Sonic Comic Con comes and goes

Ah, you thought we forgot didn’t you? 😉 Well, we thought it was pointless covering it AS it was going, because people update stuff halfway through and it all gets very annoying. So we did a complete coverage report for you now, when it’s ended, so you can see our review on the event. Also, did you notice? HUH? DID YOU? That’s right – we updated. When? The other day. The 5th August to be exact. But we didn’t put anything here did we? No, we indeed did not.

Take note of the ‘Latest Updates’ feature on the left hand side there – it will tell you when we last updated, and what exactly. This bit will only be updated when there is an important announcement, or when I can be bothered to do some sort of random blog-esque… thing. You’re happy – you know what’s updated and when. I’m happy – I don’t have to make a huge speech when I’ve only added a Box Art scan 😛 We all win. BTW, sorry for getting Sonux confused with Rally the Cheetah a while ago, regarding the most recent Box Art scans. It’s been sorted, so bleh. Send us stuff, remember amigos!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Woo! And we evolve, finally…

Welcome to The Sonic Stadium. Yes, it is the same website, but uber-vamp style. This is the fabled ‘TSS Ultimate’ layout – the last and best layout for The Sonic Stadium, based on your comments and suggestions. We’re all set, but we’re still tweaking bits – scripts to use for the main page and that (at the moment it’s still hard HTML code). But meh – tour! This page has changed – see latest release dates and BIG update above, see announcements here – announcements will no longer pertain to updates, as a quick list of what has been updated can be found to the side, as the latest Sonic News headlines and soon SSMB topics and a site poll. Every page has accustomed to the new layout – best way to see is to explore yourself. 🙂 And remember to send us stuff – we’re going to be set on updating much now, since the staff’s to come back soon and all. So, whoppee. Hope you like!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

SHADOWTEAM: Sonic Ultimate Rehaul (or perhaps, Restart)

Now, as many of you know, Sonic Ultimate is my main Shadow Team project, but as many of you also know, it’s the buggiest ST project in production. Now, I’m sure many of you have noticed I’ve been modding alot, and spriting alot over the last two months, combine that with the fact that I am a very lazy person, and you can prolly guess what SU has been doing since March. Thats right, sitting. Well, recently due to some problems with my internet I tried to pick up work on it, getting into it though, with a clear head, I realized, that it was going to be alot more work then it was truely, truely worth.

Realizing that I could get much better results through restarting, I sent an E mail to Roareye saying basically what I have just said. He also thinks that restarting that project would be much better then trying to fix every bug. I could prolly, through alot of work, correct the current version of Sonic Ultimate, but it’s a giant mess. Every time I’d patch something, another bug would come out of it, regardless of the amount of work put in. Continue reading SHADOWTEAM: Sonic Ultimate Rehaul (or perhaps, Restart)

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

SSR and TSS’ 4th Birthday – Your Suggestions?

I know it’s months away but, that gives us enough time to set things up and shiz… Right now I am trying to get 99% of the sonic music downloaded. If you have any suggestions for games, competitions, funny stuff, casts, etc. please post them here and I hope that the SSR team (Dread, Fastfeet, Spawnofsonic, Sonux, me, etc.) will take it into considerations.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE NO STUPID THINGS like “why not do funny things like faf about?” or “Plez play Open your Heart 1,000,000,000 times ’cause itz my fav” because:

  1. It just looks stupid
  2. We’re gonna do that anyway
  3. Music requests are for when we are already casting

I will check back here regularly to see what ideas you guys have and I will comment on what you have said and I will rate it out of 5.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Sonic Team, and proof that we listen to you…

Yo. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find the time to update an awful lot, and today’s update consists of the rest of the submitted ‘presents’ handed to me on my 19th Birthday. You can find the link to the page below, or within the Site History page. Sonic Team Inc has ‘folded’ and re-integrated back into SEGA as an internal studio rather than it’s own independent studio, and frankly this could do more good than harm, if any harm was apparent. Sonic Team will keep their identity within SEGA too, and SEGA as a whole will return to it’s former glory during the Mega Drive days.

Excited? Oh you better bloody well be. Speaking of former glories, the reason why hardly any updates has occured is because what you suggested to improve The Sonic Stadium over the last few months will finally come into fruition. Remember some time ago I personally invited TSS visitors to come to me and detail their thoughts on the site, and ideas for major improvement, be it content, information or even regular updating (Ooooh, irony strikes! ^_^;)? Continue reading Sonic Team, and proof that we listen to you…

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

SHADOWTEAM: Sonic Boom Racing, New Shadow Team Project

I’ve set myself a bit of a task but nothing too big considering the free time I have. As you all know, SAGE is coming up and I know you’re all probably going to be dribbling over Sonic the Fighters 2 and wanting to know what else has happened since you last got your grubby mitts on a copy. Well, that’ll all be shown on the day, since Sonic the Fighters 2 is mainly Anarchy Rat’s game as he does all the excellent programming.

However, Shadow Team doesn’t wish to put all it’s eggs in one basket. As you know, from ST:UK there are four members – Anarchy Rat, Dreadknux, CyberBlade and me. Since Anarchy Rat’s been working hard on STF2 you’re probably wondering where the rest of us have been? Continue reading SHADOWTEAM: Sonic Boom Racing, New Shadow Team Project

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Happy Birthday ME! ^_^

Blah! Just thought I’d announce, I am 19 years old today. Choice, isn’t it? 🙂 This year’s gone a lot better than last year’s, in regards to parties and general feeling, but I won’t go into that. Oddly (but cool- erm -ly) people online have taken a massive interest in myself. Which is rather good isn’t it? People that visit TSS and the SSMB have sent and made me stuff for today too, so rather than save it on my computer and just pass it off for blah, I’ve given it all it’s own little page. You can find it in the Site History page, Dreadknux’s 19th Birthday is be called. While I’m on the subject, I updated the old TSS Timeline section too, so check that out if you like. Sonic Scansday delayed; will happen tomorrow instead. Cha’mone.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

The Sonic Site Awards

Just a quick note to say, that The Sonic Site Awards is now officially open! Do not bother to submit larger, established sites like Sonic HQ, Shadow of a Hedgehog or even TSS itself into the SSA this year – all very popular sites will be denied entry into the Sonic Site Awards and will instead enter a single poll seperate from the main event called the Sonic Elite Awards. Check out the page on the SSA mini-site for more details on these events. Also, I added another Top 50-mahoobitz button, whatever the hell they’re called. Yay for pointless updates-ism!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Happy Birthday Sonic!

What, you thought I’d miss Sonic’s 13th Birthday? For shame! 😛 I’ve managed to make a special article to commemorate the Sonic anniversary, “Let’s have a Happy Birthday“. Because we all should. My birthday is on the 30th too, on a completely unrelated note!!! 😀

Also, the Sonic Site Awards website is fully up and running, although voting will not officially start until Monday. Check out the noiceness! Finally, as I speak I’m just about to hop into a special SEGASonic Radio LiVECAST gathering with all the SSR:LiVECAST DJ’s for Sonic’s 13th! Join us if you will, we’re all at the TSS Chat Room. Have a good one!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Chaos Con Event Starts, and bleh.

Sonic’s birthday is nigh on a few days away, and what do we have planned? … Erm, maybe not a whole lot. 😉 We could just surprise you though. Bear in mind I’m trying to open The Sonic Site Awards 2004 by the 23rd, so if we can do that, then that’d be good enough, eh? ^_^; Another event has spawned in the community, called Chaos Con, and is a showcase of all manners of fan works. We start covering it today, so check out the link and read our coverage so far. Then check out the site itself. We’d have begun when the event actually opened yesterday, but alas certain circumstances meant it was delayed until today. But still. 🙂

Also of note, I’ve added two more new fan articles to the Articles section. One by Cake, and one by Sonicoman. Read ’em and… weep. Possibly. Also bear in mind that Sonic Advance 3 is already out in the UK! That’s right, it was released early, so get it in! I’d also like to point out that I’m preparing a reshuffle of the Games Reviews, what with older reviews not being ‘Sonically correct’, so to speak. That is all, enjoy!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

You’re All Talk and No Meat ^_^

Hands up those who thought the old ZX Spectrum was dead? Oh, a lot of hands there. Well, I don’t blame you. But, thanks to some talented guys online, Sonic is set to hit the classic 1980’s UK micro computer! No lie. Of course, it’s not SEGA, but rather some groovy Spectrum enthusiasts giving a go of porting Sonic 1 (the 8-Bit Master System/Game Gear version) onto the Speccy. Click here to check out Sonic ZX, and thanks to Psychobob for finding this webpage. As well as looking to the future of console gaming, it seems Sonic is also speeding backwards through time too.

Aside from that surprising but cool news, this is a pretty boring period for us Sonic fans isn’t it? I mean, at least the Americans got Sonic Advance 3 a few weeks back. PSO III: CARD Revolution is out now in stores, but only in GAME stores (bunch of butchers… gimme a freckin’ job!), so until the 25th June (Sonic Advance 3’s UK release) we’re just sitting on our thumbs here for something Sonic-y. Continue reading You’re All Talk and No Meat ^_^

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Yeah, as it stands at this moment, I’m redesigning Eggman Tug as an engine overhaul, however I’m hoping to add some new characters and such soon.

First of all, this engine has been rebuilt from scratch so that I can avoid any glitches present in the original. It’s still quite early (I’ve only been working on it for two days) but the two player (including character and level select) works and the animations are flowing well. The only problem is that some characters are out of sync (since they require a different rope I’ve not yet implemented) and that they’re only the right height on Eggman’s level (as I’ve merged all the levels into one, same with all the menu’s being one level). Continue reading SHADOWTEAM: Eggman Tug

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

It really is Night of the Living Dead

The response has been well-recieved about the new-old-new navigation bar. So that’s good news. I’ve managed to get the Articles section updated – I’ve found and re-added a very old article about Sonic going multi-platform, and, since I was in the mood for a quick little writing exercise, I wrote another article today, Night of the Living Dead. If you have an ‘article’ to rant about whatever you like about Sonic, send it into me, and it will be added to the Articles section. I want that section not only to be a place where I waffle on, but also a place where you can send in your own articles. Plus it’ll give you a chance to rant or discuss something important to you regarding Sonic or Sonic Team. Articles sent in must be at least 500 words long. Hate to sound like an English teacher on this one, but it’s a waste of time putting up articles that are either worthless or are only five sentences long.

Aside from that, I’ve added all the links I had left to add from God knows when, so I’m completely even with you lot on that front at last. ^_^ Sonic 2D World, Sonic Zero, StarCloud’s Zone, Sonic & SEGA Site, SonicSonic, Super Chameleon Games, Team Chaos, Many Music Videos, Knuckles World and Domain of Sonic J have been added, while the link to Sonic World has been altered. As I take my leave for today’s update, I ask you to vote for The Sonic Stadium by clicking the vote buttons to the side of any page, underneath the navigation bar. It only takes 5 seconds to vote once, that’s all I ask 😀 Cheers!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Movies, Music and… erm, Navigation Bars

Right, I did a few things today, let’s try to remember what the heck I added… New movies have been added to the Movies Zone – they are the Sonic & Tails and Sonic Ride movies from Sonic Jam and the entire Director’s Commentary from Sonic Adventure DX director Takashi Iizuka. Split into 4 parts, mind. The Music Zone has had a brush up, with previously submitted MIDIs and a slightly new format now added to Sonic 1, Sonic 2 on both Mega Drive and Master System, Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles.

Also, the first step into listening to people’s suggestions as to improving this site navigation wise, I’m changing the navigation bar to it’s old format. This is the format where everything we had to offer on The Sonic Stadium would appear as a seperate link in a simple menu. Many people felt this was the best navigation bar and made the TSS design previous to this one the best ever made. So who am I to argue with that eh? Won’t be on every page for a while though, so just be patient. Also added three links just for the hell of it – the Donation page returns, as does the Banner Service, as mentioned in the last update. Finally, since it’s been ages since there’s been any word of it, and people are starting to ask the questions again, The Sonic Smash Cards information page returns.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

History Pages Updated

You know, it’s good to go back and reminisce sometimes. For me, a guy who’s worked hard on a website for three years running, one particular thought comes to mind is “It’s amazing how far TSS has come”… and “Why the hell did I make so many site layouts in the first place?” Today I’ve only felt inclined to let you take a trip back with me to memory lane – The Old Site Layouts page has been revamped; images now replace the proper HTML source, for two reasons. For one thing, it stops people nicking my effing stuff with any luck, and secondly it’s a lot easier to browse if you’re a visitor. Plus you don’t need to see all the pages and stuff, which is why you see the main page evolution, along with anecdotes of the whole layout itself through the ages. Sonic News has had the same treatment, check it out on the new Old Site Layouts page. … Did you know this is the 12th Sonic Stadium layout design? o_O;…

Oh and if you fancy having an advertisement for your own website on TSS, while helping to support us at the same time, then click here – the new Sonic Stadium Banner Rotation Service.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Sonic Scansday Deluxe: Day 2

Good job we dedicated two days to this bumper Sonic Scansday eh? I promise you you will have the most fun with today’s update – all comic scans related! First off, the Fleetway Comics section has been improved, with Issue 7 and Issue 8‘s scans replaced with TSS’ own high quality scans now. Alongside that, courtesy of regular submitter Robert Frazer, we have two new Fleetway issues too – Issue 20 and Issue 78 are now online for you to read.

Finally, the Manga Comics section is due a bit of a makeover and information reformat, and you can read new Sonic manga at the information page for the SEGA Gag 1P Comic book, that includes Sonic and NiGHTS manga, both of which you can read right now. And that’s not even it yet. An website on the TSS Network returns today, and we know it has it’s fans for it’s innovative…ness. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Click here.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Sonic Scansday Deluxe: Day 1

Righty then. Wednesday. Sonic Scansday. Been missed a few times. So here we go – enjoy the huge deluge of scans we have for you this week. We have new boxart for SA2Battle, Sonic DX and Mega Collection, thanks to Rally the Cheetah. Then we have new Scanned Material for Sonic Heroes (8 pieces), Sonic DX (2 pieces) from Psychobob, and a music page on theSupersonic EP, a Sonic single that was released in the UK, with scans also by Psychobob.

Finally today, the Sonic Sprites section had a few sheets added to it – expect the amount of sprite sheets to balloon over the next few days too. We have a dedicated sprite ripper – Dark Sonic – to help out with the creation of sprite sheets for new Sonic games, so expect some more Sonic Advance 3 sheets soon. As for the gaps, they will be filled very quickly. More scans to come tomorrow – including a whole TON of new Sonic Comic material, including scans from a very intruiging SEGA Manga that I acquired some time ago! Make sure you don’t miss it!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

ETERNAL REVOLUTIONS, Guestbook and New Movies Zone!

“Pinch, punch, first day of the month, no returns of any kind”… x_x; Although this is pretty much the best time of the year. For me anyway. Think about it. It’s slap bang in the middle of the year for starters. It’s officially the start of Summertime, and that means Will Smith will be played on stations until everyone throws their radios out of the window. My “Bo’ Selecta” calendar shows ‘David Blaine’, evidently one of the best characters in the British TV comedy series. Plus, for us Sonic fans, we have Sonic’s own Birthday on the 23rd, the Sonic Site Awards round about that time too… and for me especially, my own birthday is on the 30th. Right at the end of the month. But it’s worth the wait, no? ^_^

And to celebrate the turning of this wonderful month, most of the change-around involving the new Movies Zone is complete, and the movies can be accessed via category. You can also find a link to each movie page related to a Sonic game just by going to the Sonic game page in the Games Archive too. Finally, Eternal Revolutions: another area we (or more precisely, I) have been slacking off on, and we know it has it’s fans. So we’ve caught back up to date, and it will be updated on a regular basis now. Catch all Episodes 1-7 at the ER page. Plus, we’ve finally woken up and sorted the Guestbook out. There’s STILL more updating to do before we’re square with you guys though, so expect more updates during the week. Adios! 🙂

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

A Proper Update, and the SSA 2004!

I have a loooot of stuff submitted and that needs to be added, so I’m spending this week to get it all online and sorted so the site is back up to date 🙂 To start with, I went through the ENTIRE list of Sonic Links for dead links. I would have named them all here to commisserate the dead sites involved, but there turned out to be 139 dead links! 139! Added a few links too, and will be adding more throughout the week too. Assuming they’re not dead. The links, that is.

The reason most people have not been able to get onto the FTP Service is because the details changed – again – and TSS’s page was no longer up-to-date. Apologies, and you can now use the details on the updated page to successfully enter. Interviews have been added: two old interviews withShayne Thames and WB, and a recent interview of myself by Miles Attacca. The Movies section of the downloads zone is under renovation, so it’ll be finished and ‘n00’ during the week. That, and new sections on the Sonic E3 DS Demo and Sonic 3 Fighter Sonic [A new pirate game.. sigh] are up in the Games Archive.

Finally, today is the first day of the warm-up to… The Sonic Site Awards 2004! The SSA is changing for this year’s event, and you can now find out the first details… HERE.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

The Sonic Stadium Message Board

By the time you read this, the world’s best loved Sonic community will return in all it’s former glory – it’s been a troublesome last month or so (had it really only been that short a time?) but the SSMB has shifted course from the ezBoard back onto local servers. No Ads. No Slowdown. Just classic SSMB. Make sure you read the rules before you actually register (it’s on the first page you see actually, so there’s no reason not to), and make sure you can actually type half decent and not like a dribbling baby.

Anyway, in other news, Sega Sonic Radio’s website will be revamped during the weekend, and then the first words on The Sonic Site Awards 2004 will be announced! Bet you cannae wait. Anyway, the new SSMB and SSR will tide you over the whole weekend and Bank Holiday, and then some, so enjoy what there is for now. Tata. ^_^

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Sonic Team at E3

Sorry about the lack in updates guys, things are really hectic back here, and I just switched to Windows XP the other day – it’s good actually. Wow, who’d have thought Microsoft would make something that would work? Anyway, E3 has come and gone, but luckily The Sonic Stadium is here to let you know what Sonic Team had to offer – the link is up there in the Game Alert. You can also find it in the ‘Articles’ section underneath the ‘Features’ channel.

It’s been an interesting E3 if nothing else, with The Legend of Zelda revelations, Nintendo DS, and Sony and Microsoft frankly not being able to touch Nintendo this year. Sonic Team had a good showing, and I think I speak for all of us when I say that the biggest Sonic Team development in that event was Phantasy Star Universe: the true, proper, kosher sequel to Phantasy Star Online. We have info. We have screens. We have movies. We have it all. Only on TSS. Check it out. Then shout out your thoughts on the SSMB.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

The Sonic Stadium Server Switch (TSSSS, eh?)

Whee, look at that, we finally got our arses in gear and sorted this place out server-wise. For the time being I’ve removed the comments system and stuff, simply because the comments were being abused and the system we were using was crap. =D Sorry if pages seem ill-placed or if any errors pop up, we’re still sorting everything about, and are currently putting into action some things that you wanted changed on TSS to make it a better place: you can see this already implemented in the new look Games section, so be sure to check that out.

Next is the SSMB and Sega Sonic Radio, then Shadow Team and then sorting pre-Sonic Site Awards 2004 stuff out as well as sorting out the TSS Account stuff during all of this – not got a lot of stuff to do, eh? 🙂 But for now, I’m going to be sitting pretty for a few days for a break – that and E3 kind of prevents anyone from thinking straight. New Legend of Zelda game, wheee! ^_^ That Nintendo DS is so mine. Anyway, I’ll leave to prevent this place becoming a Nintendo fansite instead, lol. Update soon.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Well, here’s our refuge for now…

This ezBoard’s changed a bit, innit? o_O;
Just a shame I can’t mess about with the templates, or make this a sticky topic. Ah well.

The reason, if you need another one, of why we’re here is the fact that obviously everyone must be getting REALLY pissed off with the hacker (not even worthy of a mentioning of the name) spamming you, changing your username and whatnot.

We’re fed up with it too. The ezBoard is pretty rock solid. It’s all on a free networked server, available to all to post and stuff. The ezBoard staff would knacker ‘Slimy G’ (wow, what a name, I wish I thought of it) before he got a chance. Continue reading Well, here’s our refuge for now…

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

SAGE and the FTP Service

First of all, the SAGE 8 coverage is finally finished. We’re not usually this slack, so apologies to the SAGE crew for being so tardy, but given the amount of troubles we’ve got at this time, I guess it’s understandable. The next event that’s due to start are… well, THREE actually. June marks the start of SonicVerse Team’s Sonic Comic Convention, Prower Power is going to launch it’s very first Chaos Con, and then of course you have TSS’ very own Sonic Site Awards 2004. 2004 marks a slight change for the SSA, so that the original aim of awarding smaller lesser known Sonic sites can be focused on a little bit. But more on that when the time comes.

On a side-note, Prower Power is a new affiliate of TSS. How did he do it? He didn’t ask. ;P Think about it. If you’re desperate to have a link on TSS, then there is the Links Section that gets a LOAD of attention every day (trust me, I’ve seen the figures… wait, hang on, they stay here, obviously… honest. They just like to know about other sites… heeey, my site is good.. isn’t it? :D). Oh, and as a gesture of how 1337 buddies we are, Sonic CulT and TSS have decided to make a little banner exchange with each other. So TSS visitors can see a link to the CulT and CulT Members can snoop around on TSS if they’re that bored. ^_^ Continue reading SAGE and the FTP Service

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Sonic Scansday & HUGE Update

First off, the response to the Sonic Scansday has gone, for the most part, pretty well. Remember if you have any magazine adverts, old artwork from comics and mags, comic scans or other print media that can be scanned, be sure to wing them our way. On the back of this, some people who don’t seem to like Sonic can’t understand that if you don’t like Sonic, then you shouldn’t be here. These people’s behaviour is what’s scientifically known as “Being A Dumbarse”. Here are the rewards from this weeks Scansday:

More from Scansday next week. Get your submissions in! Continue reading Sonic Scansday & HUGE Update

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Sonic Scansday Returns!

You may remember we used to have a regular feature called ‘Sonic Scansday’. It happened every Wednesday, where I would offer a special update devoted to scans. Well, now TSS is back, it’s time to beckon Scansdays again.

For now, Sonic Scansday will only happen on certain Wednesdays instead of every week, because of the amount I have to scan, and the fact that the whole thing may last a few months only. But, here’s today’s offering:

  • New Phantasy Star Online scan, of SEGA registering a star and naming it ‘Ragol’. Cute, no?
  • Fleetway Issue 7 and Issue 98 have been added. While I’m on the subject, check out the Comics section. Go on. You can read some Archies and fully scanned Fleetways and whatever. ^_^ Scans of these issues are from JDogg and ZSaiyanHajimeZ respectively. Sorry it took so long, guys =)
  • Archie Issue 111 Cover, donated by “Tails the Echidna“.

Continue reading Sonic Scansday Returns!

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Update and TSS Network

Hiya everyone, second day of TSS’ return, yay! Right, let’s get the updates and site news out of the way. 

  • Cyberblade is still a lazy bum, so unfortunately you’ll have to wait a bit for your SAGE 8 Part 2 coverage. Honestly, something that should take a couple of hours… If he hasn’t done it by Thursday you can officially lynch mob him in the SSMB ^_^
  • Some links have been updated, in the Links Database and the main affiliates – Sonic World and Sonic Planet.
  • Fixed the dead links that I was aware of, if you find any more let me know. Also, realised the whole Site History section wasn’t even uploaded – D’oh! So I did that for you 🙂 Also, opened the Guestbook – I thought there was a problem with it, but it seems that there’s just an anti-flood thing on it =)
  • The TSS FTP Service is offline until further notice. You may find it online every now and then (I haven’t actually gotten the word from Fastfeet that it’s totally offline) but on the whole it’s down. It shan’t be too long until it’s back online though, and we’ll let you know when that happens 🙂

Continue reading Update and TSS Network

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Weeee’re Baaaaaaaa-aaaaccckkkk!

Well, it’s a fabulous honour to say “Welcome back to The Sonic Stadium!” It’s been a long three/four months, but it looks like through thick and thin, we’ve managed to find our feet. And it’s all worth it in the end – before we crashed we provided thousands of people with Sonic goodness. And now we’re back to provide even more!

But things have changed somewhat. The navigation bar will be different depending on what page you are on, and the main sectors of TSS will show up just like they are now on this page, whenever you’re at the root of TSS. This is to kill the navigation problem that people were having – if you get lost, there are links to the Site Map just below the “TSS Network” button in the header, so hopefully TSS is easier and more fun to surf around. Continue reading Weeee’re Baaaaaaaa-aaaaccckkkk!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

NiGHTS Christmas Theme, New Main Page

Hey guys! How’d you like the new Christmas theme to TSS? NiGHTS, for those that don’t know, is a character created by Sonic Team during the Sega Saturn days. Needless to say, it was an instant classic, and it’s got an army of cult fans begging Naka-san to make a remake or sequel. Will “The Man” succumb to the pressure though? Hmmm, maybe. He’s on and off about it most days.

We decided to celebrate NiGHTS Christmas style, and we’ve just bagged a whole heap of exclusive NiGHTS material! Cover Scans, Manual Scans, Reviews, Music MP3s and much more will be handed your way each week, as NiGHTS takes over Santa’s job. Aren’t we great? =P

Also, as time goes on, we’ll be covering Sonic Battle, which is due for Japanese release on the 16th, if sources are to be believed. I’m ordering my copy right now, so expect a review by the end of the year – speaking of the end of the year, Sonic Heroes is due for Japanese release then too, so you can expect a review on Heroes, the Sonic world’s most anticipated game, by the time the Americans get their grubby mitts on it. 😉

TSS will be the place to be over the coming weeks, have a merry Lead-Up-To-Christmas! ^_^

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

VG Section FINALLY Returns

The Sonic Stadium’s biggest assets was always the Video Games section. It’s been applauded as the biggest Sonic games database online, and as you may know, it’s been poor lately. We have been attempting to work a new look about the place.

We can happily say that it is finally complete.
You can head to the revamped VG section here

Plus, we felt this as a chance to clear out all the submitted stuff that has been clogging up our systems. So, along with the new look, we’ve added a ton of new material. Because we can’t remember all of it, we’ll just make a list of what we remembered we added below:

  • Sonic Heroes: NEW PREVIEW, New Screens, New Boxart and Character Artwork, EGM Preview Scans, EXCLUSIVE TGS Flyer Scan
  • New Reviews: Sonic Mega Collection, Sonic Pinball Party, Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg
  • Sonic the Hedgehog Japanese Manual Scan =EXCLUSIVE=
  • New SegaSonic Arcade/Sonic the Fighters screens
  • Sonic Jam version boxart and manual scan =EXCLUSIVE=
  • New Cheats: Billy Hatcher, Sonic Adventure
  • Sonic Adventure DX Short FAQ added
  • Sonic 3 ‘Mystery Cheat’ page created – along with your opinions =EXCLUSIVE=
  • New Fan Reviews: Sonic Adventure, SA:DX, SA2Battle, Billy Hatcher, SA2, Sonic Advance, SegaSonic Arcade, Sonic Advance 2.

There’s more in there, and more will be added of course, as it’ll be business as usual again for the VG section. ^_^

That’s not all. Over the coming weeks, TSS will be having somewhat of a NiGHTS Winter Wonderland theme, as we give you exclusive NiGHTS material, more news and previews on Sonic Heroes and, of course, Sonic Battle. Yes, Christmas will be very happy for you with The Sonic Stadium.

… Just make sure you check back regularly, schamone. 😉

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Unless you’ve been terminally asleep…

Well, hopefully those of you that took notice of the biggest online Sonic event of the year will know all of this information already, but The Sonic Site Awards 2003 is now officially over.

For ‘backhander’ purposes, The Sonic Stadium, the SSMB and Sonic News cannot take part in this event, seeings as we host it. Shadow Team was allowed to take part in the Fan Game Developer section however, because it’s a seperate entity, only hosted at TSS. Never mind the fact that I’m a member of Shadow Team, I haven’t done anything other than plug their stuff yet ;P

Anyway, click here for the results, awards, and vote margins! rds/

The event went very well: many people gathered in the chat room, and a constant rate of about 15-20 people were listening to myself, Anarchy Rat and Roareye mess about… oh and we announced some awards too.

For those that missed the LiVECAST, there will soon be a streaming version for you to download on the official SSA website, so you can listen to it on demand. The results will also be posted on SSR 24/7 over the next week, playing at random times.

Damian Grove (aka Saxman) was also featured in the Ceremony, with the playing of his musical compositions. Nothing like giving a fellow webmaster some nice coverage, so when you listen back to the LiVECAST, you’ll be able to hear Damian’s two self-written compositions; “She’s Mine” and “Live It Up”, and a cover song called “The Heart of Rock and Roll” (from a band that’s before my time, but there you go). You can find out more at the SSA front page, where we hold a link to his music. Should you wish to listen to more of Saxman’s music, click here:

Hope you enjoyed the Ceremony! SSA 2004 Next Summer!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Banner Service

First off, I don’t want any comments asking where the old ‘latest’ update went. Controversy ahoy and all that, so I just got rid of it.

Second of all, the VG section IS rather massive, so the uber-update will be sometime later this or next week. Bear with me here, there’s a lotta games 😉

Thirdly, thanks to B’man, we have a banner rotation system. Choice. Something I didn’t tell you about before too, is a ‘DONATE to TSS’ button by the banners. Click on the button to read more about why donating to us is “T3H good”, what the money goes to and all that crud. 🙂 Later on today there will be the option to add your site to the Banner Rotation, and details will follow when the donation button up there changes to add another link.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

New Copycat Ahoy!

Visit the TSS Copycats Section

Everyone who knows me well knows that I’m a pretty open-minded guy. I’m quite calm and cool under various situations… However, they will also know that there is really only a few things that I find a sensitive issue.

Copyright infringement of my stuff is one. People who don’t know me well will think that with this Copycats section I’m overreacting and sensationalising the whole issue, but then again what would you do in my position? I am very impartial in my methods when it comes to dealing with offenders.

And it’s not as if I don’t give people enough warning: THERE IS A COPYRIGHT STATEMENT, of which you can get to from the link at the BOTTOM OF ANY PAGE at TSS! It’s not too hard to just check and see what is acceptable to ‘steal’ and what isn’t. For me, things that are not acceptable are my own hand-made things. Stuff like images and, most especially, layouts.

Now recently, the TSS Layouts section has been the centre of activity for mindless n00bs who don’t have two brain cells to humble themselves with. They want to make a site? Sure, go ahead – hey, WHAT are you doing with MY stuff, Gringo!?

What has this internet community come to these days? Back when I started, it was always a case of respect – learn your way, and learn from friends too. Now it’s just “find the most popular site and nick off with their bits and bobs”. Sorry, that’s NOT what I condone. The TSS Old Layouts section is NOT a Free Web Templates portal – repeat, it is NOT. It IS there to outline the history of the site, and for people to discover TSS’ past.

I have taken measures to help protect old layout pages as of today, to help prevent people from stealing my old layouts in future – hey, it’s not like I WANT people to do it: the Copycats section is there as a prevention device as well. I don’t want to take the section down; I love my old layouts, and I want to share them with you all. However, I don’t want dumbarses (sorry, but that’s what you are) just stumbling across an old layout, assume because I’m not using it that you can get away with stealing it, and pass it off as your own.

With layouts, there is no way around it – you CANNOT use them for your own purposes. Not even if you ask me first. Not even if you vow to put a link to who made the template. I’M NOT A TEMPLATE MAKING SERVICE. Go and find some other way to fill the void in your brain where your imagination and initiative should be.

As for the latest offender, it’s a place called Sonic Kid’s and V-Dood’s Sonic 3 BETA Page. What hurts me most is that it’s a ripoff of TSS’ very first design – one of the past layouts I hold most dear to me. Check the Copycats section to see it, and also, I’ve added links to awards handed out to the finders of these sick copycats. ^_-

That is all, that was my rant. Goodnight.
Oh, and I’m reworking the VG section BIG TIME – I know I said it before, but I mean it. It will be the next thing I update, and all the games will be restored. Chekkit.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

The message board is up and running again.

The message board is back up. Go here for more details:

Update by Omega13a

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Another hacking

I don’t mean to cause a panic but we’re under attack again by hackers. The message board has been messed up so don’t bother going there. I’ve shut it down for obvious reasons. If you want to talk with some one, go to the chat room. We’ll post an anouncement when it is ok to go to the message board.

Update by Omega13a

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Sonic Scansday!

The ARCHIE section of the Comics Zone has been revamped, and Sonic #127 has been given a complete cover scan and information burst! Go there now to check it out!

Click here for the COMPLETE scan of Sonic 127

UPDATE: Decided that the look wasn’t _quite_ right, so I altered the navigation menu underneath the Archie page so it’s easier to surf around. I also removed the Off-Panel scans (no point keeping them), and the Dan Drazen Reviews will be back up shortly. I have added a ‘Previews’ page of upcoming Archies, from information gathered from comic sources online.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.