SEGA Reveals Mega Drive Mini CD, 32X, Sonic 1 and Sonic & Knuckles Decoration Models

SEGA Japan surprised an entire globe of fans today by casually revealing that its upcoming Mega Drive Mini micro-console will launch alongside several decorative add-ons that replicate the Mega CD, 32X and Sonic & Knuckles’ lock-on technology! Continue reading SEGA Reveals Mega Drive Mini CD, 32X, Sonic 1 and Sonic & Knuckles Decoration Models

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More Sonic X-Treme Material Released by Lead Artist

In August, we reported the discovery of several models in the portfolio of Sonic X-Treme lead designer Ross Harris, including the previously unknown inclusion of Amy Rose.

Harris has now released some videos on his own channel showing off several of the assets that were seen in the portfolio in action, as well as other concept videos done in Sonic X-Treme’s development. Aside from showing off Sonic animations and Amy run cycles, there’s an early Tails model, several Badniks, logo animations and mock-ups showing off how platforms and pipes would work.

Most notably, Harris himself confirmed that a lot of this work is from the early stages of Sonic X-Treme as opposed to later on (which is when the development trouble really affected a lot of these ideas). It’s really interesting to see what the game might have looked like before the more famous period of the game’s history.

Source: RDPH Games (Youtube)

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Sonic gets a mention in Penny-Arcade


A lot of popular references to Sonic seem to focus on the new Sonic games these days, so it’s always a nice change to see reminiscing about the good old days; something I was delighted to spot when I visited the popular web comic Penny-Arcade today.

Today’s comic delves back into the past of one of their fictional protagonist’s history, in which he was a lowly SEGA fanboy amongst a school of SNES gamers. As well as what appears to be a reference to the horde of Sonic games that appeared on the Megadrive/Genesis (and that possibly Sonic was the only “memorable character” to feature in games on the console?), there’s also a quick quip about SEGA’s obsession with lock-on cartridges and software!

You can check out the new comic here, and hopefully later today there will be a news post which will discuss the subject of the comic in greater detail.

So, did you fight in the console wars, and what was the SEGA/Nintendo split in your playground?

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Sonic Mars Script obtained!

Fresh off the press, news has come about that Sonic CulT has won an auction for the script to the 32x predecessor to Sonic X-Treme, Sonic Mars!

The script was being auctioned on eBay, and sold in the end for a total of $510, after many bid-sniping attempts from other bidders trying to obtain the item.

The auction has only ended a few hours ago, so the script is not in the hands of Sonic CulT just yet. Various scans of the script on the auction page reveal that it is indeed legitimate, and that it contains a loads of information on Sonic Mars, including the plot, various concept sketches, level concepts, among other things. Continue reading Sonic Mars Script obtained!

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Finally, You Can Play Knuckles Chaotix Via Emulation

One of the most sought-after Sonic series games can now be played via emulation, as the latest update to popular Mega Drive/Genesis emulator GENS includes 32X support for the first time. Continue reading Finally, You Can Play Knuckles Chaotix Via Emulation

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Pulling ‘Sonic Crackers’

Sonic Crackers was announced for the Sega 32X soon after Sonic 1 and 2 was released on the Mega Drive. It’s initial WIP title was actually ‘Sonic Stadium’, believe it or not! Crackers featured much of the same action that you can now find in Knuckles Chaotix, which was released in 1995. It was assumed that Sonic Crackers was lost to the world, but a ROM of the prototype has surfaced and we can now tell you the odds and ends of this curious little game. Continue reading Pulling ‘Sonic Crackers’

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