Sonic Price Crash

British supermarket ASDA have greatly lowered the price of quite a few Sonic the Hedgehog titles. If you still don’t own these games or were reluctant to pay full price for them then grab them now while their cheap. Here are the price’s (correct when this article went up): Continue reading Sonic Price Crash

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‘Tec Toys’ to release Portable Mega Drive

To me, the screen looks even smaller then a Gameboy Micros!

The Brazilian company Tec Toys announced today that they are to be releasing a sort of SEGA Nomad device which lets you play 20 built in Mega Drive/Genesis titles on December 5th.

The device will retail for (a hefty) $110, around £55 if translated into UK currency. Using three AAA batteries for power, it also includes an apparent Hi-Definition screen with ports allowing you to hook up the video and audio to a television set. Continue reading ‘Tec Toys’ to release Portable Mega Drive

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Sega Signs Ad Deal with GET Interactive

Sega of America has signed a new advertising deal with GET Interactive, a company known for its technology that allows users to buy products directly via online-enabled content.

GET’s Ad Venture technology contains links with entertainment such as music videos. You can interact with virtual products and even buy real products. GET say they are working together with Sega on a wide array of brand placements in a new videogame currently in development.

So, now begs the question of what is this new game Sega are creating? Could Sonic be starring in a new game with Tony the Tiger to stop Eggman taking over McDonalds? Only time shall tell….

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Sonic Rush Adventure for 14 Quid?

Looks like those who are wanting the latest handheld game pretty bad are being targeted by UK Supermarket Tesco, as the chain store advertises Sonic Rush Adventure in their sales catalogue for a paltry £14.

Click image to see whole scan

In what can only be a printing error, the yet-to-be-released Nintendo DS title has been placed alongside other budget titles as Cars and Avatar. It’s one thing to misprint ‘Sonic Rush’ as its sequel due to similarities in name, but the box art is the same as well. Continue reading Sonic Rush Adventure for 14 Quid?

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Retailers Reveal Sonic Riders Sequel

Video game retailers EBgames and Gamestop have put up the supposed Sonic Riders sequel up ready for pre-ordering on their sites! The game is titled “Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity” and is listed as having a proposed shipping date of the 1st of February 2008. Currently revealed details on the sites also say that the game will be availiable on both Nintendo Wii (For the pre-order price of $49.99) and Playstation 2 (For the price of $29.99)

No other information has been revealed as of yet about Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity’s details except for the title. It’s not even yet known if it will be available for other consoles other than Nintendo Wii and Playstation 2 (Indeed, SEGA’S American and European sites make no mention of the game) but when we know, so shall you. So please stay tuned to The Sonic Stadium and Sonic News for more information as it breaks.

Many thanks to Holy Nightmare on the Sonic stadium forums for the tip-off!

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SatAM Boxset Available Early?

The “Sonic the Hedgehog” (SatAM) cartoon series boxset is reportedly already available at at least one Best Buy store.

According to Perfect Chaos, a staff member at the Sonic Fan Games Headquarters, the DVD boxset is now available to buy at a local store. It is not officially due for release until Monday the 27th of March, so this may be a mistake on the store’s part.

Quexinos (aka Sonique) of site Fans United for SatAM has reported that another Best Buy store is also selling the set. If you’ve been waiting for this DVD set and are near a Best Buy, you could do a lot worse than to head over there and see if it’s there yet.

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Bonus Sweatband with Secret Rings Pre-order

Pre-ordering Sonic’s debut Wii game in the US will bag you a free wristband sporting the blue blur, according to a new promotion by retailer

The website offer can also be made in ‘real life’ stores, so those who aren’t exactly web-friendly can secure one in the comfort of bricks and mortar.

The band itself features a blue line with a generic picture of Sonic on it. Might look like someone from Spain made a knock off official band, but hey, free’s free so who are we to complain? Click the link in ‘More Info’ below to hit the EBGames page.

EBGames pens Sonic and the Secret Rings for a release date of 27th February 2007, but remember that dates on a retail website are not indicative of final or official release.

Cheers to our nameless tipster who popped the news in our inbox the other day. We’d buy you a beer, but well, we won’t.

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SEGA Announces Advertising Campaign

While avid Sonic fans are entertaining themselves with their newly acquired games for both the PSP and XBox 360, SEGA has begun to step a bit further into comsumer space to advertise these games (Sonic the Hedgehog on XBox 360 and Sonic Rivals on PSP) to a more expansive audience via Microsoft’s own advertisement network.

On the fourth of December, an agreement was signed with Microsoft to launch a theme pack for Windows Live Messenger, that allows users to easily and effectively have their conversation windows remind them of the blue blur himself.

The Head of Marketing at SEGA UK, Tina Hicks, also had a comment regarding the newly signed agreement: “We have a wide audience to reach and converse with. The MSN theme pack enables users to interact with the Sonic brand in a way that is not possible with standard online advertising or rich media, which can be a far more passive way of talking to consumers.”

From the description of the theme pack given, it sounds as if it will feature a complete Live overhaul – this, of course, includes winks, emotions, and backgrounds. A release date for the theme pack and starting date for the advertising campaign has yet to be announced.

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Old-School T-Shirts Available in UK (Updated 22/8)

Ever since Hot Topic began selling specialised Sonic the Hedgehog T-Shirts, British fans have been pining for some extra hedgehog love. Four new T-Shirts can be found in your local GameStation store sporting classic Sonic poses in retro-cool designs.

Avid fans can buy a brown ‘Circles’ Sonic Tee, which has the words “Since 1991” like a Levi Jeans ad. Or something. A blue ‘Hisashi’ shirt features Sonic doing his funky finger-wagging pose with red stars circling him, in what is ultimately the sexiest T-Shirt man has ever created. If you like your music, there’s also a black Sonic shirt that mimicks The Ramones’ circular insignia. A fourth, which was not available for Sonic News to harvest, has Sonic running running along some psychadelic wavy lines. Continue reading Old-School T-Shirts Available in UK (Updated 22/8)

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Sonic Comic Seller Challenged

A Sonic the Comic fan community has recently called to question the honesty of an online trader, offering back issues of the Fleetway publication for various sums of money.

The Sonic the Comic Archive forum was approached on March 2nd by Pete Wilcock, owner of the Comical Games store. While his offer appeared otherwise genuine, an issue over front cover images led to a community-wide inquiry to Wilcock’s honesty.

The images used on the website were in fact scans from the Sonic the Comic Archive (StCA). ‘Hogfather’, co-webmaster of the website, expressed his initial concern: “I was at first impressed, he had all the cover scans of every issue… I had thought he was a long time subscriber to the comic, but then I discarded that when I noticed that he had issues that were “out of stock”… The images of the comics he had on his site were in fact my comics that I own. I could tell this because of the damage on the covers where the free gifts had been removed.Continue reading Sonic Comic Seller Challenged

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FastFeet Media Returns, TSS Online Shop

Yesterday the media arm of The Sonic Stadium, that’s responsible for offering most of the high-quality content we can’t provide on-site (for space fears and purposes), Fastfeet Media, returned. It’s had a whole bunch of cool stuff added to it, and old faves like Sega Sonic: TV, a direct feed to SEGASonic Radio on the site, plus (and I know you’ll like this) an FTP Service that only requires your use of your internet browser!

Yep, due to amount of mail myself and the FFM team got from people not being able to figure out connection using an FTP Client, we have reworked the Service so if you have IE, Firefox (with a small extension) or whatever, you can connect through that and obtain our high quality movies, soundtracks and stuff. How cool is that? 🙂 Head over the Fastfeet Media website.

Continue reading FastFeet Media Returns, TSS Online Shop

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Sonic Pocket Adventure Re-Released

SNK discontinued their Neo Geo Pocket Color handheld a while back and had quite a bit unopened consoles and games in warehouses, so instead of letting them go to waste, they’re re-releasing them in bundles. Below are the bundles, the second one includes Sonic Pocket Adventure.

First Bundle: console and six games (Pac-man, Turf Masters, King of Fighters R2, Samurai Showdown 2, Metal Slug First Mission, and Fatal Fury F-Contact) for $79.99.

Second Bundle: Sonic Pocket Adventure and Puzzle Bobble, SNK vs. Capcom with Last Blade for $39.99. 

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Site-Seeing: I’m Dreaming of a White (Dreamcast) Christmas…

Yes, it’s ‘Happy Crimbo’ again to your auntie, but what are you gonna spend your hard earned cash on for YOURSELF this Christmas, with the ever-increasing presents to buy? Solution: The online Dreamcast shops! Some of the best shops around on the net! Continue reading Site-Seeing: I’m Dreaming of a White (Dreamcast) Christmas…

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TSS Update: Downloads and Shenmue!

Hey everyone, hope all’s going well with you! The News section has been updated, and is now hopefully up to date (knowing my luck, it’s probably old news by now)! The Online Shop is going strong – get your pre-order for Shenmue in NOW! You may not get a copy on release! It’s in high demand! We’ve added new downloads – catch yourself a Sonic desktop theme to liven up your PC. Continue reading TSS Update: Downloads and Shenmue!

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