This time, the dancing is virtual.
Continue reading Samba de Amigo Announced for Meta Quest This FallJapanese Exclusive Samba de Amigo Ver. 2000 Gets English Fan Patch
It is turning into a surprisingly active year for Samba de Amigo. In addition to the brand new game announced last month, the ever-impressive Dreamcast community has released an English conversion for the system’s Japanese-exclusive expanded version, Samba de Amigo Ver. 2000. This conversion was put together and released on Github by dukeblooder. You can find the patch over at, and find instructions and additional information on the conversion here.
This conversion isn’t a translation, per se. Instead, dukeblooder has simply replaced the Japanese original’s text images with their English equivalents from the US/PAL versions of the 2008 Wii release. This method was able to convert most of the game into English, though it is constrained by some limitations. The internet page is still in Japanese, the results screen for the “Love Love” mini game is still in Japanese, and the Volleyball mini game voiced instructions were removed. Despite that, this game is now fully playable to English speakers for the first time ever. The game is playable on an emulator, and should be playable on Dreamcast hardware, though we haven’t tried that out yet.
CD Romance posted a tweet showing off the patch in action:
Check out some images from the conversion below:

Dust off those maracas, Samba de Amigo: Party Central coming to Switch
A new Nintendo Direct is hitting in just a few hours, but we already have a leak from it, and it’s from a franchise longtime Sonic Team fans should be familiar with: Samba de Amigo! The series is back with a brand new game for Switch, Samba de Amigo: Party Central. The game will release for the Nintendo Switch on June 30 for $39.99 USD. It is unknown if the game will hit other platforms.
Continue reading Dust off those maracas, Samba de Amigo: Party Central coming to SwitchRead More...
Sonic Stars in New Sega Slots Game for iOS and Google Play
Sonic has his first game of 2018 and it’s not what you’d expect.
Introducing Sega Slots. A new game for iOS and Android. It’s a gambling simulator slot machine game. One of many kinds you can find on mobile devices. In Sega Slots you start with Sonic Slots only and level your way up to Shinobi, Golden Axe, Super Monkey Ball and more. The top level game at 101 is Classic Sonic in Casino Night Zone (makes sense). It includes mini games as well as the regular slot machine games.
Sega Slots is available on iTunes and Google Play for your Apple and Android devices now if you feel like taking a gamble and trying it out.
SASASR iOS Distributes “The Knuckles & Shadow Update”
With the announcement of Transformed, the iOS version of the first Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing has received a massive update this morning, namely with two new characters added to the roster who weren’t available beforehand: Knuckles the Echidna and Shadow the Hedgehog.
Continue reading SASASR iOS Distributes “The Knuckles & Shadow Update”
Sonic Chronicles And Samba De Amigo £10 At Sainsburys
If you never got round to picking up the Bioware developed DS RPG title Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood then now is a good time for your wallet. Supermarket chain Sainsburys are currently selling Sonic Chronicles for just £10, saving you a whopping £19.99.
Fellow SEGA fans might also want to keep an eye out for another sweet offer in the bargain bins at Sainsburys, Samba De Amigo on Wii for just £10.
Sonic fans might also be interested in Sonic’s cameo in the game where he gets his groove thang on.
Got to love some good bargains!
Samba De Amigo Wii delayed in Europe
Sega Europe have finally posted up a release date for Samba De Amigo Wii on their site and it’s not the one shown in their earlier release schedules. The Gearbox developed rhythm game game is now going to be released alongside Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood on the 26th September instead of the original date of the 19th September. No news yet on why the game’s been delayed but if we hear something we’ll let you know.
Sonic Chronicles and Samba Wii Release Dates

Sega Europe have announced a release date for their upcoming game Sonic Chronicles: the Dark Brotherhood. The Nintendo DS exclusive Bioware RPG will be released in Europe Friday 26th September. Expect a full review from us at release. You can check out info and media on the game at the official website here. You can also check out our hands-on with an early version here.
Sega Europe have also announced a release date for the upcoming Wii version of popular rhythm game Samba De Amigo. The Gearbox developed game will be released Friday September 19th in Europe. You can check out the games official site here. Again you can take a gander at our hands-on with an early version here.
Expect full-reviews of the games from us at release.
Source: Eurogamer
Nintendo: Samba Wii 1:1? Hopefully In A Second Version
We’ve played an early version of Samba de Amigo for the Nintendo Wii. Found it kinda inaccurate in places – but hopefully something that will resolved in the final version, when using two Wii Remotes instead of a Nunchuk. But that new Wii Motion Plus gadget coming out next Spring? Ooh, wouldn’t that have made Samba de Amigo play exactly like the Dreamcast original with no accelerometer guesswork?’s Chris Kohler thought exactly the same thing, and mentioned to Nintendo’s Cammie Dunaway how Sega could have benefited from the new technology – had they heard about it, obviously. Her response? If I was a developer, and I had a game that was in development that could potentially make use of this, I’d want to delay it until after this device came out. Just as an example, Sega is doing Samba de Amigo, which is a maraca-based music game. With two Wii MotionPlus controllers, you could play the game identically to the original arcade version.
Dunaway: And Star Wars Clone Wars. Hopefully there will be rapid second versions.
Not entirely sure SEGA are all that keen on re-releasing a re-release with technology the console should have arguably had in the first place. Especially since the Wii version of Samba de Amigo comes with Pay-to-Play features to download additional tracks. Could you see a second edition of Samba come Spring ’09? We personally couldn’t, but then nothing’s impossible – look at the Guitar Hero series. Or hell, even Samba de Amigo ver. 2000.
Nintendo’s Cammie Dunaway: I’m Not Faking It –’s Game | Life
E3: Sonic to Cameo in Samba de Amigo
SEGA like the Wii a lot for Dreamcast ports it seems. Oh, that was obvious? Sorry. How about something extra then to sweeten the deal a bit? In the upcoming Samba de Amigo port release for Nintendo’s white box, there will be a special guest cameo by Sonic himself. And a stage set in the Green Hill Zone. That’s pretty sweet news and should make for a pretty cool bonus for fans out there. Looks like Sonic’s already getting funked with a show of jazz hands in that screenshot there. Will be fun to see how he moves with the ‘riddim’.
On another note, why is it that everyone else at SEGA seems to know how to design a Sonic themed stage/cameo but it still evades Sonic-bloody-Team? Give us fantasy lands and blue skies dammit! Click the images above to get them in high quality, complete with the Incredible Floating Mii Man.
Preview: Our Samba with Amigo
As you will have seen in other recent posts, Sega Europe invited The Sonic Stadium to the Wii Flat in London to preview Sonic Chronicles. We were puzzled as to why we were previewing a DS game at the Wii Flat (well I was anyway) but we found out why in a shock surprise by Kevin (AAUK) that we would also be playing an early version of Samba De Amigo for Wii. First to volunteer was Dan Dyer followed by an eager-to-party me.
Having never played Samba De Amigo on the Dreamcast or arcades I didn’t know what to expect but I would soon be finding out when Kevin set up a multiplayer game and handed us each a Wii Remote and Nunchuk. We were shown the song list and given a track called Samba De Janeiro which Samba fans will recognise from the Dreamcast version and Sega Superstars Tennis. Continue reading Preview: Our Samba with Amigo
The Day We Played Sonic Chronicles
The Sonic Stadium was invited to a special Community Day yesterday in London to have a sneak preview of Sonic Chronicles. Today we’re going to spend some time showing you just what happens when a bunch of oddball Sonic fans get together, as well as what we thought about the upcoming BioWare RPG. AAUK, the SEGA rep who was hosting the shindig, also let us have a quick go on Samba de Amigo for the Wii. And then afterwards, we all went to the pub. Just like Brits do. It’s our thing.
B’man, myself (in the black Sonic shirt there) and Sonic_Freak/Shadzter came representing TSS, while the usual suspects T-Bird, Roareye Black (SSN), Lewis (Sonic Yoda), Vger (Emerald Coast), Fastfeet (Media), Urtheart (SSN), Mike Taylor (Sonic Cage Dome), SegaMark (RadioSega), Dan Dyer (Fastfeet Media) and Diogo all turned up to see the game in action too. Violet was late and missed the whole thing, but she did have a drink with us later, so all was well.
Roareye will be writing about the Community Day itself, while Shadzter will be telling you all how Samba Wii is shaping up. Expect the Sonic fan’s definitive preview of Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood later today as well, along with other videos and odd bits and bobs we might slap up here for the hell of it. Keep coming back to The Sonic Stadium for the latest! Or subscribe to our feed if you’re a lazy git.
Samba De Amigo Wii confirmed
Remember that Samba game rumor we reported awhile back? Well, it’s recently been confirmed. The latest issue of Nintendo Power confirmed that Sonic Team’s cult classic rhythm game will indeed be heading to the Wii in an all new sequel, developed by Gearbox, makers of the critically acclaimed acclaimed Brothers in Arms franchise. While it remains to be seen how these developers will go from gritty WW2 tactical shooters to a colorful light hearted rhythm game, Samba is certainly a perfect fit for the Wii.
The sequel will contain both old and new songs, but anything outside of that is currently unknown. Samba was listed in GameStop’s date base with a Febuary release date, although it remains to be seen whether that date was official or speculatory. The only date given by Nintendo Power is “2008”.
Samba De Amigo listed in GameStop database
Well everyone, I’ve just gotten home from GameStop, and I have some fine news for fans of Sonic Team’s critically acclaimed Dreamcast game “Samba De Amigo”. GameStop has the game listed for the Wii, with a release date of Febuary 6th, 2008 at an MSRP of $50. The game was simply listed as “Samba De Amigo”, without any numbers or subtitles in the name, so it’s unknown whether this game is a sequel or a remake of the Dreamcast games.
Keep in mind, this is far from a confirmation, although we have been having a lot of luck with early retail listings lately.Rumor Reporter from Advanced Media, hinted that a Samba game was in development for the Wii back in April. I didn’t report it because I was unsure of his legitmacy, but if this rumor turns out to be true, expect him to be in more Sonic Team related rumor in the future. Continue reading Samba De Amigo listed in GameStop database
Merch Alert: Samba de Amigo Plush Toys Hit Stores
Samba loves to party, so why not party with him? These official 10″ plush toys have just been released, and you can buy a set that includes Samba, Linda, Rio and Bingo at the online store NCS for $9 each. Get orderin’! See below for images of each plush toy on sale. Continue reading Merch Alert: Samba de Amigo Plush Toys Hit Stores
Yuji Naka Undecided on Next-Gen Samba de Amigo
Yuji Naka has been talking a lot about Phantasy Star Online on Nintendo’s Gamecube this past week. When it comes to porting other Sonic Team franchises on the console, however, he’s a little more coy. Continue reading Yuji Naka Undecided on Next-Gen Samba de Amigo
Sonic Team Announces Mobile Games Service ‘Sonic Cafe’
A bunch of new NiGHTS into Dreams and ChuChu Rocket! games have popped up on Sonic Team’s official Japanese website. But they’re not what you think – they’re actually for your mobile phone. Crazy! Apparently, mobiles are really popular in Japan, and everybody plays little games on them. So in an attempt to get in on the action, ‘Sonic Cafe’ will offer a bunch of bite-size applications based on their famous franchises. Continue reading Sonic Team Announces Mobile Games Service ‘Sonic Cafe’