New characters for Sega Superstars Tennis

PlayStation 2 Official Magazine UK have a new 8 page section dedicated to Sega Superstars Tennis. In it they have new information and screenshots, the screenshots show Amy, Dr.Eggman and Super Sonic playable. Amy and Dr. Eggman’s “Shadow the Hedgehog” art is being used for their character icons, how lazy.

The mag reveals Ulala changes costume from her orange suit to a white suit and Sonic changes to Super Sonic during a match which makes both characters turn the ball sparkly. Sega had no comments on this right now. Continue reading New characters for Sega Superstars Tennis

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Five new Journey of Dreams Videos

The ‘Game Videos’ website has just uploaded five brand-spanking new NiGHTS videos viewable on the internet as of today. A lot of news on this game lately, but these videos have got me even more hyped more than anything.

See all Five vids here intergrated into one page courtesy of Nintendo Wii Fanboy!
The Shleep are back! 8D

The videos show off new footage, new music and alot of other cool stuff. This is looking to be an awesome sequal to an above awesome origional and has definatly greatly improved upon the quality of the previous batch of videos. It also appears you DO have to get a key from the bird to enter the ‘NiGHTS Captures’ (origionally they were Ideya Palaces’ to continue to the next course. This change doesn’t really seem bad, infact it looks fun chasing after those bird things. Stay tuned at TSS for all the latest NiGHTS 2 media!

I think I need to sit down after that. Well, if I wasn’t already sat down. x_x;

Also: Well done Somethingstein for finding the videos and letting us all know on the forums. =P

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New Rivals 2 Screens

Sega have released some new screens of Sonic Rivals 2 which include more of Rouge and some new in-stage gimmicks such as hamster wheels, hang gliders, air boards and some pumpkin gizmo that look’s like it works the same as those logs in the first game.

We can also see two bosses, a roulette boss where Eggman doesn’t look flat like he did in Rivals 1 and a huge robot bull that chases after you and your rival.

The graphics and presentation also look alot better in these new screenshots. Will all these new features and modes make for a better game experience? I think so, it’s little in-stage gimmicks that made the old school 2D games so successful so there may be some hope for this game.

Stay tuned to Sonic News for more Rivals updates!

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