An Official Sonic Unleashed Trailer

Now for a trailer that hasn’t been leaked! This video comes courtesy of Sega America and was posted on Hallowe’en of all times – it’s a brief showcase of the jungle-esque stage titled Mazuri. It’s really quite difficult for someone like me to keep a track of all these Zone names when they’re so bizarrely named. Whatever happened to Jungle Leaf Zone, or Tarzanhog Zone, or King of the Swingers Zone? Much easier to remember. What’s also easier to see is that this stage has had vast improvements over the original trailer some months ago, and even retains the classic re-interpretation of the Sonic 1 8-Bit credits theme. Groovy.

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Sonic Officially Unleashed!

After weeks of hype and hearsay, SEGA finally confirm the existance of Sonic Unleashed which will be released almost universally on all major platforms: XBox 360, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3 AND PS2.

The game is set to use a new “Hedgehog engine” which will combine (as many have already seen) both 2D “classic” gameplay with rich new 3D environments. The aim of this is to amalgamate the new look of Sonic the Hedgehog with some older elements back from older Sonic titles. SEGA say “The Hedgehog engine will help re-define the gameplay experience for Sonic fans and newcomers to the franchise alike.” Continue reading Sonic Officially Unleashed!

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Sonic the Hedgehog confirmed for Super Smash Bros Brawl!

It has long been rumored. It has appeared on dozens of fake box shots. Heck, the rumors even made several appearances in retail ads. Now, we can finally confirm it, thanks to IGN: Sonic the Hedgehog will be in Nintendo’s upcoming Wii brawler. Here is a direct quote from IGN’s Nintendo 2007 Conference coverage:

14:24: Smash Bros. has been delayed in Japan until January 24, 2008.

Nintendo shows a new trailer. Sonic is going to be a playable character! The trailer shows him transforming into Super Sonic.

The game will include online fights. In addition, it will have online cooperative play of some form.

That makes two games Sonic will be crossing over with Mario in…within the space of a few months. This has most certainly been an interesting year for Sonic, hasn’t it?

You can view the movie that revealed Sonic here. You can see screens of the character here.

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NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams delay confirmed

It’s been long speculated that NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams for the Wii was going to be delayed at least a month. Going by the date changes at several retail outlets, that appears to be the case.

GameStop, Amazon, and Best Buy all have the game listed for a December 18th, 2007 release. The game was originally supposed to see an October release, before an “overhaul” saw the game pushed back to November 13th, 2007. While dates on retail websites are hardly an end all, be all confirmation, a date change like this from several completely different retailers is about as good as an official confirmation from SEGA.

So be sure to mark your calenders, people. Or just pre-order the game from one the links I so graciously provided.

As a side note for our UK readers, has NiGHTS listed for a December 21st, 2007 release, so you might not have to wait quite as long as the rest of Europe, which is scheduled to get the game in early 2008.

Naturally, if the date changes, we’ll make an update about it.

Finally, I would like to apologize for my lack of news updates lately, as I’ve been a bit busy.

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Samba De Amigo Wii confirmed

Remember that Samba game rumor we reported awhile back? Well, it’s recently been confirmed. The latest issue of Nintendo Power confirmed that Sonic Team’s cult classic rhythm game will indeed be heading to the Wii in an all new sequel, developed by Gearbox, makers of the critically acclaimed acclaimed Brothers in Arms franchise. While it remains to be seen how these developers will go from gritty WW2 tactical shooters to a colorful light hearted rhythm game, Samba is certainly a perfect fit for the Wii.

The sequel will contain both old and new songs, but anything outside of that is currently unknown. Samba was listed in GameStop’s date base with a Febuary release date, although it remains to be seen whether that date was official or speculatory. The only date given by Nintendo Power is “2008”.

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