Modders Bring Yoshi’s Island Back to Lost World on PC

Pried from the tight grip of Nintendo, modder ĐeäTh has brought the Wii U exclusive Yoshi’s Island DLC to the Steam version of Sonic Lost World.

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Sonic The Hedgehog Ported to the Super Nintendo Because Nothing Is Sacred Anymore

Genesis does what Nintendon’t? Apparently not. 

Continue reading Sonic The Hedgehog Ported to the Super Nintendo Because Nothing Is Sacred Anymore

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Watch Donald Duck Go Quackers in This Hilarious Sonic Mania PC Mod

We’ve seen some interesting Sonic game mods in our time, but this one takes us right back to our childhood – one plucky PC hacker is reworking Sonic Mania Plus to include famous Disney characters, turning the high-paced platformer into something reminiscent of the 1992 Mega Drive classic World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.
Continue reading Watch Donald Duck Go Quackers in This Hilarious Sonic Mania PC Mod

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Freak-Out Friday: Pickle Adventure DX – Cucumber’s Cut

We’ve seen Professor Pickle get modded into Unleashed thanks to Melpontro… We’ve seen him tackle a whole pack of robots through his homeland and neighbouring countries…

…but now, he sets foot on Angel Island’s Red Mountain zone.

Godspeed, Professor.


Mod by Mefiresu!

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Freak-Out Friday: Nega-Wisp is Credit to Team!

I spy with my little eye… the Egg Nega-Wisp from Sonic Colours…in Team Fortress 2!? This is delicious!

It truly is an amazing thing what some people can engineer in their computer machines in this day and age. Would you not say the same, gentlemen?


Ported by lilrobot959! Special thanks to Sweecrue for the find!

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The Sega Genesis LIVES


Skip to the 1:50 mark to see a guy controlling a motorized Genesis with its own controller.

[via Kotaku]

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BlueTube: Unreal Tournament Invades Green Hill


A GameTrailers user video by coconutjones has unveiled one of the coolest mods to Unreal Tournament: Green Hill Zone.

There’s been a number of really cool mods for Unreal Tournament but nothing lives up to what you’re about to see. Unreal Tournament in Sonic the Hedgehog’s Green Hill Zone. Another fine addition of a custom map created by gamers. Perhaps this will bring open some ideas to publishers to create “Sonic the Hedgehog: Unreal Edition”.

Head on over to GT to watch the video.

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