P Co-Op by DonutStopGaming
  27. Sonic Limbo by lordxernom
  28. Sonic Mania: The Misfits Pack SHC2018 by jubbalub
  29. Sonic the Hackable by CHRdutch
  30. Sonic The Hedgehog – Neo Quest by MrHooman
  31. Sonic the Hedgehog Frenzy (Demo) by Yoshister
  32. STH2006 Project Demo 4 by brianuuu
  33. Sweet Mountain Act 2 by JoeyLaw
  34. Team Dark – SA2 Edition by Shadowth117
  35. Tropical Resort ReBoosted by SKmaric
  36. Weapons Bed…for Sonic Forces by DeaTHProj

This second list is for Expo entries which are just in it for the fun and exempt from judging.

  1. (Real) 3D Infinite Boss #2 by Infinite_Force
  2. Amy Adventure 2 by MainMemory
  3. Classic Sonic Improvement Mod – Generations Edition by Showin
  4. Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine – New Dialog by RadioShadow
  5. Dreamcast Characters Pack (SADX) by ItsEasyActually
  6. Drop Dash in Sonic 2 by MainMemory (moved to Expo on request)
  7. Drop Dash in Sonic 3 & Knuckles by MainMemory (moved to Expo on request)
  8. Everyone in Rouge’s Outfit by MainMemory
  9. Hedgehogs of Time (H.o.T) by PotterAndMatrixFan
  10. SA2 Dreamcast Characters by EndUser
  11. SA2 Omaochao Edition by MainMemory
  12. Sonic 1 CDDA by Novedicus
  13. Sonic 1 Remade by Lord_Xbox
  14. Sonic 1: Contemporary by Roxurface
  15. Sonic 2 Good Edition by Novedicus
  16. Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Epilogue by TheBlad768
  17. Sonic 3 – Angel Island Revisited by Eukaryot
  18. Sonic 3 & Knuckles Tag Team by Jdpense
  19. Sonic Forces: Emerald Coast Port (Demo #1) by s-daneeh
  20. Sonic Generations Mod Classified Greenhill Act 2 by DCoolSpeed75
  21. Sonic Generations with Recreated Sonic Unleashed Lighting by DCoolSpeed75
  22. Sonic Kyukyoku by Iso_Kilo
  23. SONIC THE HEDGEHOG – Legacy of Solaris by HyperPolygon64
  24. Sonic the Hedgehog Bania: Gold! Edition ~ Digitized Graphics Promotional by Royameadow
  25. Sonic Unleashed Camera & Physics Recreation SG Mod by DCoolSpeed75
  26. Sonic.EXE Mania Abyss Edition BETA by haloarbiter117
  27. Unfinished Example Game by Unlimited Trees

The full website opens on Monday and you can try out the entries via this link here.

There is also a live stream event which will see a number of different personalities try out various different entries which gets underway on Sunday. You can see the full schedule here.

Source: The Sonic Hacking Contest

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GE Entertainment Are Making a 21″ Rouge The Bat Plush!

For the last few years, Tomy has been ‘the master toy partner’ for Sonic. Which has produced some really nice items as well as some products based on lesser used characters.

However as a consequence, a number of other companies have cut back on what they produce. One such company was GE Entertainment who used to produce a lot of really great plushies on a lot of the secondary and even retired cast.

Well it looks like GE are back in the plush game.

Confirming on twitter, the company will produce 3 new plushies for 2019. The first two are a standard Sonic and Super Sonic plush, shaped like a ball.

The third… is a 21″ Rouge the Bat plush!

21 inches is just over 53cm making it a very big plush indeed!

No other details were confirmed, but given how extensive GE were when they used to make Sonic plushies, we’ll be keeping a close eye on this one!

Source: Twitter

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Dude… Why is There a Giant Sonic Statue In China?

Update: Apparently this building is where Sega’s Joypolis China is located! So that might explain it, but if it’s not that makes this story even better!

Original Article: We don’t know why. But there is a giant statue of Sonic just sitting on a building in Qingdao, Shandong province China. It’s been there since August of last year and… that’s all I can find out about it.

So don’t ask questions… Just sit back and enjoy giant Sonic waving at the little people.

Maybe make the odd Attack on Titan joke or giant related pun… But for now, just sit back, relax and wave.


Source: Shutterstock

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ThunderBox Launches New Sonic Pop Up Shop

A few months ago, Japanese clothing boutique ThunderBox launched a new exciting range of Sonic inspired clothing and products and they’re not stopping with just one range.

Over the weekend they launched season 2 of their clothing range with a pop up shop in the Laforet Harajuku Department store (It’s in Japan).

Well… check out who paid them a visit!

Yuji Naka himself attended the store with his family! We’re not sure if he made any purchases but based on his social media platforms he really enjoyed his time at the store.

Also, one of our writers was actually in the area and managed to take some photos of the store so you can check out what’s on offer.

The store will be open until November 16th, at which point their online website will start to take orders, and yes folks, they do ship outside of Japan!

Source: Thunderbox

Special thanks to Jonathan Dixon who provided us with some more photos!

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The Fanbase Can’t Handle Sonic Trying To Save Pikachu

Ladies and Gentlemen… Tragedy.

It takes many forms, it has been written in scripture and some of our finest works of literature. But now it takes the form of something new, Sonic trying and failing to save Pikachu, resulting in himself being vaporised.

Continue reading The Fanbase Can’t Handle Sonic Trying To Save Pikachu

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Silver, Rouge, Chaotix & Metal Sonic In Smash… Sorta

Whilst many had speculated that Shadow would be an echo fighter in the new Smash game, Nintendo revealed the final roster and unfortunately Shadow did not make the cut. He is however an assist trophy. Continue reading Silver, Rouge, Chaotix & Metal Sonic In Smash… Sorta

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King Boom Boo Returns For Team Sonic Racing!

Team Sonic Racing might be delayed to 2019, but new information is still coming out. Including this spooky banger of a music track that just released on the Sonic Twitter channel, a collaboration between Jun Senoue and Sonic Mania composer Tee Lopes. Give it a listen, it’ll take you back to 1994… Continue reading King Boom Boo Returns For Team Sonic Racing!

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Can You Handle 10 Hours Down In Pumpkin Hill!?

It’s Halloween in a few days and Sega has given us all an early treat! Or is it a trick? Anyone who is anyone knows that Halloween is nothing without pumpkins. And where do you find pumpkins? Pumpkin Hill! So Sega has uploaded a 10 hour mix of Pumpkin Hill just for you! Continue reading Can You Handle 10 Hours Down In Pumpkin Hill!?

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The UK & EU Sega Shop is Open!

A year after the Sega store opened for the US, for those merch collectors in the EU & the UK, the wait is over! The Sega store for the EU region is now open! Continue reading The UK & EU Sega Shop is Open!

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Team Sonic Racing @EGX 2018 Hands On Impressions

Approximately one year ago, I wrote a very lengthy hands on impressions about my experience playing Sonic Forces at EGX 2017 and boy oh boy it set the cat amongst the pigeons didn’t it? One year on, a new EGX has come and a new very different Sonic game is on the horizon, as I did a year ago, I went to the expo and played a lot of Sumo Digital’s Team Sonic Racing.

Continue reading Team Sonic Racing @EGX 2018 Hands On Impressions

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New Sonic Animated Series Confirmed!

Sonic Mania Adventures was one of the biggest surprises to come from Sega recently and the response to it was even more incredible. The series of shorts delighted fans and critics alike. Continue reading New Sonic Animated Series Confirmed!

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Tails & Knuckles To Get Totaku Figures

Despite frequent delays, it looks like more Sonic figures will be joining the Totaku toy line. Listings have appeared at both Gamestop and the official Totaku website which shows both Tails and Knuckles joining the figure line. Continue reading Tails & Knuckles To Get Totaku Figures

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

SAGE 2018: Sonic Chaos

I have a confession. Aside from the first few seconds of the last time it appeared in a mega-collection type game, I have never played Sonic Chaos. So if during this article I say something a little daft which was in the original game, that’s why. Continue reading SAGE 2018: Sonic Chaos

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.