Oddities: Sonic Unleashed Renamed In Japan

Probably because they’d pronounce it “Un-reashed” and that would just be silly, SEGA Japan has taken it upon itself to rename Sonic’s latest outing for Asian territories.

There were massive rumours that the game had suffered a name change – heavily debunked by SEGA Europe, with the explanation that World Adventure was merely a work-in-progress title. Turns out nobody keeps each other informed in the land of SEGA, and now we have semi-confirmation (semi because it is Japan only after all) in the form of a new official website.

There’s really not a lot else going on with the website, so don’t expect waves of information. But if you’d like an updated Sonic Un… World Adventure experience check it out. The website does look very nice though.

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Sonic Wild Fire’s New Title is Confirmed!

The video game website known as Gaming Age has very recently reported that they have had word that the Nintendo Wii Sonic title, Sonic Wild Fire now has a new name.

The innovative game is now titled “Sonic and the Secret of the Rings”. It is now known that this new name is now official due to word from SEGA Europe.

For now, not much can be deduced from the new name but the game may obviosly involve Sonic cracking the secret of the gold rings which are a Sonic game series staple.

The game is due out sometime in March 2007. Meanwhile, stay tuned to the Sonic Stadium and Sonic News for more information as it is revealed.

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The Sonic Site Awards 2005 Launches

The Sonic Stadium’s annual awards ceremony, The Sonic Site Awards, has launched its website, with a brand new design and some promised new features. Official starting of the event will happen this Friday (15th July).

The event, which has grown to be one of the biggest attractions of the online Sonic world, will this year have its awards divided into categories. These categories neatly seperate the awards up so they are easier to take in, while providing more specialised ones. In association with Sonic Fan Games HQ and The Sonic Stadium’s close affiliation with the SAGE event, there is a “SFGHQ Category” that focuses on fangame commendation, for example. Continue reading The Sonic Site Awards 2005 Launches

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New Sonic Gems Collection Information

Sega of America have recently made some slight changes to their Sonic Gems Collection page, nothing particularly noteworthy other than the following tidbit that caught our eye.

Sonic the Fighters™
Join Sonic and your favorite cast of Sonic characters in this action-filled 3D arcade fighting game. Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Espio, Fang, Bean and Bark battle it out with Dr. Robotnik and the evil Metal Sonic in head-to-head or team battles. Get ready to rumble….Sonic style!

Team battles in Sonic the Fighters, one of the first new enhancements (and hopefully the first of many) to be revealed as an addition to feature in Sonic Gems Collection.

Stay with SONIC NEWS for more Sonic Gems Collection information.

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Games Section, TSS’ 4th…

Well, basically, if the content pages of some Game sections look messed up, just bear with it. We’re in the midst of modifying the Game Section to make it more accessible to you, and the first game pages to use this new system is the newly announced Feel the Magic and Sonic 1 on Mega Drive. On another note, the SSMB Forums are undergoing a makeover for it’s 3rd Birthday, and we’re preparing things for both Halloween and TSS’ FOURTH Birthday on the 24th October – which also brings the Awards Ceremony of the Sonic Site Awards. More details to appear on the Official SSA Website tomorrow. Should really update that banner rotation too while I’m at it.

As for the SAGE Coverage, due to everything going on and the apparent lack of things on show at the event, I don’t think I will be making a Coverage report this time. Sorry guys @ SAGE and the boothists – however I DID manage to interview Mj2 and The Dying Informant; the amazing people behind Chaos Control, one of the most anticipated Fan Games in production. That interview will be going up in a few days, regardless.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

The Sonic Stadium Server Switch (TSSSS, eh?)

Whee, look at that, we finally got our arses in gear and sorted this place out server-wise. For the time being I’ve removed the comments system and stuff, simply because the comments were being abused and the system we were using was crap. =D Sorry if pages seem ill-placed or if any errors pop up, we’re still sorting everything about, and are currently putting into action some things that you wanted changed on TSS to make it a better place: you can see this already implemented in the new look Games section, so be sure to check that out.

Next is the SSMB and Sega Sonic Radio, then Shadow Team and then sorting pre-Sonic Site Awards 2004 stuff out as well as sorting out the TSS Account stuff during all of this – not got a lot of stuff to do, eh? 🙂 But for now, I’m going to be sitting pretty for a few days for a break – that and E3 kind of prevents anyone from thinking straight. New Legend of Zelda game, wheee! ^_^ That Nintendo DS is so mine. Anyway, I’ll leave to prevent this place becoming a Nintendo fansite instead, lol. Update soon.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Sonic News Reform

Yes, Sonic News is still here, but in a cleaner form! You’ll notice that most of Sonic News has changed. This is the new, improved version of Sonic News, for we have, like The Sonic Stadium, gone PHP stylee.

What does this mean to you? Well, for a start you’ll be able to get your news fix much quicker and faster than ever before (and considering how fast Sonic News is in the first place…), as well as cool extras such as being able to add your own comments and thoughts on the many Sonic and Sonic Team headlines passing through here.

You can also let a friend know about any of the articles we have, just by clicking on ‘Send to Friend’ and filling in the details. The news prior to this month (August) has been removed temporarily – now that archives will be added automatically, it seems fitting for us to archive the news headlines that we had to manually update.

Soon the ‘Articles’ section in the MEDIA Channel will be moved to Sonic News too, where it will belong most – for it’s great move, you can submit any editorial articles that you have written – be it your theories on the Sonic Universe, a thought about the Online Community, or just general Sonic theory-ness.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Programmer Wanted

Things, they are-a changing for The Sonic Stadium… no, it’s not yet another sodding layout change, God how boring would that be! No, TSS is going to go over a backend makeover, making the transition from HTML to PHP and the like. A taster of the fruits of which can be seen on this page – a nice, neat website for you to enjoy… and much more in the future. We are looking for people who are knowledgeable in the field of:

  •  PHP and/or MySQL

in order to help us with our backend manouevre. You will be able to take part in something that will be truly exciting, quite a challenge, but should rock the foundations of the Sonic online world for sure. Sounds like a fun challenge? You bet your sweet ass it is. Simply direct your emails (along with proof of previous work done) to Dreadknux when you can.In other news, The Sonic Site Awards 2003 is to start any day now, so keep your eye on this space! And… HAPPY 4TH JULY to all our American Sonic lovers across the Pacific from us lot at TSS!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

SSMB UPDATE: Polling Booth Eliminated

Another one of the changes being made here. Now, you can make Polls in any forum except for: Moody Ruins, Sonic’s Adventure Forum and Sonic Battle Stadium (when Season II is in effect). Continue reading SSMB UPDATE: Polling Booth Eliminated

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

SSMB UPDATE: Forum Change Around, and run-up to the Final Battle!

You’ll notice that I changed the order of the forums a bit. Why has the SBS got a section to its own? You’ll find out soon enough. Also, go to the SBS now – post your stats to the run up to the final battle – read the new stat rules first for that match though!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

SSMB UPDATE: Alrighty then! New MODS, and dates for the FINAL BATTLE!

Right, now that a lot of recent drama has been dealt with, we return back to normality, and what matters most – KICKING EACH OTHERS’ BUTTS! Oh, and new Moderators too, you’ve been waiting for that. Continue reading SSMB UPDATE: Alrighty then! New MODS, and dates for the FINAL BATTLE!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

SSMB UPDATE: Mods and Admins Re-Instated

Right, I said I was going to do this often, and now I am. To give people a fair chance, I am getting rid of the current mods and admins and re-instating new ones. The reason for this is not because the current ones are bad in any way – you were excellent. But I want this place to be of equal to all, and this is why I am doing it, so don’t whinge, OK? Continue reading SSMB UPDATE: Mods and Admins Re-Instated

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.