E3 Day 2 Update

Hi guys! Apologies for the lack of updates yesterday. We were so busy playing games and setting up interviews, charging cameras and running to and from the media lounge…we didn’t actually have much time to write. Hope you enjoyed Jason’s take on Sonic & All-Stars Racing!

I am currently in the midst of writing previews for Aliens: Colonial Marines and Hell Yeah!, the latter I ended up spending about thirty minutes playing…to which you’ll know why when you read the preview. Sonic Stadium visitors will, unfortunately, not be getting much content this year, due to the sheer lack of actual material to write about. We have gotten an interview with All-Stars Racing producer Joe Neate, though, as well as a full rotational look at the new ASR branded car, which will hopefully be going up later today. My Hell Yeah! preview will also be going up on Sonic Stadium, so you guys can read about another SEGA platformer that doesn’t star Sonic.

SEGAbits will, of course, be receiving previews for every game on the show floor. We also managed to score a last minute interview with Gearbox and their new Aliens game, which you can expect to see on the site Friday. There will likely be other interviews as well, but nothing that I can confirm.

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Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed: A New E3 Hands-On Report

"Well, this place looks friendly!"

It’s been six weeks since I first got my hands-on with All-Stars Racing and several things have changed since then. Joe Musashi and Shadow were introduced as new racers available, Adder’s Lair from Golden Axe has made its appearance, new items are available to attack your enemies with, and a Nascar Racer became a new playable character. How did all this affect my new experience with the game? Read on.

Continue reading Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed: A New E3 Hands-On Report

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Sega Confirms: Sonic & All-Stars Racing: Transformed, (Vita & Wii-U)

Wii keep telling U. There is a Wii-U & Vita version of this game. If our early reports on this didn’t convince you, or the trailer which was on Sonic Wrecks… Well Sega themselves have finally confirmed it. There is to be a Vita & Wii-U version of this game.

Continue reading Sega Confirms: Sonic & All-Stars Racing: Transformed, (Vita & Wii-U)

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NASCAR’s Danica Patrick Playable in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

[UPDATE: You can check out the official press release here]

Well, I think it’s fair to say that no one saw this coming!

As reported yesterday, SEGA had a major announcement to make today at E3 alongside a celebrity apperance – and in a curveball to end all curveballs, it has been revealed that NASCAR driver Danica Patrick is going to be a playable character in the upcoming Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. Yep, you read that right. We’re about as dumbfounded as you are.

Continue reading NASCAR’s Danica Patrick Playable in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

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WINNERS: Video Games Live Los Angeles Concert

Thanks for all of your entries, guys! We received a huge number of applications – seems many of you are enjoying the E3 show, or live in the Los Angeles area! Well, only five pairs of tickets are up for grabs, so who’s impressed us with their Sonic soundtrack suggestions? We list them below, in no particular order:

Continue reading WINNERS: Video Games Live Los Angeles Concert

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Start Your Engines… “Major Announcement” for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Due Tomorrow Alongside Celebrity Appearance!

Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to rev up your hype engines! GoNintendo has reported that SEGA themselves have informed them of a major announcement regarding Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, due to be announced at their E3 booth tomorrow.

What’s more, SEGA are promising a celebrity guest will make an appearance at the booth alongside the announcement. Just who could it be? And what significance do they hold with regards to the reveal, for that matter?

Continue reading Start Your Engines… “Major Announcement” for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Due Tomorrow Alongside Celebrity Appearance!

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Mash-Up Monday: Soul Eater

Yo! Hey! Hiya! Thanks for comin’, great to see you!

…okay, well, that’s about all that I have to say.

Alighty, kidding aside, welcome to a very special Mash-Up Monday, everybody! We’ve got quite a unique haul for you today, though readers bearing unstable souls are recommended not to subject themselves to the following mash-ups. Should you experience any given sign of insanity or madness, please do close the tab and look up something soothing, like adorable kittens!


This week, we’ve got a total of four music combinations, all pertaining to the Soul Eater anime’s soundtrack! First one up is “Wisp Blitz”, a combination of Planet Wisp from Sonic Colours and “Blitz”!


The three remaining mash-ups are all found after the jump.

Continue reading Mash-Up Monday: Soul Eater

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Sound Test Saturday: Spinball Edition


Because we all need is a good laugh to start things off!

Welcome back to Sound Test Saturday, Sonic netizens! We’ve got quite the music haul to highlight, so take a seat (though you’re likely already doing so), relax, grab some munchies, and ready your ears.

This week, we’ll be taking a look at five Sonic Spinball remixes! And what better way is there to start things off… than with a rearrangement by one of the game’s composers, Howard Drossin?

Let’s boot up the spinball machine and “Return to the Toxic Caves”!


Flip on through the rest after the jump!

Continue reading Sound Test Saturday: Spinball Edition

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Alternate S&ASR Transformed Trailer Officially Reveals Wii U Version

UPDATE: The video has now been removed. Fortunately, Sonic Paradise screencapped it.

Original story:
Sonic Wrecks has uploaded an alternate version of today’s Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed trailer that officially reveals what we told you back in January – that the game is coming to Wii U. Fast forward to the 01:30 mark at the end of the video and you can see the Wii U logo.

With this being the E3 trailer, hopefully we’ll see the Wii U version in action at SEGA’s E3 booth next week.

Source: Sonic Wrecks’ YouTube channel

Thanks to SSMB member ProfessorZolo for the heads up!

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Freak-Out Friday: Sonic’s Greatest New Friend

Possibly the greatest new character ever. One of our own becomes one of Sonic’s newest friends. Continue reading Freak-Out Friday: Sonic’s Greatest New Friend

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Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed E3 Trailer & New Characters Revealed!

It’s nearly E3 Blue Believers. So we can expect some new All Stars Racing news soon… what? Today!? Oh my. Earlier today IGN decided to post the new E3 Trailer to Sega/Sumo’s Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed. The trailer confirms a bunch of new characters as well as stages.

We’ll let the trailer do most of the talking for us, since it’s quite the awesome trailer. But hit that read more link to see a bunch of other stuff that’s been revealed.

Continue reading Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed E3 Trailer & New Characters Revealed!

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SEGA Reveals Their E3 Lineup

SEGA has revealed their list of games they will be showcasing at E3 this year (not including any possible surprises). Among them is Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, so expect to see more media and information revealed when the show opens on Tuesday.

* Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
* Aliens: Colonial Marines
* Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz
* The Cave
* Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit
* Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown
* Jet Set Radio

A currently unannounced digital download port of Sonic Adventure 2 is also expected to make an appearance.

Source: SEGA Blog (via SEGA Bits)

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